#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use utf8; use TAP::Parser; use Data::Dumper; use Cwd; binmode(STDOUT, ':utf8'); binmode(STDERR, ':utf8'); my %overrides = (); if (-r 'overrides.txt') { read_overrides(); } my @reports = sort @ARGV; my $total; my %section_points = ('A' => 0, 'B' => 0, 'C' => 0); my $student_id = get_student_id(); if (defined $student_id) { print "STUDENT ID is $student_id\n"; } else { print "UNKNOWN STUDENT ID\n"; } intro(); for my $report (@reports) { update_total($report, process_report($report)); } outro($total); my %to_hashes = map { $_ => 1 } split/\n/,<<'END_OF_HASHES'; 2982763 2982861 2982882 2983113 2983141 2983337 3025421 3042368 3042564 3042571 3042613 3042697 3042704 3042732 3042753 3042774 3042788 3042795 3042865 3042893 3042907 3042949 3042963 3043040 3043047 3043061 3043082 3043110 3043124 3043145 3043180 3043187 3043194 3043208 3043215 3043362 3043432 3043439 3043488 3043502 3043516 3043537 3043579 3043607 3043628 3043635 3043649 3043656 3043684 3043761 3083822 3083885 3096331 END_OF_HASHES sub get_student_id { my $pwd = cwd(); if (my ($student_id) = ($pwd =~ m{-s(\d{5,7})(/arena)?})) { return $student_id; } return undef; } sub update_total { my ($report_file_path, $points) = @_; my $section = get_section($report_file_path); if (defined $section && $section ne 'A') { if ($section_points{$section} > 0) { print "UWAGA: TYLKO ZADANIE Z NAJWIĘKSZĄ LICZBĄ PUNKTÓW BĘDZIE LICZONE DLA DZIAŁU $section\n"; } if ($points > $section_points{$section}) { $total = $total - $section_points{$section} + $points; $section_points{$section} = $points; } } else { $total += $points; } } sub get_section { my ($report_file_path) = @_; if (my ($section) = ($report_file_path =~ m{Task([ABC])})) { return $section; } return undef; } sub get_failures_and_successes { my ($file_path) = @_; open my $tap_fh, $file_path or die $!; my $tap_parser = TAP::Parser->new( { source => $tap_fh } ); while ( my $result = $tap_parser->next ) { } return (scalar($tap_parser->actual_failed), scalar($tap_parser->passed)) } sub process_report { my ($report_file) = @_; my ($task_id) = ($report_file =~ m{^(.*)/report\.txt$}); my $override_key = get_override_key($student_id, $task_id); if (exists $overrides{$override_key}) { my $override_points = $overrides{$override_key}; print $task_id, " ", "FROM overrides.txt: ", $override_points, "\n"; return $override_points; } my ($nb_of_failures, $nb_of_successes) = get_failures_and_successes($report_file); my $success = ($nb_of_failures == 0 && $nb_of_successes > 0); my ($points, $deadline, $total, $remainder) = parse_description($task_id); print $task_id, " ", ($success ? "PASSED" : "FAILED"); if (!check_deadline($task_id, $deadline)) { $success = 0; } if (!check_if_the_right_task($student_id, $task_id, $total, $remainder)) { print " WRONG TASK!"; $success = 0; } if (!$success) { $points = 0; } if ($success) { print " POINTS: $points"; } print "\n"; return $points; } sub check_deadline { my ($task_id, $deadline) = @_; for my $file (glob "$task_id/*") { if ($file !~ m{\.(in|arg|out|exp|\~)$|/(description\.txt|run)$}) { my $last_timestamp = `(cd ../djfz-2019-s$student_id ; git log -1 --format=\%cd --date=iso $file 2> /dev/null)`; if ($last_timestamp =~ m{\S}) { chomp $last_timestamp; if ($last_timestamp gt $deadline and not ($task_id !~ m{Task(A|X0[123])} and exists $to_hashes{$student_id * 7})) { print " TOO LATE [$file: $last_timestamp later than $deadline]"; return 0; } } } } return 1; } sub check_if_the_right_task { my ($student_id, $task_id, $total, $remainder) = @_; if (defined($total)) { if ($student_id % $total != $remainder) { return 0; } } return 0 if $task_id =~ m{^TaskE} and not is_estudent($student_id); return 0 if $task_id =~ m{^Task[AC]} and is_estudent($student_id); return 1; } sub intro { print_header(); print "SUMMARY\n\n"; } sub outro { my ($points) = @_; print "\nTOTAL POINTS: $points\n"; open my $fh, '>', 'result.csv'; print $fh "POINTS\n"; print $fh $points, "\n"; close($fh); print_header(); } sub print_header { print "=" x 20,"\n"; } sub parse_description { my ($task_id) = @_; open my $fh, '<', "$task_id/description.txt" or die "???"; my $points = 0; my $deadline = undef; my $total = undef; my $remainder = undef; while (my $line=<$fh>) { if ($line =~ m{^POINTS\s*:\s*(\d+)\s*$}) { $points = $1; } elsif ($line =~ m{^DEADLINE\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*$}) { $deadline = $1; } elsif ($line =~ m{^REMAINDER\s*:\s*(\d+)/(\d+)\s*$}) { $remainder = $1; $total = $2; } } return ($points, $deadline, $total, $remainder); } sub read_overrides { open my $fh, '<', 'overrides.txt'; while (my $line=<$fh>) { chomp $line; my ($id, $task, $points, $info) = split/\s+/,$line; $overrides{get_override_key($id, "Task".$task)} = $points; } } sub get_override_key { my ($id, $task) = @_; return $id.'+'.$task; } sub is_estudent { my ($id) = @_; my $suffix = substr($id, 1); my %estudents = map { $_ => 1 } split/\n/,<<'END_OF_NUMBERS'; 16136 21804 30291 30686 32746 32753 32754 32757 32759 32778 32813 32837 34595 34596 34598 34599 34603 34604 34608 34650 34654 39546 40549 42335 42611 42612 42613 42614 50169 50711 52484 84146 END_OF_NUMBERS if ($estudents{$suffix}) { return 1; } return 0; }