module Handler.AccountReset where import Import import Handler.Shared import Yesod.Form.Bootstrap3 (BootstrapFormLayout (..), renderBootstrap3, bfs) import Data.Time.Clock (addUTCTime) import Handler.Common (passwordConfirmField, updatePassword, isPasswordAcceptable, tooWeakPasswordMessage) data AccountStatus = NewlyCreated | PasswordReset getCreateResetLinkR :: Handler Html getCreateResetLinkR = do (formWidget, formEnctype) <- generateFormPost createResetLinkForm defaultLayout $ do setTitle "Create a reset link" $(widgetFile "create-reset-link") postCreateResetLinkR :: Handler Html postCreateResetLinkR = do ((result, _), _) <- runFormPost createResetLinkForm let mUserIdentifier = case result of FormSuccess (userIdentifier, _) -> Just userIdentifier _ -> Nothing let mCourseId = case result of FormSuccess (_, Just courseId) -> Just courseId _ -> Nothing doCreateResetLink mUserIdentifier mCourseId doCreateResetLink :: Maybe Text -> Maybe CourseId -> Handler Html doCreateResetLink (Just userIdentifier) mCourseId = do mUserEnt <- runDB $ getBy $ UniqueUser userIdentifier userId <- createOrUse mUserEnt userIdentifier addParticipant userId mCourseId key <- newToken theNow <- liftIO getCurrentTime let expirationMoment = addUTCTime (60*60*24) theNow runDB $ update userId [UserVerificationKey =. Just key, UserKeyExpirationDate =. Just expirationMoment] defaultLayout $ do setTitle "Creating a reset link" $(widgetFile "reset-link-created") doCreateResetLink Nothing _ = do setMessage $ toHtml ("No user identifier given" :: Text) getCreateResetLinkR addParticipant :: (PersistStoreWrite (YesodPersistBackend site), YesodPersist site, BaseBackend (YesodPersistBackend site) ~ SqlBackend) => Key User -> Maybe (Key Course) -> HandlerFor site () addParticipant _ Nothing = return () addParticipant userId (Just courseId) = do _ <- runDB $ insert $ Participant userId courseId return () createOrUse :: Maybe (Entity User) -> Text -> Handler UserId createOrUse (Just userEnt) _ = return $ entityKey userEnt createOrUse Nothing userIdentifier = do setMessage $ toHtml ("Created new user " ++ userIdentifier) triggerToken <- newToken userId <- runDB $ insert $ User userIdentifier Nothing Nothing False Nothing True Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just triggerToken) Nothing return userId createResetLinkForm :: Form (Text, Maybe CourseId) createResetLinkForm = renderBootstrap3 BootstrapBasicForm $ (,) <$> areq textField (bfs MsgUserIdentifier) Nothing <*> coursesSelectFieldList coursesSelectFieldList :: (PersistQueryRead (YesodPersistBackend site), YesodPersist site, RenderMessage site FormMessage, RenderMessage site AppMessage, BaseBackend (YesodPersistBackend site) ~ SqlBackend) => AForm (HandlerFor site) (Maybe (Key Course)) coursesSelectFieldList = aopt (selectField courses) (bfs MsgCourseOptional) Nothing where courses = do courseEnts <- runDB $ selectList [] [Asc CourseName] optionsPairs $ (\ch -> (courseName $ entityVal ch, entityKey ch)) courseEnts getResetPasswordR :: Text -> Handler Html getResetPasswordR key = do mUserId <- checkVerificationKey key accountStatus <- case mUserId of (Just userId) -> do user <- runDB$ get404 userId return $ if isJust (userPassword user) then PasswordReset else NewlyCreated _ -> return PasswordReset (formWidget, formEnctype) <- generateFormPost $ changePasswordForm accountStatus master <- getYesod defaultLayout $ do setTitle "Reset password" $(widgetFile "reset-password") postResetPasswordR :: Text -> Handler Html postResetPasswordR key = do ((result, _), _) <- runFormPost $ changePasswordForm PasswordReset mUserId <- checkVerificationKey key let mPassword = case result of FormSuccess password -> Just password _ -> Nothing doResetPassword key mUserId mPassword doResetPassword :: Text -> Maybe (Key User) -> Maybe Text -> Handler Html doResetPassword key _ Nothing = do setMessage $ toHtml ("Password not given or does not match! Make sure you entered the same password" :: Text) getResetPasswordR key doResetPassword key (Just userId) (Just password) = do doResetPassword' (isPasswordAcceptable password) key userId password doResetPassword key Nothing _ = do runDB $ updateWhere [UserVerificationKey ==. Just key, UserIsAdmin ==. False] removeVerificationKeyStatement master <- getYesod defaultLayout $ do setTitle "Reset password" $(widgetFile "password-reset-failed") doResetPassword' :: Bool -> Text -> Key User -> Text -> Handler Html doResetPassword' True _ userId password = do updatePassword userId (Just password) runDB $ update userId removeVerificationKeyStatement setMessage $ toHtml ("Password set! Now, you can log in with your login." :: Text) redirect HomeR doResetPassword' False key _ _ = do tooWeakPasswordMessage getResetPasswordR key removeVerificationKeyStatement :: [Update User] removeVerificationKeyStatement = [UserVerificationKey =. Nothing, UserKeyExpirationDate =. Nothing] checkVerificationKey :: Text -> Handler (Maybe UserId) checkVerificationKey key = do theNow <- liftIO getCurrentTime userEnts <- runDB $ selectList [UserVerificationKey ==. Just key, UserKeyExpirationDate >. Just theNow] [] return $ case userEnts of [Entity k _] -> Just k _ -> Nothing changePasswordForm :: AccountStatus -> Form Text changePasswordForm accountStatus = renderBootstrap3 BootstrapBasicForm $ areq passwordConfirmField (bfs $ passwordFormHeader accountStatus) Nothing passwordFormHeader :: AccountStatus -> AppMessage passwordFormHeader NewlyCreated = MsgPasswordForNewAccount passwordFormHeader PasswordReset = MsgPassword