<h1>Welcome to Yesod!

  <li>Now that you have a working project you should use the #
    \<a href="http://www.yesodweb.com/book/">Yesod book<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-book"></span></a> to learn more. #
    You can also use this scaffolded site to explore some basic concepts.

  <li> This page was generated by the #{handlerName} handler in #

  <li> The #{handlerName} handler is set to generate your site's home screen in Routes file #

  <li> The HTML you are seeing now is actually composed by a number of <em>widgets</em>, #
    most of them are brought together by the <em>defaultLayout</em> function which #
    is defined in the <em>Foundation.hs</em> module, and used by <em>#{handlerName}</em>. #
    All the files for templates and wigdets are in <em>templates</em>.

    A Widget's Html, Css and Javascript are separated in three files with the #
    \<em>.hamlet</em>, <em>.lucius</em> and <em>.julius</em> extensions.

  <li ##{aDomId}>If you had javascript enabled then you wouldn't be seeing this.

  <hr />
  <li #form>
    This is an example trivial Form. Read the #
    \<a href="http://www.yesodweb.com/book/forms">Forms chapter<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-bookmark"></span></a> #
    on the yesod book to learn more about them.
    $maybe (info,con) <- submission
      <div .message .alert .alert-success>
        Your file's type was <em>#{fileContentType info}</em>. You say it has: <em>#{con}</em>
    <form method=post action=@{HomeR}#form enctype=#{formEnctype}>
      <button .btn .btn-primary type="submit">
         Send it! <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-upload"></span>
  <hr />

  <li> And last but not least, Testing. In <em>test/Spec.hs</em> you will find a #
    test suite that performs tests on this page. #
    You can run your tests by doing: <pre>yesod test</pre>

    Let's test out some Fay! Enter a number in this box and we'll calculate the Fibonacci value.
    <input #fibindex placeholder="Fibonacci Index">
    <span #fibresult>