Refactor Features into Factors

This commit is contained in:
Filip Gralinski 2019-01-26 19:26:45 +01:00
parent 1c3908b273
commit d5a8908599
2 changed files with 30 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ module GEval.FeatureExtractor
@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ import GEval.BlackBoxDebugging
import GEval.Common
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
data LineWithFeatures = LineWithFeatures Double MetricValue [Feature]
data LineWithFactors = LineWithFactors Double MetricValue [Factor]
deriving (Eq, Ord)
data Feature = UnaryFeature PeggedFactor | CartesianFeature PeggedExistentialFactor PeggedExistentialFactor
data Factor = UnaryFactor PeggedFactor | CartesianFactor PeggedExistentialFactor PeggedExistentialFactor
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Feature where
show (UnaryFeature factor) = show factor
show (CartesianFeature factorA factorB) = (show factorA) ++ "~~" ++ (show factorB)
instance Show Factor where
show (UnaryFactor factor) = show factor
show (CartesianFactor factorA factorB) = (show factorA) ++ "~~" ++ (show factorB)
data LineWithPeggedFactors = LineWithPeggedFactors Double MetricValue [PeggedFactor]
deriving (Eq, Ord)
@ -115,14 +115,14 @@ extractFactorsFromTabbed mTokenizer bbdo namespace record =
$ (\(n, t) -> (\af -> PeggedFactor (FeatureTabbedNamespace namespace n) af) $ extractSimpleFactors mTokenizer bbdo t)
$ [1..] (splitOn "\t" record)
addCartesianFactors :: BlackBoxDebuggingOptions -> [LineWithPeggedFactors] -> [LineWithFeatures]
addCartesianFactors :: BlackBoxDebuggingOptions -> [LineWithPeggedFactors] -> [LineWithFactors]
addCartesianFactors bbdo linesWithPeggedFactors = addCartesianFactors' (bbdoCartesian bbdo) linesWithPeggedFactors
where addCartesianFactors' _ linesWithPeggedFactors
= (\(LineWithPeggedFactors rank score fs) ->
LineWithFeatures rank score ( UnaryFeature fs)) linesWithPeggedFactors
LineWithFactors rank score ( UnaryFactor fs)) linesWithPeggedFactors
cartesianFeatures :: [PeggedExistentialFactor] -> [Feature]
cartesianFeatures factors = nub $ [CartesianFeature a b | a <- factors, b <- factors, a < b]
cartesianFeatures :: [PeggedExistentialFactor] -> [Factor]
cartesianFeatures factors = nub $ [CartesianFactor a b | a <- factors, b <- factors, a < b]
filterExistentialFactors :: [PeggedFactor] -> [PeggedExistentialFactor]
filterExistentialFactors factors = catMaybes $ toExistential factors

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@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ runFeatureFilter (Just feature) spec bbdo = (\l -> (fakeRank, l))
.| fst
where mTokenizer = gesTokenizer spec
fakeRank = 0.0
checkFeature feature (_, LineWithFeatures _ _ fs) = feature `elem` ( show fs)
checkFeature feature (_, LineWithFactors _ _ fs) = feature `elem` ( show fs)
runWorstFeatures :: ResultOrdering -> GEvalSpecification -> BlackBoxDebuggingOptions -> IO ()
runWorstFeatures ordering spec bbdo = runLineByLineGeneralized ordering' spec (worstFeaturesPipeline False spec bbdo)
@ -122,10 +122,10 @@ extractFeaturesAndPValues spec bbdo =
.| uScoresCounter (bbdoMinFrequency bbdo)
data RankedFeature = RankedFeature Feature Double MetricValue
deriving (Show)
data RankedFactor = RankedFactor Factor Double MetricValue
deriving (Show)
data FeatureWithPValue = FeatureWithPValue Feature -- ^ feature itself
data FeatureWithPValue = FeatureWithPValue Factor -- ^ feature itself
Double -- ^ p-value
MetricValue -- ^ average metric value
Integer -- ^ count
@ -138,13 +138,13 @@ formatFeatureWithPValue (FeatureWithPValue f p avg c) =
(pack $ printf "%0.8f" avg),
(pack $ printf "%0.20f" p)]
rankedFeatureExtractor :: Monad m => GEvalSpecification -> BlackBoxDebuggingOptions -> ConduitT (Double, LineRecord) RankedFeature m ()
rankedFeatureExtractor :: Monad m => GEvalSpecification -> BlackBoxDebuggingOptions -> ConduitT (Double, LineRecord) RankedFactor m ()
rankedFeatureExtractor spec bbdo = featureExtractor mTokenizer bbdo
.| snd
.| unwrapFeatures
.| CC.concat
where mTokenizer = gesTokenizer spec
unwrapFeatures (LineWithFeatures rank score fs) = (\f -> RankedFeature f rank score) fs
unwrapFeatures (LineWithFactors rank score fs) = (\f -> RankedFactor f rank score) fs
class FeatureSource a where
getScore :: a -> MetricValue
@ -158,13 +158,13 @@ instance FeatureSource (LineRecord, LineRecord) where
getScore (LineRecord _ _ _ _ scoreA, LineRecord _ _ _ _ scoreB) = scoreB - scoreA
mainLineRecord (_, l) = l
featureExtractor :: (Monad m, FeatureSource s) => Maybe Tokenizer -> BlackBoxDebuggingOptions -> ConduitT (Double, s) (s, LineWithFeatures) m ()
featureExtractor :: (Monad m, FeatureSource s) => Maybe Tokenizer -> BlackBoxDebuggingOptions -> ConduitT (Double, s) (s, LineWithFactors) m ()
featureExtractor mTokenizer bbdo = extract
.| finalFeatures (bbdoCartesian bbdo) (fromMaybe (bbdoMinFrequency bbdo) (bbdoMinCartesianFrequency bbdo))
where extract (rank, line) =
(line, LineWithPeggedFactors rank (getScore line) $ getFeatures mTokenizer bbdo (mainLineRecord line))
finalFeatures :: Monad m => Bool -> Integer -> ConduitT (a, LineWithPeggedFactors) (a, LineWithFeatures) m ()
finalFeatures :: Monad m => Bool -> Integer -> ConduitT (a, LineWithPeggedFactors) (a, LineWithFactors) m ()
finalFeatures False _ = (\(l, p) -> (l, peggedToUnaryLine p))
finalFeatures True minFreq = do
ls <- CC.sinkList
@ -178,20 +178,20 @@ finalFeatures True minFreq = do
$ snd ls
(CC.yieldMany $ ls) .| (addCartesian unaryFeaturesFrequentEnough)
where addCartesian wanted (l, LineWithPeggedFactors rank score fs) = (l, LineWithFeatures rank score
$ (( UnaryFeature fs) ++
where addCartesian wanted (l, LineWithPeggedFactors rank score fs) = (l, LineWithFactors rank score
$ (( UnaryFactor fs) ++
(cartesianFeatures $ Prelude.filter ((flip S.member) wanted) $ filterExistentialFactors fs)))
filtreCartesian False = id
filtreCartesian True = CC.concatMapAccum step S.empty
where step f@(FeatureWithPValue (UnaryFeature (PeggedFactor namespace (SimpleExistentialFactor p))) _ _ _) mp = (S.insert (PeggedExistentialFactor namespace p) mp, [f])
step f@(FeatureWithPValue (UnaryFeature (PeggedFactor namespace (NumericalFactor _ _))) _ _ _) mp = (mp, [f])
step f@(FeatureWithPValue (CartesianFeature pA pB) _ _ _) mp = (mp, if pA `S.member` mp || pB `S.member` mp
where step f@(FeatureWithPValue (UnaryFactor (PeggedFactor namespace (SimpleExistentialFactor p))) _ _ _) mp = (S.insert (PeggedExistentialFactor namespace p) mp, [f])
step f@(FeatureWithPValue (UnaryFactor (PeggedFactor namespace (NumericalFactor _ _))) _ _ _) mp = (mp, [f])
step f@(FeatureWithPValue (CartesianFactor pA pB) _ _ _) mp = (mp, if pA `S.member` mp || pB `S.member` mp
then []
else [f])
peggedToUnaryLine :: LineWithPeggedFactors -> LineWithFeatures
peggedToUnaryLine (LineWithPeggedFactors rank score fs) = LineWithFeatures rank score ( UnaryFeature fs)
peggedToUnaryLine :: LineWithPeggedFactors -> LineWithFactors
peggedToUnaryLine (LineWithPeggedFactors rank score fs) = LineWithFactors rank score ( UnaryFactor fs)
getFeatures :: Maybe Tokenizer -> BlackBoxDebuggingOptions -> LineRecord -> [PeggedFactor]
getFeatures mTokenizer bbdo (LineRecord inLine expLine outLine _ _) =
@ -200,8 +200,8 @@ getFeatures mTokenizer bbdo (LineRecord inLine expLine outLine _ _) =
extractFactorsFromTabbed mTokenizer bbdo "in" inLine,
extractFactors mTokenizer bbdo "out" outLine]
uScoresCounter :: Monad m => Integer -> ConduitT RankedFeature FeatureWithPValue (StateT Integer m) ()
uScoresCounter minFreq = (\(RankedFeature feature r score) -> (feature, (r, score, 1)))
uScoresCounter :: Monad m => Integer -> ConduitT RankedFactor FeatureWithPValue (StateT Integer m) ()
uScoresCounter minFreq = (\(RankedFactor feature r score) -> (feature, (r, score, 1)))
.| gobbleAndDo countUScores
.| lowerFreqFiltre
.| pValueCalculator minFreq
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ uScoresCounter minFreq = (\(RankedFeature feature r score) -> (feature, (
$ M.fromListWith (\(r1, s1, c1) (r2, s2, c2) -> ((r1 + r2), (s1 + s2), (c1 + c2))) l
lowerFreqFiltre = CC.filter (\(_, (_, _, c)) -> c >= minFreq)
pValueCalculator :: Monad m => Integer -> ConduitT (Feature, (Double, MetricValue, Integer)) FeatureWithPValue (StateT Integer m) ()
pValueCalculator :: Monad m => Integer -> ConduitT (Factor, (Double, MetricValue, Integer)) FeatureWithPValue (StateT Integer m) ()
pValueCalculator minFreq = do
firstVal <- await
case firstVal of
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ pValueCalculator minFreq = do
CC.filter (\(_, (_, _, c)) -> total - c >= minFreq) .| (calculatePValue total)
Nothing -> return ()
calculatePValue :: Integer -> (Feature, (Double, MetricValue, Integer)) -> FeatureWithPValue
calculatePValue :: Integer -> (Factor, (Double, MetricValue, Integer)) -> FeatureWithPValue
calculatePValue total (f, (r, s, c)) = FeatureWithPValue f
(pvalue (r - minusR c) c (total - c))
(s / (fromIntegral c))