module Handler.CreateChallenge where

import Import
import Yesod.Form.Bootstrap3 (BootstrapFormLayout (..), renderBootstrap3,

import Handler.Shared
import Handler.Runner
import Handler.Extract

import GEval.Core
import GEval.OptionsParser
import GEval.EvaluationScheme
import GEval.Validation
import GEval.Common (FormattingOptions(..))

import Gonito.ExtractMetadata (getLastCommitMessage)

import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import System.FilePath.Find as SFF
import System.FilePath
import qualified Data.Text as T

import Data.Time.Clock (secondsToDiffTime)
import Data.Time.LocalTime (timeOfDayToTime, TimeOfDay, timeToTimeOfDay)

import PersistSHA1

import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L

import Data.Conduit.Binary (sinkLbs, sourceFile)

data ChallengeCreationData = ChallengeCreationData {
  challengeCreationDataName :: Text,
  challengeCreationMetadata :: ChallengeMetadata }

data ChallengeMetadata = ChallengeMetadata {
  challengeMetadataPublicUrl :: Text,
  challengeMetadataPublicBranch :: Text,
  challengeMetadataPublicGitAnnexRemote :: Maybe Text,

  challengeMetadataPrivateUrl :: Text,
  challengeMetadataPrivateBranch :: Text,
  challengeMetadataPrivateGitAnnexRemote :: Maybe Text,

  challengeMetadataDeadline :: Maybe UTCTime,
  challengeMetadataValidate :: Bool }

getCreateChallengeR :: Handler Html
getCreateChallengeR = do
    (formWidget, formEnctype) <- generateFormPost createChallengeForm
    defaultLayout $ do
        setTitle "Welcome To Yesod!"
        $(widgetFile "create-challenge")

postCreateChallengeR :: Handler TypedContent
postCreateChallengeR = do
    ((result, _), _) <- runFormPost createChallengeForm
    let challengeData' = case result of
            FormSuccess res -> Just res
            _ -> Nothing
        Just challengeData = challengeData'

    userId <- requireAuthId
    user <- runDB $ get404 userId
    if userIsAdmin user
        let name = challengeCreationDataName challengeData

        if isLocalIdAcceptable name
            runViewProgress $ doCreateChallenge challengeData
            runViewProgress $ (flip err) "unexpected challenge ID (use only lower-case letters, digits and hyphens, start with a letter or a digit)"
        runViewProgress $ (flip err) "MUST BE AN ADMIN TO CREATE A CHALLENGE"

doCreateChallenge :: ChallengeCreationData -> Channel -> Handler ()
doCreateChallenge creationData chan = do
  let name = challengeCreationDataName creationData

  let challengeMetadata = challengeCreationMetadata creationData
  let publicUrl = challengeMetadataPublicUrl challengeMetadata
  let publicBranch = challengeMetadataPublicBranch challengeMetadata
  let publicGitAnnexRemote = challengeMetadataPublicGitAnnexRemote challengeMetadata

  let privateUrl = challengeMetadataPrivateUrl challengeMetadata
  let privateBranch = challengeMetadataPrivateBranch challengeMetadata
  let privateGitAnnexRemote = challengeMetadataPrivateGitAnnexRemote challengeMetadata

  let mDeadline = challengeMetadataDeadline challengeMetadata
  let shouldBeValidated = challengeMetadataValidate challengeMetadata

  maybePublicRepoId <- cloneRepo (RepoCloningSpec {
                                    cloningSpecRepo = RepoSpec {
                                        repoSpecUrl = publicUrl,
                                          repoSpecBranch = publicBranch,
                                          repoSpecGitAnnexRemote = publicGitAnnexRemote},
                                      cloningSpecReferenceRepo = RepoSpec {
                                        repoSpecUrl = publicUrl,
                                          repoSpecBranch = publicBranch,
                                          repoSpecGitAnnexRemote = publicGitAnnexRemote}}) chan
  case maybePublicRepoId of
    Just publicRepoId -> do
      publicRepo <- runDB $ get404 publicRepoId
      publicRepoDir <- getRepoDirOrClone publicRepoId chan
      maybePrivateRepoId <- cloneRepo (RepoCloningSpec {
                                         cloningSpecRepo = RepoSpec {
                                             repoSpecUrl = privateUrl,
                                             repoSpecBranch = privateBranch,
                                             repoSpecGitAnnexRemote = privateGitAnnexRemote},
                                         cloningSpecReferenceRepo = RepoSpec {
                                             repoSpecUrl =(T.pack $ publicRepoDir),
                                             repoSpecBranch = (repoBranch publicRepo),
                                             repoSpecGitAnnexRemote = (repoGitAnnexRemote publicRepo)}}) chan
      case maybePrivateRepoId of
        Just privateRepoId -> do
          isValidated <- validateChallenge shouldBeValidated privateRepoId chan
          when isValidated $ addChallenge name publicRepoId privateRepoId mDeadline chan
        Nothing -> return ()
    Nothing -> return ()

data ChallengeUpdateType = MajorChange | MinorChange | ChallengePatch
                           deriving (Eq, Enum, Bounded)

data ChallengeUpdateData = ChallengeUpdateData {
  challengeUpdateDataType :: ChallengeUpdateType,
  challengeUpdateDataMetadata :: ChallengeMetadata }

instance Show ChallengeUpdateType where
  show MajorChange = "major change"
  show MinorChange = "minor change"
  show ChallengePatch = "patch"

fetchChallengeData :: (MonadIO m, PersistUniqueRead backend, BaseBackend backend ~ SqlBackend) => Key Challenge -> ReaderT backend m (Repo, Repo, Maybe UTCTime)
fetchChallengeData challengeId = do
  challenge <- get404 challengeId
  publicRepo <- get404 $ challengePublicRepo challenge
  privateRepo <- get404 $ challengePrivateRepo challenge
  version <- getBy404 $ UniqueVersionByCommit $ challengeVersion challenge

  return (publicRepo, privateRepo, versionDeadline $ entityVal $ version)

getChallengeUpdateR :: ChallengeId -> Handler Html
getChallengeUpdateR challengeId = do
  (publicRepo, privateRepo, mDeadline) <- runDB $ fetchChallengeData challengeId
  (formWidget, formEnctype) <- generateFormPost $ updateChallengeForm publicRepo privateRepo mDeadline
  defaultLayout $ do
    setTitle "Welcome To Yesod!"
    $(widgetFile "update-challenge")

postChallengeUpdateR :: ChallengeId -> Handler TypedContent
postChallengeUpdateR challengeId = do
    (publicRepo, privateRepo, mDeadline) <- runDB $ fetchChallengeData challengeId
    ((result, _), _) <- runFormPost $ updateChallengeForm publicRepo privateRepo mDeadline
    let challengeData' = case result of
            FormSuccess res -> Just res
            _ -> Nothing
        Just challengeData = challengeData'

    userId <- requireAuthId
    user <- runDB $ get404 userId
    if userIsAdmin user
         runViewProgress $ doChallengeUpdate challengeId challengeData
        runViewProgress $ (flip err) "MUST BE AN ADMIN TO UPDATE A CHALLENGE"

combineMaybeDayAndTime :: Maybe Day -> Maybe TimeOfDay -> Maybe UTCTime
combineMaybeDayAndTime mDeadlineDay mDeadlineTime =
  case mDeadlineDay of
    Just deadlineDay -> Just $ UTCTime {
      utctDay = deadlineDay,
      utctDayTime = fromMaybe (secondsToDiffTime 24 * 60 * 60 - 1) $ timeOfDayToTime <$> mDeadlineTime }
    Nothing -> Nothing

doChallengeUpdate :: ChallengeId -> ChallengeUpdateData -> Channel -> Handler ()
doChallengeUpdate challengeId challengeData chan = do
  let updateType = challengeUpdateDataType challengeData

  let metadata = challengeUpdateDataMetadata challengeData

  let publicUrl = challengeMetadataPublicUrl metadata
  let publicBranch = challengeMetadataPublicBranch metadata
  let publicGitAnnexRemote = challengeMetadataPublicGitAnnexRemote metadata

  let privateUrl = challengeMetadataPrivateUrl metadata
  let privateBranch = challengeMetadataPrivateBranch metadata
  let privateGitAnnexRemote = challengeMetadataPrivateGitAnnexRemote metadata

  let newDeadline = challengeMetadataDeadline metadata
  let shouldBeValidated = challengeMetadataValidate metadata

  challenge <- runDB $ get404 challengeId
  (Entity _ version) <- runDB $ getBy404 $ UniqueVersionByCommit $ challengeVersion challenge
  let (newMajor, newMinor, newPatch) = incrementVersion updateType (versionMajor version,
                                                                    versionMinor version,
                                                                    versionPatch version)

  msg chan ("UPDATING TO VERSION: " ++ (pack $ show newMajor) ++ "." ++ (pack $ show newMinor) ++ "." ++ (pack $ show newPatch))

  userId <- requireAuthId
  (Just publicRepoId) <- getPossiblyExistingRepo (\_ _ _ -> return True)
                                                RepoSpec {
                                                  repoSpecUrl = publicUrl,
                                                  repoSpecBranch = publicBranch,
                                                  repoSpecGitAnnexRemote = publicGitAnnexRemote}

  (Just privateRepoId) <- getPossiblyExistingRepo (\_ _ _ -> return True)
                                                 RepoSpec {
                                                   repoSpecUrl = privateUrl,
                                                   repoSpecBranch = privateBranch,
                                                   repoSpecGitAnnexRemote = privateGitAnnexRemote}

  isValidated <- validateChallenge shouldBeValidated privateRepoId chan

  when isValidated $
        privateRepo <- runDB $ get404 $ privateRepoId
        repoDir <- getRepoDirOrClone privateRepoId chan
        (Just versionDescription) <- liftIO $ getLastCommitMessage repoDir
        theNow <- liftIO getCurrentTime
        let commit = (repoCurrentCommit privateRepo)

        mAlreadyExistingVersion <- runDB $ getBy $ UniqueVersionByCommit commit
        case mAlreadyExistingVersion of
          Just (Entity versionId _) -> do
                                       runDB $ update versionId [VersionDeadline =. newDeadline,
                                                                 VersionMajor =. newMajor,
                                                                 VersionMinor =. newMinor,
                                                                 VersionPatch =. newPatch,
                                                                 VersionDescription =. versionDescription,
                                                                 VersionStamp =. theNow]

          Nothing -> do
                     _ <- runDB $ insert $ Version (Just challengeId)
                     return ()

        (title, description, mImage) <- extractChallengeMetadata publicRepoId chan

        runDB $ update challengeId [ChallengePublicRepo =. publicRepoId,
                                    ChallengePrivateRepo =. privateRepoId,
                                    ChallengeVersion =. commit,
                                    ChallengeTitle =. title,
                                    ChallengeDescription =. description,
                                    ChallengeImage =. mImage]

        updateTests challengeId chan

        return ()
  return ()

incrementVersion :: ChallengeUpdateType -> (Int, Int, Int) -> (Int, Int, Int)
incrementVersion MajorChange (major, _, _) = (major + 1, 0, 0)
incrementVersion MinorChange (major, minor, _) = (major, minor + 1, 0)
incrementVersion ChallengePatch (major, minor, patch) = (major, minor, patch + 1)

defaultMajorVersion :: Int
defaultMajorVersion = 1

defaultMinorVersion :: Int
defaultMinorVersion = 0

defaultPatchVersion :: Int
defaultPatchVersion = 0

defaultInitialDescription :: Text
defaultInitialDescription = "initial version"

extractChallengeMetadata :: Key Repo -> Channel -> Handler (Text, Text, Maybe ByteString)
extractChallengeMetadata publicRepoId chan = do
  publicRepoDir <- getRepoDirOrClone publicRepoId chan
  let readmeFilePath = publicRepoDir </> readmeFile
  doesReadmeExist <- liftIO $ doesFileExist readmeFilePath
  (title, description) <- if doesReadmeExist
                            liftIO $ extractTitleAndDescription readmeFilePath
                           else do
                            err chan "README was not found"
                            return (defaultTitle, defaultDescription)

  let imageFilePath = publicRepoDir </> imageFile
  doesImageFileExists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist imageFilePath
  mImage <- if doesImageFileExists
             then do
               fileBytes <- liftIO $ runResourceT $ sourceFile imageFilePath $$ sinkLbs
               return $ Just (S.pack . L.unpack $ fileBytes)
             else do
               return Nothing

  return (T.pack $ title, T.pack $ description, mImage)

addChallenge :: Text -> (Key Repo) -> (Key Repo) -> Maybe UTCTime -> Channel -> Handler ()
addChallenge name publicRepoId privateRepoId deadline chan = do
  msg chan "adding challenge..."

  (title, description, mImage) <- extractChallengeMetadata publicRepoId chan

  privateRepo <- runDB $ get404 privateRepoId
  time <- liftIO getCurrentTime

  let commit=repoCurrentCommit $ privateRepo

  challengeId <- runDB $ insert $ Challenge {
    challengeArchived=Just False,
    challengeSensitive=Just False,
    challengeIsCompetition=Just False}

  _ <- runDB $ insert $ Version {
    versionChallenge=Just challengeId,

  updateTests challengeId chan

  return ()

updateTests :: (Key Challenge) -> Channel -> Handler ()
updateTests challengeId chan = do
  challenge <- runDB $ get404 challengeId
  let repoId = challengePrivateRepo challenge
  repoDir <- getRepoDirOrClone repoId chan
  repo <- runDB $ get404 repoId
  let commit = repoCurrentCommit repo
  testDirs <- liftIO $ findTestDirs repoDir
  mapM_ (checkTestDir chan challengeId challenge commit) testDirs
  msg chan (T.pack $ show testDirs)
  return ()

expectedFileName :: FilePath
expectedFileName = "expected.tsv"

doesExpectedExist :: FilePath -> IO Bool
doesExpectedExist fp = do
  efs <- mapM (\ext -> findFilePossiblyCompressed (fp </> expectedFileName -<.> ext)) extensionsHandled
  return $ not $ null $ catMaybes efs

checkTestDir :: Channel -> (Key Challenge) -> Challenge -> SHA1 -> FilePath -> Handler ()
checkTestDir chan challengeId challenge commit testDir = do
  expectedExists <- liftIO $ doesExpectedExist testDir
  if expectedExists
    then do
      msg chan $ concat ["Test dir ", (T.pack testDir), " found."]
      checksum <- liftIO $ gatherSHA1 testDir
      challengeRepoDir <- getRepoDirOrClone (challengePrivateRepo challenge) chan
      optionsParsingResult <- liftIO $ getOptions [
        "--expected-directory", challengeRepoDir,
        "--test-name", takeFileName testDir]
      case optionsParsingResult of
       Left _ -> do
         err chan "Cannot read metric"
         return ()
       Right opts -> do
         _ <- runDB $ mapM (insertOrUpdateTest testDir challengeId (SHA1 checksum) commit opts)  $ zip [1..] (gesMetrics $ geoSpec opts)
         return ()
      msg chan $ concat ["Test dir ", (T.pack testDir), " does not have expected results."]
  return ()

insertOrUpdateTest :: (MonadIO m, PersistUniqueRead backend, PersistStoreWrite backend, BaseBackend backend ~ SqlBackend) => FilePath -> Key Challenge -> SHA1 -> SHA1 -> GEvalOptions -> (Int, EvaluationScheme) -> ReaderT backend m ()
insertOrUpdateTest testDir challengeId checksum commit opts (priority, metric) = do
  let name=T.pack $ takeFileName testDir
  mAlreadyExistingTest <- getBy $ UniqueChallengeNameMetricChecksum challengeId name metric checksum
  case mAlreadyExistingTest of
    Just (Entity testId _) -> update testId [TestCommit=.commit,
                                            TestPrecision=.(decimalPlaces $ gesFormatting $ geoSpec opts),
                                            TestAsPercentage=.(Just $ asPercentage $ gesFormatting $ geoSpec opts),
                                            TestPriority=.Just priority]
    Nothing -> do
                _ <- insert $ Test {
                  testPrecision=decimalPlaces $ gesFormatting $ geoSpec opts,
                  testAsPercentage=Just $ asPercentage $ gesFormatting $ geoSpec opts,
                  testPriority=Just priority}
                return ()

gatherSHA1 :: FilePath -> IO ByteString
gatherSHA1 testDir = do
  files <- SFF.find always isTestDirHashedFile testDir
  gatherSHA1ForCollectionOfFiles files

isTestDirHashedFile :: FindClause Bool
isTestDirHashedFile = fileType ==? RegularFile

findTestDirs :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
findTestDirs = SFF.find never testDirFilter

never :: FindClause Bool
never = depth ==? 0

testDirFilter :: FindClause Bool
testDirFilter = (fileType ==? Directory) &&? (SFF.fileName ~~? "dev-*" ||? SFF.fileName ~~? "test-*")

createChallengeForm :: Form ChallengeCreationData
createChallengeForm = renderBootstrap3 BootstrapBasicForm $ ChallengeCreationData
  <$> (T.strip <$> areq textField (fieldWithTooltip MsgChallengeName MsgChallengeNameTooltip) Nothing)
  <*> challengeMetadataInputs Nothing Nothing Nothing

challengeMetadataInputs :: (MonadHandler m, RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage, RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) AppMessage)
                          => Maybe Repo -> Maybe Repo -> Maybe UTCTime -> AForm m ChallengeMetadata
challengeMetadataInputs mPublicRepo mPrivateRepo mDeadline =
  ChallengeMetadata <$> (T.strip <$> areq textField (bfs MsgPublicUrl) (repoUrl <$> mPublicRepo))
                    <*> (T.strip <$> areq textField (bfs MsgBranch) (Just $ maybe "master" repoBranch mPublicRepo))
                    <*> (fmap T.strip <$> aopt textField (bfs MsgGitAnnexRemote) (repoGitAnnexRemote <$> mPublicRepo))
                    <*> (T.strip <$> areq textField (bfs MsgPrivateUrl) (repoUrl <$> mPrivateRepo))
                    <*> (T.strip <$> areq textField (bfs MsgBranch) (Just $ maybe "dont-peek" repoBranch mPrivateRepo))
                    <*> (fmap T.strip <$> aopt textField (bfs MsgGitAnnexRemote) (repoGitAnnexRemote <$> mPrivateRepo))
                    <*> (combineMaybeDayAndTime <$> aopt dayField (bfs MsgChallengeDeadlineDay) (Just $ utctDay <$> mDeadline)
                                                <*> aopt timeFieldTypeTime (fieldWithTooltip MsgChallengeDeadlineTime MsgChallengeDeadlineTooltip) (Just $ timeToTimeOfDay <$> utctDayTime <$> mDeadline))
                    <*> areq checkBoxField (bfs MsgShouldChallengeBeValidated) (Just True)

updateChallengeForm :: Repo -> Repo -> Maybe UTCTime -> Form ChallengeUpdateData
updateChallengeForm publicRepo privateRepo mDeadline = renderBootstrap3 BootstrapBasicForm $ ChallengeUpdateData
    <$> areq (radioField optionsEnum) "change type" (Just ChallengePatch)
    <*> challengeMetadataInputs (Just publicRepo) (Just privateRepo) mDeadline

-- Validate whether a challenge is correct.
-- Contrary to `GEval.Validate.validationChallenge` do not
-- throw an exception (just return `False`)
validateChallenge :: Bool -- switch whether really validate
                    -> RepoId  -- ID of the private repository
                    -> Channel
                    -> Handler Bool -- returns false if not validated
validateChallenge False _ chan = do
  return True
validateChallenge True repoId chan = do
  msg chan "Validating the challenge..."

  repoDir <- getRepoDirOrClone repoId chan

  optionsParsingResult <- liftIO $ getOptions [
    "--expected-directory", repoDir]

  case optionsParsingResult of
    Left _ -> do
      err chan "Cannot read metric"
      return False
    Right opts -> do
      result <- liftIO (try $ validationChallenge repoDir (geoSpec opts) :: IO (Either SomeException ()))
      case result of
        Left ex -> do
          err chan (T.pack $ "Invalid challenge!!! " ++ (show ex))
          return False
        Right _ -> return True