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Source code created by Rustici Software, LLC is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License
Want to make SCORM easy? See our solutions at http://www.scorm.com.
This example demonstrates the use of more advanced runtime calls in a multi-page SCO. It
includes a demonstration of reporting interactions (question results), and progress
towards specific learning objective. It also demonstrates using the manifest to specify
a passing score rather than hard coding the passing score within the content.
//Include the standard ADL-supplied API discovery algorithm
//Begin ADL-provided API discovery algorithm
var nFindAPITries = 0;
var API = null;
var maxTries = 500;
// The ScanForAPI() function searches for an object named API
// in the window that is passed into the function. If the object is
// found a reference to the object is returned to the calling function.
// If the instance is found the SCO now has a handle to the LMS
// provided API Instance. The function searches a maximum number
// of parents of the current window. If no object is found the
// function returns a null reference. This function also reassigns a
// value to the win parameter passed in, based on the number of
// parents. At the end of the function call, the win variable will be
// set to the upper most parent in the chain of parents.
function ScanForAPI(win)
while ((win.API == null) && (win.parent != null)
&& (win.parent != win))
if (nFindAPITries > maxTries)
return null;
win = win.parent;
return win.API;
// The GetAPI() function begins the process of searching for the LMS
// provided API Instance. The function takes in a parameter that
// represents the current window. The function is built to search in a
// specific order and stop when the LMS provided API Instance is found.
// The function begins by searching the current window<6F>s parent, if the
// current window has a parent. If the API Instance is not found, the
// function then checks to see if there are any opener windows. If
// the window has an opener, the function begins to look for the
// API Instance in the opener window.
function GetAPI(win)
if ((win.parent != null) && (win.parent != win))
API = ScanForAPI(win.parent);
if ((API == null) && (win.opener != null))
API = ScanForAPI(win.opener);
//End ADL-provided API discovery algorithm
//Create function handlers for the loading and unloading of the page
var SCORM_TRUE = "true";
var SCORM_FALSE = "false";
var SCORM_NO_ERROR = "0";
//Since the Unload handler will be called twice, from both the onunload
//and onbeforeunload events, ensure that we only call Terminate once.
var terminateCalled = false;
//Track whether or not we successfully initialized.
var initialized = false;
function ScormProcessInitialize(){
var result;
if (API == null){
$.toaster('Could not establish a connection with the LMS.\n\nYour results may not be recorded.', 'Error', 'danger');
result = API.LMSInitialize("");
if (result == SCORM_FALSE){
var errorNumber = API.LMSGetLastError();
var errorString = API.LMSGetErrorString(errorNumber);
var diagnostic = API.LMSGetDiagnostic(errorNumber);
var errorDescription = "Number: " + errorNumber + "\nDescription: " + errorString + "\nDiagnostic: " + diagnostic;
$.toaster("Could not initialize communication with the LMS.\n\nYour results may not be recorded.\n\n" + errorDescription, 'Error', 'danger');
initialized = true;
function ScormProcessTerminate(){
var result;
//Don't terminate if we haven't initialized or if we've already terminated
if (initialized == false || terminateCalled == true){return;}
result = API.LMSFinish("");
terminateCalled = true;
if (result == SCORM_FALSE){
var errorNumber = API.LMSGetLastError();
var errorString = API.LMSGetErrorString(errorNumber);
var diagnostic = API.LMSGetDiagnostic(errorNumber);
var errorDescription = "Number: " + errorNumber + "\nDescription: " + errorString + "\nDiagnostic: " + diagnostic;
$.toaster("Could not terminate communication with the LMS.\n\nYour results may not be recorded.\n\n" + errorDescription, 'Error', 'danger');
The onload and onunload event handlers are assigned in launchpage.html because more processing needs to
occur at these times in this example.
//window.onload = ScormProcessInitialize;
//window.onunload = ScormProcessTerminate;
//window.onbeforeunload = ScormProcessTerminate;
//There are situations where a GetValue call is expected to have an error
//and should not alert the user.
function ScormProcessGetValue(element, checkError){
var result;
if (initialized == false || terminateCalled == true){return;}
result = API.LMSGetValue(element);
if (checkError == true && result == ""){
var errorNumber = API.LMSGetLastError();
if (errorNumber != SCORM_NO_ERROR){
var errorString = API.LMSGetErrorString(errorNumber);
var diagnostic = API.LMSGetDiagnostic(errorNumber);
var errorDescription = "Number: " + errorNumber + "\nDescription: " + errorString + "\nDiagnostic: " + diagnostic;
$.toaster("Could not retrieve a value from the LMS.\n\n" + errorDescription, 'Error', 'danger');
return "";
return result;
function ScormProcessSetValue(element, value){
var result;
if (initialized == false || terminateCalled == true){return;}
result = API.LMSSetValue(element, value);
if (result == SCORM_FALSE){
var errorNumber = API.LMSGetLastError();
var errorString = API.LMSGetErrorString(errorNumber);
var diagnostic = API.LMSGetDiagnostic(errorNumber);
var errorDescription = "Number: " + errorNumber + "\nDescription: " + errorString + "\nDiagnostic: " + diagnostic;
$.toaster("Error - Could not store a value in the LMS.\n\nYour results may not be recorded.\n\n" + errorDescription, 'Error', 'danger');
function ScormCommitChanges(){
var result;
if (initialized == false || terminateCalled == true){return;}
result = API.LMSCommit("");
if (result == SCORM_FALSE){
var errorNumber = API.LMSGetLastError();
var errorString = API.LMSGetErrorString(errorNumber);
var diagnostic = API.LMSGetDiagnostic(errorNumber);
var errorDescription = "Number: " + errorNumber + "\nDescription: " + errorString + "\nDiagnostic: " + diagnostic;
$.toaster("Error - Could not commit changes to the LMS.\n\nYour results may not be recorded.\n\n" + errorDescription, 'Error', 'danger');
function ScormLessonCompleted()
if (ScormProcessGetValue("cmi.core.lesson_status") == "completed")
return true;
return false;
function ScormLessonPassed()
if (ScormProcessGetValue("cmi.core.lesson_status") == "passed")
return true;
return false;
function ScormLessonNotAttempted()
if (ScormProcessGetValue("cmi.core.lesson_status") == "not attempted")
return true;
return false;
function ScormMarkAsCompleted()
ScormProcessSetValue("cmi.core.lesson_status", "completed");
function ScormMarkAsIncomplete()
ScormProcessSetValue("cmi.core.lesson_status", "incomplete");
function ScormMarkAsPassed()
ScormProcessSetValue("cmi.core.lesson_status", "passed");
function ScormMarkAsFailed()
ScormProcessSetValue("cmi.core.lesson_status", "failed");
function ScormMarkAsBrowsed()
ScormProcessSetValue("cmi.core.lesson_status", "browsed");
function ScormSaveAnswer(id, type, student_response, pattern, result)
ScormProcessSetValue("cmi.interactions." + (id-1) + ".id", id);
ScormProcessSetValue("cmi.interactions." + (id-1) + ".type", type);
ScormProcessSetValue("cmi.interactions." + (id-1) + ".student_response", student_response);
ScormProcessSetValue("cmi.interactions." + (id-1) + ".correct_responses.0.pattern", pattern);
ScormProcessSetValue("cmi.interactions." + (id-1) + ".result", result);
function ScormSaveScore(score, total, sessionTime)
ScormProcessSetValue("cmi.core.score.raw", score);
ScormProcessSetValue("cmi.core.score.min", 0);
ScormProcessSetValue("cmi.core.score.max", total);
ScormProcessSetValue("cmi.core.lesson_status", "passed");
ScormProcessSetValue("cmi.core.session_time", sessionTime);
var comment = ScormProcessGetValue("cmi.comments");
ScormProcessSetValue("cmi.comments", comment + (new Date()).toString() + "; ");