make.psock.cluster = function(names, connection.timeout, ...) { if (is.numeric(names)) { names = as.integer(names[1]) if ( || names < 1) { stop.script("Numeric 'names' must be >= 1") } names = rep("localhost", names) } parallel:::.check_ncores(length(names)) options = parallel:::addClusterOptions(parallel:::defaultClusterOptions, list(...)) cl = vector("list", length(names)) for (i in seq_along(cl)) {"[", i, "/", length(cl), "] Connecting to ", names[[i]], " ... ")) options.copy = parallel:::addClusterOptions(options, NULL) options.out.file = parallel:::getClusterOption("outfile", options) if (class(options.out.file) == "lazy") { options.copy = parallel:::addClusterOptions(options, list("outfile" = lazy_eval(options.out.file, list( = i, = names[i])))) } tryCatch({ cl.node = evalWithTimeout(new.psock.node(names[[i]], options = options.copy, rank = i), timeout = connection.timeout, onTimeout = "error") cl[[i]] = cl.node"OK")}, error = function(e) { if ("TimeoutException" %in% class(e)) { flog.warn("Timeout") } else { stop.script(e) } } ) } cl.filtered = list() i = 1 for (j in seq_along(cl)) { if (!is.null(cl[[j]])) { cl.filtered[[i]] = cl[[j]] i = i + 1 } } if (length(cl) != length(cl.filtered)) { flog.warn(paste("Unable to connect to", length(cl) - length(cl.filtered), "nodes")) } if (length(cl.filtered) == 0) { stop.script("No remote workers") } else {"Working on", length(cl.filtered), "nodes")) } class(cl.filtered) = c("SOCKcluster", "cluster") cl.filtered } new.psock.node = function(machine = "localhost", ..., options = parallel:::defaultClusterOptions, rank) { options <- parallel:::addClusterOptions(options, list(...)) if (is.list(machine)) { options <- parallel:::addClusterOptions(options, machine) machine <- machine$host } outfile <- parallel:::getClusterOption("outfile", options) master <- if (machine == "localhost") "localhost" else parallel:::getClusterOption("master", options) port <- parallel:::getClusterOption("port", options) manual <- parallel:::getClusterOption("manual", options) timeout <- parallel:::getClusterOption("timeout", options) methods <- parallel:::getClusterOption("methods", options) useXDR <- parallel:::getClusterOption("useXDR", options) env <- paste0("MASTER=", master, " PORT=", port, " OUT=", outfile, " TIMEOUT=", timeout, " XDR=", useXDR) arg <- "parallel:::.slaveRSOCK()" rscript <- if (parallel:::getClusterOption("homogeneous", options)) { shQuote(parallel:::getClusterOption("rscript", options)) } else "Rscript" rscript_args <- parallel:::getClusterOption("rscript_args", options) if (methods) rscript_args <- c("--default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods", rscript_args) cmd <- if (length(rscript_args)) paste(rscript, paste(rscript_args, collapse = " "), "-e", shQuote(arg), env) else paste(rscript, "-e", shQuote(arg), env) renice <- parallel:::getClusterOption("renice", options) if (! && renice) cmd <- sprintf("nice -%d %s", as.integer(renice), cmd) if (manual) { cat("Manually start worker on", machine, "with\n ", cmd, "\n") utils::flush.console() } else { if (machine != "localhost") { rshcmd <- parallel:::getClusterOption("rshcmd", options) user <- parallel:::getClusterOption("user", options) cmd <- shQuote(cmd) cmd <- paste(rshcmd, "-l", user, machine, cmd) } if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { system(cmd, wait = FALSE, input = "") } else system(cmd, wait = FALSE) } con <- socketConnection("localhost", port = port, server = TRUE, blocking = TRUE, open = "a+b", timeout = timeout) structure(list(con = con, host = machine, rank = rank), class = if (useXDR) "SOCKnode" else "SOCK0node") } stop.cluster = function( = cl) {"Workers shut down") foreach::registerDoSEQ() parallel::stopCluster( }