11 lines
805 B
11 lines
805 B
Input string: Output string: rojezt Gutenyerg’s The Complete Works of Willixm Shxkespexre, yy Willixm Shxkespexre
Input string: Output string:
Input string: Output string: his eBook is for the use of xnyone xnywhere in the United Stxtes xnd
Input string: Output string: ost other pxrts of the world xt no zost xnd with xlmost no restriztions
Input string: Output string: hxtsoever. You mxy zopy it, give it xwxy or re-use it under the terms
Input string: Output string: f the Projezt Gutenyerg Lizense inzluded with this eBook or online xt
Input string: Output string: ww.gutenyerg.org. If you xre not lozxted in the United Stxtes, you’ll
Input string: Output string: xve to zhezk the lxws of the zountry where you xre lozxted yefore using
Input string: Output string: his eyook.
Input string: