--- title: "Results" author: "Andrzej Wójtowicz" output: html_document --- ```{r checkpoint, echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE} library(checkpoint) checkpoint("2016-04-01", scanForPackages=FALSE, verbose=FALSE) library(reshape2) library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) ``` ```{r config, echo=FALSE} HOSTNAMES = suppressWarnings(readLines("hosts-list.txt")) BENCHMARKS = c("urbanek", "revolution", "gcbd") LIBRARIES = c("netlib", "atlas_st", "openblas", "atlas_mt", "gotoblas2", "mkl", "blis", "cublas") LIBRARY.REF = "netlib" HOST.INFO.PATTERN = "host-info-.log" BENCHMKAR.PATTERN = "test---.rds" RESULTS.DIR = "results" GEN.DIR = "gen" DATA.DIR = file.path(GEN.DIR, "data") IMAGES.DIR = file.path(GEN.DIR, "img") ``` ```{r read-write-data, echo=FALSE} for (d in c(GEN.DIR, DATA.DIR, IMAGES.DIR)) if (!dir.exists(d)) dir.create(d) hosts.info = data.frame(Host=character(), CPU=character(), GPU=character()) for (hostname in HOSTNAMES) { fp = file.path(RESULTS.DIR, gsub("", hostname, HOST.INFO.PATTERN)) if (file.exists(fp)) { dr = readLines(fp) dr = unname(sapply(dr, trimws)) hosts.info = rbind(hosts.info, data.frame(Host= hostname, CPU = gsub("\\(.*?\\)", "", dr[1]), GPU = ifelse(length(dr)==3, gsub("(NVIDIA).*\\[(.*)\\]", "\\1 \\2", dr[3]), NA))) } else { warning(paste("File", fp, "does not exist")) } } saveRDS(hosts.info, file.path(DATA.DIR, "hosts.info.rds")) benchmark.results = data.frame(Host=character(), Benchmark=character(), Library=character(), Test=character(), Runs=integer(), Size=integer(), Time=numeric()) for (host in hosts.info$Host) { for (benchmark in BENCHMARKS) { for (lib in LIBRARIES) { if (lib=="cublas" && is.na(hosts.info[which(hosts.info$Host==host), "GPU"])) next fp = file.path(RESULTS.DIR, gsub("", host, ( gsub("", lib, ( gsub("", benchmark, BENCHMKAR.PATTERN))))) ) if (file.exists(fp)) { db = readRDS(fp) runs = NA if (length(attr(db, "runs"))==1) { runs = attr(db, "runs") } else { # gcbd db = melt(cbind(db, runs=attr(db, "runs"), size=attr(db, "size")), id.vars=c("runs", "size"), variable.name="name", value.name="time") runs = db$runs } size = NA if ("size" %in% colnames(db)) # gcbd size = db$size benchmark.results = rbind(benchmark.results, data.frame(Host=host, Benchmark=benchmark, Library=lib, Test=db$name, Runs=runs, Size=size, Time=db$time)) } else { warning(paste("File", fp, "does not exist")) } } } } saveRDS(benchmark.results, file.path(DATA.DIR, "benchmark.results.rds")) ``` ```{r per-host, echo=FALSE, results='asis'} cat("# Per host\n\n") for (host in hosts.info$Host) { host.cpu = hosts.info[which(hosts.info$Host==host), "CPU"] host.gpu = hosts.info[which(hosts.info$Host==host), "GPU"] cat(paste("##", host.cpu)) if (!is.na(host.gpu)) cat(paste(" +", host.gpu)) cat("\n\n") for (benchmark in BENCHMARKS) { if (benchmark != "urbanek") next testnames = benchmark.results %>% filter(Benchmark == benchmark) %>% select(Test) %>% unique #browser() if (benchmark == "urbanek") # remove tests with almost the same results testnames = testnames %>% filter(row_number() %in% c(4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15)) for (i in 1:nrow(testnames)) { test = as.character(testnames[i, "Test"]) data.to.plot = benchmark.results %>% filter(Host == host & Benchmark == benchmark & Test == test) data.to.plot$Library = factor(data.to.plot$Library, levels=rev(levels(data.to.plot$Library))) image.path = file.path(IMAGES.DIR, paste0("img_ph", "_h", which(host == hosts.info$Host), "_b", which(benchmark == BENCHMARKS), "_t", i, ".png")) png(image.path, width=500, height=50*nrow(data.to.plot)) print(ggplot(data.to.plot, aes(x=Library, y=Time)) + theme_classic() + theme( panel.border = element_blank() ) + scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(0, 1.12*max(data.to.plot$Time))) + ggtitle(test) + ylab("Seconds (performance gain)") + geom_bar(stat="identity", width=.75) + geom_text(aes(label=round(Time, 2)), hjust=-0.25) + coord_flip() + geom_hline(yintercept = 0) + geom_vline(xintercept = 0.39) ) dev.off() cat(paste0("![](", image.path, ")\n\n")) } } } ```