improve documentation

This commit is contained in:
Filip Gralinski 2018-06-12 21:52:18 +02:00
parent 590b3726cc
commit 1073407760
2 changed files with 102 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -52,7 +52,29 @@ Let us download a challenge:
The task is to predict the sentiment of a Polish short text -- whether
it is positive or negative (or to be precise: to guess whether a
positive or negative emoticon was used).
positive or negative emoticon was used). The train set is given
in the `train/train.tsv.xz` file, each item is given in a separate file,
have a look at the first 5 items:
xzcat train/train.tsv.xz | head -n 5
Now let's try to evaluate some solution to this challenge. Let's fetch it:
git fetch git:// submission-01865
git reset --hard FECH_HEAD
and now run geval:
geval -t dev-0
(You need to run `dev-0` test as the expected results for the `test-A`
test is hidden from you.) The evaluation result is 0.47481. This might
be hard to interpret, so you could try other metrics.
geval -t dev-0 --metric Accuracy --metric Likelihood
So now you can see that the accuracy is over 78% and the likelihood
(i.e. geometric mean of probabilities of the correct classes) is 0.62.
## Preparing a Gonito challenge

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@ -85,8 +85,10 @@ type MetricValue = Double
defaultLogLossHashedSize :: Word32
defaultLogLossHashedSize = 10
data Metric = RMSE | MSE | BLEU | Accuracy | ClippEU | FMeasure Double | NMI | LogLossHashed Word32 | CharMatch
| MAP | LogLoss | Likelihood | BIOF1 | BIOF1Labels | LikelihoodHashed Word32
-- | evaluation metric
data Metric = RMSE | MSE | BLEU | Accuracy | ClippEU | FMeasure Double | NMI
| LogLossHashed Word32 | CharMatch | MAP | LogLoss | Likelihood
| BIOF1 | BIOF1Labels | LikelihoodHashed Word32
deriving (Eq)
instance Show Metric where
@ -141,6 +143,7 @@ instance Read Metric where
data MetricOrdering = TheLowerTheBetter | TheHigherTheBetter
-- | Returns what is preferred for a given metric: high values or low values.
getMetricOrdering :: Metric -> MetricOrdering
getMetricOrdering RMSE = TheLowerTheBetter
getMetricOrdering MSE = TheLowerTheBetter
@ -174,6 +177,7 @@ defaultMetric = RMSE
configFileName :: FilePath
configFileName = "config.txt"
-- | Specification of an evaluation task to be done.
data GEvalSpecification = GEvalSpecification
{ gesOutDirectory :: FilePath,
gesExpectedDirectory :: Maybe FilePath,
@ -327,7 +331,15 @@ singleLineAsLineSource :: LineInFile -> LineSource (ResourceT IO)
singleLineAsLineSource (LineInFile sourceSpec lineNo line) =
LineSource (CL.sourceList [line]) sourceSpec lineNo
gevalCore :: Metric -> SourceSpec -> SourceSpec -> SourceSpec -> IO (MetricValue)
-- | Runs evaluation for a given metric using the sources specified
-- for input, expected output and output. Returns the metric value.
-- Throws @GEvalException@ if something was wrong in the data (e.g.
-- inconsistent number of lines in the sources).
gevalCore :: Metric -- ^ evaluation metric
-> SourceSpec -- ^ source specification for the input values
-> SourceSpec -- ^ source specification for the expected output
-> SourceSpec -- ^ source specification for the output
-> IO (MetricValue) -- ^ metric value for the output against the expected output
gevalCore metric inputSource expectedSource outSource = do
whenM (isEmptyFileSource outSource) $ throwM $ EmptyOutput
gevalCoreOnSources metric
@ -341,11 +353,25 @@ isEmptyFileSource _ = return False
logLossToLikehood logLoss = exp (-logLoss)
gevalCoreOnSources :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadUnliftIO m) => Metric
-> LineSource (ResourceT m)
-> LineSource (ResourceT m)
-> LineSource (ResourceT m)
-> m (MetricValue)
-- | Runs evaluation for a given metric using the sources given
-- for input, expected output and output. Returns the metric value.
-- Throws @GEvalException@ if something was wrong in the data (e.g.
-- inconsistent number of lines in the sources).
-- The difference between this and @gevalCore@ is that it operates on Conduit
-- sources (rather than source specification).
-- This could be specialised for particular metrics, if they could be
-- calculated from other metrics in a trivial fashion (e.g. @RMSE@
-- which is just a square root of @MSE@). Otherwise a metric should be
-- defined in @gevalCore'@ and @gevalCoreWithoutInput@ helper
-- functions.
gevalCoreOnSources :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadUnliftIO m) =>
Metric -- ^ evaluation metric
-> LineSource (ResourceT m) -- ^ source of the input values
-> LineSource (ResourceT m) -- ^ source to read the expected output
-> LineSource (ResourceT m) -- ^ source to read the output
-> m (MetricValue) -- ^ metric values for the output against the expected output
gevalCoreOnSources RMSE inputLineSource expectedLineSource outLineSource = do
mse <- gevalCoreOnSources MSE inputLineSource expectedLineSource outLineSource
return $ mse ** 0.5
@ -363,7 +389,20 @@ gevalCoreOnSources metric inputLineSource expectedLineSource outLineSource = do
data LineInFile = LineInFile SourceSpec Word32 Text
gevalCore' :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadUnliftIO m) => Metric -> LineSource (ResourceT m) -> LineSource (ResourceT m) -> LineSource (ResourceT m) -> m (MetricValue)
-- | Runs evaluation for a given metric using the sources given
-- for input, expected output and output. Returns the metric value.
-- Throws @GEvalException@ if something was wrong in the data (e.g.
-- inconsistent number of lines in the sources).
-- Metrics are starting to be really defined here, though when the
-- input is not needed for doing the evaluation (which is not in most
-- cases), the work is delegated to @gevalCoreWithoutInput@ function.
gevalCore' :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadUnliftIO m) =>
Metric -- ^ evaluation metric
-> LineSource (ResourceT m) -- ^ source of the input values
-> LineSource (ResourceT m) -- ^ source to read the expected output
-> LineSource (ResourceT m) -- ^ source to read the output
-> m (MetricValue) -- ^ metric values for the output against the expected output
gevalCore' MSE _ = gevalCoreWithoutInput outParser outParser itemError averageC id
where outParser = getValue . TR.double
@ -479,7 +518,19 @@ data SourceItem a = Got a | Wrong String | Done
skipLineNumber :: (x -> c) -> ((Word32, x) -> c)
skipLineNumber fun = fun . snd
gevalCoreWithoutInput :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadIO m) => (Text -> Either String a) -> (Text -> Either String b) -> ((a, b) -> c) -> (Sink c (ResourceT m) d) -> (d -> Double) -> LineSource (ResourceT m) -> LineSource (ResourceT m) -> m (MetricValue)
-- | A helper function to run evaluation when the input is not needed to calculate the metric value.
gevalCoreWithoutInput :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadIO m) =>
(Text -> Either String a) -> -- ^ parser for values in the expected output
(Text -> Either String b) -> -- ^ parser for values in the output
((a, b) -> c) -> -- ^ function which combines parsed values into a single value
-- (will be launched for each item, e.g. an error/cost function
-- could be calculated here)
(Sink c (ResourceT m) d) -> -- ^ a Conduit which aggregates all the combined values into
-- a "total" value
(d -> Double) -> -- ^ function to transform the "total" value into the final score
LineSource (ResourceT m) -> -- ^ source to read the expected output
LineSource (ResourceT m) -> -- ^ source to read the output
m (MetricValue) -- ^ metric values for the output against the expected output
gevalCoreWithoutInput expParser outParser itemStep aggregator finalStep expectedLineStream outLineStream =
gevalCoreGeneralized (ParserSpecWithoutInput expParser outParser) (trans itemStep) aggregator finalStep (WithoutInput expectedLineStream outLineStream)
@ -493,7 +544,18 @@ gevalCore''' parserSpec itemStep aggregator finalStep context =
trans :: ((Word32, (a, b)) -> c) -> (Word32, ParsedRecord (WithoutInput m a b)) -> c
trans step (n, ParsedRecordWithoutInput x y) = step (n, (x, y))
gevalCoreGeneralized :: (EvaluationContext ctxt m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadIO m) => ParserSpec ctxt -> (ParsedRecord ctxt -> c) -> (Sink c (ResourceT m) d) -> (d -> Double) -> ctxt -> m (MetricValue)
-- | General function to run the evaluation, no matter which particular metric
-- was used. It could be seen as the "engine" to run the evaluation.
-- If you are defining a new metric, you usually don't have to change anything
-- here.
gevalCoreGeneralized :: (EvaluationContext ctxt m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadIO m) =>
ParserSpec ctxt -> -- ^ parsers to parse data
(ParsedRecord ctxt -> c) -> -- ^ function to go from the parsed value into
-- some "local" score calculated for each line (item)
(Sink c (ResourceT m) d) -> -- ^ a Conduit to aggregate score into a "total"
(d -> Double) -> -- ^ function to transform the "total" value into the final score
ctxt -> -- ^ "context", i.e. 2 or 3 sources needed to operate
m (MetricValue)
gevalCoreGeneralized parserSpec itemStep aggregator finalStep context =
gevalCoreGeneralized' parserSpec (skipLineNumber itemStep) aggregator finalStep context
@ -502,9 +564,14 @@ gevalCoreGeneralized' parserSpec itemStep aggregator finalStep context = do
v <- runResourceT $
(((getZipSource $ (,)
<$> ZipSource (CL.sourceList [(getFirstLineNo (Proxy :: Proxy m) context)..])
<*> (ZipSource $ recordSource context parserSpec)) =$= (checkStep (Proxy :: Proxy m) itemStep)) $$ CL.catMaybes =$ aggregator)
<*> (ZipSource $ recordSource context parserSpec)) .| (checkStep (Proxy :: Proxy m) itemStep)) $$ CL.catMaybes =$ aggregator)
return $ finalStep v
-- | A type family to handle all the evaluation "context".
-- This is needed as for some metrics the output and the expected metric is enough
-- (see the @WithoutInput@ instance), but for some the input is also needed to do
-- the evaluation (see the @WithInput@ instance).
class EvaluationContext ctxt m where
data ParserSpec ctxt :: *
data WrappedParsedRecord ctxt :: *