#!/bin/bash -xe if command -v arxiv_latex_cleaner > /dev/null 2>/dev/null; then : else echo >&2 "Please install arxiv_latex_cleaner" echo >&2 " git clone https://github.com/google-research/arxiv-latex-cleaner" echo >&2 " cd arxiv_latex_cleaner" echo >&2 " python3 setup.py install" echo >&2 " (you might need to install zlib1g-dev and libjpeg8-dev packages first)" exit 1 fi latex_template="$1" package_file="$2" packtmpdir=$(mktemp -d 2>/dev/null || mktemp -d -t 'packtmpdir') project_dir="$packtmpdir/project" project_arxiv_dir="$packtmpdir/project_arXiv" mkdir -p "$packtmpdir/project" arxiv_main_file=ms.tex copy_to_project() { for f in "$@" do if [[ -r "$project_dir/$f" ]] then echo >&2 "The file '$f' will be overwritten. Something is wrong!!!" exit 1 fi done cp "$@" "$project_dir/" } handle_subdir() { subdir="$1" if [[ -d "$subdir" ]] then find $subdir -type f | while read f do nf=$(echo "$f" | perl -pne 's{^[^/]+/}{}; s{/}{-}') dst="$project_dir/$subdir-$nf" if [[ "$f" == *.tex ]] then perl helpers/flatten-structure.pl < "$f" > "$dst" else cp $f $dst fi done fi } handle_subdir images handle_subdir figures handle_subdir scores handle_subdir inputs for latex_file in *.tex do if [[ "$latex_file" == "$arxiv_main_file" ]] then echo >&2 "Your repo cannot contain '$arxiv_main_file' file." echo >&2 "This file is restricted for arxiv purposes" exit 1 fi target_file="$project_dir/$latex_file" if [[ "$latex_file" == "{{cookiecutter.paper_id}}.tex" ]] then target_file="$project_dir/$arxiv_main_file" fi perl helpers/flatten-structure.pl < "$latex_file" > "$target_file" done if [[ "$latex_template" == "vanilla" ]] then : elif [[ "$latex_template" == "tacl" ]] then copy_to_project tacl2018v2.sty acl.bst acl_natbib.bst elif [[ "$latex_template" == "acl" ]] then copy_to_project acl2020.sty acl.bst acl_natbib.bst elif [[ "$latex_template" == "nle" ]] then copy_to_project nle.cls nlelike.bst cup_logo.eps cup_logo-eps-converted-to.pdf elif [[ "$latex_template" == "sigconf" ]] then copy_to_project acmart.cls ACM-Reference-Format.bst elif [[ "$latex_template" == "pw-thesis" ]] then : elif [[ "$latex_template" == "coling" ]] then copy_to_project coling2020.sty acl.bst elif [[ "$latex_template" == "llncs" ]] then copy_to_project llncs.cls splncs04.bst elif [[ "$latex_template" == "emnlp" ]] then copy_to_project emnlp2020.sty acl.bst acl_natbib.bst elif [[ "$latex_template" == "eacl" ]] then copy_to_project eacl2021.sty acl.bst acl_natbib.bst elif [[ "$latex_template" == "poleval" ]] then copy_to_project poleval.bst poleval.cls else echo >&2 "Unknown template '$latex_template'!!!" exit 1 fi copy_to_project bibliography.bib perl -pne 's/^\s*\\usepackage\{xurl\}$//' -i "$project_dir/other-extras.tex" heredir=`pwd` main_source=ms main_source_file="${main_source}.tex" (cd "$project_dir" && pdflatex "$main_source_file" && bibtex "$main_source" && rm "${main_source}.pdf") arxiv_latex_cleaner "$project_dir" --commands_to_delete '\todo' perl -pne 's/\\bibliography\{bibliography\}/\\bibliography\{ms\}/' -i "$project_arxiv_dir/$main_source_file" (cd "$project_arxiv_dir" && tar zvcf "$heredir/$package_file" .)