#### `p` — filtering by confidence
When you use `p
`, only the top P% entries with the highest
confidence will be considered. For instance, `p<50>` means half of the
items with the largest confidence scores will be considered.
So far only MultiLabel-F-measure format is handled. If more than one
label is given, the geometric mean of all probabilities is used.
### Presentation
Some flags are used not for modifying the result, but rather changing
the way it is presented by GEval (or the associated
[Gonito](https://gonito.net) Web application).
#### `N` — use an alternative name
Sometimes, the metric name gets complicated, you can use the `N<...>`
to get a more human-readable way.
This will be used:
* by GEval when presenting results from more than one metric (when
only one metric is calculated, its name is not given anyway),
* by Gonito, e.g. in table headers.
$ geval -o out.tsv -e expected.tsv --metric Accuracy --metric MultiLabel-F1:N --metric 'MultiLabel-F0:N' --metric 'MultiLabelF9999:N'
Accuracy 0.200
F-score 0.511
Precision 0.462
Recall 0.571
(GEval does not have separate Precision/Recall metrics, but they can
be easily obtained by setting the parameter of the F-score to,
respectively, 0 and a large number.)
More than one name can be given. In such a case, or names will concatenated with spaces.
$ geval --precision 3 -o out.tsv -e expected.tsv --metric 'Accuracy' --metric 'MultiLabel-F1:NNN'
Accuracy 0.200
F-score on tokens 0.511
This is handy, when combined with the `{...}` operator (see below).
#### `P` — set the priority (within the Gonito platform)
This sets the priority level, considered when the results are displayed in the Gonito platform.
It has no effect in GEval as such (it is simply disregarded in GEval).
$ geval --precision 3 -o out.tsv -e expected.tsv --metric 'Accuracy:P<1>' --metric 'MultiLabel-F1:P<3>'
Accuracy:P<1> 0.200
MultiLabel-F1.0:P<3> 0.511
The priority is interpreted by Gonito in the following way:
* 1 — show everywhere, including the main leaderboard table
* 2 — show on the secondary leaderboard table and in detailed information for a submission
* 3 — show only in detailed information for a submission
Although you can specify `P<...>` more than once, only the first value
will be considered for a given metric (this might be important when combined with the `{...}` operator.
### Combining flags
Flags can be combined, just by concatenation (`:` should be given only once):
$ geval -o out.tsv -e expected.tsv -i in.tsv --metric Accuracy --metric 'Accuracy:fcs<\d>N'
Accuracy 0.2
MyWeirdMetric 0.75
Note that the order of flags might be sometimes significant, in
general, they are considered from left to right.
### Cartesian operator `{...}`
Sometimes, you need to define a large number of similar metrics. Then
you can use the special `{...}` operator interpreted by GEval (not
Bash!). For instance `{foo,bar}xyz{aaa,bbb,ccc}` will be internally
considered as the Cartesian product (i.e. you'll get all the
combinations): `fooxyzaaa`, `fooxyzbbb`, `fooxyzccc`, `barxyzaaa`,
`barxyzbbb`, `barxyzccc`.
For example, let's assume that we want accuracy, F-score, precision
and recall in both case-sensitive and case-insensitive versions.
Here's the way to calculate all these 8 metrics in a concise manner:
$ geval --precision 3 -o out.tsv -e expected.tsv -i in.tsv --metric '{Accuracy:N,MultiLabel-F1:N,MultiLabel-F0:N,MultiLabel-F9999:N}N{N,cN}'
sensitive non-sensitive
Acc case 0.200 0.400
F1 case 0.511 0.681
P case 0.462 0.615
R case 0.571 0.762
Note that GEval automagically put the results in a table! (Well,
_case_ probably should be written in headers, but, well, it generates
the table totally on its own.)
## Handling headers
When dealing with TSV files, you often face a dilemma whether to add a
header with field names as the first line of a TSV file or not:
* a header makes a TSV more readable to humans, especially when you use tools like [Visidata](https://www.visidata.org/),
and when there is a lot of input columns (features)
* … but, on the other hand, makes it much cumbersome to process with textutils (cat, sort, shuf, etc.) or similar tools.
GEval can handle TSV with _and_ without headers. By default,
headerless TSV are assumed, but you can specify column names for
input and output/expected files with, respectively, `--in-header
in-header.tsv` and `--out-header out-header.tsv` option.
A header file (`in-header.tsv` or `out-header.tsv`) should be a one-line TSV line with column names.
(Why this way? Because now you can combine this easily with data using, for instance, `cat in-header.tsv dev-0/in.tsv`.)
Now GEval will work as follows:
* when reading a file it will first check whether the first field in
the first line is the same as the first column name, if it is the
case, it will assume the given TSV file contains a header line (just make sure
this string is specific enough and won't mix up with data!),
* otherwise, it will assume it is a headerless file,
* anyway, the column names will be used for human-readable output, for
instance, when listing worst features.
## Preparing a Gonito challenge
### Directory structure of a Gonito challenge
A definition of a [Gonito](https://gonito.net) challenge should be put in a separate
directory. Such a directory should have the structure as given below.
You don't have to create this structure manually, use `geval --init
...` option to generate a challenge skeleton (see next section).
Standard GEval/Gonito challenge structure:
* `README.md` — description of a challenge in Markdown, the first header
will be used as the challenge title, the first paragraph — as its short
* `config.txt` — simple configuration file with options the same as
the ones accepted by `geval` binary (see below), usually just a
metric is specified here (e.g. `--metric BLEU`), also non-default
file names could be given here (e.g. `--test-name test-B` for a
non-standard test subdirectory)
* `in-header.tsv` — one-line TSV file with column names for input data (features),
* `out-header.tsv` — one-line TSV file with column names for output/expected data, usually just one label,
* `train/` — subdirectory with training data (if training data are
supplied for a given Gonito challenge at all)
* `train/in.tsv` — the input data for the training set
* `train/expected.tsv` — the target values
* `dev-0/` — subdirectory with a development set (a sample test set,
which won't be used for the final evaluation)
* `dev-0/in.tsv` — input data
* `dev-0/expected.tsv` — values to be guessed
* `dev-1/`, `dev-2`, ... — other dev sets (if supplied)
* `test-A/` — subdirectory with the test set
* `test-A/in.tsv` — test input (the same format as `dev-0/in.tsv`)
* `test-A/expected.tsv` — values to be guessed (the same format as
`dev-0/expected.tsv`), note that this file should be “hidden” by the
organisers of a Gonito challenge, see notes on the structure of
commits below
* `test-B`, `test-C`, ... — other alternative test sets (if supplied)
### Initiating a Gonito challenge with geval
You can use `geval` to initiate a [Gonito](https://gonito.net) challenge:
geval --init --expected-directory my-challenge --metric RMSE
(This will generate a sample toy challenge about guessing planet masses).
Of course, any other metric can
be given to generate another type of toy challenge:
geval --init --expected-directory my-machine-translation-challenge --metric BLEU --precision 4 -% -B 200
Note that the `--precision 4` and `-%` options give you pretty
formatting of evaluation scores. Simply you don't want ugly scores
such as `0.1729801323401`! The `--precision 4` option limits it to 4
digits after the decimal dot (`0.1730`) and `-%` makes it into a
percent-like value (`17.30`).
The `-B 200` is yet another interesting option. If it is used, GEval will
calculate confidence intervals using bootstrap sampling.
### Preparing a Git repository
[Gonito](https://gonito.net) platform expects a Git repository with a
challenge to be submitted. The suggested way to do this will be
presented as a [Makefile](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Makefile), but
of course you could use any other scripting language (anyway, it's
always a good idea to start with `geval --init` and then add/overwrite
the files). The commands should be clear if you know Bash and some
basic facts about Makefiles:
* a Makefile consists of rules, each rule specifies how to build a _target_ out of _dependencies_ using
shell commands
* `$@` is the (first) target, whereas `$<` — the first dependency
* the indentation should be done with **TABs, not spaces**! (see the
[file with TABs](misc/challenge-preparation-example/Makefile))
Also don't forget to compress aggressively large files (e.g.
`train/in.tsv` and `train/expected.tsv`), the xz compressor is a good
option and is handled by GEval.
# no not delete intermediate files
# the directory where the challenge will be created
# let's define which files are necessary, other files will be created if needed;
# we'll compress the input files with xz and leave `expected.tsv` files uncompressed
# (but you could decide otherwise)
all: $(output_directory)/train/in.tsv.xz $(output_directory)/train/expected.tsv \
$(output_directory)/dev-0/in.tsv.xz $(output_directory)/dev-0/expected.tsv \
$(output_directory)/test-A/in.tsv.xz $(output_directory)/test-A/expected.tsv \
$(output_directory)/README.md \
$(output_directory)/in-header.tsv \
# always validate the challenge
geval --validate --expected-directory $(output_directory)
# we need to replace the default README.md, we assume that it
# is kept as challenge-readme.md in the repo with this Makefile;
# note that the title from README.md will be taken as the title of the challenge
# and the first paragraph — as a short description
$(output_directory)/README.md: challenge-readme.md $(output_directory)/config.txt
cp $< $@
# prepare header files (see above section on headers)
$(output_directory)/in-header.tsv: in-header.tsv $(output_directory)/config.txt
cp $< $@
$(output_directory)/out-header.tsv: out-header.tsv $(output_directory)/config.txt
cp $< $@
mkdir -p $(output_directory)
geval --init --expected-directory $(output_directory) --metric MAIN_METRIC --metric AUXILIARY_METRIC --precision N --gonito-host https://some.gonito.host.net
# `geval --init` will generate a toy challenge for a given metric(s)
# ... but we remove the `in/expected.tsv` files just in case
# (we will overwrite this with our data anyway)
rm -f $(output_directory)/{train,dev-0,test-A}/{in,expected}.tsv
rm $(output_directory)/{README.md,in-header.tsv,out-header.tsv}
# a "total" TSV containing all the data, we'll split it later
all-data.tsv.xz: prepare.py some-other-files
# the data are generated using your script, let's say prepare.py and
# some other files (of course, it depends on your task);
# the file will be compressed with xz
./prepare.py some-other-files | xz > $@
# and now the challenge files, note that they will depend on config.txt so that
# the challenge skeleton is generated first
# The best way to split data into train, dev-0 and test-A set is to do it in a random,
# but _stable_ manner, the set into which an item is assigned should depend on the MD5 sum
# of some field in the input data (a field unlikely to change). Let's assume
# that you created a script `filter.py` that takes as an argument a regular expression that will be applied
# to the MD5 sum (written in the hexadecimal format).
$(output_directory)/train/in.tsv.xz $(output_directory)/train/expected.tsv: all-data.tsv.xz filter.py $(output_directory)/config.txt
# 1. xzcat for decompression
# 2. ./filter.py will select 14/16=7/8 of items in a stable random manner
# 3. tee >(...) is Bash magic to fork the ouptut into two streams
# 4. cut will select the columns
# 5. xz will compress it back
xzcat $< | ./filter.py '[0-9abcd]$' | tee >(cut -f 1 > $(output_directory)/train/expected.tsv) | cut -f 2- | xz > $(output_directory)/train/in.tsv.xz
$(output_directory)/dev-0/in.tsv.xz $(output_directory)/dev-0/expected.tsv: all-data.tsv.xz filter.py $(output_directory)/config.txt
# 1/16 of items goes to dev-0 set
xzcat $< | ./filter.py 'e$' | tee >(cut -f 1 > $(output_directory)/dev-0/expected.tsv) | cut -f 2- | xz > $(output_directory)/dev-0/in.tsv.xz
$(output_directory)/test-A/in.tsv.xz $(output_directory)/test-A/expected.tsv: all-data.tsv.xz filter.py $(output_directory)/config.txt
# (other) 1/16 of items goes to test-A set
xzcat $< | ./filter.py 'f$' | tee >(cut -f 1 > $(output_directory)/test-A/expected.tsv) | cut -f 2- | xz > $(output_directory)/test-A/in.tsv.xz
# wiping out the challenge, if you are desperate
rm -rf $(output_directory)
Now let's do the git stuff, we will:
1. prepare a branch (say `master`) with all the files _without_
`test-A/expected.tsv`, this branch will be cloned by people taking
up the challenge.
2. prepare a separate branch (or could be a repo, we'll use the branch `dont-peek`) with
`test-A/expected.tsv` added; this branch should be accessible by
Gonito platform, but should be kept “hidden” for regular users (or
at least they should be kindly asked not to peek there).
Branch (1) should be the parent of the branch (2), for instance, the
repo (for the toy “planets” challenge) could be created as follows:
cd planets # output_directory in the Makefile above
git init
git add .gitignore config.txt README.md {train,dev-0}/{in.tsv.xz,expected.tsv} test-A/in.tsv.xz in-header.tsv out-header.tsv
git commit -m 'init challenge'
git remote add origin ssh://gitolite@gonito.net/planets # some repo you have access
git push origin master
git checkout -b dont-peek
git add test-A/expected.tsv
git commit -m 'hidden data'
git push origin dont-peek
## Taking up a Gonito challenge
Clone the repo with a challenge, as given on the [Gonito](https://gonito.net) web-site, e.g.
for the toy “planets” challenge (as generated with `geval --init`):
git clone git://gonito.net/planets
Now use the train data and whatever machine learning tools you like to
guess the values for the dev set and the test set, put them,
respectively, as:
* `dev-0/out.tsv`
* `test-A/out.tsv`
(These files must have exactly the same number of lines as,
respectively, `dev-0/in.tsv` and `test-0/in.tsv`. They should contain
only the predicted values.)
Check the result for the dev set with `geval`:
geval --test-name dev-0
(the current directory is assumed for `--out-directory` and `--expected-directory`).
If you'd like and if you have access to the test set results, you can
“cheat” and check the results for the test set:
cd ..
git clone git://gonito.net/planets planets-secret --branch dont-peek
cd planets
geval --expected-directory ../planets-secret
### Uploading your results to Gonito platform
Uploading is via Git — commit your “out” files and push the commit to
your own repo. On [Gonito](https://gonito.net) you are encouraged to share your code, so
be nice and commit also your source codes.
git remote add mine git@github.com/johnsmith/planets-johnsmith
git add {dev-0,test-A}/out.tsv
git add Makefile magic-bullet.py ... # whatever scripts/source codes you have
git commit -m 'my solution to the challenge'
git push mine master
Then let Gonito pull them and evaluate your results, either manually clicking
"submit" at the Gonito website or using `--submit` option (see below).
### Submitting a solution to a Gonito platform with GEval
A solution to a machine learning challenge can be submitted with the
special `--submit` option:
geval --submit --gonito-host HOST --token TOKEN
* _HOST_ is the name of the host with a Gonito platform
* _TOKEN_ is a special per-user authorization token (can be copied
from "your account" page)
_HOST_ must be given when `--submit` is used (unless the creator of the challenge
put `--gonito-host` option in the `config.txt` file, note that in such a case using
`--gonito-host` option will result in an error).
If _TOKEN_ was not given, GEval attempts to read it from the `.token`
file, and if the `.token` file does not exist, the user is asked to
type it (and then the token is cached in `.token` file).
GEval with `--submit` does not commit or push changes, this needs to
be done before running `geval --submit`. On the other hand, GEval will
check whether the changes were committed and pushed.
Note that using `--submit` option for the main instance at
is usually **NOT** needed, as the git
repositories are configured there in such a way that an evaluation is
triggered with each push anyway.
## Reproducibility guidelines
GEval is about evaluation, all you actually need to supply are just
`out.tsv` files. Remember, GEval (and associated evaluation platform
Gonito) is not going to _run_ your submission, it just evaluates the
_output_ of your solution by comparing it against the gold standard,
i.e. the `expected.tsv` files.
Nevertheless, it would be nice to have some _standards_ for organizing
your code and models so that it would be easy for other people (and
you yourself a month later) to reproduce your results. Here I lay out
some guidelines or standards for this. The conformance to the
guidelines is not checked by GEval/Gonito (though it may be at some
time in the future).
### The file structure
Here is the recommended file structure of your submission:
* `dev-?/out.tsv`, `test-?/out.tsv` — files required by GEval/Gonito
for the actual evaluation;
* `gonito.yaml` — metadata for Gonito;
* `predict.sh` — this script should read items from standard input in the
same format as in `in.tsv` files for a given challenge and
print the results on the standard output in the same
format as in `out.tsv` files
- actually `out.tsv` should be generated with `predict.sh`,
- `predict.sh` must print exactly the same number of lines as it read from the input,
- `predict.sh` should accept any number of items, including a single item, in other
words `echo '...' | ./predict.sh` should work,
- `predict.sh` should use models stored in `models/` (generated by `train.sh`),
- `predict.sh` can invoke further scripts in `code/`;
* `train.sh` — this script should train a machine-learning model using
the data in `train/` (and possibly using development sets in
`dev-?/` for fine-tuning, validation, early stopping, etc.), all the models
should be saved in the `models/` directory
- just as `predict.sh`, `train.sh` can invoke scripts in `code/` (obviously some code
in `code/` could be shared between `predict.sh` and `train.sh`)
- `train.sh` should generate `out.tsv` files (preferably by running `predict.sh`);
* `code/` — source codes and scripts for training and prediction should be put here;
* `models/` — all the models generated by `train.sh` should be put here;
* `Dockerfile` — recipe for a multi-stage build with `train` and
`predict` targets for building containers in which, respectively,
`train.sh` and `predict.sh` is guaranteed to run (more details below);
* `.dockerignore` — put at least `models/*` and `train/*` here to
speed up building Docker containers;
* `Makefile` (optional) — if you use make, please put your recipe here (not in `code/`).
#### Environment variables
There are some environment variables that should be handled by
`train.sh` and `predict.sh` (if it is applicable to them):
* `RANDOM_SEED` — the value of the random seed,
* `THREADS` — number of threads/jobs/cores to be used (usually to be passed
to options `-j N`, `--threads N` or similar).
* `BATCH_SIZE` (only `predict.sh`) — the value of the batch size
- by default, `BATCH_SIZE=1` should be assumed
- if set to 1, `predict.sh` should immediately return the processed value
- if set to N > 1, `predict.sh` can read batches of N items, process the whole
batch and return the results for the whole batch
### Example — Classification with fastText
Let's try to reproduce a sample submission conforming to the standards
laid out above. The challenge is to [guess whether a given tweet
expresses a positive or a negative
sentiment](https://gonito.net/challenge/sentiment140). You're given
the tweet text along with datestamps in two formats.
The [sample solution](https://gonito.net/view-variant/7452) to this challenge, based on
[fastText](https://fasttext.cc/), can be cloned as a git repo:
git clone --single-branch git://gonito.net/sentiment140 -b submission-07130
(The `--single-branch` is to speed up the download.)
As usual, you could evaluate this solution locally on the dev set:
$ cd sentiment140
$ geval -t dev-0
The accuracy is nearly 80%, so it's pretty good. But now we are not
interested in evaluating outputs, we'd like to actually _run_ the
solution, or even reproduce training from scratch.
Let try to run the fastText classifier on the first 5 items from the
dev-0 set.
$ xzcat dev-0/in.tsv.xz | head -n 5
2009.4109589041095 20090531 @smaknews I love Santa Barbara! In fact @BCCF's next Black Tie Charity Event is in Santa Barbara on August 15th!
2009.4054794520548 20090529 @GreenMommaSmith yeah man, I really need an exercise bike. Tris laughs when I mention it
2009.2630136986302 20090407 Anticipating a slow empty boring summer
2009.4164383561645 20090602 just crossed the kankakee river i need to go back soon & see my family. *tori*
2009.4301369863015 20090607 is o tired because of my HillBilly Family and my histerical sister! Stress is not good for me, lol. Stuck at work
$ xzcat dev-0/in.tsv.xz | head -n 5 | ./predict.sh
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::invalid_argument'
what(): models/sentiment140.fasttext.bin cannot be opened for loading!
What went wrong!? The fastText model is pretty large (420 MB), so it
would not be a good idea to commit it to the git repository directly.
It was stored using git-annex instead.
[Git-annex](https://git-annex.branchable.com/) is a neat git extension
with which you commit only metadata and keep the actual contents
wherever you want (directory, rsync host, S3 bucket, DropBox etc.).
I put the model on my server, you can download it using the bash script supplied:
./get-annexed-files.sh models/sentiment140.fasttext.bin
Now should be OK:
$ xzcat dev-0/in.tsv.xz | head -n 5 | ./predict.sh
Well… provided that you have fastText installed. So it's not exactly a
perfect reproducibility. Don't worry, we solve this issue with
Docker in a moment.
What if you want retrain the model from scratch, then you should run
the `train.sh` script, let's set the random seed to some other value:
./get-annexed-files.sh train/in.tsv.xz
rm models/*
RANDOM_SEED=42 ./train.sh
Note that we need to download the input part of the train set first. As it
is pretty large, I decided to store it in a git-annex storage too.
The evaluation results are slightly different:
$ geval -t dev-0
It's not surprising as a different seed was chosen (and fastText might
not be deterministic itself).
#### How did I actually uploaded this solution?
I ran the `train.sh` script. All files except the model were added
using the regular `git add` command:
git add code dev-0/out.tsv .dockerignore Dockerfile gonito.yaml predict.sh test-A/out.tsv train.sh
The model was added with `git annex`:
git annex add models/sentiment140.fasttext.bin
Then I committed the changes and pushed the files to the repo. Still,
the model file had to be uploaded to the git-annex storage.
I was using a directory on a server to which I have access via SSH:
git annex initremote gonito type=rsync rsyncurl=gonito.vm.wmi.amu.edu.pl:/srv/http/annex encryption=none
I uploaded the file there:
git annex copy models/* --to gonito
The problem is that only I could download the files from this
git-annex remote. In order to make it available to the whole world, I
set up an HTTP server and served the files from there. The trick is to
special remote:
git annex initremote --sameas=gonito gonito-https type=httpalso url=https://gonito.vm.wmi.amu.edu.pl/annex
Finally, you need to synchronize the information about special remotes:
git annex -a --no-content
### Docker
Still, the problem with reproducibility of the sample solution
remains, as you must install requirements: fastText (plus some Python
modules for training). It's a quite a big hassle, if you consider that
there might a lot of different solutions each with a different set of
Docker containers might come in handy here. The idea is that a
submitter should supply a Dockerfile meeting the following conditions:
* defined as a multi-stage build;
* there are at least 2 images defined: `train` and `predict`;
* `train` defines an environment required for training
- but training scripts and the data set should _not_ be included in the image,
- the image should be run on the directory with the solution mounted to `/workspace`
- i.e. the following commands should run training
docker build . --target train -t foo-train
docker run -v $(pwd):/workspace -it foo-train /workspace/train.sh
* `predict` defines a self-contained predictor
- contrary to the `train` image all the scripts and binaries needed
for the actual prediction should be there,
- … except for the models that needs to be supplied in the directory mounted
at `/workspace/models`, i.e. the following commands should just work:
docker build . --target predict -t foo-predict
docker run -v $(pwd)/models:/workspace/models -i foo-predict
- this way you can easily switch to another model without changing the base code
#### Back to the example
And it works for the example given above. With one caveat: due an
unfortunate interaction of git-annex and Docker, you need to _unlock_ model files
before running the Docker container:
$ docker build . --target predict -t sentiment140-predict
$ git annex unlock models/*
$ echo -e '2021.99999\t20211231\tGEval is awesome!' | docker run -v $(pwd)/models:/workspace/models -i sentiment140-predict
## `geval` options
geval - stand-alone evaluation tool for tests in Gonito platform
Usage: geval ([--init] | [-v|--version] | [-l|--line-by-line] |
[-w|--worst-features] | [-d|--diff OTHER-OUT] |
[-m|--most-worsening-features ARG] | [-j|--just-tokenize] |
[-S|--submit]) ([-s|--sort] | [-r|--reverse-sort])
[--out-directory OUT-DIRECTORY]
[--expected-directory EXPECTED-DIRECTORY] [-t|--test-name NAME]
[-o|--out-file OUT] [-e|--expected-file EXPECTED]
[-i|--input-file INPUT] [-a|--alt-metric METRIC]
[-m|--metric METRIC] [-p|--precision NUMBER-OF-FRACTIONAL-DIGITS]
[-T|--tokenizer TOKENIZER] [--gonito-host GONITO_HOST]
[--token TOKEN]
Run evaluation for tests in Gonito platform
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
--init Init a sample Gonito challenge rather than run an
-v,--version Print GEval version
-l,--line-by-line Give scores for each line rather than the whole test
-w,--worst-features Print a ranking of worst features, i.e. features that
worsen the score significantly. Features are sorted
using p-value for the Mann-Whitney U test comparing the
items with a given feature and without it. For each
feature the number of occurrences, average score and
p-value is given.
-d,--diff OTHER-OUT Compare results of evaluations (line by line) for two
-m,--most-worsening-features ARG
Print a ranking of the "most worsening" features,
i.e. features that worsen the score the most when
comparing outputs from two systems.
-j,--just-tokenize Just tokenise standard input and print out the tokens
(separated by spaces) on the standard output. rather
than do any evaluation. The --tokenizer option must
be given.
-S,--submit Submit current solution for evaluation to an external
Gonito instance specified with --gonito-host option.
Optionally, specify --token.
-s,--sort When in line-by-line or diff mode, sort the results
from the worst to the best
-r,--reverse-sort When in line-by-line or diff mode, sort the results
from the best to the worst
--out-directory OUT-DIRECTORY
Directory with test results to be
evaluated (default: ".")
--expected-directory EXPECTED-DIRECTORY
Directory with expected test results (the same as
OUT-DIRECTORY, if not given)
-t,--test-name NAME Test name (i.e. subdirectory with results or expected
results) (default: "test-A")
-o,--out-file OUT The name of the file to be
evaluated (default: "out.tsv")
-e,--expected-file EXPECTED
The name of the file with expected
results (default: "expected.tsv")
-i,--input-file INPUT The name of the file with the input (applicable only
for some metrics) (default: "in.tsv")
-a,--alt-metric METRIC Alternative metric (overrides --metric option)
-m,--metric METRIC Metric to be used - RMSE, MSE, Accuracy, LogLoss,
Likelihood, F-measure (specify as F1, F2, F0.25,
etc.), multi-label F-measure (specify as
MultiLabel-F1, MultiLabel-F2, MultiLabel-F0.25,
etc.), MAP, BLEU, NMI, ClippEU, LogLossHashed,
LikelihoodHashed, BIO-F1, BIO-F1-Labels or CharMatch
Arithmetic precision, i.e. the number of fractional
digits to be shown
-T,--tokenizer TOKENIZER Tokenizer on expected and actual output before
running evaluation (makes sense mostly for metrics
such BLEU), minimalistic, 13a and v14 tokenizers are
implemented so far. Will be also used for tokenizing
text into features when in --worst-features and
--most-worsening-features modes.
--gonito-host GONITO_HOST
Submit ONLY: Gonito instance location.
--token TOKEN Submit ONLY: Token for authorization with Gonito
If you need another metric, let me know, or do it yourself!
## License
Apache License 2.0
## Authors
* Filip Graliński
## Contributors
* Piotr Halama
* Karol Kaczmarek
## Copyright
2015-2019 Filip Graliński
2019 Applica.ai
## References
Filip Graliński, Anna Wróblewska, Tomasz Stanisławek, Kamil Grabowski, Tomasz Górecki, [_GEval: Tool for Debugging NLP Datasets and Models_](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W19-4826/)
title = "{GE}val: Tool for Debugging {NLP} Datasets and Models",
author = "Grali{\'n}ski, Filip and
Wr{\'o}blewska, Anna and
Stanis{\l}awek, Tomasz and
Grabowski, Kamil and
G{\'o}recki, Tomasz",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2019 ACL Workshop BlackboxNLP: Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP",
month = aug,
year = "2019",
address = "Florence, Italy",
publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
url = "https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W19-4826",
pages = "254--262",
abstract = "This paper presents a simple but general and effective method to debug the output of machine learning (ML) supervised models, including neural networks. The algorithm looks for features that lower the evaluation metric in such a way that it cannot be ascribed to chance (as measured by their p-values). Using this method {--} implemented as MLEval tool {--} you can find: (1) anomalies in test sets, (2) issues in preprocessing, (3) problems in the ML model itself. It can give you an insight into what can be improved in the datasets and/or the model. The same method can be used to compare ML models or different versions of the same model. We present the tool, the theory behind it and use cases for text-based models of various types.",