Merge branch 'percentage' into 'master'


See merge request filipg/geval!14
This commit is contained in:
Filip Graliński 2020-08-04 06:15:56 +00:00
commit a26b7b5a25
7 changed files with 79 additions and 57 deletions

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@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ getHeader params schemes = Just $ intercalate "\t" ( T.unpack params
formatTableEntry :: GEvalOptions -> [T.Text] -> ((SourceSpec, [MetricResult]), OutputFileParsed) -> String
formatTableEntry opts paramNames ((sourceSpec, metrics), ofParsed) = intercalate "\t" ((initialColumns paramNames sourceSpec ofParsed) ++ vals)
where vals = (formatTheResult (gesPrecision $ geoSpec opts)) metrics
where vals = (formatTheResult (gesFormatting $ geoSpec opts)) metrics
initialColumns :: [T.Text] -> SourceSpec -> OutputFileParsed -> [String]
initialColumns [] sourceSpec ofParsed = [formatSourceSpec sourceSpec]
@ -79,35 +79,35 @@ initialColumns params sourceSpec (OutputFileParsed _ paramMap) =
showTheResult' :: GEvalOptions -> [MetricResult] -> IO ()
-- do not show the metric if just one was given
showTheResult' opts [val] = putStrLn $ formatTheResult (gesPrecision $ geoSpec opts) val
showTheResult' opts [val] = putStrLn $ formatTheResult (gesFormatting $ geoSpec opts) val
showTheResult' opts [] = do
hPutStrLn stderr "no metric given, use --metric option"
showTheResult' opts vals = mapM_ putStrLn
$ intercalate [""]
$ (formatCrossTable (gesPrecision $ geoSpec opts))
$ (formatCrossTable (gesFormatting $ geoSpec opts))
$ splitIntoTablesWithValues (T.pack "metric") (T.pack "value") mapping metricLabels
where mapping = LM.fromList $ zip metricLabels vals
metricLabels = T.pack $ evaluationSchemeName $ gesMetrics $ geoSpec opts
formatCrossTable :: Maybe Int -> TableWithValues MetricResult -> [String]
formatCrossTable mPrecision (TableWithValues [_, _] body) =
formatCrossTable :: FormattingOptions -> TableWithValues MetricResult -> [String]
formatCrossTable format (TableWithValues [_, _] body) =
-- actually we won't print metric/value header
-- (1) to keep backward-compatible with the previous version
-- (2) to be concise (formatCrossTableLine mPrecision) body
formatCrossTable mPrecision (TableWithValues header body) =
(intercalate "\t" $ T.unpack header) : (formatCrossTableLine mPrecision) body (formatCrossTableLine format) body
formatCrossTable format (TableWithValues header body) =
(intercalate "\t" $ T.unpack header) : (formatCrossTableLine format) body
formatCrossTableLine :: Maybe Int -> (T.Text, [MetricResult]) -> String
formatCrossTableLine mPrecision (rowName, values) =
intercalate "\t" ((T.unpack rowName) (formatTheResult mPrecision) values)
formatCrossTableLine :: FormattingOptions-> (T.Text, [MetricResult]) -> String
formatCrossTableLine format (rowName, values) =
intercalate "\t" ((T.unpack rowName) (formatTheResult format) values)
formatSourceSpec :: SourceSpec -> String
formatSourceSpec (FilePathSpec fp) = dropExtensions $ takeFileName fp
formatSourceSpec spec = show spec
formatTheMetricAndResult :: Maybe Int -> (EvaluationScheme, MetricResult) -> String
formatTheMetricAndResult mPrecision (scheme, val) = (evaluationSchemeName scheme) ++ "\t" ++ (formatTheResult mPrecision val)
formatTheMetricAndResult :: FormattingOptions -> (EvaluationScheme, MetricResult) -> String
formatTheMetricAndResult format (scheme, val) = (evaluationSchemeName scheme) ++ "\t" ++ (formatTheResult format val)

View File

@ -15,6 +15,11 @@ type MetricValue = Double
data GraphSeries = GraphSeries [(Double, Double)]
data FormattingOptions = FormattingOptions {
decimalPlaces :: Maybe Int,
asPercentage :: Bool
data MetricResult = SimpleRun MetricValue | BootstrapResampling [MetricValue]
instance Show MetricResult where

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
module GEval.Core
( geval,
@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ data GEvalSpecification = GEvalSpecification
gesExpectedFile :: String,
gesInputFile :: String,
gesMetrics :: [EvaluationScheme],
gesPrecision :: Maybe Int,
gesFormatting :: FormattingOptions,
gesTokenizer :: Maybe Tokenizer,
gesGonitoHost :: Maybe String,
gesToken :: Maybe String,
@ -253,7 +254,7 @@ defaultGEvalSpecification = GEvalSpecification {
gesExpectedFile = defaultExpectedFile,
gesInputFile = defaultInputFile,
gesMetrics = [EvaluationScheme defaultMetric []],
gesPrecision = Nothing,
gesFormatting = FormattingOptions Nothing False,
gesTokenizer = Nothing,
gesGonitoHost = Nothing,
gesToken = Nothing,
@ -748,9 +749,9 @@ countFragAgg :: (Num n, Num v, Monad m) => ConduitM (n, n, v, v) o m (n, n, v, v
countFragAgg = CC.foldl countFragFolder (fromInteger 0, fromInteger 0, fromInteger 0, fromInteger 0)
gevalCoreByCorrelationMeasure :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadIO m) =>
(V.Vector (Double, Double) -> Double) -> -- ^ correlation function
LineSourcesSpecification (ResourceT m) ->
m (MetricOutput) -- ^ metric values for the output against the expected output
(V.Vector (Double, Double) -> Double) -- ^ correlation function
-> LineSourcesSpecification (ResourceT m)
-> m (MetricOutput) -- ^ metric values for the output against the expected output
gevalCoreByCorrelationMeasure correlationFunction =
gevalCoreWithoutInput SAPearson correlationC finalStep noGraph
where correlationC = CC.foldl (flip (:)) []
@ -850,6 +851,8 @@ gevalRunPipeline' parserSpec itemStep finalPipeline context = do
<$> ZipSource (CL.sourceList [(getFirstLineNo (Proxy :: Proxy m) context)..])
<*> (ZipSource $ recordSource context parserSpec)) .| (checkStep (Proxy :: Proxy m) itemStep)) .| CL.catMaybes .| finalPipeline)
continueGEvalCalculations :: forall m t . (MonadIO m) =>
SAMetric t
-> Metric

View File

@ -7,12 +7,13 @@ module GEval.CreateChallenge
import GEval.Metric
import GEval.EvaluationScheme
import GEval.Common (GEvalException(..))
import GEval.Common (GEvalException(..), FormattingOptions(..))
import GEval.Core (GEvalSpecification(..), configFileName, gesMainMetric, defaultTestName)
import GEval.Submit (tokenFileName)
import GEval.MatchingSpecification (MatchingSpecification(ExactMatch))
import qualified System.Directory as D
import Control.Conditional (whenM)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import System.IO
import System.FilePath
@ -22,6 +23,9 @@ import Data.String.Here
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import Data.Bool
import Text.Printf
createChallenge :: Bool -> FilePath -> GEvalSpecification -> IO ()
createChallenge withDataFiles expectedDirectory spec = do
@ -31,7 +35,7 @@ createChallenge withDataFiles expectedDirectory spec = do
D.createDirectoryIfMissing False testDirectory
createFile (expectedDirectory </> ".gitignore") $ gitignoreContents
createFile (expectedDirectory </> "") $ readmeMDContents metric testName
createFile (expectedDirectory </> configFileName) $ configContents metrics precision testName
createFile (expectedDirectory </> configFileName) $ configContents metrics format testName
createHeaderFile expectedDirectory "in-header.tsv" $ inHeaderContents metric
createHeaderFile expectedDirectory "out-header.tsv" $ outHeaderContents metric
if withDataFiles
@ -49,7 +53,7 @@ createChallenge withDataFiles expectedDirectory spec = do
return ()
where metric = gesMainMetric spec
metrics = gesMetrics spec
precision = gesPrecision spec
format = gesFormatting spec
testName = gesTestName spec
trainDirectory = expectedDirectory </> "train"
devDirectory = expectedDirectory </> "dev-0"
@ -423,24 +427,26 @@ Directory structure
configContents :: [EvaluationScheme] -> Maybe Int -> String -> String
configContents schemes precision testName = unwords ( (\scheme -> ("--metric " ++ (show scheme))) schemes) ++
(if testName /= defaultTestName
" --test-name " ++ testName
"") ++
(precisionOpt precision) ++
inHeaderOpts ++
where precisionOpt Nothing = ""
precisionOpt (Just p) = " --precision " ++ (show p)
configContents :: [EvaluationScheme] -> FormattingOptions -> String -> String
configContents schemes format testName =
unwords $ catMaybes (( (\scheme -> (Just $ "--metric " ++ (show scheme))) schemes)
++ [testNameOpt]
++ (precisionOpt format)
++ [inHeaderOpts, outHeaderOpts])
where precisionOpt (FormattingOptions m b) = [
maybe Nothing (Just . printf "--precision %d") m,
bool Nothing (Just "--show-as-percentage") b ]
((EvaluationScheme mainMetric _):_) = schemes
testNameOpt = if testName /= defaultTestName
(Just (" --test-name " ++ testName))
inHeaderOpts = getHeaderOpts "in-header" inHeaderContents
outHeaderOpts = getHeaderOpts "out-header" outHeaderContents
getHeaderOpts opt selector = case selector mainMetric of
Just _ -> " --" ++ opt ++ " " ++ (opt <.> "tsv")
Nothing -> ""
Just _ -> Just (" --" ++ opt ++ " " ++ (opt <.> "tsv"))
Nothing -> Nothing
-- Originally train content was in one file, to avoid large changes
-- for the time being we are using the original function.

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module GEval.Formatting
(formatTheResult, formatSimpleResult, formatTheResultWithErrorBounds)
@ -7,25 +9,28 @@ import Data.Conduit.Bootstrap
import Text.Printf
formatTheResult :: Maybe Int -> MetricResult -> String
formatTheResult mPrecision (SimpleRun val) = formatSimpleResult mPrecision val
formatTheResult mPrecision (BootstrapResampling vals) = formatTheResultWithErrorBounds mPrecision pointEstimate (Just errorBound)
formatTheResult :: FormattingOptions -> MetricResult -> String
formatTheResult format (SimpleRun val) = formatSimpleResult format val
formatTheResult format (BootstrapResampling vals) = formatTheResultWithErrorBounds format pointEstimate (Just errorBound)
where pointEstimate = (upperBound + lowerBound) / 2.0
errorBound = (upperBound - lowerBound) / 2.0
(lowerBound, upperBound) = getConfidenceBounds defaultConfidenceLevel vals
formatTheResultWithErrorBounds :: Maybe Int -> MetricValue -> Maybe MetricValue -> String
formatTheResultWithErrorBounds mPrecision pointEstimate Nothing = formatSimpleResult mPrecision pointEstimate
formatTheResultWithErrorBounds mPrecision pointEstimate (Just errorBound) = (formatSimpleResult correctedPrecision pointEstimate)
formatTheResultWithErrorBounds :: FormattingOptions -> MetricValue -> Maybe MetricValue -> String
formatTheResultWithErrorBounds format pointEstimate Nothing = formatSimpleResult format pointEstimate
formatTheResultWithErrorBounds format pointEstimate (Just errorBound) = (formatSimpleResult formatWithCorrectedPrecision pointEstimate)
++ "±"
++ (formatSimpleResult correctedPrecision errorBound)
++ (formatSimpleResult formatWithCorrectedPrecision errorBound)
where errorBoundMagnitude = (floor (logBase 10.0 errorBound)) - 1
correctedPrecision = Just $ selectLowerPrecision (max (-errorBoundMagnitude) 0) mPrecision
formatWithCorrectedPrecision = selectLowerPrecision (max (-errorBoundMagnitude) 0) format
formatSimpleResult :: Maybe Int -> MetricValue -> String
formatSimpleResult Nothing = show
formatSimpleResult (Just prec) = printf "%0.*f" prec
formatSimpleResult :: FormattingOptions -> MetricValue -> String
formatSimpleResult = \case
FormattingOptions (Just prec) True -> printf "%.*f" (max 0 (prec-2)) . (*100)
FormattingOptions (Just prec) _ -> printf "%.*f" prec
_ -> show
selectLowerPrecision :: Int -> Maybe Int -> Int
selectLowerPrecision p Nothing = p
selectLowerPrecision p (Just p') = min p p'
selectLowerPrecision :: Int -> FormattingOptions -> FormattingOptions
selectLowerPrecision p = \case
FormattingOptions (Just prec) showAsPercentage -> FormattingOptions (Just $ min prec p) showAsPercentage
FormattingOptions (Nothing) showAsPercentage -> FormattingOptions (Just p) showAsPercentage

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ module GEval.OptionsParser
) where
import Paths_geval (version)
@ -138,12 +138,15 @@ optionsParser = GEvalOptions
<> help "Mark worst features when in the line-by-line mode")
precisionArgParser :: Parser Int
precisionArgParser = option auto
( long "precision"
formatParser :: Parser FormattingOptions
formatParser = FormattingOptions
<$> (optional $ option auto ( long "precision"
<> short 'p'
<> help "Arithmetic precision, i.e. the number of fractional digits to be shown" )
<> help "Arithmetic precision, i.e. the number of fractional digits to be shown" ))
<*> switch ( long "show-as-percentage"
<> short '%'
<> help "Returns the result as a percentage (i.e. maximum value of 100 instead of 1)" )
specParser :: Parser GEvalSpecification
specParser = GEvalSpecification
@ -191,7 +194,7 @@ specParser = GEvalSpecification
<> metavar "INPUT"
<> help "The name of the file with the input (applicable only for some metrics)" )
<*> ((flip fromMaybe) <$> (singletonMaybe <$> altMetricReader) <*> metricReader)
<*> optional precisionArgParser
<*> formatParser
<*> (optional $ option auto
( long "tokenizer"
<> short 'T'

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@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ main = hspec $ do
gesExpectedFile = "expected.tsv",
gesInputFile = "in.tsv",
gesMetrics = [EvaluationScheme Likelihood []],
gesPrecision = Nothing,
gesFormatting = FormattingOptions Nothing False,
gesTokenizer = Nothing,
gesGonitoHost = Nothing,
gesToken = Nothing,
@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ main = hspec $ do
let spec = defaultGEvalSpecification {
gesExpectedDirectory = Just tempDir,
gesMetrics = [scheme],
gesPrecision = Just 4 }
gesFormatting = FormattingOptions (Just 4) False }
createChallenge True tempDir spec
validationChallenge tempDir spec
describe "test sample outputs" $ do