# Minimalistic SCORM-based exam template for e-learning This repository contains template files in order to prepare SCORM 1.2 LMS exam for e-learning purposes. All content-based files are written HTML. Whole zipped repository can be instantly imported as a SCORM package in Moodle and OLAT. ## Features and libraries * Look & feel: [Bootstrap](http://getbootstrap.com), * Math notation: [MathJax](https://www.mathjax.org), * Code syntax highlighting: [SyntaxHighlighter](http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter), * Toast messages to check connection with LMS: [jQuery toaster](https://github.com/scottoffen/jquery.toaster), * Text decoder: [Web Toolkit](http://www.webtoolkit.info/), * Exam: single and multiple choice. The exam is designed for one-time form send (all UI is blocked and connection with LMS is closed). All submitted answers (also with correct answers) can be displayed in Moodle/OLAT per user. ## Preview * [Exam](http://andre-wojtowicz.github.io/elearning-scorm-exam-template/materials/exam.html). Note that in the preview you do not have connection to LMS system, so an error will be displayed by toaster plugin. ### Example result | element | value | |---|---| | cmi.comments | Wed Jan 20 2016 17:53:32 GMT+0100 | | cmi.core.lesson_status | passed | | cmi.core.score.max | 32 | | cmi.core.score.min | 0 | | cmi.core.score.raw | 30 | | cmi.core.total_time | 3 min 40 sec | | ... | ... | | cmi.interactions_4.correct_responses_0.pattern | c | | cmi.interactions_4.id | 1 | | cmi.interactions_4.result | correct | | cmi.interactions_4.student_response | c | | cmi.interactions_4.type | choice | | ... | ... | ## Brief how-to * `imsmanifest.xml` - defines tree of modules (practically nothing to change here). * `materials/exam.html` - header and footer have CSS and JS code to proper load the libraries; main part of body has quiz questions; the beginning of body has list of correct answers. Answers can be either in plain or obfuscated form. You may see in browsers debugger how the obfuscation is done - check `StringED.encode()` and `StringED.decode()` functions in `materials/js/webtoolkit.js`.