{-# LANGUAGE Arrows, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} import ShadowLibrary.Core import Text.XML.HXT.Core import Text.XML.HXT.XPath -- import Text.XML.HXT.Curl import Data.List import Data.List.Utils (replace) import Text.Regex.Posix import Text.Printf extractRecords = extractLinksWithText "//li/a[contains(@href,'/lata')]" >>> first (extractLinksWithText "//li/a[contains(@href,'start=')]" >>> first (extractLinksWithText "//a[contains(@href, '/archiwum/images/19') or contains(@href, '/Trybuna')]")) toShadowItem :: (((String, String), String), String) -> ShadowItem toShadowItem (((url, articleTitle), _), yearlyTitle) = (defaultShadowItem url title) { originalDate = Just date, itype = "periodical", format = Just form, finalUrl = url } where title = "Instytut Techniki Gorniczej " ++ yearlyTitle ++ " " ++ (replace "\r\n" "" (replace "\r\n " "" articleTitle)) date = getDate $ replace "%20" "" url form = unwords $ map stringToLower [getFormat url] getDate url = case url =~~ "(19[0-9][0-9]|20[0-9][0-9]).*\\..{3}" :: Maybe [[String]] of Just [[_, year]] -> year otherwise -> error $ "unexpected url: " ++ url getFormat url = case url =~~ "([a-zA-Z]+$)" :: Maybe [[String]] of Just [[_, format]] -> format otherwise -> error $ "unexpected url: " ++ url main = do let start = "http://komag.gliwice.pl/archiwum/historia-komag/" let shadowLibrary = ShadowLibrary {logoUrl=Nothing, lname="Instytut Techniki Gorniczej", abbrev="Komag", lLevel=0, webpage=start} extractItemsStartingFromUrl shadowLibrary start (extractRecords >>> arr toShadowItem)