% In this file some settings are passed from cookiecutter to LaTeX. % Do not edit this file, but rather change .cookiecutter.yml and % re-apply the template. % whether an appendix was created \newif\ifwithappendix {%- if cookiecutter.with_appendix == "yes" -%} \withappendixtrue {% else %} \withappendixfalse {% endif %} % whether the appendix will actually be shown; % note: in some template, the appendix cannot be rendered, % you can use this conditional to change the content of your paper % (for instance, to remove parts like "see Appendix") \newif\ifappendixshown {%- if cookiecutter.latex_template == "coling" -%} \appendixshownfalse {% else %} \appendixshowntrue {% endif %}