The job is to read FASTA file and count how many A, C, T, G letters are in an example sequence. FASTA one can get from the internet. We can use e.g. wiki page to get one sequence: The FASTA format with one sequence for an elephant looks like this: >gi|5524211|gb|AAD44166.1| cytochrome b [Elephas maximus maximus] LCLYTHIGRNIYYGSYLYSETWNTGIMLLLITMATAFMGYVLPWGQMSFWGATVITNLFSAIPYIGTNLV EWIWGGFSVDKATLNRFFAFHFILPFTMVALAGVHLTFLHETGSNNPLGLTSDSDKIPFHPYYTIKDFLG LLILILLLLLLALLSPDMLGDPDNHMPADPLNTPLHIKPEWYFLFAYAILRSVPNKLGGVLALFLSIVIL GLMPFLHTSKHRSMMLRPLSQALFWTLTMDLLTLTWIGSQPVEYPYTIIGQMASILYFSIILAFLPIAGX IENY The FASTA format has to separate parts: 1. header 2. sequence Thus, the excercise for reading FASTA file briefly looks like this: 1. Select sequence and save it to a file, e.g. seq.fasta 2. Open the file seq.fasta in C with fopen: Tip: Use correct mode.