Add Haversine metric
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ library
, GEval.CreateChallenge
, GEval.OptionsParser
, GEval.BLEU
, GEval.Haversine
, GEval.Clippings
, GEval.PrecisionRecall
, GEval.ClusteringMetrics
@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ isPreprocessable (MultiLabelFMeasure _ _) = True
isPreprocessable MultiLabelLogLoss = False
isPreprocessable MultiLabelLikelihood = False
isPreprocessable (Mean metric) = isPreprocessable metric
isPreprocessable Haversine = False
defaultOutDirectory = "."
defaultTestName = "test-A"
@ -1001,6 +1002,7 @@ continueGEvalCalculations SAMultiLabelLogLoss MultiLabelLogLoss = defineContinua
continueGEvalCalculations SAHaversine Haversine = defineContinuation averageC id noGraph
defineContinuation :: (ConduitT c Void (ResourceT m) d) -- ^ a Conduit which aggregates all the combined values into
-- a "total" value
@ -115,6 +115,15 @@ Do OCR.
This is a sample fake challenge for Gonito framework. Replace it with
the description of your challenge.|] ++ (commonReadmeMDContents testName)
readmeMDContents Haversine testName = [i|
GEval simple sphere distance
Compute distance between two points on a sphere given their longitudes and latitudes.
This is a sample fake challenge for Gonito framework. Replace it with
the description of your challenge.|] ++ (commonReadmeMDContents testName)
readmeMDContents Accuracy testName = [i|
GEval sample classification challenge
@ -462,6 +471,11 @@ configContents schemes format testName =
-- for the time being we are using the original function.
trainInContents :: Metric -> String
trainInContents Haversine = unlines
$ map last
$ map (splitOn "\t")
$ lines
$ trainContents Haversine
trainInContents metric = unlines
$ map (intercalate "\t")
$ map tail
@ -470,6 +484,12 @@ trainInContents metric = unlines
$ trainContents metric
trainExpectedContents :: Metric -> String
trainExpectedContents Haversine = unlines
$ map (intercalate "\t")
$ map (take 2)
$ map (splitOn "\t")
$ lines
$ trainContents Haversine
trainExpectedContents metric = unlines $ map head $ map (splitOn "\t") $ lines $ trainContents metric
trainContents :: Metric -> String
@ -484,6 +504,9 @@ trainContents CER = [hereLit|Hannibal ad portas train1.pdf
equo ne credite train2.pdf
errare humanum est train3.pdf
trainContents Haversine = [hereLit|30.47547 -90.100911 some text
33.399478 -110.87095 Another text
trainContents Accuracy = [hereLit|Y 10 none yes
N -2 strong no
@ -645,6 +668,8 @@ devInContents (Soft2DFMeasure _) = devInContents ClippEU
devInContents ClippEU = [hereLit|file1.djvu
devInContents Haversine = [hereLit|Some dev text
devInContents _ = [hereLit|0.72 0 0.007
9.54 62 0.054
@ -719,6 +744,8 @@ devExpectedContents (Soft2DFMeasure _) = [hereLit|
devExpectedContents ClippEU = [hereLit|
10/10,20,30,100/5 3/0,50,500,500/5
devExpectedContents Haversine = [hereLit|32.812883 -109.625582
devExpectedContents _ = [hereLit|0.82
@ -794,6 +821,9 @@ testInContents (Soft2DFMeasure _) = testInContents ClippEU
testInContents ClippEU = [hereLit|file3.djvu
testInContents Haversine = [hereLit|Some test text
Another test text
testInContents _ = [hereLit|0.72 0 0.007
9.54 62 0.054
@ -871,6 +901,9 @@ testExpectedContents ClippEU = [hereLit|3/0,0,100,100/10
testExpectedContents GLEU = [hereLit|Alice has a black cat
testExpectedContents Haversine = [hereLit|39.575264 -76.995928
29.949932 -90.070116
testExpectedContents _ = [hereLit|0.11
@ -921,6 +954,7 @@ inHeaderContents MultiLabelLikelihood = inHeaderContents MultiLabelLogLoss
inHeaderContents MultiLabelLogLoss = Just ["Utterance"]
inHeaderContents (Soft2DFMeasure _) = inHeaderContents ClippEU
inHeaderContents ClippEU = Just ["DjvuFilePath"]
inHeaderContents Haversine = Just ["Text"]
inHeaderContents _ = Just ["OrbitalPeriod", "OrbitalEccentricity", "NumberOfMoons"]
outHeaderContents :: Metric -> Maybe [String]
@ -951,6 +985,7 @@ outHeaderContents MultiLabelLikelihood = outHeaderContents MultiLabelLogLoss
outHeaderContents MultiLabelLogLoss = Just ["Emotion"]
outHeaderContents (Soft2DFMeasure _) = Just ["Rectangle"]
outHeaderContents ClippEU = Just ["Rectangle"]
outHeaderContents Haversine = Just ["Longitude", "Latitude"]
outHeaderContents _ = Just ["Mass"]
gitignoreContents :: String
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module GEval.Haversine
haversine :: ((Double, Double), (Double, Double)) -> Double
haversine ((longitude_1, latitude_1), (longitude_2, latitude_2)) = hav longitude_1_rad latitude_1_rad longitude_2_rad latitude_2_rad
longitude_1_rad = toRadians longitude_1
latitude_1_rad = toRadians latitude_1
longitude_2_rad = toRadians longitude_2
latitude_2_rad = toRadians latitude_2
hav :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double
hav longitude_1 latitude_1 longitude_2 latitude_2 = 2 * asin (sqrt h) * r
r = 6371.0 -- Radius of earth in kilometers. Use 3956 for miles
longitude = longitude_2 - longitude_1
latitude = latitude_2 - latitude_1
h = hav_ longitude + cos latitude * cos latitude * hav_ latitude
hav_ :: Double -> Double
hav_ x = sin(x / 2) ** 2
toRadians :: Double -> Double
toRadians degrees = degrees * pi / 180.0
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ data Metric = RMSE | MSE | Pearson | Spearman | BLEU | GLEU | WER | CER | Accura
| SoftFMeasure Double | ProbabilisticMultiLabelFMeasure Double
| ProbabilisticSoftFMeasure Double | Soft2DFMeasure Double
| FLCFMeasure Double
| Haversine
-- it would be better to avoid infinite recursion here
-- `Mean (Mean BLEU)` is not useful, but as it would mean
-- a larger refactor, we will postpone this
@ -88,6 +89,7 @@ instance Show Metric where
show (MultiLabelFMeasure beta (Harden matchSpec)) = "Harden/" ++ (show $ MultiLabelFMeasure beta matchSpec)
show MultiLabelLogLoss = "MultiLabel-Logloss"
show MultiLabelLikelihood = "MultiLabel-Likelihood"
show Haversine = "Haversine"
show (Mean metric) = "Mean/" ++ (show metric)
applyMatchingSpecification :: (MatchingSpecification -> MatchingSpecification)
@ -166,6 +168,7 @@ instance Read Metric where
readsPrec _ ('S':'M':'A':'P':'E':theRest) = [(SMAPE, theRest)]
readsPrec _ ('M':'u':'l':'t':'i':'L':'a':'b':'e':'l':'-':'L':'o':'g':'L':'o':'s':'s':theRest) = [(MultiLabelLogLoss, theRest)]
readsPrec _ ('M':'u':'l':'t':'i':'L':'a':'b':'e':'l':'-':'L':'i':'k':'e':'l':'i':'h':'o':'o':'d':theRest) = [(MultiLabelLikelihood, theRest)]
readsPrec _ ('H':'a':'v':'e':'r':'s':'i':'n':'e':theRest) = [(Haversine, theRest)]
@ -206,6 +209,7 @@ getMetricOrdering SMAPE = TheLowerTheBetter
getMetricOrdering (MultiLabelFMeasure _ _) = TheHigherTheBetter
getMetricOrdering MultiLabelLogLoss = TheLowerTheBetter
getMetricOrdering MultiLabelLikelihood = TheHigherTheBetter
getMetricOrdering Haversine = TheLowerTheBetter
getMetricOrdering (Mean metric) = getMetricOrdering metric
metricCompare :: Metric -> MetricValue -> MetricValue -> Ordering
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ import GEval.BIO (TaggedEntity, parseBioSequenceIntoEntities, parseBioSequenceIn
import GEval.LogLossHashed (parseWordSpecs, wordSpecToPair)
import GEval.ProbList (ProbList(..), parseIntoProbList, WordWithProb(..), countLogLossOnProbList)
import GEval.MatchingSpecification
import GEval.Haversine
-- | Helper type so that singleton can be used.
-- | (The problem is that some metrics are parametrized by Double
@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ singletons [d|data AMetric = ARMSE | AMSE | APearson | ASpearman | ABLEU | AGLEU
| ABIOF1 | ABIOF1Labels | ATokenAccuracy | ASegmentAccuracy | ALikelihoodHashed | AMAE | ASMAPE | AMultiLabelFMeasure MatchingSpecification
| AMultiLabelLogLoss | AMultiLabelLikelihood
| ASoftFMeasure | AProbabilisticMultiLabelFMeasure | AProbabilisticSoftFMeasure | ASoft2DFMeasure
| AFLCFMeasure
| AFLCFMeasure | AHaversine
deriving (Eq)
@ -92,6 +93,7 @@ toHelper (FLCFMeasure _) = AFLCFMeasure
toHelper (ProbabilisticMultiLabelFMeasure _) = AProbabilisticMultiLabelFMeasure
toHelper (ProbabilisticSoftFMeasure _) = AProbabilisticSoftFMeasure
toHelper (Soft2DFMeasure _) = ASoft2DFMeasure
toHelper Haversine = AHaversine
type family ParsedInputType (t :: AMetric) :: * where
ParsedInputType ACharMatch = Text
@ -131,6 +133,7 @@ type family ParsedExpectedType (t :: AMetric) :: * where
ParsedExpectedType (AMultiLabelFMeasure _) = [Text]
ParsedExpectedType AMultiLabelLogLoss = [Text]
ParsedExpectedType AMultiLabelLikelihood = [Text]
ParsedExpectedType AHaversine = (Double, Double)
expectedParser :: SAMetric t -> Text -> Either String (ParsedExpectedType t)
expectedParser SARMSE = doubleParser
@ -166,6 +169,7 @@ expectedParser SASMAPE = doubleParser
expectedParser (SAMultiLabelFMeasure _) = intoWords
expectedParser SAMultiLabelLogLoss = intoWords
expectedParser SAMultiLabelLikelihood = intoWords
expectedParser SAHaversine = parseSpherePoints
type family ParsedOutputType (t :: AMetric) :: * where
ParsedOutputType ABLEU = [String]
@ -178,6 +182,7 @@ type family ParsedOutputType (t :: AMetric) :: * where
ParsedOutputType AProbabilisticMultiLabelFMeasure = [WordWithProb]
ParsedOutputType AMultiLabelLikelihood = ProbList
ParsedOutputType AMultiLabelLogLoss = ProbList
ParsedOutputType AHaversine = (Double, Double)
ParsedOutputType t = ParsedExpectedType t
outputParser :: SAMetric t -> Text -> Either String (ParsedOutputType t)
@ -214,6 +219,7 @@ outputParser SASMAPE = doubleParser
outputParser (SAMultiLabelFMeasure _) = intoWords
outputParser SAMultiLabelLogLoss = Right . parseIntoProbList
outputParser SAMultiLabelLikelihood = Right . parseIntoProbList
outputParser SAHaversine = parseSpherePoints
type family ItemIntermediateRepresentationType (t :: AMetric) :: * where
ItemIntermediateRepresentationType ABLEU = (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int)
@ -241,6 +247,7 @@ type family ItemIntermediateRepresentationType (t :: AMetric) :: * where
ItemIntermediateRepresentationType ACharMatch = (Text, Text)
ItemIntermediateRepresentationType AWER = (Int, Int)
ItemIntermediateRepresentationType ACER = (Int, Int)
ItemIntermediateRepresentationType AHaversine = Double
ItemIntermediateRepresentationType t = Double
itemStep :: SAMetric t -> (ParsedExpectedType t, ParsedOutputType t) -> ItemIntermediateRepresentationType t
@ -278,6 +285,7 @@ itemStep SASMAPE = smape
itemStep (SAMultiLabelFMeasure smatchSpec) = getWeightedCounts (getMatchingFunctionForText $ fromSing smatchSpec)
itemStep SAMultiLabelLogLoss = uncurry countLogLossOnProbList
itemStep SAMultiLabelLikelihood = uncurry countLogLossOnProbList
itemStep SAHaversine = haversine
doubleParser = getValue . TR.double
@ -400,3 +408,12 @@ countHitsAndTotals (es, os) =
| e == (pack "*") = (h, t)
| o `Prelude.elem` (splitOn (pack ";") e) = (h + 1, t + 1)
| otherwise = (h, t + 1)
parseSpherePoints :: Text -> Either String (Double, Double)
parseSpherePoints t = case DLS.splitOn "\t" (unpack t) of
[longitudeStr, latitudeStr] -> case doubleParser (pack longitudeStr) of
Right longitude -> case doubleParser (pack latitudeStr) of
Right latitude -> Right (longitude, latitude)
Left _ -> Left "cannot parse line with latitude of sphere"
Left _ -> Left "cannot parse line with longitude of sphere"
_ -> Left "cannot parse line with longitude and latitude of sphere"
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ listOfAvailableMetrics = [RMSE,
Soft2DFMeasure 1.0,
Soft2DFMeasure 2.0,
Soft2DFMeasure 0.25,
extraInfo :: EvaluationScheme -> Maybe String
@ -103,6 +104,7 @@ isMetricDescribed GLEU = True
isMetricDescribed WER = True
isMetricDescribed CER = True
isMetricDescribed SegmentAccuracy = True
isMetricDescribed Haversine = True
isMetricDescribed _ = False
getEvaluationSchemeDescription :: EvaluationScheme -> String
@ -170,6 +172,10 @@ getMetricDescription SegmentAccuracy =
The percentage of labels in the ground truth retrieved in the actual output is returned.
Accuracy is calculated separately for each item and then averaged.
getMetricDescription Haversine =
[i|The haversine formula determines the great-circle distance between
two points on a sphere given their longitudes and latitudes (in degrees).
outContents :: Metric -> String
outContents (MultiLabelFMeasure _ _) = [hereLit|person/1,3 first-name/1 first-name/3
@ -197,6 +203,9 @@ tabula rasai
outContents SegmentAccuracy = [hereLit|N:1-4 V:5-6 N:8-10 V:12-13 A:15-17
N:1-4 V:6-7 A:9-13
outContents Haversine = [hereLit|39.575264 -56.995928
29.949932 -90.070116
expectedScore :: EvaluationScheme -> MetricValue
expectedScore (EvaluationScheme (MultiLabelFMeasure 1.0 ExactMatch) []) = 0.6666
@ -220,6 +229,8 @@ expectedScore (EvaluationScheme WER [])
= 0.08571
expectedScore (EvaluationScheme CER [])
= 0.14814
expectedScore (EvaluationScheme Haversine [])
= 1044.2633358563135
helpMetricParameterMetricsList :: String
helpMetricParameterMetricsList = intercalate ", " $ map (\s -> (show s) ++ (case extraInfo s of
@ -283,6 +294,9 @@ such a case).
formatDescription WER = formatDescription GLEU
formatDescription CER = [hereLit|Any text, whitespace and punctuation marks are also considered.
formatDescription Haversine = [hereLit|Each line is a latitude and longitude of sphere separated by tabulation,
e.g. "41.558153 -73.051497".
scoreExplanation :: EvaluationScheme -> Maybe String
scoreExplanation (EvaluationScheme (MultiLabelFMeasure _ ExactMatch) [])
@ -135,6 +135,9 @@ main = hspec $ do
runGEvalTest "cer-mean-simple" `shouldReturnAlmost` 0.277777777777778
it "space escaping" $
runGEvalTest "cer-space-escaping" `shouldReturnAlmost` 0.0555555
describe "Haversine" $ do
it "simple example" $
runGEvalTest "haversine" `shouldReturnAlmost` 1951.9351057250876
describe "Accuracy" $ do
it "simple example" $
runGEvalTest "accuracy-simple" `shouldReturnAlmost` 0.6
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
40.735657 -74.172367
21.124312 -73.051497
10.232421 -105.734523
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
--metric Haversine
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
40.735657 -74.172367
41.558153 -73.051497
40.832421 -115.763123
Reference in New Issue
Block a user