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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module GEval.ProbList
(parseIntoProbList, selectByStandardThreshold, countLogLossOnProbList)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GEval.Common
newtype Probability = P { getP :: Double }
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
isProbability :: Double -> Bool
isProbability p = 0.0 <= p && p <= 1.0
mkProbability :: Double -> Probability
mkProbability p
| isProbability p = P p
| otherwise = error $ show p ++ " is not in [0, 1]"
probabilityOne :: Probability
probabilityOne = mkProbability 1.0
probabilityZero :: Probability
probabilityZero = mkProbability 0.0
data ProbList = ProbList [WordWithProb]
deriving (Show)
data WordWithProb = WordWithProb T.Text Probability
deriving (Show)
parseIntoWordWithProb :: T.Text -> WordWithProb
parseIntoWordWithProb t =
-- If anything is wrong the whole word is treated as a label,
-- even if it contains colons, digits, dots, etc.
if T.null wordSpecPart
then wordWithoutProb
if "." `T.isInfixOf` numberPart
then case textToDouble numberPart of
Right p -> if isProbability p
then WordWithProb wordSpecPart (mkProbability p)
else wordWithoutProb
Left _ -> wordWithoutProb
else wordWithoutProb
(wordSpecPart', numberPart) = T.breakOnEnd ":" t
wordWithoutProb = WordWithProb t probabilityOne
wordSpecPart = if T.null wordSpecPart'
then wordSpecPart'
else T.init wordSpecPart'
parseIntoProbList :: T.Text -> ProbList
parseIntoProbList = ProbList . map parseIntoWordWithProb . T.words
selectByThreshold :: Probability -> ProbList -> [T.Text]
selectByThreshold threshold (ProbList l) =
map (\(WordWithProb w _) -> w)
$ filter (\(WordWithProb _ p) -> p >= threshold) l
standardThreshold :: Double
standardThreshold = 0.5
selectByStandardThreshold :: ProbList -> [T.Text]
selectByStandardThreshold = selectByThreshold (mkProbability standardThreshold)
findProb :: ProbList -> T.Text -> Probability
findProb (ProbList probList) target =
case filter (\(WordWithProb w _) -> w == target) probList of
((WordWithProb _ p):_) -> p
[] -> probabilityZero
countLogLossOnProbList :: [T.Text] -> ProbList -> Double
countLogLossOnProbList expected probList@(ProbList l) =
- (logLossForCorrectOnes + logLossForIncorrectOnes)
where logLossForCorrectOnes =
sum $ map (\ew -> log ( getP (findProb probList ew))) expected
logLossForIncorrectOnes =
$ map (\(WordWithProb _ p) -> log (1.0 - getP p))
$ filter (\(WordWithProb w p) -> w `notElem` expected) l