Merge branch 'fix-haddock' of

This commit is contained in:
Filip Gralinski 2018-12-14 07:28:27 +01:00
commit d671989a09

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@ -751,18 +751,18 @@ skipLineNumber :: (x -> c) -> ((Word32, x) -> c)
skipLineNumber fun = fun . snd
-- | A helper function to run evaluation when the input is not needed to calculate the metric value.
gevalCoreWithoutInput :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadIO m) =>
(Text -> Either String a) -> -- ^ parser for values in the expected output
(Text -> Either String b) -> -- ^ parser for values in the actual output
((a, b) -> c) -> -- ^ function which combines parsed values into a single value
-- (will be launched for each item, e.g. an error/cost function
-- could be calculated here)
(ConduitT c Void (ResourceT m) d) -> -- ^ a Conduit which aggregates all the combined values into
-- a "total" value
(d -> Double) -> -- ^ function to transform the "total" value into the final score
LineSource (ResourceT m) -> -- ^ source to read the expected output
LineSource (ResourceT m) -> -- ^ source to read the output
m (MetricValue) -- ^ metric values for the output against the expected output
gevalCoreWithoutInput :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadIO m)
=> (Text -> Either String a) -- ^ parser for values in the expected output
-> (Text -> Either String b) -- ^ parser for values in the actual output
-> ((a, b) -> c) -- ^ function which combines parsed values into a single value
-- (will be launched for each item, e.g. an error/cost function
-- could be calculated here)
-> (ConduitT c Void (ResourceT m) d) -- ^ a Conduit which aggregates all the combined values into
-- a "total" value
-> (d -> Double) -- ^ function to transform the "total" value into the final score
-> LineSource (ResourceT m) -- ^ source to read the expected output
-> LineSource (ResourceT m) -- ^ source to read the output
-> m (MetricValue) -- ^ metric values for the output against the expected output
gevalCoreWithoutInput expParser outParser itemStep aggregator finalStep expectedLineStream outLineStream =
gevalCoreGeneralized (ParserSpecWithoutInput expParser outParser) (trans itemStep) aggregator finalStep (WithoutInput expectedLineStream outLineStream)
@ -780,14 +780,14 @@ gevalCore''' parserSpec itemStep aggregator finalStep context =
-- was used. It could be seen as the "engine" to run the evaluation.
-- If you are defining a new metric, you usually don't have to change anything
-- here.
gevalCoreGeneralized :: (EvaluationContext ctxt m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadIO m) =>
ParserSpec ctxt -> -- ^ parsers to parse data
(ParsedRecord ctxt -> c) -> -- ^ function to go from the parsed value into
-- some "local" score calculated for each line (item)
(ConduitT c Void (ResourceT m) d) -> -- ^ a Conduit to aggregate score into a "total"
(d -> Double) -> -- ^ function to transform the "total" value into the final score
ctxt -> -- ^ "context", i.e. 2 or 3 sources needed to operate
m (MetricValue)
gevalCoreGeneralized :: (EvaluationContext ctxt m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadIO m)
=> ParserSpec ctxt -- ^ parsers to parse data
-> (ParsedRecord ctxt -> c) -- ^ function to go from the parsed value into
-- some "local" score calculated for each line (item)
-> (ConduitT c Void (ResourceT m) d) -- ^ a Conduit to aggregate score into a "total"
-> (d -> Double) -- ^ function to transform the "total" value into the final score
-> ctxt -- ^ "context", i.e. 2 or 3 sources needed to operate
-> m (MetricValue)
gevalCoreGeneralized parserSpec itemStep aggregator finalStep context =
gevalCoreGeneralized' parserSpec (skipLineNumber itemStep) aggregator finalStep context