Teams are shown
This commit is contained in:
@ -647,7 +647,8 @@ trigger userId challengeName theUrl mBranch mGitAnnexRemote = do
challengeSubmissionDataRepo = RepoSpec {
challengeSubmissionDataTeam = Nothing
case mChallengeEnt of
@ -1356,8 +1357,8 @@ getTestProgressR m d = runViewProgress $ doTestProgress m d
doTestProgress :: Int -> Int -> Channel -> Handler ()
doTestProgress m d chan = do
forM [1..m] $ (\i -> do
msg chan $ (Data.Text.pack $ ("GO\n" ++ show i))
liftIO $ threadDelay (d * 1000000)
return ())
_ <- forM [1..m] $ (\i -> do
msg chan $ (Data.Text.pack $ ("GO\n" ++ show i))
liftIO $ threadDelay (d * 1000000)
return ())
return ()
@ -31,8 +31,6 @@ import GEval.EvaluationScheme
import GEval.ParseParams (parseParamsFromFilePath, OutputFileParsed(..))
import Data.Swagger hiding (get)
import qualified Data.Swagger as DS
import Data.Swagger.Declare
import Data.Proxy as DPR
import Control.Lens hiding ((.=), (^.))
import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd (fromList)
@ -41,8 +39,8 @@ data TestReference = TestReference Text Text
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance ToJSON TestReference where
toJSON (TestReference metric name) = object
[ "name" .= name,
toJSON (TestReference metric n) = object
[ "name" .= n,
"metric" .= metric
@ -73,7 +71,8 @@ data LeaderboardEntry = LeaderboardEntry {
leaderboardParams :: [Parameter],
leaderboardVersion :: (Int, Int, Int),
leaderboardIsVisible :: Bool,
leaderboardIsReevaluable :: Bool
leaderboardIsReevaluable :: Bool,
leaderboardTeam :: Maybe (Entity Team)
data TableEntry = TableEntry {
@ -84,15 +83,22 @@ data TableEntry = TableEntry {
tableEntryTagsInfo :: [(Entity Import.Tag, Entity SubmissionTag)],
tableEntryParams :: [Entity Parameter],
tableEntryRank :: Int,
tableEntryVersion :: (Int, Int, Int) }
tableEntryVersion :: (Int, Int, Int),
tableEntryTeam :: Maybe (Entity Team) }
tableEntryStamp :: TableEntry -> UTCTime
tableEntryStamp = submissionStamp . entityVal . tableEntrySubmission
formatSubmittingEntity :: TableEntry -> Text
formatSubmittingEntity tableEntry =
case tableEntryTeam tableEntry of
Just teamEnt -> teamIdent $ entityVal teamEnt
Nothing -> formatSubmitter $ entityVal $ tableEntrySubmitter tableEntry
submissionsTable :: Maybe UserId -> Text -> RepoScheme -> Repo -> [Entity Test] -> Table App TableEntry
submissionsTable mauthId challengeName repoScheme challengeRepo tests = mempty
++ "#" tableEntryRank
++ Table.text "submitter" (formatSubmitter . entityVal . tableEntrySubmitter)
++ Table.text "submitter" formatSubmittingEntity
++ timestampCell "when" tableEntryStamp
++ Table.text "ver." (formatVersion . tableEntryVersion)
++ descriptionCell mauthId
@ -125,10 +131,10 @@ paramExtractor paramName = Table.text paramName (\entry ->
descriptionCell :: Maybe UserId -> Table App TableEntry
descriptionCell mauthId = Table.widget "description" (
\(TableEntry (Entity _ s) (Entity _ v) (Entity u _) _ tagEnts paramEnts _ _) -> fragmentWithSubmissionTags
(descriptionToBeShown s v (map entityVal paramEnts))
(getInfoLink s mauthId)
\(TableEntry (Entity _ s) (Entity _ v) (Entity _ _) _ tagEnts paramEnts _ _ _) -> fragmentWithSubmissionTags
(descriptionToBeShown s v (map entityVal paramEnts))
(getInfoLink s mauthId)
descriptionToBeShown :: Submission -> Variant -> [Parameter] -> Text
@ -144,10 +150,17 @@ descriptionToBeShown s v params = (submissionDescription s) ++ (Data.Text.pack v
extractScore :: TestReference -> TableEntry -> Maybe Evaluation
extractScore k tableEntry = lookup k $ tableEntryMapping tableEntry
formatSubmittingEntityInLeaderboard :: LeaderboardEntry -> Text
formatSubmittingEntityInLeaderboard entry =
case leaderboardTeam entry of
Just teamEnt -> teamIdent $ entityVal teamEnt
Nothing -> formatSubmitter $ leaderboardUser entry
leaderboardTable :: Maybe UserId -> Text -> RepoScheme -> Repo -> [Entity Test] -> Table App (Int, LeaderboardEntry)
leaderboardTable mauthId challengeName repoScheme challengeRepo tests = mempty
++ "#" fst
++ Table.text "submitter" (formatSubmitter . leaderboardUser . snd)
++ Table.text "submitter" (formatSubmittingEntityInLeaderboard . snd)
++ timestampCell "when" (submissionStamp . leaderboardBestSubmission . snd)
++ Table.text "ver." (formatVersion . leaderboardVersion . snd)
++ leaderboardDescriptionCell mauthId
@ -214,9 +227,13 @@ textLimited limit t
| otherwise = (Data.Text.take limit t) <> "…"
where l = length t
textCellSoftLimit :: Int
textCellSoftLimit = 140
textCellHardLimit :: Int
textCellHardLimit = 5 * textCellSoftLimit
limitedWidget :: Int -> Int -> Text -> WidgetFor site ()
limitedWidget softLimit hardLimit v =
[whamlet|<span title="#{textLimited hardLimit v}"><tt>#{textLimited softLimit v}</tt>|]
@ -286,7 +303,7 @@ checkWhetherVisible submission (Just seerId) = do
getAuxSubmissionEnts :: TestReference -> [TableEntry] -> [(Key User, (User, [(Entity Submission, Entity Variant, Evaluation)]))]
getAuxSubmissionEnts testId evaluationMaps = map processEvaluationMap evaluationMaps
where processEvaluationMap (TableEntry s v (Entity ui u) m _ _ _ _) = (ui, (u, case Map.lookup testId m of
where processEvaluationMap (TableEntry s v (Entity ui u) m _ _ _ _ _) = (ui, (u, case Map.lookup testId m of
Just e -> [(s, v, e)]
Nothing -> []))
@ -335,18 +352,18 @@ getLeaderboardEntriesByCriterion maxPriority challengeId condition preselector s
toLeaderboardEntry :: Foldable t => Key Challenge -> [Entity Test] -> t TableEntry -> Handler LeaderboardEntry
toLeaderboardEntry challengeId tests ss = do
let bestOne = DL.maximumBy submissionComparator ss
let (TableEntry bestSubmission bestVariant user evals _ _ _ _) = bestOne
let (TableEntry bestSubmission bestVariant user evals _ _ _ _ _) = bestOne
let submissionId = entityKey bestSubmission
tagEnts <- runDB $ getTags submissionId
theParameters <- runDB $ selectList [ParameterVariant ==. (entityKey bestVariant)] [Asc ParameterName]
submission <- runDB $ get404 submissionId
(Just (Entity _ version)) <- runDB $ getBy $ UniqueVersionByCommit $ submissionVersion submission
(Just (Entity _ itsVersion)) <- runDB $ getBy $ UniqueVersionByCommit $ submissionVersion submission
let theVersion = (versionMajor version,
versionMinor version,
versionPatch version)
let theVersion = (versionMajor itsVersion,
versionMinor itsVersion,
versionPatch itsVersion)
-- get all user submissions, including hidden ones
allUserSubmissions <- runDB $ selectList [SubmissionChallenge ==. challengeId,
@ -358,6 +375,12 @@ toLeaderboardEntry challengeId tests ss = do
isReevaluable <- runDB $ canBeReevaluated $ entityKey $ tableEntrySubmission bestOne
isVisible <- runDB $ checkWhetherVisible submission (entityKey <$> mUserId)
mTeam <- case submissionTeam $ entityVal bestSubmission of
Just teamId -> do
team <- runDB $ get404 teamId
return $ Just (Entity teamId team)
Nothing -> return Nothing
return $ LeaderboardEntry {
leaderboardUser = entityVal user,
leaderboardUserId = entityKey user,
@ -371,11 +394,12 @@ toLeaderboardEntry challengeId tests ss = do
leaderboardParams = map entityVal theParameters,
leaderboardVersion = theVersion,
leaderboardIsReevaluable = isReevaluable,
leaderboardIsVisible = isVisible
leaderboardIsVisible = isVisible,
leaderboardTeam = mTeam
where mainTestEnt@(Entity _ mainTest) = getMainTest tests
mainTestRef = getTestReference mainTestEnt
submissionComparator (TableEntry _ _ _ em1 _ _ _ v1) (TableEntry _ _ _ em2 _ _ _ v2) =
submissionComparator (TableEntry _ _ _ em1 _ _ _ v1 _) (TableEntry _ _ _ em2 _ _ _ v2 _) =
(compareMajorVersions v1 v2)
(compareResult mainTest) (evaluationScore (em1 Map.! mainTestRef))
@ -484,7 +508,8 @@ getScore testId variantId = do
data BasicSubmissionInfo = BasicSubmissionInfo {
basicSubmissionInfoUser :: User,
basicSubmissionInfoTagEnts :: [(Entity Import.Tag, Entity SubmissionTag)],
basicSubmissionInfoVersion :: Version }
basicSubmissionInfoVersion :: Version,
basicSubmissionInfoTeam :: Maybe (Entity Team) }
getBasicSubmissionInfo :: (MonadIO m, PersistQueryRead backend,
PersistUniqueRead backend,
@ -492,13 +517,19 @@ getBasicSubmissionInfo :: (MonadIO m, PersistQueryRead backend,
=> Entity Submission -> ReaderT backend m (SubmissionId, BasicSubmissionInfo)
getBasicSubmissionInfo (Entity submissionId submission) = do
user <- get404 $ submissionSubmitter submission
mTeam <- case submissionTeam submission of
Just teamId -> do
team <- get404 teamId
return $ Just (Entity teamId team)
Nothing -> return Nothing
tagEnts <- getTags submissionId
let versionHash = submissionVersion submission
(Entity _ version) <- getBy404 $ UniqueVersionByCommit versionHash
(Entity _ ver) <- getBy404 $ UniqueVersionByCommit versionHash
return $ (submissionId, BasicSubmissionInfo {
basicSubmissionInfoUser = user,
basicSubmissionInfoTagEnts = tagEnts,
basicSubmissionInfoVersion = version })
basicSubmissionInfoVersion = ver,
basicSubmissionInfoTeam = mTeam })
getEvaluationMap :: (PersistUniqueRead backend,
PersistQueryRead backend,
@ -515,6 +546,7 @@ getEvaluationMap testsMap submissionsMap (rank, (s@(Entity submissionId submissi
let tagEnts = basicSubmissionInfoTagEnts submissionInfo
let theVersion = basicSubmissionInfoVersion submissionInfo
let versionHash = submissionVersion submission
let team = basicSubmissionInfoTeam submissionInfo
evaluations <- $ E.from $ \(evaluation, out) ->
@ -529,10 +561,10 @@ getEvaluationMap testsMap submissionsMap (rank, (s@(Entity submissionId submissi
let pairs' = map (\(testId, e) -> (testsMap Map.! testId, e)) pairs
let m = Map.fromList pairs'
parameters <- selectList [ParameterVariant ==. variantId] [Asc ParameterName]
params <- selectList [ParameterVariant ==. variantId] [Asc ParameterName]
let major = versionMajor theVersion
let minor = versionMinor theVersion
let patch = versionPatch theVersion
let pat = versionPatch theVersion
return $ TableEntry s v (Entity (submissionSubmitter submission) user) m tagEnts parameters rank (major, minor, patch)
return $ TableEntry s v (Entity (submissionSubmitter submission) user) m tagEnts params rank (major, minor, pat) team
Reference in New Issue
Block a user