--- title: "UCI Machine Learning datasets for R" author: "Andrzej Wójtowicz" output: html_document: keep_md: yes --- ```{r global-options, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(comment = "", echo = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE) source('init.R') ``` Document generation date: `r Sys.time()`. This project preprocesses a few datasets from [UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository](https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/) into tidy R object files. It focuses on the binary classification datasets and saves only complete cases within a dataset. **R software**: [Microsoft R Open](https://mran.microsoft.com/open/) (`r paste0(R.version$major, ".", R.version$minor)`) **Reproducibility library**: [checkpoint](https://github.com/RevolutionAnalytics/checkpoint) **Reproducibility procedure**: 1. Run *s1-download-data.R* to download original datasets. 2. Run *s2-preprocess-data.R* to preprocess the datasets. Optionally: 3. knit *s3-make-readme.Rmd* to get an overview of the preprocessed datasets, 4. run *s4-make-release.sh* to create zip file with preprocessed datasets. ```{r show-datasets, results='asis'} cat("\n# Table of Contents\n\n") for (dir.name in dir(DATASETS.DIR)) { config.yaml.file.path = file.path(DATASETS.DIR, dir.name, DATASET.CONFIG.FILE) config.yaml = yaml.load_file(config.yaml.file.path) anchor = gsub(" ", "-", gsub("[[:punct:]]", "", tolower(config.yaml$name))) cat(paste0("1. [", config.yaml$name, "](#", anchor, ")\n" )) } cat("\n---\n\n") for (dir.name in dir(DATASETS.DIR)) { config.yaml.file.path = file.path(DATASETS.DIR, dir.name, DATASET.CONFIG.FILE) config.yaml = yaml.load_file(config.yaml.file.path) cat(paste("#", config.yaml$name, "\n\n")) cat(paste("**Local directory**:", dir.name, "\n\n")) cat(paste0("**Details**: [link](", config.yaml$info, ")\n\n")) cat(paste("**Source data files**:\n\n")) for (file.url in config.yaml$urls) { cat(paste0("* [", URLdecode(basename(file.url)), "](", file.url, ")\n")) } cat("\n") cat(paste0("**Cite**:\n```nohighlight\n", config.yaml$cite, "\n```\n\n")) cat(paste("**Dataset**:\n\n")) preprocessed.dir = gsub(DATASET.NAME.PATTERN, dir.name, DATASET.PREPROCESSED.DIR) preprocessed.file.path = file.path(preprocessed.dir, DATASET.PREPROCESSED.OUTPUT.FILE) dataset = readRDS(preprocessed.file.path) cat("```nohighlight\n") cat(str(dataset)) cat("\n```\n\n") cat("**Predictors**:\n\n") df.pred = data.frame(table(sapply(dataset[, 1:(ncol(dataset) - 1)], function(f){paste(class(f), collapse = " ")}))) colnames(df.pred) = c("Type", "Frequency") cat(knitr::kable(df.pred, format = "markdown"), sep = "\n") cat("\n") perc.classes = sort(round(100*as.numeric( table(dataset[, ncol(dataset)]))/nrow(dataset), 0)) num.classes = sort(as.numeric(table(dataset[, ncol(dataset)]))) cat("**Class imbalance**:\n\n") cat(knitr::kable(data.frame(A = c(paste(perc.classes[1], "%"), num.classes[1]), B = c(paste(perc.classes[2], "%"), num.classes[2])), format = "markdown", col.names = c("class A", "class B"), align = c("c", "c")), sep = "\n") cat("\n---\n\n") } ```