#!/bin/bash # working with WMI Rescue - small Linux image based on # Debian distribution; see http://rescue.wmi.amu.edu.pl # config MRO_VERSION="3.3.1" SSH_OPTIONS="-o ConnectTimeout=5 -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q" SSH_USER="root" SSHPASS_PWD="wmi" SSH_KEYS_DIR="ssh" SSH_KEY_PRIV="rsa-priv.key" SSH_KEY_PUB="rsa-pub.key" MRO_INSTALL_URL="https://mran.microsoft.com/install" HOSTS_FILE="remote-hosts.txt" CONNECTION_LIST_FILE="remote-connection-list.txt" HOSTS_SCANNED_FILE="remote-hosts-scanned.txt" DEBIAN_PACKAGES_TO_INSTALL="build-essential gfortran ed htop libxml2-dev ca-certificates curl libcurl4-openssl-dev gdebi-core sshpass default-jre default-jdk libpcre3-dev zlib1g-dev liblzma-dev libbz2-dev libicu-dev" REMOTE_DETECT_LOGICAL_CPUS="FALSE" MIN_HOSTS=1 SWAP_PART="/dev/mapper/linux-swap" SHELL_SCRIPT=$(basename $0) LOG_STEPS="logs/${SHELL_SCRIPT%.*}".log HOSTS_ARRAY=() # messaging report_error() { echo $1 > /tmp/command_error.$$ } [[ -w /tmp ]] && report_error 0 # https://stackoverflow.com/a/5196220 # modified for Debian # Use step(), try(), and next() to perform a series of commands and print # [ OK ] or [FAILED] at the end. The step as a whole fails if any individual # command fails. # # Example: # step "Remounting / and /boot as read-write:" # try mount -o remount,rw / # try mount -o remount,rw /boot # next step() { echo -n "* $@ " STEP_OK=0 [[ -w /tmp ]] && echo $STEP_OK > /tmp/step.$$ } try() { # skip if previous command in step failed [[ -f /tmp/step.$$ ]] && { PREV_STEP=$(< /tmp/step.$$); } [[ $PREV_STEP -ne 0 ]] && return 1 # Check for `-b' argument to run command in the background. local BG= [[ $1 == -b ]] && { BG=1; shift; } [[ $1 == -- ]] && { shift; } # Run the command. if [[ -z $BG ]]; then "$@" else "$@" & fi # Check if command failed and update $STEP_OK if so. local EXIT_CODE=$? if [[ $EXIT_CODE -ne 0 ]]; then STEP_OK=$EXIT_CODE [[ -w /tmp ]] && echo $STEP_OK > /tmp/step.$$ if [[ -n $LOG_STEPS ]]; then local FILE=$(readlink -m "${BASH_SOURCE[1]}") local LINE=${BASH_LINENO[0]} mkdir -p $( dirname $LOG_STEPS ) echo "$FILE: line $LINE: Command \`$*' failed with exit code $EXIT_CODE." >> "$LOG_STEPS" fi fi return $EXIT_CODE } test -t 1 && CONSOLE_STDOUT=1 || CONSOLE_STDOUT=0 [[ $TERM != "dumb" ]] && [[ $CONSOLE_STDOUT -eq 1 ]] && CONSOLE_COLORS=1 || CONSOLE_COLORS=0 [ $CONSOLE_COLORS -eq 1 ] && CONSOLE_RED=$(tput setaf 1) [ $CONSOLE_COLORS -eq 1 ] && CONSOLE_GREEN=$(tput setaf 2) [ $CONSOLE_COLORS -eq 1 ] && CONSOLE_YELLOW=$(tput setaf 3) [ $CONSOLE_COLORS -eq 1 ] && CONSOLE_NORMAL=$(tput sgr0) [ $CONSOLE_COLORS -eq 1 ] && CONSOLE_RESULT_POS=$[$(tput cols)-10] || CONSOLE_RESULT_POS=0 next() { # https://stackoverflow.com/a/5506264 [ $CONSOLE_COLORS -eq 1 ] && tput hpa ${CONSOLE_RESULT_POS} [[ -f /tmp/step.$$ ]] && { STEP_OK=$(< /tmp/step.$$); rm -f /tmp/step.$$; } [[ $STEP_OK -eq 0 ]] && printf '%s%s' "$CONSOLE_GREEN" "[ OK ]" "$CONSOLE_NORMAL" || printf '%s%s' "$CONSOLE_RED" "[FAIL]" "$CONSOLE_NORMAL" echo [[ $STEP_OK -ne 0 ]] && report_error 1 return $STEP_OK } info() { echo -n "* $@ " [ $CONSOLE_COLORS -eq 1 ] && tput hpa ${CONSOLE_RESULT_POS} printf '%s' "[INFO]" echo } fail() { echo -n "* $@ " [ $CONSOLE_COLORS -eq 1 ] && tput hpa ${CONSOLE_RESULT_POS} printf '%s%s' "$CONSOLE_RED" "[FAIL]" "$CONSOLE_NORMAL" echo } success() { echo -n "* $@ " [ $CONSOLE_COLORS -eq 1 ] && tput hpa ${CONSOLE_RESULT_POS} printf '%s%s' "$CONSOLE_GREEN" "[ OK ]" "$CONSOLE_NORMAL" echo } warn() { echo -n "* $@ " [ $CONSOLE_COLORS -eq 1 ] && tput hpa ${CONSOLE_RESULT_POS} printf '%s%s' "$CONSOLE_YELLOW" "[WARN]" "$CONSOLE_NORMAL" echo } # functions generate_ssh_keys() { step "Generating SSH keys" try mkdir -p ssh try ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -b 4096 -f ${SSH_KEYS_DIR}/${SSH_KEY_PRIV} -P "" -C "rscript@remote" try mv ${SSH_KEYS_DIR}/${SSH_KEY_PRIV}.pub ${SSH_KEYS_DIR}/${SSH_KEY_PUB} next check_if_command_error } install_env() { step "Installing environment" echo try apt-get update local DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive try apt-get -y -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew" upgrade try apt-get -y -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew" install ${DEBIAN_PACKAGES_TO_INSTALL} try apt-get clean next check_if_command_error } install_mro() { step "Installing Microsoft R Open" echo Rscript -e "invisible(TRUE)" &> /dev/null if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then try wget ${MRO_INSTALL_URL}/mro/${MRO_VERSION}/microsoft-r-open-${MRO_VERSION}.tar.gz try tar -xvf microsoft-r-open-${MRO_VERSION}.tar.gz try gdebi -n microsoft-r-open/deb/microsoft-r-open-mro-${MRO_VERSION:0:3}.deb try gdebi -n microsoft-r-open/deb/microsoft-r-open-foreachiterators-${MRO_VERSION:0:3}.deb try gdebi -n microsoft-r-open/deb/microsoft-r-open-mkl-${MRO_VERSION:0:3}.deb try R CMD javareconf rm -rf microsoft-r-open* else echo "Microsoft R Open already installed" fi try Rscript -e "install.packages('knitr')" try apt-get clean next check_if_command_error } install_r_libraries() { step "Installing R libraries" echo try mkdir -p ~/.checkpoint try Rscript init.R # run checkpoint next check_if_command_error } dump_project_r_files() { step "Making project R files dump" try tar -czf project-r-files.tar.gz *.R* next check_if_command_error } dump_r_libraries() { step "Making R libraries dump" wd=`pwd` cd ~/ try tar -czf $wd/checkpoint.tar.gz .checkpoint/* cd $wd next check_if_command_error } hosts_push_ssh_key() { info "Pushing SSH keys to hosts" for host in "${HOSTS_ARRAY[@]}"; do step "-- ${host}" try sshpass -p ${SSHPASS_PWD} ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} ${SSH_USER}@${host} 'mkdir -p ~/.ssh' try sshpass -p ${SSHPASS_PWD} scp ${SSH_OPTIONS} ${SSH_KEYS_DIR}/${SSH_KEY_PUB} ${SSH_USER}@${host}:~/.ssh try sshpass -p ${SSHPASS_PWD} ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} ${SSH_USER}@${host} "cat ~/.ssh/${SSH_KEY_PUB} >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" try sshpass -p ${SSHPASS_PWD} ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} ${SSH_USER}@${host} "sed -i -e 's/#PasswordAuthentication yes/PasswordAuthentication no/ig' /etc/ssh/sshd_config; service ssh restart" next done check_if_command_error } hosts_scan_available() { HOSTS_SCANNED_ARRAY=() info "Scanning available hosts" for host in "${HOSTS_ARRAY[@]}"; do ssh -o ConnectTimeout=2 -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o PreferredAuthentications=publickey -q -i ${SSH_KEYS_DIR}/${SSH_KEY_PRIV} ${SSH_USER}@${host} "true" EXIT_CODE=$? if [[ $EXIT_CODE -ne 0 ]]; then fail "-- ${host}" else success "-- ${host}" HOSTS_SCANNED_ARRAY+=("$host") fi done HOSTS_ARRAY=("${HOSTS_SCANNED_ARRAY[@]}") if [[ ${#HOSTS_ARRAY[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then fail "No available hosts" exit 1 else info "Available ${#HOSTS_ARRAY[@]} hosts" fi if [[ ${#HOSTS_ARRAY[@]} -lt $MIN_HOSTS ]]; then fail "Too few hosts: ${#HOSTS_ARRAY[@]} ; min.: $MIN_HOSTS" exit 1 fi if [ -f ${HOSTS_SCANNED_FILE} ] ; then rm ${HOSTS_SCANNED_FILE}; fi for host in "${HOSTS_ARRAY[@]}"; do echo ${host} >> ${HOSTS_SCANNED_FILE} done } hosts_enable_swap() { info "Enabling swap on hosts" for host in "${HOSTS_ARRAY[@]}"; do step "-- ${host}" try ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} -i ${SSH_KEYS_DIR}/${SSH_KEY_PRIV} ${SSH_USER}@${host} "swapon $SWAP_PART" next done check_if_command_error } hosts_push_r_libraries_dump() { info "Pushing R libraries dump to hosts" for host in "${HOSTS_ARRAY[@]}"; do step "-- ${host}" try scp ${SSH_OPTIONS} -i ${SSH_KEYS_DIR}/${SSH_KEY_PRIV} checkpoint.tar.gz ${SSH_USER}@${host}:~/ try ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} -i ${SSH_KEYS_DIR}/${SSH_KEY_PRIV} ${SSH_USER}@${host} "tar -xzf checkpoint.tar.gz -C ~/; rm checkpoint.tar.gz" next done check_if_command_error } hosts_push_project_r_files() { info "Pushing project R files to hosts" for host in "${HOSTS_ARRAY[@]}"; do step "-- ${host}" try scp ${SSH_OPTIONS} -i ${SSH_KEYS_DIR}/${SSH_KEY_PRIV} project-r-files.tar.gz ${SSH_USER}@${host}:~/ try ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} -i ${SSH_KEYS_DIR}/${SSH_KEY_PRIV} ${SSH_USER}@${host} "tar -xzf project-r-files.tar.gz -C ~/; rm project-r-files.tar.gz" next done check_if_command_error } hosts_push_shell_script() { info "Pushing shell script to hosts" for host in "${HOSTS_ARRAY[@]}"; do step "-- ${host}" try scp ${SSH_OPTIONS} -i ${SSH_KEYS_DIR}/${SSH_KEY_PRIV} ${SHELL_SCRIPT} ${SSH_USER}@${host}:~/ next done check_if_command_error } hosts_install() { case "$1" in "env") info "Installing environment on hosts" ;; "mro") info "Installing Microsoft R Open on hosts" ;; "r_libraries") info "Installing R libraries on hosts" ;; *) fail "Unknown remote install command"; report_error 1; check_if_command_error esac for host in "${HOSTS_ARRAY[@]}"; do info "-- Invoking ${host}" { ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} -i ${SSH_KEYS_DIR}/${SSH_KEY_PRIV} ${SSH_USER}@${host} "bash ${SHELL_SCRIPT} install_$1 &> install_$1.log" ; endcode=$? if [ $endcode -eq 0 ] ; then success "-- ${host} finished" else fail "-- ${host} finished" report_error 1 fi } & done last_workers=-1 while true; do current_workers=$(jobs -rp | wc -l) if [ $current_workers -eq 0 ] ; then break; fi if (( $current_workers % 5 == 0)) && [ "$current_workers" -ne "$last_workers" ] ; then info "- Waiting for $current_workers hosts" last_workers=$current_workers fi sleep 1 done check_if_command_error } hosts_install_env() { hosts_install env; } hosts_install_mro() { hosts_install mro; } hosts_install_r_libraries() { hosts_install r_libraries; } hosts_power_off() { info "Power off on hosts" for host in "${HOSTS_ARRAY[@]}"; do step "-- ${host}" try ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} -i ${SSH_KEYS_DIR}/${SSH_KEY_PRIV} ${SSH_USER}@${host} "poweroff" next done check_if_command_error } make_remote_connection_list() { info "Making remote connection list:" if [ -f ${CONNECTION_LIST_FILE} ] ; then rm ${CONNECTION_LIST_FILE}; fi case "$1" in "single") step "one connection per host" for host in "${HOSTS_ARRAY[@]}"; do try echo ${host} >> ${CONNECTION_LIST_FILE} done next ;; "nproc") info "'number of cores' per host" for host in "${HOSTS_ARRAY[@]}"; do step "-- ${host}" [[ $REMOTE_DETECT_LOGICAL_CPUS == "TRUE" ]] && cornum=`ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} -i ${SSH_KEYS_DIR}/${SSH_KEY_PRIV} ${SSH_USER}@${host} 'lscpu | grep "^CPU(s):" | grep -o "[0-9]*"'` || cornum=`ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} -i ${SSH_KEYS_DIR}/${SSH_KEY_PRIV} ${SSH_USER}@${host} 'A=\$(lscpu | grep "Socket(s):" | grep -o "[0-9]*"); B=\$(lscpu | grep "Core(s) per socket:" | grep -o "[0-9]*"); echo \$((A*B))'` regex='^[0-9]+$' if ! [[ $cornum =~ $regex ]] ; then try false else for ((i=1; i<=$cornum; i++)); do try echo ${host} >> ${CONNECTION_LIST_FILE}; done echo -n "($cornum cores) " fi next done ;; *) fail "unknown type" report_error 1 esac check_if_command_error } make_remote_connection_list_single() { make_remote_connection_list single; } make_remote_connection_list_nproc() { make_remote_connection_list nproc; } hosts_check_install_log() { info "Checking install log on hosts" for host in "${HOSTS_ARRAY[@]}"; do step "-- ${host}" echo try ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS/-q/} -o LogLevel=error -i ${SSH_KEYS_DIR}/${SSH_KEY_PRIV} ${SSH_USER}@${host} "cat install_$1.log" next done check_if_command_error } hosts_check_install_log_env() { hosts_check_install_log env; } hosts_check_install_log_mro() { hosts_check_install_log mro; } hosts_check_install_log_r_libraries() { hosts_check_install_log r_libraries; } hosts_check_worker_log() { info "Checking worker log on hosts" for host in "${HOSTS_ARRAY[@]}"; do step "-- ${host}" echo try ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS/-q/} -o LogLevel=error -i ${SSH_KEYS_DIR}/${SSH_KEY_PRIV} ${SSH_USER}@${host} "for f in worker-remote-*.log; do echo \$f; cat -n \$f; done" next done check_if_command_error } hosts_check_worker_dmesg() { info "Checking dmesg on hosts" for host in "${HOSTS_ARRAY[@]}"; do step "-- ${host}" echo try ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS/-q/} -o LogLevel=error -i ${SSH_KEYS_DIR}/${SSH_KEY_PRIV} ${SSH_USER}@${host} "dmesg -T | tail -n 20" next done check_if_command_error } hosts_clean_worker_log() { info "Cleaning workers logs" for host in "${HOSTS_ARRAY[@]}"; do step "-- ${host}" try ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} -i ${SSH_KEYS_DIR}/${SSH_KEY_PRIV} ${SSH_USER}@${host} "rm -f worker-remote-*.log" next done check_if_command_error } check_if_command_error() { errcode=$(< /tmp/command_error.$$) [[ $errcode -ne 0 ]] && { warn "Stopping script execution"; rm -f /tmp/command_error.$$; exit $errcode; } } my_configure_hosts() { #generate_ssh_keys #hosts_push_ssh_key hosts_scan_available hosts_push_shell_script dump_project_r_files dump_r_libraries hosts_push_project_r_files hosts_install_env hosts_install_mro #hosts_install_r_libraries hosts_push_r_libraries_dump make_remote_connection_list_nproc #make_remote_connection_list_single } configure_hosts() { generate_ssh_keys hosts_push_ssh_key hosts_push_shell_script hosts_enable_swap dump_project_r_files dump_r_libraries hosts_push_project_r_files hosts_install_env hosts_install_mro hosts_push_r_libraries_dump #hosts_install_r_libraries make_remote_connection_list_nproc #make_remote_connection_list_single } # read hosts from file or stdin if [ -t 0 ]; then if [ ! -f "$HOSTS_FILE" ] then info "No hosts file, working with localhost" HOSTS_ARRAY+=("") else readarray -t HOSTS_ARRAY < $HOSTS_FILE fi else while read -r host ; do HOSTS_ARRAY+=("$host") done fi info "Working with ${#HOSTS_ARRAY[@]} hosts" # read arguments as commands for i in "$@" do case "$i" in "hosts_install"|"hosts_check_install_log"|"make_remote_connection_list"|"info"|"fail"|"success"|"warn"|"next"|"try"|"step") ;; *) if [ "$(type -t $i)" = "function" ]; then $i else fail "Command $i not found" report_error 127 fi esac check_if_command_error done rm -f /tmp/command_error.$$