1. Use ex4 folder to find out how to create shared libary (eclipse IDE in this case) 2. Create a shared library of your code, which solved one of the Rosaild's problem 3. Use any of the shared libraries of your chosen friend `https://github.com/MieszkoCharchuta/cpp_object` `https://github.com/emilka-skrzypek/C-/blob/main/main.cpp` `https://github.com/FrajarUAM/Obiektowe_Cpp/tree/b6829267807fb6e4a591c34fabb93d1c5c515fa0` `https://github.com/Kamil-Patan/c--/tree/main/cpp%20obiektowe` `https://github.com/Palmin00/programowaniecpp` `https://gitea.com/emiliagnatiuk/programowanie-obiektowe.git` `https://github.com/julpac5/julpac5` Remark: It is possible that a friend is using the same name for a class (e.g. Sequence). In such a case one has to ask the friend to add the code to some namespace (just like namespace std, but different). In this way there should be no more issues with conflicting names.