37 lines
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37 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Gonito.ExtractMetadataSpec (spec) where
import Import
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import Test.Hspec
import Gonito.ExtractMetadata (extractMetadataFromRepoDir, GonitoMetadata(..), ExtractionOptions(..))
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "extract metadata from repos" $ do
it "simple" $ do
extractMetadataFromRepoDir "test/fake-git-repos/simple/" def `shouldReturn` GonitoMetadata {
gonitoMetadataDescription = "Simple solution",
gonitoMetadataTags = S.fromList ["foo", "simple-solution", "baz"],
gonitoMetadataGeneralParams = H.empty
it "simple with some fields from the form" $ do
extractMetadataFromRepoDir "test/fake-git-repos/simple/" def {
extractionOptionsDescription = Just "Other solution",
extractionOptionsTags = Just "other-tag,baz"
} `shouldReturn` GonitoMetadata {
gonitoMetadataDescription = "Other solution",
gonitoMetadataTags = S.fromList ["foo", "simple-solution", "baz", "other-tag"],
gonitoMetadataGeneralParams = H.empty
it "with gonito.yaml" $ do
extractMetadataFromRepoDir "test/fake-git-repos/with-gonito-yaml/" def `shouldReturn` GonitoMetadata {
gonitoMetadataDescription = "Test solution",
gonitoMetadataTags = S.fromList ["zzz", "baz", "simple", "machine-learning"],
gonitoMetadataGeneralParams = H.empty