Filip Gralinski 67c788fe69 Init from an internal repo.
Commit d5b6f8e831fc5c933af5ceb1267f51ef6af6c438
2020-11-24 08:33:07 +01:00

85 lines
1.6 KiB

{% raw %}
% compile this with XeLaTeX. Then, view PDF.
\usepackage[vmargin = 25mm, hmargin = 20mm, bindingoffset=10mm]{geometry}
% ------------------------------------------------------
{% endraw %}
\newcommand{\discipline}{ {{ cookiecutter.discipline }} }
\renewcommand{\title}{ {{ cookiecutter.paper_title }} }
\renewcommand{\author}{ {{ cookiecutter.main_contributor_name }} }
\newcommand{\supervisor}{ {{ cookiecutter.supervisor }} }
\newcommand{\album}{ {{ cookiecutter.album_no }} }
\newcommand{\spec}{ {{ cookiecutter.specialization }} }
{% raw %}
\includegraphics[scale=1.]{img/master} % or bachelor
{ \arial
in the field of study~\discipline \\
and specialisation~\spec
{\arial \large \title}
{\arial \huge \author}
student record book number \album
thesis supervisor \\
{\arial \supervisor}
%consulation (optional) \\
%{\arial academic title/degree Name and Surname}
WARSAW \year \\
%............................................. & \hspace*{100pt} & .............................................\\
%supervisor's signature & \hspace*{100pt} & author's signature
{% endraw %}