2017-04-01 12:24:36 +02:00
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module GEval.LogLossHashed
(HashedDistribution, parseDistribution, calculateLogLoss)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as VM
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Hash.Murmur
import Data.Either
import Data.Bits
import Data.Word
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Data.Text.Read as TR
import GEval.Common (textToDouble)
type HashedDistribution = V.Vector Double
murmurSeedValue :: Word32
murmurSeedValue = 0
parseDistribution :: Word32 -> Word32 -> T.Text -> Either String HashedDistribution
parseDistribution nbOfBits seed distroSpec =
-- distribution spec is either...
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normalizeDistribution <$> if T.any (== ':') distroSpec
-- a space-separated list of words with their log probs
then parseDistributionFromWordList nbOfBits seed distroSpec
-- a direct list of 2^nbOfBits log probs
else parseDistributionFromLogProbList nbOfBits distroSpec
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isProbTotalIncorrect :: Double -> Bool
isProbTotalIncorrect probTotal = probTotal > 1.0 || probTotal < (1.0 - epsilon)
where epsilon = 0.00000001
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normalizeDistribution :: HashedDistribution -> HashedDistribution
normalizeDistribution distro =
-- we do softmax (if needed)
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if isProbTotalIncorrect probSum
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then normalized
else distro
where probSum = V.foldl' (\s l -> (s + exp l)) 0.0 distro
normalized = V.map (\v -> log ((exp v) / probSum)) distro
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type DistroMonad s = ReaderT (VM.MVector s Double) (ST s)
data WordSpec = AnyWord | SpecificWord T.Text
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deriving (Eq, Show)
isAnyWord AnyWord = True
isAnyWord _ = False
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data WordSpecWithLogProb = WordSpecWithLogProb WordSpec Double
parseDistributionFromWordList :: Word32 -> Word32 -> T.Text -> Either String HashedDistribution
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parseDistributionFromWordList nbOfBits seed distroSpec = (parseDistributionFromWordList' nbOfBits seed) =<<
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normalizeLogProbs =<<
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lookForProbs =<<
(processEithers $ map getWordSpecWithLogProb $ T.splitOn " " distroSpec)
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getWordSpecWithLogProb :: T.Text -> Either String WordSpecWithLogProb
getWordSpecWithLogProb t =
if T.null wordSpecPart
then Left "colon expected"
else case textToDouble numberPart of
Right lp -> Right $ WordSpecWithLogProb (getWordSpec wordSpecPart) lp
Left m -> Left $ m
-- colon _can_ be used as a part of a word, the only character forbidden is a space
(wordSpecPart, numberPart) = T.breakOnEnd ":" t
-- specification like ":-1.23456" means we add probability for OOVs (or actually any word)
getWordSpec ":" = AnyWord
getWordSpec ws = SpecificWord $ T.dropEnd 1 ws
parseDistributionFromWordList' :: Word32 -> Word32 -> [WordSpecWithLogProb] -> Either String HashedDistribution
parseDistributionFromWordList' nbOfBits seed specs = runST $ do
emp <- VM.replicate (hashDistributionSize nbOfBits) minusInfinity
runReaderT (addSpecs nbOfBits seed specs) emp
frozen <- V.freeze emp
return $ Right frozen
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lookForProbs :: [WordSpecWithLogProb] -> Either String [WordSpecWithLogProb]
lookForProbs specs
| areProbs specs = Right $ toLogProbs $ normalizeProbs specs
| otherwise = Right $ specs
areProbs :: [WordSpecWithLogProb] -> Bool
areProbs specs = all isProb specs && any isPositiveProb specs
where isProb (WordSpecWithLogProb _ v) = v >= 0.0 && v <= 1.0
isPositiveProb (WordSpecWithLogProb _ p) = p > 0.0 && p <= 1.0
toLogProbs :: [WordSpecWithLogProb] -> [WordSpecWithLogProb]
toLogProbs = map (\(WordSpecWithLogProb w p) -> (WordSpecWithLogProb w (log p)))
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normalizeLogProbs :: [WordSpecWithLogProb] -> Either String [WordSpecWithLogProb]
normalizeLogProbs specs = if isProbTotalIncorrect probTotal
&& probTotal < 1.0 && probTotal > 0.0
&& not (any (\(WordSpecWithLogProb w _) -> isAnyWord w) specs)
&& all (\(WordSpecWithLogProb _ lp) -> lp <= 0) specs
Right ((WordSpecWithLogProb AnyWord (log (1-probTotal))):specs)
Right specs
where probTotal = sum $ map (\(WordSpecWithLogProb _ logp) -> exp logp) specs
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normalizeProbs :: [WordSpecWithLogProb] -> [WordSpecWithLogProb]
normalizeProbs specs = if isProbTotalIncorrect probTotal
if probTotal > 1.0 || any (\(WordSpecWithLogProb w _) -> isAnyWord w) specs
map (\(WordSpecWithLogProb w p) -> WordSpecWithLogProb w (p / probTotal)) specs
((WordSpecWithLogProb AnyWord (1-probTotal)):specs)
where probTotal = sum $ map (\(WordSpecWithLogProb _ p) -> p) specs
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addSpecs :: Word32 -> Word32 -> [WordSpecWithLogProb] -> DistroMonad s ()
addSpecs nbOfBits seed = mapM_ (updateDistro nbOfBits seed)
updateDistro :: Word32 -> Word32 -> WordSpecWithLogProb -> DistroMonad s ()
updateDistro nbOfBits seed (WordSpecWithLogProb (SpecificWord w) logProb) = do
d <- ask
let fp = getFingerprint nbOfBits seed w
updateDistro' logProb fp
updateDistro nbOfBits _ (WordSpecWithLogProb AnyWord logProb) = do
d <- ask
-- spread probability uniformly
mapM_ (updateDistro' (logProb - (log $ fromIntegral hSize))) [0..(hSize-1)]
where hSize = hashDistributionSize nbOfBits
updateDistro' :: Double -> Int -> DistroMonad s ()
updateDistro' logDelta ix = do
d <- ask
currentLogProb <- lift $ VM.read d ix
let newLogProb = log ((exp currentLogProb) + (exp logDelta))
lift $ VM.write d ix newLogProb
minusInfinity :: Double
minusInfinity = log 0
parseDistributionFromLogProbList :: Word32 -> T.Text -> Either String HashedDistribution
parseDistributionFromLogProbList nbOfBits distroSpec = case parseDistributionFromLogProbList' distroSpec of
v@(Right d) -> if length d == hashDistributionSize nbOfBits
then v
else Left "unexpected number of log probs"
e@(Left _) -> e
parseDistributionFromLogProbList' :: T.Text -> Either String HashedDistribution
parseDistributionFromLogProbList' distroSpec =
V.fromList <$> (processEithers $ map textToDouble $ T.splitOn " " distroSpec)
processEithers :: [Either a b] -> Either a [b]
processEithers es = case leftOnes of
(firstLeftOne:_) -> Left firstLeftOne
[] -> Right rightOnes
where (leftOnes, rightOnes) = partitionEithers es
calculateLogLoss :: Word32 -> Word32 -> T.Text -> HashedDistribution -> Double
calculateLogLoss nbOfBits seed term distrib = distrib V.! (getFingerprint nbOfBits seed term)
hashDistributionSize :: Word32 -> Int
hashDistributionSize nbOfBits = (shift 1 (fromIntegral nbOfBits))
getFingerprint :: Word32 -> Word32 -> T.Text -> Int
getFingerprint nbOfBits seed text = fromIntegral $ h `mod` (fromIntegral $ hashDistributionSize nbOfBits)
where h = getHash seed text
getHash :: Word32 -> T.Text -> Word32
getHash seed t = murmur3 seed bs
where bs = TE.encodeUtf8 t