Start working on usind dependent types
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ library
hs-source-dirs: src
exposed-modules: GEval.Core
, GEval.Metric
, GEval.MetricsMechanics
, GEval.MetricsMeta
, GEval.EvaluationScheme
, GEval.CreateChallenge
@ -100,6 +101,7 @@ library
, filemanip
, temporary
, utf8-string
, singletons
default-language: Haskell2010
executable geval
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
module GEval.BIO
(BIOLabel(..), bioSequenceParser, parseBioSequenceIntoEntities,
TaggedSpan(..), TaggedEntity(..), gatherCountsForBIO,
@ -45,6 +46,10 @@ gatherCountsForBIO expected got = (maxMatchOnOrdered laterThan expected got, len
parseBioSequenceIntoEntities :: T.Text -> Either String [TaggedEntity]
parseBioSequenceIntoEntities t = labelsIntoEntities =<< (parseOnly (bioSequenceParser <* endOfInput) t)
parseBioSequenceIntoEntitiesWithoutNormalization s = do
entities <- parseBioSequenceIntoEntities s
return $ eraseNormalisation entities
labelsIntoEntities :: [BIOLabel] -> Either String [TaggedEntity]
labelsIntoEntities labels = labelsIntoEntities' $ zip labels [1..]
@ -681,9 +681,6 @@ gevalCoreOnSources MAP _ = gevalCoreWithoutInput (Right . DLS.splitOn "\t" . unp
gevalCoreOnSources BIOF1 _ = gevalCoreWithoutInput parseBioSequenceIntoEntities parseBioSequenceIntoEntities (uncurry gatherCountsForBIO) countAgg f1MeasureOnCounts noGraph
gevalCoreOnSources BIOF1Labels _ = gevalCoreWithoutInput parseBioSequenceIntoEntitiesWithoutNormalization parseBioSequenceIntoEntitiesWithoutNormalization (uncurry gatherCountsForBIO) countAgg f1MeasureOnCounts noGraph
where parseBioSequenceIntoEntitiesWithoutNormalization s = do
entities <- parseBioSequenceIntoEntities s
return $ eraseNormalisation entities
gevalCoreOnSources TokenAccuracy _ = gevalCoreWithoutInput intoTokens
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
module GEval.MetricsMechanics
import Data.Singletons.TH
import GEval.Metric
import Data.Text
import Data.Text.Read as TR
import qualified Data.List.Split as DLS
import Data.Attoparsec.Text (parseOnly)
import Control.Monad ((<=<))
import GEval.Annotation (Annotation, parseAnnotations)
import GEval.Clippings (ClippingSpec, LabeledClipping, lineClippingsParser, lineClippingSpecsParser, lineLabeledClippingsParser)
import GEval.BIO (TaggedEntity, parseBioSequenceIntoEntities, parseBioSequenceIntoEntitiesWithoutNormalization)
-- | Helper type so that singleton can be used.
-- | (The problem is that some metrics are parametrized by Double
-- | Word32 and this is not handled by the singleton libary.)
singletons [d|data AMetric = ARMSE | AMSE | APearson | ASpearman | ABLEU | AGLEU | AWER | AAccuracy | AClippEU
| AFMeasure | AMacroFMeasure | ANMI
| ALogLossHashed | ACharMatch | AMAP | ALogLoss | ALikelihood
| ABIOF1 | ABIOF1Labels | ATokenAccuracy | ALikelihoodHashed | AMAE | ASMAPE | AMultiLabelFMeasure
| AMultiLabelLogLoss | AMultiLabelLikelihood
| ASoftFMeasure | AProbabilisticMultiLabelFMeasure | AProbabilisticSoftFMeasure | ASoft2DFMeasure
deriving (Eq)
-- | Convert a metric to a helper type without parameters
toHelper :: Metric -> AMetric
toHelper RMSE = ARMSE
toHelper MSE = AMSE
toHelper Pearson = APearson
toHelper Spearman = ASpearman
toHelper BLEU = ABLEU
toHelper GLEU = AGLEU
toHelper WER = AWER
toHelper Accuracy = AAccuracy
toHelper ClippEU = AClippEU
toHelper (FMeasure _) = AFMeasure
toHelper (MacroFMeasure _) = AMacroFMeasure
toHelper NMI = ANMI
toHelper (LogLossHashed _) = ALogLossHashed
toHelper CharMatch = ACharMatch
toHelper MAP = AMAP
toHelper LogLoss = ALogLoss
toHelper Likelihood = ALikelihood
toHelper BIOF1 = ABIOF1
toHelper BIOF1Labels = ABIOF1Labels
toHelper TokenAccuracy = ATokenAccuracy
toHelper (LikelihoodHashed _) = ALikelihoodHashed
toHelper MAE = AMAE
toHelper (MultiLabelFMeasure _) = AMultiLabelFMeasure
toHelper MultiLabelLogLoss = AMultiLabelLogLoss
toHelper MultiLabelLikelihood = AMultiLabelLikelihood
toHelper (SoftFMeasure _) = ASoftFMeasure
toHelper (ProbabilisticMultiLabelFMeasure _) = AProbabilisticMultiLabelFMeasure
toHelper (ProbabilisticSoftFMeasure _) = AProbabilisticSoftFMeasure
toHelper (Soft2DFMeasure _) = ASoft2DFMeasure
type family ParsedInputType (t :: AMetric) :: * where
ParsedInputType ACharMatch = Text
ParsedInputType _ = ()
type family ParsedExpectedType (t :: AMetric) :: * where
ParsedExpectedType ARMSE = Double
ParsedExpectedType AMSE = Double
ParsedExpectedType APearson = Double
ParsedExpectedType ASpearman = Double
ParsedExpectedType ABLEU = [[String]]
ParsedExpectedType AGLEU = [[String]]
ParsedExpectedType AWER = [String]
ParsedExpectedType AAccuracy = Text
ParsedExpectedType AClippEU = [ClippingSpec]
ParsedExpectedType AFMeasure = Bool
ParsedExpectedType AMacroFMeasure = Maybe Text
ParsedExpectedType ASoftFMeasure = [Annotation]
ParsedExpectedType AProbabilisticMultiLabelFMeasure = [Text]
ParsedExpectedType AProbabilisticSoftFMeasure = [Annotation]
ParsedExpectedType ASoft2DFMeasure = [LabeledClipping]
ParsedExpectedType ANMI = Text
ParsedExpectedType ALogLossHashed = Text
ParsedExpectedType ALikelihoodHashed = Text
ParsedExpectedType ACharMatch = Text
ParsedExpectedType AMAP = [String]
ParsedExpectedType ALogLoss = Double
ParsedExpectedType ALikelihood = Double
ParsedExpectedType ABIOF1 = [TaggedEntity]
ParsedExpectedType ABIOF1Labels = [TaggedEntity]
ParsedExpectedType ATokenAccuracy = [Text]
ParsedExpectedType AMAE = Double
ParsedExpectedType ASMAPE = Double
ParsedExpectedType AMultiLabelFMeasure = [Text]
ParsedExpectedType AMultiLabelLogLoss = [Text]
ParsedExpectedType AMultiLabelLikelihood = [Text]
expectedParser :: SAMetric t -> Text -> Either String (ParsedExpectedType t)
expectedParser SARMSE = doubleParser
expectedParser SAMSE = doubleParser
expectedParser SAPearson = doubleParser
expectedParser SASpearman = doubleParser
expectedParser SABLEU = alternativeSentencesParser
expectedParser SAGLEU = alternativeSentencesParser
expectedParser SAWER = intoStringWords
expectedParser SAAccuracy = onlyStrip
expectedParser SAClippEU = controlledParse lineClippingSpecsParser
expectedParser SAFMeasure = zeroOneParser
expectedParser SAMacroFMeasure = justStrip
expectedParser SASoftFMeasure = parseAnnotations
expectedParser SAProbabilisticMultiLabelFMeasure = intoWords
expectedParser SAProbabilisticSoftFMeasure = parseAnnotations
expectedParser SASoft2DFMeasure = controlledParse lineLabeledClippingsParser
expectedParser SANMI = onlyStrip
expectedParser SALogLossHashed = onlyStrip
expectedParser SALikelihoodHashed = onlyStrip
expectedParser SACharMatch = Right
expectedParser SAMAP = splitByTabs
expectedParser SALogLoss = doubleParser
expectedParser SALikelihood = doubleParser
expectedParser SABIOF1 = parseBioSequenceIntoEntities
expectedParser SABIOF1Labels = parseBioSequenceIntoEntitiesWithoutNormalization
expectedParser SATokenAccuracy = intoWords
expectedParser SAMAE = doubleParser
expectedParser SASMAPE = doubleParser
expectedParser SAMultiLabelFMeasure = intoWords
expectedParser SAMultiLabelLogLoss = intoWords
expectedParser SAMultiLabelLikelihood = intoWords
doubleParser = getValue . TR.double
intoWords = Right . Data.Text.words
intoStringWords = Right . Prelude.words . unpack
alternativeSentencesParser = Right . Prelude.words . DLS.splitOn "\t" . unpack
onlyStrip = Right . strip
justStrip = Right . Just . strip
splitByTabs = Right . DLS.splitOn "\t" . unpack
zeroOneParser = expected <=< (getValue . TR.decimal)
where expected 1 = Right True
expected 0 = Right False
expected _ = Left "expected 0 or 1"
getValue :: Num a => Either String (a, Text) -> Either String a
getValue (Right (x, reminder)) =
if Data.Text.null reminder || Data.Text.head reminder == '\t'
then Right x
else Left "number expected"
getValue (Left s) = Left s
controlledParse parser t =
case parseOnly parser t of
(Right v) -> Right v
(Left _) -> Left "cannot parse line"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user