p-value for features counted

This commit is contained in:
Filip Graliński 2018-08-02 12:50:13 +02:00
parent f8418894fb
commit 020b93ccf8
5 changed files with 107 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ library
, Data.Conduit.AutoDecompress , Data.Conduit.AutoDecompress
, Data.Conduit.SmartSource , Data.Conduit.SmartSource
, Data.Conduit.Rank , Data.Conduit.Rank
, GEval.FeatureExtractor
, Paths_geval , Paths_geval
build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5 build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5
, cond , cond
@ -65,6 +66,7 @@ library
, Glob , Glob
, naturalcomp , naturalcomp
, containers , containers
, statistics
default-language: Haskell2010 default-language: Haskell2010
executable geval executable geval

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@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ getExpectedDirectory :: GEvalSpecification -> FilePath
getExpectedDirectory spec = fromMaybe outDirectory $ gesExpectedDirectory spec getExpectedDirectory spec = fromMaybe outDirectory $ gesExpectedDirectory spec
where outDirectory = gesOutDirectory spec where outDirectory = gesOutDirectory spec
data GEvalSpecialCommand = Init | LineByLine | Diff FilePath | PrintVersion data GEvalSpecialCommand = Init | LineByLine | WorstFeatures | Diff FilePath | PrintVersion
data ResultOrdering = KeepTheOriginalOrder | FirstTheWorst | FirstTheBest data ResultOrdering = KeepTheOriginalOrder | FirstTheWorst | FirstTheBest

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module GEval.FeatureExtractor
import Data.Text
import Data.List
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
extractUnigramFeatures :: Text -> Text -> [Text]
extractUnigramFeatures namespace record = Prelude.map (prefix <>) $ nub $ tokenize record
where prefix = namespace <> ":"
tokenize :: Text -> [Text]
tokenize t = Data.List.filter (not . Data.Text.null) $ split splitPred t
where splitPred c = c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == ':'
extractUnigramFeaturesFromTabbed :: Text -> Text -> [Text]
extractUnigramFeaturesFromTabbed namespace record =
$ Prelude.map (\(n, t) -> extractUnigramFeatures (namespace <> "<" <> (pack $ show n) <> ">") t)
$ Prelude.zip [1..] (splitOn "\t" record)

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
module GEval.LineByLine module GEval.LineByLine
(runLineByLine, (runLineByLine,
runLineByLineGeneralized, runLineByLineGeneralized,
runDiff, runDiff,
runDiffGeneralized, runDiffGeneralized,
@ -25,12 +26,17 @@ import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import qualified Data.Conduit.Combinators as CC import qualified Data.Conduit.Combinators as CC
import Data.Text import Data.Text
import Data.Text.Encoding import Data.Text.Encoding
import Data.Conduit.Rank
import Data.List (sortBy, sort) import Data.List (sortBy, sort, concat)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import GEval.FeatureExtractor
import Data.Word import Data.Word
import Text.Printf import Text.Printf
@ -39,6 +45,11 @@ import Data.Conduit.SmartSource
import System.FilePath import System.FilePath
import Statistics.Distribution (cumulative)
import Statistics.Distribution.Normal (normalDistr)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
data LineRecord = LineRecord Text Text Text Word32 MetricValue data LineRecord = LineRecord Text Text Text Word32 MetricValue
deriving (Eq, Show) deriving (Eq, Show)
@ -54,6 +65,65 @@ runLineByLine ordering spec = runLineByLineGeneralized ordering spec consum
formatScore :: MetricValue -> Text formatScore :: MetricValue -> Text
formatScore = Data.Text.pack . printf "%f" formatScore = Data.Text.pack . printf "%f"
runWorstFeatures :: ResultOrdering -> GEvalSpecification -> IO ()
runWorstFeatures ordering spec = runLineByLineGeneralized ordering spec consum
where consum :: ConduitT LineRecord Void (ResourceT IO) ()
consum = (rank (lessByMetric $ gesMainMetric spec)
.| featureExtractor
.| uScoresCounter
.| CL.map (encodeUtf8 . formatFeatureWithZScore)
.| CC.unlinesAscii
.| CC.stdout)
formatOutput (LineRecord inp exp out _ score) = Data.Text.intercalate "\t" [
formatScore score,
escapeTabs inp,
escapeTabs exp,
escapeTabs out]
formatScore :: MetricValue -> Text
formatScore = Data.Text.pack . printf "%f"
data RankedFeature = RankedFeature Text Double
deriving (Show)
data FeatureWithZScore = FeatureWithZScore Text Double Int
deriving (Show)
formatFeatureWithZScore :: FeatureWithZScore -> Text
formatFeatureWithZScore (FeatureWithZScore f z c) =
f <> " " <> (pack $ show c) <> " " <> (pack $ printf "%0.20f" z)
featureExtractor :: Monad m => ConduitT (Double, LineRecord) RankedFeature m ()
featureExtractor = CC.map extract .| CC.concat
where extract (rank, LineRecord inLine expLine outLine _ _) =
Prelude.map (\f -> RankedFeature f rank)
$ Data.List.concat [
extractUnigramFeatures "exp" expLine,
extractUnigramFeaturesFromTabbed "in" inLine,
extractUnigramFeatures "out" outLine]
uScoresCounter :: Monad m => ConduitT RankedFeature FeatureWithZScore m ()
uScoresCounter = CC.map (\(RankedFeature feature r) -> (feature, (r, 1)))
.| gobbleAndDo countUScores
.| CC.map (\(f, (r, c)) -> FeatureWithZScore f (zscore (r - minusR c) c (2942 - c)) c)
where countUScores l =
$ M.fromListWith (\(r1, c1) (r2, c2) -> ((r1 + r2), (c1 + c2))) l
minusR c = (c' * (c' + 1)) / 2.0
where c' = fromIntegral c
zscore u n1 n2 = let n1' = fromIntegral n1
n2' = fromIntegral n2
mean = n1' * n2' / 2
sigma = sqrt $ n1' * n2' * (n1' + n2' + 1) / 12
z = (u - mean) / sigma
in cumulative (normalDistr 0.0 1.0) z
lessByMetric :: Metric -> (LineRecord -> LineRecord -> Bool)
lessByMetric metric = lessByMetric' (getMetricOrdering metric)
where lessByMetric' TheHigherTheBetter = (\(LineRecord _ _ _ _ scoreA) (LineRecord _ _ _ _ scoreB) ->
scoreA < scoreB)
lessByMetric' TheLowerTheBetter = (\(LineRecord _ _ _ _ scoreA) (LineRecord _ _ _ _ scoreB) ->
scoreA > scoreB)
runLineByLineGeneralized :: ResultOrdering -> GEvalSpecification -> ConduitT LineRecord Void (ResourceT IO) a -> IO a runLineByLineGeneralized :: ResultOrdering -> GEvalSpecification -> ConduitT LineRecord Void (ResourceT IO) a -> IO a
runLineByLineGeneralized ordering spec consum = do runLineByLineGeneralized ordering spec consum = do
(inputFilePath, expectedFilePath, outFilePath) <- checkAndGetFilesSingleOut True spec (inputFilePath, expectedFilePath, outFilePath) <- checkAndGetFilesSingleOut True spec

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@ -46,6 +46,11 @@ optionsParser = GEvalOptions
<> short 'l' <> short 'l'
<> help "Give scores for each line rather than the whole test set" )) <> help "Give scores for each line rather than the whole test set" ))
<|> <|>
(flag' WorstFeatures
( long "worst-features"
<> short 'w'
<> help "Print a ranking of worst features, i.e. features that worsen the score significantly" ))
(Diff <$> strOption (Diff <$> strOption
( long "diff" ( long "diff"
<> short 'd' <> short 'd'
@ -194,6 +199,9 @@ runGEval''' (Just PrintVersion) _ _ = do
runGEval''' (Just LineByLine) ordering spec = do runGEval''' (Just LineByLine) ordering spec = do
runLineByLine ordering spec runLineByLine ordering spec
return Nothing return Nothing
runGEval''' (Just WorstFeatures) ordering spec = do
runWorstFeatures ordering spec
return Nothing
runGEval''' (Just (Diff otherOut)) ordering spec = do runGEval''' (Just (Diff otherOut)) ordering spec = do
runDiff ordering otherOut spec runDiff ordering otherOut spec
return Nothing return Nothing