module Handler.JWT where import Import hiding (Proxy, fromList) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import Data.Word8 (isSpace, toLower) import Network.Wai (requestHeaders) import qualified Jose.Jwt as JWT import qualified Jose.Jwa as JWA import Data.Aeson data JwtAuthInfo = JwtAuthInfo Text deriving (Show, Eq) instance FromJSON JwtAuthInfo where parseJSON (Object v) = JwtAuthInfo <$> v .: "preferred_username" parseJSON _ = mzero jwtAuthInfoIdent :: JwtAuthInfo -> Text jwtAuthInfoIdent (JwtAuthInfo ident) = ident authorizationTokenAuth :: Handler (Maybe JwtAuthInfo) authorizationTokenAuth = do app <- getYesod let mJwk = appJSONWebKey $ appSettings app case mJwk of Just jwk -> do req <- waiRequest case lookup "Authorization" (Network.Wai.requestHeaders req) of Nothing -> return Nothing Just authHead -> case BS.break isSpace authHead of (strategy, token') | Data.Word8.toLower strategy == "bearer" -> do let token = BS.filter (/= 32) token' einfo <- liftIO $ JWT.decode [jwk] (Just (JWT.JwsEncoding JWA.RS256)) token return $ case einfo of Right (JWT.Jws (_, infos)) -> decode $ fromStrict infos _ -> Nothing | otherwise -> return Nothing Nothing -> return Nothing maybeAuthPossiblyByToken :: Handler (Maybe (Entity User)) maybeAuthPossiblyByToken = do mInfo <- authorizationTokenAuth case mInfo of Just infos -> do x <- runDB $ getBy $ UniqueUser $ jwtAuthInfoIdent infos case x of Just entUser -> return $ Just entUser Nothing -> maybeAuth Nothing -> maybeAuth requireAuthPossiblyByToken :: Handler (Entity User) requireAuthPossiblyByToken = do mInfo <- authorizationTokenAuth case mInfo of Just infos -> do x <- runDB $ getBy $ UniqueUser $ jwtAuthInfoIdent infos case x of Just entUser -> return entUser Nothing -> requireAuth Nothing -> requireAuth