
71 lines
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2022-01-15 22:22:43 +01:00
{% raw %}
% The \icmltitle you define below is probably too long as a header.
% Therefore, a short form for the running title is supplied here:
{% endraw %}
\icmltitlerunning{ {{ cookiecutter.paper_title }} }
\icmltitle{ {{ cookiecutter.paper_title }} }
{% raw %}
% It is OKAY to include author information, even for blind
% submissions: the style file will automatically remove it for you
% unless you've provided the [accepted] option to the icml2022
% package.
% List of affiliations: The first argument should be a (short)
% identifier you will use later to specify author affiliations
% Academic affiliations should list Department, University, City, Region, Country
% Industry affiliations should list Company, City, Region, Country
% You can specify symbols, otherwise they are numbered in order.
% Ideally, you should not use this facility. Affiliations will be numbered
% in order of appearance and this is the preferred way.
{% endraw %}
2022-01-15 22:23:43 +01:00
\icmlauthor{ {{ cookiecutter.main_contributor_name }} }{equal,yyy}
2022-01-15 22:22:43 +01:00
{% raw %}
\icmlauthor{Firstname2 Lastname2}{equal,yyy,comp}
\icmlauthor{Firstname3 Lastname3}{comp}
\icmlauthor{Firstname4 Lastname4}{sch}
\icmlauthor{Firstname5 Lastname5}{yyy}
\icmlauthor{Firstname6 Lastname6}{sch,yyy,comp}
\icmlauthor{Firstname7 Lastname7}{comp}
\icmlauthor{Firstname8 Lastname8}{sch}
\icmlauthor{Firstname8 Lastname8}{yyy,comp}
\icmlaffiliation{yyy}{Department of XXX, University of YYY, Location, Country}
\icmlaffiliation{comp}{Company Name, Location, Country}
\icmlaffiliation{sch}{School of ZZZ, Institute of WWW, Location, Country}
\icmlcorrespondingauthor{Firstname1 Lastname1}{}
\icmlcorrespondingauthor{Firstname2 Lastname2}{}
% You may provide any keywords that you
% find helpful for describing your paper; these are used to populate
% the "keywords" metadata in the PDF but will not be shown in the document
\icmlkeywords{Machine Learning, ICML}
\vskip 0.3in
% this must go after the closing bracket ] following \twocolumn[ ...
% This command actually creates the footnote in the first column
% listing the affiliations and the copyright notice.
% The command takes one argument, which is text to display at the start of the footnote.
% The \icmlEqualContribution command is standard text for equal contribution.
% Remove it (just {}) if you do not need this facility.
%\printAffiliationsAndNotice{} % leave blank if no need to mention equal contribution
\printAffiliationsAndNotice{\icmlEqualContribution} % otherwise use the standard text.
{% endraw %}