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2022-11-18 15:00:34 +01:00
class superelliptic_cech:
def __init__(self, C, omega, fct):
self.omega0 = omega
self.omega8 = omega - fct.diffn()
self.f = fct
self.curve = C
def __add__(self, other):
C = self.curve
return superelliptic_cech(C, self.omega0 + other.omega0, self.f + other.f)
def __sub__(self, other):
C = self.curve
return superelliptic_cech(C, self.omega0 - other.omega0, self.f - other.f)
def __rmul__(self, constant):
C = self.curve
w1 = self.omega0.form
f1 = self.f.function
w2 = superelliptic_form(C, constant*w1)
f2 = superelliptic_function(C, constant*f1)
return superelliptic_cech(C, w2, f2)
def __repr__(self):
return "(" + str(self.omega0) + ", " + str(self.f) + ", " + str(self.omega8) + ")"
def verschiebung(self):
C = self.curve
omega = self.omega0
F = C.base_ring
Rx.<x> = PolynomialRing(F)
return superelliptic_cech(C,, superelliptic_function(C, Rx(0)))
def frobenius(self):
C = self.curve
fct = self.f.function
p = C.characteristic
Rx.<x> = PolynomialRing(F)
return superelliptic_cech(C, superelliptic_form(C, Rx(0)), superelliptic_function(C, fct^p))
def coordinates(self):
C = self.curve
F = C.base_ring
m = C.exponent
Rx.<x> = PolynomialRing(F)
Fx = FractionField(Rx)
FxRy.<y> = PolynomialRing(Fx)
g = C.genus()
basis = C.de_rham_basis()
omega = self.omega0
fct = self.f
if fct.function == Rx(0) and omega.form == Rx(0):
return vector((2*g)*[0])
2022-11-18 15:00:34 +01:00
if fct.function == Rx(0) and omega.form != Rx(0):
result = list(omega.coordinates()) + g*[0]
result = vector([F(a) for a in result])
return result
coord = fct.coordinates()
coord = g*[0] + list(coord)
coord = vector([F(a) for a in coord])
aux = self
for i in range(g, 2*g):
aux -= coord[i]*basis[i]
aux_f = decomposition_g0_g8(aux.f)[0]
aux.omega0 -= aux_f.diffn()
aux.f = 0*C.x
aux.omega8 = aux.omega0
return coord + aux.coordinates()
2022-11-18 15:00:34 +01:00
def is_cocycle(self):
w0 = self.omega0
w8 = self.omega8
fct = self.f
if not w0.is_regular_on_U0() and not w8.is_regular_on_Uinfty():
return('w0 & w8')
if not w0.is_regular_on_U0():
if not w8.is_regular_on_Uinfty():
if w0.is_regular_on_U0() and w8.is_regular_on_Uinfty():
return 1
return 0
#Auxilliary. If f = f1/f2 is a rational function, return deg f_1 - deg f_2.
def degree_of_rational_fctn(f, F):
Rx.<x> = PolynomialRing(F)
Fx = FractionField(Rx)
f = Fx(f)
f1 = f.numerator()
f2 = f.denominator()
d1 =
d2 =
return(d1 - d2)
#Auxilliary. If f = f1/f2 is a rational function, return (leading coeff of f1)/(leading coeff of f2).
def coeff_of_rational_fctn(f, F):
Rx.<x> = PolynomialRing(F)
Fx = FractionField(Rx)
f = Fx(f)
if f == Rx(0):
return 0
f1 = f.numerator()
f2 = f.denominator()
d1 =
d2 =
a1 = f1.coefficients(sparse = false)[d1]
a2 = f2.coefficients(sparse = false)[d2]
#Auxilliary. Given polynomial f(x) and integer d, return
#coefficient of x^d in f (and 0 is deg(f)<d).
def coff(f, d):
lista = f.coefficients(sparse = false)
if len(lista) <= d:
return 0
return lista[d]
#Auxilliary. Given polynomial f(x) = \sum_i a_i x^i and integer i, return
#only \sum_{j >= i+1} a_j x^{j - i -1}
def cut(f, i):
R = f.parent()
coeff = f.coefficients(sparse = false)
return sum(R(x^(j-i-1)) * coeff[j] for j in range(i+1, + 1))
def polynomial_part(p, h):
F = base_ring(parent(h))
2022-11-18 15:00:34 +01:00
Rx.<x> = PolynomialRing(F)
h = Rx(h)
result = Rx(0)
for i in range(0,
if (i%p) == p-1:
power = Integer((i-(p-1))/p)
result += F(h[i]) * x^(power)
2022-11-18 15:00:34 +01:00
return result
#Find delta-th root of unity in field F
def root_of_unity(F, delta):
Rx.<x> = PolynomialRing(F)
cyclotomic = x^(delta) - 1
for root, a in cyclotomic.roots():
powers = [root^d for d in delta.divisors() if d!= delta]
if 1 not in powers:
return root
def preimage(U, V, M): #preimage of subspace U under M
basis_preimage = M.right_kernel().basis()
imageU = U.intersection(M.transpose().image())
basis = imageU.basis()
for v in basis:
w = M.solve_right(v)
basis_preimage = basis_preimage + [w]
return V.subspace(basis_preimage)
def image(U, V, M):
basis = U.basis()
basis_image = []
for v in basis:
basis_image += [M*v]
return V.subspace(basis_image)
def flag(F, V, p, test = 0):
dim = F.dimensions()[0]
space = VectorSpace(GF(p), dim)
flag_subspaces = (dim+1)*[0]
flag_used = (dim+1)*[0]
final_type = (dim+1)*['?']
flag_subspaces[dim] = space
flag_used[dim] = 1
while 1 in flag_used:
index = flag_used.index(1)
flag_used[index] = 0
U = flag_subspaces[index]
U_im = image(U, space, V)
d_im = U_im.dimension()
final_type[index] = d_im
U_pre = preimage(U, space, F)
d_pre = U_pre.dimension()
if flag_subspaces[d_im] == 0:
flag_subspaces[d_im] = U_im
flag_used[d_im] = 1
if flag_subspaces[d_pre] == 0:
flag_subspaces[d_pre] = U_pre
flag_used[d_pre] = 1
if test == 1:
print('(', final_type, ')')
for i in range(0, dim+1):
if final_type[i] == '?' and final_type[dim - i] != '?':
i1 = dim - i
final_type[i] = final_type[i1] - i1 + dim/2
final_type[0] = 0
for i in range(1, dim+1):
if final_type[i] == '?':
prev = final_type[i-1]
if prev != '?' and prev in final_type[i+1:]:
final_type[i] = prev
for i in range(1, dim+1):
if final_type[i] == '?':
final_type[i] = min(final_type[i-1] + 1, dim/2)
if is_final(final_type, dim/2):
return final_type[1:dim/2 + 1]
print('error:', final_type[1:dim/2 + 1])
def is_final(final_type, dim):
n = len(final_type)
if final_type[0] != 0:
return 0
if final_type[n-1] != dim:
return 0
for i in range(1, n):
if final_type[i] != final_type[i - 1] and final_type[i] != final_type[i - 1] + 1:
return 0
return 1