from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals) import warnings,operator warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") #Seed is needed to select the weights in linprog function. #None means that the seed is random. sSeed=None sTranslation={} translationList=['numerator:','denominator:','status:', 'Substitute',"Formula after substitution:", "Numerator after substitutions:","From weighted AM-GM inequality:", 'The sum of all inequalities gives us a proof of the inequality.', "Program couldn't find a solution with integer coefficients. Try "+ "to multiple the formula by some integer and run this function again.", "Program couldn't find any proof.", "Try to set higher linprogiter parameter.", "It looks like the formula is symmetric. You can assume without loss of"+ " generality that ","Try" ] #Initialize english-english dictionary. for phrase in translationList: sTranslation[phrase]=phrase from scipy.optimize import linprog import random from sympy import S,cancel,fraction,Pow,expand,solve,latex import re def _remzero(coef,fun): #coef, fun represents an expression. #For example, if expression=5f(2,3)+0f(4,6)+8f(1,4) #then coef=[5,0,8], fun=[[2,3],[4,6],[1,4]] #_remzero removes addends with coefficient equal to zero. #In this example ncoef=[5,8], nfun=[[2,3],[1,4]] ncoef=[] nfun=[] for c,f in zip(coef,fun): if c>0: ncoef+=[c] nfun+=[f] return ncoef,nfun def slatex(formula): #fancy function which makes latex code more readable, but still correct formula=re.sub(r'\^{(.)}',r'^\1',latex(formula,fold_short_frac=True).replace(' ','').replace('\\left(','(').replace('\\right)',')')) return re.sub(r'\{(\(.+?\))\}',r'\1',formula) def _writ2(coef,fun,variables): return slatex(S((str(coef)+'*'+'*'.join([str(x)+'^'+str(y) for x,y in zip(variables,fun)])))) def _writ(coef,fun,nullvar): return str(coef)+'f('+str(fun)[1:-1-(len(fun)==1)]+')' def _check(coef,fun,res,rfun): #checks if rounding and all the floating point stuff works res2=[int(round(x)) for x in res] b1=[coef*x for x in fun] b2=[[x*y for y in rfuni] for x,rfuni in zip(res2,rfun)] return b1==[sum(x) for x in zip(*b2)] and coef==sum(res2) def _powr(formula): if formula.func==Pow: return formula.args else: return [formula,S('1')] def fractioncancel(formula): #workaround for buggy cancel function num,den=fraction(cancel(formula/S('tmp'))) den=den.subs(S('tmp'),S('1')) return num,den def ssolve(formula,variables): #workaround for inconsistent solve function result=solve(formula,variables) if type(result)==dict: result=[[result[var] for var in variables]] return result def sstr(formula): return str(formula).replace('**','^').replace('*','').replace(' ','') def Sm(formula): #Adds multiplication signs and sympifies a formula. #For example, Sm('(2x+y)(7+5xz)') -> S('(2*x+y)*(7+5*x*z)') if type(formula)==str: formula.replace(' ','') for i in range(2): formula=re.sub(r'([0-9a-zA-Z)])([(a-zA-Z])',r'\1*\2',formula) formula=S(formula) return formula def _input2fraction(formula,variables,values): #makes some substitutions and converts formula to a fraction #with expanded numerator and denominator formula=S(formula) subst=[] for x,y in zip(variables,values): if y!=1: print(sTranslation['Substitute'],'$',x,'\\to',slatex(S(y)*S(x)),'$') subst+=[(x,x*y)] formula=formula.subs(subst) numerator,denominator=fractioncancel(formula) print(sTranslation['numerator:'],'$$'+slatex(numerator)+'$$') print(sTranslation['denominator:'],'$$'+slatex(denominator)+'$$') return (numerator,denominator) def _formula2list(formula,variables): #Splits a polynomial to a difference of two polynomials with positive #coefficients and extracts coefficients and powers of both polynomials. #'variables' is used to set order of powers #For example, If formula=5x^2-4xy+8y^3, variables=[x,y], then #the program tries to prove that #0<=5x^2-4xy+8y^3 #4xy<=5x^2+8y^3 #lcoef=[4] #lfun=[[1,1]] #rcoef=[5,8] #rfun=[[2,0],[0,3]] lfun=[] lcoef=[] rfun=[] rcoef=[] varorder=dict(zip(variables,range(len(variables)))) for addend in formula.as_ordered_terms(): coef,facts=addend.as_coeff_mul() powers=[0]*len(variables) for var in variables: powers[varorder[var]]=0 for fact in facts: var,pw=_powr(fact) powers[varorder[var]]=int(pw) if(coef<0): lcoef+=[-coef] lfun+=[powers] else: rcoef+=[coef] rfun+=[powers] return(lcoef,lfun,rcoef,rfun) def _list2proof(lcoef,lfun,rcoef,rfun,variables,itermax,linprogiter,_writ2=_writ2): #Now the formula is splitted on two polynomials with positive coefficients. #we will call them LHS and RHS and our inequality to prove would #be LHS<=RHS (instead of 0<=RHS-LHS). #suppose we are trying to prove that #30x^2y^2+60xy^4<=48x^3+56y^6 (assuming x,y>0) #program will try to find some a,b,c,d such that #30x^2y^2<=ax^3+by^6 #60xy^4<=cx^3+dy^6 #where a+c<=48 and b+d<=56 (assumption 1) #We need some additional equalities to meet assumptions #of the weighted AM-GM inequality. #a+b=30 and c+d=60 (assumption 2) #3a+0b=30*2, 0a+6b=30*2, 3c+0d=60*1, 0c+6d=60*4 (assumption 3) #The sketch of the algorithm. # for i in range(itermax): #1. Create a vector of random numbers (weights). #2. Try to find real solution of the problem (with linprog). #3. If there is no solution (status: 2) #3a. If the solution was never found, break. #3b. Else, step back (to the bigger inequality) #4. If the soltuion was found (status: 0) #Check out which of variables (in example: a,b,c,d) looks like integer. #If there are some inequalities with all integer coefficients, subtract #them from the original one. #If LHS is empty, then break. localseed=sSeed bufer='' itern=0 if len(lcoef)==0: #if LHS is empty print(sTranslation['status:'], 0) status=0 elif len(rcoef)==0: #if RHS is empty, but LHS is not print(sTranslation['status:'], 2) status=2 itermax=0 foundreal=0 while len(lcoef)>0 and itern0.0001): break else: #checks if rounding all coefficients doesn't make #inequality false isok=_check(lcoef[i],lfun[i],res.x[i*n:i*n+n],rfun) if not isok: continue bufer+='$$'+_writ2(lcoef[i],lfun[i],variables)+' \\le ' lcoef[i]=0 for j in range(n): rcoef[j]-=int(round(res.x[i*n+j])) for j,k in zip(res.x[i*n:i*n+n],rfun): if j<0.0001: continue if(c):bufer+='+' else:c=1 bufer+=_writ2(int(round(j)),k,variables) bufer+='$$\n' lcoef,lfun=_remzero(lcoef,lfun) rcoef,rfun=_remzero(rcoef,rfun) print(bufer) lhs='+'.join([_writ2(c,f,variables) for c,f in zip(lcoef,lfun)]) if lhs=='': lhs='0' elif status==0: print(sTranslation[ "Program couldn't find a solution with integer coefficients. Try "+ "to multiple the formula by some integer and run this function again."]) elif(status==2): print(sTranslation["Program couldn't find any proof."]) #return res.status elif status==1: print(sTranslation["Try to set higher linprogiter parameter."]) print('$$ ',slatex(lhs),' \\le ') rhs='+'.join([_writ2(c,f,variables) for c,f in zip(rcoef,rfun)]) if rhs=='': rhs='0' print(slatex(rhs),' $$') if lhs=='0': print(sTranslation['The sum of all inequalities gives us a proof of the inequality.']) return status def _isiterable(obj): try: _ = (e for e in obj) return True except TypeError: return False def _smakeiterable(x): x=S(x) if _isiterable(x): return x return (x,) def _smakeiterable2(x): x=S(x) if _isiterable(x[0]): return x return (x,) def prove(formula,values=None,variables=None,niter=200,linprogiter=10000): #tries to prove that formula>=0 assuming all variables are positive formula=S(formula) if variables: variables=_smakeiterable(variables) else: variables=sorted(formula.free_symbols,key=str) if values: values=_smakeiterable(values) else: values=[1]*len(variables) num,den=_input2fraction(formula,variables,values) st=_list2proof(*(_formula2list(num,variables)+(variables,niter,linprogiter))) if st==2 and issymetric(num): fs=sorted([str(x) for x in num.free_symbols]) print(sTranslation["It looks like the formula is symmetric. "+ "You can assume without loss of generality that "], ' >= '.join([str(x) for x in fs]),sTranslation['Try']) print('prove(makesubs(S("',num,'"),', [(str(x),'inf') for x in variables[1:]],')') return st def powerprove(formula,values=None,variables=None,niter=200,linprogiter=10000): #This is a bruteforce and ineffective function for proving inequalities. #It can be used as the last resort. formula=S(formula) if variables: variables=_smakeiterable(variables) else: variables=sorted(formula.free_symbols,key=str) if values: values=_smakeiterable(values) else: values=[1]*len(variables) num,den=_input2fraction(formula,variables,values) subst2=[] for j in range(len(variables)): subst2+=[(variables[j],1+variables[j])] for i in range(1<R instead of a polynomial. provef checks if a formula #is nonnegative for any nonnegative and convex function f. If so, it #provides a proof of nonnegativity. formula=S(formula) num,den=_input2fraction(formula,[],[]) _list2proof(*(_formula2listf(num)+(None,niter,linprogiter,_writ))) def issymetric(formula): #checks if formula is symmetric #and has at least two variables if len(formula.free_symbols)<2: return False ls=list(formula.free_symbols) a=ls[0] for b in ls[1:]: if expand(formula-formula.subs({a:b, b:a}, simultaneous=True))!=S(0): return False return True def cyclize(formula,oper=operator.add,variables=None,init=None): #cyclize('a^2*b')=S('a^2*b+b^2*a') #cyclize('a^2*b',variables='a,b,c')=S('a^2*b+b^2*c+c^2*a') formula=S(formula) if variables==None: variables=sorted(formula.free_symbols,key=str) else: variables=S(variables) if len(variables)==0: return init variables=list(variables) #if variables is a tuple, change it to a list variables+=[variables[0]] subst=list(zip(variables[:-1],variables[1:])) if init==None: init=formula else: init=oper(init,formula) for _ in variables[2:]: formula=formula.subs(subst,simultaneous=True) init=oper(init,formula) return init def symmetrize(formula,oper=operator.add,variables=None,init=None): #symmetrize('a^2*b')=S('a^2*b+b^2*a') #symmetrize('a^2*b',variables='a,b,c')= #=S('a^2*b+a^2*c+b^2*a+b^2*c+c^2*a+c^2*b') formula=S(formula) if variables==None: variables=sorted(formula.free_symbols,key=str) else: variables=S(variables) for i in range(1,len(variables)): formula=cyclize(formula,oper,variables[:i+1]) return formula