More checks in validation
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
* During validation, check the number of columns
* During validation, check the number of lines
* Validate train files
* During validation, check whether the maximum values is obtained with the expected data
* Add --validate option
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: geval
synopsis: Machine learning evaluation tools
description: Please see
@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ module GEval.Metric
import Data.Word
@ -195,6 +197,17 @@ bestPossibleValue metric = case getMetricOrdering metric of
TheLowerTheBetter -> 0.0
TheHigherTheBetter -> 1.0
fixedNumberOfColumnsInExpected :: Metric -> Bool
fixedNumberOfColumnsInExpected MAP = False
fixedNumberOfColumnsInExpected BLEU = False
fixedNumberOfColumnsInExpected GLEU = False
fixedNumberOfColumnsInExpected _ = True
fixedNumberOfColumnsInInput :: Metric -> Bool
fixedNumberOfColumnsInInput (SoftFMeasure _) = False
fixedNumberOfColumnsInInput (ProbabilisticSoftFMeasure _) = False
fixedNumberOfColumnsInInput _ = True
perfectOutLineFromExpectedLine :: Metric -> Text -> Text
perfectOutLineFromExpectedLine (LogLossHashed _) t = t <> ":1.0"
perfectOutLineFromExpectedLine (LikelihoodHashed _) t = t <> ":1.0"
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import qualified Data.Conduit.Text as CT
import Data.Conduit.Binary (sourceFile, sinkFile)
import Data.Conduit.AutoDecompress (autoDecompress)
import Data.Conduit.SmartSource (compressedFilesHandled)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.List (intercalate, nub)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import System.IO.Temp
@ -34,12 +34,15 @@ data ValidationException = NoChallengeDirectory FilePath
| NoReadmeFile FilePath
| NoGitignoreFile FilePath
| EmptyFile FilePath
| VaryingNumberOfLines
| NoTestDirectories
| TooManyInputFiles [FilePath]
| TooManyExpectedFiles [FilePath]
| TooManyTrainFiles [FilePath]
| OutputFileDetected [FilePath]
| CharacterCRDetected FilePath
| SpaceSuffixDetect FilePath
| VaryingNumberOfColumns FilePath
| BestPossibleValueNotObtainedWithExpectedData MetricValue MetricValue
instance Exception ValidationException
@ -51,12 +54,15 @@ instance Show ValidationException where
show (NoReadmeFile filePath) = somethingWrongWithFilesMessage "No file" filePath
show (NoGitignoreFile filePath) = somethingWrongWithFilesMessage "No .gitignore file" filePath
show (EmptyFile filePath) = somethingWrongWithFilesMessage "Empty file" filePath
show VaryingNumberOfLines = "The number of lines in input and expected file is not the same"
show NoTestDirectories = "No directories with test data, expected `dev-0` and/or `test-A` directory"
show (TooManyInputFiles filePaths) = somethingWrongWithFilesMessage "Too many input files" $ intercalate "`, `" filePaths
show (TooManyExpectedFiles filePaths) = somethingWrongWithFilesMessage "Too many expected files" $ intercalate "`, `" filePaths
show (TooManyTrainFiles filePaths) = somethingWrongWithFilesMessage "Too many train files" $ intercalate "`, `" filePaths
show (OutputFileDetected filePaths) = somethingWrongWithFilesMessage "Output file/s detected" $ intercalate "`, `" filePaths
show (CharacterCRDetected filePaths) = somethingWrongWithFilesMessage "Found CR (Carriage Return, 0x0D) character" filePaths
show (SpaceSuffixDetect filePaths) = somethingWrongWithFilesMessage "Found space at the end of line" filePaths
show (VaryingNumberOfColumns filePaths) = somethingWrongWithFilesMessage "The file contains varying number of columns" filePaths
show (BestPossibleValueNotObtainedWithExpectedData expected got) = "The best possible value was not obtained with the expected data, expected: " ++ (show expected) ++ " , obtained: " ++ (show got)
validationChallenge :: FilePath -> GEvalSpecification -> IO ()
@ -69,7 +75,8 @@ validationChallenge challengeDirectory spec = do
checkCorrectFile gitignoreFile
checkCorrectFile readmeFile
testDirectories <- findTestDirs challengeDirectory
checkTestDirectories testDirectories
checkTestDirectories mainMetric testDirectories
checkTrainDirectory mainMetric challengeDirectory
mapM_ (runOnTest spec) testDirectories
@ -77,7 +84,7 @@ validationChallenge challengeDirectory spec = do
configFile = challengeDirectory </> "config.txt"
gitignoreFile = challengeDirectory </> ".gitignore"
readmeFile = challengeDirectory </> ""
mainMetric = head $ gesMetrics spec
checkCorrectFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
checkCorrectFile filePath = do
@ -95,6 +102,19 @@ getFileLines file = runResourceT $ runConduit (sourceFile file
.| T.unpack
.| CL.consume)
countLines :: FilePath -> IO Int
countLines file = do
lines <- getFileLines file
return $ length lines
numberOfColumns :: FilePath -> IO [Int]
numberOfColumns file = runResourceT $ runConduit (sourceFile file
.| autoDecompress
.| CC.decodeUtf8
.| CT.lines
.| (\t -> length $ T.splitOn "\t" t)
.| CL.consume)
createPerfectOutputFromExpected :: Metric -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
createPerfectOutputFromExpected metric expectedFile outFile = do
runResourceT $ runConduit $ (sourceFile expectedFile
@ -116,6 +136,9 @@ findInputFiles = SFF.find never $ fileFilter defaultInputFile
findOutputFiles :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
findOutputFiles = SFF.find never $ fileFilter "out*.tsv"
findTrainFiles :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
findTrainFiles = SFF.find never $ fileFilter "train.tsv"
findExpectedFiles :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
findExpectedFiles = SFF.find never $ fileFilter defaultExpectedFile
@ -131,21 +154,28 @@ fileFilter fileName = (SFF.fileType ==? RegularFile) &&? (SFF.fileName ~~? fileN
exts = Prelude.concat [ "(", intercalate "|" compressedFilesHandled, ")" ]
checkTestDirectories :: [FilePath] -> IO ()
checkTestDirectories [] = throwM NoTestDirectories
checkTestDirectories directories = mapM_ checkTestDirectory directories
checkTestDirectories :: Metric -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
checkTestDirectories _ [] = throwM NoTestDirectories
checkTestDirectories metric directories = mapM_ (checkTestDirectory metric) directories
checkTestDirectory :: FilePath -> IO ()
checkTestDirectory directoryPath = do
checkTestDirectory :: Metric -> FilePath -> IO ()
checkTestDirectory metric directoryPath = do
inputFiles <- findInputFiles directoryPath
when (null inputFiles) $ throw $ NoInputFile inputFile
when (length inputFiles > 1) $ throw $ TooManyInputFiles inputFiles
checkCorrectFile $ head inputFiles
when (fixedNumberOfColumnsInInput metric) $ checkColumns $ head inputFiles
expectedFiles <- findExpectedFiles directoryPath
when (null expectedFiles) $ throw $ NoExpectedFile expectedFile
when (length expectedFiles > 1) $ throw $ TooManyExpectedFiles expectedFiles
checkCorrectFile $ head expectedFiles
when (fixedNumberOfColumnsInExpected metric) $ checkColumns $ head expectedFiles
inputLines <- countLines $ head inputFiles
expectedLines <- countLines $ head expectedFiles
when (inputLines /= expectedLines) $ throw $ VaryingNumberOfLines
outputFiles <- findOutputFiles directoryPath
unless (null outputFiles) $ throw $ OutputFileDetected outputFiles
@ -153,6 +183,24 @@ checkTestDirectory directoryPath = do
inputFile = directoryPath </> defaultInputFile
expectedFile = directoryPath </> defaultExpectedFile
checkTrainDirectory :: Metric -> FilePath -> IO ()
checkTrainDirectory metric challengeDirectory = do
let trainDirectory = challengeDirectory </> "train"
whenM (doesDirectoryExist trainDirectory) $ do
trainFiles <- findTrainFiles trainDirectory
when (null trainFiles) $ throw $ NoInputFile "train.tsv"
when (length trainFiles > 1) $ throw $ TooManyTrainFiles trainFiles
let [trainFile] = trainFiles
checkCorrectFile trainFile
when (fixedNumberOfColumnsInInput metric && fixedNumberOfColumnsInExpected metric) $ do
checkColumns trainFile
checkColumns :: FilePath -> IO ()
checkColumns filePath = do
columns <- numberOfColumns filePath
let uniqueColumns = nub columns
when (length uniqueColumns > 1) $ throw $ VaryingNumberOfColumns filePath
runOnTest :: GEvalSpecification -> FilePath -> IO ()
runOnTest spec testPath = do
[expectedFile] <- findExpectedFiles testPath
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