switch to smart sources
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,32 +11,66 @@ import System.FilePath
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (MonadResource)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (MonadResource)
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Conduit
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import Data.Conduit.Binary (sourceFile)
import Data.Conduit.Binary (sourceFile, sourceHandle)
import Network.HTTP.Conduit
import Network.HTTP.Conduit
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import qualified System.Directory as D
import System.Posix
import System.FilePath
import System.IO (stdin)
import Control.Monad ((<=<), filterM)
data SmartSpec = NoSpec
data SourceSpec =Stdin
| Stdin
| FileNameSpec FilePath
| FilePathSpec FilePath
| FilePathSpec FilePath
| Http String
| Http String
| Https String
| Https String
| GitSpec String (Maybe FilePath)
| GitSpec String FilePath
| PossiblyGitSpec String
| NoSource
deriving (Eq, Show)
deriving (Eq, Show)
--smartSource :: (MonadIO m, MonadResource m) => [FilePath] -> Maybe FilePath -> SmartSpec -> Producer m S.ByteString
recoverPath :: SourceSpec -> String
smartSource defaultDirs defaultFile spec = pureSmartSource defaultDirs spec
recoverPath Stdin = "-"
recoverPath (FilePathSpec filePath) = filePath
recoverPath (Http url) = url
recoverPath (Https url) = url
recoverPath (GitSpec branch filePath) = branch ++ ":" ++ filePath
--pureSmartSource :: (MonadIO m, MonadResource m) => [FilePath] -> SmartSpec -> Producer m S.ByteString
data SmartSourceError = NoFile FilePath
pureSmartSource _ NoSpec = error "No source specification given"
| NoDirectory FilePath
pureSmartSource _ (FileNameSpec fileName) = sourceFile fileName
| NoSpecGiven
pureSmartSource _ (FilePathSpec fileName) = sourceFile fileName
deriving (Eq, Show)
pureSmartSource [] (PossiblyGitSpec spec) = sourceFile spec
pureSmartSource (firstDir:_) (PossiblyGitSpec spec) = sourceFile (firstDir </> spec)
getSmartSourceSpec :: FilePath -> FilePath -> String -> IO (Either SmartSourceError SourceSpec)
--pureSmartSource _ (Https url) = httpSource url
getSmartSourceSpec _ "" "" = return $ Left NoSpecGiven
--pureSmartSource _ (Http url) = httpSource url
getSmartSourceSpec _ _ "-" = return $ Right Stdin
getSmartSourceSpec defaultDirectory defaultFile spec
| "http://" `isPrefixOf` spec = return $ Right $ Http spec
| "https://" `isPrefixOf` spec = return $ Right $ Https spec
| otherwise = do
inDefaultDirectory <- lookForCompressedFiles (defaultDirectory </> spec)
isInDefaultDirectory <- D.doesFileExist inDefaultDirectory
if isInDefaultDirectory
return $ Right $ FilePathSpec inDefaultDirectory
isThere <- D.doesFileExist spec
if isThere
return $ Right $ FilePathSpec spec
isDirectoryThere <- D.doesDirectoryExist defaultDirectory
if isDirectoryThere
return $ Left $ NoFile inDefaultDirectory
return $ Left $ NoDirectory spec
smartSource (FilePathSpec filePath) = sourceFile filePath
smartSource Stdin = sourceHandle stdin
smartSource NoSource = error $ "should not be here"
-- httpSource :: MonadResource m => String -> ConduitM () S.ByteString m ()
-- httpSource :: MonadResource m => String -> ConduitM () S.ByteString m ()
-- httpSource url = do
-- httpSource url = do
@ -47,45 +81,6 @@ pureSmartSource (firstDir:_) (PossiblyGitSpec spec) = sourceFile (firstDir </> s
-- httpsource
-- httpsource
-- lift finalizer
-- lift finalizer
parseSmartSpec :: FilePath -> SmartSpec
parseSmartSpec "" = NoSpec
parseSmartSpec "-" = Stdin
parseSmartSpec spec
| "http://" `isPrefixOf` spec = Http spec
| "https://" `isPrefixOf` spec = Https spec
| otherwise = case elemIndex ':' spec of
Just ix -> let ref = take ix spec in
if checkRefFormat ref
GitSpec ref (if ix == length spec - 1
Just $ drop (ix+1) spec)
Nothing -> if checkRefFormat spec && not ('/' `elem` spec) && not ('.' `elem` spec)
PossiblyGitSpec spec
where fileSpec = (if '/' `elem` spec then FilePathSpec else FileNameSpec) spec
parseSmartSpecInContext :: [FilePath] -> Maybe FilePath -> String -> Maybe SmartSpec
parseSmartSpecInContext defaultDirs defaultFile spec = parseSmartSpecInContext' defaultDirs defaultFile $ parseSmartSpec spec
where parseSmartSpecInContext' _ Nothing NoSpec = Nothing
parseSmartSpecInContext' [] (Just defaultFile) NoSpec = Just $ FileNameSpec defaultFile
parseSmartSpecInContext' (firstDir:_) (Just defaultFile) NoSpec = Just $ FilePathSpec (firstDir </> defaultFile)
parseSmartSpecInContext' (firstDir:_) _ (FileNameSpec fileName) = Just $ FilePathSpec (firstDir </> fileName)
parseSmartSpecInContext' _ Nothing (GitSpec branch Nothing) = Nothing
parseSmartSpecInContext' [] (Just defaultFile) (GitSpec branch Nothing) = Just $ GitSpec branch $ Just defaultFile
parseSmartSpecInContext' (firstDir:_) (Just defaultFile) (GitSpec branch Nothing)
= Just $ GitSpec branch $ Just (firstDir </> defaultFile)
parseSmartSpecInContext' _ _ parsedSpec = Just parsedSpec
checkRefFormat :: String -> Bool
checkRefFormat :: String -> Bool
checkRefFormat ref =
checkRefFormat ref =
not ("./" `isInfixOf` ref) &&
not ("./" `isInfixOf` ref) &&
@ -106,3 +101,21 @@ checkRefFormat ref =
isUnwantedChar '\\' = True
isUnwantedChar '\\' = True
isUnwantedChar '\177' = True
isUnwantedChar '\177' = True
isUnwantedChar c = ord c < 32
isUnwantedChar c = ord c < 32
lookForCompressedFiles :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
lookForCompressedFiles = lookForAlternativeFiles [".gz", ".xz", ".bz2"]
lookForAlternativeFiles :: [String] -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
lookForAlternativeFiles suffixes filePath
| takeExtension filePath `Prelude.elem` suffixes = return filePath
| otherwise = do
fileIsThere <- D.doesFileExist filePath
if fileIsThere
return filePath
found <- Control.Monad.filterM D.doesFileExist $ Prelude.map (filePath <.>) suffixes
return $ case found of
[fp] -> fp
_ -> filePath
@ -34,8 +34,7 @@ module GEval.Core
) where
) where
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Conduit
@ -158,6 +157,10 @@ getMetricOrdering Likelihood = TheHigherTheBetter
getMetricOrdering BIOF1 = TheHigherTheBetter
getMetricOrdering BIOF1 = TheHigherTheBetter
getMetricOrdering BIOF1Labels = TheHigherTheBetter
getMetricOrdering BIOF1Labels = TheHigherTheBetter
isInputNeeded :: Metric -> Bool
isInputNeeded CharMatch = True
isInputNeeded _ = False
defaultOutDirectory = "."
defaultOutDirectory = "."
defaultTestName = "test-A"
defaultTestName = "test-A"
defaultOutFile = "out.tsv"
defaultOutFile = "out.tsv"
@ -247,67 +250,66 @@ isEmptyFile path = do
return ((fileSize stat) == 0)
return ((fileSize stat) == 0)
data LineSource m = LineSource (Source m Text) FilePath Word32
data LineSource m = LineSource (Source m Text) SourceSpec Word32
geval :: GEvalSpecification -> IO (MetricValue)
geval :: GEvalSpecification -> IO (MetricValue)
geval gevalSpec = do
geval gevalSpec = do
(inputFilePath, expectedFilePath, outFilePath) <- checkAndGetFiles gevalSpec
(inputSource, expectedSource, outSource) <- checkAndGetFiles False gevalSpec
gevalCore metric inputFilePath expectedFilePath outFilePath
gevalCore metric inputSource expectedSource outSource
where metric = gesMetric gevalSpec
where metric = gesMetric gevalSpec
checkAndGetFiles :: GEvalSpecification -> IO (FilePath, FilePath, FilePath)
checkAndGetFiles :: Bool -> GEvalSpecification -> IO (SourceSpec, SourceSpec, SourceSpec)
checkAndGetFiles gevalSpec = do
checkAndGetFiles forceInput gevalSpec = do
unlessM (D.doesDirectoryExist outDirectory) $ throwM $ NoOutDirectory outDirectory
oss <- getSmartSourceSpec outTestDirectory "out.tsv" outFile
unlessM (D.doesDirectoryExist expectedDirectory) $ throwM $ NoExpectedDirectory expectedDirectory
case oss of
unlessM (D.doesDirectoryExist outTestDirectory) $ throwM $ NoOutTestDirectory outTestDirectory
Left NoSpecGiven -> throwM $ NoOutFile outFile
unlessM (D.doesDirectoryExist expectedTestDirectory) $ throwM $ NoExpectedTestDirectory expectedTestDirectory
Left (NoFile fp) -> throwM $ NoOutFile fp
inputFilePath <- lookForCompressedFiles inputFilePath'
Left (NoDirectory d) -> do
expectedFilePath <- lookForCompressedFiles expectedFilePath'
unlessM (D.doesDirectoryExist outDirectory) $ throwM $ NoOutDirectory outDirectory
outFilePath <- lookForCompressedFiles outFilePath'
unlessM (D.doesDirectoryExist outTestDirectory) $ throwM $ NoOutTestDirectory outTestDirectory
checkInputFileIfNeeded metric inputFilePath
throwM $ NoOutFile outFile
return (inputFilePath, expectedFilePath, outFilePath)
Right outSource -> do
where expectedFilePath' = expectedTestDirectory </> (gesExpectedFile gevalSpec)
ess <- getSmartSourceSpec expectedTestDirectory "expected.tsv" expectedFile
outFilePath' = getOutFile gevalSpec (gesOutFile gevalSpec)
case ess of
inputFilePath' = expectedTestDirectory </> (gesInputFile gevalSpec)
Left NoSpecGiven -> throwM $ NoExpectedFile expectedFile
expectedTestDirectory = expectedDirectory </> testName
Left (NoFile fp) -> throwM $ NoExpectedFile fp
Left (NoDirectory d) -> do
unlessM (D.doesDirectoryExist expectedDirectory) $ throwM $ NoExpectedDirectory expectedDirectory
unlessM (D.doesDirectoryExist expectedTestDirectory) $ throwM $ NoExpectedTestDirectory expectedTestDirectory
throwM $ NoExpectedDirectory d
Right expectedSource -> do
-- in most cases inputSource is NoSource (unless needed by a metric or in the line-by-line mode)
inputSource <- getInputSourceIfNeeded forceInput metric expectedTestDirectory inputFile
return (inputSource, expectedSource, outSource)
where expectedTestDirectory = expectedDirectory </> testName
outTestDirectory = outDirectory </> testName
outTestDirectory = outDirectory </> testName
expectedDirectory = getExpectedDirectory gevalSpec
expectedDirectory = getExpectedDirectory gevalSpec
outDirectory = gesOutDirectory gevalSpec
outDirectory = gesOutDirectory gevalSpec
testName = gesTestName gevalSpec
testName = gesTestName gevalSpec
outFile = gesOutFile gevalSpec
expectedFile = gesExpectedFile gevalSpec
inputFile = gesInputFile gevalSpec
metric = gesMetric gevalSpec
metric = gesMetric gevalSpec
lookForCompressedFiles :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
lookForCompressedFiles = lookForAlternativeFiles [".gz", ".xz", ".bz2"]
lookForAlternativeFiles :: [String] -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
lookForAlternativeFiles suffixes filePath
| takeExtension filePath `Prelude.elem` suffixes = return filePath
| otherwise = do
fileIsThere <- D.doesFileExist filePath
if fileIsThere
return filePath
found <- Control.Monad.filterM D.doesFileExist $ Prelude.map (filePath <.>) suffixes
return $ case found of
[fp] -> fp
_ -> filePath
getOutFile :: GEvalSpecification -> FilePath -> FilePath
getOutFile :: GEvalSpecification -> FilePath -> FilePath
getOutFile gevalSpec out = outDirectory </> testName </> out
getOutFile gevalSpec out = outDirectory </> testName </> out
where outDirectory = gesOutDirectory gevalSpec
where outDirectory = gesOutDirectory gevalSpec
testName = gesTestName gevalSpec
testName = gesTestName gevalSpec
checkInputFileIfNeeded :: Metric -> FilePath -> IO ()
getInputSourceIfNeeded :: Bool -> Metric -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO SourceSpec
checkInputFileIfNeeded CharMatch inputFilePath = do
getInputSourceIfNeeded forced metric directory inputFilePath
unlessM (D.doesFileExist inputFilePath) $ throwM $ NoInputFile inputFilePath
| forced || (isInputNeeded metric) = do
return ()
iss <- getSmartSourceSpec directory "in.tsv" inputFilePath
checkInputFileIfNeeded _ _ = return ()
case iss of
Left NoSpecGiven -> throwM $ NoInputFile inputFilePath
Left (NoFile fp) -> throwM $ NoInputFile fp
Left (NoDirectory _) -> throwM $ NoInputFile inputFilePath
Right sourceSpec -> return sourceSpec
| otherwise = return NoSource
fileAsLineSource :: FilePath -> LineSource (ResourceT IO)
fileAsLineSource :: SourceSpec -> LineSource (ResourceT IO)
fileAsLineSource filePath =
fileAsLineSource spec =
LineSource (smartSource [] Nothing (parseSmartSpec filePath) $= autoDecompress $= CT.decodeUtf8Lenient =$= CT.lines) filePath 1
LineSource ((smartSource spec) $= autoDecompress $= CT.decodeUtf8Lenient =$= CT.lines) spec 1
gevalCoreOnSingleLines :: Metric -> LineInFile -> LineInFile -> LineInFile -> IO (MetricValue)
gevalCoreOnSingleLines :: Metric -> LineInFile -> LineInFile -> LineInFile -> IO (MetricValue)
gevalCoreOnSingleLines metric inpLine expLine outLine =
gevalCoreOnSingleLines metric inpLine expLine outLine =
@ -316,18 +318,20 @@ gevalCoreOnSingleLines metric inpLine expLine outLine =
(singleLineAsLineSource outLine)
(singleLineAsLineSource outLine)
singleLineAsLineSource :: LineInFile -> LineSource (ResourceT IO)
singleLineAsLineSource :: LineInFile -> LineSource (ResourceT IO)
singleLineAsLineSource (LineInFile filePath lineNo line) =
singleLineAsLineSource (LineInFile sourceSpec lineNo line) =
LineSource (CL.sourceList [line]) filePath lineNo
LineSource (CL.sourceList [line]) sourceSpec lineNo
gevalCore :: Metric -> String -> String -> String -> IO (MetricValue)
gevalCore :: Metric -> SourceSpec -> SourceSpec -> SourceSpec -> IO (MetricValue)
gevalCore metric inputFilePath expectedFilePath outFilePath = do
gevalCore metric inputSource expectedSource outSource = do
unlessM (D.doesFileExist expectedFilePath) $ throwM $ NoExpectedFile expectedFilePath
whenM (isEmptyFileSource outSource) $ throwM $ EmptyOutput
unlessM (D.doesFileExist outFilePath) $ throwM $ NoOutFile outFilePath
whenM (isEmptyFile outFilePath) $ throwM $ EmptyOutput
gevalCoreOnSources metric
gevalCoreOnSources metric
(fileAsLineSource inputFilePath)
(fileAsLineSource inputSource)
(fileAsLineSource expectedFilePath)
(fileAsLineSource expectedSource)
(fileAsLineSource outFilePath)
(fileAsLineSource outSource)
isEmptyFileSource :: SourceSpec -> IO Bool
isEmptyFileSource (FilePathSpec filePath) = isEmptyFile filePath
isEmptyFileSource _ = return False
logLossToLikehood logLoss = exp (-logLoss)
logLossToLikehood logLoss = exp (-logLoss)
@ -351,7 +355,7 @@ gevalCoreOnSources (LikelihoodHashed b) inputLineSource expectedLineSource outLi
gevalCoreOnSources metric inputLineSource expectedLineSource outLineSource = do
gevalCoreOnSources metric inputLineSource expectedLineSource outLineSource = do
gevalCore' metric inputLineSource expectedLineSource outLineSource
gevalCore' metric inputLineSource expectedLineSource outLineSource
data LineInFile = LineInFile FilePath Word32 Text
data LineInFile = LineInFile SourceSpec Word32 Text
gevalCore' :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadUnliftIO m) => Metric -> LineSource (ResourceT m) -> LineSource (ResourceT m) -> LineSource (ResourceT m) -> m (MetricValue)
gevalCore' :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadUnliftIO m) => Metric -> LineSource (ResourceT m) -> LineSource (ResourceT m) -> LineSource (ResourceT m) -> m (MetricValue)
gevalCore' MSE _ = gevalCoreWithoutInput outParser outParser itemError averageC id
gevalCore' MSE _ = gevalCoreWithoutInput outParser outParser itemError averageC id
@ -501,8 +505,8 @@ class EvaluationContext ctxt m where
data ParsedRecord ctxt :: *
data ParsedRecord ctxt :: *
recordSource :: ctxt -> ParserSpec ctxt -> Source (ResourceT m) (WrappedParsedRecord ctxt)
recordSource :: ctxt -> ParserSpec ctxt -> Source (ResourceT m) (WrappedParsedRecord ctxt)
getFirstLineNo :: Proxy m -> ctxt -> Word32
getFirstLineNo :: Proxy m -> ctxt -> Word32
getExpectedFilePath :: ctxt -> String
getExpectedSource :: ctxt -> SourceSpec
getOutFilePath :: ctxt -> String
getOutSource :: ctxt -> SourceSpec
checkStep :: Proxy m -> ((Word32, ParsedRecord ctxt) -> c) -> (Word32, WrappedParsedRecord ctxt) -> Maybe c
checkStep :: Proxy m -> ((Word32, ParsedRecord ctxt) -> c) -> (Word32, WrappedParsedRecord ctxt) -> Maybe c
checkStepM :: ((Word32, ParsedRecord ctxt) -> (ResourceT m) c) -> (Word32, WrappedParsedRecord ctxt) -> (ResourceT m) (Maybe c)
checkStepM :: ((Word32, ParsedRecord ctxt) -> (ResourceT m) c) -> (Word32, WrappedParsedRecord ctxt) -> (ResourceT m) (Maybe c)
@ -513,8 +517,8 @@ instance (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => EvaluationContext (Withou
data WrappedParsedRecord (WithoutInput m e o) = WrappedParsedRecordWithoutInput (SourceItem e) (SourceItem o)
data WrappedParsedRecord (WithoutInput m e o) = WrappedParsedRecordWithoutInput (SourceItem e) (SourceItem o)
data ParsedRecord (WithoutInput m e o) = ParsedRecordWithoutInput e o
data ParsedRecord (WithoutInput m e o) = ParsedRecordWithoutInput e o
getFirstLineNo _ (WithoutInput _ (LineSource _ _ lineNo)) = lineNo
getFirstLineNo _ (WithoutInput _ (LineSource _ _ lineNo)) = lineNo
getExpectedFilePath (WithoutInput (LineSource _ expectedFilePath _) _) = expectedFilePath
getExpectedSource (WithoutInput (LineSource _ expectedSource _) _) = expectedSource
getOutFilePath (WithoutInput _ (LineSource _ outFilePath _)) = outFilePath
getOutSource (WithoutInput _ (LineSource _ outSource _)) = outSource
recordSource (WithoutInput expectedLineSource outLineSource) (ParserSpecWithoutInput expParser outParser) = getZipSource $ WrappedParsedRecordWithoutInput
recordSource (WithoutInput expectedLineSource outLineSource) (ParserSpecWithoutInput expParser outParser) = getZipSource $ WrappedParsedRecordWithoutInput
<$> ZipSource (items expectedLineSource expParser)
<$> ZipSource (items expectedLineSource expParser)
<*> ZipSource (items outLineSource outParser)
<*> ZipSource (items outLineSource outParser)
@ -542,8 +546,8 @@ instance (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => EvaluationContext (WithIn
data WrappedParsedRecord (WithInput m i e o) = WrappedParsedRecordWithInput (SourceItem i) (SourceItem e) (SourceItem o)
data WrappedParsedRecord (WithInput m i e o) = WrappedParsedRecordWithInput (SourceItem i) (SourceItem e) (SourceItem o)
data ParsedRecord (WithInput m i e o) = ParsedRecordWithInput i e o
data ParsedRecord (WithInput m i e o) = ParsedRecordWithInput i e o
getFirstLineNo _ (WithInput _ _ (LineSource _ _ lineNo)) = lineNo
getFirstLineNo _ (WithInput _ _ (LineSource _ _ lineNo)) = lineNo
getExpectedFilePath (WithInput _ (LineSource _ expectedFilePath _) _) = expectedFilePath
getExpectedSource (WithInput _ (LineSource _ expectedSource _) _) = expectedSource
getOutFilePath (WithInput _ _ (LineSource _ outFilePath _)) = outFilePath
getOutSource (WithInput _ _ (LineSource _ outSource _)) = outSource
recordSource (WithInput inputLineSource expectedLineSource outLineSource) (ParserSpecWithInput inpParser expParser outParser) = getZipSource $ (\x (y,z) -> WrappedParsedRecordWithInput x y z)
recordSource (WithInput inputLineSource expectedLineSource outLineSource) (ParserSpecWithInput inpParser expParser outParser) = getZipSource $ (\x (y,z) -> WrappedParsedRecordWithInput x y z)
<$> ZipSource (items inputLineSource inpParser) <*> (ZipSource $ getZipSource $ (,)
<$> ZipSource (items inputLineSource inpParser) <*> (ZipSource $ getZipSource $ (,)
<$> ZipSource (items expectedLineSource expParser)
<$> ZipSource (items expectedLineSource expParser)
@ -35,6 +35,10 @@ import Data.Word
import Text.Printf
import Text.Printf
import Data.Conduit.SmartSource
import System.FilePath
data LineRecord = LineRecord Text Text Text Word32 MetricValue
data LineRecord = LineRecord Text Text Text Word32 MetricValue
deriving (Eq, Show)
deriving (Eq, Show)
@ -52,7 +56,7 @@ runLineByLine ordering spec = runLineByLineGeneralized ordering spec consum
runLineByLineGeneralized :: ResultOrdering -> GEvalSpecification -> ConduitT LineRecord Void (ResourceT IO) a -> IO a
runLineByLineGeneralized :: ResultOrdering -> GEvalSpecification -> ConduitT LineRecord Void (ResourceT IO) a -> IO a
runLineByLineGeneralized ordering spec consum = do
runLineByLineGeneralized ordering spec consum = do
(inputFilePath, expectedFilePath, outFilePath) <- checkAndGetFiles spec
(inputFilePath, expectedFilePath, outFilePath) <- checkAndGetFiles True spec
gevalLineByLineCore metric inputFilePath expectedFilePath outFilePath (sorter ordering .| consum)
gevalLineByLineCore metric inputFilePath expectedFilePath outFilePath (sorter ordering .| consum)
where metric = gesMetric spec
where metric = gesMetric spec
sorter KeepTheOriginalOrder = doNothing
sorter KeepTheOriginalOrder = doNothing
@ -84,14 +88,19 @@ runDiff ordering otherOut spec = runDiffGeneralized ordering otherOut spec consu
runDiffGeneralized :: ResultOrdering -> FilePath -> GEvalSpecification -> ConduitT (LineRecord, LineRecord) Void (ResourceT IO) a -> IO a
runDiffGeneralized :: ResultOrdering -> FilePath -> GEvalSpecification -> ConduitT (LineRecord, LineRecord) Void (ResourceT IO) a -> IO a
runDiffGeneralized ordering otherOut spec consum = do
runDiffGeneralized ordering otherOut spec consum = do
let otherOutFilePath = getOutFile spec otherOut
(inputSource, expectedSource, outSource) <- checkAndGetFiles True spec
(inputFilePath, expectedFilePath, outFilePath) <- checkAndGetFiles spec
ooss <- getSmartSourceSpec ((gesOutDirectory spec) </> (gesTestName spec)) "out.tsv" otherOut
let sourceA = gevalLineByLineSource metric inputFilePath expectedFilePath outFilePath
case ooss of
let sourceB = gevalLineByLineSource metric inputFilePath expectedFilePath otherOutFilePath
Left NoSpecGiven -> throwM $ NoOutFile otherOut
runResourceT $ runConduit $
Left (NoFile fp) -> throwM $ NoOutFile fp
((getZipSource $ (,)
Left (NoDirectory d) -> throwM $ NoOutFile otherOut
<$> ZipSource sourceA
Right otherOutSource -> do
<*> ZipSource sourceB) .| sorter ordering .| consum)
let sourceA = gevalLineByLineSource metric inputSource expectedSource outSource
let sourceB = gevalLineByLineSource metric inputSource expectedSource otherOutSource
runResourceT $ runConduit $
((getZipSource $ (,)
<$> ZipSource sourceA
<*> ZipSource sourceB) .| sorter ordering .| consum)
where metric = gesMetric spec
where metric = gesMetric spec
sorter KeepTheOriginalOrder = doNothing
sorter KeepTheOriginalOrder = doNothing
sorter ordering = gobbleAndDo $ sortBy (sortOrder ordering (getMetricOrdering metric))
sorter ordering = gobbleAndDo $ sortBy (sortOrder ordering (getMetricOrdering metric))
@ -106,24 +115,24 @@ runDiffGeneralized ordering otherOut spec consum = do
escapeTabs :: Text -> Text
escapeTabs :: Text -> Text
escapeTabs = Data.Text.replace "\t" "<tab>"
escapeTabs = Data.Text.replace "\t" "<tab>"
gevalLineByLineCore :: Metric -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> ConduitT LineRecord Void (ResourceT IO) a -> IO a
gevalLineByLineCore :: Metric -> SourceSpec -> SourceSpec -> SourceSpec -> ConduitT LineRecord Void (ResourceT IO) a -> IO a
gevalLineByLineCore metric inputFilePath expectedFilePath outFilePath consum =
gevalLineByLineCore metric inputSource expectedSource outSource consum =
runResourceT $ runConduit $
runResourceT $ runConduit $
((gevalLineByLineSource metric inputFilePath expectedFilePath outFilePath) .| consum)
((gevalLineByLineSource metric inputSource expectedSource outSource) .| consum)
gevalLineByLineSource :: Metric -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> ConduitT () LineRecord (ResourceT IO) ()
gevalLineByLineSource :: Metric -> SourceSpec -> SourceSpec -> SourceSpec -> ConduitT () LineRecord (ResourceT IO) ()
gevalLineByLineSource metric inputFilePath expectedFilePath outFilePath =
gevalLineByLineSource metric inputSource expectedSource outSource =
(getZipSource $ (,)
(getZipSource $ (,)
<$> ZipSource (CL.sourceList [1..])
<$> ZipSource (CL.sourceList [1..])
<*> (ZipSource $ recordSource context parserSpec)) .| CL.mapM (checkStepM evaluateLine) .| CL.catMaybes
<*> (ZipSource $ recordSource context parserSpec)) .| CL.mapM (checkStepM evaluateLine) .| CL.catMaybes
where parserSpec = (ParserSpecWithInput (Right . id) (Right . id) (Right . id))
where parserSpec = (ParserSpecWithInput (Right . id) (Right . id) (Right . id))
context = (WithInput inputLineSource expectedLineSource outputLineSource)
context = (WithInput inputLineSource expectedLineSource outputLineSource)
inputLineSource = fileAsLineSource inputFilePath
inputLineSource = fileAsLineSource inputSource
expectedLineSource = fileAsLineSource expectedFilePath
expectedLineSource = fileAsLineSource expectedSource
outputLineSource = fileAsLineSource outFilePath
outputLineSource = fileAsLineSource outSource
justLine (LineInFile _ _ l) = l
justLine (LineInFile _ _ l) = l
evaluateLine (lineNo, ParsedRecordWithInput inp exp out) = do
evaluateLine (lineNo, ParsedRecordWithInput inp exp out) = do
s <- liftIO $ gevalCoreOnSingleLines metric (LineInFile inputFilePath lineNo inp)
s <- liftIO $ gevalCoreOnSingleLines metric (LineInFile inputSource lineNo inp)
(LineInFile expectedFilePath lineNo exp)
(LineInFile expectedSource lineNo exp)
(LineInFile outFilePath lineNo out)
(LineInFile outSource lineNo out)
return $ LineRecord inp exp out lineNo s
return $ LineRecord inp exp out lineNo s
@ -207,9 +207,9 @@ main = hspec $ do
runGEvalTest "likelihood-simple" `shouldReturnAlmost` 0.72742818469866
runGEvalTest "likelihood-simple" `shouldReturnAlmost` 0.72742818469866
describe "evaluating single lines" $ do
describe "evaluating single lines" $ do
it "RMSE" $ do
it "RMSE" $ do
gevalCoreOnSingleLines RMSE (LineInFile "stub1" 1 "blabla")
gevalCoreOnSingleLines RMSE (LineInFile (FilePathSpec "stub1") 1 "blabla")
(LineInFile "stub2" 1 "3.4")
(LineInFile (FilePathSpec "stub2") 1 "3.4")
(LineInFile "stub3" 1 "2.6") `shouldReturnAlmost` 0.8
(LineInFile (FilePathSpec "stub3") 1 "2.6") `shouldReturnAlmost` 0.8
describe "BIO format" $ do
describe "BIO format" $ do
it "just parse" $ do
it "just parse" $ do
let (Right r) = parseOnly (bioSequenceParser <* endOfInput) "O B-city/NEW_YORK I-city B-city/KALISZ I-city O B-name"
let (Right r) = parseOnly (bioSequenceParser <* endOfInput) "O B-city/NEW_YORK I-city B-city/KALISZ I-city O B-name"
@ -302,36 +302,20 @@ main = hspec $ do
it "accuracy instead of log loss" $ do
it "accuracy instead of log loss" $ do
runGEvalTestExtraOptions ["--alt-metric", "Accuracy"] "log-loss-hashed-probs" `shouldReturnAlmost` 0.4
runGEvalTestExtraOptions ["--alt-metric", "Accuracy"] "log-loss-hashed-probs" `shouldReturnAlmost` 0.4
describe "smart sources" $ do
describe "smart sources" $ do
it "smart specs are parsed" $ do
it "smart specs are obtained" $ do
parseSmartSpec "" `shouldBe` NoSpec
getSmartSourceSpec "foo" "" "" `shouldReturn` Left NoSpecGiven
parseSmartSpec "-" `shouldBe` Stdin
getSmartSourceSpec "foo" "out.tsv" "-" `shouldReturn` Right Stdin
parseSmartSpec "http://gonito.net/foo" `shouldBe` Http "http://gonito.net/foo"
getSmartSourceSpec "foo" "out.sv" "http://gonito.net/foo" `shouldReturn` (Right $ Http "http://gonito.net/foo")
parseSmartSpec "https://gonito.net" `shouldBe` Https "https://gonito.net"
getSmartSourceSpec "foo" "in.tsv" "https://gonito.net" `shouldReturn` (Right $ Https "https://gonito.net")
parseSmartSpec "branch:" `shouldBe` GitSpec "branch" Nothing
parseSmartSpec "37be:foo/bar.tsv" `shouldBe` GitSpec "37be" (Just "foo/bar.tsv")
parseSmartSpec "bla/xyz:foo/bar.tsv" `shouldBe` GitSpec "bla/xyz" (Just "foo/bar.tsv")
parseSmartSpec "out.tsv" `shouldBe` FileNameSpec "out.tsv"
parseSmartSpec "dev-1/out.tsv" `shouldBe` FilePathSpec "dev-1/out.tsv"
parseSmartSpec "../out.tsv" `shouldBe` FilePathSpec "../out.tsv"
parseSmartSpec "4a5f" `shouldBe` PossiblyGitSpec "4a5f"
parseSmartSpec "!!" `shouldBe` PossiblyGitSpec "!!"
parseSmartSpec "branch" `shouldBe` PossiblyGitSpec "branch"
it "smart specs are parsed in context" $ do
parseSmartSpecInContext [] Nothing "xyz" `shouldBe` Just (PossiblyGitSpec "xyz")
parseSmartSpecInContext ["foo", "bar"] Nothing "out.tsv" `shouldBe` Just (FilePathSpec "foo/out.tsv")
parseSmartSpecInContext [] (Just "default") "" `shouldBe` Just (FileNameSpec "default")
parseSmartSpecInContext ["foo"] (Just "default") "" `shouldBe` Just (FilePathSpec "foo/default")
parseSmartSpecInContext ["foo/bar"] (Just "default") "http://gonito.net" `shouldBe` Just (Http "http://gonito.net")
parseSmartSpecInContext ["foo/bar"] Nothing "" `shouldBe` Nothing
it "sources are accessed" $ do
it "sources are accessed" $ do
readFromSmartSource [] Nothing "test/files/foo.txt" `shouldReturn` ["foo\n"]
readFromSmartSource "baz" "out.tsv" "test/files/foo.txt" `shouldReturn` ["foo\n"]
-- readFromSmartSource [] Nothing "https://httpbin.org/robots.txt" `shouldReturn`
-- readFromSmartSource [] Nothing "https://httpbin.org/robots.txt" `shouldReturn`
-- ["User-agent: *\nDisallow: /deny\n"]
-- ["User-agent: *\nDisallow: /deny\n"]
readFromSmartSource :: [FilePath] -> Maybe FilePath -> String -> IO [String]
readFromSmartSource :: FilePath -> FilePath -> String -> IO [String]
readFromSmartSource defaultDirs defaultFile specS = do
readFromSmartSource defaultDir defaultFile specS = do
let (Just spec) = parseSmartSpecInContext defaultDirs defaultFile specS
(Right spec) <- getSmartSourceSpec defaultDir defaultFile specS
let source = smartSource defaultDirs defaultFile spec
let source = smartSource spec
contents <- runResourceT (source $$ CT.decodeUtf8Lenient =$ CL.consume)
contents <- runResourceT (source $$ CT.decodeUtf8Lenient =$ CL.consume)
return $ Prelude.map unpack contents
return $ Prelude.map unpack contents
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