Implement re-evaluation

This commit is contained in:
Filip Gralinski 2019-12-14 14:10:50 +01:00
parent 770c167753
commit c5e43fcbea
6 changed files with 244 additions and 143 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Handler.Evaluate where module Handler.Evaluate where
import Import import Import
@ -6,9 +8,33 @@ import Handler.Common
import Handler.Runner import Handler.Runner
import Handler.Shared import Handler.Shared
import qualified Data.Text as T import Gonito.ExtractMetadata (ExtractionOptions(..),
canBeReevaluated :: (YesodAuthPersist (HandlerSite m), MonadHandler m, PersistUniqueRead backend, AuthEntity (HandlerSite m) ~ User, AuthId (HandlerSite m) ~ Key User, BaseBackend backend ~ SqlBackend) => Key Submission -> ReaderT backend m Bool import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import GEval.Core
import GEval.EvaluationScheme
import GEval.Common (MetricValue)
import GEval.OptionsParser
import GEval.ParseParams (parseParamsFromFilePath, OutputFileParsed(..))
import Options.Applicative
import Data.Conduit.SmartSource
import System.FilePath (takeFileName, dropExtensions, (-<.>))
import PersistSHA1
canBeReevaluated :: (YesodAuthPersist (HandlerSite m),
MonadHandler m,
PersistUniqueRead backend,
AuthEntity (HandlerSite m) ~ User,
AuthId (HandlerSite m) ~ Key User,
BaseBackend backend ~ SqlBackend)
=> Key Submission -> ReaderT backend m Bool
canBeReevaluated submissionId = do canBeReevaluated submissionId = do
maybeUser <- maybeAuth maybeUser <- maybeAuth
case maybeUser of case maybeUser of
@ -51,8 +77,177 @@ doReevaluateSubmission submissionId chan = do
mRepoDir <- getSubmissionRepoDir submissionId chan mRepoDir <- getSubmissionRepoDir submissionId chan
case mRepoDir of case mRepoDir of
Just repoDir -> do Just repoDir -> do
msg chan ("Will evaluate in " ++ (T.pack repoDir)) -- not exactly right, as the parameters might have been changed manuall
gonitoMetadata <- liftIO
$ extractMetadataFromRepoDir repoDir (ExtractionOptions {
extractionOptionsDescription = Nothing,
extractionOptionsTags = Nothing,
extractionOptionsGeneralParams = Nothing,
extractionOptionsUnwantedParams = Nothing,
extractionOptionsParamFiles = Nothing,
extractionOptionsMLRunPath = Nothing,
extractionOptionsExternalLinks = Nothing,
extractionOptionsDependencies = Nothing })
submission <- runDB $ get404 submissionId
let previousVersion = submissionVersion submission
challenge <- runDB $ get404 $ submissionChallenge submission
let currentChallengeVersion = challengeVersion challenge
runDB $ update submissionId [SubmissionVersion =. currentChallengeVersion]
catch (getOuts chan submissionId (gonitoMetadataGeneralParams gonitoMetadata) >> return ()) $ \(_::SomeException) -> do
runDB $ update submissionId [SubmissionVersion =. previousVersion]
return ()
Nothing -> do Nothing -> do
err chan "Something went wrong, won't evaluate" err chan "Something went wrong, won't evaluate"
else else
msg chan "Won't re-evaluate!" msg chan "Won't re-evaluate!"
-- | Does the evaluation for a submission. Inserts Out, Variant and Evaluation records.
getOuts :: Channel -> Key Submission -> M.Map Text Text -> Handler ([Out])
getOuts chan submissionId generalParams = do
submission <- runDB $ get404 submissionId
let challengeId = submissionChallenge submission
let version = submissionVersion submission
repoDir <- getRepoDir $ submissionRepo submission
activeTests <- runDB $ selectList [TestChallenge ==. challengeId,
TestActive ==. True,
TestCommit ==. submissionVersion submission] []
outs' <- mapM (outsForTest repoDir submissionId generalParams) activeTests
let outs = concat outs'
mapM_ checkOrInsertOut outs
mapM_ (checkOrInsertEvaluation repoDir chan version) outs
return outs
outFileName :: FilePath
outFileName = "out.tsv"
getOutFilePath :: FilePath -> Test -> FilePath
getOutFilePath repoDir test = repoDir </> (T.unpack $ testName test) </> outFileName
findOutFile :: FilePath -> Test -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findOutFile repoDir test = do
let baseOut = getOutFilePath repoDir test
ofs <- mapM (\ext -> findFilePossiblyCompressed (baseOut -<.> ext)) extensionsHandled
return $ listToMaybe $ catMaybes ofs
doesOutExist :: FilePath -> Entity Test -> IO Bool
doesOutExist repoDir (Entity _ test) = do
result <- findOutFile repoDir test
return $ isJust result
-- | Returns an Out object (won't insert into a database!)
outForTest :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> FilePath -> Key Variant -> Entity Test -> m Out
outForTest repoDir outF variantId (Entity testId test) = do
let outPath = repoDir </> (T.unpack $ testName test) </> outF
checksum <- liftIO $ gatherSHA1ForCollectionOfFiles [outPath]
return Out {
outChecksum=SHA1 checksum }
-- | Returns all possible outs for a given test.
-- Won't insert Out objects to the database, though it might add new variant objects.
outsForTest :: FilePath -> SubmissionId -> M.Map Text Text -> Entity Test -> HandlerFor App [Out]
outsForTest repoDir submissionId generalParams testEnt@(Entity _ test) = do
outFiles <- liftIO $ outFilesForTest repoDir test
forM outFiles $ \outFile -> do
theVariant <- getVariant submissionId generalParams outFile
outForTest repoDir outFile theVariant testEnt
-- | Returns the filenames (not file paths) of all output files for a given test.
outFilesForTest :: FilePath -> Test -> IO [FilePath]
outFilesForTest repoDir test = do
mMultipleOuts <- checkMultipleOutsCore repoDir (T.unpack $ testName test) "out.tsv"
case mMultipleOuts of
Just outFiles -> return $ map takeFileName outFiles
Nothing -> do
mOutFile <- findOutFile repoDir test
case mOutFile of
Just outF -> return [takeFileName outF]
Nothing -> return []
getVariant :: SubmissionId -> M.Map Text Text -> FilePath -> Handler VariantId
getVariant submissionId generalParams outFilePath = runDB $ do
let outFile = takeFileName outFilePath
let name = T.pack $ dropExtensions outFile
maybeVariant <- getBy $ UniqueVariantSubmissionName submissionId name
case maybeVariant of
Just (Entity vid _) -> return vid
Nothing -> do
vid <- insert $ Variant submissionId name
let (OutputFileParsed _ paramMap) = parseParamsFromFilePath outFile
forM_ (M.toList (paramMap `M.union` generalParams)) $ \(param, val) -> do
_ <- insert $ Parameter vid param val
return ()
return vid
checkOrInsertOut :: Out -> Handler ()
checkOrInsertOut out = do
maybeOut <- runDB $ getBy $ UniqueOutVariantTestChecksum (outVariant out) (outTest out) (outChecksum out)
case maybeOut of
Just _ -> return ()
Nothing -> (runDB $ insert out) >> return ()
checkOrInsertEvaluation :: FilePath -> Channel -> SHA1 -> Out -> Handler ()
checkOrInsertEvaluation repoDir chan version out = do
test <- runDB $ get404 $ outTest out
challenge <- runDB $ get404 $ testChallenge test
maybeEvaluation' <- runDB $ fetchTheEvaluation out version
let maybeEvaluation = case maybeEvaluation' of
Just (Entity _ evaluation) -> case evaluationVersion evaluation of
Just _ -> maybeEvaluation'
Nothing -> Nothing
Nothing -> Nothing
case maybeEvaluation of
Just (Entity _ evaluation) -> do
msg chan $ concat ["Already evaluated with score ", (fromMaybe "???" $ formatNonScientifically <$> evaluationScore evaluation)]
Nothing -> do
msg chan $ "Start evaluation..."
challengeDir <- getRepoDir $ challengePrivateRepo challenge
variant <- runDB $ get404 $ outVariant out
resultOrException <- liftIO $ rawEval challengeDir (evaluationSchemeMetric $ testMetric test) repoDir (testName test) ((T.unpack $ variantName variant) <.> "tsv")
case resultOrException of
Right (Left _) -> do
err chan "Cannot parse options, check the challenge repo"
Right (Right (_, Just [(_, [result])])) -> do
msg chan $ concat [ "Evaluated! Score ", (formatNonScientifically result) ]
time <- liftIO getCurrentTime
_ <- runDB $ insert $ Evaluation {
evaluationTest=outTest out,
evaluationChecksum=outChecksum out,
evaluationScore=Just result,
evaluationVersion=Just version }
msg chan "Evaluation done"
Right (Right (_, Just _)) -> do
err chan "Unexpected multiple results (???)"
Right (Right (_, Nothing)) -> do
err chan "Error during the evaluation"
Left exception -> do
err chan $ "Evaluation failed: " ++ (T.pack $ show exception)
rawEval :: FilePath
-> Metric
-> FilePath
-> Text
-> FilePath
-> IO (Either GEvalException (Either (ParserResult GEvalOptions) (GEvalOptions, Maybe [(SourceSpec, [MetricValue])])))
rawEval challengeDir metric repoDir name outF = Import.try (runGEvalGetOptions [
"--alt-metric", (show metric),
"--expected-directory", challengeDir,
"--out-directory", repoDir,
"--out-file", outF,
"--test-name", (T.unpack name)])

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@ -117,14 +117,18 @@ doGetScoreForOut mMetricName submission sha1code = do
let submissionId = entityKey submission let submissionId = entityKey submission
evals <- runDB $ evals <- runDB $
$ E.from $ \(out, evaluation, variant, test) -> do $ E.from $ \(out, evaluation, variant, test, version) -> do
E.where_ (variant ^. VariantSubmission E.==. E.val submissionId E.where_ (variant ^. VariantSubmission E.==. E.val submissionId
E.&&. out ^. OutVariant E.==. variant ^. VariantId E.&&. out ^. OutVariant E.==. variant ^. VariantId
E.&&. out ^. OutTest E.==. test ^. TestId E.&&. out ^. OutTest E.==. test ^. TestId
E.&&. evaluation ^. EvaluationTest E.==. test ^. TestId E.&&. evaluation ^. EvaluationTest E.==. test ^. TestId
E.&&. out ^. OutChecksum E.==. evaluation ^. EvaluationChecksum E.&&. out ^. OutChecksum E.==. evaluation ^. EvaluationChecksum
E.&&. out ^. OutChecksum E.==. E.val sha1code) E.&&. out ^. OutChecksum E.==. E.val sha1code
E.orderBy [E.asc (test ^. TestPriority)] E.&&. (evaluation ^. EvaluationVersion E.==. E.just (version ^. VersionCommit)))
E.orderBy [E.asc (test ^. TestPriority),
E.desc (version ^. VersionMajor),
E.desc (version ^. VersionMinor),
E.desc (version ^. VersionPatch)]
return (evaluation, test) return (evaluation, test)
let evalSelected = case evals of let evalSelected = case evals of

View File

@ -530,6 +530,23 @@ checkWhetherGivenUserRepo userId submissionId = do
submission <- get404 submissionId submission <- get404 submissionId
return $ userId == submissionSubmitter submission return $ userId == submissionSubmitter submission
fetchTheEvaluation :: (MonadIO m, PersistUniqueRead backend, BaseBackend backend ~ SqlBackend) fetchTheEvaluation :: (PersistQueryRead backend, MonadIO m, BaseBackend backend ~ SqlBackend)
=> Out -> SHA1 -> ReaderT backend m (Maybe (Entity Evaluation)) => Out -> SHA1 -> ReaderT backend m (Maybe (Entity Evaluation))
fetchTheEvaluation out _ = getBy $ UniqueEvaluationTestChecksum (outTest out) (outChecksum out) fetchTheEvaluation out version = do
-- It's complicated due to legacy issues - should be
-- done by simply running UniqueEvaluationTestChecksumVersion
evals <- selectList [EvaluationTest ==. outTest out,
EvaluationChecksum ==. outChecksum out,
EvaluationVersion ==. Just version] []
case evals of
[eval] -> return $ Just eval
[] -> do
evals' <- selectList [EvaluationTest ==. outTest out,
EvaluationChecksum ==. outChecksum out,
EvaluationVersion ==. Nothing] []
case evals' of
[eval] -> return $ Just eval
[] -> return Nothing
_ -> error "More than evaluation for the same test and version!"
_ -> error "More than evaluation for the same test, checksum and version!"

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@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import Handler.TagUtils
import Handler.MakePublic import Handler.MakePublic
import Handler.Dashboard import Handler.Dashboard
import Handler.Common import Handler.Common
import Handler.Evaluate
import Text.Blaze import Text.Blaze
@ -316,6 +317,8 @@ doCreateSubmission' _ userId challengeId mDescription mTags repoSpec chan = do
E.&&. test ^. TestName E.==. E.val (testName mainTest) E.&&. test ^. TestName E.==. E.val (testName mainTest)
E.&&. test ^. TestMetric E.==. E.val (testMetric mainTest) E.&&. test ^. TestMetric E.==. E.val (testMetric mainTest)
E.&&. test ^. TestActive E.&&. test ^. TestActive
E.&&. (evaluation ^. EvaluationVersion E.==. E.just (version ^. VersionCommit)
E.||. E.isNothing (evaluation ^. EvaluationVersion))
E.&&. version ^. VersionCommit E.==. test ^. TestCommit E.&&. version ^. VersionCommit E.==. test ^. TestCommit
E.&&. version ^. VersionMajor E.>=. E.val submittedMajorVersion) E.&&. version ^. VersionMajor E.>=. E.val submittedMajorVersion)
E.orderBy [orderDirection (evaluation ^. EvaluationScore)] E.orderBy [orderDirection (evaluation ^. EvaluationScore)]
@ -490,137 +493,6 @@ getSubmission userId repoId commit challengeId description chan = do
submissionIsHidden=False, submissionIsHidden=False,
submissionVersion=challengeVersion challenge} submissionVersion=challengeVersion challenge}
-- | Does the evaluation for a submission. Inserts Out, Variant and Evaluation records.
getOuts :: Channel -> Key Submission -> M.Map Text Text -> Handler ([Out])
getOuts chan submissionId generalParams = do
submission <- runDB $ get404 submissionId
let challengeId = submissionChallenge submission
repoDir <- getRepoDir $ submissionRepo submission
activeTests <- runDB $ selectList [TestChallenge ==. challengeId,
TestActive ==. True,
TestCommit ==. submissionVersion submission] []
outs' <- mapM (outsForTest repoDir submissionId generalParams) activeTests
let outs = concat outs'
mapM_ checkOrInsertOut outs
mapM_ (checkOrInsertEvaluation repoDir chan) outs
return outs
outFileName :: FilePath
outFileName = "out.tsv"
getOutFilePath :: FilePath -> Test -> FilePath
getOutFilePath repoDir test = repoDir </> (T.unpack $ testName test) </> outFileName
findOutFile :: FilePath -> Test -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findOutFile repoDir test = do
let baseOut = getOutFilePath repoDir test
ofs <- mapM (\ext -> findFilePossiblyCompressed (baseOut -<.> ext)) extensionsHandled
return $ listToMaybe $ catMaybes ofs
doesOutExist :: FilePath -> Entity Test -> IO Bool
doesOutExist repoDir (Entity _ test) = do
result <- findOutFile repoDir test
return $ isJust result
-- | Returns an Out object (won't insert into a database!)
outForTest :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> FilePath -> Key Variant -> Entity Test -> m Out
outForTest repoDir outF variantId (Entity testId test) = do
let outPath = repoDir </> (T.unpack $ testName test) </> outF
checksum <- liftIO $ gatherSHA1ForCollectionOfFiles [outPath]
return Out {
outChecksum=SHA1 checksum }
-- | Returns all possible outs for a given test.
-- Won't insert Out objects to the database, though it might add new variant objects.
outsForTest :: FilePath -> SubmissionId -> M.Map Text Text -> Entity Test -> HandlerFor App [Out]
outsForTest repoDir submissionId generalParams testEnt@(Entity _ test) = do
outFiles <- liftIO $ outFilesForTest repoDir test
forM outFiles $ \outFile -> do
theVariant <- getVariant submissionId generalParams outFile
outForTest repoDir outFile theVariant testEnt
-- | Returns the filenames (not file paths) of all output files for a given test.
outFilesForTest :: FilePath -> Test -> IO [FilePath]
outFilesForTest repoDir test = do
mMultipleOuts <- checkMultipleOutsCore repoDir (Data.Text.unpack $ testName test) "out.tsv"
case mMultipleOuts of
Just outFiles -> return $ map takeFileName outFiles
Nothing -> do
mOutFile <- findOutFile repoDir test
case mOutFile of
Just outF -> return [takeFileName outF]
Nothing -> return []
getVariant :: SubmissionId -> M.Map Text Text -> FilePath -> Handler VariantId
getVariant submissionId generalParams outFilePath = runDB $ do
let outFile = takeFileName outFilePath
let name = Data.Text.pack $ dropExtensions outFile
maybeVariant <- getBy $ UniqueVariantSubmissionName submissionId name
case maybeVariant of
Just (Entity vid _) -> return vid
Nothing -> do
vid <- insert $ Variant submissionId name
let (OutputFileParsed _ paramMap) = parseParamsFromFilePath outFile
forM_ (M.toList (paramMap `M.union` generalParams)) $ \(param, val) -> do
_ <- insert $ Parameter vid param val
return ()
return vid
checkOrInsertOut :: Out -> Handler ()
checkOrInsertOut out = do
maybeOut <- runDB $ getBy $ UniqueOutVariantTestChecksum (outVariant out) (outTest out) (outChecksum out)
case maybeOut of
Just _ -> return ()
Nothing -> (runDB $ insert out) >> return ()
checkOrInsertEvaluation :: FilePath -> Channel -> Out -> Handler ()
checkOrInsertEvaluation repoDir chan out = do
test <- runDB $ get404 $ outTest out
challenge <- runDB $ get404 $ testChallenge test
maybeEvaluation <- runDB $ fetchTheEvaluation out undefined
case maybeEvaluation of
Just (Entity _ evaluation) -> do
msg chan $ concat ["Already evaluated with score ", (fromMaybe "???" $ formatNonScientifically <$> evaluationScore evaluation)]
Nothing -> do
msg chan $ "Start evaluation..."
challengeDir <- getRepoDir $ challengePrivateRepo challenge
variant <- runDB $ get404 $ outVariant out
resultOrException <- liftIO $ rawEval challengeDir (evaluationSchemeMetric $ testMetric test) repoDir (testName test) ((T.unpack $ variantName variant) <.> "tsv")
case resultOrException of
Right (Left _) -> do
err chan "Cannot parse options, check the challenge repo"
Right (Right (_, Just [(_, [result])])) -> do
msg chan $ concat [ "Evaluated! Score ", (formatNonScientifically result) ]
time <- liftIO getCurrentTime
_ <- runDB $ insert $ Evaluation {
evaluationTest=outTest out,
evaluationChecksum=outChecksum out,
evaluationScore=Just result,
evaluationStamp=time }
msg chan "Evaluation done"
Right (Right (_, Just _)) -> do
err chan "Unexpected multiple results (???)"
Right (Right (_, Nothing)) -> do
err chan "Error during the evaluation"
Left exception -> do
err chan $ "Evaluation failed: " ++ (T.pack $ show exception)
rawEval :: FilePath -> Metric -> FilePath -> Text -> FilePath -> IO (Either GEvalException (Either (ParserResult GEvalOptions) (GEvalOptions, Maybe [(SourceSpec, [MetricValue])])))
rawEval challengeDir metric repoDir name outF = Import.try (runGEvalGetOptions [
"--alt-metric", (show metric),
"--expected-directory", challengeDir,
"--out-directory", repoDir,
"--out-file", outF,
"--test-name", (T.unpack name)])
getSubmissionRepo :: UserId -> Key Challenge -> RepoSpec -> Channel -> Handler (Maybe (Key Repo)) getSubmissionRepo :: UserId -> Key Challenge -> RepoSpec -> Channel -> Handler (Maybe (Key Repo))
getSubmissionRepo userId challengeId repoSpec chan = getPossiblyExistingRepo checkRepoAvailibility userId challengeId repoSpec chan getSubmissionRepo userId challengeId repoSpec chan = getPossiblyExistingRepo checkRepoAvailibility userId challengeId repoSpec chan

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@ -326,13 +326,24 @@ getChallengeSubmissionInfos condition variantCondition challengeId = do
let evaluationMaps = filter (variantCondition . tableEntryVariant) evaluationMaps' let evaluationMaps = filter (variantCondition . tableEntryVariant) evaluationMaps'
return (evaluationMaps, tests) return (evaluationMaps, tests)
getScore :: (MonadIO m, BackendCompatible SqlBackend backend, PersistQueryRead backend, PersistUniqueRead backend) => Key Test -> Key Variant -> ReaderT backend m (Maybe Double) getScore :: (MonadIO m, BackendCompatible SqlBackend backend,
PersistQueryRead backend, PersistUniqueRead backend, BaseBackend backend ~ SqlBackend)
=> Key Test -> Key Variant -> ReaderT backend m (Maybe Double)
getScore testId variantId = do getScore testId variantId = do
variant <- get404 variantId
submission <- get404 $ variantSubmission variant
let version = submissionVersion submission
evaluations <- $ E.from $ \(out, evaluation) -> do evaluations <- $ E.from $ \(out, evaluation) -> do
E.where_ (out ^. OutVariant E.==. E.val variantId E.where_ (out ^. OutVariant E.==. E.val variantId
E.&&. out ^. OutTest E.==. E.val testId E.&&. out ^. OutTest E.==. E.val testId
E.&&. out ^. OutChecksum E.==. evaluation ^. EvaluationChecksum E.&&. out ^. OutChecksum E.==. evaluation ^. EvaluationChecksum
-- all this complication here and with orderBy due
-- to the legacy issue with evaluation version sometimes missing
E.&&. (evaluation ^. EvaluationVersion E.==. E.val (Just version)
E.||. E.isNothing (evaluation ^. EvaluationVersion))
E.&&. evaluation ^. EvaluationTest E.==. E.val testId) E.&&. evaluation ^. EvaluationTest E.==. E.val testId)
E.orderBy [E.desc (E.isNothing (evaluation ^. EvaluationVersion))]
return evaluation return evaluation
return $ case evaluations of return $ case evaluations of
(e:_) -> evaluationScore $ entityVal e (e:_) -> evaluationScore $ entityVal e
@ -343,7 +354,8 @@ getEvaluationMap :: (MonadIO m, PersistQueryRead backend, PersistUniqueRead back
getEvaluationMap (rank, (s@(Entity submissionId submission), v@(Entity variantId _))) = do getEvaluationMap (rank, (s@(Entity submissionId submission), v@(Entity variantId _))) = do
outs <- selectList [OutVariant ==. variantId] [] outs <- selectList [OutVariant ==. variantId] []
user <- get404 $ submissionSubmitter submission user <- get404 $ submissionSubmitter submission
maybeEvaluations <- mapM (\(Entity _ o) -> fetchTheEvaluation o undefined) outs let versionHash = submissionVersion submission
maybeEvaluations <- mapM (\(Entity _ o) -> fetchTheEvaluation o versionHash) outs
let evaluations = catMaybes maybeEvaluations let evaluations = catMaybes maybeEvaluations
let pairs = map (\(Entity _ e) -> (evaluationTest e, e)) evaluations let pairs = map (\(Entity _ e) -> (evaluationTest e, e)) evaluations
pairs' <- mapM (\(testId, e) -> do pairs' <- mapM (\(testId, e) -> do
@ -355,7 +367,7 @@ getEvaluationMap (rank, (s@(Entity submissionId submission), v@(Entity variantId
parameters <- selectList [ParameterVariant ==. variantId] [Asc ParameterName] parameters <- selectList [ParameterVariant ==. variantId] [Asc ParameterName]
(Entity _ version) <- getBy404 $ UniqueVersionByCommit $ submissionVersion submission (Entity _ version) <- getBy404 $ UniqueVersionByCommit versionHash
let major = versionMajor version let major = versionMajor version
let minor = versionMinor version let minor = versionMinor version
let patch = versionPatch version let patch = versionPatch version

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@ -123,7 +123,8 @@ Evaluation
score Double Maybe score Double Maybe
errorMessage Text Maybe errorMessage Text Maybe
stamp UTCTime default=now() stamp UTCTime default=now()
UniqueEvaluationTestChecksum test checksum -- Should be just SHA1 (without Maybe) - Maybe is just a legacy
version SHA1 Maybe
Comment Comment
challenge ChallengeId challenge ChallengeId
author UserId author UserId