Fix generating configs

This commit is contained in:
Filip Gralinski 2020-08-03 22:05:42 +02:00
parent 5553fbc4ca
commit 5fc5f6ac64

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import GEval.Submit (tokenFileName)
import GEval.MatchingSpecification (MatchingSpecification(ExactMatch))
import qualified System.Directory as D
import Control.Conditional (whenM)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import System.IO
import System.FilePath
@ -427,22 +428,25 @@ Directory structure
configContents :: [EvaluationScheme] -> FormattingOptions -> String -> String
configContents schemes format testName = unwords ( (\scheme -> ("--metric " ++ (show scheme))) schemes) ++
(if testName /= defaultTestName
" --test-name " ++ testName
"") ++
(precisionOpt format) ++
inHeaderOpts ++
where precisionOpt (FormattingOptions m b) = maybe "" (printf "--precision %d ") m ++ bool "" "--show-as-percentage" b
configContents schemes format testName =
unwords $ catMaybes (( (\scheme -> (Just $ "--metric " ++ (show scheme))) schemes)
++ [testNameOpt]
++ (precisionOpt format)
++ [inHeaderOpts, outHeaderOpts])
where precisionOpt (FormattingOptions m b) = [
maybe Nothing (Just . printf "--precision %d") m,
bool Nothing (Just "--show-as-percentage") b ]
((EvaluationScheme mainMetric _):_) = schemes
testNameOpt = if testName /= defaultTestName
(Just (" --test-name " ++ testName))
inHeaderOpts = getHeaderOpts "in-header" inHeaderContents
outHeaderOpts = getHeaderOpts "out-header" outHeaderContents
getHeaderOpts opt selector = case selector mainMetric of
Just _ -> " --" ++ opt ++ " " ++ (opt <.> "tsv")
Nothing -> ""
Just _ -> Just (" --" ++ opt ++ " " ++ (opt <.> "tsv"))
Nothing -> Nothing
-- Originally train content was in one file, to avoid large changes
-- for the time being we are using the original function.