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{% raw %}
% File tacl2018v2.tex
% Sep 20, 2018
% The English content of this file was modified from various *ACL instructions
% by Lillian Lee and Kristina Toutanova
% LaTeXery is mostly all adapted from acl2018.sty.
%% Package options:
%% Short version: "hyperref" and "submission" are the defaults.
%% More verbose version:
%% Most compact command to produce a submission version with hyperref enabled
%% \usepackage[]{tacl2018v2}
%% Most compact command to produce a "camera-ready" version
%% \usepackage[acceptedWithA]{tacl2018v2}
%% Most compact command to produce a double-spaced copy-editor's version
%% \usepackage[acceptedWithA,copyedit]{tacl2018v2}
%% If you need to disable hyperref in any of the above settings (see Section
%% "LaTeX files") in the TACL instructions), add ",nohyperref" in the square
%% brackets. (The comma is a delimiter in case there are multiple options specified.)
%%%% Material in this block is specific to generating TACL instructions
\newcommand{\dateOfLastUpdate}{Sept. 20, 2018}
\newcommand{\ex}[1]{{\sf #1}}
\taclinstructionsfalse % AUTHORS: do NOT set this to true
\renewcommand{\anonsubtext}{(No author info supplied here, for consistency with
TACL-submission anonymization requirements)}
\iftaclpubformat % this "if" is set by the choice of options
\newcommand{\taclpaper}{final version\xspace}
\newcommand{\taclpapers}{final versions\xspace}
\newcommand{\Taclpaper}{Final version\xspace}
\newcommand{\Taclpapers}{Final versions\xspace}
\newcommand{\TaclPapers}{Final Versions\xspace}
%%%% End TACL-instructions-specific macro block
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: t
%%% End:
{% endraw %}