generis-auth-ldap ================= An LDAP implementation of the Tao user authentication Requirement ===================== In order to use this system, you need to have an ldap server installed. It should have user in it. Test have been maded with openldap. I recommend a graphical client to use with, like phpldap admin You can correct the bug of the 1.2.2-5ubuntu1 with the following process : Installation ============================ This system can be added to a projet as a library. You need to add this parameter to your composer.json "minimum-stability" : "dev", "repositories": [ { "type": "vcs", "url": "" } ], "require": { "oat-sa/generis-auth-ldap": "*" }, Once it's done, run a composer update. ------------------------------ To enable them, you need to go to generis/common/conf/auth.conf.php and add these lines array( 'driver' => 'oat\authLdap\model\LdapAdapter', 'config' => array( array( 'host' => '', 'accountDomainName' => '', 'username' => 'cn=admin,dc=test,dc=com', 'password' => 'admin', 'baseDn' => 'OU=organisation,dc=test,dc=com', 'bindRequiresDn' => 'true', ) ) ), here the domain is All the parameters are in a separate dc in ldap These are the configuration of the connection to the ldap server. Then the login will try to use this library.