Extend the visibility of outputs

Now the outputs for all tests can be viewed except for
the main test provided that the expected.tsv file is there.

It means that, for example, test-A will be shown is test-B is there.
This commit is contained in:
Filip Gralinski 2021-08-21 18:32:04 +02:00
parent 324107c89c
commit 6af80e0467

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
module Handler.Query where
@ -51,6 +52,8 @@ import Control.Lens hiding ((.=), (^.), (<.>))
import Data.Proxy as DPR
import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd (fromList)
import qualified System.Directory as D
import Handler.ShowChallenge
@ -564,7 +567,7 @@ viewOutputWithNonDefaultTestSelected entry tests mainTest (outputHash, testSet)
challenge <- handlerToWidget $ runDB $ get404 $ submissionChallenge $ entityVal $ tableEntrySubmission $ current entry
let isNonSensitive = challengeSensitive challenge == Just False
let shouldBeShown = not ("test-" `isInfixOf` testSet) && isNonSensitive
let shouldBeShown = testSet /= (testName $ entityVal mainTest) && isNonSensitive
let mainMetric = testMetric $ entityVal mainTest
@ -590,6 +593,12 @@ viewOutputWithNonDefaultTestSelected entry tests mainTest (outputHash, testSet)
Right opts <- liftIO $ readOptsFromConfigFile [] (current repoDir </> "config.txt")
expFile <- liftIO $ lookForCompressedFiles (current repoDir </> testName </> "expected.tsv")
expFileExists <- liftIO $ D.doesFileExist expFile
if expFileExists
then do
let spec = GEvalSpecification {
gesOutDirectory = current repoDir,
gesExpectedDirectory = Nothing,
@ -626,6 +635,9 @@ viewOutputWithNonDefaultTestSelected entry tests mainTest (outputHash, testSet)
(\_ -> CL.take maximumNumberOfItemsToBeShown)
return $ Just $ zip [1..] $ map getBiLineRecord result
return Nothing
Nothing -> return Nothing
return Nothing