Filtre out unwanted Cartesian features

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Filip Gralinski 2019-01-11 08:47:11 +01:00
parent 39bc3964b3
commit dbe1613052
1 changed files with 8 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ worstFeaturesPipeline :: Bool -> GEvalSpecification -> BlackBoxDebuggingOptions
worstFeaturesPipeline reversed spec bbdo = rank (lessByMetric reversed $ gesMainMetric spec)
.| evalStateC 0 (extractFeaturesAndPValues spec bbdo)
.| gobbleAndDo (sortBy featureOrder)
.| filtreCartesian (bbdoCartesian bbdo)
.| (encodeUtf8 . formatFeatureWithPValue)
.| CC.unlinesAscii
.| CC.stdout
@ -152,6 +153,13 @@ finalFeatures True minFreq = do
$ (( UnaryFeature fs) ++
(cartesianFeatures $ Prelude.filter ((flip S.member) wanted) fs))
filtreCartesian False = id
filtreCartesian True = CC.concatMapAccum step S.empty
where step f@(FeatureWithPValue (UnaryFeature p) _ _ _) mp = (S.insert p mp, [f])
step f@(FeatureWithPValue (CartesianFeature pA pB) _ _ _) mp = (mp, if pA `S.member` mp || pB `S.member` mp
then []
else [f])
peggedToUnaryLine :: LineWithPeggedFeatures -> LineWithFeatures
peggedToUnaryLine (LineWithPeggedFeatures rank score fs) = LineWithFeatures rank score ( UnaryFeature fs)