This commit is contained in:
@ -698,6 +698,26 @@ gevalCoreGeneralized' parserSpec itemStep aggregator finalStep generateGraph con
return $ MetricOutput (SimpleRun $ finalStep v) (generateGraph v)
-- stuff for new dependent-type-based solution
gevalRunPipeline :: (EvaluationContext ctxt m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadIO m)
=> ParserSpec ctxt -- ^ parsers to parse data
-> (ParsedRecord ctxt -> c) -- ^ function to go from the parsed value into
-- some "local" score calculated for each line (item)
-> ConduitT c Void (ResourceT m) MetricOutput
-> ctxt -- ^ "context", i.e. 2 or 3 sources needed to operate
-> m MetricOutput
gevalRunPipeline parserSpec itemStep finalPipeline context =
gevalRunPipeline' parserSpec (skipLineNumber itemStep) finalPipeline context
gevalRunPipeline' :: forall m ctxt c . (EvaluationContext ctxt m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadIO m) => ParserSpec ctxt -> ((Word32, ParsedRecord ctxt) -> c) -> ConduitT c Void (ResourceT m) MetricOutput -> ctxt -> m (MetricOutput)
gevalRunPipeline' parserSpec itemStep finalPipeline context = do
runResourceT $ runConduit $
(((getZipSource $ (,)
<$> ZipSource (CL.sourceList [(getFirstLineNo (Proxy :: Proxy m) context)..])
<*> (ZipSource $ recordSource context parserSpec)) .| (checkStep (Proxy :: Proxy m) itemStep)) .| CL.catMaybes .| finalPipeline)
continueGEvalCalculations :: (MonadIO m) =>
SAMetric t
-> Metric
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