Add setting priorities, names can be set multiple times
If more than one is given for a metric, they are concatenated (with spaces).
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
module GEval.EvaluationScheme
(EvaluationScheme(..), evaluationSchemeMetric, applyPreprocessingOperations, evaluationSchemeName, PreprocessingOperation(..))
import GEval.Metric
@ -9,14 +14,19 @@ import Text.Regex.PCRE.Light.Base (Regex(..))
import Data.Text (Text(..), concat, toLower, toUpper, pack, unpack, words, unwords)
import Data.List (intercalate, break, sort)
import Data.Either
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, catMaybes)
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSU
data EvaluationScheme = EvaluationScheme Metric [PreprocessingOperation]
deriving (Eq)
data PreprocessingOperation = RegexpMatch Regex | LowerCasing | UpperCasing | Sorting | SetName Text
data PreprocessingOperation = RegexpMatch Regex
| LowerCasing
| UpperCasing
| Sorting
| SetName Text
| SetPriority Int
deriving (Eq)
leftParameterBracket :: Char
@ -42,6 +52,7 @@ readOps ('m':theRest) = handleParametrizedOp (RegexpMatch . (fromRight undefined
readOps ('S':theRest) = (Sorting:ops, theRest')
where (ops, theRest') = readOps theRest
readOps ('N':theRest) = handleParametrizedOp (SetName . pack) theRest
readOps ('P':theRest) = handleParametrizedOp (SetPriority . read) theRest
readOps s = ([], s)
handleParametrizedOp :: (String -> PreprocessingOperation) -> String -> ([PreprocessingOperation], String)
@ -60,10 +71,21 @@ instance Show EvaluationScheme where
evaluationSchemeName :: EvaluationScheme -> String
evaluationSchemeName scheme@(EvaluationScheme metric operations) = fromMaybe (show scheme) (findNameSet operations)
evaluationSchemePriority scheme@(EvaluationScheme _ operations) = fromMaybe defaultPriority (findPrioritySet operations)
where defaultPriority = 1
findNameSet :: [PreprocessingOperation] -> Maybe String
findNameSet [] = Nothing
findNameSet ((SetName name):_) = Just (unpack name)
findNameSet (_:ops) = findNameSet ops
findNameSet ops = case names of
[] -> Nothing
_ -> Just $ intercalate " " names
where names = catMaybes $ map extractName ops
extractName (SetName n) = Just (unpack n)
extractName _ = Nothing
findPrioritySet :: [PreprocessingOperation] -> Maybe Int
findPrioritySet [] = Nothing
findPrioritySet ((SetPriority p):_) = Just p
findPrioritySet (_:ops) = findPrioritySet ops
evaluationSchemeMetric :: EvaluationScheme -> Metric
evaluationSchemeMetric (EvaluationScheme metric _) = metric
@ -74,6 +96,7 @@ instance Show PreprocessingOperation where
show UpperCasing = "u"
show Sorting = "S"
show (SetName t) = parametrizedOperation "N" (unpack t)
show (SetPriority p) = parametrizedOperation "P" (show p)
parametrizedOperation :: String -> String -> String
parametrizedOperation opCode opArg = opCode ++ [leftParameterBracket] ++ opArg ++ [rightParameterBracket]
@ -87,3 +110,4 @@ applyPreprocessingOperation LowerCasing = toLower
applyPreprocessingOperation UpperCasing = toUpper
applyPreprocessingOperation Sorting = Data.Text.unwords . sort . Data.Text.words
applyPreprocessingOperation (SetName _) = id
applyPreprocessingOperation (SetPriority _) = id
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