Show result tables
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import Yesod.Form.Bootstrap3 (BootstrapFormLayout (..), renderBootstrap3, bfs)
import Handler.TagUtils
import Handler.TagUtils
import Handler.MakePublic
import Handler.MakePublic
import Handler.Query
import Gonito.ExtractMetadata (parseTags)
import Gonito.ExtractMetadata (parseTags)
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ getChallengeParamGraphDataR challengeName testId paramName = do
(Entity challengeId _) <- runDB $ getBy404 $ UniqueName challengeName
(Entity challengeId _) <- runDB $ getBy404 $ UniqueName challengeName
test <- runDB $ get404 testId
test <- runDB $ get404 testId
(entries, _) <- getChallengeSubmissionInfos (const True) challengeId
(entries, _) <- runDB $ getChallengeSubmissionInfos (const True) challengeId
let values = map (findParamValue paramName) entries
let values = map (findParamValue paramName) entries
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ getIndicatorGraphDataR indicatorId = do
test <- runDB $ get404 testId
test <- runDB $ get404 testId
let mPrecision = testPrecision test
let mPrecision = testPrecision test
(entries, _) <- getChallengeSubmissionInfos (const True) (testChallenge test)
(entries, _) <- runDB $ getChallengeSubmissionInfos (const True) (testChallenge test)
theNow <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime -- needed to draw the "now" vertical line
theNow <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime -- needed to draw the "now" vertical line
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ getPresentation4RealR = do
(Just (Entity sampleUserId _)) <- runDB $ getBy $ UniqueUser sampleUserIdent
(Just (Entity sampleUserId _)) <- runDB $ getBy $ UniqueUser sampleUserIdent
let condition = (\(Entity _ submission) -> (submissionSubmitter submission == sampleUserId))
let condition = (\(Entity _ submission) -> (submissionSubmitter submission == sampleUserId))
(evaluationMaps', tests) <- getChallengeSubmissionInfos condition challengeId
(evaluationMaps', tests) <- runDB $ getChallengeSubmissionInfos condition challengeId
let evaluationMaps = take 10 evaluationMaps'
let evaluationMaps = take 10 evaluationMaps'
sampleLeaderboard <- getSampleLeaderboard sampleChallengeName
sampleLeaderboard <- getSampleLeaderboard sampleChallengeName
@ -5,12 +5,22 @@ import Import
import Handler.SubmissionView
import Handler.SubmissionView
import Handler.Shared
import Handler.Shared
import Handler.TagUtils
import Handler.TagUtils
import PersistSHA1
import Handler.Tables
import qualified Yesod.Table as Table
import Yesod.Table (Table)
import Database.Persist.Sql
import Database.Persist.Sql
import qualified Database.Esqueleto as E
import qualified Database.Esqueleto as E
import Database.Esqueleto ((^.))
import Database.Esqueleto ((^.))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.List (nub)
import Yesod.Form.Bootstrap3 (BootstrapFormLayout (..), renderBootstrap3)
import Yesod.Form.Bootstrap3 (BootstrapFormLayout (..), renderBootstrap3)
rawCommitQuery :: (MonadIO m, RawSql a) => Text -> ReaderT SqlBackend m [a]
rawCommitQuery :: (MonadIO m, RawSql a) => Text -> ReaderT SqlBackend m [a]
@ -83,5 +93,32 @@ processQuery query = do
setTitle "query results"
setTitle "query results"
$(widgetFile "query-results")
$(widgetFile "query-results")
resultTable :: Entity Submission -> WidgetFor App ()
resultTable (Entity submissionId submission) = do
(tableEntries, tests) <- handlerToWidget $ runDB $ getChallengeSubmissionInfos (\s -> entityKey s == submissionId)
(submissionChallenge submission)
let paramNames =
$ map (parameterName . entityVal)
$ concat
$ map tableEntryParams tableEntries
let resultId = show $ fromSqlKey submissionId
let jsSelector = String $ T.pack ("#t" ++ resultId ++ " > table")
let delta = Number $ fromIntegral ((length paramNames) + 1)
let higherTheBetterArray = getIsHigherTheBetterArray $ map entityVal tests
$(widgetFile "result-table")
queryResult submission = do
$(widgetFile "query-result")
where commitSha1AsText = fromSHA1ToText $ submissionCommit $ fsiSubmission submission
submitter = formatSubmitter $ fsiUser submission
publicSubmissionBranch = getPublicSubmissionBranch $ fsiSubmissionId submission
publicSubmissionRepo = getReadOnlySubmissionUrl (fsiScheme submission) (fsiChallengeRepo submission) $ challengeName $ fsiChallenge submission
browsableUrl = browsableGitRepoBranch (fsiScheme submission) (fsiChallengeRepo submission) (challengeName $ fsiChallenge submission) publicSubmissionBranch
stamp = T.pack $ show $ submissionStamp $ fsiSubmission submission
queryForm :: Form Text
queryForm :: Form Text
queryForm = renderBootstrap3 BootstrapBasicForm $ areq textField (fieldSettingsLabel MsgGitCommitSha1) Nothing
queryForm = renderBootstrap3 BootstrapBasicForm $ areq textField (fieldSettingsLabel MsgGitCommitSha1) Nothing
@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ getChallengeAllSubmissionsR name = getChallengeSubmissions (\_ -> True) name
getChallengeSubmissions :: ((Entity Submission) -> Bool) -> Text -> Handler Html
getChallengeSubmissions :: ((Entity Submission) -> Bool) -> Text -> Handler Html
getChallengeSubmissions condition name = do
getChallengeSubmissions condition name = do
Entity challengeId challenge <- runDB $ getBy404 $ UniqueName name
Entity challengeId challenge <- runDB $ getBy404 $ UniqueName name
(evaluationMaps, tests') <- getChallengeSubmissionInfos condition challengeId
(evaluationMaps, tests') <- runDB $ getChallengeSubmissionInfos condition challengeId
let tests = sortBy testComparator tests'
let tests = sortBy testComparator tests'
mauth <- maybeAuth
mauth <- maybeAuth
let muserId = (\(Entity uid _) -> uid) <$> mauth
let muserId = (\(Entity uid _) -> uid) <$> mauth
@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ import Handler.TagUtils
import Data.Text as T(pack)
import Data.Text as T(pack)
import qualified Yesod.Table as Table
import Yesod.Table (Table)
data FullSubmissionInfo = FullSubmissionInfo {
data FullSubmissionInfo = FullSubmissionInfo {
fsiSubmissionId :: SubmissionId,
fsiSubmissionId :: SubmissionId,
fsiSubmission :: Submission,
fsiSubmission :: Submission,
@ -39,16 +42,6 @@ getFullInfo (Entity submissionId submission) = do
fsiScheme = scheme,
fsiScheme = scheme,
fsiTags = tags }
fsiTags = tags }
queryResult submission = do
$(widgetFile "query-result")
where commitSha1AsText = fromSHA1ToText $ submissionCommit $ fsiSubmission submission
submitter = formatSubmitter $ fsiUser submission
publicSubmissionBranch = getPublicSubmissionBranch $ fsiSubmissionId submission
publicSubmissionRepo = getReadOnlySubmissionUrl (fsiScheme submission) (fsiChallengeRepo submission) $ challengeName $ fsiChallenge submission
browsableUrl = browsableGitRepoBranch (fsiScheme submission) (fsiChallengeRepo submission) (challengeName $ fsiChallenge submission) publicSubmissionBranch
stamp = T.pack $ show $ submissionStamp $ fsiSubmission submission
getTags submissionId = do
getTags submissionId = do
sts <- selectList [SubmissionTagSubmission ==. submissionId] []
sts <- selectList [SubmissionTagSubmission ==. submissionId] []
let tagIds = (submissionTagTag . entityVal) sts
let tagIds = (submissionTagTag . entityVal) sts
@ -64,6 +64,21 @@ submissionsTable mauthId challengeName repoScheme challengeRepo tests = mempty
entityKey $ tableEntrySubmitter tableEntry,
entityKey $ tableEntrySubmitter tableEntry,
paramTable :: [Text] -> [Entity Test] -> Table App TableEntry
paramTable paramNames tests = mempty
++ "#" tableEntryRank
++ mconcat (map paramExtractor paramNames)
++ mconcat (map (\(Entity k t) -> resultCell t (extractScore k)) tests)
paramExtractor :: Text -> Table App TableEntry
paramExtractor paramName = Table.text paramName (\entry ->
fromMaybe ""
$ listToMaybe
$ map parameterValue
$ filter (\p -> parameterName p == paramName)
$ map entityVal
$ tableEntryParams entry)
descriptionCell :: Maybe UserId -> Table App TableEntry
descriptionCell :: Maybe UserId -> Table App TableEntry
descriptionCell mauthId = Table.widget "description" (
descriptionCell mauthId = Table.widget "description" (
\(TableEntry (Entity _ s) (Entity _ v) (Entity u _) _ tagEnts paramEnts _) -> fragmentWithSubmissionTags
\(TableEntry (Entity _ s) (Entity _ v) (Entity u _) _ tagEnts paramEnts _) -> fragmentWithSubmissionTags
@ -166,7 +181,7 @@ getLeaderboardEntriesByCriterion :: (Ord a) => Key Challenge
-> (TableEntry -> [a])
-> (TableEntry -> [a])
-> Handler ([LeaderboardEntry], ([TableEntry], [Entity Test]))
-> Handler ([LeaderboardEntry], ([TableEntry], [Entity Test]))
getLeaderboardEntriesByCriterion challengeId condition selector = do
getLeaderboardEntriesByCriterion challengeId condition selector = do
(evaluationMaps, tests) <- getChallengeSubmissionInfos condition challengeId
(evaluationMaps, tests) <- runDB $ getChallengeSubmissionInfos condition challengeId
let mainTests = getMainTests tests
let mainTests = getMainTests tests
let mainTestEnt = getMainTest tests
let mainTestEnt = getMainTest tests
let (Entity mainTestId mainTest) = mainTestEnt
let (Entity mainTestId mainTest) = mainTestEnt
@ -233,20 +248,17 @@ compareResult _ (Just _) Nothing = GT
compareResult _ Nothing (Just _) = LT
compareResult _ Nothing (Just _) = LT
compareResult _ Nothing Nothing = EQ
compareResult _ Nothing Nothing = EQ
getChallengeSubmissionInfos :: ((Entity Submission) -> Bool)
-> Key Challenge
-> Handler ([TableEntry], [Entity Test])
getChallengeSubmissionInfos condition challengeId = do
getChallengeSubmissionInfos condition challengeId = do
tests <- runDB $ selectList [TestChallenge ==. challengeId, TestActive ==. True] []
tests <- selectList [TestChallenge ==. challengeId, TestActive ==. True] []
let mainTest = getMainTest tests
let mainTest = getMainTest tests
allSubmissionsVariants <- runDB $ $ E.from $ \(submission, variant) -> do
allSubmissionsVariants <- $ E.from $ \(submission, variant) -> do
E.where_ (submission ^. SubmissionChallenge E.==. E.val challengeId
E.where_ (submission ^. SubmissionChallenge E.==. E.val challengeId
E.&&. submission ^. SubmissionIsHidden E.!=. E.val (Just True)
E.&&. submission ^. SubmissionIsHidden E.!=. E.val (Just True)
E.&&. variant ^. VariantSubmission E.==. submission ^. SubmissionId)
E.&&. variant ^. VariantSubmission E.==. submission ^. SubmissionId)
return (submission, variant)
return (submission, variant)
scores <- runDB $ mapM (getScore (entityKey mainTest)) $ map (entityKey . snd) allSubmissionsVariants
scores <- mapM (getScore (entityKey mainTest)) $ map (entityKey . snd) allSubmissionsVariants
let allSubmissionsVariantsWithRanks =
let allSubmissionsVariantsWithRanks =
sortBy (\(r1, (s1, _)) (r2, (s2, _)) -> (submissionStamp (entityVal s2) `compare` submissionStamp (entityVal s1))
sortBy (\(r1, (s1, _)) (r2, (s2, _)) -> (submissionStamp (entityVal s2) `compare` submissionStamp (entityVal s1))
@ -272,15 +284,15 @@ getScore testId variantId = do
(e:_) -> evaluationScore $ entityVal e
(e:_) -> evaluationScore $ entityVal e
[] -> Nothing
[] -> Nothing
getEvaluationMap :: (Int, (Entity Submission, Entity Variant)) -> Handler TableEntry
getEvaluationMap (rank, (s@(Entity submissionId submission), v@(Entity variantId _))) = do
getEvaluationMap (rank, (s@(Entity submissionId submission), v@(Entity variantId _))) = do
outs <- runDB $ selectList [OutVariant ==. variantId] []
outs <- selectList [OutVariant ==. variantId] []
user <- runDB $ get404 $ submissionSubmitter submission
user <- get404 $ submissionSubmitter submission
maybeEvaluations <- runDB $ mapM (\(Entity _ o) -> getBy $ UniqueEvaluationTestChecksum (outTest o) (outChecksum o)) outs
maybeEvaluations <- mapM (\(Entity _ o) -> getBy $ UniqueEvaluationTestChecksum (outTest o) (outChecksum o)) outs
let evaluations = catMaybes maybeEvaluations
let evaluations = catMaybes maybeEvaluations
let m = Map.fromList $ map (\(Entity _ e) -> (evaluationTest e, e)) evaluations
let m = Map.fromList $ map (\(Entity _ e) -> (evaluationTest e, e)) evaluations
tagEnts <- runDB $ getTags submissionId
tagEnts <- getTags submissionId
parameters <- runDB $ selectList [ParameterVariant ==. variantId] [Asc ParameterName]
parameters <- selectList [ParameterVariant ==. variantId] [Asc ParameterName]
return $ TableEntry s v (Entity (submissionSubmitter submission) user) m tagEnts parameters rank
return $ TableEntry s v (Entity (submissionSubmitter submission) user) m tagEnts parameters rank
@ -17,4 +17,7 @@
<dd><a href="#{browsableUrl}">#{browsableUrl}</a>
<dd><a href="#{browsableUrl}">#{browsableUrl}</a>
<dt>clone by
<dt>clone by
<dd><code>git clone --single-branch #{publicSubmissionRepo} -b #{publicSubmissionBranch}</code>
<dd><code>git clone --single-branch #{publicSubmissionRepo} -b #{publicSubmissionBranch}</code>
^{resultTable (Entity (fsiSubmissionId submission) (fsiSubmission submission))}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
<div id="t#{resultId}">
$if null tableEntries
<p>No results available. The submission is probably broken.
^{Table.buildBootstrap (paramTable paramNames tests) tableEntries}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
$(document).ready(function() {
'pageLength': 50,
'order': [[0, 'asc'], [#{delta} + ($.fn.dataTable.getColumnDefs(#{delta}, #{higherTheBetterArray})).length-1, 'desc']],
'columnDefs': $.fn.dataTable.getColumnDefs(#{delta}, #{higherTheBetterArray})
} );
Reference in New Issue
Block a user