# Maintainer: Jean Lucas # Contributor: Kilian Gebhardt # Contributor: Andreas Hauser # Contributor: Christoph Drexler pkgname=openfst pkgver=1.7.6 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='Library for constructing, combining, optimizing, and searching weighted finite-state transducers (FSTs)' arch=(i686 x86_64) url='http://www.openfst.org' license=(Apache) depends=(gcc-libs glibc python) options=(!libtool) source=(http://www.openfst.org/twiki/pub/FST/FstDownload/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz) sha1sums=(3fb669b7c064c83f7768d9089b2914a782890474) build() { cd $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver # Options according to http://openfst.cs.nyu.edu/twiki/bin/view/FST/ReadMe OPTIONS='--prefix=/usr --disable-dependency-tracking' OPTIONS+=' --enable-bin' # Enable fst::script and command-line binaries; Default: yes OPTIONS+=' --enable-compact-fsts' # Enable all CompactFst classes; Default: no OPTIONS+=' --enable-compress' # Enable compression extension; Default: no OPTIONS+=' --enable-const-fsts' # Enable all ConstFst classes; Default: no OPTIONS+=' --enable-far' # Enable FAR (FST Archive) extension; Default: no OPTIONS+=' --enable-linear-fsts' # Enable Linear{Tagger,Classifier}Fst extensions; Default: no OPTIONS+=' --enable-lookahead-fsts' # Enable LookAheadFst classes; Default: no OPTIONS+=' --enable-mpdt' # Enable MPDT extensions; Default: no OPTIONS+=' --enable-ngram-fsts' # Enable NGramFst extensions; Default: no OPTIONS+=' --enable-pdt' # Enable PDT extensions; Default: no OPTIONS+=' --enable-python PYTHON=python' # Enable Python extensions; Default: no LIBS='-ldl' ./configure $OPTIONS make } package() { cd $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install install -d $pkgdir/etc/ld.so.conf.d/ echo /usr/lib/fst > $pkgdir/etc/ld.so.conf.d/openfst.conf }