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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module GEval.LineByLine
) where
import GEval.Core
import GEval.Common
import GEval.DataSource
import GEval.EvaluationScheme
import Text.Tokenizer
import System.IO
import Data.Conduit.AutoDecompress (doNothing)
import Data.Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import qualified Data.Conduit.Combinators as CC
import qualified Data.Conduit.Text as CT
import Data.Text
import Data.Text.Encoding
import Data.Conduit.Rank
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, catMaybes)
import Data.Either (rights)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.List (sortBy, sortOn, sort, concat, maximumBy, intersperse)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
import Data.Conduit.Lift
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import GEval.FeatureExtractor
import GEval.BlackBoxDebugging
import GEval.Selector
import Data.Word
import Text.Printf
import Data.Conduit.SmartSource
import System.FilePath
import Statistics.Distribution (cumulative)
import Statistics.Distribution.Normal (normalDistr)
import Data.Statistics.Kendall (kendallZ)
import Data.Conduit.Binary (sourceFile)
import Data.Conduit.Header
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Rainbow (Chunk, (&), magenta, cyan, fore, bold, yellow, brightYellow, red, brightRed, chunk, chunksToByteStrings, byteStringMakerFromEnvironment, byteStringMakerFromHandle, ByteString)
data LineRecord = LineRecord Text Text Text Word32 MetricValue
deriving (Eq, Show)
readReferences :: FilePath -> IO References
readReferences referencesFilePath = do
h <- runResourceT $ runConduit $ (sourceFile referencesFilePath
.| CC.decodeUtf8Lenient
.| CT.lines
.| parseReferenceEntry
.| CC.foldl (\h (refId, t) -> H.insert refId t h) H.empty)
return $ References h
parseReferenceEntry :: Text -> (Integer, Text)
parseReferenceEntry line = (read $ unpack refId, t)
where [refId, t] = splitOn "\t" line
runLineByLine :: ResultOrdering -> Maybe String -> GEvalSpecification -> BlackBoxDebuggingOptions -> IO ()
runLineByLine ordering featureFilter spec bbdo = do
mInHeader <- readHeaderFileWrapper $ getInHeader spec
runLineByLineGeneralized ordering spec (consum mInHeader)
where consum :: Maybe TabularHeader -> Maybe References -> ConduitT LineRecord Void (ResourceT IO) ()
consum = (\mInHeader -> \mReferences -> (runFeatureFilter featureFilter spec bbdo mReferences mInHeader .| (encodeUtf8 . formatOutput) .| CC.unlinesAscii .| CC.stdout))
formatOutput (LineRecord inp exp out _ score) = Data.Text.intercalate "\t" [
formatScore score,
escapeTabs inp,
escapeTabs exp,
escapeTabs out]
formatScore :: MetricValue -> Text
formatScore = Data.Text.pack . printf "%f"
data LineSpan = UnmarkedSpan Text | MarkedSpan Double Text
deriving (Eq, Show)
runLineByLineWithWorstFeatures :: ResultOrdering -> Maybe String -> GEvalSpecification -> BlackBoxDebuggingOptions -> IO ()
runLineByLineWithWorstFeatures ordering featureFilter spec bbdo = do
maker <- byteStringMakerFromEnvironment
let consum = (recordToBytes maker) .| CC.unlinesAscii .| CC.stdout
runLineByLineWithWorstFeaturesGeneralized ordering featureFilter spec bbdo consum
recordToBytes :: (Chunk Text -> [ByteString] -> [ByteString]) -> SpanLineRecord -> ByteString
recordToBytes maker (SpanLineRecord inSpans expSpans outSpans score) =
(mconcat . Data.List.intersperse "\t") [encodeUtf8 $ formatScore score,
lineToBytes maker inSpans,
lineToBytes maker expSpans,
lineToBytes maker outSpans]
where formatScore :: MetricValue -> Text
formatScore = Data.Text.pack . printf "%f"
lineToBytes :: (Chunk Text -> [ByteString] -> [ByteString]) -> [LineSpan] -> ByteString
lineToBytes maker spans =
$ chunksToByteStrings maker
$ Data.List.intersperse (chunk " ")
$ spanToRainbowChunk $ spans
spanToRainbowChunk :: LineSpan -> Chunk Text
spanToRainbowChunk (UnmarkedSpan t) = chunk t
spanToRainbowChunk (MarkedSpan p t) = markedChunk p c
where c = chunk t
markedChunk :: Double -> Chunk Text -> Chunk Text
markedChunk pValue c
| pValue < 0.000000000000001 = bold c & fore brightRed
| pValue < 0.000000000001 = c & fore red
| pValue < 0.000001 = c & fore magenta
| pValue < 0.001 = bold c
| otherwise = c
markBadFeatures :: (M.Map PeggedFactor Double) -> (Maybe Tokenizer) -> BlackBoxDebuggingOptions -> Text -> Text -> [LineSpan]
markBadFeatures worstFeaturesMap mTokenizer bbdo field line =
$ (featureToLineSpan worstFeaturesMap)
$ extractFactors mTokenizer bbdo Nothing field line
markBadFeaturesInTabbed :: (M.Map PeggedFactor Double) -> (Maybe Tokenizer) -> BlackBoxDebuggingOptions -> Text -> Text -> Maybe TabularHeader -> [LineSpan]
markBadFeaturesInTabbed worstFeaturesMap mTokenizer bbdo field line mInHeader =
$ (featureToLineSpan worstFeaturesMap)
$ extractFactorsFromTabbed mTokenizer bbdo Nothing field line mInHeader
doMarking worstFeaturesMap mTokenizer mInHeader bbdo (LineRecord inpLine expLine outLine _ score) =
SpanLineRecord (markBadFeaturesInTabbed worstFeaturesMap mTokenizer bbdo "in" inpLine mInHeader)
(markBadFeatures worstFeaturesMap mTokenizer bbdo "exp" expLine)
(markBadFeatures worstFeaturesMap mTokenizer bbdo "out" outLine)
featureToLineSpan :: (M.Map PeggedFactor Double) -> PeggedFactor -> Maybe LineSpan
featureToLineSpan worstFeaturesMap pf = featureToLineSpan' (M.lookup pf worstFeaturesMap) pf
where featureToLineSpan' Nothing pf = UnmarkedSpan <$> toTextualContent pf
featureToLineSpan' (Just pValue) pf = MarkedSpan pValue <$> toTextualContent pf
data SpanLineRecord = SpanLineRecord [LineSpan] [LineSpan] [LineSpan] MetricValue
deriving (Eq, Show)
runLineByLineWithWorstFeaturesGeneralized :: ResultOrdering
-> Maybe String
-> GEvalSpecification
-> BlackBoxDebuggingOptions
-> ConduitT SpanLineRecord Void (ResourceT IO) r
-> IO r
runLineByLineWithWorstFeaturesGeneralized ordering featureFilter spec bbdo consum = do
hPutStrLn stderr "Looking for worst features..."
mInHeader <- readHeaderFileWrapper $ getInHeader spec
worstFeatures <- runLineByLineGeneralized ordering' spec (\mReferences -> worstFeaturesPipeline False spec bbdo mReferences mInHeader (CL.take 100))
let worstFeaturesMap = M.fromList
$ catMaybes
$ featureToFactor
$ (\(FeatureWithPValue feature pValue _ _) -> (feature, pValue)) worstFeatures
mInHeader <- readHeaderFileWrapper $ getInHeader spec
runLineByLineGeneralized ordering spec (consum' worstFeaturesMap mInHeader)
where consum' worstFeaturesMap mInHeader = (\mReferences -> (runFeatureFilter featureFilter spec bbdo mReferences mInHeader
.| (doMarking worstFeaturesMap mTokenizer mInHeader bbdo)
.| consum))
ordering' = forceSomeOrdering ordering
mTokenizer = gesTokenizer spec
featureToFactor :: (Feature, Double) -> Maybe (PeggedFactor, Double)
featureToFactor ((UnaryFeature (PeggedExistentialFactor namespace (SimpleAtomicFactor factor))), p) =
Just (PeggedFactor namespace (SimpleExistentialFactor (SimpleAtomicFactor factor)), p)
featureToFactor _ = Nothing
runFeatureFilter :: (Monad m, FeatureSource s) => Maybe String
-> GEvalSpecification
-> BlackBoxDebuggingOptions
-> Maybe References
-> Maybe TabularHeader
-> ConduitT s s m ()
runFeatureFilter Nothing _ _ _ _ = doNothing
runFeatureFilter (Just feature) spec bbdo mReferences mInHeader = (\l -> (fakeRank, l))
.| featureExtractor mTokenizer bbdo mReferences mInHeader
.| CC.filter (checkFeature feature)
.| fst
where mTokenizer = gesTokenizer spec
fakeRank = 0.0
checkFeature feature (_, LineWithFactors _ _ fs) = feature `elem` ( show fs)
runWorstFeatures :: ResultOrdering -> GEvalSpecification -> BlackBoxDebuggingOptions -> IO ()
runWorstFeatures ordering spec bbdo = do
mInHeader <- readHeaderFileWrapper $ getInHeader spec
runLineByLineGeneralized ordering' spec (\mReferences -> worstFeaturesPipeline False spec bbdo mReferences mInHeader consumFeatures)
where ordering' = forceSomeOrdering ordering
consumFeatures = (encodeUtf8 . formatFeatureWithPValue)
.| CC.unlinesAscii
.| CC.stdout
worstFeaturesPipeline :: Bool
-> GEvalSpecification
-> BlackBoxDebuggingOptions
-> Maybe References
-> Maybe TabularHeader
-> ConduitT FeatureWithPValue Void (ResourceT IO) a
-> ConduitT LineRecord Void (ResourceT IO) a
worstFeaturesPipeline reversed spec bbdo mReferences mInHeader consum = rank (lessByMetric reversed $ gesMainMetric spec)
.| evalStateC 0 (extractFeaturesAndPValues spec bbdo mReferences mInHeader)
.| CC.filter (\(FeatureWithPValue _ p _ _) -> not $ isNaN p) -- NaN values would poison sorting
.| gobbleAndDo (sortBy featureOrder)
.| filtreCartesian (bbdoCartesian bbdo)
.| consum
where featureOrder (FeatureWithPValue _ p1 _ _) (FeatureWithPValue _ p2 _ _) =
p1 `compare` p2
-- for commands like --worst-features we need some ordering (KeepTheOriginalOrder
-- does not make sense at all)
forceSomeOrdering :: ResultOrdering -> ResultOrdering
forceSomeOrdering FirstTheBest = FirstTheBest
forceSomeOrdering _ = FirstTheWorst
extractFeaturesAndPValues :: Monad m => GEvalSpecification -> BlackBoxDebuggingOptions -> Maybe References -> Maybe TabularHeader -> ConduitT (Double, LineRecord) FeatureWithPValue (StateT Integer m) ()
extractFeaturesAndPValues spec bbdo mReferences mInHeader =
.| rankedFeatureExtractor spec bbdo mReferences mInHeader
.| uScoresCounter (bbdoMinFrequency bbdo)
data RankedFactor = RankedFactor Factor Double MetricValue
deriving (Show)
data FeatureWithPValue = FeatureWithPValue Feature -- ^ feature itself
Double -- ^ p-value
MetricValue -- ^ average metric value
Integer -- ^ count
deriving (Show)
formatFeatureWithPValue :: FeatureWithPValue -> Text
formatFeatureWithPValue (FeatureWithPValue f p avg c) =
Data.Text.intercalate "\t" [pack $ show f,
(pack $ show c),
(pack $ printf "%0.8f" avg),
(pack $ printf "%0.20f" p)]
rankedFeatureExtractor :: Monad m => GEvalSpecification -> BlackBoxDebuggingOptions -> Maybe References -> Maybe TabularHeader -> ConduitT (Double, LineRecord) RankedFactor m ()
rankedFeatureExtractor spec bbdo mReferences mInHeader = featureExtractor mTokenizer bbdo mReferences mInHeader
.| snd
.| unwrapFeatures
.| CC.concat
where mTokenizer = gesTokenizer spec
unwrapFeatures (LineWithFactors rank score fs) = (\f -> RankedFactor f rank score) fs
class FeatureSource a where
getScore :: a -> MetricValue
mainLineRecord :: a -> LineRecord
instance FeatureSource LineRecord where
getScore (LineRecord _ _ _ _ score) = score
mainLineRecord l = l
instance FeatureSource (LineRecord, LineRecord) where
getScore (LineRecord _ _ _ _ scoreA, LineRecord _ _ _ _ scoreB) = scoreB - scoreA
mainLineRecord (_, l) = l
featureExtractor :: (Monad m, FeatureSource s) => Maybe Tokenizer -> BlackBoxDebuggingOptions -> Maybe References -> Maybe TabularHeader -> ConduitT (Double, s) (s, LineWithFactors) m ()
featureExtractor mTokenizer bbdo mReferences mInHeader = extract
.| finalFeatures (bbdoCartesian bbdo) (fromMaybe (bbdoMinFrequency bbdo) (bbdoMinCartesianFrequency bbdo))
where extract (rank, line) =
(line, LineWithPeggedFactors rank (getScore line) $ getFeatures mTokenizer bbdo mReferences (lineToTargetRecord $ mainLineRecord line) mInHeader)
lineToTargetRecord (LineRecord inp exp out _ _) = TargetRecord (Got (RawItemTarget inp))
(Got (RawItemTarget exp))
(Got (RawItemTarget out))
finalFeatures :: Monad m => Bool -> Integer -> ConduitT (a, LineWithPeggedFactors) (a, LineWithFactors) m ()
finalFeatures False _ = (\(l, p) -> (l, peggedToUnaryLine p))
finalFeatures True minFreq = do
ls <- CC.sinkList
let unaryFeaturesFrequentEnough = S.fromList
$ (\(f, c) -> f)
$ Prelude.filter (\(f, c) -> c >= minFreq)
$ M.toList
$ M.fromListWith (+)
$ Data.List.concat
$ (\(LineWithPeggedFactors _ _ fs) -> (\f -> (f, 1)) $ filterExistentialFactors fs)
$ snd ls
(CC.yieldMany $ ls) .| (addCartesian unaryFeaturesFrequentEnough)
where addCartesian wanted (l, LineWithPeggedFactors rank score fs) = (l, LineWithFactors rank score
$ (( UnaryFactor fs) ++
(cartesianFeatures $ Prelude.filter ((flip S.member) wanted) $ filterExistentialFactors fs)))
filtreCartesian False = id
filtreCartesian True = CC.concatMapAccum step S.empty
where step f@(FeatureWithPValue (UnaryFeature fac) _ _ _) mp = (S.insert fac mp, [f])
step f@(FeatureWithPValue (CartesianFeature pA pB) _ _ _) mp = (mp, if pA `S.member` mp || pB `S.member` mp
then []
else [f])
step f@(FeatureWithPValue (NumericalFeature _ _ _) _ _ _) mp = (mp, [f])
peggedToUnaryLine :: LineWithPeggedFactors -> LineWithFactors
peggedToUnaryLine (LineWithPeggedFactors rank score fs) = LineWithFactors rank score ( UnaryFactor fs)
data FeatureAggregate = ExistentialFactorAggregate Double MetricValue Integer
| NumericalValueAggregate [Double] [MetricValue] [Int] [MetricValue]
| LengthAggregate [Double] [MetricValue] [Int]
aggreggate :: FeatureAggregate -> FeatureAggregate -> FeatureAggregate
aggreggate (ExistentialFactorAggregate r1 s1 c1) (ExistentialFactorAggregate r2 s2 c2) =
ExistentialFactorAggregate (r1 + r2) (s1 + s2) (c1 + c2)
aggreggate (NumericalValueAggregate ranks1 scores1 lengths1 values1) (NumericalValueAggregate ranks2 scores2 lengths2 values2) =
NumericalValueAggregate (ranks1 ++ ranks2) (scores1 ++ scores2) (lengths1 ++ lengths2) (values1 ++ values2)
aggreggate (NumericalValueAggregate ranks1 scores1 lengths1 _) (LengthAggregate ranks2 scores2 lengths2) =
LengthAggregate (ranks1 ++ ranks2) (scores1 ++ scores2) (lengths1 ++ lengths2)
aggreggate (LengthAggregate ranks1 scores1 lengths1) (NumericalValueAggregate ranks2 scores2 lengths2 _) =
LengthAggregate (ranks1 ++ ranks2) (scores1 ++ scores2) (lengths1 ++ lengths2)
aggreggate (LengthAggregate ranks1 scores1 lengths1) (LengthAggregate ranks2 scores2 lengths2) =
LengthAggregate (ranks1 ++ ranks2) (scores1 ++ scores2) (lengths1 ++ lengths2)
aggreggate _ _ = error "Mismatched aggregates!"
initAggregate :: RankedFactor -> (Featuroid, FeatureAggregate)
initAggregate (RankedFactor (UnaryFactor (PeggedFactor namespace (NumericalFactor Nothing l))) r s) =
(NumericalFeaturoid namespace, LengthAggregate [r] [s] [l])
initAggregate (RankedFactor (UnaryFactor (PeggedFactor namespace (NumericalFactor (Just v) l))) r s) =
(NumericalFeaturoid namespace, NumericalValueAggregate [r] [s] [l] [v])
initAggregate (RankedFactor (UnaryFactor (PeggedFactor namespace (SimpleExistentialFactor f))) r s) =
(UnaryFeaturoid (PeggedExistentialFactor namespace f), ExistentialFactorAggregate r s 1)
initAggregate (RankedFactor (CartesianFactor pA pB) r s) =
(CartesianFeaturoid pA pB, ExistentialFactorAggregate r s 1)
filterAggregateByFreq :: Integer -> (Maybe Integer) -> FeatureAggregate -> Bool
filterAggregateByFreq minFreq Nothing (ExistentialFactorAggregate _ _ c) = c >= minFreq
filterAggregateByFreq minFreq (Just total) (ExistentialFactorAggregate _ _ c) = c >= minFreq && total - c >= minFreq
filterAggregateByFreq _ _ _ = True
uScoresCounter :: Monad m => Integer -> ConduitT RankedFactor FeatureWithPValue (StateT Integer m) ()
uScoresCounter minFreq = initAggregate
.| gobbleAndDo countUScores
.| lowerFreqFiltre
.| pValueCalculator minFreq
where countUScores l =
$ M.fromListWith aggreggate l
lowerFreqFiltre = CC.filter (\(_, fAgg) -> filterAggregateByFreq minFreq Nothing fAgg)
pValueCalculator :: Monad m => Integer -> ConduitT (Featuroid, FeatureAggregate) FeatureWithPValue (StateT Integer m) ()
pValueCalculator minFreq = do
firstVal <- await
case firstVal of
Just i@(_, fAgg) -> do
total <- lift get
if filterAggregateByFreq minFreq (Just total) fAgg
then yield $ calculatePValue total i
else return ()
CC.filter (\(_, fAgg) -> filterAggregateByFreq minFreq (Just total) fAgg) .| (calculatePValue total)
Nothing -> return ()
calculatePValue :: Integer -> (Featuroid, FeatureAggregate) -> FeatureWithPValue
calculatePValue _ (NumericalFeaturoid namespace, NumericalValueAggregate ranks scores _ values) =
kendallPValueFeature namespace DirectValue ranks scores values
calculatePValue _ (NumericalFeaturoid namespace, LengthAggregate ranks scores lens) =
kendallPValueFeature namespace LengthOf ranks scores lens
calculatePValue total (f, ExistentialFactorAggregate r s c) = FeatureWithPValue (featoroidToFeature f)
(pvalue (r - minusR c) c (total - c))
(s / (fromIntegral c))
where minusR c = (c' * (c' + 1)) / 2.0
where c' = fromIntegral c
-- calulating p-value from MannWhitney U test
-- (normal approximation is used)
pvalue u n1 n2 = let n1' = fromIntegral n1
n2' = fromIntegral n2
mean = n1' * n2' / 2
sigma = sqrt $ n1' * n2' * (n1' + n2' + 1) / 12
z = (u - mean) / sigma
in cumulative (normalDistr 0.0 1.0) z
featoroidToFeature (UnaryFeaturoid fac) = UnaryFeature fac
featoroidToFeature (CartesianFeaturoid facA facB) = (CartesianFeature facA facB)
kendallPValueFeature :: Ord a => FeatureNamespace -> NumericalType -> [Double] -> [MetricValue] -> [a] -> FeatureWithPValue
kendallPValueFeature namespace ntype ranks scores values = FeatureWithPValue (NumericalFeature namespace ntype ndirection)
((sum selectedScores) / (fromIntegral selected))
(fromIntegral selected)
where z = kendallZ (V.fromList $ ranks values)
pv = 2 * (cumulative (normalDistr 0.0 1.0) (- (abs z)))
ndirection = if z > 0
then Small
else Big
selected = (Prelude.length scores) `div` 4
selectedScores = Prelude.take selected $ snd $ turner $ sortOn fst $ values scores
turner = case ndirection of
Small -> id
Big -> Prelude.reverse
totalCounter :: Monad m => ConduitT a a (StateT Integer m) ()
totalCounter = do
m <- await
case m of
Just x -> do
i <- lift get
lift $ put $ i + 1
yield x
Nothing -> return ()
lessByMetric :: Bool -> Metric -> (LineRecord -> LineRecord -> Bool)
lessByMetric reversed metric = lessByMetric' reversed (getMetricOrdering metric)
where lessByMetric' False TheHigherTheBetter =
(\(LineRecord _ _ _ _ scoreA) (LineRecord _ _ _ _ scoreB) ->
scoreA < scoreB)
lessByMetric' False TheLowerTheBetter =
(\(LineRecord _ _ _ _ scoreA) (LineRecord _ _ _ _ scoreB) ->
scoreA > scoreB)
lessByMetric' True TheHigherTheBetter =
(\(LineRecord _ _ _ _ scoreA) (LineRecord _ _ _ _ scoreB) ->
scoreA > scoreB)
lessByMetric' True TheLowerTheBetter =
(\(LineRecord _ _ _ _ scoreA) (LineRecord _ _ _ _ scoreB) ->
scoreA < scoreB)
runLineByLineGeneralized :: ResultOrdering
-> GEvalSpecification
-> (Maybe References -> ConduitT LineRecord Void (ResourceT IO) a)
-> IO a
runLineByLineGeneralized ordering spec consum = do
mReferences <- case gesReferences spec of
Just referencesFp -> do
references <- readReferences referencesFp
return $ Just references
Nothing -> return Nothing
dataSource' <- checkAndGetDataSource True spec
let dataSource = addSchemeSpecifics scheme dataSource'
gevalLineByLineCore metric dataSource (sorter ordering .| consum mReferences)
where metric = gesMainMetric spec
scheme = gesMainScheme spec
sorter KeepTheOriginalOrder = doNothing
sorter ordering = gobbleAndDo $ sortBy (sortOrder ordering (getMetricOrdering metric))
sortOrder FirstTheWorst TheHigherTheBetter = compareScores
sortOrder FirstTheBest TheLowerTheBetter = compareScores
sortOrder _ _ = flip compareScores
compareScores (LineRecord _ _ _ _ s1) (LineRecord _ _ _ _ s2) = s1 `compare` s2
mReferences = Nothing
gobbleAndDo :: Monad m => ([a] -> [b]) -> ConduitT a b m ()
gobbleAndDo fun = do
l <- CC.sinkList
CC.yieldMany $ fun l
runDiff :: ResultOrdering -> Maybe String -> FilePath -> GEvalSpecification -> BlackBoxDebuggingOptions -> IO ()
runDiff ordering featureFilter otherOut spec bbdo = do
mInHeader <- readHeaderFileWrapper $ getInHeader spec
runDiffGeneralized ordering otherOut spec (consum mInHeader)
where consum :: Maybe TabularHeader -> Maybe References -> ConduitT (LineRecord, LineRecord) Void (ResourceT IO) ()
consum = \mInHeader -> \mReferences -> CL.filter shouldBeShown
.| runFeatureFilter featureFilter spec bbdo mReferences mInHeader
.| (encodeUtf8 . formatOutput)
.| CC.unlinesAscii
.| CC.stdout
shouldBeShown (LineRecord _ _ outA _ scoreA, LineRecord _ _ outB _ scoreB) =
outA /= outB && scoreA /= scoreB
formatOutput (LineRecord inp exp outA _ scoreA, LineRecord _ _ outB _ scoreB) = Data.Text.intercalate "\t" [
formatScoreDiff (scoreB - scoreA),
escapeTabs inp,
escapeTabs exp,
escapeTabs outA,
escapeTabs outB]
formatScoreDiff :: Double -> Text
formatScoreDiff = Data.Text.pack . printf "%f"
runOracleItemBased :: GEvalSpecification -> IO ()
runOracleItemBased spec = runMultiOutputGeneralized spec consum
where consum = picker .| format
picker = maximumBy (\(LineRecord _ _ _ _ scoreA) (LineRecord _ _ _ _ scoreB) -> metricCompare metric scoreA scoreB)
format = (encodeUtf8 . formatOutput)
.| CC.unlinesAscii
.| CC.stdout
formatOutput (LineRecord _ _ out _ _) = out
metric = gesMainMetric spec
runMultiOutputGeneralized :: GEvalSpecification -> ConduitT [LineRecord] Void (ResourceT IO) () -> IO ()
runMultiOutputGeneralized spec consum = runMultiOutputGeneralizedForEvaluationScheme spec mainScheme consum
where mainScheme = gesMainScheme spec
runMultiOutputGeneralizedForEvaluationScheme :: GEvalSpecification -> EvaluationScheme -> ConduitT [LineRecord] Void (ResourceT IO) () -> IO ()
runMultiOutputGeneralizedForEvaluationScheme spec scheme@(EvaluationScheme metric _) consum = do
dataSource' <- checkAndGetDataSource True spec
let dataSource = addSchemeSpecifics scheme dataSource'
let (Just altOuts) = gesAltOutFiles spec
altSourceSpecs' <- mapM (getSmartSourceSpec ((gesOutDirectory spec) </> (gesTestName spec)) "out.tsv") altOuts
let altSourceSpecs = rights altSourceSpecs'
let outSource = dataSourceOut dataSource
let sourceSpecs = (outSource:altSourceSpecs)
let chDataSource = dataSourceChallengeData dataSource
let sources = (\s -> gevalLineByLineSource metric DataSource {
dataSourceChallengeData = chDataSource,
dataSourceOut = s}) sourceSpecs
runResourceT $ runConduit $
(sequenceSources sources .| consum)
runMostWorseningFeatures :: ResultOrdering -> FilePath -> GEvalSpecification -> BlackBoxDebuggingOptions -> IO ()
runMostWorseningFeatures ordering otherOut spec bbdo = do
mInHeader <- readHeaderFileWrapper $ getInHeader spec
runDiffGeneralized ordering' otherOut spec (consum mInHeader)
where ordering' = forceSomeOrdering ordering
reversed = case ordering of
KeepTheOriginalOrder -> False
FirstTheWorst -> False
FirstTheBest -> True
consum :: Maybe TabularHeader -> Maybe References -> ConduitT (LineRecord, LineRecord) Void (ResourceT IO) ()
consum = \mInHeader -> \mReferences -> prepareFakeLineRecord
.| (worstFeaturesPipeline reversed spec bbdo mReferences mInHeader consumFeatures)
prepareFakeLineRecord :: (LineRecord, LineRecord) -> LineRecord
prepareFakeLineRecord (LineRecord _ _ _ _ scorePrev, LineRecord inp exp out c score) =
LineRecord inp exp out c (score - scorePrev)
mReferences = Nothing
runDiffGeneralized :: ResultOrdering -> FilePath -> GEvalSpecification -> (Maybe References -> ConduitT (LineRecord, LineRecord) Void (ResourceT IO) a) -> IO a
runDiffGeneralized ordering otherOut spec consum = do
dataSourceB <- checkAndGetDataSource True spec
ooss <- getSmartSourceSpec ((gesOutDirectory spec) </> (gesTestName spec)) "out.tsv" otherOut
case ooss of
Left NoSpecGiven -> throwM $ NoOutFile otherOut
Left (NoFile fp) -> throwM $ NoOutFile fp
Left (NoDirectory d) -> throwM $ NoOutFile otherOut
Right otherOutSource -> do
let chDataSource = dataSourceChallengeData dataSourceB
let dataSourceA = DataSource {
dataSourceChallengeData = chDataSource,
dataSourceOut = otherOutSource}
let sourceA = gevalLineByLineSource metric dataSourceA
let sourceB = gevalLineByLineSource metric dataSourceB
runResourceT $ runConduit $
((getZipSource $ (,)
<$> ZipSource sourceA
<*> ZipSource sourceB) .| sorter ordering .| consum mReferences)
where metric = gesMainMetric spec
preprocess = gesPreprocess spec
mSelector = gesSelector spec
sorter KeepTheOriginalOrder = doNothing
sorter ordering = gobbleAndDo $ sortBy (sortOrder ordering (getMetricOrdering metric))
sortOrder FirstTheWorst TheHigherTheBetter = compareScores
sortOrder FirstTheBest TheLowerTheBetter = compareScores
sortOrder _ _ = flip compareScores
compareScores ((LineRecord _ _ _ _ o1), (LineRecord _ _ _ _ n1))
((LineRecord _ _ _ _ o2), (LineRecord _ _ _ _ n2))
= (n1 - o1) `compare` (n2 - o2)
mReferences = Nothing
escapeTabs :: Text -> Text
escapeTabs = Data.Text.replace "\t" "<tab>"
gevalLineByLineCore :: Metric
-> DataSource
-> ConduitT LineRecord Void (ResourceT IO) a
-> IO a
gevalLineByLineCore metric dataSource consum =
runResourceT $ runConduit $
((gevalLineByLineSource metric dataSource) .| consum)
gevalLineByLineSource :: Metric
-> DataSource
-> ConduitT () LineRecord (ResourceT IO) ()
gevalLineByLineSource metric dataSource =
(getZipSource $ (,)
<$> ZipSource (CL.sourceList [1..])
<*> (ZipSource $ threeLineSource context)) .| CL.mapM (checkStepM evaluateLine) .| CL.catMaybes
where context = fromSpecificationToWithInput lsSpec
lsSpec = dataSourceToLineSourcesSpecification dataSource
inputLineSource = lineSourcesInputSource lsSpec
expectedLineSource = lineSourcesExpectedSource lsSpec
outputLineSource = lineSourcesOutputSource lsSpec
justLine (LineInFile _ _ l) = l
evaluateLine (lineNo, ParsedRecordWithInput inp exp out) = do
s <- liftIO $ gevalCoreOnSingleLines metric preprocess (getDataDecoder inputLineSource) (LineInFile inputSource lineNo inp)
(getDataDecoder expectedLineSource) (LineInFile expectedSource lineNo exp)
(getDataDecoder outputLineSource) (LineInFile outSource lineNo out)
return $ LineRecord inp exp out lineNo (extractSimpleRunValue $ getMetricValue s)
-- preparing sources, `id` means that no preprocessing is done (to avoid double preprocessing)
outOptions = FileProcessingOptions {
fileProcessingOptionsSelector = mSelector,
fileProcessingOptionsPreprocess = id,
fileProcessingOptionsHeader = mOutHeader }
inOptions = FileProcessingOptions {
fileProcessingOptionsSelector = mSelector,
fileProcessingOptionsPreprocess = id,
fileProcessingOptionsHeader = mInHeader }
challengeDataSource = dataSourceChallengeData dataSource
mSelector = challengeDataSourceSelector challengeDataSource
preprocess = challengeDataSourcePreprocess challengeDataSource
mInHeader = challengeDataSourceInHeader challengeDataSource
mOutHeader = challengeDataSourceOutHeader challengeDataSource
inputSource = challengeDataSourceInput challengeDataSource
expectedSource = challengeDataSourceExpected challengeDataSource
outSource = dataSourceOut dataSource
justTokenize :: Maybe Tokenizer -> IO ()
justTokenize Nothing = error "a tokenizer must be specified with --tokenizer option"
justTokenize (Just tokenizer) =
$ runConduit
$ CC.stdin
.| CC.decodeUtf8Lenient
.| CT.lines
.| (tokenizeWithSpaces (Just tokenizer))
.| CC.unlines
.| CC.encodeUtf8
.| CC.stdout