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2022-11-18 15:00:34 +01:00
]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage$ ]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage$ sage
│ SageMath version 9.7, Release Date: 2022-09-19 │
│ Using Python 3.10.5. Type "help()" for help. │
]0;IPython: DeRhamComputation/sage[?2004h[?1l[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7llista = [(1, 2, 5), (1, 4, 7), (2, 10, 15), (3, 6, 13), (3,10,17)][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7load_package("MeatAxe")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ld[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l'[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l
 compress= Algebra AssionGroupS 
 verbose= AlgebraIdeals AssionGroupU 
 %%! AlgebraModules AsymptoticRing 
 AA AlgebraicField AtkinModularCorrespondenceDatabase 
 AbelianGroup AlgebraicNumber AtkinModularPolynomialDatabase 
 AbelianGroupMorphism AlgebraicReal AttributeError 
 AbelianGroupWithValues AlgebraicRealField AugmentedLatticeDiagramFilling 
 AbelianVariety Algebras Automaton 
 AdditiveAbelianGroup AlgebrasWithBasis Axiom 
 AdditiveAbelianGroupWrapper AllCusps BackslashOperator 
 AdditiveAbelianGroupWrapperElement AllExactCovers BaseException >
 AdditiveMagmas Alphabet BaxterPermutations 
 AffineCryptosystem AlphabeticStrings Berkovich_Cp_Affine 
 AffineGroup AlternatingGroup Berkovich_Cp_Projective 
 AffineHypersurface AlternatingSignMatrices Bessel 
 AffineNilTemperleyLiebTypeA AlternatingSignMatrix BezoutianQuadraticForm 
 AffinePermutationGroup ArithmeticError Bialgebras 
 AffineSpace ArithmeticSubgroup_Permutation BialgebrasWithBasis 
 AffineToricVariety Arrangements Bimodules 
 AffineWeylGroups ArtinGroup BinaryQF 
 AlarmInterrupt AssertionError BinaryQF_reduced_representatives [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ls

 subfactorial sum superelliptic_class.sage surfaces 
 subsets sum_of_k_squares supersingular_D 
 sudoku super supersingular_j [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lbfactorial
 <unknown> [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsets
 subsets [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ldoku
 sudoku [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lm
 sudoku [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l_of_k_squares
 sum_of_k_squares [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lper
 super [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lelliptic_class.sage
 super [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsingularD
 supersingular_D [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lellipticclass.sage
 supersingular_D [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l

[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l'[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('superelliptic_class.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lC_super = superelliptic(f, m)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l = superelliptic((x^3 - x)^2 + 1, 4)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l=[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ls[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: C = s
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [2], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 C = s
NameError: name 's' is not defined
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lC = s[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('superelliptic_class.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lC = s[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l
 sage %sc set show_identifiers sinh  
 sage0 scatter_plot set_default_variable_name shuffle sinh_integral  
 sage0_version schonheim set_edit_template sidon_sets sleep  
 sage_eval scilab %set_env sig_on_count slice  
 sage_globals %%script set_modsym_print_mode sigma sloane  
 sage_input search_def set_random_seed sign solve  
 sage_mode search_doc set_series_precision simplicial_complexes solve_diophantine >
 sage_wraps search_src set_verbose simplicial_sets solve_ineq  
 sageobj sec set_verbose_files simplify solve_mod  
 sample sech setattr sin sort_complex_numbers_for_display  
 sandpiles seed sgn sin_integral sorted  
 save seq sh singular span  
 save_session series_precision show singular_version specialize   [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7luperelliptic((x^3 - x)^2 + 1, 4)

 super supersingular_D 
 superelliptic supersingular_j 
 superelliptic_class.sage [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lelliptic((x^3 - x)^2 + 1, 4)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l

[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsuperelliptic((x^3 - x)^2 + 1, 4)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: C = superelliptic((x^3 - x)^2 + 1, 4)
RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [3], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 C = superelliptic((x**Integer(3) - x)**Integer(2) + Integer(1), Integer(4))
File <string>:7, in __init__(self, f, m)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/parent_gens.pyx:109, in sage.structure.parent_gens.ParentWithGens.gen()
 107 # Derived class *must* define gen method.
 108 def gen(self, i=0):
--> 109 check_old_coerce(self)
 110 raise NotImplementedError("i-th generator not known.")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/parent_gens.pyx:79, in sage.structure.parent_gens.check_old_coerce()
 77 cdef inline check_old_coerce(parent.Parent p):
 78 if p._element_constructor is not None:
---> 79 raise RuntimeError("%s still using old coercion framework" % p)
RuntimeError: Symbolic Ring still using old coercion framework
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lC = superelliptic((x^3 - x)^2 + 1, 4)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('superelliptic_class.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ls)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lg)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('init.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('init.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lC = superelliptic((x^3 - x)^2 + 1, 4)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l=[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsuperelliptic((x^3 - x)^2 + 1, 4)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsuper[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsupe[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('init.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lC = superelliptic((x^3 - x)^2 + 1, 4)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ld.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lr.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lf.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [7], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:25, in <module>
File <string>:35, in __init__(self, C, list_of_fcts, prec)
NameError: name 'artin_schreier_transform' is not defined
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7linit.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('init.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ldraft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [9], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:25, in <module>
File <string>:35, in __init__(self, C, list_of_fcts, prec)
NameError: name 'artin_schreier_transform' is not defined
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lC = superelliptic((x^3 - x)^2 + 1, 4)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: C
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [10], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 C
NameError: name 'C' is not defined
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lC[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l=[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: C=
 %%! AbelianGroupWithValues AdditiveAbelianGroupWrapperElement 
 AA AbelianVariety AdditiveMagmas 
 AbelianGroup AdditiveAbelianGroup AffineCryptosystem >
 AbelianGroupMorphism AdditiveAbelianGroupWrapper AffineGroup 

[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ls[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsuper[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsupe[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lC[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7linit.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('init.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lc('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lh('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: attach('init.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?7h[?2004l### reloading attached file init.sage modified at 13:37:34 ###
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?7h[?2004lTEST
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lattach('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('int.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('init.sage')
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lattach('nit.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('int.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lC[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [14], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:41, in <module>
File <string>:9, in combination_components(omega, zmag, w)
NameError: name 'ith_component' is not defined
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
(0) * dx
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage$ ]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage$ git pushcommit -m "przed malymi porzadkami"add -ucommit -m "przed malymi porzadkami"pushload('drinit.sage')
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `'init.sage''
]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage$ sage
│ SageMath version 9.7, Release Date: 2022-09-19 │
│ Using Python 3.10.5. Type "help()" for help. │
]0;IPython: DeRhamComputation/sage[?2004h[?1l[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7linit.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('init.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ldraft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
(0) * dx
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ls.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ls.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('tests.sage')
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l\[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('tests.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('tests.sage')
^Csage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_zmod_flint.pyx:7: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\Z'
sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_zmod_flint.pyx:7: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\Z'
KeyboardInterrupt Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [4], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('tests.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:2, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:11, in <module>
File <string>:35, in __init__(self, C, list_of_fcts, prec)
File <string>:158, in artin_schreier_transform(power_series, prec)
File <string>:12, in new_reverse(power_series, prec)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/laurent_series_ring_element.pyx:1831, in sage.rings.laurent_series_ring_element.LaurentSeries.__call__()
 1829 if x:
 1830 raise ValueError("must not specify %s keyword and positional argument" % name)
-> 1831 a = self(kwds[name])
 1832 del kwds[name]
 1833 try:
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/laurent_series_ring_element.pyx:1852, in sage.rings.laurent_series_ring_element.LaurentSeries.__call__()
 1850 x = x[0]
-> 1852 return self.__u(*x)*(x[0]**self.__n)
 1854 def __pari__(self):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/power_series_poly.pyx:365, in sage.rings.power_series_poly.PowerSeries_poly.__call__()
 363 x[0] = a
 364 x = tuple(x)
--> 365 return self.__f(x)
 367 def _unsafe_mutate(self, i, value):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_zmod_flint.pyx:332, in sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_zmod_flint.Polynomial_zmod_flint.__call__()
 330 nmod_poly_compose(&t.x, &self.x, &y.x)
 331 return t
--> 332 return Polynomial.__call__(self, *x, **kwds)
 334 @coerce_binop
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_element.pyx:898, in sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_element.Polynomial.__call__()
 896 return result
 897 pol._compiled = CompiledPolynomialFunction(pol.list())
--> 898 return pol._compiled.eval(a)
 900 def compose_trunc(self, Polynomial other, long n):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_compiled.pyx:125, in sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_compiled.CompiledPolynomialFunction.eval()
 123 cdef object temp
 124 try:
--> 125 pd_eval(self._dag, x, self._coeffs) #see further down
 126 temp = self._dag.value #for an explanation
 127 pd_clean(self._dag) #of these 3 lines
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_compiled.pyx:353, in sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_compiled.pd_eval()
 351 cdef inline int pd_eval(generic_pd pd, object vars, object coeffs) except -2:
 352 if pd.value is None:
--> 353 pd.eval(vars, coeffs)
 354 pd.hits += 1
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_compiled.pyx:507, in sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_compiled.abc_pd.eval()
 506 cdef int eval(abc_pd self, object vars, object coeffs) except -2:
--> 507 pd_eval(self.left, vars, coeffs)
 508 pd_eval(self.right, vars, coeffs)
 509 self.value = self.left.value * self.right.value + coeffs[self.index]
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_compiled.pyx:353, in sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_compiled.pd_eval()
 351 cdef inline int pd_eval(generic_pd pd, object vars, object coeffs) except -2:
 352 if pd.value is None:
--> 353 pd.eval(vars, coeffs)
 354 pd.hits += 1
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_compiled.pyx:507, in sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_compiled.abc_pd.eval()
 506 cdef int eval(abc_pd self, object vars, object coeffs) except -2:
--> 507 pd_eval(self.left, vars, coeffs)
 508 pd_eval(self.right, vars, coeffs)
 509 self.value = self.left.value * self.right.value + coeffs[self.index]
[... skipping similar frames: sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_compiled.pd_eval at line 353 (163 times), sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_compiled.abc_pd.eval at line 507 (162 times)]
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_compiled.pyx:507, in sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_compiled.abc_pd.eval()
 506 cdef int eval(abc_pd self, object vars, object coeffs) except -2:
--> 507 pd_eval(self.left, vars, coeffs)
 508 pd_eval(self.right, vars, coeffs)
 509 self.value = self.left.value * self.right.value + coeffs[self.index]
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_compiled.pyx:353, in sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_compiled.pd_eval()
 351 cdef inline int pd_eval(generic_pd pd, object vars, object coeffs) except -2:
 352 if pd.value is None:
--> 353 pd.eval(vars, coeffs)
 354 pd.hits += 1
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_compiled.pyx:509, in sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_compiled.abc_pd.eval()
 507 pd_eval(self.left, vars, coeffs)
 508 pd_eval(self.right, vars, coeffs)
--> 509 self.value = self.left.value * self.right.value + coeffs[self.index]
 510 pd_clean(self.left)
 511 pd_clean(self.right)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:1233, in sage.structure.element.Element.__add__()
 1231 # Left and right are Sage elements => use coercion model
 1232 if BOTH_ARE_ELEMENT(cl):
-> 1233 return coercion_model.bin_op(left, right, add)
 1235 cdef long value
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/coerce.pyx:1204, in sage.structure.coerce.CoercionModel.bin_op()
 1202 self._record_exception()
 1203 else:
-> 1204 return PyObject_CallObject(op, xy)
 1206 if op is mul:
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:1230, in sage.structure.element.Element.__add__()
 1228 cdef int cl = classify_elements(left, right)
 1229 if HAVE_SAME_PARENT(cl):
-> 1230 return (<Element>left)._add_(right)
 1231 # Left and right are Sage elements => use coercion model
 1232 if BOTH_ARE_ELEMENT(cl):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/laurent_series_ring_element.pyx:764, in sage.rings.laurent_series_ring_element.LaurentSeries._add_()
 762 elif self.__n > right.__n:
 763 m = right.__n
--> 764 f1 = self.__u << self.__n - m
 765 f2 = right.__u
 766 else:
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/power_series_poly.pyx:583, in sage.rings.power_series_poly.PowerSeries_poly.__lshift__()
 581 """
 582 if n:
--> 583 return PowerSeries_poly(self._parent, self.__f << n, self._prec + n)
 584 else:
 585 return self
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/power_series_poly.pyx:44, in sage.rings.power_series_poly.PowerSeries_poly.__init__()
 42 ValueError: series has negative valuation
 43 """
---> 44 R = parent._poly_ring()
 45 if isinstance(f, Element):
 46 if (<Element>f)._parent is R:
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/, in PowerSeriesRing_generic._poly_ring(self)
 958 pass
 959 return False
--> 961 def _poly_ring(self):
 962 """
 963  Return the underlying polynomial ring used to represent elements of
 964  this power series ring.
 970  Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Integer Ring
 971  """
 972 return self.__poly_ring
File src/cysignals/signals.pyx:310, in cysignals.signals.python_check_interrupt()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('tests.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('tests.sage')
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [5], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('tests.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:6, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:16, in <module>
NameError: name 'zdual' is not defined
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('tests.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('tests.sage')
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('tests.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('tests.sage')
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('tests.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('tests.sage')
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('tests.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ldraft[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7linit.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('init.sage')
OSError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [9], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('init.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:11, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 242 break
 243 else:
--> 244 raise IOError('did not find file %r to load or attach' % filename)
 246 ext = os.path.splitext(fpath)[1].lower()
 247 if ext == '.py':
OSError: did not find file 'as_covers/combination_components.sage' to load or attach
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('init.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ltess.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('tests.sage')
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [11], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('tests.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:8, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:16, in <module>
File <string>:11, in combination_components(omega, zmag, w)
NameError: name 'ith_component' is not defined
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('tests.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lini.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('init.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ltess.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('tests.sage')
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [13], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('tests.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:8, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:16, in <module>
AttributeError: 'as_form' object has no attribute 'function'
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('tests.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lini.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('init.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('init.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ltess.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('tests.sage')
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('tests.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lini.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ltess.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lini.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ltess.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lini.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ltess.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ldraft[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [17], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:46, in <module>
NameError: name 'threshold' is not defined
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [18], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:46, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/integer.pyx:1964, in sage.rings.integer.Integer.__mul__()
 1962 return y
-> 1964 return coercion_model.bin_op(left, right, operator.mul)
 1966 cpdef _mul_(self, right):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/coerce.pyx:1242, in sage.structure.coerce.CoercionModel.bin_op()
 1240 mul_method = getattr(y, '__r%s__'%op_name, None)
 1241 if mul_method is not None:
-> 1242 res = mul_method(x)
 1243 if res is not None and res is not NotImplemented:
 1244 return res
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/parent.pyx:989, in sage.structure.parent.Parent.__mul__()
 987 pass
 988 if _mul_ is None:
--> 989 raise TypeError(_LazyString("For implementing multiplication, provide the method '_mul_' for %s resp. %s", (self, x), {}))
 990 if switch:
 991 return _mul_(self, switch_sides=True)
TypeError: For implementing multiplication, provide the method '_mul_' for 10 resp. R Interpreter
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [19], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:46, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/integer.pyx:1964, in sage.rings.integer.Integer.__mul__()
 1962 return y
-> 1964 return coercion_model.bin_op(left, right, operator.mul)
 1966 cpdef _mul_(self, right):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/coerce.pyx:1242, in sage.structure.coerce.CoercionModel.bin_op()
 1240 mul_method = getattr(y, '__r%s__'%op_name, None)
 1241 if mul_method is not None:
-> 1242 res = mul_method(x)
 1243 if res is not None and res is not NotImplemented:
 1244 return res
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/parent.pyx:989, in sage.structure.parent.Parent.__mul__()
 987 pass
 988 if _mul_ is None:
--> 989 raise TypeError(_LazyString("For implementing multiplication, provide the method '_mul_' for %s resp. %s", (self, x), {}))
 990 if switch:
 991 return _mul_(self, switch_sides=True)
TypeError: For implementing multiplication, provide the method '_mul_' for 10 resp. R Interpreter
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ltests[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lini.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('init.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ldraft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [21], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:33, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/integer.pyx:1964, in sage.rings.integer.Integer.__mul__()
 1962 return y
-> 1964 return coercion_model.bin_op(left, right, operator.mul)
 1966 cpdef _mul_(self, right):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/coerce.pyx:1242, in sage.structure.coerce.CoercionModel.bin_op()
 1240 mul_method = getattr(y, '__r%s__'%op_name, None)
 1241 if mul_method is not None:
-> 1242 res = mul_method(x)
 1243 if res is not None and res is not NotImplemented:
 1244 return res
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/parent.pyx:989, in sage.structure.parent.Parent.__mul__()
 987 pass
 988 if _mul_ is None:
--> 989 raise TypeError(_LazyString("For implementing multiplication, provide the method '_mul_' for %s resp. %s", (self, x), {}))
 990 if switch:
 991 return _mul_(self, switch_sides=True)
TypeError: For implementing multiplication, provide the method '_mul_' for 10 resp. R Interpreter
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [22], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:33, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/integer.pyx:1964, in sage.rings.integer.Integer.__mul__()
 1962 return y
-> 1964 return coercion_model.bin_op(left, right, operator.mul)
 1966 cpdef _mul_(self, right):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/coerce.pyx:1242, in sage.structure.coerce.CoercionModel.bin_op()
 1240 mul_method = getattr(y, '__r%s__'%op_name, None)
 1241 if mul_method is not None:
-> 1242 res = mul_method(x)
 1243 if res is not None and res is not NotImplemented:
 1244 return res
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/parent.pyx:989, in sage.structure.parent.Parent.__mul__()
 987 pass
 988 if _mul_ is None:
--> 989 raise TypeError(_LazyString("For implementing multiplication, provide the method '_mul_' for %s resp. %s", (self, x), {}))
 990 if switch:
 991 return _mul_(self, switch_sides=True)
TypeError: For implementing multiplication, provide the method '_mul_' for 10 resp. R Interpreter
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004ltu [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]] []
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004ltu [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]] <itertools.product object at 0x7febd57c1400>
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [26], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:38, in <module>
NameError: name 'vx' is not defined
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l-25 -10 -15
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l-25 -10 -15
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l-25 -10 -15
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [31], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:38, in <module>
AttributeError: 'as_cover' object has no attribute 'different_of_exponent_prim'
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l-25 -10 -15
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l-25 -10 -15
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[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l-25 -10 -15
0 0 0 0 -68
0 0 1 0 -68
0 0 2 0 -68
0 0 3 0 -68
0 0 4 0 -68
0 1 0 0 -68
0 1 1 0 -68
0 1 2 0 -68
0 1 3 0 -68
0 1 4 0 -68
0 2 0 0 -68
0 2 1 0 -68
0 2 2 0 -68
0 2 3 0 -68
0 2 4 0 -68
0 3 0 0 -68
0 3 1 0 -68
0 3 2 0 -68
0 3 3 0 -68
0 3 4 0 -68
0 4 0 0 -68
0 4 1 0 -68
0 4 2 0 -68
0 4 3 0 -68
0 4 4 0 -68
1 0 0 0 -68
1 0 1 0 -68
1 0 2 0 -68
1 0 3 0 -68
1 0 4 0 -68
1 1 0 0 -68
1 1 1 0 -68
1 1 2 0 -68
1 1 3 0 -68
1 1 4 0 -68
1 2 0 0 -68
1 2 1 0 -68
1 2 2 0 -68
1 2 3 0 -68
1 2 4 0 -68
1 3 0 0 -68
1 3 1 0 -68
1 3 2 0 -68
1 3 3 0 -68
1 3 4 0 -68
1 4 0 0 -68
1 4 1 0 -68
1 4 2 0 -68
1 4 3 0 -68
1 4 4 0 -68
2 0 0 0 -68
2 0 1 0 -68
2 0 2 0 -68
2 0 3 0 -68
2 0 4 0 -68
2 1 0 0 -68
2 1 1 0 -68
2 1 2 0 -68
2 1 3 0 -68
2 1 4 0 -68
2 2 0 0 -68
2 2 1 0 -68
2 2 2 0 -68
2 2 3 0 -68
2 2 4 0 -68
2 3 0 0 -68
2 3 1 0 -68
2 3 2 0 -68
2 3 3 0 -68
2 3 4 0 -68
2 4 0 0 -68
2 4 1 0 -68
2 4 2 0 -68
2 4 3 0 -68
2 4 4 0 -68
3 0 0 0 -68
3 0 1 0 -68
3 0 2 0 -68
3 0 3 0 -68
3 0 4 0 -68
3 1 0 0 -68
3 1 1 0 -68
3 1 2 0 -68
3 1 3 0 -68
3 1 4 0 -68
3 2 0 0 -68
3 2 1 0 -68
3 2 2 0 -68
3 2 3 0 -68
3 2 4 0 -68
3 3 0 0 -68
3 3 1 0 -68
3 3 2 0 -68
3 3 3 0 -68
3 3 4 0 -68
3 4 0 0 -68
3 4 1 0 -68
3 4 2 0 -68
3 4 3 0 -68
3 4 4 0 -68
4 0 0 0 -68
4 0 1 0 -68
4 0 2 0 -68
4 0 3 0 -68
4 0 4 0 -68
4 1 0 0 -68
4 1 1 0 -68
4 1 2 0 -68
4 1 3 0 -68
4 1 4 0 -68
4 2 0 0 -68
4 2 1 0 -68
4 2 2 0 -68
4 2 3 0 -68
4 2 4 0 -68
4 3 0 0 -68
4 3 1 0 -68
4 3 2 0 -68
4 3 3 0 -68
4 3 4 0 -68
4 4 0 0 -68
4 4 1 0 -68
4 4 2 0 -68
4 4 3 0 -68
4 4 4 0 -68
5 0 0 0 -68
5 0 1 0 -68
5 0 2 0 -68
5 0 3 0 -68
5 0 4 0 -68
5 1 0 0 -68
5 1 1 0 -68
5 1 2 0 -68
5 1 3 0 -68
5 1 4 0 -68
5 2 0 0 -68
5 2 1 0 -68
5 2 2 0 -68
5 2 3 0 -68
5 2 4 0 -68
5 3 0 0 -68
5 3 1 0 -68
5 3 2 0 -68
5 3 3 0 -68
5 3 4 0 -68
5 4 0 0 -68
5 4 1 0 -68
5 4 2 0 -68
5 4 3 0 -68
5 4 4 0 -68
6 0 0 0 -68
6 0 1 0 -68
6 0 2 0 -68
6 0 3 0 -68
6 0 4 0 -68
6 1 0 0 -68
6 1 1 0 -68
6 1 2 0 -68
6 1 3 0 -68
6 1 4 0 -68
6 2 0 0 -68
6 2 1 0 -68
6 2 2 0 -68
6 2 3 0 -68
6 2 4 0 -68
6 3 0 0 -68
6 3 1 0 -68
6 3 2 0 -68
6 3 3 0 -68
6 3 4 0 -68
6 4 0 0 -68
6 4 1 0 -68
6 4 2 0 -68
6 4 3 0 -68
6 4 4 0 -68
7 0 0 0 -68
7 0 1 0 -68
7 0 2 0 -68
7 0 3 0 -68
7 0 4 0 -68
7 1 0 0 -68
7 1 1 0 -68
7 1 2 0 -68
7 1 3 0 -68
7 1 4 0 -68
7 2 0 0 -68
7 2 1 0 -68
7 2 2 0 -68
7 2 3 0 -68
7 2 4 0 -68
7 3 0 0 -68
7 3 1 0 -68
7 3 2 0 -68
7 3 3 0 -68
7 3 4 0 -68
7 4 0 0 -68
7 4 1 0 -68
7 4 2 0 -68
7 4 3 0 -68
7 4 4 0 -68
8 0 0 0 -68
8 0 1 0 -68
8 0 2 0 -68
8 0 3 0 -68
8 0 4 0 -68
8 1 0 0 -68
8 1 1 0 -68
8 1 2 0 -68
8 1 3 0 -68
8 1 4 0 -68
8 2 0 0 -68
8 2 1 0 -68
8 2 2 0 -68
8 2 3 0 -68
8 2 4 0 -68
8 3 0 0 -68
8 3 1 0 -68
8 3 2 0 -68
8 3 3 0 -68
8 3 4 0 -68
8 4 0 0 -68
8 4 1 0 -68
8 4 2 0 -68
8 4 3 0 -68
8 4 4 0 -68
9 0 0 0 -68
9 0 1 0 -68
9 0 2 0 -68
9 0 3 0 -68
9 0 4 0 -68
9 1 0 0 -68
9 1 1 0 -68
9 1 2 0 -68
9 1 3 0 -68
9 1 4 0 -68
9 2 0 0 -68
9 2 1 0 -68
9 2 2 0 -68
9 2 3 0 -68
9 2 4 0 -68
9 3 0 0 -68
9 3 1 0 -68
9 3 2 0 -68
9 3 3 0 -68
9 3 4 0 -68
9 4 0 0 -68
9 4 1 0 -68
9 4 2 0 -68
9 4 3 0 -68
9 4 4 0 -68
10 0 0 0 -68
10 0 1 0 -68
10 0 2 0 -68
10 0 3 0 -68
10 0 4 0 -68
10 1 0 0 -68
10 1 1 0 -68
10 1 2 0 -68
10 1 3 0 -68
10 1 4 0 -68
10 2 0 0 -68
10 2 1 0 -68
10 2 2 0 -68
10 2 3 0 -68
10 2 4 0 -68
10 3 0 0 -68
10 3 1 0 -68
10 3 2 0 -68
10 3 3 0 -68
10 3 4 0 -68
10 4 0 0 -68
10 4 1 0 -68
10 4 2 0 -68
10 4 3 0 -68
10 4 4 0 -68
11 0 0 0 -68
11 0 1 0 -68
11 0 2 0 -68
11 0 3 0 -68
11 0 4 0 -68
11 1 0 0 -68
11 1 1 0 -68
11 1 2 0 -68
11 1 3 0 -68
11 1 4 0 -68
11 2 0 0 -68
11 2 1 0 -68
11 2 2 0 -68
11 2 3 0 -68
11 2 4 0 -68
11 3 0 0 -68
11 3 1 0 -68
11 3 2 0 -68
11 3 3 0 -68
11 3 4 0 -68
11 4 0 0 -68
11 4 1 0 -68
11 4 2 0 -68
11 4 3 0 -68
11 4 4 0 -68
12 0 0 0 -68
12 0 1 0 -68
12 0 2 0 -68
12 0 3 0 -68
12 0 4 0 -68
12 1 0 0 -68
12 1 1 0 -68
12 1 2 0 -68
12 1 3 0 -68
12 1 4 0 -68
12 2 0 0 -68
12 2 1 0 -68
12 2 2 0 -68
12 2 3 0 -68
12 2 4 0 -68
12 3 0 0 -68
12 3 1 0 -68
12 3 2 0 -68
12 3 3 0 -68
12 3 4 0 -68
12 4 0 0 -68
12 4 1 0 -68
12 4 2 0 -68
12 4 3 0 -68
12 4 4 0 -68
13 0 0 0 -68
13 0 1 0 -68
13 0 2 0 -68
13 0 3 0 -68
13 0 4 0 -68
13 1 0 0 -68
13 1 1 0 -68
13 1 2 0 -68
13 1 3 0 -68
13 1 4 0 -68
13 2 0 0 -68
13 2 1 0 -68
13 2 2 0 -68
13 2 3 0 -68
13 2 4 0 -68
13 3 0 0 -68
13 3 1 0 -68
13 3 2 0 -68
13 3 3 0 -68
13 3 4 0 -68
13 4 0 0 -68
13 4 1 0 -68
13 4 2 0 -68
13 4 3 0 -68
13 4 4 0 -68
14 0 0 0 -68
14 0 1 0 -68
14 0 2 0 -68
14 0 3 0 -68
14 0 4 0 -68
14 1 0 0 -68
14 1 1 0 -68
14 1 2 0 -68
14 1 3 0 -68
14 1 4 0 -68
14 2 0 0 -68
14 2 1 0 -68
14 2 2 0 -68
14 2 3 0 -68
14 2 4 0 -68
14 3 0 0 -68
14 3 1 0 -68
14 3 2 0 -68
14 3 3 0 -68
14 3 4 0 -68
14 4 0 0 -68
14 4 1 0 -68
14 4 2 0 -68
14 4 3 0 -68
14 4 4 0 -68
15 0 0 0 -68
15 0 1 0 -68
15 0 2 0 -68
15 0 3 0 -68
15 0 4 0 -68
15 1 0 0 -68
15 1 1 0 -68
15 1 2 0 -68
15 1 3 0 -68
15 1 4 0 -68
15 2 0 0 -68
15 2 1 0 -68
15 2 2 0 -68
15 2 3 0 -68
15 2 4 0 -68
15 3 0 0 -68
15 3 1 0 -68
15 3 2 0 -68
15 3 3 0 -68
15 3 4 0 -68
15 4 0 0 -68
15 4 1 0 -68
15 4 2 0 -68
15 4 3 0 -68
15 4 4 0 -68
16 0 0 0 -68
16 0 1 0 -68
16 0 2 0 -68
16 0 3 0 -68
16 0 4 0 -68
16 1 0 0 -68
16 1 1 0 -68
16 1 2 0 -68
16 1 3 0 -68
16 1 4 0 -68
16 2 0 0 -68
16 2 1 0 -68
16 2 2 0 -68
16 2 3 0 -68
16 2 4 0 -68
16 3 0 0 -68
16 3 1 0 -68
16 3 2 0 -68
16 3 3 0 -68
16 3 4 0 -68
16 4 0 0 -68
16 4 1 0 -68
16 4 2 0 -68
16 4 3 0 -68
16 4 4 0 -68
17 0 0 0 -68
17 0 1 0 -68
17 0 2 0 -68
17 0 3 0 -68
17 0 4 0 -68
17 1 0 0 -68
17 1 1 0 -68
17 1 2 0 -68
17 1 3 0 -68
17 1 4 0 -68
17 2 0 0 -68
17 2 1 0 -68
17 2 2 0 -68
17 2 3 0 -68
17 2 4 0 -68
17 3 0 0 -68
17 3 1 0 -68
17 3 2 0 -68
17 3 3 0 -68
17 3 4 0 -68
17 4 0 0 -68
17 4 1 0 -68
17 4 2 0 -68
17 4 3 0 -68
17 4 4 0 -68
18 0 0 0 -68
18 0 1 0 -68
18 0 2 0 -68
18 0 3 0 -68
18 0 4 0 -68
18 1 0 0 -68
18 1 1 0 -68
18 1 2 0 -68
18 1 3 0 -68
18 1 4 0 -68
18 2 0 0 -68
18 2 1 0 -68
18 2 2 0 -68
18 2 3 0 -68
18 2 4 0 -68
18 3 0 0 -68
18 3 1 0 -68
18 3 2 0 -68
18 3 3 0 -68
18 3 4 0 -68
18 4 0 0 -68
18 4 1 0 -68
18 4 2 0 -68
18 4 3 0 -68
18 4 4 0 -68
19 0 0 0 -68
19 0 1 0 -68
19 0 2 0 -68
19 0 3 0 -68
19 0 4 0 -68
19 1 0 0 -68
19 1 1 0 -68
19 1 2 0 -68
19 1 3 0 -68
19 1 4 0 -68
19 2 0 0 -68
19 2 1 0 -68
19 2 2 0 -68
19 2 3 0 -68
19 2 4 0 -68
19 3 0 0 -68
19 3 1 0 -68
19 3 2 0 -68
19 3 3 0 -68
19 3 4 0 -68
19 4 0 0 -68
19 4 1 0 -68
19 4 2 0 -68
19 4 3 0 -68
19 4 4 0 -68
20 0 0 0 -68
20 0 1 0 -68
20 0 2 0 -68
20 0 3 0 -68
20 0 4 0 -68
20 1 0 0 -68
20 1 1 0 -68
20 1 2 0 -68
20 1 3 0 -68
20 1 4 0 -68
20 2 0 0 -68
20 2 1 0 -68
20 2 2 0 -68
20 2 3 0 -68
20 2 4 0 -68
20 3 0 0 -68
20 3 1 0 -68
20 3 2 0 -68
20 3 3 0 -68
20 3 4 0 -68
20 4 0 0 -68
20 4 1 0 -68
20 4 2 0 -68
20 4 3 0 -68
20 4 4 0 -68
21 0 0 0 -68
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21 1 1 0 -68
21 1 2 0 -68
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21 1 4 0 -68
21 2 0 0 -68
21 2 1 0 -68
21 2 2 0 -68
21 2 3 0 -68
21 2 4 0 -68
21 3 0 0 -68
21 3 1 0 -68
21 3 2 0 -68
21 3 3 0 -68
21 3 4 0 -68
21 4 0 0 -68
21 4 1 0 -68
21 4 2 0 -68
21 4 3 0 -68
21 4 4 0 -68
22 0 0 0 -68
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22 1 0 0 -68
22 1 1 0 -68
22 1 2 0 -68
22 1 3 0 -68
22 1 4 0 -68
22 2 0 0 -68
22 2 1 0 -68
22 2 2 0 -68
22 2 3 0 -68
22 2 4 0 -68
22 3 0 0 -68
22 3 1 0 -68
22 3 2 0 -68
22 3 3 0 -68
22 3 4 0 -68
22 4 0 0 -68
22 4 1 0 -68
22 4 2 0 -68
22 4 3 0 -68
22 4 4 0 -68
23 0 0 0 -68
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23 0 3 0 -68
23 0 4 0 -68
23 1 0 0 -68
23 1 1 0 -68
23 1 2 0 -68
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23 2 0 0 -68
23 2 1 0 -68
23 2 2 0 -68
23 2 3 0 -68
23 2 4 0 -68
23 3 0 0 -68
23 3 1 0 -68
23 3 2 0 -68
23 3 3 0 -68
23 3 4 0 -68
23 4 0 0 -68
23 4 1 0 -68
23 4 2 0 -68
23 4 3 0 -68
23 4 4 0 -68
24 0 0 0 -68
24 0 1 0 -68
24 0 2 0 -68
24 0 3 0 -68
24 0 4 0 -68
24 1 0 0 -68
24 1 1 0 -68
24 1 2 0 -68
24 1 3 0 -68
24 1 4 0 -68
24 2 0 0 -68
24 2 1 0 -68
24 2 2 0 -68
24 2 3 0 -68
24 2 4 0 -68
24 3 0 0 -68
24 3 1 0 -68
24 3 2 0 -68
24 3 3 0 -68
24 3 4 0 -68
24 4 0 0 -68
24 4 1 0 -68
24 4 2 0 -68
24 4 3 0 -68
24 4 4 0 -68
25 0 0 0 -68
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25 1 0 0 -68
25 1 1 0 -68
25 1 2 0 -68
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25 2 1 0 -68
25 2 2 0 -68
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25 3 0 0 -68
25 3 1 0 -68
25 3 2 0 -68
25 3 3 0 -68
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26 0 0 0 -68
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26 1 0 0 -68
26 1 1 0 -68
26 1 2 0 -68
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26 2 0 0 -68
26 2 1 0 -68
26 2 2 0 -68
26 2 3 0 -68
26 2 4 0 -68
26 3 0 0 -68
26 3 1 0 -68
26 3 2 0 -68
26 3 3 0 -68
26 3 4 0 -68
26 4 0 0 -68
26 4 1 0 -68
26 4 2 0 -68
26 4 3 0 -68
26 4 4 0 -68
27 0 0 0 -68
27 0 1 0 -68
27 0 2 0 -68
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27 1 0 0 -68
27 1 1 0 -68
27 1 2 0 -68
27 1 3 0 -68
27 1 4 0 -68
27 2 0 0 -68
27 2 1 0 -68
27 2 2 0 -68
27 2 3 0 -68
27 2 4 0 -68
27 3 0 0 -68
27 3 1 0 -68
27 3 2 0 -68
27 3 3 0 -68
27 3 4 0 -68
27 4 0 0 -68
27 4 1 0 -68
27 4 2 0 -68
27 4 3 0 -68
27 4 4 0 -68
28 0 0 0 -68
28 0 1 0 -68
28 0 2 0 -68
28 0 3 0 -68
28 0 4 0 -68
28 1 0 0 -68
28 1 1 0 -68
28 1 2 0 -68
28 1 3 0 -68
28 1 4 0 -68
28 2 0 0 -68
28 2 1 0 -68
28 2 2 0 -68
28 2 3 0 -68
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28 3 0 0 -68
28 3 1 0 -68
28 3 2 0 -68
28 3 3 0 -68
28 3 4 0 -68
28 4 0 0 -68
28 4 1 0 -68
28 4 2 0 -68
28 4 3 0 -68
28 4 4 0 -68
29 0 0 0 -68
29 0 1 0 -68
29 0 2 0 -68
29 0 3 0 -68
29 0 4 0 -68
29 1 0 0 -68
29 1 1 0 -68
29 1 2 0 -68
29 1 3 0 -68
29 1 4 0 -68
29 2 0 0 -68
29 2 1 0 -68
29 2 2 0 -68
29 2 3 0 -68
29 2 4 0 -68
29 3 0 0 -68
29 3 1 0 -68
29 3 2 0 -68
29 3 3 0 -68
29 3 4 0 -68
29 4 0 0 -68
29 4 1 0 -68
29 4 2 0 -68
29 4 3 0 -68
29 4 4 0 -68
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l-25 -10 -15
0 0 0 0 -68
KeyboardInterrupt Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [35], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:40, in <module>
File <string>:8, in combination_components(omega, zmag, w)
File <string>:23, in dual_elt(AS, zmag)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/matrix/matrix2.pyx:2114, in sage.matrix.matrix2.Matrix.determinant()
 2112 if (algorithm is None and R in _Fields and R.is_exact()) or (algorithm == "hessenberg"):
 2113 try:
-> 2114 charp = self.charpoly('x', algorithm="hessenberg")
 2115 except ValueError:
 2116 # Hessenberg algorithm not supported, so we use whatever the default algorithm is.
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/matrix/matrix2.pyx:3032, in sage.matrix.matrix2.Matrix.charpoly()
 3030 else:
 3031 if algorithm == "hessenberg":
-> 3032 f = self._charpoly_hessenberg(var)
 3033 elif algorithm == "df":
 3034 f = self._charpoly_df(var)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/matrix/matrix2.pyx:3561, in sage.matrix.matrix2.Matrix._charpoly_hessenberg()
 3559 # (note the entries might now live in the fraction field)
 3560 cdef Matrix H
-> 3561 H = self.hessenberg_form()
 3563 # We represent the intermediate polynomials that come up in
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/matrix/matrix2.pyx:3430, in sage.matrix.matrix2.Matrix.hessenberg_form()
 3428 else:
 3429 H = self.__copy__()
-> 3430 H.hessenbergize()
 3431 #end if
 3432 self.cache('hessenberg_form', H)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/matrix/matrix2.pyx:3520, in sage.matrix.matrix2.Matrix.hessenbergize()
 3518 t_inv = one / t
 3519 u = x * t_inv
-> 3520 self.add_multiple_of_row_c(j, m, -u, 0)
 3521 # To maintain charpoly, do the corresponding column operation,
 3522 # which doesn't mess up the matrix, since it only changes
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/matrix/matrix0.pyx:2935, in sage.matrix.matrix0.Matrix.add_multiple_of_row_c()
 2933 cdef Py_ssize_t c
 2934 for c from start_col <= c < self._ncols:
-> 2935 self.set_unsafe(i, c, self.get_unsafe(i, c) + s*self.get_unsafe(j, c))
 2937 def with_added_multiple_of_row(self, Py_ssize_t i, Py_ssize_t j, s, Py_ssize_t start_col=0):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:1230, in sage.structure.element.Element.__add__()
 1228 cdef int cl = classify_elements(left, right)
 1229 if HAVE_SAME_PARENT(cl):
-> 1230 return (<Element>left)._add_(right)
 1231 # Left and right are Sage elements => use coercion model
 1232 if BOTH_ARE_ELEMENT(cl):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/fraction_field_element.pyx:601, in sage.rings.fraction_field_element.FractionFieldElement._add_()
 599 else:
 600 rden = rden // d
--> 601 sden = sden // d
 602 tnum = rnum * sden + rden * snum
 603 if tnum.is_zero():
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:1838, in sage.structure.element.Element.__floordiv__()
 1836 cdef int cl = classify_elements(left, right)
 1837 if HAVE_SAME_PARENT(cl):
-> 1838 return (<Element>left)._floordiv_(right)
 1839 if BOTH_ARE_ELEMENT(cl):
 1840 return coercion_model.bin_op(left, right, floordiv)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/polynomial/multi_polynomial_libsingular.pyx:4160, in sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_libsingular.MPolynomial_libsingular._floordiv_()
 4158 # fast in the most common case where the division is exact; returns zero otherwise
 4159 if count >= 15: # note that _right._poly must be of shorter length than self._poly for us to care about this call
-> 4160 sig_on()
 4161 quo = p_Divide(p_Copy(self._poly, r), p_Copy(_right._poly, r), r)
 4162 if count >= 15:
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l-25 -10 -15
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l-25 -10 -15
0 (0, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
0 (0, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
0 (0, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
0 (0, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
0 (0, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
0 (1, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
0 (1, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
0 (1, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
0 (1, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
0 (1, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
0 (2, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
0 (2, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
0 (2, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
0 (2, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
0 (2, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
0 (3, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
0 (3, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
0 (3, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
0 (3, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
0 (3, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
0 (4, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
0 (4, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
0 (4, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
0 (4, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
0 (4, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
1 (0, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
1 (0, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
1 (0, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
1 (0, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
1 (0, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
1 (1, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
1 (1, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
1 (1, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
1 (1, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
1 (1, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
1 (2, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
1 (2, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
1 (2, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
1 (2, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
1 (2, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
1 (3, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
1 (3, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
1 (3, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
1 (3, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
1 (3, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
1 (4, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
1 (4, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
1 (4, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
1 (4, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
1 (4, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
2 (0, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
2 (0, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
2 (0, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
2 (0, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
2 (0, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
2 (1, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
2 (1, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
2 (1, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
2 (1, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
2 (1, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
2 (2, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
2 (2, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
2 (2, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
2 (2, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
2 (2, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
2 (3, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
2 (3, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
2 (3, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
2 (3, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
2 (3, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
2 (4, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
2 (4, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
2 (4, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
2 (4, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
2 (4, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
3 (0, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
3 (0, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
3 (0, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
3 (0, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
3 (0, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
3 (1, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
3 (1, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
3 (1, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
3 (1, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
3 (1, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
3 (2, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
3 (2, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
3 (2, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
3 (2, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
3 (2, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
3 (3, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
3 (3, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
3 (3, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
3 (3, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
3 (3, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
3 (4, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
3 (4, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
3 (4, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
3 (4, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
3 (4, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
4 (0, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
4 (0, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
4 (0, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
4 (0, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
4 (0, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
4 (1, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
4 (1, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
4 (1, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
4 (1, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
4 (1, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
4 (2, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
4 (2, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
4 (2, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
4 (2, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
4 (2, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
4 (3, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
4 (3, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
4 (3, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
4 (3, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
4 (3, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
4 (4, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
4 (4, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
4 (4, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
4 (4, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
4 (4, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
5 (0, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
5 (0, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
5 (0, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
5 (0, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
5 (0, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
5 (1, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
5 (1, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
5 (1, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
5 (1, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
5 (1, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
5 (2, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
5 (2, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
5 (2, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
5 (2, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
5 (2, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
5 (3, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
5 (3, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
5 (3, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
5 (3, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
5 (3, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
5 (4, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
5 (4, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
5 (4, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
5 (4, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
5 (4, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
6 (0, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
6 (0, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
6 (0, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
6 (0, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
6 (0, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
6 (1, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
6 (1, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
6 (1, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
6 (1, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
6 (1, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
6 (2, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
6 (2, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
6 (2, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
6 (2, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
6 (2, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
6 (3, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
6 (3, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
6 (3, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
6 (3, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
6 (3, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
6 (4, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
6 (4, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
6 (4, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
6 (4, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
6 (4, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
7 (0, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
7 (0, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
7 (0, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
7 (0, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
7 (0, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
7 (1, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
7 (1, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
7 (1, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
7 (1, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
7 (1, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
7 (2, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
7 (2, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
7 (2, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
7 (2, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
7 (2, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
7 (3, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
7 (3, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
7 (3, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
7 (3, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
7 (3, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
7 (4, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
7 (4, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
7 (4, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
7 (4, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
7 (4, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
8 (0, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
8 (0, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
8 (0, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
8 (0, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
8 (0, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
8 (1, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
8 (1, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
8 (1, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
8 (1, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
8 (1, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
8 (2, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
8 (2, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
8 (2, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
8 (2, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
8 (2, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
8 (3, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
8 (3, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
8 (3, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
8 (3, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
8 (3, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
8 (4, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
8 (4, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
8 (4, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
8 (4, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
8 (4, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
9 (0, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
9 (0, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
9 (0, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
9 (0, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
9 (0, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
9 (1, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
9 (1, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
9 (1, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
9 (1, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
9 (1, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
9 (2, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
9 (2, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
9 (2, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
9 (2, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
9 (2, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
9 (3, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
9 (3, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
9 (3, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
9 (3, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
9 (3, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
9 (4, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
9 (4, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
9 (4, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
9 (4, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
9 (4, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
10 (0, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
10 (0, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
10 (0, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
10 (0, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
10 (0, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
10 (1, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
10 (1, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
10 (1, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
10 (1, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
10 (1, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
10 (2, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
10 (2, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
10 (2, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
10 (2, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
10 (2, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
10 (3, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
10 (3, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
10 (3, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
10 (3, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
10 (3, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
10 (4, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
10 (4, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
10 (4, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
10 (4, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
10 (4, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
11 (0, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
11 (0, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
11 (0, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
11 (0, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
11 (0, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
11 (1, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
11 (1, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
11 (1, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
11 (1, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
11 (1, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
11 (2, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
11 (2, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
11 (2, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
11 (2, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
11 (2, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
11 (3, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
11 (3, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
11 (3, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
11 (3, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
11 (3, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
11 (4, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
11 (4, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
11 (4, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
11 (4, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
11 (4, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
12 (0, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
12 (0, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
12 (0, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
12 (0, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
12 (0, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
12 (1, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
12 (1, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
12 (1, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
12 (1, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
12 (1, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
12 (2, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
12 (2, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
12 (2, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
12 (2, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
12 (2, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
12 (3, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
12 (3, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
12 (3, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
12 (3, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
12 (3, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
12 (4, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
12 (4, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
12 (4, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
12 (4, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
12 (4, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
13 (0, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
13 (0, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
13 (0, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
13 (0, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
13 (0, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
13 (1, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
13 (1, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
13 (1, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
13 (1, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
13 (1, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
13 (2, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
13 (2, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
13 (2, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
13 (2, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
13 (2, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
13 (3, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
13 (3, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
13 (3, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
13 (3, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
13 (3, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
13 (4, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
13 (4, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
13 (4, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
13 (4, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
13 (4, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
14 (0, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
14 (0, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
14 (0, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
14 (0, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
14 (0, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
14 (1, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
14 (1, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
14 (1, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
14 (1, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
14 (1, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
14 (2, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
14 (2, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
14 (2, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
14 (2, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
14 (2, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
14 (3, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
14 (3, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
14 (3, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
14 (3, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
14 (3, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
14 (4, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
14 (4, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
14 (4, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
14 (4, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
14 (4, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
15 (0, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
15 (0, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
15 (0, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
15 (0, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
15 (0, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
15 (1, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
15 (1, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
15 (1, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
15 (1, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
15 (1, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
15 (2, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
15 (2, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
15 (2, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
15 (2, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
15 (2, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
15 (3, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
15 (3, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
15 (3, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
15 (3, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
15 (3, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
15 (4, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
15 (4, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
15 (4, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
15 (4, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
15 (4, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
16 (0, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
16 (0, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
16 (0, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
16 (0, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
16 (0, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
16 (1, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
16 (1, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
16 (1, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
16 (1, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
16 (1, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
16 (2, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
16 (2, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
16 (2, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
16 (2, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
16 (2, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
16 (3, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
16 (3, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
16 (3, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
16 (3, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
16 (3, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
16 (4, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
16 (4, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
16 (4, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
16 (4, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
16 (4, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
17 (0, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
17 (0, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
17 (0, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
17 (0, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
17 (0, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
17 (1, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
17 (1, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
17 (1, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
17 (1, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
17 (1, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
17 (2, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
17 (2, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
17 (2, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
17 (2, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
17 (2, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
17 (3, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
17 (3, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
17 (3, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
17 (3, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
17 (3, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
17 (4, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
17 (4, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
17 (4, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
17 (4, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
17 (4, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
18 (0, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
18 (0, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
18 (0, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
18 (0, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
18 (0, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
18 (1, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
18 (1, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
18 (1, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
18 (1, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
18 (1, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
18 (2, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
18 (2, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
18 (2, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
18 (2, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
18 (2, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
18 (3, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
18 (3, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
18 (3, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
18 (3, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
18 (3, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
18 (4, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
18 (4, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
18 (4, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
18 (4, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
18 (4, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
19 (0, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
19 (0, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
19 (0, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
19 (0, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
19 (0, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
19 (1, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
19 (1, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
19 (1, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
19 (1, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
19 (1, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
19 (2, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
19 (2, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
19 (2, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
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19 (3, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
19 (3, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
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19 (4, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
19 (4, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
19 (4, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
19 (4, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
19 (4, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
20 (0, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
20 (0, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
20 (0, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
20 (0, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
20 (0, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
20 (1, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
20 (1, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
20 (1, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
20 (1, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
20 (1, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
20 (2, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
20 (2, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
20 (2, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
20 (2, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
20 (2, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
20 (3, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
20 (3, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
20 (3, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
20 (3, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
20 (3, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
20 (4, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
20 (4, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
20 (4, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
20 (4, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
20 (4, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
21 (0, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
21 (0, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
21 (0, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
21 (0, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
21 (0, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
21 (1, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
21 (1, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
21 (1, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
21 (1, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
21 (1, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
21 (2, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
21 (2, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
21 (2, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
21 (2, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
21 (2, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
21 (3, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
21 (3, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
21 (3, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
21 (3, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
21 (3, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
21 (4, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
21 (4, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
21 (4, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
21 (4, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
21 (4, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
22 (0, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
22 (0, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
22 (0, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
22 (0, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
22 (0, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
22 (1, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
22 (1, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
22 (1, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
22 (1, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
22 (1, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
22 (2, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
22 (2, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
22 (2, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
22 (2, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
22 (2, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
22 (3, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
22 (3, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
22 (3, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
22 (3, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
22 (3, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
22 (4, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
22 (4, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
22 (4, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
22 (4, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
22 (4, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
23 (0, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
23 (0, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
23 (0, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
23 (0, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
23 (0, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
23 (1, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
23 (1, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
23 (1, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
23 (1, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
23 (1, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
23 (2, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
23 (2, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
23 (2, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
23 (2, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
23 (2, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
23 (3, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
23 (3, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
23 (3, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
23 (3, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
23 (3, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
23 (4, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
23 (4, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
23 (4, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
23 (4, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
23 (4, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
24 (0, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
24 (0, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
24 (0, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
24 (0, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
24 (0, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
24 (1, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
24 (1, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
24 (1, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
24 (1, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
24 (1, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
24 (2, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
24 (2, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
24 (2, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
24 (2, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
24 (2, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
24 (3, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
24 (3, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
24 (3, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
24 (3, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
24 (3, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
24 (4, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
24 (4, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
24 (4, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
24 (4, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
24 (4, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
25 (0, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
25 (0, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
25 (0, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
25 (0, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
25 (0, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
25 (1, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
25 (1, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
25 (1, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
25 (1, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
25 (1, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
25 (2, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
25 (2, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
25 (2, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
25 (2, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
25 (2, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
25 (3, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
25 (3, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
25 (3, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
25 (3, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
25 (3, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
25 (4, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
25 (4, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
25 (4, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
25 (4, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
25 (4, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
26 (0, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
26 (0, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
26 (0, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
26 (0, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
26 (0, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
26 (1, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
26 (1, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
26 (1, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
26 (1, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
26 (1, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
26 (2, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
26 (2, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
26 (2, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
26 (2, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
26 (2, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
26 (3, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
26 (3, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
26 (3, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
26 (3, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
26 (3, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
26 (4, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
26 (4, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
26 (4, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
26 (4, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
26 (4, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
27 (0, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
27 (0, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
27 (0, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
27 (0, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
27 (0, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
27 (1, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
27 (1, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
27 (1, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
27 (1, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
27 (1, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
27 (2, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
27 (2, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
27 (2, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
27 (2, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
27 (2, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
27 (3, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
27 (3, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
27 (3, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
27 (3, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
27 (3, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
27 (4, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
27 (4, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
27 (4, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
27 (4, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
27 (4, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
28 (0, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
28 (0, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
28 (0, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
28 (0, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
28 (0, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
28 (1, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
28 (1, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
28 (1, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
28 (1, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
28 (1, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
28 (2, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
28 (2, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
28 (2, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
28 (2, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
28 (2, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
28 (3, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
28 (3, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
28 (3, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
28 (3, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
28 (3, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
28 (4, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
28 (4, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
28 (4, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
28 (4, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
28 (4, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
29 (0, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
29 (0, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
29 (0, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
29 (0, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
29 (0, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
29 (1, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
29 (1, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
29 (1, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
29 (1, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
29 (1, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
29 (2, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
29 (2, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
29 (2, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
29 (2, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
29 (2, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
29 (3, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
29 (3, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
29 (3, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
29 (3, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
29 (3, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
29 (4, 0) 0 -25 -10 -15
29 (4, 1) 0 -25 -10 -15
29 (4, 2) 0 -25 -10 -15
29 (4, 3) 0 -25 -10 -15
29 (4, 4) 0 -25 -10 -15
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
KeyboardInterrupt Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [39], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:38, in <module>
File <string>:8, in combination_components(omega, zmag, w)
File <string>:17, in dual_elt(AS, zmag)
File <string>:122, in trace2(self)
File <string>:78, in group_action(self, ZN_tuple)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:943, in sage.structure.element.Element.substitute()
 941 5
 942 """
--> 943 return self.subs(in_dict,**kwds)
 945 cpdef _act_on_(self, x, bint self_on_left):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:827, in sage.structure.element.Element.subs()
 825 # required to have the latter
 826 for i in range(ngens):
--> 827 gen = parent.gen(i)
 828 if str(gen) in kwds:
 829 variables.append(kwds[str(gen)])
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/, in FractionField_generic.gen(self, i)
 798 def gen(self, i=0):
 799 """
 800  Return the ``i``-th generator of ``self``.
 811  z3
 812  """
--> 813 x = self._R.gen(i)
 814 one =
 815 r = self._element_class(self, x, one, coerce=False, reduce=False)
File src/cysignals/signals.pyx:310, in cysignals.signals.python_check_interrupt()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lno 12 -th root; divide by 3
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [40], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:12, in <module>
File <string>:35, in __init__(self, C, list_of_fcts, prec)
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 4, got 2)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lno 22 -th root; divide by 2
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [41], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:12, in <module>
File <string>:35, in __init__(self, C, list_of_fcts, prec)
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 4, got 2)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lno 8 -th root; divide by 2
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [42], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:12, in <module>
File <string>:35, in __init__(self, C, list_of_fcts, prec)
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 4, got 2)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lno 18 -th root; divide by 3
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [43], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:12, in <module>
File <string>:35, in __init__(self, C, list_of_fcts, prec)
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 4, got 2)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lno 28 -th root; divide by 4
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [44], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:12, in <module>
File <string>:35, in __init__(self, C, list_of_fcts, prec)
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 4, got 2)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
KeyboardInterrupt Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [46], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:38, in <module>
File <string>:8, in combination_components(omega, zmag, w)
File <string>:17, in dual_elt(AS, zmag)
File <string>:122, in trace2(self)
File <string>:78, in group_action(self, ZN_tuple)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:943, in sage.structure.element.Element.substitute()
 941 5
 942 """
--> 943 return self.subs(in_dict,**kwds)
 945 cpdef _act_on_(self, x, bint self_on_left):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:834, in sage.structure.element.Element.subs()
 832 else:
 833 variables.append(gen)
--> 834 return self(*variables)
 836 def numerical_approx(self, prec=None, digits=None, algorithm=None):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/fraction_field_element.pyx:449, in sage.rings.fraction_field_element.FractionFieldElement.__call__()
 447 (-2*x1*x2 + x1 + 1)/(x1 + x2)
 448 """
--> 449 return self.__numerator(*x, **kwds) / self.__denominator(*x, **kwds)
 451 def _is_atomic(self):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:1737, in sage.structure.element.Element.__truediv__()
 1735 cdef int cl = classify_elements(left, right)
 1736 if HAVE_SAME_PARENT(cl):
-> 1737 return (<Element>left)._div_(right)
 1738 if BOTH_ARE_ELEMENT(cl):
 1739 return coercion_model.bin_op(left, right, truediv)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/polynomial/multi_polynomial_libsingular.pyx:2339, in sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_libsingular.MPolynomial_libsingular._div_()
 2337 if p_IsConstant(right._poly, right._parent_ring):
 2338 if is_field:
-> 2339 singular_polynomial_div_coeff(&p, left._poly, right._poly, right._parent_ring)
 2340 return new_MP(left._parent, p)
 2341 else:
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/libs/singular/polynomial.pyx:344, in sage.libs.singular.polynomial.singular_polynomial_div_coeff()
 342 if q == NULL:
 343 raise ZeroDivisionError
--> 344 sig_on()
 345 cdef number *n = p_GetCoeff(q, r)
 346 n =,
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [47], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:13, in <module>
IndexError: list index out of range
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage$ ]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage$ load('init.sage')git pushcommit -m "przed malymi porzadkami"add -upushcommit -m "dzialajacy rozklad na nierozkladalne magma w AS; dwa sposoby na wspolrzedne - jeden sredni" add -ucommit -m "dzialajacy rozklad na nierozkladalne magma w AS; dwa sposoby na wspolrzedne - jeden sredni" pushadd -ucommit -m "przed malymi porzadkami"pushload('init.sage')load('init.sage')
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `'init.sage''
]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage$ sage
│ SageMath version 9.7, Release Date: 2022-09-19 │
│ Using Python 3.10.5. Type "help()" for help. │
]0;IPython: DeRhamComputation/sage[?2004h[?1l[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7linit.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('init.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()1[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ld.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lr.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lf.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lno 8 -th root; divide by 2
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [3], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:12, in <module>
File <string>:35, in __init__(self, C, list_of_fcts, prec)
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 4, got 2)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lI haven't found all forms.
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [4], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:25, in <module>
File <string>:128, in holomorphic_differentials_basis(self, threshold)
NameError: name 'holomorphic_differentials_basis' is not defined
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7linit.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('init.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ldraft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lI haven't found all forms.
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [6], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:25, in <module>
File <string>:128, in holomorphic_differentials_basis(self, threshold)
NameError: name 'holomorphic_differentials_basis' is not defined
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
KeyboardInterrupt Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [7], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:38, in <module>
File <string>:8, in combination_components(omega, zmag, w)
File <string>:23, in dual_elt(AS, zmag)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/matrix/matrix2.pyx:2114, in sage.matrix.matrix2.Matrix.determinant()
 2112 if (algorithm is None and R in _Fields and R.is_exact()) or (algorithm == "hessenberg"):
 2113 try:
-> 2114 charp = self.charpoly('x', algorithm="hessenberg")
 2115 except ValueError:
 2116 # Hessenberg algorithm not supported, so we use whatever the default algorithm is.
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/matrix/matrix2.pyx:3032, in sage.matrix.matrix2.Matrix.charpoly()
 3030 else:
 3031 if algorithm == "hessenberg":
-> 3032 f = self._charpoly_hessenberg(var)
 3033 elif algorithm == "df":
 3034 f = self._charpoly_df(var)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/matrix/matrix2.pyx:3561, in sage.matrix.matrix2.Matrix._charpoly_hessenberg()
 3559 # (note the entries might now live in the fraction field)
 3560 cdef Matrix H
-> 3561 H = self.hessenberg_form()
 3563 # We represent the intermediate polynomials that come up in
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/matrix/matrix2.pyx:3430, in sage.matrix.matrix2.Matrix.hessenberg_form()
 3428 else:
 3429 H = self.__copy__()
-> 3430 H.hessenbergize()
 3431 #end if
 3432 self.cache('hessenberg_form', H)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/matrix/matrix2.pyx:3520, in sage.matrix.matrix2.Matrix.hessenbergize()
 3518 t_inv = one / t
 3519 u = x * t_inv
-> 3520 self.add_multiple_of_row_c(j, m, -u, 0)
 3521 # To maintain charpoly, do the corresponding column operation,
 3522 # which doesn't mess up the matrix, since it only changes
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/matrix/matrix0.pyx:2935, in sage.matrix.matrix0.Matrix.add_multiple_of_row_c()
 2933 cdef Py_ssize_t c
 2934 for c from start_col <= c < self._ncols:
-> 2935 self.set_unsafe(i, c, self.get_unsafe(i, c) + s*self.get_unsafe(j, c))
 2937 def with_added_multiple_of_row(self, Py_ssize_t i, Py_ssize_t j, s, Py_ssize_t start_col=0):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:1514, in sage.structure.element.Element.__mul__()
 1512 cdef int cl = classify_elements(left, right)
 1513 if HAVE_SAME_PARENT(cl):
-> 1514 return (<Element>left)._mul_(right)
 1515 if BOTH_ARE_ELEMENT(cl):
 1516 return coercion_model.bin_op(left, right, mul)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/fraction_field_element.pyx:680, in sage.rings.fraction_field_element.FractionFieldElement._mul_()
 678 if not tden.is_one() and tden.is_unit():
 679 try:
--> 680 tnum = tnum * tden.inverse_of_unit()
 681 tden = self._parent.ring().one()
 682 except AttributeError:
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/polynomial/multi_polynomial_libsingular.pyx:3236, in sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_libsingular.MPolynomial_libsingular.inverse_of_unit()
 3234 raise ArithmeticError("Element is not a unit.")
-> 3236 sig_on()
 3237 cdef MPolynomial_libsingular r = new_MP(self._parent, p_NSet(n_Invers(p_GetCoeff(self._poly, _ring),,_ring))
 3238 sig_off()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(-x^6*z0 + z1^3) * dx 53
(0) * dx +Infinity
(0) * dx +Infinity
(0) * dx +Infinity
(0) * dx +Infinity
(0) * dx +Infinity
(0) * dx +Infinity
(0) * dx +Infinity
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [9], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:37, in <module>
NameError: name 'omega' is not defined
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l232 [206, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31]
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l232 [206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206]
232 [+Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206]
232 [+Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206]
232 [+Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206]
232 [206, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31]
232 [+Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206]
232 [+Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206]
232 [81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81]
232 [+Infinity, 81, 81, 81, 81, +Infinity, 81, 81, 81, 81, +Infinity, 81, 81, 81, 81, +Infinity, 81, 81, 81, 81, +Infinity, 81, 81, 81, 81]
232 [31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 206, 56, 56, 56, 56, 206, 56, 56, 56, 56, 206, 56, 56, 56, 56, 206, 56, 56, 56, 56]
232 [+Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206]
232 [+Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206]
232 [+Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81]
232 [+Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, 81, 81, 81, 81, +Infinity, 81, 81, 81, 81, +Infinity, 81, 81, 81, 81, +Infinity, 81, 81, 81, 81]
232 [-44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44]
232 [+Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206]
232 [106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106]
232 [+Infinity, 106, 106, 106, 106, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81]
232 [56, 56, 56, 56, 56, +Infinity, 81, 81, 81, 81, +Infinity, 81, 81, 81, 81, +Infinity, 81, 81, 81, 81, +Infinity, 81, 81, 81, 81]
232 [206, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity]
232 [+Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106]
KeyboardInterrupt Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [11], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:38, in <module>
File <string>:120, in holomorphic_differentials_basis(self, threshold)
File <string>:247, in holomorphic_combinations(S)
File src/cysignals/signals.pyx:310, in cysignals.signals.python_check_interrupt()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
232 [206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206]
232 [+Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206]
232 [+Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206]
232 [+Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206]
232 [206, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31]
232 [+Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206]
232 [+Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206]
232 [81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81]
232 [+Infinity, 81, 81, 81, 81, +Infinity, 81, 81, 81, 81, +Infinity, 81, 81, 81, 81, +Infinity, 81, 81, 81, 81, +Infinity, 81, 81, 81, 81]
232 [31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 206, 56, 56, 56, 56, 206, 56, 56, 56, 56, 206, 56, 56, 56, 56, 206, 56, 56, 56, 56]
232 [+Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206]
232 [+Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206]
232 [+Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81]
232 [+Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, 81, 81, 81, 81, +Infinity, 81, 81, 81, 81, +Infinity, 81, 81, 81, 81, +Infinity, 81, 81, 81, 81]
232 [-44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44, -44]
232 [+Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, +Infinity, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206]
232 [106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106, 106]
KeyboardInterrupt Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [12], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:39, in <module>
File <string>:120, in holomorphic_differentials_basis(self, threshold)
File <string>:262, in holomorphic_combinations(S)
File <string>:45, in __add__(self, other)
File <string>:10, in __init__(self, C, g)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/polynomial/, in PolynomialRing(base_ring, *args, **kwds)
 629 except KeyError:
 630 raise TypeError("you must specify the names of the variables")
--> 632 names = normalize_names(n, names)
 634 # At this point, we have only handled the "names" keyword if it was
 635 # needed. Since we know the variable names, it would logically be
 636 # an error to specify an additional "names" keyword. However,
 639 # and we allow this for historical reasons. However, the names
 640 # must be consistent!
 641 if "names" in kwds:
File src/cysignals/signals.pyx:310, in cysignals.signals.python_check_interrupt()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^10*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^9*z1^2 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - x^4*z0*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 - 2*z0^4*z1 - 2*z1^5 - z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^10*z0^2*z1^2 + 2*x^9*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^4 - x^4*z0*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^6 - 2*z0^4*z1^2 - 2*z1^6 - z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^10*z0^2*z1^3 + 2*x^9*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - x^4*z0*z1^6 + z0^4*z1^7 - 2*z0^4*z1^3 - 2*z1^7 - z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + 2*x^9*z1^5 + x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - x^4*z0*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - 2*z0^4*z1^4 - 2*z1^8 - z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^10*z0^3 + 2*x^9*z0*z1 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^4*z0^2*z1^3 + z0^5*z1^4 - 2*z0^5 - 2*z0*z1^4 - z0
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^10*z0^3*z1 + 2*x^9*z0*z1^2 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^4*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^5*z1^5 - 2*z0^5*z1 - 2*z0*z1^5 - z0*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^9*z0*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^4*z0^2*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^6 - 2*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*z0*z1^6 - z0*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^10*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^9*z0*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^5 - x^4*z0^2*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^7 - 2*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*z0*z1^7 - z0*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + 2*x^9*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^4*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^5*z1^8 - 2*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*z0*z1^8 - z0*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^10*z0^4 + 2*x^9*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^5*z1^2 - x^4*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^6*z1^4 - 2*z0^6 - 2*z0^2*z1^4 - z0^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^10*z0^4*z1 + 2*x^9*z0^2*z1^2 + x^5*z0^5*z1^3 - x^4*z0^3*z1^4 + z0^6*z1^5 - 2*z0^6*z1 - 2*z0^2*z1^5 - z0^2*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^10*z0^4*z1^2 + 2*x^9*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^5*z1^4 - x^4*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^6*z1^6 - 2*z0^6*z1^2 - 2*z0^2*z1^6 - z0^2*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^10*z0^4*z1^3 + 2*x^9*z0^2*z1^4 + x^5*z0^5*z1^5 - x^4*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^6*z1^7 - 2*z0^6*z1^3 - 2*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^2*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + 2*x^9*z0^2*z1^5 + x^5*z0^5*z1^6 - x^4*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^6*z1^8 - 2*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*z0^2*z1^8 - z0^2*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^10*z0^5 + 2*x^9*z0^3*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^4*z0^4*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - 2*z0^7 - 2*z0^3*z1^4 - z0^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^10*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^9*z0^3*z1^2 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^4*z0^4*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 - 2*z0^7*z1 - 2*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^3*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^10*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^9*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^4 - x^4*z0^4*z1^5 + z0^7*z1^6 - 2*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^3*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + 2*x^9*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^4*z0^4*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - 2*z0^7*z1^3 - 2*z0^3*z1^7 - z0^3*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^10*z0^5*z1^4 + 2*x^9*z0^3*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^4*z0^4*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - 2*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*z0^3*z1^8 - z0^3*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^10*z0^6 + 2*x^9*z0^4*z1 + x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^4*z0^5*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^4 - 2*z0^8 - 2*z0^4*z1^4 - z0^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^10*z0^6*z1 + 2*x^9*z0^4*z1^2 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^4*z0^5*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^5 - 2*z0^8*z1 - 2*z0^4*z1^5 - z0^4*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + 2*x^9*z0^4*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^4*z0^5*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^6 - 2*z0^8*z1^2 - 2*z0^4*z1^6 - z0^4*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^10*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^9*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^7*z1^5 - x^4*z0^5*z1^6 + z0^8*z1^7 - 2*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*z0^4*z1^7 - z0^4*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^10*z0^6*z1^4 + 2*x^9*z0^4*z1^5 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^4*z0^5*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - 2*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*z0^4*z1^8 - z0^4*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^11*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^10*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0*z1^4 + x*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x*z0^4*z1 - 2*x*z1^5 - x*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + 2*x^10*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0*z1^5 + x*z0^4*z1^6 - 2*x*z0^4*z1^2 - 2*x*z1^6 - x*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + 2*x^10*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^5 - x^5*z0*z1^6 + x*z0^4*z1^7 - 2*x*z0^4*z1^3 - 2*x*z1^7 - x*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + 2*x^10*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0*z1^7 + x*z0^4*z1^8 - 2*x*z0^4*z1^4 - 2*x*z1^8 - x*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^11*z0^3 + 2*x^10*z0*z1 + x^6*z0^4*z1^2 - x^5*z0^2*z1^3 + x*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x*z0^5 - 2*x*z0*z1^4 - x*z0
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^11*z0^3*z1 + 2*x^10*z0*z1^2 + x^6*z0^4*z1^3 - x^5*z0^2*z1^4 + x*z0^5*z1^5 - 2*x*z0^5*z1 - 2*x*z0*z1^5 - x*z0*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^10*z0*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^2*z1^5 + x*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x*z0*z1^6 - x*z0*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^10*z0*z1^4 + x^6*z0^4*z1^5 - x^5*z0^2*z1^6 + x*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x*z0*z1^7 - x*z0*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + 2*x^10*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^4*z1^6 - x^5*z0^2*z1^7 + x*z0^5*z1^8 - 2*x*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x*z0*z1^8 - x*z0*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^11*z0^4 + 2*x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^6*z0^5*z1^2 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + x*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x*z0^6 - 2*x*z0^2*z1^4 - x*z0^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^11*z0^4*z1 + 2*x^10*z0^2*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^4 + x*z0^6*z1^5 - 2*x*z0^6*z1 - 2*x*z0^2*z1^5 - x*z0^2*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + 2*x^10*z0^2*z1^3 + x^6*z0^5*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + x*z0^6*z1^6 - 2*x*z0^6*z1^2 - 2*x*z0^2*z1^6 - x*z0^2*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + 2*x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^5*z1^5 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + x*z0^6*z1^7 - 2*x*z0^6*z1^3 - 2*x*z0^2*z1^7 - x*z0^2*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + 2*x^10*z0^2*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^7 + x*z0^6*z1^8 - 2*x*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x*z0^2*z1^8 - x*z0^2*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^11*z0^5 + 2*x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^6*z0^6*z1^2 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x*z0^7 - 2*x*z0^3*z1^4 - x*z0^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^11*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x*z0^7*z1 - 2*x*z0^3*z1^5 - x*z0^3*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^11*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^10*z0^3*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^5 + x*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x*z0^3*z1^6 - x*z0^3*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + 2*x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^5 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 + x*z0^7*z1^7 - 2*x*z0^7*z1^3 - 2*x*z0^3*z1^7 - x*z0^3*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^11*z0^5*z1^4 + 2*x^10*z0^3*z1^5 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^7 + x*z0^7*z1^8 - 2*x*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x*z0^3*z1^8 - x*z0^3*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^11*z0^6 + 2*x^10*z0^4*z1 + x^6*z0^7*z1^2 - x^5*z0^5*z1^3 + x*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x*z0^8 - 2*x*z0^4*z1^4 - x*z0^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^11*z0^6*z1 + 2*x^10*z0^4*z1^2 + x^6*z0^7*z1^3 - x^5*z0^5*z1^4 + x*z0^8*z1^5 - 2*x*z0^8*z1 - 2*x*z0^4*z1^5 - x*z0^4*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^11*z0^6*z1^2 + 2*x^10*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^5*z1^5 + x*z0^8*z1^6 - 2*x*z0^8*z1^2 - 2*x*z0^4*z1^6 - x*z0^4*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^11*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^7*z1^5 - x^5*z0^5*z1^6 + x*z0^8*z1^7 - 2*x*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*x*z0^4*z1^7 - x*z0^4*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^11*z0^6*z1^4 + 2*x^10*z0^4*z1^5 + x^6*z0^7*z1^6 - x^5*z0^5*z1^7 + x*z0^8*z1^8 - 2*x*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x*z0^4*z1^8 - x*z0^4*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^12*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^11*z1^2 + x^7*z0^3*z1^3 - x^6*z0*z1^4 + x^2*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^2*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^2*z1^5 - x^2*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^12*z0^2*z1^2 + 2*x^11*z1^3 + x^7*z0^3*z1^4 - x^6*z0*z1^5 + x^2*z0^4*z1^6 - 2*x^2*z0^4*z1^2 - 2*x^2*z1^6 - x^2*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + 2*x^11*z1^4 + x^7*z0^3*z1^5 - x^6*z0*z1^6 + x^2*z0^4*z1^7 - 2*x^2*z0^4*z1^3 - 2*x^2*z1^7 - x^2*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^12*z0^2*z1^4 + 2*x^11*z1^5 + x^7*z0^3*z1^6 - x^6*z0*z1^7 + x^2*z0^4*z1^8 - 2*x^2*z0^4*z1^4 - 2*x^2*z1^8 - x^2*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^12*z0^3 + 2*x^11*z0*z1 + x^7*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^2*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^2*z0^5 - 2*x^2*z0*z1^4 - x^2*z0
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^12*z0^3*z1 + 2*x^11*z0*z1^2 + x^7*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + x^2*z0^5*z1^5 - 2*x^2*z0^5*z1 - 2*x^2*z0*z1^5 - x^2*z0*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^11*z0*z1^3 + x^7*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^5 + x^2*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^2*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^2*z0*z1^6 - x^2*z0*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^12*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^7*z0^4*z1^5 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 + x^2*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^2*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^2*z0*z1^7 - x^2*z0*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^12*z0^3*z1^4 + 2*x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^7*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + x^2*z0^5*z1^8 - 2*x^2*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^2*z0*z1^8 - x^2*z0*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^12*z0^4 + 2*x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^7*z0^5*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^2*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^2*z0^6 - 2*x^2*z0^2*z1^4 - x^2*z0^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^12*z0^4*z1 + 2*x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^7*z0^5*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^2*z0^6*z1^5 - 2*x^2*z0^6*z1 - 2*x^2*z0^2*z1^5 - x^2*z0^2*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + 2*x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^7*z0^5*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^5 + x^2*z0^6*z1^6 - 2*x^2*z0^6*z1^2 - 2*x^2*z0^2*z1^6 - x^2*z0^2*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + 2*x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^7*z0^5*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^2*z0^6*z1^7 - 2*x^2*z0^6*z1^3 - 2*x^2*z0^2*z1^7 - x^2*z0^2*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + 2*x^11*z0^2*z1^5 + x^7*z0^5*z1^6 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + x^2*z0^6*z1^8 - 2*x^2*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^2*z0^2*z1^8 - x^2*z0^2*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^12*z0^5 + 2*x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^7*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^4*z1^3 + x^2*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^2*z0^7 - 2*x^2*z0^3*z1^4 - x^2*z0^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^12*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^7*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^2*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^2*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^2*z0^3*z1^5 - x^2*z0^3*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^12*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^7*z0^6*z1^4 - x^6*z0^4*z1^5 + x^2*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^2*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^2*z0^3*z1^6 - x^2*z0^3*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^12*z0^5*z1^3 + 2*x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^7*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^4*z1^6 + x^2*z0^7*z1^7 - 2*x^2*z0^7*z1^3 - 2*x^2*z0^3*z1^7 - x^2*z0^3*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^12*z0^5*z1^4 + 2*x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^7*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^2*z0^7*z1^8 - 2*x^2*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^2*z0^3*z1^8 - x^2*z0^3*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^12*z0^6 + 2*x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^7*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^2*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^2*z0^8 - 2*x^2*z0^4*z1^4 - x^2*z0^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^12*z0^6*z1 + 2*x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^7*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^5*z1^4 + x^2*z0^8*z1^5 - 2*x^2*z0^8*z1 - 2*x^2*z0^4*z1^5 - x^2*z0^4*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^12*z0^6*z1^2 + 2*x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^7*z0^7*z1^4 - x^6*z0^5*z1^5 + x^2*z0^8*z1^6 - 2*x^2*z0^8*z1^2 - 2*x^2*z0^4*z1^6 - x^2*z0^4*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^12*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^7*z0^7*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^2*z0^8*z1^7 - 2*x^2*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*x^2*z0^4*z1^7 - x^2*z0^4*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^12*z0^6*z1^4 + 2*x^11*z0^4*z1^5 + x^7*z0^7*z1^6 - x^6*z0^5*z1^7 + x^2*z0^8*z1^8 - 2*x^2*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^2*z0^4*z1^8 - x^2*z0^4*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^13*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^12*z1^2 + x^8*z0^3*z1^3 - x^7*z0*z1^4 + x^3*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^3*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^3*z1^5 - x^3*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^13*z0^2*z1^2 + 2*x^12*z1^3 + x^8*z0^3*z1^4 - x^7*z0*z1^5 + x^3*z0^4*z1^6 - 2*x^3*z0^4*z1^2 - 2*x^3*z1^6 - x^3*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^13*z0^2*z1^3 + 2*x^12*z1^4 + x^8*z0^3*z1^5 - x^7*z0*z1^6 + x^3*z0^4*z1^7 - 2*x^3*z0^4*z1^3 - 2*x^3*z1^7 - x^3*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^13*z0^2*z1^4 + 2*x^12*z1^5 + x^8*z0^3*z1^6 - x^7*z0*z1^7 + x^3*z0^4*z1^8 - 2*x^3*z0^4*z1^4 - 2*x^3*z1^8 - x^3*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^13*z0^3 + 2*x^12*z0*z1 + x^8*z0^4*z1^2 - x^7*z0^2*z1^3 + x^3*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^3*z0^5 - 2*x^3*z0*z1^4 - x^3*z0
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^13*z0^3*z1 + 2*x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^8*z0^4*z1^3 - x^7*z0^2*z1^4 + x^3*z0^5*z1^5 - 2*x^3*z0^5*z1 - 2*x^3*z0*z1^5 - x^3*z0*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^13*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^8*z0^4*z1^4 - x^7*z0^2*z1^5 + x^3*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^3*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^3*z0*z1^6 - x^3*z0*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^13*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^12*z0*z1^4 + x^8*z0^4*z1^5 - x^7*z0^2*z1^6 + x^3*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^3*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^3*z0*z1^7 - x^3*z0*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^13*z0^3*z1^4 + 2*x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^8*z0^4*z1^6 - x^7*z0^2*z1^7 + x^3*z0^5*z1^8 - 2*x^3*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^3*z0*z1^8 - x^3*z0*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^13*z0^4 + 2*x^12*z0^2*z1 + x^8*z0^5*z1^2 - x^7*z0^3*z1^3 + x^3*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^3*z0^6 - 2*x^3*z0^2*z1^4 - x^3*z0^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^13*z0^4*z1 + 2*x^12*z0^2*z1^2 + x^8*z0^5*z1^3 - x^7*z0^3*z1^4 + x^3*z0^6*z1^5 - 2*x^3*z0^6*z1 - 2*x^3*z0^2*z1^5 - x^3*z0^2*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^13*z0^4*z1^2 + 2*x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^8*z0^5*z1^4 - x^7*z0^3*z1^5 + x^3*z0^6*z1^6 - 2*x^3*z0^6*z1^2 - 2*x^3*z0^2*z1^6 - x^3*z0^2*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^13*z0^4*z1^3 + 2*x^12*z0^2*z1^4 + x^8*z0^5*z1^5 - x^7*z0^3*z1^6 + x^3*z0^6*z1^7 - 2*x^3*z0^6*z1^3 - 2*x^3*z0^2*z1^7 - x^3*z0^2*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^13*z0^4*z1^4 + 2*x^12*z0^2*z1^5 + x^8*z0^5*z1^6 - x^7*z0^3*z1^7 + x^3*z0^6*z1^8 - 2*x^3*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^3*z0^2*z1^8 - x^3*z0^2*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^13*z0^5 + 2*x^12*z0^3*z1 + x^8*z0^6*z1^2 - x^7*z0^4*z1^3 + x^3*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^3*z0^7 - 2*x^3*z0^3*z1^4 - x^3*z0^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^13*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^8*z0^6*z1^3 - x^7*z0^4*z1^4 + x^3*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^3*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^3*z0^3*z1^5 - x^3*z0^3*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^13*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^12*z0^3*z1^3 + x^8*z0^6*z1^4 - x^7*z0^4*z1^5 + x^3*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^3*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^3*z0^3*z1^6 - x^3*z0^3*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^13*z0^5*z1^3 + 2*x^12*z0^3*z1^4 + x^8*z0^6*z1^5 - x^7*z0^4*z1^6 + x^3*z0^7*z1^7 - 2*x^3*z0^7*z1^3 - 2*x^3*z0^3*z1^7 - x^3*z0^3*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^13*z0^5*z1^4 + 2*x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^8*z0^6*z1^6 - x^7*z0^4*z1^7 + x^3*z0^7*z1^8 - 2*x^3*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^3*z0^3*z1^8 - x^3*z0^3*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^13*z0^6 + 2*x^12*z0^4*z1 + x^8*z0^7*z1^2 - x^7*z0^5*z1^3 + x^3*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^3*z0^8 - 2*x^3*z0^4*z1^4 - x^3*z0^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^13*z0^6*z1 + 2*x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^8*z0^7*z1^3 - x^7*z0^5*z1^4 + x^3*z0^8*z1^5 - 2*x^3*z0^8*z1 - 2*x^3*z0^4*z1^5 - x^3*z0^4*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^13*z0^6*z1^2 + 2*x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^8*z0^7*z1^4 - x^7*z0^5*z1^5 + x^3*z0^8*z1^6 - 2*x^3*z0^8*z1^2 - 2*x^3*z0^4*z1^6 - x^3*z0^4*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^13*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^8*z0^7*z1^5 - x^7*z0^5*z1^6 + x^3*z0^8*z1^7 - 2*x^3*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*x^3*z0^4*z1^7 - x^3*z0^4*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^13*z0^6*z1^4 + 2*x^12*z0^4*z1^5 + x^8*z0^7*z1^6 - x^7*z0^5*z1^7 + x^3*z0^8*z1^8 - 2*x^3*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^3*z0^4*z1^8 - x^3*z0^4*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^14*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^13*z1^2 + x^9*z0^3*z1^3 - x^8*z0*z1^4 + x^4*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^4*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^4*z1^5 - x^4*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^14*z0^2*z1^2 + 2*x^13*z1^3 + x^9*z0^3*z1^4 - x^8*z0*z1^5 + x^4*z0^4*z1^6 - 2*x^4*z0^4*z1^2 - 2*x^4*z1^6 - x^4*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^14*z0^2*z1^3 + 2*x^13*z1^4 + x^9*z0^3*z1^5 - x^8*z0*z1^6 + x^4*z0^4*z1^7 - 2*x^4*z0^4*z1^3 - 2*x^4*z1^7 - x^4*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^14*z0^2*z1^4 + 2*x^13*z1^5 + x^9*z0^3*z1^6 - x^8*z0*z1^7 + x^4*z0^4*z1^8 - 2*x^4*z0^4*z1^4 - 2*x^4*z1^8 - x^4*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^14*z0^3 + 2*x^13*z0*z1 + x^9*z0^4*z1^2 - x^8*z0^2*z1^3 + x^4*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^4*z0^5 - 2*x^4*z0*z1^4 - x^4*z0
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^14*z0^3*z1 + 2*x^13*z0*z1^2 + x^9*z0^4*z1^3 - x^8*z0^2*z1^4 + x^4*z0^5*z1^5 - 2*x^4*z0^5*z1 - 2*x^4*z0*z1^5 - x^4*z0*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^14*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^13*z0*z1^3 + x^9*z0^4*z1^4 - x^8*z0^2*z1^5 + x^4*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^4*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^4*z0*z1^6 - x^4*z0*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^14*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^13*z0*z1^4 + x^9*z0^4*z1^5 - x^8*z0^2*z1^6 + x^4*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^4*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^4*z0*z1^7 - x^4*z0*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^14*z0^3*z1^4 + 2*x^13*z0*z1^5 + x^9*z0^4*z1^6 - x^8*z0^2*z1^7 + x^4*z0^5*z1^8 - 2*x^4*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^4*z0*z1^8 - x^4*z0*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^14*z0^4 + 2*x^13*z0^2*z1 + x^9*z0^5*z1^2 - x^8*z0^3*z1^3 + x^4*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^4*z0^6 - 2*x^4*z0^2*z1^4 - x^4*z0^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^14*z0^4*z1 + 2*x^13*z0^2*z1^2 + x^9*z0^5*z1^3 - x^8*z0^3*z1^4 + x^4*z0^6*z1^5 - 2*x^4*z0^6*z1 - 2*x^4*z0^2*z1^5 - x^4*z0^2*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^14*z0^4*z1^2 + 2*x^13*z0^2*z1^3 + x^9*z0^5*z1^4 - x^8*z0^3*z1^5 + x^4*z0^6*z1^6 - 2*x^4*z0^6*z1^2 - 2*x^4*z0^2*z1^6 - x^4*z0^2*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^14*z0^4*z1^3 + 2*x^13*z0^2*z1^4 + x^9*z0^5*z1^5 - x^8*z0^3*z1^6 + x^4*z0^6*z1^7 - 2*x^4*z0^6*z1^3 - 2*x^4*z0^2*z1^7 - x^4*z0^2*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^14*z0^4*z1^4 + 2*x^13*z0^2*z1^5 + x^9*z0^5*z1^6 - x^8*z0^3*z1^7 + x^4*z0^6*z1^8 - 2*x^4*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^4*z0^2*z1^8 - x^4*z0^2*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^14*z0^5 + 2*x^13*z0^3*z1 + x^9*z0^6*z1^2 - x^8*z0^4*z1^3 + x^4*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^4*z0^7 - 2*x^4*z0^3*z1^4 - x^4*z0^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^14*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^13*z0^3*z1^2 + x^9*z0^6*z1^3 - x^8*z0^4*z1^4 + x^4*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^4*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^4*z0^3*z1^5 - x^4*z0^3*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^14*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^13*z0^3*z1^3 + x^9*z0^6*z1^4 - x^8*z0^4*z1^5 + x^4*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^4*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^4*z0^3*z1^6 - x^4*z0^3*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^14*z0^5*z1^3 + 2*x^13*z0^3*z1^4 + x^9*z0^6*z1^5 - x^8*z0^4*z1^6 + x^4*z0^7*z1^7 - 2*x^4*z0^7*z1^3 - 2*x^4*z0^3*z1^7 - x^4*z0^3*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^14*z0^5*z1^4 + 2*x^13*z0^3*z1^5 + x^9*z0^6*z1^6 - x^8*z0^4*z1^7 + x^4*z0^7*z1^8 - 2*x^4*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^4*z0^3*z1^8 - x^4*z0^3*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^14*z0^6 + 2*x^13*z0^4*z1 + x^9*z0^7*z1^2 - x^8*z0^5*z1^3 + x^4*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^4*z0^8 - 2*x^4*z0^4*z1^4 - x^4*z0^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^14*z0^6*z1 + 2*x^13*z0^4*z1^2 + x^9*z0^7*z1^3 - x^8*z0^5*z1^4 + x^4*z0^8*z1^5 - 2*x^4*z0^8*z1 - 2*x^4*z0^4*z1^5 - x^4*z0^4*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^14*z0^6*z1^2 + 2*x^13*z0^4*z1^3 + x^9*z0^7*z1^4 - x^8*z0^5*z1^5 + x^4*z0^8*z1^6 - 2*x^4*z0^8*z1^2 - 2*x^4*z0^4*z1^6 - x^4*z0^4*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^14*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^13*z0^4*z1^4 + x^9*z0^7*z1^5 - x^8*z0^5*z1^6 + x^4*z0^8*z1^7 - 2*x^4*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*x^4*z0^4*z1^7 - x^4*z0^4*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^14*z0^6*z1^4 + 2*x^13*z0^4*z1^5 + x^9*z0^7*z1^6 - x^8*z0^5*z1^7 + x^4*z0^8*z1^8 - 2*x^4*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^4*z0^4*z1^8 - x^4*z0^4*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^15*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^14*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^3 - x^9*z0*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^5*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^5*z1^5 - x^5*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + 2*x^14*z1^3 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^9*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - 2*x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - 2*x^5*z1^6 - x^5*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^15*z0^2*z1^3 + 2*x^14*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^5 - x^9*z0*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^7 - 2*x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - 2*x^5*z1^7 - x^5*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^15*z0^2*z1^4 + 2*x^14*z1^5 + x^10*z0^3*z1^6 - x^9*z0*z1^7 + x^5*z0^4*z1^8 - 2*x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - 2*x^5*z1^8 - x^5*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^15*z0^3 + 2*x^14*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^4*z1^2 - x^9*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^5*z0^5 - 2*x^5*z0*z1^4 - x^5*z0
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^15*z0^3*z1 + 2*x^14*z0*z1^2 + x^10*z0^4*z1^3 - x^9*z0^2*z1^4 + x^5*z0^5*z1^5 - 2*x^5*z0^5*z1 - 2*x^5*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^14*z0*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^9*z0^2*z1^5 + x^5*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^5*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^5*z0*z1^6 - x^5*z0*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^15*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^14*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^4*z1^5 - x^9*z0^2*z1^6 + x^5*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^5*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^5*z0*z1^7 - x^5*z0*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^15*z0^3*z1^4 + 2*x^14*z0*z1^5 + x^10*z0^4*z1^6 - x^9*z0^2*z1^7 + x^5*z0^5*z1^8 - 2*x^5*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^5*z0*z1^8 - x^5*z0*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^15*z0^4 + 2*x^14*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1^2 - x^9*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^5*z0^6 - 2*x^5*z0^2*z1^4 - x^5*z0^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^15*z0^4*z1 + 2*x^14*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 - x^9*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - 2*x^5*z0^6*z1 - 2*x^5*z0^2*z1^5 - x^5*z0^2*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + 2*x^14*z0^2*z1^3 + x^10*z0^5*z1^4 - x^9*z0^3*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - 2*x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - 2*x^5*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^2*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^15*z0^4*z1^3 + 2*x^14*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^5*z1^5 - x^9*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^7 - 2*x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - 2*x^5*z0^2*z1^7 - x^5*z0^2*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^15*z0^4*z1^4 + 2*x^14*z0^2*z1^5 + x^10*z0^5*z1^6 - x^9*z0^3*z1^7 + x^5*z0^6*z1^8 - 2*x^5*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^5*z0^2*z1^8 - x^5*z0^2*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^15*z0^5 + 2*x^14*z0^3*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^9*z0^4*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^5*z0^7 - 2*x^5*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^15*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^14*z0^3*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^3 - x^9*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^5*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - x^5*z0^3*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^14*z0^3*z1^3 + x^10*z0^6*z1^4 - x^9*z0^4*z1^5 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^15*z0^5*z1^3 + 2*x^14*z0^3*z1^4 + x^10*z0^6*z1^5 - x^9*z0^4*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^7 - 2*x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - 2*x^5*z0^3*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^15*z0^5*z1^4 + 2*x^14*z0^3*z1^5 + x^10*z0^6*z1^6 - x^9*z0^4*z1^7 + x^5*z0^7*z1^8 - 2*x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^5*z0^3*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^15*z0^6 + 2*x^14*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^7*z1^2 - x^9*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^5*z0^8 - 2*x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^15*z0^6*z1 + 2*x^14*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^7*z1^3 - x^9*z0^5*z1^4 + x^5*z0^8*z1^5 - 2*x^5*z0^8*z1 - 2*x^5*z0^4*z1^5 - x^5*z0^4*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^15*z0^6*z1^2 + 2*x^14*z0^4*z1^3 + x^10*z0^7*z1^4 - x^9*z0^5*z1^5 + x^5*z0^8*z1^6 - 2*x^5*z0^8*z1^2 - 2*x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^15*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^14*z0^4*z1^4 + x^10*z0^7*z1^5 - x^9*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^8*z1^7 - 2*x^5*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*x^5*z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^15*z0^6*z1^4 + 2*x^14*z0^4*z1^5 + x^10*z0^7*z1^6 - x^9*z0^5*z1^7 + x^5*z0^8*z1^8 - 2*x^5*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^5*z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^16*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^15*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^10*z0*z1^4 + x^6*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^6*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^6*z1^5 - x^6*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^16*z0^2*z1^2 + 2*x^15*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^10*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^4*z1^6 - 2*x^6*z0^4*z1^2 - 2*x^6*z1^6 - x^6*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + 2*x^15*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^10*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^4*z1^7 - 2*x^6*z0^4*z1^3 - 2*x^6*z1^7 - x^6*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^16*z0^2*z1^4 + 2*x^15*z1^5 + x^11*z0^3*z1^6 - x^10*z0*z1^7 + x^6*z0^4*z1^8 - 2*x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - 2*x^6*z1^8 - x^6*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^16*z0^3 + 2*x^15*z0*z1 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 + x^6*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^6*z0^5 - 2*x^6*z0*z1^4 - x^6*z0
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^16*z0^3*z1 + 2*x^15*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^5*z1^5 - 2*x^6*z0^5*z1 - 2*x^6*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^15*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 - x^10*z0^2*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^6*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^6*z0*z1^6 - x^6*z0*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^16*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^15*z0*z1^4 + x^11*z0^4*z1^5 - x^10*z0^2*z1^6 + x^6*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^6*z0*z1^7 - x^6*z0*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^16*z0^3*z1^4 + 2*x^15*z0*z1^5 + x^11*z0^4*z1^6 - x^10*z0^2*z1^7 + x^6*z0^5*z1^8 - 2*x^6*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^6*z0*z1^8 - x^6*z0*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^16*z0^4 + 2*x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^11*z0^5*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^6*z0^6 - 2*x^6*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^16*z0^4*z1 + 2*x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^5 - 2*x^6*z0^6*z1 - 2*x^6*z0^2*z1^5 - x^6*z0^2*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^16*z0^4*z1^2 + 2*x^15*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^5 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 - 2*x^6*z0^6*z1^2 - 2*x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^16*z0^4*z1^3 + 2*x^15*z0^2*z1^4 + x^11*z0^5*z1^5 - x^10*z0^3*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - 2*x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - 2*x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^16*z0^4*z1^4 + 2*x^15*z0^2*z1^5 + x^11*z0^5*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^7 + x^6*z0^6*z1^8 - 2*x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^6*z0^2*z1^8 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^16*z0^5 + 2*x^15*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^6*z0^7 - 2*x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^16*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^6*z1^3 - x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^6*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^6*z0^3*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^16*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^15*z0^3*z1^3 + x^11*z0^6*z1^4 - x^10*z0^4*z1^5 + x^6*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^6*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^6*z0^3*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^16*z0^5*z1^3 + 2*x^15*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0^6*z1^5 - x^10*z0^4*z1^6 + x^6*z0^7*z1^7 - 2*x^6*z0^7*z1^3 - 2*x^6*z0^3*z1^7 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^16*z0^5*z1^4 + 2*x^15*z0^3*z1^5 + x^11*z0^6*z1^6 - x^10*z0^4*z1^7 + x^6*z0^7*z1^8 - 2*x^6*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^6*z0^3*z1^8 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^16*z0^6 + 2*x^15*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0^7*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^6*z0^8 - 2*x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^16*z0^6*z1 + 2*x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^11*z0^7*z1^3 - x^10*z0^5*z1^4 + x^6*z0^8*z1^5 - 2*x^6*z0^8*z1 - 2*x^6*z0^4*z1^5 - x^6*z0^4*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^16*z0^6*z1^2 + 2*x^15*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^7*z1^4 - x^10*z0^5*z1^5 + x^6*z0^8*z1^6 - 2*x^6*z0^8*z1^2 - 2*x^6*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^16*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^15*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^7*z1^5 - x^10*z0^5*z1^6 + x^6*z0^8*z1^7 - 2*x^6*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*x^6*z0^4*z1^7 - x^6*z0^4*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^16*z0^6*z1^4 + 2*x^15*z0^4*z1^5 + x^11*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^5*z1^7 + x^6*z0^8*z1^8 - 2*x^6*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^6*z0^4*z1^8 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^17*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^16*z1^2 + x^12*z0^3*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^7*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^7*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^7*z1^5 - x^7*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^17*z0^2*z1^2 + 2*x^16*z1^3 + x^12*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^7*z0^4*z1^6 - 2*x^7*z0^4*z1^2 - 2*x^7*z1^6 - x^7*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + 2*x^16*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^6 + x^7*z0^4*z1^7 - 2*x^7*z0^4*z1^3 - 2*x^7*z1^7 - x^7*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^17*z0^2*z1^4 + 2*x^16*z1^5 + x^12*z0^3*z1^6 - x^11*z0*z1^7 + x^7*z0^4*z1^8 - 2*x^7*z0^4*z1^4 - 2*x^7*z1^8 - x^7*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^17*z0^3 + 2*x^16*z0*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^7*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^7*z0^5 - 2*x^7*z0*z1^4 - x^7*z0
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^17*z0^3*z1 + 2*x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^7*z0^5*z1^5 - 2*x^7*z0^5*z1 - 2*x^7*z0*z1^5 - x^7*z0*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^11*z0^2*z1^5 + x^7*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^7*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^7*z0*z1^6 - x^7*z0*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^17*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^16*z0*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^5 - x^11*z0^2*z1^6 + x^7*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^7*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^7*z0*z1^7 - x^7*z0*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^17*z0^3*z1^4 + 2*x^16*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^6 - x^11*z0^2*z1^7 + x^7*z0^5*z1^8 - 2*x^7*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^7*z0*z1^8 - x^7*z0*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^17*z0^4 + 2*x^16*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^5*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^7*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^7*z0^6 - 2*x^7*z0^2*z1^4 - x^7*z0^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^17*z0^4*z1 + 2*x^16*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^7*z0^6*z1^5 - 2*x^7*z0^6*z1 - 2*x^7*z0^2*z1^5 - x^7*z0^2*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^17*z0^4*z1^2 + 2*x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^12*z0^5*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^7*z0^6*z1^6 - 2*x^7*z0^6*z1^2 - 2*x^7*z0^2*z1^6 - x^7*z0^2*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^17*z0^4*z1^3 + 2*x^16*z0^2*z1^4 + x^12*z0^5*z1^5 - x^11*z0^3*z1^6 + x^7*z0^6*z1^7 - 2*x^7*z0^6*z1^3 - 2*x^7*z0^2*z1^7 - x^7*z0^2*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^17*z0^4*z1^4 + 2*x^16*z0^2*z1^5 + x^12*z0^5*z1^6 - x^11*z0^3*z1^7 + x^7*z0^6*z1^8 - 2*x^7*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^7*z0^2*z1^8 - x^7*z0^2*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^17*z0^5 + 2*x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z0^6*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^7*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^7*z0^7 - 2*x^7*z0^3*z1^4 - x^7*z0^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^17*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0^6*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^7*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^7*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^7*z0^3*z1^5 - x^7*z0^3*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^17*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^16*z0^3*z1^3 + x^12*z0^6*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4*z1^5 + x^7*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^7*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^7*z0^3*z1^6 - x^7*z0^3*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^17*z0^5*z1^3 + 2*x^16*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z0^6*z1^5 - x^11*z0^4*z1^6 + x^7*z0^7*z1^7 - 2*x^7*z0^7*z1^3 - 2*x^7*z0^3*z1^7 - x^7*z0^3*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^17*z0^5*z1^4 + 2*x^16*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^6*z1^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1^7 + x^7*z0^7*z1^8 - 2*x^7*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^7*z0^3*z1^8 - x^7*z0^3*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^17*z0^6 + 2*x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^12*z0^7*z1^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^7*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^7*z0^8 - 2*x^7*z0^4*z1^4 - x^7*z0^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^17*z0^6*z1 + 2*x^16*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^7*z1^3 - x^11*z0^5*z1^4 + x^7*z0^8*z1^5 - 2*x^7*z0^8*z1 - 2*x^7*z0^4*z1^5 - x^7*z0^4*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^17*z0^6*z1^2 + 2*x^16*z0^4*z1^3 + x^12*z0^7*z1^4 - x^11*z0^5*z1^5 + x^7*z0^8*z1^6 - 2*x^7*z0^8*z1^2 - 2*x^7*z0^4*z1^6 - x^7*z0^4*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^17*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^16*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^7*z1^5 - x^11*z0^5*z1^6 + x^7*z0^8*z1^7 - 2*x^7*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*x^7*z0^4*z1^7 - x^7*z0^4*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^17*z0^6*z1^4 + 2*x^16*z0^4*z1^5 + x^12*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1^7 + x^7*z0^8*z1^8 - 2*x^7*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^7*z0^4*z1^8 - x^7*z0^4*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^18*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^17*z1^2 + x^13*z0^3*z1^3 - x^12*z0*z1^4 + x^8*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^8*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^8*z1^5 - x^8*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + 2*x^17*z1^3 + x^13*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^8*z0^4*z1^6 - 2*x^8*z0^4*z1^2 - 2*x^8*z1^6 - x^8*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + 2*x^17*z1^4 + x^13*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^8*z0^4*z1^7 - 2*x^8*z0^4*z1^3 - 2*x^8*z1^7 - x^8*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + 2*x^17*z1^5 + x^13*z0^3*z1^6 - x^12*z0*z1^7 + x^8*z0^4*z1^8 - 2*x^8*z0^4*z1^4 - 2*x^8*z1^8 - x^8*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^18*z0^3 + 2*x^17*z0*z1 + x^13*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^8*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^8*z0^5 - 2*x^8*z0*z1^4 - x^8*z0
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^18*z0^3*z1 + 2*x^17*z0*z1^2 + x^13*z0^4*z1^3 - x^12*z0^2*z1^4 + x^8*z0^5*z1^5 - 2*x^8*z0^5*z1 - 2*x^8*z0*z1^5 - x^8*z0*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^18*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^13*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^2*z1^5 + x^8*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^8*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^8*z0*z1^6 - x^8*z0*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^18*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^13*z0^4*z1^5 - x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^8*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^8*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^8*z0*z1^7 - x^8*z0*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^18*z0^3*z1^4 + 2*x^17*z0*z1^5 + x^13*z0^4*z1^6 - x^12*z0^2*z1^7 + x^8*z0^5*z1^8 - 2*x^8*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^8*z0*z1^8 - x^8*z0*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^18*z0^4 + 2*x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^13*z0^5*z1^2 - x^12*z0^3*z1^3 + x^8*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^8*z0^6 - 2*x^8*z0^2*z1^4 - x^8*z0^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^18*z0^4*z1 + 2*x^17*z0^2*z1^2 + x^13*z0^5*z1^3 - x^12*z0^3*z1^4 + x^8*z0^6*z1^5 - 2*x^8*z0^6*z1 - 2*x^8*z0^2*z1^5 - x^8*z0^2*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^18*z0^4*z1^2 + 2*x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^13*z0^5*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^8*z0^6*z1^6 - 2*x^8*z0^6*z1^2 - 2*x^8*z0^2*z1^6 - x^8*z0^2*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^18*z0^4*z1^3 + 2*x^17*z0^2*z1^4 + x^13*z0^5*z1^5 - x^12*z0^3*z1^6 + x^8*z0^6*z1^7 - 2*x^8*z0^6*z1^3 - 2*x^8*z0^2*z1^7 - x^8*z0^2*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^18*z0^4*z1^4 + 2*x^17*z0^2*z1^5 + x^13*z0^5*z1^6 - x^12*z0^3*z1^7 + x^8*z0^6*z1^8 - 2*x^8*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^8*z0^2*z1^8 - x^8*z0^2*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^18*z0^5 + 2*x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^13*z0^6*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^8*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^8*z0^7 - 2*x^8*z0^3*z1^4 - x^8*z0^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^18*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^13*z0^6*z1^3 - x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^8*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^8*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^8*z0^3*z1^5 - x^8*z0^3*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^18*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^17*z0^3*z1^3 + x^13*z0^6*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^5 + x^8*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^8*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^8*z0^3*z1^6 - x^8*z0^3*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^18*z0^5*z1^3 + 2*x^17*z0^3*z1^4 + x^13*z0^6*z1^5 - x^12*z0^4*z1^6 + x^8*z0^7*z1^7 - 2*x^8*z0^7*z1^3 - 2*x^8*z0^3*z1^7 - x^8*z0^3*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^18*z0^5*z1^4 + 2*x^17*z0^3*z1^5 + x^13*z0^6*z1^6 - x^12*z0^4*z1^7 + x^8*z0^7*z1^8 - 2*x^8*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^8*z0^3*z1^8 - x^8*z0^3*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^18*z0^6 + 2*x^17*z0^4*z1 + x^13*z0^7*z1^2 - x^12*z0^5*z1^3 + x^8*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^8*z0^8 - 2*x^8*z0^4*z1^4 - x^8*z0^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^18*z0^6*z1 + 2*x^17*z0^4*z1^2 + x^13*z0^7*z1^3 - x^12*z0^5*z1^4 + x^8*z0^8*z1^5 - 2*x^8*z0^8*z1 - 2*x^8*z0^4*z1^5 - x^8*z0^4*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^18*z0^6*z1^2 + 2*x^17*z0^4*z1^3 + x^13*z0^7*z1^4 - x^12*z0^5*z1^5 + x^8*z0^8*z1^6 - 2*x^8*z0^8*z1^2 - 2*x^8*z0^4*z1^6 - x^8*z0^4*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^18*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^17*z0^4*z1^4 + x^13*z0^7*z1^5 - x^12*z0^5*z1^6 + x^8*z0^8*z1^7 - 2*x^8*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*x^8*z0^4*z1^7 - x^8*z0^4*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^18*z0^6*z1^4 + 2*x^17*z0^4*z1^5 + x^13*z0^7*z1^6 - x^12*z0^5*z1^7 + x^8*z0^8*z1^8 - 2*x^8*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^8*z0^4*z1^8 - x^8*z0^4*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^19*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^18*z1^2 + x^14*z0^3*z1^3 - x^13*z0*z1^4 + x^9*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^9*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^9*z1^5 - x^9*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^19*z0^2*z1^2 + 2*x^18*z1^3 + x^14*z0^3*z1^4 - x^13*z0*z1^5 + x^9*z0^4*z1^6 - 2*x^9*z0^4*z1^2 - 2*x^9*z1^6 - x^9*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^19*z0^2*z1^3 + 2*x^18*z1^4 + x^14*z0^3*z1^5 - x^13*z0*z1^6 + x^9*z0^4*z1^7 - 2*x^9*z0^4*z1^3 - 2*x^9*z1^7 - x^9*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^19*z0^2*z1^4 + 2*x^18*z1^5 + x^14*z0^3*z1^6 - x^13*z0*z1^7 + x^9*z0^4*z1^8 - 2*x^9*z0^4*z1^4 - 2*x^9*z1^8 - x^9*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^19*z0^3 + 2*x^18*z0*z1 + x^14*z0^4*z1^2 - x^13*z0^2*z1^3 + x^9*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^9*z0^5 - 2*x^9*z0*z1^4 - x^9*z0
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^19*z0^3*z1 + 2*x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^14*z0^4*z1^3 - x^13*z0^2*z1^4 + x^9*z0^5*z1^5 - 2*x^9*z0^5*z1 - 2*x^9*z0*z1^5 - x^9*z0*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^19*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^18*z0*z1^3 + x^14*z0^4*z1^4 - x^13*z0^2*z1^5 + x^9*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^9*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^9*z0*z1^6 - x^9*z0*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^19*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^18*z0*z1^4 + x^14*z0^4*z1^5 - x^13*z0^2*z1^6 + x^9*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^9*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^9*z0*z1^7 - x^9*z0*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^19*z0^3*z1^4 + 2*x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^14*z0^4*z1^6 - x^13*z0^2*z1^7 + x^9*z0^5*z1^8 - 2*x^9*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^9*z0*z1^8 - x^9*z0*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^19*z0^4 + 2*x^18*z0^2*z1 + x^14*z0^5*z1^2 - x^13*z0^3*z1^3 + x^9*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^9*z0^6 - 2*x^9*z0^2*z1^4 - x^9*z0^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^19*z0^4*z1 + 2*x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^14*z0^5*z1^3 - x^13*z0^3*z1^4 + x^9*z0^6*z1^5 - 2*x^9*z0^6*z1 - 2*x^9*z0^2*z1^5 - x^9*z0^2*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^19*z0^4*z1^2 + 2*x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^14*z0^5*z1^4 - x^13*z0^3*z1^5 + x^9*z0^6*z1^6 - 2*x^9*z0^6*z1^2 - 2*x^9*z0^2*z1^6 - x^9*z0^2*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^19*z0^4*z1^3 + 2*x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^14*z0^5*z1^5 - x^13*z0^3*z1^6 + x^9*z0^6*z1^7 - 2*x^9*z0^6*z1^3 - 2*x^9*z0^2*z1^7 - x^9*z0^2*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^19*z0^4*z1^4 + 2*x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^14*z0^5*z1^6 - x^13*z0^3*z1^7 + x^9*z0^6*z1^8 - 2*x^9*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^9*z0^2*z1^8 - x^9*z0^2*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^19*z0^5 + 2*x^18*z0^3*z1 + x^14*z0^6*z1^2 - x^13*z0^4*z1^3 + x^9*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^9*z0^7 - 2*x^9*z0^3*z1^4 - x^9*z0^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^19*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^18*z0^3*z1^2 + x^14*z0^6*z1^3 - x^13*z0^4*z1^4 + x^9*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^9*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^9*z0^3*z1^5 - x^9*z0^3*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^19*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^18*z0^3*z1^3 + x^14*z0^6*z1^4 - x^13*z0^4*z1^5 + x^9*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^9*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^9*z0^3*z1^6 - x^9*z0^3*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^19*z0^5*z1^3 + 2*x^18*z0^3*z1^4 + x^14*z0^6*z1^5 - x^13*z0^4*z1^6 + x^9*z0^7*z1^7 - 2*x^9*z0^7*z1^3 - 2*x^9*z0^3*z1^7 - x^9*z0^3*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^19*z0^5*z1^4 + 2*x^18*z0^3*z1^5 + x^14*z0^6*z1^6 - x^13*z0^4*z1^7 + x^9*z0^7*z1^8 - 2*x^9*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^9*z0^3*z1^8 - x^9*z0^3*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^19*z0^6 + 2*x^18*z0^4*z1 + x^14*z0^7*z1^2 - x^13*z0^5*z1^3 + x^9*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^9*z0^8 - 2*x^9*z0^4*z1^4 - x^9*z0^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^19*z0^6*z1 + 2*x^18*z0^4*z1^2 + x^14*z0^7*z1^3 - x^13*z0^5*z1^4 + x^9*z0^8*z1^5 - 2*x^9*z0^8*z1 - 2*x^9*z0^4*z1^5 - x^9*z0^4*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^19*z0^6*z1^2 + 2*x^18*z0^4*z1^3 + x^14*z0^7*z1^4 - x^13*z0^5*z1^5 + x^9*z0^8*z1^6 - 2*x^9*z0^8*z1^2 - 2*x^9*z0^4*z1^6 - x^9*z0^4*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^19*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^18*z0^4*z1^4 + x^14*z0^7*z1^5 - x^13*z0^5*z1^6 + x^9*z0^8*z1^7 - 2*x^9*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*x^9*z0^4*z1^7 - x^9*z0^4*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^19*z0^6*z1^4 + 2*x^18*z0^4*z1^5 + x^14*z0^7*z1^6 - x^13*z0^5*z1^7 + x^9*z0^8*z1^8 - 2*x^9*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^9*z0^4*z1^8 - x^9*z0^4*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^20*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^19*z1^2 + x^15*z0^3*z1^3 - x^14*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^10*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^10*z1^5 - x^10*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^20*z0^2*z1^2 + 2*x^19*z1^3 + x^15*z0^3*z1^4 - x^14*z0*z1^5 + x^10*z0^4*z1^6 - 2*x^10*z0^4*z1^2 - 2*x^10*z1^6 - x^10*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^20*z0^2*z1^3 + 2*x^19*z1^4 + x^15*z0^3*z1^5 - x^14*z0*z1^6 + x^10*z0^4*z1^7 - 2*x^10*z0^4*z1^3 - 2*x^10*z1^7 - x^10*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^20*z0^2*z1^4 + 2*x^19*z1^5 + x^15*z0^3*z1^6 - x^14*z0*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^8 - 2*x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - 2*x^10*z1^8 - x^10*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^20*z0^3 + 2*x^19*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 - x^14*z0^2*z1^3 + x^10*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^10*z0^5 - 2*x^10*z0*z1^4 - x^10*z0
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^20*z0^3*z1 + 2*x^19*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^3 - x^14*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^5*z1^5 - 2*x^10*z0^5*z1 - 2*x^10*z0*z1^5 - x^10*z0*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^20*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^19*z0*z1^3 + x^15*z0^4*z1^4 - x^14*z0^2*z1^5 + x^10*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^10*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^10*z0*z1^6 - x^10*z0*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^20*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^19*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^5 - x^14*z0^2*z1^6 + x^10*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^10*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^10*z0*z1^7 - x^10*z0*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^20*z0^3*z1^4 + 2*x^19*z0*z1^5 + x^15*z0^4*z1^6 - x^14*z0^2*z1^7 + x^10*z0^5*z1^8 - 2*x^10*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^10*z0*z1^8 - x^10*z0*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^20*z0^4 + 2*x^19*z0^2*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^14*z0^3*z1^3 + x^10*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^10*z0^6 - 2*x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^20*z0^4*z1 + 2*x^19*z0^2*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^3 - x^14*z0^3*z1^4 + x^10*z0^6*z1^5 - 2*x^10*z0^6*z1 - 2*x^10*z0^2*z1^5 - x^10*z0^2*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^20*z0^4*z1^2 + 2*x^19*z0^2*z1^3 + x^15*z0^5*z1^4 - x^14*z0^3*z1^5 + x^10*z0^6*z1^6 - 2*x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - 2*x^10*z0^2*z1^6 - x^10*z0^2*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^20*z0^4*z1^3 + 2*x^19*z0^2*z1^4 + x^15*z0^5*z1^5 - x^14*z0^3*z1^6 + x^10*z0^6*z1^7 - 2*x^10*z0^6*z1^3 - 2*x^10*z0^2*z1^7 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^20*z0^4*z1^4 + 2*x^19*z0^2*z1^5 + x^15*z0^5*z1^6 - x^14*z0^3*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6*z1^8 - 2*x^10*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^10*z0^2*z1^8 - x^10*z0^2*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^20*z0^5 + 2*x^19*z0^3*z1 + x^15*z0^6*z1^2 - x^14*z0^4*z1^3 + x^10*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^10*z0^7 - 2*x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^20*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^19*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^6*z1^3 - x^14*z0^4*z1^4 + x^10*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^10*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^10*z0^3*z1^5 - x^10*z0^3*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^20*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^19*z0^3*z1^3 + x^15*z0^6*z1^4 - x^14*z0^4*z1^5 + x^10*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^10*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^10*z0^3*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^20*z0^5*z1^3 + 2*x^19*z0^3*z1^4 + x^15*z0^6*z1^5 - x^14*z0^4*z1^6 + x^10*z0^7*z1^7 - 2*x^10*z0^7*z1^3 - 2*x^10*z0^3*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^20*z0^5*z1^4 + 2*x^19*z0^3*z1^5 + x^15*z0^6*z1^6 - x^14*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^7*z1^8 - 2*x^10*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^10*z0^3*z1^8 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^20*z0^6 + 2*x^19*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^7*z1^2 - x^14*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^10*z0^8 - 2*x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^10*z0^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^20*z0^6*z1 + 2*x^19*z0^4*z1^2 + x^15*z0^7*z1^3 - x^14*z0^5*z1^4 + x^10*z0^8*z1^5 - 2*x^10*z0^8*z1 - 2*x^10*z0^4*z1^5 - x^10*z0^4*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^20*z0^6*z1^2 + 2*x^19*z0^4*z1^3 + x^15*z0^7*z1^4 - x^14*z0^5*z1^5 + x^10*z0^8*z1^6 - 2*x^10*z0^8*z1^2 - 2*x^10*z0^4*z1^6 - x^10*z0^4*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^20*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^19*z0^4*z1^4 + x^15*z0^7*z1^5 - x^14*z0^5*z1^6 + x^10*z0^8*z1^7 - 2*x^10*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*x^10*z0^4*z1^7 - x^10*z0^4*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^20*z0^6*z1^4 + 2*x^19*z0^4*z1^5 + x^15*z0^7*z1^6 - x^14*z0^5*z1^7 + x^10*z0^8*z1^8 - 2*x^10*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^10*z0^4*z1^8 - x^10*z0^4*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^21*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^20*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^3 - x^15*z0*z1^4 + x^11*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^11*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^11*z1^5 - x^11*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^21*z0^2*z1^2 + 2*x^20*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1^4 - x^15*z0*z1^5 + x^11*z0^4*z1^6 - 2*x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - 2*x^11*z1^6 - x^11*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^21*z0^2*z1^3 + 2*x^20*z1^4 + x^16*z0^3*z1^5 - x^15*z0*z1^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1^7 - 2*x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - 2*x^11*z1^7 - x^11*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^21*z0^2*z1^4 + 2*x^20*z1^5 + x^16*z0^3*z1^6 - x^15*z0*z1^7 + x^11*z0^4*z1^8 - 2*x^11*z0^4*z1^4 - 2*x^11*z1^8 - x^11*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^21*z0^3 + 2*x^20*z0*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^11*z0^5 - 2*x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^21*z0^3*z1 + 2*x^20*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^4*z1^3 - x^15*z0^2*z1^4 + x^11*z0^5*z1^5 - 2*x^11*z0^5*z1 - 2*x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^21*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^20*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^4*z1^4 - x^15*z0^2*z1^5 + x^11*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^11*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^11*z0*z1^6 - x^11*z0*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^21*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^20*z0*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4*z1^5 - x^15*z0^2*z1^6 + x^11*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^11*z0*z1^7 - x^11*z0*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^21*z0^3*z1^4 + 2*x^20*z0*z1^5 + x^16*z0^4*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^7 + x^11*z0^5*z1^8 - 2*x^11*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^11*z0*z1^8 - x^11*z0*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^21*z0^4 + 2*x^20*z0^2*z1 + x^16*z0^5*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^3 + x^11*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^11*z0^6 - 2*x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^11*z0^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^21*z0^4*z1 + 2*x^20*z0^2*z1^2 + x^16*z0^5*z1^3 - x^15*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0^6*z1^5 - 2*x^11*z0^6*z1 - 2*x^11*z0^2*z1^5 - x^11*z0^2*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^21*z0^4*z1^2 + 2*x^20*z0^2*z1^3 + x^16*z0^5*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^5 + x^11*z0^6*z1^6 - 2*x^11*z0^6*z1^2 - 2*x^11*z0^2*z1^6 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^21*z0^4*z1^3 + 2*x^20*z0^2*z1^4 + x^16*z0^5*z1^5 - x^15*z0^3*z1^6 + x^11*z0^6*z1^7 - 2*x^11*z0^6*z1^3 - 2*x^11*z0^2*z1^7 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^21*z0^4*z1^4 + 2*x^20*z0^2*z1^5 + x^16*z0^5*z1^6 - x^15*z0^3*z1^7 + x^11*z0^6*z1^8 - 2*x^11*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^11*z0^2*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^21*z0^5 + 2*x^20*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^6*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^11*z0^7 - 2*x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^21*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^20*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0^6*z1^3 - x^15*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^11*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^11*z0^3*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^21*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^20*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16*z0^6*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^5 + x^11*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^11*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^11*z0^3*z1^6 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^21*z0^5*z1^3 + 2*x^20*z0^3*z1^4 + x^16*z0^6*z1^5 - x^15*z0^4*z1^6 + x^11*z0^7*z1^7 - 2*x^11*z0^7*z1^3 - 2*x^11*z0^3*z1^7 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^21*z0^5*z1^4 + 2*x^20*z0^3*z1^5 + x^16*z0^6*z1^6 - x^15*z0^4*z1^7 + x^11*z0^7*z1^8 - 2*x^11*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^11*z0^3*z1^8 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^21*z0^6 + 2*x^20*z0^4*z1 + x^16*z0^7*z1^2 - x^15*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^11*z0^8 - 2*x^11*z0^4*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^21*z0^6*z1 + 2*x^20*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^7*z1^3 - x^15*z0^5*z1^4 + x^11*z0^8*z1^5 - 2*x^11*z0^8*z1 - 2*x^11*z0^4*z1^5 - x^11*z0^4*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^21*z0^6*z1^2 + 2*x^20*z0^4*z1^3 + x^16*z0^7*z1^4 - x^15*z0^5*z1^5 + x^11*z0^8*z1^6 - 2*x^11*z0^8*z1^2 - 2*x^11*z0^4*z1^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^21*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^20*z0^4*z1^4 + x^16*z0^7*z1^5 - x^15*z0^5*z1^6 + x^11*z0^8*z1^7 - 2*x^11*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*x^11*z0^4*z1^7 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^21*z0^6*z1^4 + 2*x^20*z0^4*z1^5 + x^16*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^5*z1^7 + x^11*z0^8*z1^8 - 2*x^11*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^11*z0^4*z1^8 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^22*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^21*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^12*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^12*z1^5 - x^12*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^22*z0^2*z1^2 + 2*x^21*z1^3 + x^17*z0^3*z1^4 - x^16*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^6 - 2*x^12*z0^4*z1^2 - 2*x^12*z1^6 - x^12*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^22*z0^2*z1^3 + 2*x^21*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1^5 - x^16*z0*z1^6 + x^12*z0^4*z1^7 - 2*x^12*z0^4*z1^3 - 2*x^12*z1^7 - x^12*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^22*z0^2*z1^4 + 2*x^21*z1^5 + x^17*z0^3*z1^6 - x^16*z0*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^8 - 2*x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - 2*x^12*z1^8 - x^12*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^22*z0^3 + 2*x^21*z0*z1 + x^17*z0^4*z1^2 - x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^12*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^12*z0^5 - 2*x^12*z0*z1^4 - x^12*z0
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^22*z0^3*z1 + 2*x^21*z0*z1^2 + x^17*z0^4*z1^3 - x^16*z0^2*z1^4 + x^12*z0^5*z1^5 - 2*x^12*z0^5*z1 - 2*x^12*z0*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^22*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^21*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z0^4*z1^4 - x^16*z0^2*z1^5 + x^12*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^12*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^12*z0*z1^6 - x^12*z0*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^22*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^21*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^4*z1^5 - x^16*z0^2*z1^6 + x^12*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^12*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^12*z0*z1^7 - x^12*z0*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^22*z0^3*z1^4 + 2*x^21*z0*z1^5 + x^17*z0^4*z1^6 - x^16*z0^2*z1^7 + x^12*z0^5*z1^8 - 2*x^12*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^12*z0*z1^8 - x^12*z0*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^22*z0^4 + 2*x^21*z0^2*z1 + x^17*z0^5*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^3 + x^12*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^12*z0^6 - 2*x^12*z0^2*z1^4 - x^12*z0^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^22*z0^4*z1 + 2*x^21*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^5*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z0^6*z1^5 - 2*x^12*z0^6*z1 - 2*x^12*z0^2*z1^5 - x^12*z0^2*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^22*z0^4*z1^2 + 2*x^21*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0^5*z1^4 - x^16*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^6*z1^6 - 2*x^12*z0^6*z1^2 - 2*x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^12*z0^2*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^22*z0^4*z1^3 + 2*x^21*z0^2*z1^4 + x^17*z0^5*z1^5 - x^16*z0^3*z1^6 + x^12*z0^6*z1^7 - 2*x^12*z0^6*z1^3 - 2*x^12*z0^2*z1^7 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^22*z0^4*z1^4 + 2*x^21*z0^2*z1^5 + x^17*z0^5*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3*z1^7 + x^12*z0^6*z1^8 - 2*x^12*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^12*z0^2*z1^8 - x^12*z0^2*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^22*z0^5 + 2*x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^6*z1^2 - x^16*z0^4*z1^3 + x^12*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^12*z0^7 - 2*x^12*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^22*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^21*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z0^6*z1^3 - x^16*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^12*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^12*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0^3*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^22*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^21*z0^3*z1^3 + x^17*z0^6*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4*z1^5 + x^12*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^12*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^12*z0^3*z1^6 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^22*z0^5*z1^3 + 2*x^21*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17*z0^6*z1^5 - x^16*z0^4*z1^6 + x^12*z0^7*z1^7 - 2*x^12*z0^7*z1^3 - 2*x^12*z0^3*z1^7 - x^12*z0^3*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^22*z0^5*z1^4 + 2*x^21*z0^3*z1^5 + x^17*z0^6*z1^6 - x^16*z0^4*z1^7 + x^12*z0^7*z1^8 - 2*x^12*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^12*z0^3*z1^8 - x^12*z0^3*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^22*z0^6 + 2*x^21*z0^4*z1 + x^17*z0^7*z1^2 - x^16*z0^5*z1^3 + x^12*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^12*z0^8 - 2*x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^22*z0^6*z1 + 2*x^21*z0^4*z1^2 + x^17*z0^7*z1^3 - x^16*z0^5*z1^4 + x^12*z0^8*z1^5 - 2*x^12*z0^8*z1 - 2*x^12*z0^4*z1^5 - x^12*z0^4*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^22*z0^6*z1^2 + 2*x^21*z0^4*z1^3 + x^17*z0^7*z1^4 - x^16*z0^5*z1^5 + x^12*z0^8*z1^6 - 2*x^12*z0^8*z1^2 - 2*x^12*z0^4*z1^6 - x^12*z0^4*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^22*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^21*z0^4*z1^4 + x^17*z0^7*z1^5 - x^16*z0^5*z1^6 + x^12*z0^8*z1^7 - 2*x^12*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*x^12*z0^4*z1^7 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^22*z0^6*z1^4 + 2*x^21*z0^4*z1^5 + x^17*z0^7*z1^6 - x^16*z0^5*z1^7 + x^12*z0^8*z1^8 - 2*x^12*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^12*z0^4*z1^8 - x^12*z0^4*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^23*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^3*z1^3 - x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^13*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^13*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^13*z1^5 - x^13*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^23*z0^2*z1^2 + 2*x^22*z1^3 + x^18*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17*z0*z1^5 + x^13*z0^4*z1^6 - 2*x^13*z0^4*z1^2 - 2*x^13*z1^6 - x^13*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^23*z0^2*z1^3 + 2*x^22*z1^4 + x^18*z0^3*z1^5 - x^17*z0*z1^6 + x^13*z0^4*z1^7 - 2*x^13*z0^4*z1^3 - 2*x^13*z1^7 - x^13*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^23*z0^2*z1^4 + 2*x^22*z1^5 + x^18*z0^3*z1^6 - x^17*z0*z1^7 + x^13*z0^4*z1^8 - 2*x^13*z0^4*z1^4 - 2*x^13*z1^8 - x^13*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^23*z0^3 + 2*x^22*z0*z1 + x^18*z0^4*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^13*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^13*z0^5 - 2*x^13*z0*z1^4 - x^13*z0
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^23*z0^3*z1 + 2*x^22*z0*z1^2 + x^18*z0^4*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2*z1^4 + x^13*z0^5*z1^5 - 2*x^13*z0^5*z1 - 2*x^13*z0*z1^5 - x^13*z0*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^23*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^22*z0*z1^3 + x^18*z0^4*z1^4 - x^17*z0^2*z1^5 + x^13*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^13*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^13*z0*z1^6 - x^13*z0*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^23*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^22*z0*z1^4 + x^18*z0^4*z1^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1^6 + x^13*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^13*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^13*z0*z1^7 - x^13*z0*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^23*z0^3*z1^4 + 2*x^22*z0*z1^5 + x^18*z0^4*z1^6 - x^17*z0^2*z1^7 + x^13*z0^5*z1^8 - 2*x^13*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^13*z0*z1^8 - x^13*z0*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^23*z0^4 + 2*x^22*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1^3 + x^13*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^13*z0^6 - 2*x^13*z0^2*z1^4 - x^13*z0^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^23*z0^4*z1 + 2*x^22*z0^2*z1^2 + x^18*z0^5*z1^3 - x^17*z0^3*z1^4 + x^13*z0^6*z1^5 - 2*x^13*z0^6*z1 - 2*x^13*z0^2*z1^5 - x^13*z0^2*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^23*z0^4*z1^2 + 2*x^22*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^5*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1^5 + x^13*z0^6*z1^6 - 2*x^13*z0^6*z1^2 - 2*x^13*z0^2*z1^6 - x^13*z0^2*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^23*z0^4*z1^3 + 2*x^22*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0^5*z1^5 - x^17*z0^3*z1^6 + x^13*z0^6*z1^7 - 2*x^13*z0^6*z1^3 - 2*x^13*z0^2*z1^7 - x^13*z0^2*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^23*z0^4*z1^4 + 2*x^22*z0^2*z1^5 + x^18*z0^5*z1^6 - x^17*z0^3*z1^7 + x^13*z0^6*z1^8 - 2*x^13*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^13*z0^2*z1^8 - x^13*z0^2*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^23*z0^5 + 2*x^22*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^6*z1^2 - x^17*z0^4*z1^3 + x^13*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^13*z0^7 - 2*x^13*z0^3*z1^4 - x^13*z0^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^23*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^22*z0^3*z1^2 + x^18*z0^6*z1^3 - x^17*z0^4*z1^4 + x^13*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^13*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^13*z0^3*z1^5 - x^13*z0^3*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^23*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^22*z0^3*z1^3 + x^18*z0^6*z1^4 - x^17*z0^4*z1^5 + x^13*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^13*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^13*z0^3*z1^6 - x^13*z0^3*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^23*z0^5*z1^3 + 2*x^22*z0^3*z1^4 + x^18*z0^6*z1^5 - x^17*z0^4*z1^6 + x^13*z0^7*z1^7 - 2*x^13*z0^7*z1^3 - 2*x^13*z0^3*z1^7 - x^13*z0^3*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^23*z0^5*z1^4 + 2*x^22*z0^3*z1^5 + x^18*z0^6*z1^6 - x^17*z0^4*z1^7 + x^13*z0^7*z1^8 - 2*x^13*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^13*z0^3*z1^8 - x^13*z0^3*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^23*z0^6 + 2*x^22*z0^4*z1 + x^18*z0^7*z1^2 - x^17*z0^5*z1^3 + x^13*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^13*z0^8 - 2*x^13*z0^4*z1^4 - x^13*z0^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^23*z0^6*z1 + 2*x^22*z0^4*z1^2 + x^18*z0^7*z1^3 - x^17*z0^5*z1^4 + x^13*z0^8*z1^5 - 2*x^13*z0^8*z1 - 2*x^13*z0^4*z1^5 - x^13*z0^4*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^23*z0^6*z1^2 + 2*x^22*z0^4*z1^3 + x^18*z0^7*z1^4 - x^17*z0^5*z1^5 + x^13*z0^8*z1^6 - 2*x^13*z0^8*z1^2 - 2*x^13*z0^4*z1^6 - x^13*z0^4*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^23*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^22*z0^4*z1^4 + x^18*z0^7*z1^5 - x^17*z0^5*z1^6 + x^13*z0^8*z1^7 - 2*x^13*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*x^13*z0^4*z1^7 - x^13*z0^4*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^23*z0^6*z1^4 + 2*x^22*z0^4*z1^5 + x^18*z0^7*z1^6 - x^17*z0^5*z1^7 + x^13*z0^8*z1^8 - 2*x^13*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^13*z0^4*z1^8 - x^13*z0^4*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^24*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^23*z1^2 + x^19*z0^3*z1^3 - x^18*z0*z1^4 + x^14*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^14*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^14*z1^5 - x^14*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^24*z0^2*z1^2 + 2*x^23*z1^3 + x^19*z0^3*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^14*z0^4*z1^6 - 2*x^14*z0^4*z1^2 - 2*x^14*z1^6 - x^14*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^24*z0^2*z1^3 + 2*x^23*z1^4 + x^19*z0^3*z1^5 - x^18*z0*z1^6 + x^14*z0^4*z1^7 - 2*x^14*z0^4*z1^3 - 2*x^14*z1^7 - x^14*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^24*z0^2*z1^4 + 2*x^23*z1^5 + x^19*z0^3*z1^6 - x^18*z0*z1^7 + x^14*z0^4*z1^8 - 2*x^14*z0^4*z1^4 - 2*x^14*z1^8 - x^14*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^24*z0^3 + 2*x^23*z0*z1 + x^19*z0^4*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^14*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^14*z0^5 - 2*x^14*z0*z1^4 - x^14*z0
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^24*z0^3*z1 + 2*x^23*z0*z1^2 + x^19*z0^4*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^14*z0^5*z1^5 - 2*x^14*z0^5*z1 - 2*x^14*z0*z1^5 - x^14*z0*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^24*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^19*z0^4*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^14*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^14*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^14*z0*z1^6 - x^14*z0*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^24*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^23*z0*z1^4 + x^19*z0^4*z1^5 - x^18*z0^2*z1^6 + x^14*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^14*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^14*z0*z1^7 - x^14*z0*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^24*z0^3*z1^4 + 2*x^23*z0*z1^5 + x^19*z0^4*z1^6 - x^18*z0^2*z1^7 + x^14*z0^5*z1^8 - 2*x^14*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^14*z0*z1^8 - x^14*z0*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^24*z0^4 + 2*x^23*z0^2*z1 + x^19*z0^5*z1^2 - x^18*z0^3*z1^3 + x^14*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^14*z0^6 - 2*x^14*z0^2*z1^4 - x^14*z0^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^24*z0^4*z1 + 2*x^23*z0^2*z1^2 + x^19*z0^5*z1^3 - x^18*z0^3*z1^4 + x^14*z0^6*z1^5 - 2*x^14*z0^6*z1 - 2*x^14*z0^2*z1^5 - x^14*z0^2*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^24*z0^4*z1^2 + 2*x^23*z0^2*z1^3 + x^19*z0^5*z1^4 - x^18*z0^3*z1^5 + x^14*z0^6*z1^6 - 2*x^14*z0^6*z1^2 - 2*x^14*z0^2*z1^6 - x^14*z0^2*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^24*z0^4*z1^3 + 2*x^23*z0^2*z1^4 + x^19*z0^5*z1^5 - x^18*z0^3*z1^6 + x^14*z0^6*z1^7 - 2*x^14*z0^6*z1^3 - 2*x^14*z0^2*z1^7 - x^14*z0^2*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^24*z0^4*z1^4 + 2*x^23*z0^2*z1^5 + x^19*z0^5*z1^6 - x^18*z0^3*z1^7 + x^14*z0^6*z1^8 - 2*x^14*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^14*z0^2*z1^8 - x^14*z0^2*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^24*z0^5 + 2*x^23*z0^3*z1 + x^19*z0^6*z1^2 - x^18*z0^4*z1^3 + x^14*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^14*z0^7 - 2*x^14*z0^3*z1^4 - x^14*z0^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^24*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^23*z0^3*z1^2 + x^19*z0^6*z1^3 - x^18*z0^4*z1^4 + x^14*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^14*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^14*z0^3*z1^5 - x^14*z0^3*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^24*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^23*z0^3*z1^3 + x^19*z0^6*z1^4 - x^18*z0^4*z1^5 + x^14*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^14*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^14*z0^3*z1^6 - x^14*z0^3*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^24*z0^5*z1^3 + 2*x^23*z0^3*z1^4 + x^19*z0^6*z1^5 - x^18*z0^4*z1^6 + x^14*z0^7*z1^7 - 2*x^14*z0^7*z1^3 - 2*x^14*z0^3*z1^7 - x^14*z0^3*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^24*z0^5*z1^4 + 2*x^23*z0^3*z1^5 + x^19*z0^6*z1^6 - x^18*z0^4*z1^7 + x^14*z0^7*z1^8 - 2*x^14*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^14*z0^3*z1^8 - x^14*z0^3*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^24*z0^6 + 2*x^23*z0^4*z1 + x^19*z0^7*z1^2 - x^18*z0^5*z1^3 + x^14*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^14*z0^8 - 2*x^14*z0^4*z1^4 - x^14*z0^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^24*z0^6*z1 + 2*x^23*z0^4*z1^2 + x^19*z0^7*z1^3 - x^18*z0^5*z1^4 + x^14*z0^8*z1^5 - 2*x^14*z0^8*z1 - 2*x^14*z0^4*z1^5 - x^14*z0^4*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^24*z0^6*z1^2 + 2*x^23*z0^4*z1^3 + x^19*z0^7*z1^4 - x^18*z0^5*z1^5 + x^14*z0^8*z1^6 - 2*x^14*z0^8*z1^2 - 2*x^14*z0^4*z1^6 - x^14*z0^4*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^24*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^23*z0^4*z1^4 + x^19*z0^7*z1^5 - x^18*z0^5*z1^6 + x^14*z0^8*z1^7 - 2*x^14*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*x^14*z0^4*z1^7 - x^14*z0^4*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^24*z0^6*z1^4 + 2*x^23*z0^4*z1^5 + x^19*z0^7*z1^6 - x^18*z0^5*z1^7 + x^14*z0^8*z1^8 - 2*x^14*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^14*z0^4*z1^8 - x^14*z0^4*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^25*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^24*z1^2 + x^20*z0^3*z1^3 - x^19*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^15*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^15*z1^5 - x^15*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^25*z0^2*z1^2 + 2*x^24*z1^3 + x^20*z0^3*z1^4 - x^19*z0*z1^5 + x^15*z0^4*z1^6 - 2*x^15*z0^4*z1^2 - 2*x^15*z1^6 - x^15*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^25*z0^2*z1^3 + 2*x^24*z1^4 + x^20*z0^3*z1^5 - x^19*z0*z1^6 + x^15*z0^4*z1^7 - 2*x^15*z0^4*z1^3 - 2*x^15*z1^7 - x^15*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^25*z0^2*z1^4 + 2*x^24*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3*z1^6 - x^19*z0*z1^7 + x^15*z0^4*z1^8 - 2*x^15*z0^4*z1^4 - 2*x^15*z1^8 - x^15*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^25*z0^3 + 2*x^24*z0*z1 + x^20*z0^4*z1^2 - x^19*z0^2*z1^3 + x^15*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^15*z0^5 - 2*x^15*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^25*z0^3*z1 + 2*x^24*z0*z1^2 + x^20*z0^4*z1^3 - x^19*z0^2*z1^4 + x^15*z0^5*z1^5 - 2*x^15*z0^5*z1 - 2*x^15*z0*z1^5 - x^15*z0*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^25*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^24*z0*z1^3 + x^20*z0^4*z1^4 - x^19*z0^2*z1^5 + x^15*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^15*z0*z1^6 - x^15*z0*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^25*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^24*z0*z1^4 + x^20*z0^4*z1^5 - x^19*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^15*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^15*z0*z1^7 - x^15*z0*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^25*z0^3*z1^4 + 2*x^24*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4*z1^6 - x^19*z0^2*z1^7 + x^15*z0^5*z1^8 - 2*x^15*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^15*z0*z1^8 - x^15*z0*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^25*z0^4 + 2*x^24*z0^2*z1 + x^20*z0^5*z1^2 - x^19*z0^3*z1^3 + x^15*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^15*z0^6 - 2*x^15*z0^2*z1^4 - x^15*z0^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^25*z0^4*z1 + 2*x^24*z0^2*z1^2 + x^20*z0^5*z1^3 - x^19*z0^3*z1^4 + x^15*z0^6*z1^5 - 2*x^15*z0^6*z1 - 2*x^15*z0^2*z1^5 - x^15*z0^2*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^25*z0^4*z1^2 + 2*x^24*z0^2*z1^3 + x^20*z0^5*z1^4 - x^19*z0^3*z1^5 + x^15*z0^6*z1^6 - 2*x^15*z0^6*z1^2 - 2*x^15*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^25*z0^4*z1^3 + 2*x^24*z0^2*z1^4 + x^20*z0^5*z1^5 - x^19*z0^3*z1^6 + x^15*z0^6*z1^7 - 2*x^15*z0^6*z1^3 - 2*x^15*z0^2*z1^7 - x^15*z0^2*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^25*z0^4*z1^4 + 2*x^24*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^5*z1^6 - x^19*z0^3*z1^7 + x^15*z0^6*z1^8 - 2*x^15*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^15*z0^2*z1^8 - x^15*z0^2*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^25*z0^5 + 2*x^24*z0^3*z1 + x^20*z0^6*z1^2 - x^19*z0^4*z1^3 + x^15*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^15*z0^7 - 2*x^15*z0^3*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^25*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^24*z0^3*z1^2 + x^20*z0^6*z1^3 - x^19*z0^4*z1^4 + x^15*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^15*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^15*z0^3*z1^5 - x^15*z0^3*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^25*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^24*z0^3*z1^3 + x^20*z0^6*z1^4 - x^19*z0^4*z1^5 + x^15*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^15*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^15*z0^3*z1^6 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^25*z0^5*z1^3 + 2*x^24*z0^3*z1^4 + x^20*z0^6*z1^5 - x^19*z0^4*z1^6 + x^15*z0^7*z1^7 - 2*x^15*z0^7*z1^3 - 2*x^15*z0^3*z1^7 - x^15*z0^3*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^25*z0^5*z1^4 + 2*x^24*z0^3*z1^5 + x^20*z0^6*z1^6 - x^19*z0^4*z1^7 + x^15*z0^7*z1^8 - 2*x^15*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^15*z0^3*z1^8 - x^15*z0^3*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^25*z0^6 + 2*x^24*z0^4*z1 + x^20*z0^7*z1^2 - x^19*z0^5*z1^3 + x^15*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^15*z0^8 - 2*x^15*z0^4*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^25*z0^6*z1 + 2*x^24*z0^4*z1^2 + x^20*z0^7*z1^3 - x^19*z0^5*z1^4 + x^15*z0^8*z1^5 - 2*x^15*z0^8*z1 - 2*x^15*z0^4*z1^5 - x^15*z0^4*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^25*z0^6*z1^2 + 2*x^24*z0^4*z1^3 + x^20*z0^7*z1^4 - x^19*z0^5*z1^5 + x^15*z0^8*z1^6 - 2*x^15*z0^8*z1^2 - 2*x^15*z0^4*z1^6 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^25*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^24*z0^4*z1^4 + x^20*z0^7*z1^5 - x^19*z0^5*z1^6 + x^15*z0^8*z1^7 - 2*x^15*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*x^15*z0^4*z1^7 - x^15*z0^4*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^25*z0^6*z1^4 + 2*x^24*z0^4*z1^5 + x^20*z0^7*z1^6 - x^19*z0^5*z1^7 + x^15*z0^8*z1^8 - 2*x^15*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^15*z0^4*z1^8 - x^15*z0^4*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^26*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^25*z1^2 + x^21*z0^3*z1^3 - x^20*z0*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^16*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^16*z1^5 - x^16*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^26*z0^2*z1^2 + 2*x^25*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1^4 - x^20*z0*z1^5 + x^16*z0^4*z1^6 - 2*x^16*z0^4*z1^2 - 2*x^16*z1^6 - x^16*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^26*z0^2*z1^3 + 2*x^25*z1^4 + x^21*z0^3*z1^5 - x^20*z0*z1^6 + x^16*z0^4*z1^7 - 2*x^16*z0^4*z1^3 - 2*x^16*z1^7 - x^16*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^26*z0^2*z1^4 + 2*x^25*z1^5 + x^21*z0^3*z1^6 - x^20*z0*z1^7 + x^16*z0^4*z1^8 - 2*x^16*z0^4*z1^4 - 2*x^16*z1^8 - x^16*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^26*z0^3 + 2*x^25*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^4*z1^2 - x^20*z0^2*z1^3 + x^16*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^16*z0^5 - 2*x^16*z0*z1^4 - x^16*z0
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^26*z0^3*z1 + 2*x^25*z0*z1^2 + x^21*z0^4*z1^3 - x^20*z0^2*z1^4 + x^16*z0^5*z1^5 - 2*x^16*z0^5*z1 - 2*x^16*z0*z1^5 - x^16*z0*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^26*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^25*z0*z1^3 + x^21*z0^4*z1^4 - x^20*z0^2*z1^5 + x^16*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^16*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^16*z0*z1^6 - x^16*z0*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^26*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^25*z0*z1^4 + x^21*z0^4*z1^5 - x^20*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^16*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^16*z0*z1^7 - x^16*z0*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^26*z0^3*z1^4 + 2*x^25*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^4*z1^6 - x^20*z0^2*z1^7 + x^16*z0^5*z1^8 - 2*x^16*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^16*z0*z1^8 - x^16*z0*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^26*z0^4 + 2*x^25*z0^2*z1 + x^21*z0^5*z1^2 - x^20*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^16*z0^6 - 2*x^16*z0^2*z1^4 - x^16*z0^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^26*z0^4*z1 + 2*x^25*z0^2*z1^2 + x^21*z0^5*z1^3 - x^20*z0^3*z1^4 + x^16*z0^6*z1^5 - 2*x^16*z0^6*z1 - 2*x^16*z0^2*z1^5 - x^16*z0^2*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^26*z0^4*z1^2 + 2*x^25*z0^2*z1^3 + x^21*z0^5*z1^4 - x^20*z0^3*z1^5 + x^16*z0^6*z1^6 - 2*x^16*z0^6*z1^2 - 2*x^16*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^2*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^26*z0^4*z1^3 + 2*x^25*z0^2*z1^4 + x^21*z0^5*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3*z1^6 + x^16*z0^6*z1^7 - 2*x^16*z0^6*z1^3 - 2*x^16*z0^2*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^26*z0^4*z1^4 + 2*x^25*z0^2*z1^5 + x^21*z0^5*z1^6 - x^20*z0^3*z1^7 + x^16*z0^6*z1^8 - 2*x^16*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^16*z0^2*z1^8 - x^16*z0^2*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^26*z0^5 + 2*x^25*z0^3*z1 + x^21*z0^6*z1^2 - x^20*z0^4*z1^3 + x^16*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^16*z0^7 - 2*x^16*z0^3*z1^4 - x^16*z0^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^26*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^25*z0^3*z1^2 + x^21*z0^6*z1^3 - x^20*z0^4*z1^4 + x^16*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^16*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^16*z0^3*z1^5 - x^16*z0^3*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^26*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^25*z0^3*z1^3 + x^21*z0^6*z1^4 - x^20*z0^4*z1^5 + x^16*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^16*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^16*z0^3*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^26*z0^5*z1^3 + 2*x^25*z0^3*z1^4 + x^21*z0^6*z1^5 - x^20*z0^4*z1^6 + x^16*z0^7*z1^7 - 2*x^16*z0^7*z1^3 - 2*x^16*z0^3*z1^7 - x^16*z0^3*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^26*z0^5*z1^4 + 2*x^25*z0^3*z1^5 + x^21*z0^6*z1^6 - x^20*z0^4*z1^7 + x^16*z0^7*z1^8 - 2*x^16*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^16*z0^3*z1^8 - x^16*z0^3*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^26*z0^6 + 2*x^25*z0^4*z1 + x^21*z0^7*z1^2 - x^20*z0^5*z1^3 + x^16*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^16*z0^8 - 2*x^16*z0^4*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^26*z0^6*z1 + 2*x^25*z0^4*z1^2 + x^21*z0^7*z1^3 - x^20*z0^5*z1^4 + x^16*z0^8*z1^5 - 2*x^16*z0^8*z1 - 2*x^16*z0^4*z1^5 - x^16*z0^4*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^26*z0^6*z1^2 + 2*x^25*z0^4*z1^3 + x^21*z0^7*z1^4 - x^20*z0^5*z1^5 + x^16*z0^8*z1^6 - 2*x^16*z0^8*z1^2 - 2*x^16*z0^4*z1^6 - x^16*z0^4*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^26*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^25*z0^4*z1^4 + x^21*z0^7*z1^5 - x^20*z0^5*z1^6 + x^16*z0^8*z1^7 - 2*x^16*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*x^16*z0^4*z1^7 - x^16*z0^4*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^26*z0^6*z1^4 + 2*x^25*z0^4*z1^5 + x^21*z0^7*z1^6 - x^20*z0^5*z1^7 + x^16*z0^8*z1^8 - 2*x^16*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^16*z0^4*z1^8 - x^16*z0^4*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^27*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^26*z1^2 + x^22*z0^3*z1^3 - x^21*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^17*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^17*z1^5 - x^17*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^27*z0^2*z1^2 + 2*x^26*z1^3 + x^22*z0^3*z1^4 - x^21*z0*z1^5 + x^17*z0^4*z1^6 - 2*x^17*z0^4*z1^2 - 2*x^17*z1^6 - x^17*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^27*z0^2*z1^3 + 2*x^26*z1^4 + x^22*z0^3*z1^5 - x^21*z0*z1^6 + x^17*z0^4*z1^7 - 2*x^17*z0^4*z1^3 - 2*x^17*z1^7 - x^17*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^27*z0^2*z1^4 + 2*x^26*z1^5 + x^22*z0^3*z1^6 - x^21*z0*z1^7 + x^17*z0^4*z1^8 - 2*x^17*z0^4*z1^4 - 2*x^17*z1^8 - x^17*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^27*z0^3 + 2*x^26*z0*z1 + x^22*z0^4*z1^2 - x^21*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^17*z0^5 - 2*x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^27*z0^3*z1 + 2*x^26*z0*z1^2 + x^22*z0^4*z1^3 - x^21*z0^2*z1^4 + x^17*z0^5*z1^5 - 2*x^17*z0^5*z1 - 2*x^17*z0*z1^5 - x^17*z0*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^27*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^26*z0*z1^3 + x^22*z0^4*z1^4 - x^21*z0^2*z1^5 + x^17*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^17*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^17*z0*z1^6 - x^17*z0*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^27*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^26*z0*z1^4 + x^22*z0^4*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2*z1^6 + x^17*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^17*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^17*z0*z1^7 - x^17*z0*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^27*z0^3*z1^4 + 2*x^26*z0*z1^5 + x^22*z0^4*z1^6 - x^21*z0^2*z1^7 + x^17*z0^5*z1^8 - 2*x^17*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^17*z0*z1^8 - x^17*z0*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^27*z0^4 + 2*x^26*z0^2*z1 + x^22*z0^5*z1^2 - x^21*z0^3*z1^3 + x^17*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^17*z0^6 - 2*x^17*z0^2*z1^4 - x^17*z0^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^27*z0^4*z1 + 2*x^26*z0^2*z1^2 + x^22*z0^5*z1^3 - x^21*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17*z0^6*z1^5 - 2*x^17*z0^6*z1 - 2*x^17*z0^2*z1^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^27*z0^4*z1^2 + 2*x^26*z0^2*z1^3 + x^22*z0^5*z1^4 - x^21*z0^3*z1^5 + x^17*z0^6*z1^6 - 2*x^17*z0^6*z1^2 - 2*x^17*z0^2*z1^6 - x^17*z0^2*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^27*z0^4*z1^3 + 2*x^26*z0^2*z1^4 + x^22*z0^5*z1^5 - x^21*z0^3*z1^6 + x^17*z0^6*z1^7 - 2*x^17*z0^6*z1^3 - 2*x^17*z0^2*z1^7 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^27*z0^4*z1^4 + 2*x^26*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^5*z1^6 - x^21*z0^3*z1^7 + x^17*z0^6*z1^8 - 2*x^17*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^17*z0^2*z1^8 - x^17*z0^2*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^27*z0^5 + 2*x^26*z0^3*z1 + x^22*z0^6*z1^2 - x^21*z0^4*z1^3 + x^17*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^17*z0^7 - 2*x^17*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^27*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^26*z0^3*z1^2 + x^22*z0^6*z1^3 - x^21*z0^4*z1^4 + x^17*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^17*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^17*z0^3*z1^5 - x^17*z0^3*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^27*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^26*z0^3*z1^3 + x^22*z0^6*z1^4 - x^21*z0^4*z1^5 + x^17*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^17*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^17*z0^3*z1^6 - x^17*z0^3*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^27*z0^5*z1^3 + 2*x^26*z0^3*z1^4 + x^22*z0^6*z1^5 - x^21*z0^4*z1^6 + x^17*z0^7*z1^7 - 2*x^17*z0^7*z1^3 - 2*x^17*z0^3*z1^7 - x^17*z0^3*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^27*z0^5*z1^4 + 2*x^26*z0^3*z1^5 + x^22*z0^6*z1^6 - x^21*z0^4*z1^7 + x^17*z0^7*z1^8 - 2*x^17*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^17*z0^3*z1^8 - x^17*z0^3*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^27*z0^6 + 2*x^26*z0^4*z1 + x^22*z0^7*z1^2 - x^21*z0^5*z1^3 + x^17*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^17*z0^8 - 2*x^17*z0^4*z1^4 - x^17*z0^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^27*z0^6*z1 + 2*x^26*z0^4*z1^2 + x^22*z0^7*z1^3 - x^21*z0^5*z1^4 + x^17*z0^8*z1^5 - 2*x^17*z0^8*z1 - 2*x^17*z0^4*z1^5 - x^17*z0^4*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^27*z0^6*z1^2 + 2*x^26*z0^4*z1^3 + x^22*z0^7*z1^4 - x^21*z0^5*z1^5 + x^17*z0^8*z1^6 - 2*x^17*z0^8*z1^2 - 2*x^17*z0^4*z1^6 - x^17*z0^4*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^27*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^26*z0^4*z1^4 + x^22*z0^7*z1^5 - x^21*z0^5*z1^6 + x^17*z0^8*z1^7 - 2*x^17*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*x^17*z0^4*z1^7 - x^17*z0^4*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^27*z0^6*z1^4 + 2*x^26*z0^4*z1^5 + x^22*z0^7*z1^6 - x^21*z0^5*z1^7 + x^17*z0^8*z1^8 - 2*x^17*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^17*z0^4*z1^8 - x^17*z0^4*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^28*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^27*z1^2 + x^23*z0^3*z1^3 - x^22*z0*z1^4 + x^18*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^18*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^18*z1^5 - x^18*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^28*z0^2*z1^2 + 2*x^27*z1^3 + x^23*z0^3*z1^4 - x^22*z0*z1^5 + x^18*z0^4*z1^6 - 2*x^18*z0^4*z1^2 - 2*x^18*z1^6 - x^18*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^28*z0^2*z1^3 + 2*x^27*z1^4 + x^23*z0^3*z1^5 - x^22*z0*z1^6 + x^18*z0^4*z1^7 - 2*x^18*z0^4*z1^3 - 2*x^18*z1^7 - x^18*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^28*z0^2*z1^4 + 2*x^27*z1^5 + x^23*z0^3*z1^6 - x^22*z0*z1^7 + x^18*z0^4*z1^8 - 2*x^18*z0^4*z1^4 - 2*x^18*z1^8 - x^18*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^28*z0^3 + 2*x^27*z0*z1 + x^23*z0^4*z1^2 - x^22*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^18*z0^5 - 2*x^18*z0*z1^4 - x^18*z0
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^28*z0^3*z1 + 2*x^27*z0*z1^2 + x^23*z0^4*z1^3 - x^22*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0^5*z1^5 - 2*x^18*z0^5*z1 - 2*x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^18*z0*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^28*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^27*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z0^4*z1^4 - x^22*z0^2*z1^5 + x^18*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^18*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^18*z0*z1^6 - x^18*z0*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^28*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^27*z0*z1^4 + x^23*z0^4*z1^5 - x^22*z0^2*z1^6 + x^18*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^18*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^18*z0*z1^7 - x^18*z0*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^28*z0^3*z1^4 + 2*x^27*z0*z1^5 + x^23*z0^4*z1^6 - x^22*z0^2*z1^7 + x^18*z0^5*z1^8 - 2*x^18*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^18*z0*z1^8 - x^18*z0*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^28*z0^4 + 2*x^27*z0^2*z1 + x^23*z0^5*z1^2 - x^22*z0^3*z1^3 + x^18*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^18*z0^6 - 2*x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^28*z0^4*z1 + 2*x^27*z0^2*z1^2 + x^23*z0^5*z1^3 - x^22*z0^3*z1^4 + x^18*z0^6*z1^5 - 2*x^18*z0^6*z1 - 2*x^18*z0^2*z1^5 - x^18*z0^2*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^28*z0^4*z1^2 + 2*x^27*z0^2*z1^3 + x^23*z0^5*z1^4 - x^22*z0^3*z1^5 + x^18*z0^6*z1^6 - 2*x^18*z0^6*z1^2 - 2*x^18*z0^2*z1^6 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^28*z0^4*z1^3 + 2*x^27*z0^2*z1^4 + x^23*z0^5*z1^5 - x^22*z0^3*z1^6 + x^18*z0^6*z1^7 - 2*x^18*z0^6*z1^3 - 2*x^18*z0^2*z1^7 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^28*z0^4*z1^4 + 2*x^27*z0^2*z1^5 + x^23*z0^5*z1^6 - x^22*z0^3*z1^7 + x^18*z0^6*z1^8 - 2*x^18*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^18*z0^2*z1^8 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^28*z0^5 + 2*x^27*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z0^6*z1^2 - x^22*z0^4*z1^3 + x^18*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^18*z0^7 - 2*x^18*z0^3*z1^4 - x^18*z0^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^28*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^27*z0^3*z1^2 + x^23*z0^6*z1^3 - x^22*z0^4*z1^4 + x^18*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^18*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^18*z0^3*z1^5 - x^18*z0^3*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^28*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^27*z0^3*z1^3 + x^23*z0^6*z1^4 - x^22*z0^4*z1^5 + x^18*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^18*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^18*z0^3*z1^6 - x^18*z0^3*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^28*z0^5*z1^3 + 2*x^27*z0^3*z1^4 + x^23*z0^6*z1^5 - x^22*z0^4*z1^6 + x^18*z0^7*z1^7 - 2*x^18*z0^7*z1^3 - 2*x^18*z0^3*z1^7 - x^18*z0^3*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^28*z0^5*z1^4 + 2*x^27*z0^3*z1^5 + x^23*z0^6*z1^6 - x^22*z0^4*z1^7 + x^18*z0^7*z1^8 - 2*x^18*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^18*z0^3*z1^8 - x^18*z0^3*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^28*z0^6 + 2*x^27*z0^4*z1 + x^23*z0^7*z1^2 - x^22*z0^5*z1^3 + x^18*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^18*z0^8 - 2*x^18*z0^4*z1^4 - x^18*z0^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^28*z0^6*z1 + 2*x^27*z0^4*z1^2 + x^23*z0^7*z1^3 - x^22*z0^5*z1^4 + x^18*z0^8*z1^5 - 2*x^18*z0^8*z1 - 2*x^18*z0^4*z1^5 - x^18*z0^4*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^28*z0^6*z1^2 + 2*x^27*z0^4*z1^3 + x^23*z0^7*z1^4 - x^22*z0^5*z1^5 + x^18*z0^8*z1^6 - 2*x^18*z0^8*z1^2 - 2*x^18*z0^4*z1^6 - x^18*z0^4*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^28*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^27*z0^4*z1^4 + x^23*z0^7*z1^5 - x^22*z0^5*z1^6 + x^18*z0^8*z1^7 - 2*x^18*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*x^18*z0^4*z1^7 - x^18*z0^4*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^28*z0^6*z1^4 + 2*x^27*z0^4*z1^5 + x^23*z0^7*z1^6 - x^22*z0^5*z1^7 + x^18*z0^8*z1^8 - 2*x^18*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^18*z0^4*z1^8 - x^18*z0^4*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^29*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^28*z1^2 + x^24*z0^3*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1^4 + x^19*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^19*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^19*z1^5 - x^19*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^29*z0^2*z1^2 + 2*x^28*z1^3 + x^24*z0^3*z1^4 - x^23*z0*z1^5 + x^19*z0^4*z1^6 - 2*x^19*z0^4*z1^2 - 2*x^19*z1^6 - x^19*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^29*z0^2*z1^3 + 2*x^28*z1^4 + x^24*z0^3*z1^5 - x^23*z0*z1^6 + x^19*z0^4*z1^7 - 2*x^19*z0^4*z1^3 - 2*x^19*z1^7 - x^19*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^29*z0^2*z1^4 + 2*x^28*z1^5 + x^24*z0^3*z1^6 - x^23*z0*z1^7 + x^19*z0^4*z1^8 - 2*x^19*z0^4*z1^4 - 2*x^19*z1^8 - x^19*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^29*z0^3 + 2*x^28*z0*z1 + x^24*z0^4*z1^2 - x^23*z0^2*z1^3 + x^19*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^19*z0^5 - 2*x^19*z0*z1^4 - x^19*z0
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^29*z0^3*z1 + 2*x^28*z0*z1^2 + x^24*z0^4*z1^3 - x^23*z0^2*z1^4 + x^19*z0^5*z1^5 - 2*x^19*z0^5*z1 - 2*x^19*z0*z1^5 - x^19*z0*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^29*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^28*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z0^4*z1^4 - x^23*z0^2*z1^5 + x^19*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^19*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^19*z0*z1^6 - x^19*z0*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^29*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^28*z0*z1^4 + x^24*z0^4*z1^5 - x^23*z0^2*z1^6 + x^19*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^19*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^19*z0*z1^7 - x^19*z0*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^29*z0^3*z1^4 + 2*x^28*z0*z1^5 + x^24*z0^4*z1^6 - x^23*z0^2*z1^7 + x^19*z0^5*z1^8 - 2*x^19*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^19*z0*z1^8 - x^19*z0*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^29*z0^4 + 2*x^28*z0^2*z1 + x^24*z0^5*z1^2 - x^23*z0^3*z1^3 + x^19*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^19*z0^6 - 2*x^19*z0^2*z1^4 - x^19*z0^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^29*z0^4*z1 + 2*x^28*z0^2*z1^2 + x^24*z0^5*z1^3 - x^23*z0^3*z1^4 + x^19*z0^6*z1^5 - 2*x^19*z0^6*z1 - 2*x^19*z0^2*z1^5 - x^19*z0^2*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^29*z0^4*z1^2 + 2*x^28*z0^2*z1^3 + x^24*z0^5*z1^4 - x^23*z0^3*z1^5 + x^19*z0^6*z1^6 - 2*x^19*z0^6*z1^2 - 2*x^19*z0^2*z1^6 - x^19*z0^2*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^29*z0^4*z1^3 + 2*x^28*z0^2*z1^4 + x^24*z0^5*z1^5 - x^23*z0^3*z1^6 + x^19*z0^6*z1^7 - 2*x^19*z0^6*z1^3 - 2*x^19*z0^2*z1^7 - x^19*z0^2*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^29*z0^4*z1^4 + 2*x^28*z0^2*z1^5 + x^24*z0^5*z1^6 - x^23*z0^3*z1^7 + x^19*z0^6*z1^8 - 2*x^19*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^19*z0^2*z1^8 - x^19*z0^2*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^29*z0^5 + 2*x^28*z0^3*z1 + x^24*z0^6*z1^2 - x^23*z0^4*z1^3 + x^19*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^19*z0^7 - 2*x^19*z0^3*z1^4 - x^19*z0^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^29*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^28*z0^3*z1^2 + x^24*z0^6*z1^3 - x^23*z0^4*z1^4 + x^19*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^19*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^19*z0^3*z1^5 - x^19*z0^3*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^29*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^28*z0^3*z1^3 + x^24*z0^6*z1^4 - x^23*z0^4*z1^5 + x^19*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^19*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^19*z0^3*z1^6 - x^19*z0^3*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^29*z0^5*z1^3 + 2*x^28*z0^3*z1^4 + x^24*z0^6*z1^5 - x^23*z0^4*z1^6 + x^19*z0^7*z1^7 - 2*x^19*z0^7*z1^3 - 2*x^19*z0^3*z1^7 - x^19*z0^3*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^29*z0^5*z1^4 + 2*x^28*z0^3*z1^5 + x^24*z0^6*z1^6 - x^23*z0^4*z1^7 + x^19*z0^7*z1^8 - 2*x^19*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^19*z0^3*z1^8 - x^19*z0^3*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^29*z0^6 + 2*x^28*z0^4*z1 + x^24*z0^7*z1^2 - x^23*z0^5*z1^3 + x^19*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^19*z0^8 - 2*x^19*z0^4*z1^4 - x^19*z0^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^29*z0^6*z1 + 2*x^28*z0^4*z1^2 + x^24*z0^7*z1^3 - x^23*z0^5*z1^4 + x^19*z0^8*z1^5 - 2*x^19*z0^8*z1 - 2*x^19*z0^4*z1^5 - x^19*z0^4*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^29*z0^6*z1^2 + 2*x^28*z0^4*z1^3 + x^24*z0^7*z1^4 - x^23*z0^5*z1^5 + x^19*z0^8*z1^6 - 2*x^19*z0^8*z1^2 - 2*x^19*z0^4*z1^6 - x^19*z0^4*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^29*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^28*z0^4*z1^4 + x^24*z0^7*z1^5 - x^23*z0^5*z1^6 + x^19*z0^8*z1^7 - 2*x^19*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*x^19*z0^4*z1^7 - x^19*z0^4*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^29*z0^6*z1^4 + 2*x^28*z0^4*z1^5 + x^24*z0^7*z1^6 - x^23*z0^5*z1^7 + x^19*z0^8*z1^8 - 2*x^19*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^19*z0^4*z1^8 - x^19*z0^4*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^30*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^29*z1^2 + x^25*z0^3*z1^3 - x^24*z0*z1^4 + x^20*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^20*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^20*z1^5 - x^20*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^30*z0^2*z1^2 + 2*x^29*z1^3 + x^25*z0^3*z1^4 - x^24*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4*z1^6 - 2*x^20*z0^4*z1^2 - 2*x^20*z1^6 - x^20*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^30*z0^2*z1^3 + 2*x^29*z1^4 + x^25*z0^3*z1^5 - x^24*z0*z1^6 + x^20*z0^4*z1^7 - 2*x^20*z0^4*z1^3 - 2*x^20*z1^7 - x^20*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^30*z0^2*z1^4 + 2*x^29*z1^5 + x^25*z0^3*z1^6 - x^24*z0*z1^7 + x^20*z0^4*z1^8 - 2*x^20*z0^4*z1^4 - 2*x^20*z1^8 - x^20*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^30*z0^3 + 2*x^29*z0*z1 + x^25*z0^4*z1^2 - x^24*z0^2*z1^3 + x^20*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^20*z0^5 - 2*x^20*z0*z1^4 - x^20*z0
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^30*z0^3*z1 + 2*x^29*z0*z1^2 + x^25*z0^4*z1^3 - x^24*z0^2*z1^4 + x^20*z0^5*z1^5 - 2*x^20*z0^5*z1 - 2*x^20*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^30*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^29*z0*z1^3 + x^25*z0^4*z1^4 - x^24*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^20*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^20*z0*z1^6 - x^20*z0*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^30*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^29*z0*z1^4 + x^25*z0^4*z1^5 - x^24*z0^2*z1^6 + x^20*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^20*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^20*z0*z1^7 - x^20*z0*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^30*z0^3*z1^4 + 2*x^29*z0*z1^5 + x^25*z0^4*z1^6 - x^24*z0^2*z1^7 + x^20*z0^5*z1^8 - 2*x^20*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^20*z0*z1^8 - x^20*z0*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^30*z0^4 + 2*x^29*z0^2*z1 + x^25*z0^5*z1^2 - x^24*z0^3*z1^3 + x^20*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^20*z0^6 - 2*x^20*z0^2*z1^4 - x^20*z0^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^30*z0^4*z1 + 2*x^29*z0^2*z1^2 + x^25*z0^5*z1^3 - x^24*z0^3*z1^4 + x^20*z0^6*z1^5 - 2*x^20*z0^6*z1 - 2*x^20*z0^2*z1^5 - x^20*z0^2*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^30*z0^4*z1^2 + 2*x^29*z0^2*z1^3 + x^25*z0^5*z1^4 - x^24*z0^3*z1^5 + x^20*z0^6*z1^6 - 2*x^20*z0^6*z1^2 - 2*x^20*z0^2*z1^6 - x^20*z0^2*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^30*z0^4*z1^3 + 2*x^29*z0^2*z1^4 + x^25*z0^5*z1^5 - x^24*z0^3*z1^6 + x^20*z0^6*z1^7 - 2*x^20*z0^6*z1^3 - 2*x^20*z0^2*z1^7 - x^20*z0^2*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^30*z0^4*z1^4 + 2*x^29*z0^2*z1^5 + x^25*z0^5*z1^6 - x^24*z0^3*z1^7 + x^20*z0^6*z1^8 - 2*x^20*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^20*z0^2*z1^8 - x^20*z0^2*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^30*z0^5 + 2*x^29*z0^3*z1 + x^25*z0^6*z1^2 - x^24*z0^4*z1^3 + x^20*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^20*z0^7 - 2*x^20*z0^3*z1^4 - x^20*z0^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^30*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^29*z0^3*z1^2 + x^25*z0^6*z1^3 - x^24*z0^4*z1^4 + x^20*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^20*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^20*z0^3*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^30*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^29*z0^3*z1^3 + x^25*z0^6*z1^4 - x^24*z0^4*z1^5 + x^20*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^20*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^20*z0^3*z1^6 - x^20*z0^3*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^30*z0^5*z1^3 + 2*x^29*z0^3*z1^4 + x^25*z0^6*z1^5 - x^24*z0^4*z1^6 + x^20*z0^7*z1^7 - 2*x^20*z0^7*z1^3 - 2*x^20*z0^3*z1^7 - x^20*z0^3*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^30*z0^5*z1^4 + 2*x^29*z0^3*z1^5 + x^25*z0^6*z1^6 - x^24*z0^4*z1^7 + x^20*z0^7*z1^8 - 2*x^20*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^20*z0^3*z1^8 - x^20*z0^3*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^30*z0^6 + 2*x^29*z0^4*z1 + x^25*z0^7*z1^2 - x^24*z0^5*z1^3 + x^20*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^20*z0^8 - 2*x^20*z0^4*z1^4 - x^20*z0^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^30*z0^6*z1 + 2*x^29*z0^4*z1^2 + x^25*z0^7*z1^3 - x^24*z0^5*z1^4 + x^20*z0^8*z1^5 - 2*x^20*z0^8*z1 - 2*x^20*z0^4*z1^5 - x^20*z0^4*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^30*z0^6*z1^2 + 2*x^29*z0^4*z1^3 + x^25*z0^7*z1^4 - x^24*z0^5*z1^5 + x^20*z0^8*z1^6 - 2*x^20*z0^8*z1^2 - 2*x^20*z0^4*z1^6 - x^20*z0^4*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^30*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^29*z0^4*z1^4 + x^25*z0^7*z1^5 - x^24*z0^5*z1^6 + x^20*z0^8*z1^7 - 2*x^20*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*x^20*z0^4*z1^7 - x^20*z0^4*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^30*z0^6*z1^4 + 2*x^29*z0^4*z1^5 + x^25*z0^7*z1^6 - x^24*z0^5*z1^7 + x^20*z0^8*z1^8 - 2*x^20*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^20*z0^4*z1^8 - x^20*z0^4*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^31*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^30*z1^2 + x^26*z0^3*z1^3 - x^25*z0*z1^4 + x^21*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^21*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^21*z1^5 - x^21*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^31*z0^2*z1^2 + 2*x^30*z1^3 + x^26*z0^3*z1^4 - x^25*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^4*z1^6 - 2*x^21*z0^4*z1^2 - 2*x^21*z1^6 - x^21*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^31*z0^2*z1^3 + 2*x^30*z1^4 + x^26*z0^3*z1^5 - x^25*z0*z1^6 + x^21*z0^4*z1^7 - 2*x^21*z0^4*z1^3 - 2*x^21*z1^7 - x^21*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^31*z0^2*z1^4 + 2*x^30*z1^5 + x^26*z0^3*z1^6 - x^25*z0*z1^7 + x^21*z0^4*z1^8 - 2*x^21*z0^4*z1^4 - 2*x^21*z1^8 - x^21*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^31*z0^3 + 2*x^30*z0*z1 + x^26*z0^4*z1^2 - x^25*z0^2*z1^3 + x^21*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^21*z0^5 - 2*x^21*z0*z1^4 - x^21*z0
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^31*z0^3*z1 + 2*x^30*z0*z1^2 + x^26*z0^4*z1^3 - x^25*z0^2*z1^4 + x^21*z0^5*z1^5 - 2*x^21*z0^5*z1 - 2*x^21*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^31*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^30*z0*z1^3 + x^26*z0^4*z1^4 - x^25*z0^2*z1^5 + x^21*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^21*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^21*z0*z1^6 - x^21*z0*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^31*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^30*z0*z1^4 + x^26*z0^4*z1^5 - x^25*z0^2*z1^6 + x^21*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^21*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^21*z0*z1^7 - x^21*z0*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^31*z0^3*z1^4 + 2*x^30*z0*z1^5 + x^26*z0^4*z1^6 - x^25*z0^2*z1^7 + x^21*z0^5*z1^8 - 2*x^21*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^21*z0*z1^8 - x^21*z0*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^31*z0^4 + 2*x^30*z0^2*z1 + x^26*z0^5*z1^2 - x^25*z0^3*z1^3 + x^21*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^21*z0^6 - 2*x^21*z0^2*z1^4 - x^21*z0^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^31*z0^4*z1 + 2*x^30*z0^2*z1^2 + x^26*z0^5*z1^3 - x^25*z0^3*z1^4 + x^21*z0^6*z1^5 - 2*x^21*z0^6*z1 - 2*x^21*z0^2*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^31*z0^4*z1^2 + 2*x^30*z0^2*z1^3 + x^26*z0^5*z1^4 - x^25*z0^3*z1^5 + x^21*z0^6*z1^6 - 2*x^21*z0^6*z1^2 - 2*x^21*z0^2*z1^6 - x^21*z0^2*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^31*z0^4*z1^3 + 2*x^30*z0^2*z1^4 + x^26*z0^5*z1^5 - x^25*z0^3*z1^6 + x^21*z0^6*z1^7 - 2*x^21*z0^6*z1^3 - 2*x^21*z0^2*z1^7 - x^21*z0^2*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^31*z0^4*z1^4 + 2*x^30*z0^2*z1^5 + x^26*z0^5*z1^6 - x^25*z0^3*z1^7 + x^21*z0^6*z1^8 - 2*x^21*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^21*z0^2*z1^8 - x^21*z0^2*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^31*z0^5 + 2*x^30*z0^3*z1 + x^26*z0^6*z1^2 - x^25*z0^4*z1^3 + x^21*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^21*z0^7 - 2*x^21*z0^3*z1^4 - x^21*z0^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^31*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^30*z0^3*z1^2 + x^26*z0^6*z1^3 - x^25*z0^4*z1^4 + x^21*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^21*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^21*z0^3*z1^5 - x^21*z0^3*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^31*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^30*z0^3*z1^3 + x^26*z0^6*z1^4 - x^25*z0^4*z1^5 + x^21*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^21*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^21*z0^3*z1^6 - x^21*z0^3*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^31*z0^5*z1^3 + 2*x^30*z0^3*z1^4 + x^26*z0^6*z1^5 - x^25*z0^4*z1^6 + x^21*z0^7*z1^7 - 2*x^21*z0^7*z1^3 - 2*x^21*z0^3*z1^7 - x^21*z0^3*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^31*z0^5*z1^4 + 2*x^30*z0^3*z1^5 + x^26*z0^6*z1^6 - x^25*z0^4*z1^7 + x^21*z0^7*z1^8 - 2*x^21*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^21*z0^3*z1^8 - x^21*z0^3*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^31*z0^6 + 2*x^30*z0^4*z1 + x^26*z0^7*z1^2 - x^25*z0^5*z1^3 + x^21*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^21*z0^8 - 2*x^21*z0^4*z1^4 - x^21*z0^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^31*z0^6*z1 + 2*x^30*z0^4*z1^2 + x^26*z0^7*z1^3 - x^25*z0^5*z1^4 + x^21*z0^8*z1^5 - 2*x^21*z0^8*z1 - 2*x^21*z0^4*z1^5 - x^21*z0^4*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^31*z0^6*z1^2 + 2*x^30*z0^4*z1^3 + x^26*z0^7*z1^4 - x^25*z0^5*z1^5 + x^21*z0^8*z1^6 - 2*x^21*z0^8*z1^2 - 2*x^21*z0^4*z1^6 - x^21*z0^4*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^31*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^30*z0^4*z1^4 + x^26*z0^7*z1^5 - x^25*z0^5*z1^6 + x^21*z0^8*z1^7 - 2*x^21*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*x^21*z0^4*z1^7 - x^21*z0^4*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^31*z0^6*z1^4 + 2*x^30*z0^4*z1^5 + x^26*z0^7*z1^6 - x^25*z0^5*z1^7 + x^21*z0^8*z1^8 - 2*x^21*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^21*z0^4*z1^8 - x^21*z0^4*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^32*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^31*z1^2 + x^27*z0^3*z1^3 - x^26*z0*z1^4 + x^22*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^22*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^22*z1^5 - x^22*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^32*z0^2*z1^2 + 2*x^31*z1^3 + x^27*z0^3*z1^4 - x^26*z0*z1^5 + x^22*z0^4*z1^6 - 2*x^22*z0^4*z1^2 - 2*x^22*z1^6 - x^22*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^32*z0^2*z1^3 + 2*x^31*z1^4 + x^27*z0^3*z1^5 - x^26*z0*z1^6 + x^22*z0^4*z1^7 - 2*x^22*z0^4*z1^3 - 2*x^22*z1^7 - x^22*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^32*z0^2*z1^4 + 2*x^31*z1^5 + x^27*z0^3*z1^6 - x^26*z0*z1^7 + x^22*z0^4*z1^8 - 2*x^22*z0^4*z1^4 - 2*x^22*z1^8 - x^22*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^32*z0^3 + 2*x^31*z0*z1 + x^27*z0^4*z1^2 - x^26*z0^2*z1^3 + x^22*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^22*z0^5 - 2*x^22*z0*z1^4 - x^22*z0
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^32*z0^3*z1 + 2*x^31*z0*z1^2 + x^27*z0^4*z1^3 - x^26*z0^2*z1^4 + x^22*z0^5*z1^5 - 2*x^22*z0^5*z1 - 2*x^22*z0*z1^5 - x^22*z0*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^32*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^31*z0*z1^3 + x^27*z0^4*z1^4 - x^26*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^22*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^22*z0*z1^6 - x^22*z0*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^32*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^31*z0*z1^4 + x^27*z0^4*z1^5 - x^26*z0^2*z1^6 + x^22*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^22*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^22*z0*z1^7 - x^22*z0*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^32*z0^3*z1^4 + 2*x^31*z0*z1^5 + x^27*z0^4*z1^6 - x^26*z0^2*z1^7 + x^22*z0^5*z1^8 - 2*x^22*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^22*z0*z1^8 - x^22*z0*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^32*z0^4 + 2*x^31*z0^2*z1 + x^27*z0^5*z1^2 - x^26*z0^3*z1^3 + x^22*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^22*z0^6 - 2*x^22*z0^2*z1^4 - x^22*z0^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^32*z0^4*z1 + 2*x^31*z0^2*z1^2 + x^27*z0^5*z1^3 - x^26*z0^3*z1^4 + x^22*z0^6*z1^5 - 2*x^22*z0^6*z1 - 2*x^22*z0^2*z1^5 - x^22*z0^2*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^32*z0^4*z1^2 + 2*x^31*z0^2*z1^3 + x^27*z0^5*z1^4 - x^26*z0^3*z1^5 + x^22*z0^6*z1^6 - 2*x^22*z0^6*z1^2 - 2*x^22*z0^2*z1^6 - x^22*z0^2*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^32*z0^4*z1^3 + 2*x^31*z0^2*z1^4 + x^27*z0^5*z1^5 - x^26*z0^3*z1^6 + x^22*z0^6*z1^7 - 2*x^22*z0^6*z1^3 - 2*x^22*z0^2*z1^7 - x^22*z0^2*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^32*z0^4*z1^4 + 2*x^31*z0^2*z1^5 + x^27*z0^5*z1^6 - x^26*z0^3*z1^7 + x^22*z0^6*z1^8 - 2*x^22*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^22*z0^2*z1^8 - x^22*z0^2*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^32*z0^5 + 2*x^31*z0^3*z1 + x^27*z0^6*z1^2 - x^26*z0^4*z1^3 + x^22*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^22*z0^7 - 2*x^22*z0^3*z1^4 - x^22*z0^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^32*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^31*z0^3*z1^2 + x^27*z0^6*z1^3 - x^26*z0^4*z1^4 + x^22*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^22*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^22*z0^3*z1^5 - x^22*z0^3*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^32*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^31*z0^3*z1^3 + x^27*z0^6*z1^4 - x^26*z0^4*z1^5 + x^22*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^22*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^22*z0^3*z1^6 - x^22*z0^3*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^32*z0^5*z1^3 + 2*x^31*z0^3*z1^4 + x^27*z0^6*z1^5 - x^26*z0^4*z1^6 + x^22*z0^7*z1^7 - 2*x^22*z0^7*z1^3 - 2*x^22*z0^3*z1^7 - x^22*z0^3*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^32*z0^5*z1^4 + 2*x^31*z0^3*z1^5 + x^27*z0^6*z1^6 - x^26*z0^4*z1^7 + x^22*z0^7*z1^8 - 2*x^22*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^22*z0^3*z1^8 - x^22*z0^3*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^32*z0^6 + 2*x^31*z0^4*z1 + x^27*z0^7*z1^2 - x^26*z0^5*z1^3 + x^22*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^22*z0^8 - 2*x^22*z0^4*z1^4 - x^22*z0^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^32*z0^6*z1 + 2*x^31*z0^4*z1^2 + x^27*z0^7*z1^3 - x^26*z0^5*z1^4 + x^22*z0^8*z1^5 - 2*x^22*z0^8*z1 - 2*x^22*z0^4*z1^5 - x^22*z0^4*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^32*z0^6*z1^2 + 2*x^31*z0^4*z1^3 + x^27*z0^7*z1^4 - x^26*z0^5*z1^5 + x^22*z0^8*z1^6 - 2*x^22*z0^8*z1^2 - 2*x^22*z0^4*z1^6 - x^22*z0^4*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^32*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^31*z0^4*z1^4 + x^27*z0^7*z1^5 - x^26*z0^5*z1^6 + x^22*z0^8*z1^7 - 2*x^22*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*x^22*z0^4*z1^7 - x^22*z0^4*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^32*z0^6*z1^4 + 2*x^31*z0^4*z1^5 + x^27*z0^7*z1^6 - x^26*z0^5*z1^7 + x^22*z0^8*z1^8 - 2*x^22*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^22*z0^4*z1^8 - x^22*z0^4*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^33*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^32*z1^2 + x^28*z0^3*z1^3 - x^27*z0*z1^4 + x^23*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^23*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^23*z1^5 - x^23*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^33*z0^2*z1^2 + 2*x^32*z1^3 + x^28*z0^3*z1^4 - x^27*z0*z1^5 + x^23*z0^4*z1^6 - 2*x^23*z0^4*z1^2 - 2*x^23*z1^6 - x^23*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^33*z0^2*z1^3 + 2*x^32*z1^4 + x^28*z0^3*z1^5 - x^27*z0*z1^6 + x^23*z0^4*z1^7 - 2*x^23*z0^4*z1^3 - 2*x^23*z1^7 - x^23*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^33*z0^2*z1^4 + 2*x^32*z1^5 + x^28*z0^3*z1^6 - x^27*z0*z1^7 + x^23*z0^4*z1^8 - 2*x^23*z0^4*z1^4 - 2*x^23*z1^8 - x^23*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^33*z0^3 + 2*x^32*z0*z1 + x^28*z0^4*z1^2 - x^27*z0^2*z1^3 + x^23*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^23*z0^5 - 2*x^23*z0*z1^4 - x^23*z0
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^33*z0^3*z1 + 2*x^32*z0*z1^2 + x^28*z0^4*z1^3 - x^27*z0^2*z1^4 + x^23*z0^5*z1^5 - 2*x^23*z0^5*z1 - 2*x^23*z0*z1^5 - x^23*z0*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^33*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^32*z0*z1^3 + x^28*z0^4*z1^4 - x^27*z0^2*z1^5 + x^23*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^23*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^23*z0*z1^6 - x^23*z0*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^33*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^32*z0*z1^4 + x^28*z0^4*z1^5 - x^27*z0^2*z1^6 + x^23*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^23*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^23*z0*z1^7 - x^23*z0*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^33*z0^3*z1^4 + 2*x^32*z0*z1^5 + x^28*z0^4*z1^6 - x^27*z0^2*z1^7 + x^23*z0^5*z1^8 - 2*x^23*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^23*z0*z1^8 - x^23*z0*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^33*z0^4 + 2*x^32*z0^2*z1 + x^28*z0^5*z1^2 - x^27*z0^3*z1^3 + x^23*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^23*z0^6 - 2*x^23*z0^2*z1^4 - x^23*z0^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^33*z0^4*z1 + 2*x^32*z0^2*z1^2 + x^28*z0^5*z1^3 - x^27*z0^3*z1^4 + x^23*z0^6*z1^5 - 2*x^23*z0^6*z1 - 2*x^23*z0^2*z1^5 - x^23*z0^2*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^33*z0^4*z1^2 + 2*x^32*z0^2*z1^3 + x^28*z0^5*z1^4 - x^27*z0^3*z1^5 + x^23*z0^6*z1^6 - 2*x^23*z0^6*z1^2 - 2*x^23*z0^2*z1^6 - x^23*z0^2*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^33*z0^4*z1^3 + 2*x^32*z0^2*z1^4 + x^28*z0^5*z1^5 - x^27*z0^3*z1^6 + x^23*z0^6*z1^7 - 2*x^23*z0^6*z1^3 - 2*x^23*z0^2*z1^7 - x^23*z0^2*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^33*z0^4*z1^4 + 2*x^32*z0^2*z1^5 + x^28*z0^5*z1^6 - x^27*z0^3*z1^7 + x^23*z0^6*z1^8 - 2*x^23*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^23*z0^2*z1^8 - x^23*z0^2*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^33*z0^5 + 2*x^32*z0^3*z1 + x^28*z0^6*z1^2 - x^27*z0^4*z1^3 + x^23*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^23*z0^7 - 2*x^23*z0^3*z1^4 - x^23*z0^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^33*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^32*z0^3*z1^2 + x^28*z0^6*z1^3 - x^27*z0^4*z1^4 + x^23*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^23*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^23*z0^3*z1^5 - x^23*z0^3*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^33*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^32*z0^3*z1^3 + x^28*z0^6*z1^4 - x^27*z0^4*z1^5 + x^23*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^23*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^23*z0^3*z1^6 - x^23*z0^3*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^33*z0^5*z1^3 + 2*x^32*z0^3*z1^4 + x^28*z0^6*z1^5 - x^27*z0^4*z1^6 + x^23*z0^7*z1^7 - 2*x^23*z0^7*z1^3 - 2*x^23*z0^3*z1^7 - x^23*z0^3*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^33*z0^5*z1^4 + 2*x^32*z0^3*z1^5 + x^28*z0^6*z1^6 - x^27*z0^4*z1^7 + x^23*z0^7*z1^8 - 2*x^23*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^23*z0^3*z1^8 - x^23*z0^3*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^33*z0^6 + 2*x^32*z0^4*z1 + x^28*z0^7*z1^2 - x^27*z0^5*z1^3 + x^23*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^23*z0^8 - 2*x^23*z0^4*z1^4 - x^23*z0^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^33*z0^6*z1 + 2*x^32*z0^4*z1^2 + x^28*z0^7*z1^3 - x^27*z0^5*z1^4 + x^23*z0^8*z1^5 - 2*x^23*z0^8*z1 - 2*x^23*z0^4*z1^5 - x^23*z0^4*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^33*z0^6*z1^2 + 2*x^32*z0^4*z1^3 + x^28*z0^7*z1^4 - x^27*z0^5*z1^5 + x^23*z0^8*z1^6 - 2*x^23*z0^8*z1^2 - 2*x^23*z0^4*z1^6 - x^23*z0^4*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^33*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^32*z0^4*z1^4 + x^28*z0^7*z1^5 - x^27*z0^5*z1^6 + x^23*z0^8*z1^7 - 2*x^23*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*x^23*z0^4*z1^7 - x^23*z0^4*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^33*z0^6*z1^4 + 2*x^32*z0^4*z1^5 + x^28*z0^7*z1^6 - x^27*z0^5*z1^7 + x^23*z0^8*z1^8 - 2*x^23*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^23*z0^4*z1^8 - x^23*z0^4*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^34*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^33*z1^2 + x^29*z0^3*z1^3 - x^28*z0*z1^4 + x^24*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^24*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^24*z1^5 - x^24*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^34*z0^2*z1^2 + 2*x^33*z1^3 + x^29*z0^3*z1^4 - x^28*z0*z1^5 + x^24*z0^4*z1^6 - 2*x^24*z0^4*z1^2 - 2*x^24*z1^6 - x^24*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^34*z0^2*z1^3 + 2*x^33*z1^4 + x^29*z0^3*z1^5 - x^28*z0*z1^6 + x^24*z0^4*z1^7 - 2*x^24*z0^4*z1^3 - 2*x^24*z1^7 - x^24*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^34*z0^2*z1^4 + 2*x^33*z1^5 + x^29*z0^3*z1^6 - x^28*z0*z1^7 + x^24*z0^4*z1^8 - 2*x^24*z0^4*z1^4 - 2*x^24*z1^8 - x^24*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^34*z0^3 + 2*x^33*z0*z1 + x^29*z0^4*z1^2 - x^28*z0^2*z1^3 + x^24*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^24*z0^5 - 2*x^24*z0*z1^4 - x^24*z0
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^34*z0^3*z1 + 2*x^33*z0*z1^2 + x^29*z0^4*z1^3 - x^28*z0^2*z1^4 + x^24*z0^5*z1^5 - 2*x^24*z0^5*z1 - 2*x^24*z0*z1^5 - x^24*z0*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^34*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^33*z0*z1^3 + x^29*z0^4*z1^4 - x^28*z0^2*z1^5 + x^24*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^24*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^24*z0*z1^6 - x^24*z0*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^34*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^33*z0*z1^4 + x^29*z0^4*z1^5 - x^28*z0^2*z1^6 + x^24*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^24*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^24*z0*z1^7 - x^24*z0*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^34*z0^3*z1^4 + 2*x^33*z0*z1^5 + x^29*z0^4*z1^6 - x^28*z0^2*z1^7 + x^24*z0^5*z1^8 - 2*x^24*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^24*z0*z1^8 - x^24*z0*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^34*z0^4 + 2*x^33*z0^2*z1 + x^29*z0^5*z1^2 - x^28*z0^3*z1^3 + x^24*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^24*z0^6 - 2*x^24*z0^2*z1^4 - x^24*z0^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^34*z0^4*z1 + 2*x^33*z0^2*z1^2 + x^29*z0^5*z1^3 - x^28*z0^3*z1^4 + x^24*z0^6*z1^5 - 2*x^24*z0^6*z1 - 2*x^24*z0^2*z1^5 - x^24*z0^2*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^34*z0^4*z1^2 + 2*x^33*z0^2*z1^3 + x^29*z0^5*z1^4 - x^28*z0^3*z1^5 + x^24*z0^6*z1^6 - 2*x^24*z0^6*z1^2 - 2*x^24*z0^2*z1^6 - x^24*z0^2*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^34*z0^4*z1^3 + 2*x^33*z0^2*z1^4 + x^29*z0^5*z1^5 - x^28*z0^3*z1^6 + x^24*z0^6*z1^7 - 2*x^24*z0^6*z1^3 - 2*x^24*z0^2*z1^7 - x^24*z0^2*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^34*z0^4*z1^4 + 2*x^33*z0^2*z1^5 + x^29*z0^5*z1^6 - x^28*z0^3*z1^7 + x^24*z0^6*z1^8 - 2*x^24*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^24*z0^2*z1^8 - x^24*z0^2*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^34*z0^5 + 2*x^33*z0^3*z1 + x^29*z0^6*z1^2 - x^28*z0^4*z1^3 + x^24*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^24*z0^7 - 2*x^24*z0^3*z1^4 - x^24*z0^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^34*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^33*z0^3*z1^2 + x^29*z0^6*z1^3 - x^28*z0^4*z1^4 + x^24*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^24*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^24*z0^3*z1^5 - x^24*z0^3*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^34*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^33*z0^3*z1^3 + x^29*z0^6*z1^4 - x^28*z0^4*z1^5 + x^24*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^24*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^24*z0^3*z1^6 - x^24*z0^3*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^34*z0^5*z1^3 + 2*x^33*z0^3*z1^4 + x^29*z0^6*z1^5 - x^28*z0^4*z1^6 + x^24*z0^7*z1^7 - 2*x^24*z0^7*z1^3 - 2*x^24*z0^3*z1^7 - x^24*z0^3*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^34*z0^5*z1^4 + 2*x^33*z0^3*z1^5 + x^29*z0^6*z1^6 - x^28*z0^4*z1^7 + x^24*z0^7*z1^8 - 2*x^24*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^24*z0^3*z1^8 - x^24*z0^3*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^34*z0^6 + 2*x^33*z0^4*z1 + x^29*z0^7*z1^2 - x^28*z0^5*z1^3 + x^24*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^24*z0^8 - 2*x^24*z0^4*z1^4 - x^24*z0^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^34*z0^6*z1 + 2*x^33*z0^4*z1^2 + x^29*z0^7*z1^3 - x^28*z0^5*z1^4 + x^24*z0^8*z1^5 - 2*x^24*z0^8*z1 - 2*x^24*z0^4*z1^5 - x^24*z0^4*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^34*z0^6*z1^2 + 2*x^33*z0^4*z1^3 + x^29*z0^7*z1^4 - x^28*z0^5*z1^5 + x^24*z0^8*z1^6 - 2*x^24*z0^8*z1^2 - 2*x^24*z0^4*z1^6 - x^24*z0^4*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^34*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^33*z0^4*z1^4 + x^29*z0^7*z1^5 - x^28*z0^5*z1^6 + x^24*z0^8*z1^7 - 2*x^24*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*x^24*z0^4*z1^7 - x^24*z0^4*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^34*z0^6*z1^4 + 2*x^33*z0^4*z1^5 + x^29*z0^7*z1^6 - x^28*z0^5*z1^7 + x^24*z0^8*z1^8 - 2*x^24*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^24*z0^4*z1^8 - x^24*z0^4*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^35*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^34*z1^2 + x^30*z0^3*z1^3 - x^29*z0*z1^4 + x^25*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^25*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^25*z1^5 - x^25*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^35*z0^2*z1^2 + 2*x^34*z1^3 + x^30*z0^3*z1^4 - x^29*z0*z1^5 + x^25*z0^4*z1^6 - 2*x^25*z0^4*z1^2 - 2*x^25*z1^6 - x^25*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^35*z0^2*z1^3 + 2*x^34*z1^4 + x^30*z0^3*z1^5 - x^29*z0*z1^6 + x^25*z0^4*z1^7 - 2*x^25*z0^4*z1^3 - 2*x^25*z1^7 - x^25*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^35*z0^2*z1^4 + 2*x^34*z1^5 + x^30*z0^3*z1^6 - x^29*z0*z1^7 + x^25*z0^4*z1^8 - 2*x^25*z0^4*z1^4 - 2*x^25*z1^8 - x^25*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^35*z0^3 + 2*x^34*z0*z1 + x^30*z0^4*z1^2 - x^29*z0^2*z1^3 + x^25*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^25*z0^5 - 2*x^25*z0*z1^4 - x^25*z0
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^35*z0^3*z1 + 2*x^34*z0*z1^2 + x^30*z0^4*z1^3 - x^29*z0^2*z1^4 + x^25*z0^5*z1^5 - 2*x^25*z0^5*z1 - 2*x^25*z0*z1^5 - x^25*z0*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^35*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^34*z0*z1^3 + x^30*z0^4*z1^4 - x^29*z0^2*z1^5 + x^25*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^25*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^25*z0*z1^6 - x^25*z0*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^35*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^34*z0*z1^4 + x^30*z0^4*z1^5 - x^29*z0^2*z1^6 + x^25*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^25*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^25*z0*z1^7 - x^25*z0*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^35*z0^3*z1^4 + 2*x^34*z0*z1^5 + x^30*z0^4*z1^6 - x^29*z0^2*z1^7 + x^25*z0^5*z1^8 - 2*x^25*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^25*z0*z1^8 - x^25*z0*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^35*z0^4 + 2*x^34*z0^2*z1 + x^30*z0^5*z1^2 - x^29*z0^3*z1^3 + x^25*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^25*z0^6 - 2*x^25*z0^2*z1^4 - x^25*z0^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^35*z0^4*z1 + 2*x^34*z0^2*z1^2 + x^30*z0^5*z1^3 - x^29*z0^3*z1^4 + x^25*z0^6*z1^5 - 2*x^25*z0^6*z1 - 2*x^25*z0^2*z1^5 - x^25*z0^2*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^35*z0^4*z1^2 + 2*x^34*z0^2*z1^3 + x^30*z0^5*z1^4 - x^29*z0^3*z1^5 + x^25*z0^6*z1^6 - 2*x^25*z0^6*z1^2 - 2*x^25*z0^2*z1^6 - x^25*z0^2*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^35*z0^4*z1^3 + 2*x^34*z0^2*z1^4 + x^30*z0^5*z1^5 - x^29*z0^3*z1^6 + x^25*z0^6*z1^7 - 2*x^25*z0^6*z1^3 - 2*x^25*z0^2*z1^7 - x^25*z0^2*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^35*z0^4*z1^4 + 2*x^34*z0^2*z1^5 + x^30*z0^5*z1^6 - x^29*z0^3*z1^7 + x^25*z0^6*z1^8 - 2*x^25*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^25*z0^2*z1^8 - x^25*z0^2*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^35*z0^5 + 2*x^34*z0^3*z1 + x^30*z0^6*z1^2 - x^29*z0^4*z1^3 + x^25*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^25*z0^7 - 2*x^25*z0^3*z1^4 - x^25*z0^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^35*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^34*z0^3*z1^2 + x^30*z0^6*z1^3 - x^29*z0^4*z1^4 + x^25*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^25*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^25*z0^3*z1^5 - x^25*z0^3*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^35*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^34*z0^3*z1^3 + x^30*z0^6*z1^4 - x^29*z0^4*z1^5 + x^25*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^25*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^25*z0^3*z1^6 - x^25*z0^3*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^35*z0^5*z1^3 + 2*x^34*z0^3*z1^4 + x^30*z0^6*z1^5 - x^29*z0^4*z1^6 + x^25*z0^7*z1^7 - 2*x^25*z0^7*z1^3 - 2*x^25*z0^3*z1^7 - x^25*z0^3*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^35*z0^5*z1^4 + 2*x^34*z0^3*z1^5 + x^30*z0^6*z1^6 - x^29*z0^4*z1^7 + x^25*z0^7*z1^8 - 2*x^25*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^25*z0^3*z1^8 - x^25*z0^3*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^35*z0^6 + 2*x^34*z0^4*z1 + x^30*z0^7*z1^2 - x^29*z0^5*z1^3 + x^25*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^25*z0^8 - 2*x^25*z0^4*z1^4 - x^25*z0^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^35*z0^6*z1 + 2*x^34*z0^4*z1^2 + x^30*z0^7*z1^3 - x^29*z0^5*z1^4 + x^25*z0^8*z1^5 - 2*x^25*z0^8*z1 - 2*x^25*z0^4*z1^5 - x^25*z0^4*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^35*z0^6*z1^2 + 2*x^34*z0^4*z1^3 + x^30*z0^7*z1^4 - x^29*z0^5*z1^5 + x^25*z0^8*z1^6 - 2*x^25*z0^8*z1^2 - 2*x^25*z0^4*z1^6 - x^25*z0^4*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^35*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^34*z0^4*z1^4 + x^30*z0^7*z1^5 - x^29*z0^5*z1^6 + x^25*z0^8*z1^7 - 2*x^25*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*x^25*z0^4*z1^7 - x^25*z0^4*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^35*z0^6*z1^4 + 2*x^34*z0^4*z1^5 + x^30*z0^7*z1^6 - x^29*z0^5*z1^7 + x^25*z0^8*z1^8 - 2*x^25*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^25*z0^4*z1^8 - x^25*z0^4*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^36*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^35*z1^2 + x^31*z0^3*z1^3 - x^30*z0*z1^4 + x^26*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^26*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^26*z1^5 - x^26*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^36*z0^2*z1^2 + 2*x^35*z1^3 + x^31*z0^3*z1^4 - x^30*z0*z1^5 + x^26*z0^4*z1^6 - 2*x^26*z0^4*z1^2 - 2*x^26*z1^6 - x^26*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^36*z0^2*z1^3 + 2*x^35*z1^4 + x^31*z0^3*z1^5 - x^30*z0*z1^6 + x^26*z0^4*z1^7 - 2*x^26*z0^4*z1^3 - 2*x^26*z1^7 - x^26*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^36*z0^2*z1^4 + 2*x^35*z1^5 + x^31*z0^3*z1^6 - x^30*z0*z1^7 + x^26*z0^4*z1^8 - 2*x^26*z0^4*z1^4 - 2*x^26*z1^8 - x^26*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^36*z0^3 + 2*x^35*z0*z1 + x^31*z0^4*z1^2 - x^30*z0^2*z1^3 + x^26*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^26*z0^5 - 2*x^26*z0*z1^4 - x^26*z0
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^36*z0^3*z1 + 2*x^35*z0*z1^2 + x^31*z0^4*z1^3 - x^30*z0^2*z1^4 + x^26*z0^5*z1^5 - 2*x^26*z0^5*z1 - 2*x^26*z0*z1^5 - x^26*z0*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^36*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^35*z0*z1^3 + x^31*z0^4*z1^4 - x^30*z0^2*z1^5 + x^26*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^26*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^26*z0*z1^6 - x^26*z0*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^36*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^35*z0*z1^4 + x^31*z0^4*z1^5 - x^30*z0^2*z1^6 + x^26*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^26*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^26*z0*z1^7 - x^26*z0*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^36*z0^3*z1^4 + 2*x^35*z0*z1^5 + x^31*z0^4*z1^6 - x^30*z0^2*z1^7 + x^26*z0^5*z1^8 - 2*x^26*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^26*z0*z1^8 - x^26*z0*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^36*z0^4 + 2*x^35*z0^2*z1 + x^31*z0^5*z1^2 - x^30*z0^3*z1^3 + x^26*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^26*z0^6 - 2*x^26*z0^2*z1^4 - x^26*z0^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^36*z0^4*z1 + 2*x^35*z0^2*z1^2 + x^31*z0^5*z1^3 - x^30*z0^3*z1^4 + x^26*z0^6*z1^5 - 2*x^26*z0^6*z1 - 2*x^26*z0^2*z1^5 - x^26*z0^2*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^36*z0^4*z1^2 + 2*x^35*z0^2*z1^3 + x^31*z0^5*z1^4 - x^30*z0^3*z1^5 + x^26*z0^6*z1^6 - 2*x^26*z0^6*z1^2 - 2*x^26*z0^2*z1^6 - x^26*z0^2*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^36*z0^4*z1^3 + 2*x^35*z0^2*z1^4 + x^31*z0^5*z1^5 - x^30*z0^3*z1^6 + x^26*z0^6*z1^7 - 2*x^26*z0^6*z1^3 - 2*x^26*z0^2*z1^7 - x^26*z0^2*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^36*z0^4*z1^4 + 2*x^35*z0^2*z1^5 + x^31*z0^5*z1^6 - x^30*z0^3*z1^7 + x^26*z0^6*z1^8 - 2*x^26*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^26*z0^2*z1^8 - x^26*z0^2*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^36*z0^5 + 2*x^35*z0^3*z1 + x^31*z0^6*z1^2 - x^30*z0^4*z1^3 + x^26*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^26*z0^7 - 2*x^26*z0^3*z1^4 - x^26*z0^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^36*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^35*z0^3*z1^2 + x^31*z0^6*z1^3 - x^30*z0^4*z1^4 + x^26*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^26*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^26*z0^3*z1^5 - x^26*z0^3*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^36*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^35*z0^3*z1^3 + x^31*z0^6*z1^4 - x^30*z0^4*z1^5 + x^26*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^26*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^26*z0^3*z1^6 - x^26*z0^3*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^36*z0^5*z1^3 + 2*x^35*z0^3*z1^4 + x^31*z0^6*z1^5 - x^30*z0^4*z1^6 + x^26*z0^7*z1^7 - 2*x^26*z0^7*z1^3 - 2*x^26*z0^3*z1^7 - x^26*z0^3*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^36*z0^5*z1^4 + 2*x^35*z0^3*z1^5 + x^31*z0^6*z1^6 - x^30*z0^4*z1^7 + x^26*z0^7*z1^8 - 2*x^26*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^26*z0^3*z1^8 - x^26*z0^3*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^36*z0^6 + 2*x^35*z0^4*z1 + x^31*z0^7*z1^2 - x^30*z0^5*z1^3 + x^26*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^26*z0^8 - 2*x^26*z0^4*z1^4 - x^26*z0^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^36*z0^6*z1 + 2*x^35*z0^4*z1^2 + x^31*z0^7*z1^3 - x^30*z0^5*z1^4 + x^26*z0^8*z1^5 - 2*x^26*z0^8*z1 - 2*x^26*z0^4*z1^5 - x^26*z0^4*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^36*z0^6*z1^2 + 2*x^35*z0^4*z1^3 + x^31*z0^7*z1^4 - x^30*z0^5*z1^5 + x^26*z0^8*z1^6 - 2*x^26*z0^8*z1^2 - 2*x^26*z0^4*z1^6 - x^26*z0^4*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^36*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^35*z0^4*z1^4 + x^31*z0^7*z1^5 - x^30*z0^5*z1^6 + x^26*z0^8*z1^7 - 2*x^26*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*x^26*z0^4*z1^7 - x^26*z0^4*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^36*z0^6*z1^4 + 2*x^35*z0^4*z1^5 + x^31*z0^7*z1^6 - x^30*z0^5*z1^7 + x^26*z0^8*z1^8 - 2*x^26*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^26*z0^4*z1^8 - x^26*z0^4*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^37*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^36*z1^2 + x^32*z0^3*z1^3 - x^31*z0*z1^4 + x^27*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^27*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^27*z1^5 - x^27*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^37*z0^2*z1^2 + 2*x^36*z1^3 + x^32*z0^3*z1^4 - x^31*z0*z1^5 + x^27*z0^4*z1^6 - 2*x^27*z0^4*z1^2 - 2*x^27*z1^6 - x^27*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^37*z0^2*z1^3 + 2*x^36*z1^4 + x^32*z0^3*z1^5 - x^31*z0*z1^6 + x^27*z0^4*z1^7 - 2*x^27*z0^4*z1^3 - 2*x^27*z1^7 - x^27*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^37*z0^2*z1^4 + 2*x^36*z1^5 + x^32*z0^3*z1^6 - x^31*z0*z1^7 + x^27*z0^4*z1^8 - 2*x^27*z0^4*z1^4 - 2*x^27*z1^8 - x^27*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^37*z0^3 + 2*x^36*z0*z1 + x^32*z0^4*z1^2 - x^31*z0^2*z1^3 + x^27*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^27*z0^5 - 2*x^27*z0*z1^4 - x^27*z0
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^37*z0^3*z1 + 2*x^36*z0*z1^2 + x^32*z0^4*z1^3 - x^31*z0^2*z1^4 + x^27*z0^5*z1^5 - 2*x^27*z0^5*z1 - 2*x^27*z0*z1^5 - x^27*z0*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^37*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^36*z0*z1^3 + x^32*z0^4*z1^4 - x^31*z0^2*z1^5 + x^27*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^27*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^27*z0*z1^6 - x^27*z0*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^37*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^36*z0*z1^4 + x^32*z0^4*z1^5 - x^31*z0^2*z1^6 + x^27*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^27*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^27*z0*z1^7 - x^27*z0*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^37*z0^3*z1^4 + 2*x^36*z0*z1^5 + x^32*z0^4*z1^6 - x^31*z0^2*z1^7 + x^27*z0^5*z1^8 - 2*x^27*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^27*z0*z1^8 - x^27*z0*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^37*z0^4 + 2*x^36*z0^2*z1 + x^32*z0^5*z1^2 - x^31*z0^3*z1^3 + x^27*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^27*z0^6 - 2*x^27*z0^2*z1^4 - x^27*z0^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^37*z0^4*z1 + 2*x^36*z0^2*z1^2 + x^32*z0^5*z1^3 - x^31*z0^3*z1^4 + x^27*z0^6*z1^5 - 2*x^27*z0^6*z1 - 2*x^27*z0^2*z1^5 - x^27*z0^2*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^37*z0^4*z1^2 + 2*x^36*z0^2*z1^3 + x^32*z0^5*z1^4 - x^31*z0^3*z1^5 + x^27*z0^6*z1^6 - 2*x^27*z0^6*z1^2 - 2*x^27*z0^2*z1^6 - x^27*z0^2*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^37*z0^4*z1^3 + 2*x^36*z0^2*z1^4 + x^32*z0^5*z1^5 - x^31*z0^3*z1^6 + x^27*z0^6*z1^7 - 2*x^27*z0^6*z1^3 - 2*x^27*z0^2*z1^7 - x^27*z0^2*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^37*z0^4*z1^4 + 2*x^36*z0^2*z1^5 + x^32*z0^5*z1^6 - x^31*z0^3*z1^7 + x^27*z0^6*z1^8 - 2*x^27*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^27*z0^2*z1^8 - x^27*z0^2*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^37*z0^5 + 2*x^36*z0^3*z1 + x^32*z0^6*z1^2 - x^31*z0^4*z1^3 + x^27*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^27*z0^7 - 2*x^27*z0^3*z1^4 - x^27*z0^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^37*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^36*z0^3*z1^2 + x^32*z0^6*z1^3 - x^31*z0^4*z1^4 + x^27*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^27*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^27*z0^3*z1^5 - x^27*z0^3*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^37*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^36*z0^3*z1^3 + x^32*z0^6*z1^4 - x^31*z0^4*z1^5 + x^27*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^27*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^27*z0^3*z1^6 - x^27*z0^3*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^37*z0^5*z1^3 + 2*x^36*z0^3*z1^4 + x^32*z0^6*z1^5 - x^31*z0^4*z1^6 + x^27*z0^7*z1^7 - 2*x^27*z0^7*z1^3 - 2*x^27*z0^3*z1^7 - x^27*z0^3*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^37*z0^5*z1^4 + 2*x^36*z0^3*z1^5 + x^32*z0^6*z1^6 - x^31*z0^4*z1^7 + x^27*z0^7*z1^8 - 2*x^27*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^27*z0^3*z1^8 - x^27*z0^3*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^37*z0^6 + 2*x^36*z0^4*z1 + x^32*z0^7*z1^2 - x^31*z0^5*z1^3 + x^27*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^27*z0^8 - 2*x^27*z0^4*z1^4 - x^27*z0^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^37*z0^6*z1 + 2*x^36*z0^4*z1^2 + x^32*z0^7*z1^3 - x^31*z0^5*z1^4 + x^27*z0^8*z1^5 - 2*x^27*z0^8*z1 - 2*x^27*z0^4*z1^5 - x^27*z0^4*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^37*z0^6*z1^2 + 2*x^36*z0^4*z1^3 + x^32*z0^7*z1^4 - x^31*z0^5*z1^5 + x^27*z0^8*z1^6 - 2*x^27*z0^8*z1^2 - 2*x^27*z0^4*z1^6 - x^27*z0^4*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^37*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^36*z0^4*z1^4 + x^32*z0^7*z1^5 - x^31*z0^5*z1^6 + x^27*z0^8*z1^7 - 2*x^27*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*x^27*z0^4*z1^7 - x^27*z0^4*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^37*z0^6*z1^4 + 2*x^36*z0^4*z1^5 + x^32*z0^7*z1^6 - x^31*z0^5*z1^7 + x^27*z0^8*z1^8 - 2*x^27*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^27*z0^4*z1^8 - x^27*z0^4*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^38*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^37*z1^2 + x^33*z0^3*z1^3 - x^32*z0*z1^4 + x^28*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^28*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^28*z1^5 - x^28*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^38*z0^2*z1^2 + 2*x^37*z1^3 + x^33*z0^3*z1^4 - x^32*z0*z1^5 + x^28*z0^4*z1^6 - 2*x^28*z0^4*z1^2 - 2*x^28*z1^6 - x^28*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^38*z0^2*z1^3 + 2*x^37*z1^4 + x^33*z0^3*z1^5 - x^32*z0*z1^6 + x^28*z0^4*z1^7 - 2*x^28*z0^4*z1^3 - 2*x^28*z1^7 - x^28*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^38*z0^2*z1^4 + 2*x^37*z1^5 + x^33*z0^3*z1^6 - x^32*z0*z1^7 + x^28*z0^4*z1^8 - 2*x^28*z0^4*z1^4 - 2*x^28*z1^8 - x^28*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^38*z0^3 + 2*x^37*z0*z1 + x^33*z0^4*z1^2 - x^32*z0^2*z1^3 + x^28*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^28*z0^5 - 2*x^28*z0*z1^4 - x^28*z0
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^38*z0^3*z1 + 2*x^37*z0*z1^2 + x^33*z0^4*z1^3 - x^32*z0^2*z1^4 + x^28*z0^5*z1^5 - 2*x^28*z0^5*z1 - 2*x^28*z0*z1^5 - x^28*z0*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^38*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^37*z0*z1^3 + x^33*z0^4*z1^4 - x^32*z0^2*z1^5 + x^28*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^28*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^28*z0*z1^6 - x^28*z0*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^38*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^37*z0*z1^4 + x^33*z0^4*z1^5 - x^32*z0^2*z1^6 + x^28*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^28*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^28*z0*z1^7 - x^28*z0*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^38*z0^3*z1^4 + 2*x^37*z0*z1^5 + x^33*z0^4*z1^6 - x^32*z0^2*z1^7 + x^28*z0^5*z1^8 - 2*x^28*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^28*z0*z1^8 - x^28*z0*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^38*z0^4 + 2*x^37*z0^2*z1 + x^33*z0^5*z1^2 - x^32*z0^3*z1^3 + x^28*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^28*z0^6 - 2*x^28*z0^2*z1^4 - x^28*z0^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^38*z0^4*z1 + 2*x^37*z0^2*z1^2 + x^33*z0^5*z1^3 - x^32*z0^3*z1^4 + x^28*z0^6*z1^5 - 2*x^28*z0^6*z1 - 2*x^28*z0^2*z1^5 - x^28*z0^2*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^38*z0^4*z1^2 + 2*x^37*z0^2*z1^3 + x^33*z0^5*z1^4 - x^32*z0^3*z1^5 + x^28*z0^6*z1^6 - 2*x^28*z0^6*z1^2 - 2*x^28*z0^2*z1^6 - x^28*z0^2*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^38*z0^4*z1^3 + 2*x^37*z0^2*z1^4 + x^33*z0^5*z1^5 - x^32*z0^3*z1^6 + x^28*z0^6*z1^7 - 2*x^28*z0^6*z1^3 - 2*x^28*z0^2*z1^7 - x^28*z0^2*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^38*z0^4*z1^4 + 2*x^37*z0^2*z1^5 + x^33*z0^5*z1^6 - x^32*z0^3*z1^7 + x^28*z0^6*z1^8 - 2*x^28*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^28*z0^2*z1^8 - x^28*z0^2*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^38*z0^5 + 2*x^37*z0^3*z1 + x^33*z0^6*z1^2 - x^32*z0^4*z1^3 + x^28*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^28*z0^7 - 2*x^28*z0^3*z1^4 - x^28*z0^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^38*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^37*z0^3*z1^2 + x^33*z0^6*z1^3 - x^32*z0^4*z1^4 + x^28*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^28*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^28*z0^3*z1^5 - x^28*z0^3*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^38*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^37*z0^3*z1^3 + x^33*z0^6*z1^4 - x^32*z0^4*z1^5 + x^28*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^28*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^28*z0^3*z1^6 - x^28*z0^3*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^38*z0^5*z1^3 + 2*x^37*z0^3*z1^4 + x^33*z0^6*z1^5 - x^32*z0^4*z1^6 + x^28*z0^7*z1^7 - 2*x^28*z0^7*z1^3 - 2*x^28*z0^3*z1^7 - x^28*z0^3*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^38*z0^5*z1^4 + 2*x^37*z0^3*z1^5 + x^33*z0^6*z1^6 - x^32*z0^4*z1^7 + x^28*z0^7*z1^8 - 2*x^28*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^28*z0^3*z1^8 - x^28*z0^3*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^38*z0^6 + 2*x^37*z0^4*z1 + x^33*z0^7*z1^2 - x^32*z0^5*z1^3 + x^28*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^28*z0^8 - 2*x^28*z0^4*z1^4 - x^28*z0^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^38*z0^6*z1 + 2*x^37*z0^4*z1^2 + x^33*z0^7*z1^3 - x^32*z0^5*z1^4 + x^28*z0^8*z1^5 - 2*x^28*z0^8*z1 - 2*x^28*z0^4*z1^5 - x^28*z0^4*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^38*z0^6*z1^2 + 2*x^37*z0^4*z1^3 + x^33*z0^7*z1^4 - x^32*z0^5*z1^5 + x^28*z0^8*z1^6 - 2*x^28*z0^8*z1^2 - 2*x^28*z0^4*z1^6 - x^28*z0^4*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^38*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^37*z0^4*z1^4 + x^33*z0^7*z1^5 - x^32*z0^5*z1^6 + x^28*z0^8*z1^7 - 2*x^28*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*x^28*z0^4*z1^7 - x^28*z0^4*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^38*z0^6*z1^4 + 2*x^37*z0^4*z1^5 + x^33*z0^7*z1^6 - x^32*z0^5*z1^7 + x^28*z0^8*z1^8 - 2*x^28*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^28*z0^4*z1^8 - x^28*z0^4*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^39*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^38*z1^2 + x^34*z0^3*z1^3 - x^33*z0*z1^4 + x^29*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^29*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^29*z1^5 - x^29*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^39*z0^2*z1^2 + 2*x^38*z1^3 + x^34*z0^3*z1^4 - x^33*z0*z1^5 + x^29*z0^4*z1^6 - 2*x^29*z0^4*z1^2 - 2*x^29*z1^6 - x^29*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^39*z0^2*z1^3 + 2*x^38*z1^4 + x^34*z0^3*z1^5 - x^33*z0*z1^6 + x^29*z0^4*z1^7 - 2*x^29*z0^4*z1^3 - 2*x^29*z1^7 - x^29*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^39*z0^2*z1^4 + 2*x^38*z1^5 + x^34*z0^3*z1^6 - x^33*z0*z1^7 + x^29*z0^4*z1^8 - 2*x^29*z0^4*z1^4 - 2*x^29*z1^8 - x^29*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^39*z0^3 + 2*x^38*z0*z1 + x^34*z0^4*z1^2 - x^33*z0^2*z1^3 + x^29*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^29*z0^5 - 2*x^29*z0*z1^4 - x^29*z0
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^39*z0^3*z1 + 2*x^38*z0*z1^2 + x^34*z0^4*z1^3 - x^33*z0^2*z1^4 + x^29*z0^5*z1^5 - 2*x^29*z0^5*z1 - 2*x^29*z0*z1^5 - x^29*z0*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^39*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^38*z0*z1^3 + x^34*z0^4*z1^4 - x^33*z0^2*z1^5 + x^29*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^29*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^29*z0*z1^6 - x^29*z0*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^39*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^38*z0*z1^4 + x^34*z0^4*z1^5 - x^33*z0^2*z1^6 + x^29*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^29*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^29*z0*z1^7 - x^29*z0*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^39*z0^3*z1^4 + 2*x^38*z0*z1^5 + x^34*z0^4*z1^6 - x^33*z0^2*z1^7 + x^29*z0^5*z1^8 - 2*x^29*z0^5*z1^4 - 2*x^29*z0*z1^8 - x^29*z0*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^39*z0^4 + 2*x^38*z0^2*z1 + x^34*z0^5*z1^2 - x^33*z0^3*z1^3 + x^29*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^29*z0^6 - 2*x^29*z0^2*z1^4 - x^29*z0^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^39*z0^4*z1 + 2*x^38*z0^2*z1^2 + x^34*z0^5*z1^3 - x^33*z0^3*z1^4 + x^29*z0^6*z1^5 - 2*x^29*z0^6*z1 - 2*x^29*z0^2*z1^5 - x^29*z0^2*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^39*z0^4*z1^2 + 2*x^38*z0^2*z1^3 + x^34*z0^5*z1^4 - x^33*z0^3*z1^5 + x^29*z0^6*z1^6 - 2*x^29*z0^6*z1^2 - 2*x^29*z0^2*z1^6 - x^29*z0^2*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^39*z0^4*z1^3 + 2*x^38*z0^2*z1^4 + x^34*z0^5*z1^5 - x^33*z0^3*z1^6 + x^29*z0^6*z1^7 - 2*x^29*z0^6*z1^3 - 2*x^29*z0^2*z1^7 - x^29*z0^2*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^39*z0^4*z1^4 + 2*x^38*z0^2*z1^5 + x^34*z0^5*z1^6 - x^33*z0^3*z1^7 + x^29*z0^6*z1^8 - 2*x^29*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^29*z0^2*z1^8 - x^29*z0^2*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^39*z0^5 + 2*x^38*z0^3*z1 + x^34*z0^6*z1^2 - x^33*z0^4*z1^3 + x^29*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^29*z0^7 - 2*x^29*z0^3*z1^4 - x^29*z0^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^39*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^38*z0^3*z1^2 + x^34*z0^6*z1^3 - x^33*z0^4*z1^4 + x^29*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^29*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^29*z0^3*z1^5 - x^29*z0^3*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^39*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^38*z0^3*z1^3 + x^34*z0^6*z1^4 - x^33*z0^4*z1^5 + x^29*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^29*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^29*z0^3*z1^6 - x^29*z0^3*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^39*z0^5*z1^3 + 2*x^38*z0^3*z1^4 + x^34*z0^6*z1^5 - x^33*z0^4*z1^6 + x^29*z0^7*z1^7 - 2*x^29*z0^7*z1^3 - 2*x^29*z0^3*z1^7 - x^29*z0^3*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^39*z0^5*z1^4 + 2*x^38*z0^3*z1^5 + x^34*z0^6*z1^6 - x^33*z0^4*z1^7 + x^29*z0^7*z1^8 - 2*x^29*z0^7*z1^4 - 2*x^29*z0^3*z1^8 - x^29*z0^3*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^39*z0^6 + 2*x^38*z0^4*z1 + x^34*z0^7*z1^2 - x^33*z0^5*z1^3 + x^29*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^29*z0^8 - 2*x^29*z0^4*z1^4 - x^29*z0^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^39*z0^6*z1 + 2*x^38*z0^4*z1^2 + x^34*z0^7*z1^3 - x^33*z0^5*z1^4 + x^29*z0^8*z1^5 - 2*x^29*z0^8*z1 - 2*x^29*z0^4*z1^5 - x^29*z0^4*z1
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^39*z0^6*z1^2 + 2*x^38*z0^4*z1^3 + x^34*z0^7*z1^4 - x^33*z0^5*z1^5 + x^29*z0^8*z1^6 - 2*x^29*z0^8*z1^2 - 2*x^29*z0^4*z1^6 - x^29*z0^4*z1^2
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^39*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^38*z0^4*z1^4 + x^34*z0^7*z1^5 - x^33*z0^5*z1^6 + x^29*z0^8*z1^7 - 2*x^29*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*x^29*z0^4*z1^7 - x^29*z0^4*z1^3
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
x^39*z0^6*z1^4 + 2*x^38*z0^4*z1^5 + x^34*z0^7*z1^6 - x^33*z0^5*z1^7 + x^29*z0^8*z1^8 - 2*x^29*z0^8*z1^4 - 2*x^29*z0^4*z1^8 - x^29*z0^4*z1^4
<class '__main__.superelliptic_function'>
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
x^10*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^9*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^7*z1^5 - x^4*z0^5*z1^6 + z0^8*z1^7 - 2*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*z0^4*z1^7 - z0^4*z1^3
x^12*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^7*z0^4*z1^5 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 + x^2*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^2*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^2*z0*z1^7 - x^2*z0*z1^3
x^13*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^12*z0^3*z1^3 + x^8*z0^6*z1^4 - x^7*z0^4*z1^5 + x^3*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^3*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^3*z0^3*z1^6 - x^3*z0^3*z1^2
x^14*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^13*z0*z1^3 + x^9*z0^4*z1^4 - x^8*z0^2*z1^5 + x^4*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^4*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^4*z0*z1^6 - x^4*z0*z1^2
x^15*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^14*z0^3*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^3 - x^9*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^5*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - x^5*z0^3*z1
x^17*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^16*z1^2 + x^12*z0^3*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^7*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^7*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^7*z1^5 - x^7*z1
x^18*z0^4 + 2*x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^13*z0^5*z1^2 - x^12*z0^3*z1^3 + x^8*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^8*z0^6 - 2*x^8*z0^2*z1^4 - x^8*z0^2
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
x^10*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^9*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^7*z1^5 - x^4*z0^5*z1^6 + z0^8*z1^7 - 2*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*z0^4*z1^7 - z0^4*z1^3
x^12*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^7*z0^4*z1^5 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 + x^2*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^2*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^2*z0*z1^7 - x^2*z0*z1^3
x^13*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^12*z0^3*z1^3 + x^8*z0^6*z1^4 - x^7*z0^4*z1^5 + x^3*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^3*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^3*z0^3*z1^6 - x^3*z0^3*z1^2
x^14*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^13*z0*z1^3 + x^9*z0^4*z1^4 - x^8*z0^2*z1^5 + x^4*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^4*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^4*z0*z1^6 - x^4*z0*z1^2
x^15*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^14*z0^3*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^3 - x^9*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^5*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - x^5*z0^3*z1
x^17*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^16*z1^2 + x^12*z0^3*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^7*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^7*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^7*z1^5 - x^7*z1
x^18*z0^4 + 2*x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^13*z0^5*z1^2 - x^12*z0^3*z1^3 + x^8*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^8*z0^6 - 2*x^8*z0^2*z1^4 - x^8*z0^2
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
x^10*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^9*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^7*z1^5 - x^4*z0^5*z1^6 + z0^8*z1^7 - 2*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*z0^4*z1^7 - z0^4*z1^3
x^12*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^7*z0^4*z1^5 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 + x^2*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^2*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^2*z0*z1^7 - x^2*z0*z1^3
x^13*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^12*z0^3*z1^3 + x^8*z0^6*z1^4 - x^7*z0^4*z1^5 + x^3*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^3*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^3*z0^3*z1^6 - x^3*z0^3*z1^2
x^14*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^13*z0*z1^3 + x^9*z0^4*z1^4 - x^8*z0^2*z1^5 + x^4*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^4*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^4*z0*z1^6 - x^4*z0*z1^2
x^15*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^14*z0^3*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^3 - x^9*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^5*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - x^5*z0^3*z1
x^17*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^16*z1^2 + x^12*z0^3*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^7*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^7*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^7*z1^5 - x^7*z1
x^18*z0^4 + 2*x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^13*z0^5*z1^2 - x^12*z0^3*z1^3 + x^8*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^8*z0^6 - 2*x^8*z0^2*z1^4 - x^8*z0^2
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage$ ]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage$ ]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage$ ]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage$ load('init.sage')
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `'init.sage''
]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage$ sage
│ SageMath version 9.7, Release Date: 2022-09-19 │
│ Using Python 3.10.5. Type "help()" for help. │
]0;IPython: DeRhamComputation/sage[?2004h[?1l[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7linit.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('init.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ldraft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
x^10*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^9*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^7*z1^5 - x^4*z0^5*z1^6 + z0^8*z1^7 - 2*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*z0^4*z1^7 - z0^4*z1^3
x^12*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^7*z0^4*z1^5 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 + x^2*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^2*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^2*z0*z1^7 - x^2*z0*z1^3
x^13*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^12*z0^3*z1^3 + x^8*z0^6*z1^4 - x^7*z0^4*z1^5 + x^3*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^3*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^3*z0^3*z1^6 - x^3*z0^3*z1^2
x^14*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^13*z0*z1^3 + x^9*z0^4*z1^4 - x^8*z0^2*z1^5 + x^4*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^4*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^4*z0*z1^6 - x^4*z0*z1^2
x^15*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^14*z0^3*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^3 - x^9*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^5*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - x^5*z0^3*z1
x^17*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^16*z1^2 + x^12*z0^3*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^7*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^7*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^7*z1^5 - x^7*z1
x^18*z0^4 + 2*x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^13*z0^5*z1^2 - x^12*z0^3*z1^3 + x^8*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^8*z0^6 - 2*x^8*z0^2*z1^4 - x^8*z0^2
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
x^10*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^9*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^7*z1^5 - x^4*z0^5*z1^6 + z0^8*z1^7 - 2*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*z0^4*z1^7 - z0^4*z1^3
x^12*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^7*z0^4*z1^5 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 + x^2*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^2*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^2*z0*z1^7 - x^2*z0*z1^3
x^13*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^12*z0^3*z1^3 + x^8*z0^6*z1^4 - x^7*z0^4*z1^5 + x^3*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^3*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^3*z0^3*z1^6 - x^3*z0^3*z1^2
x^14*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^13*z0*z1^3 + x^9*z0^4*z1^4 - x^8*z0^2*z1^5 + x^4*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^4*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^4*z0*z1^6 - x^4*z0*z1^2
x^15*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^14*z0^3*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^3 - x^9*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^5*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - x^5*z0^3*z1
x^17*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^16*z1^2 + x^12*z0^3*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^7*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^7*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^7*z1^5 - x^7*z1
x^18*z0^4 + 2*x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^13*z0^5*z1^2 - x^12*z0^3*z1^3 + x^8*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^8*z0^6 - 2*x^8*z0^2*z1^4 - x^8*z0^2
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
x^10*z0^6*z1^3 + 2*x^9*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^7*z1^5 - x^4*z0^5*z1^6 + z0^8*z1^7 - 2*z0^8*z1^3 - 2*z0^4*z1^7 - z0^4*z1^3
x^12*z0^3*z1^3 + 2*x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^7*z0^4*z1^5 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 + x^2*z0^5*z1^7 - 2*x^2*z0^5*z1^3 - 2*x^2*z0*z1^7 - x^2*z0*z1^3
x^13*z0^5*z1^2 + 2*x^12*z0^3*z1^3 + x^8*z0^6*z1^4 - x^7*z0^4*z1^5 + x^3*z0^7*z1^6 - 2*x^3*z0^7*z1^2 - 2*x^3*z0^3*z1^6 - x^3*z0^3*z1^2
x^14*z0^3*z1^2 + 2*x^13*z0*z1^3 + x^9*z0^4*z1^4 - x^8*z0^2*z1^5 + x^4*z0^5*z1^6 - 2*x^4*z0^5*z1^2 - 2*x^4*z0*z1^6 - x^4*z0*z1^2
x^15*z0^5*z1 + 2*x^14*z0^3*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^3 - x^9*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^7*z1^5 - 2*x^5*z0^7*z1 - 2*x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - x^5*z0^3*z1
x^17*z0^2*z1 + 2*x^16*z1^2 + x^12*z0^3*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^7*z0^4*z1^5 - 2*x^7*z0^4*z1 - 2*x^7*z1^5 - x^7*z1
x^18*z0^4 + 2*x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^13*z0^5*z1^2 - x^12*z0^3*z1^3 + x^8*z0^6*z1^4 - 2*x^8*z0^6 - 2*x^8*z0^2*z1^4 - x^8*z0^2
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS = as_cover(C_super, [f1, f2], prec=500)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.exponent_of_diffent_prim()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lexponent_of_different_prim()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.exponent_of_different()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l-[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l2[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l4[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l0[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l-[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l1[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l9[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l1[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l+[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l2[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l1[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l6[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: -240-191+216
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l-240-191+216[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l2[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l1[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l5[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l/[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l2[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l5[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: -215/25
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l-215/25[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l25.[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: -215/25.n()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l-215/25.n()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l25[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lf-215/25)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ll-215/25)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo-215/25)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo-215/25)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lr-215/25)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(-215/25)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: floor(-215/25)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l9[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l*[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l2[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l5[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 9*25
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l9*25[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfloor(-215/25)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l-215/25.n()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l25[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l40-191+216[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.exponent_of_different()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage$ git pushcommit -m "z jupytera na pliki tekstowe"add sageload('init.sage')git add sagecommit -m "z jupytera na pliki tekstowe"pushsage
│ SageMath version 9.7, Release Date: 2022-09-19 │
│ Using Python 3.10.5. Type "help()" for help. │
]0;IPython: DeRhamComputation/sage[?2004h[?1l[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l9*25[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfloor(-215/25)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l-215/25.n()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l25[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l40-191+216[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.exponent_of_different()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7linit.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('init.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ldraft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
+Infinity 0
+Infinity 0
+Infinity 0
+Infinity 0
+Infinity 0
+Infinity 0
-5 0
+Infinity 0
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
+Infinity 0 -190 -190
+Infinity 0 -185 -185
+Infinity 0 -185 -185
+Infinity 0 -190 -190
+Infinity 0 -190 -190
+Infinity 0 -185 -185
-5 0 -185 -185
+Infinity 0 -190 -190
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.exponent_of_different()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.exponent_of_different
 <unknown> [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l_prim

[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.exponent_of_different_prim()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(zmag*(zdual.group_action([0, 0]))).trace2()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lz[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lm[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lg[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l*[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lzdual)tace2()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lv[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l().[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lr[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lc[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l2[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: (zmag*zvee).trace2()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 [?7h[?12l[?25h]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage$ ]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage$ ]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage$ ]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage$ ]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage$ sagesasa
│ SageMath version 9.7, Release Date: 2022-09-19 │
│ Using Python 3.10.5. Type "help()" for help. │
]0;IPython: DeRhamComputation/sage[?2004h[?1l[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: p = 7
....: for i in range(0, p):
....:  print(binomial(p-1, i)%p)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfori in range(0, p):
 print(binom(p-1, i)%p)
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lm =7
....: R.<t> = LaurentSeriesRing(GF(p), default_prec = 100)
....: result = R(0)
....: for i in range(p):
....:  denom = (t^m/(1 + i*t^m))^(p-1) + (t^m/(1 + i*t^m))^(p-2)
....:  f = (t/((1+i*t^m).nth_root(m)))/denom
....:  result += f
....: print(result)
....: dprim = m*(p-1)
....: d = (m+1)*(p-1)
....: print(d, dprim)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lm = 7
....: p = 5
....: R.<t> = LaurentSeriesRing(GF(p), default_prec = 100)
....: result = R(0)
....: for i in range(p):
....:  denom = (t^m/(1 + i*t^m))^(p-1) + (t^m/(1 + i*t^m))^(p-2)
....:  f = (t - R(i/m)*t^(m+1))/denom
....:  result += f
....: print(result)
....: dprim = m*(p-1)
....: d = (m+1)*(p-1)
....: print(d, dprim)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()
precision = 100)
 = 100)
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.exponnt_of_different_prim()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7linit.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ldraft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l9*25[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfloor(-215/25)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l-215/25.n()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l25[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l40-191+216[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.exponent_of_different()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7linit.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ldraft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7linit.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ldraft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7linit.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('init.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp = 7
....: for i in range(0, p):
....:  print(binomial(p-1, i)%p)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfori in range(0, p):
 print(binom(p-1, i)%p)
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lm =7
....: R.<t> = LaurentSeriesRing(GF(p), default_prec = 100)
....: result = R(0)
....: for i in range(p):
....:  denom = (t^m/(1 + i*t^m))^(p-1) + (t^m/(1 + i*t^m))^(p-2)
....:  f = (t/((1+i*t^m).nth_root(m)))/denom
....:  result += f
....: print(result)
....: dprim = m*(p-1)
....: d = (m+1)*(p-1)
....: print(d, dprim)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()
()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfori in range(0, p):
  print(binom(p-1, i)%p)
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp =7
fori in range(0, p):
....:  print(binomial(p-1, i)%p)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ld[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l'[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ldraft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lr[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7laft.sage[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?7h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?7h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
KeyboardInterrupt Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [3], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:14, in <module>
File <string>:17, in dual_elt(AS, zmag)
File <string>:41, in __mul__(self, other)
File <string>:3, in __init__(self, C, g)
File src/cysignals/signals.pyx:310, in cysignals.signals.python_check_interrupt()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7linit.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('init.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ldraft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
1 + 4*t^33 + 2*t^45 + t^66 + t^69 + 3*t^78 + t^81 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^93 + 4*t^99 + 2*t^111 + 4*t^117 + 3*t^123 + 4*t^126 + t^132 + 2*t^138 + t^141 + 3*t^144 + 3*t^147 + 4*t^150 + 2*t^156 + 3*t^162 + 4*t^171 + 3*t^177 + 4*t^180 + t^183 + 3*t^186 + 3*t^189 + t^192 + 3*t^195 + 4*t^198 + 4*t^201 + 2*t^207 + 3*t^210 + 4*t^213 + 4*t^216 + t^219 + t^225 + 2*t^231 + t^234 + 3*t^237 + 3*t^240 + 3*t^243 + t^246 + t^249 + 3*t^252 + 3*t^255 + 2*t^258 + 2*t^261 + 2*t^264 + 3*t^267 + 4*t^270 + 2*t^273 + 2*t^276 + 4*t^279 + t^282 + 4*t^294 + 4*t^297 + 4*t^300 + 2*t^303 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^309 + t^312 + 4*t^318 + 3*t^324 + 2*t^327 + 2*t^333 + 2*t^336 + 3*t^339 + 4*t^342 + t^345 + 4*t^348 + 3*t^351 + t^354 + 3*t^357 + t^360 + 3*t^366 + 3*t^369 + 4*t^372 + 4*t^375 + 2*t^378 + 3*t^381 + t^384 + 4*t^387 + 3*t^390 + t^393 + t^396 + 3*t^399 + 3*t^405 + 3*t^408 + 2*t^414 + t^417 + 3*t^420 + 3*t^423 + t^426 + 2*t^432 + 2*t^435 + 3*t^441 + 2*t^447 + 2*t^450 + O(t^452)
1 + 3*t^33 + 4*t^45 + 4*t^66 + 2*t^69 + 2*t^78 + 2*t^81 + 3*t^90 + 4*t^93 + 2*t^99 + t^111 + 3*t^117 + 4*t^123 + t^126 + t^132 + 3*t^138 + 2*t^141 + 3*t^144 + 4*t^147 + t^150 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^171 + t^177 + 4*t^180 + 3*t^183 + 2*t^186 + t^189 + t^192 + 4*t^195 + t^198 + 3*t^201 + t^207 + 2*t^210 + 3*t^213 + 4*t^216 + 3*t^219 + 2*t^225 + t^231 + 4*t^234 + t^237 + 3*t^240 + 4*t^243 + 4*t^246 + 2*t^249 + 3*t^252 + 4*t^255 + 3*t^258 + 4*t^261 + 2*t^264 + 4*t^267 + t^270 + 4*t^273 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^279 + 4*t^282 + t^294 + 3*t^297 + 4*t^300 + t^303 + 3*t^306 + 4*t^309 + t^312 + t^318 + 3*t^324 + t^327 + 4*t^333 + 2*t^336 + 4*t^339 + t^342 + 2*t^345 + 4*t^348 + 4*t^351 + 4*t^354 + t^357 + t^360 + 2*t^366 + t^369 + 4*t^372 + 2*t^375 + 3*t^378 + t^381 + t^384 + 2*t^387 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^393 + t^396 + 4*t^399 + t^405 + 3*t^408 + 3*t^414 + 2*t^417 + 3*t^420 + 4*t^423 + 4*t^426 + 2*t^432 + t^435 + t^441 + t^447 + 3*t^450 + O(t^452)
1 + 2*t^33 + t^45 + 4*t^66 + 3*t^69 + 2*t^78 + 3*t^81 + 3*t^90 + t^93 + 3*t^99 + 4*t^111 + 2*t^117 + t^123 + t^126 + t^132 + 3*t^138 + 3*t^141 + 3*t^144 + t^147 + t^150 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^162 + 3*t^171 + 4*t^177 + 4*t^180 + 2*t^183 + 2*t^186 + 4*t^189 + t^192 + t^195 + t^198 + 2*t^201 + 4*t^207 + 2*t^210 + 2*t^213 + 4*t^216 + 2*t^219 + 3*t^225 + 4*t^231 + 4*t^234 + 4*t^237 + 3*t^240 + t^243 + 4*t^246 + 3*t^249 + 3*t^252 + t^255 + 3*t^258 + t^261 + 2*t^264 + t^267 + t^270 + t^273 + 2*t^276 + 3*t^279 + 4*t^282 + t^294 + 2*t^297 + 4*t^300 + 4*t^303 + 3*t^306 + t^309 + t^312 + t^318 + 3*t^324 + 4*t^327 + t^333 + 2*t^336 + t^339 + t^342 + 3*t^345 + 4*t^348 + t^351 + 4*t^354 + 4*t^357 + t^360 + 2*t^366 + 4*t^369 + 4*t^372 + 3*t^375 + 3*t^378 + 4*t^381 + t^384 + 3*t^387 + 2*t^390 + 3*t^393 + t^396 + t^399 + 4*t^405 + 3*t^408 + 3*t^414 + 3*t^417 + 3*t^420 + t^423 + 4*t^426 + 2*t^432 + 4*t^435 + 4*t^441 + 4*t^447 + 3*t^450 + O(t^452)
1 + t^33 + 3*t^45 + t^66 + 4*t^69 + 3*t^78 + 4*t^81 + 2*t^90 + 3*t^93 + t^99 + 3*t^111 + t^117 + 2*t^123 + 4*t^126 + t^132 + 2*t^138 + 4*t^141 + 3*t^144 + 2*t^147 + 4*t^150 + 2*t^156 + 3*t^162 + t^171 + 2*t^177 + 4*t^180 + 4*t^183 + 3*t^186 + 2*t^189 + t^192 + 2*t^195 + 4*t^198 + t^201 + 3*t^207 + 3*t^210 + t^213 + 4*t^216 + 4*t^219 + 4*t^225 + 3*t^231 + t^234 + 2*t^237 + 3*t^240 + 2*t^243 + t^246 + 4*t^249 + 3*t^252 + 2*t^255 + 2*t^258 + 3*t^261 + 2*t^264 + 2*t^267 + 4*t^270 + 3*t^273 + 2*t^276 + t^279 + t^282 + 4*t^294 + t^297 + 4*t^300 + 3*t^303 + 2*t^306 + 3*t^309 + t^312 + 4*t^318 + 3*t^324 + 3*t^327 + 3*t^333 + 2*t^336 + 2*t^339 + 4*t^342 + 4*t^345 + 4*t^348 + 2*t^351 + t^354 + 2*t^357 + t^360 + 3*t^366 + 2*t^369 + 4*t^372 + t^375 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^381 + t^384 + t^387 + 3*t^390 + 4*t^393 + t^396 + 2*t^399 + 2*t^405 + 3*t^408 + 2*t^414 + 4*t^417 + 3*t^420 + 2*t^423 + t^426 + 2*t^432 + 3*t^435 + 2*t^441 + 3*t^447 + 2*t^450 + O(t^452)
1 + 2*t^3 + 4*t^6 + 3*t^9 + t^12 + 3*t^15 + 2*t^18 + t^21 + t^24 + 2*t^27 + 2*t^30 + 3*t^33 + 3*t^39 + 4*t^42 + 4*t^51 + 3*t^54 + 4*t^57 + 4*t^60 + t^63 + 3*t^72 + 2*t^75 + 4*t^78 + 4*t^81 + 3*t^93 + 3*t^105 + 3*t^111 + 2*t^114 + 4*t^117 + 3*t^120 + 2*t^123 + 3*t^126 + 3*t^129 + t^132 + 2*t^135 + 2*t^138 + t^141 + t^147 + 4*t^150 + 3*t^153 + 2*t^156 + 3*t^165 + 4*t^168 + 4*t^171 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^183 + 2*t^186 + t^192 + 2*t^195 + 2*t^198 + 3*t^201 + 2*t^204 + t^210 + 3*t^213 + 2*t^216 + 3*t^222 + 3*t^225 + t^228 + 4*t^231 + 4*t^234 + 2*t^237 + 2*t^240 + 4*t^243 + 2*t^246 + t^249 + 2*t^255 + 2*t^261 + t^264 + t^267 + t^270 + 2*t^273 + 3*t^276 + 3*t^279 + t^282 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^297 + 3*t^300 + 3*t^303 + 2*t^306 + 4*t^309 + 3*t^312 + 3*t^315 + 4*t^321 + t^324 + t^327 + 3*t^330 + 4*t^333 + t^339 + 3*t^345 + t^348 + 3*t^351 + 3*t^357 + t^360 + t^366 + 2*t^369 + 3*t^372 + 3*t^378 + t^381 + 2*t^384 + t^387 + 3*t^390 + 2*t^393 + t^396 + 3*t^402 + t^405 + 2*t^408 + t^411 + 3*t^414 + t^417 + 2*t^420 + t^423 + 4*t^426 + 3*t^432 + 2*t^435 + 2*t^441 + 2*t^444 + t^450 + O(t^452)
1 + 2*t^3 + 4*t^6 + 3*t^9 + t^12 + 3*t^15 + 2*t^18 + t^21 + t^24 + 2*t^27 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^33 + t^36 + t^39 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^45 + t^48 + 3*t^51 + t^54 + 2*t^57 + 3*t^63 + 2*t^66 + 4*t^69 + t^72 + t^78 + t^81 + t^84 + 4*t^87 + t^90 + t^93 + 2*t^96 + t^99 + 4*t^102 + 3*t^105 + 3*t^108 + 3*t^111 + 2*t^114 + 3*t^117 + t^126 + 3*t^129 + 3*t^132 + t^138 + t^141 + 4*t^144 + 2*t^147 + 2*t^150 + 3*t^153 + 3*t^156 + t^159 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^165 + 2*t^171 + 4*t^174 + t^180 + 3*t^183 + t^189 + 4*t^198 + 2*t^201 + 3*t^207 + 2*t^213 + 2*t^216 + 4*t^219 + 4*t^222 + 3*t^228 + t^234 + 3*t^237 + 3*t^240 + t^243 + 4*t^246 + 3*t^249 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^255 + 2*t^258 + 2*t^261 + t^264 + 2*t^267 + 3*t^270 + t^273 + 4*t^276 + 4*t^279 + t^282 + 2*t^285 + 4*t^291 + 3*t^294 + 4*t^300 + 3*t^306 + t^315 + 4*t^318 + t^321 + t^324 + t^327 + t^333 + 4*t^336 + 2*t^339 + 3*t^342 + 2*t^345 + 4*t^348 + t^354 + 4*t^363 + 3*t^366 + 3*t^369 + 3*t^372 + t^375 + 2*t^381 + 3*t^384 + 2*t^387 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^393 + t^396 + 2*t^402 + 3*t^405 + 3*t^408 + t^411 + 3*t^414 + 4*t^417 + 4*t^420 + 2*t^423 + 4*t^429 + 3*t^435 + t^438 + 4*t^441 + 3*t^444 + t^447 + t^450 + O(t^452)
1 + 2*t^3 + 4*t^6 + 3*t^9 + t^12 + 3*t^15 + 2*t^18 + t^21 + t^24 + 2*t^27 + 2*t^30 + t^33 + 2*t^36 + 4*t^39 + 4*t^45 + 2*t^48 + 2*t^51 + 4*t^54 + t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^72 + 3*t^75 + 4*t^78 + 3*t^81 + t^84 + 2*t^87 + t^90 + 3*t^96 + 4*t^99 + 3*t^102 + t^105 + 2*t^111 + 2*t^114 + t^117 + t^123 + 4*t^126 + t^129 + 4*t^132 + t^135 + 4*t^141 + 3*t^144 + t^147 + 2*t^150 + 3*t^153 + 2*t^159 + 3*t^162 + 3*t^165 + 3*t^168 + 4*t^171 + 3*t^174 + t^177 + 4*t^180 + 3*t^183 + 4*t^186 + 3*t^189 + 4*t^195 + 3*t^201 + 2*t^207 + 4*t^210 + 4*t^213 + 3*t^216 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^225 + 4*t^228 + 4*t^231 + t^234 + 3*t^237 + 2*t^240 + 3*t^243 + t^249 + 3*t^252 + 2*t^258 + t^264 + 4*t^267 + 2*t^270 + 3*t^273 + 3*t^276 + t^279 + 4*t^282 + 2*t^285 + 3*t^288 + 3*t^291 + 4*t^297 + 4*t^300 + 2*t^303 + t^306 + t^309 + 2*t^312 + 4*t^315 + 2*t^318 + 4*t^321 + 2*t^324 + 3*t^327 + t^330 + 4*t^336 + t^339 + t^342 + 3*t^345 + 4*t^348 + 2*t^351 + 2*t^360 + 4*t^363 + t^366 + t^369 + t^372 + 3*t^375 + 3*t^378 + 3*t^381 + 4*t^384 + 3*t^390 + 2*t^393 + 4*t^396 + 4*t^399 + t^402 + 2*t^405 + 2*t^408 + 4*t^414 + 3*t^417 + 4*t^420 + t^423 + 4*t^426 + 4*t^429 + 2*t^432 + 4*t^438 + t^441 + t^447 + O(t^452)
1 + 2*t^3 + 4*t^6 + 3*t^9 + t^12 + 3*t^15 + 2*t^18 + t^21 + t^24 + 2*t^27 + 2*t^30 + 3*t^36 + 2*t^39 + 3*t^42 + t^45 + 3*t^48 + t^51 + 2*t^54 + 3*t^57 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^63 + 2*t^66 + 3*t^69 + t^72 + t^75 + 3*t^78 + 4*t^87 + 3*t^96 + 3*t^99 + 4*t^102 + 2*t^105 + t^108 + 2*t^111 + t^114 + 3*t^117 + 3*t^120 + 3*t^123 + 3*t^129 + t^132 + 3*t^141 + 2*t^150 + 3*t^156 + 4*t^159 + 2*t^162 + t^165 + 2*t^168 + 4*t^171 + 4*t^174 + 3*t^177 + 3*t^180 + t^183 + 3*t^186 + 3*t^189 + 2*t^192 + 3*t^195 + t^198 + 2*t^201 + t^204 + 4*t^210 + 4*t^213 + 2*t^216 + 3*t^222 + 3*t^225 + 3*t^231 + t^234 + 4*t^240 + 2*t^243 + 3*t^246 + t^249 + 3*t^252 + 4*t^258 + 3*t^264 + 2*t^267 + 4*t^270 + t^273 + 2*t^279 + 2*t^282 + 2*t^288 + t^291 + 3*t^294 + 3*t^297 + 2*t^303 + 4*t^306 + 2*t^309 + 2*t^312 + 2*t^315 + 2*t^318 + 3*t^324 + 4*t^330 + t^333 + 3*t^336 + 3*t^339 + t^342 + 4*t^345 + 4*t^348 + 3*t^351 + 3*t^357 + 2*t^360 + t^363 + 3*t^366 + 2*t^369 + 2*t^372 + 3*t^375 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^381 + 3*t^384 + 2*t^387 + t^399 + 4*t^402 + 3*t^405 + 4*t^411 + 2*t^417 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^432 + t^435 + 4*t^438 + t^441 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^447 + 4*t^450 + O(t^452)
1 + 2*t^3 + 4*t^6 + 3*t^9 + t^12 + 3*t^15 + 2*t^18 + t^21 + t^24 + 2*t^27 + 2*t^30 + 4*t^33 + 4*t^36 + t^42 + 3*t^45 + 4*t^48 + t^57 + 3*t^60 + 4*t^63 + 3*t^69 + 3*t^72 + 4*t^75 + 3*t^78 + 2*t^81 + 3*t^84 + 3*t^90 + t^93 + 2*t^96 + 2*t^99 + 4*t^102 + t^105 + t^108 + 3*t^114 + 4*t^117 + 4*t^120 + 4*t^123 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^135 + 2*t^138 + t^141 + 4*t^147 + t^153 + 2*t^159 + 4*t^162 + t^165 + t^168 + 2*t^171 + 3*t^177 + 2*t^180 + t^183 + 3*t^186 + 4*t^189 + 3*t^195 + 3*t^198 + 4*t^201 + 4*t^204 + 2*t^213 + 2*t^219 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^234 + 3*t^237 + 2*t^240 + t^246 + t^249 + 2*t^252 + 3*t^255 + 2*t^258 + 2*t^261 + 4*t^264 + 4*t^267 + 3*t^273 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^282 + 3*t^285 + 4*t^291 + 3*t^294 + t^297 + 3*t^300 + 4*t^303 + 3*t^306 + 3*t^309 + t^312 + t^315 + t^318 + 4*t^321 + 3*t^324 + 2*t^327 + t^330 + t^333 + t^339 + 3*t^345 + 3*t^351 + 2*t^354 + 4*t^360 + t^366 + 4*t^369 + t^375 + 4*t^381 + 3*t^387 + 4*t^390 + 2*t^393 + 2*t^396 + t^405 + 4*t^408 + 4*t^411 + 2*t^414 + 4*t^417 + 4*t^423 + 4*t^426 + 4*t^429 + 3*t^432 + t^435 + t^438 + t^441 + 4*t^444 + 2*t^447 + t^450 + O(t^452)
1 + 4*t^3 + t^6 + 4*t^9 + t^12 + t^15 + 3*t^18 + 3*t^21 + t^24 + 4*t^27 + 3*t^30 + 4*t^33 + t^39 + t^42 + 3*t^51 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^57 + 4*t^60 + 2*t^63 + 3*t^72 + 4*t^75 + t^78 + 2*t^81 + 4*t^93 + 4*t^105 + t^111 + 3*t^114 + 2*t^117 + 3*t^120 + 4*t^123 + 2*t^126 + 4*t^129 + t^132 + 4*t^135 + 3*t^138 + 3*t^141 + 2*t^147 + t^150 + 4*t^153 + 2*t^156 + 4*t^165 + 4*t^168 + 3*t^171 + 3*t^174 + t^180 + 4*t^183 + 3*t^186 + t^192 + 4*t^195 + 3*t^198 + 4*t^201 + 2*t^204 + 4*t^210 + 4*t^213 + 2*t^216 + 2*t^222 + 4*t^225 + t^228 + 3*t^231 + t^234 + t^237 + 2*t^240 + 3*t^243 + 3*t^246 + 3*t^249 + 4*t^255 + t^261 + t^264 + 2*t^267 + 4*t^270 + t^273 + 3*t^276 + t^279 + 4*t^282 + 3*t^294 + t^297 + 3*t^300 + t^303 + 3*t^306 + 2*t^309 + 3*t^312 + t^315 + 2*t^321 + t^324 + 2*t^327 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^333 + 2*t^339 + 4*t^345 + t^348 + t^351 + 4*t^357 + t^360 + 4*t^366 + t^369 + 3*t^372 + 2*t^378 + 3*t^381 + 2*t^384 + 2*t^387 + 2*t^390 + t^393 + t^396 + 2*t^402 + 3*t^405 + 2*t^408 + 2*t^411 + 2*t^414 + 3*t^417 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^423 + t^426 + 3*t^432 + 4*t^435 + t^441 + 2*t^444 + 4*t^450 + O(t^452)
1 + 4*t^3 + t^6 + 4*t^9 + t^12 + t^15 + 3*t^18 + 3*t^21 + t^24 + 4*t^27 + 3*t^30 + 3*t^33 + 2*t^36 + 3*t^39 + 2*t^45 + 2*t^48 + 4*t^51 + t^54 + t^60 + 4*t^66 + 2*t^72 + t^75 + t^78 + 4*t^81 + t^84 + 4*t^87 + 4*t^90 + 3*t^96 + 3*t^99 + 2*t^102 + 3*t^105 + 4*t^111 + 3*t^114 + 3*t^117 + 2*t^123 + t^126 + 3*t^129 + 4*t^132 + 2*t^135 + 2*t^141 + 3*t^144 + 2*t^147 + 3*t^150 + 4*t^153 + 4*t^159 + 2*t^162 + 4*t^165 + 3*t^168 + 3*t^171 + 2*t^174 + 3*t^177 + 4*t^180 + t^183 + t^186 + 4*t^189 + 3*t^195 + 4*t^201 + 4*t^207 + t^210 + 2*t^213 + 3*t^216 + 3*t^222 + t^225 + 4*t^228 + 3*t^231 + 4*t^234 + 4*t^237 + 2*t^240 + t^243 + 3*t^249 + 3*t^252 + 3*t^258 + t^264 + 3*t^267 + 3*t^270 + 4*t^273 + 3*t^276 + 2*t^279 + t^282 + t^285 + 3*t^288 + t^291 + 2*t^297 + 4*t^300 + 4*t^303 + 4*t^306 + 3*t^309 + 2*t^312 + 3*t^315 + 3*t^318 + 2*t^321 + 2*t^324 + t^327 + 4*t^330 + 4*t^336 + 2*t^339 + 4*t^342 + 4*t^345 + 4*t^348 + 4*t^351 + 2*t^360 + 3*t^363 + 4*t^366 + 3*t^369 + t^372 + t^375 + 2*t^378 + 4*t^381 + 4*t^384 + 2*t^390 + t^393 + 4*t^396 + 3*t^399 + 4*t^402 + t^405 + 2*t^408 + t^414 + 4*t^417 + 4*t^420 + 2*t^423 + t^426 + 2*t^429 + 2*t^432 + t^438 + 3*t^441 + 2*t^447 + O(t^452)
1 + 4*t^3 + t^6 + 4*t^9 + t^12 + t^15 + 3*t^18 + 3*t^21 + t^24 + 4*t^27 + 3*t^30 + 2*t^33 + 4*t^36 + 4*t^42 + 4*t^45 + 4*t^48 + 3*t^57 + 3*t^60 + 3*t^63 + 4*t^69 + 3*t^72 + 3*t^75 + 2*t^78 + t^81 + 3*t^84 + 2*t^90 + 3*t^93 + 2*t^96 + 4*t^99 + t^102 + 3*t^105 + t^108 + 2*t^114 + 2*t^117 + 4*t^120 + 3*t^123 + 3*t^126 + 4*t^135 + 3*t^138 + 3*t^141 + 3*t^147 + 3*t^153 + 4*t^159 + t^162 + 3*t^165 + t^168 + 4*t^171 + 4*t^177 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^183 + 2*t^186 + 2*t^189 + t^195 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^201 + 4*t^204 + t^213 + 4*t^219 + 3*t^222 + 2*t^228 + 3*t^234 + 4*t^237 + 2*t^240 + 4*t^246 + 3*t^249 + 2*t^252 + t^255 + 3*t^258 + t^261 + 4*t^264 + 3*t^267 + 4*t^273 + 2*t^276 + 3*t^282 + 4*t^285 + 3*t^291 + 2*t^294 + 3*t^297 + 3*t^300 + 3*t^303 + 2*t^306 + 4*t^309 + t^312 + 2*t^315 + 4*t^318 + 2*t^321 + 3*t^324 + 4*t^327 + 4*t^330 + 3*t^333 + 2*t^339 + 4*t^345 + t^351 + 3*t^354 + 4*t^360 + 4*t^366 + 2*t^369 + 2*t^375 + 2*t^381 + t^387 + t^390 + t^393 + 2*t^396 + 3*t^405 + 4*t^408 + 3*t^411 + 3*t^414 + 2*t^417 + 3*t^423 + t^426 + 2*t^429 + 3*t^432 + 2*t^435 + 4*t^438 + 3*t^441 + 4*t^444 + 4*t^447 + 4*t^450 + O(t^452)
1 + 4*t^3 + t^6 + 4*t^9 + t^12 + t^15 + 3*t^18 + 3*t^21 + t^24 + 4*t^27 + 3*t^30 + t^33 + t^36 + 2*t^39 + 3*t^42 + t^45 + t^48 + t^51 + 4*t^54 + t^57 + t^63 + 3*t^66 + 2*t^69 + t^72 + 4*t^78 + 3*t^81 + t^84 + 3*t^87 + 4*t^90 + 3*t^93 + 2*t^96 + 2*t^99 + t^102 + 4*t^105 + 3*t^108 + t^111 + 3*t^114 + 4*t^117 + 4*t^126 + 4*t^129 + 3*t^132 + 4*t^138 + 3*t^141 + 4*t^144 + 4*t^147 + 3*t^150 + 4*t^153 + 3*t^156 + 2*t^159 + 3*t^162 + t^165 + 4*t^171 + t^174 + t^180 + t^183 + 3*t^189 + t^198 + t^201 + t^207 + t^213 + 2*t^216 + 3*t^219 + t^222 + 3*t^228 + 4*t^234 + 4*t^237 + 3*t^240 + 2*t^243 + t^246 + 4*t^249 + 2*t^252 + 4*t^255 + 3*t^258 + t^261 + t^264 + 4*t^267 + 2*t^270 + 3*t^273 + 4*t^276 + 3*t^279 + 4*t^282 + t^285 + 3*t^291 + 2*t^294 + 4*t^300 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^315 + t^318 + 3*t^321 + t^324 + 2*t^327 + 3*t^333 + 4*t^336 + 4*t^339 + 2*t^342 + t^345 + 4*t^348 + 4*t^354 + 3*t^363 + 2*t^366 + 4*t^369 + 3*t^372 + 2*t^375 + t^381 + 3*t^384 + 4*t^387 + 3*t^390 + t^393 + t^396 + 3*t^402 + 4*t^405 + 3*t^408 + 2*t^411 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^417 + 4*t^420 + 4*t^423 + 2*t^429 + t^435 + 4*t^438 + 2*t^441 + 3*t^444 + 2*t^447 + 4*t^450 + O(t^452)
1 + 4*t^3 + t^6 + 4*t^9 + t^12 + t^15 + 3*t^18 + 3*t^21 + t^24 + 4*t^27 + 3*t^30 + 3*t^36 + 4*t^39 + 2*t^42 + 3*t^45 + 3*t^48 + 2*t^51 + 3*t^54 + 4*t^57 + 2*t^60 + 4*t^63 + 3*t^66 + 4*t^69 + t^72 + 2*t^75 + 2*t^78 + 3*t^87 + 3*t^96 + t^99 + t^102 + t^105 + t^108 + 4*t^111 + 4*t^114 + 4*t^117 + 3*t^120 + t^123 + 4*t^129 + t^132 + 4*t^141 + 3*t^150 + 3*t^156 + 3*t^159 + 3*t^162 + 3*t^165 + 2*t^168 + 3*t^171 + t^174 + 4*t^177 + 3*t^180 + 2*t^183 + 2*t^186 + 4*t^189 + 2*t^192 + t^195 + 4*t^198 + t^201 + t^204 + t^210 + 2*t^213 + 2*t^216 + 2*t^222 + 4*t^225 + t^231 + 4*t^234 + 4*t^240 + 4*t^243 + 2*t^246 + 3*t^249 + 3*t^252 + t^258 + 3*t^264 + 4*t^267 + t^270 + 3*t^273 + 4*t^279 + 3*t^282 + 2*t^288 + 2*t^291 + 2*t^294 + 4*t^297 + 4*t^303 + t^306 + t^309 + 2*t^312 + 4*t^315 + 3*t^318 + 3*t^324 + t^330 + 3*t^333 + 3*t^336 + t^339 + 4*t^342 + 2*t^345 + 4*t^348 + t^351 + 4*t^357 + 2*t^360 + 2*t^363 + 2*t^366 + t^369 + 2*t^372 + t^375 + 3*t^378 + t^381 + 3*t^384 + 4*t^387 + 2*t^399 + t^402 + 4*t^405 + 3*t^411 + t^417 + t^420 + 3*t^426 + t^432 + 2*t^435 + t^438 + 3*t^441 + 2*t^444 + 4*t^447 + t^450 + O(t^452)
1 + t^3 + t^6 + t^9 + t^12 + 4*t^15 + 3*t^18 + 2*t^21 + t^24 + t^27 + 3*t^30 + t^33 + 4*t^39 + t^42 + 2*t^51 + 2*t^54 + 3*t^57 + 4*t^60 + 3*t^63 + 3*t^72 + t^75 + t^78 + 3*t^81 + t^93 + t^105 + 4*t^111 + 3*t^114 + 3*t^117 + 3*t^120 + t^123 + 2*t^126 + t^129 + t^132 + t^135 + 3*t^138 + 2*t^141 + 3*t^147 + t^150 + t^153 + 2*t^156 + t^165 + 4*t^168 + 2*t^171 + 3*t^174 + t^180 + t^183 + 3*t^186 + t^192 + t^195 + 3*t^198 + t^201 + 2*t^204 + 4*t^210 + t^213 + 2*t^216 + 2*t^222 + t^225 + t^228 + 2*t^231 + t^234 + 4*t^237 + 2*t^240 + 2*t^243 + 3*t^246 + 2*t^249 + t^255 + 4*t^261 + t^264 + 3*t^267 + 4*t^270 + 4*t^273 + 3*t^276 + 4*t^279 + 4*t^282 + 3*t^294 + 4*t^297 + 3*t^300 + 4*t^303 + 3*t^306 + 3*t^309 + 3*t^312 + 4*t^315 + 3*t^321 + t^324 + 3*t^327 + 2*t^330 + 3*t^333 + 3*t^339 + t^345 + t^348 + 4*t^351 + t^357 + t^360 + 4*t^366 + 4*t^369 + 3*t^372 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^381 + 2*t^384 + 3*t^387 + 2*t^390 + 4*t^393 + t^396 + 2*t^402 + 2*t^405 + 2*t^408 + 3*t^411 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^417 + 2*t^420 + 3*t^423 + t^426 + 3*t^432 + t^435 + 4*t^441 + 2*t^444 + 4*t^450 + O(t^452)
1 + t^3 + t^6 + t^9 + t^12 + 4*t^15 + 3*t^18 + 2*t^21 + t^24 + t^27 + 3*t^30 + 3*t^36 + t^39 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^45 + 3*t^48 + 3*t^51 + 3*t^54 + t^57 + 2*t^60 + t^63 + 3*t^66 + t^69 + t^72 + 3*t^75 + 2*t^78 + 2*t^87 + 3*t^96 + 4*t^99 + t^102 + 4*t^105 + t^108 + t^111 + 4*t^114 + t^117 + 3*t^120 + 4*t^123 + t^129 + t^132 + t^141 + 3*t^150 + 3*t^156 + 2*t^159 + 3*t^162 + 2*t^165 + 2*t^168 + 2*t^171 + t^174 + t^177 + 3*t^180 + 3*t^183 + 2*t^186 + t^189 + 2*t^192 + 4*t^195 + 4*t^198 + 4*t^201 + t^204 + t^210 + 3*t^213 + 2*t^216 + 2*t^222 + t^225 + 4*t^231 + 4*t^234 + 4*t^240 + t^243 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^249 + 3*t^252 + t^258 + 3*t^264 + t^267 + t^270 + 2*t^273 + t^279 + 3*t^282 + 2*t^288 + 3*t^291 + 2*t^294 + t^297 + t^303 + t^306 + 4*t^309 + 2*t^312 + t^315 + 3*t^318 + 3*t^324 + t^330 + 2*t^333 + 3*t^336 + 4*t^339 + 4*t^342 + 3*t^345 + 4*t^348 + 4*t^351 + t^357 + 2*t^360 + 3*t^363 + 2*t^366 + 4*t^369 + 2*t^372 + 4*t^375 + 3*t^378 + 4*t^381 + 3*t^384 + t^387 + 3*t^399 + t^402 + t^405 + 2*t^411 + 4*t^417 + t^420 + 3*t^426 + t^432 + 3*t^435 + t^438 + 2*t^441 + 2*t^444 + t^447 + t^450 + O(t^452)
1 + t^3 + t^6 + t^9 + t^12 + 4*t^15 + 3*t^18 + 2*t^21 + t^24 + t^27 + 3*t^30 + 4*t^33 + t^36 + 3*t^39 + 3*t^42 + 4*t^45 + t^48 + 4*t^51 + 4*t^54 + 4*t^57 + 4*t^63 + 3*t^66 + 3*t^69 + t^72 + 4*t^78 + 2*t^81 + t^84 + 2*t^87 + 4*t^90 + 2*t^93 + 2*t^96 + 3*t^99 + t^102 + t^105 + 3*t^108 + 4*t^111 + 3*t^114 + t^117 + 4*t^126 + t^129 + 3*t^132 + 4*t^138 + 2*t^141 + 4*t^144 + t^147 + 3*t^150 + t^153 + 3*t^156 + 3*t^159 + 3*t^162 + 4*t^165 + t^171 + t^174 + t^180 + 4*t^183 + 2*t^189 + t^198 + 4*t^201 + 4*t^207 + 4*t^213 + 2*t^216 + 2*t^219 + t^222 + 3*t^228 + 4*t^234 + t^237 + 3*t^240 + 3*t^243 + t^246 + t^249 + 2*t^252 + t^255 + 3*t^258 + 4*t^261 + t^264 + t^267 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^273 + 4*t^276 + 2*t^279 + 4*t^282 + 4*t^285 + 2*t^291 + 2*t^294 + 4*t^300 + 2*t^306 + 3*t^315 + t^318 + 2*t^321 + t^324 + 3*t^327 + 2*t^333 + 4*t^336 + t^339 + 2*t^342 + 4*t^345 + 4*t^348 + 4*t^354 + 2*t^363 + 2*t^366 + t^369 + 3*t^372 + 3*t^375 + 4*t^381 + 3*t^384 + t^387 + 3*t^390 + 4*t^393 + t^396 + 3*t^402 + t^405 + 3*t^408 + 3*t^411 + 2*t^414 + 3*t^417 + 4*t^420 + t^423 + 3*t^429 + 4*t^435 + 4*t^438 + 3*t^441 + 3*t^444 + 3*t^447 + 4*t^450 + O(t^452)
1 + t^3 + t^6 + t^9 + t^12 + 4*t^15 + 3*t^18 + 2*t^21 + t^24 + t^27 + 3*t^30 + 3*t^33 + 4*t^36 + 4*t^42 + t^45 + 4*t^48 + 2*t^57 + 3*t^60 + 2*t^63 + t^69 + 3*t^72 + 2*t^75 + 2*t^78 + 4*t^81 + 3*t^84 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^93 + 2*t^96 + t^99 + t^102 + 2*t^105 + t^108 + 2*t^114 + 3*t^117 + 4*t^120 + 2*t^123 + 3*t^126 + t^135 + 3*t^138 + 2*t^141 + 2*t^147 + 2*t^153 + t^159 + t^162 + 2*t^165 + t^168 + t^171 + t^177 + 2*t^180 + 3*t^183 + 2*t^186 + 3*t^189 + 4*t^195 + 2*t^198 + 3*t^201 + 4*t^204 + 4*t^213 + t^219 + 3*t^222 + 2*t^228 + 3*t^234 + t^237 + 2*t^240 + 4*t^246 + 2*t^249 + 2*t^252 + 4*t^255 + 3*t^258 + 4*t^261 + 4*t^264 + 2*t^267 + t^273 + 2*t^276 + 3*t^282 + t^285 + 2*t^291 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^297 + 3*t^300 + 2*t^303 + 2*t^306 + t^309 + t^312 + 3*t^315 + 4*t^318 + 3*t^321 + 3*t^324 + t^327 + 4*t^330 + 2*t^333 + 3*t^339 + t^345 + 4*t^351 + 3*t^354 + 4*t^360 + 4*t^366 + 3*t^369 + 3*t^375 + 3*t^381 + 4*t^387 + t^390 + 4*t^393 + 2*t^396 + 2*t^405 + 4*t^408 + 2*t^411 + 3*t^414 + 3*t^417 + 2*t^423 + t^426 + 3*t^429 + 3*t^432 + 3*t^435 + 4*t^438 + 2*t^441 + 4*t^444 + t^447 + 4*t^450 + O(t^452)
1 + t^3 + t^6 + t^9 + t^12 + 4*t^15 + 3*t^18 + 2*t^21 + t^24 + t^27 + 3*t^30 + 2*t^33 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^39 + 3*t^45 + 2*t^48 + t^51 + t^54 + t^60 + 4*t^66 + 2*t^72 + 4*t^75 + t^78 + t^81 + t^84 + t^87 + 4*t^90 + 3*t^96 + 2*t^99 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^105 + t^111 + 3*t^114 + 2*t^117 + 3*t^123 + t^126 + 2*t^129 + 4*t^132 + 3*t^135 + 3*t^141 + 3*t^144 + 3*t^147 + 3*t^150 + t^153 + t^159 + 2*t^162 + t^165 + 3*t^168 + 2*t^171 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^177 + 4*t^180 + 4*t^183 + t^186 + t^189 + 2*t^195 + t^201 + t^207 + t^210 + 3*t^213 + 3*t^216 + 3*t^222 + 4*t^225 + 4*t^228 + 2*t^231 + 4*t^234 + t^237 + 2*t^240 + 4*t^243 + 2*t^249 + 3*t^252 + 3*t^258 + t^264 + 2*t^267 + 3*t^270 + t^273 + 3*t^276 + 3*t^279 + t^282 + 4*t^285 + 3*t^288 + 4*t^291 + 3*t^297 + 4*t^300 + t^303 + 4*t^306 + 2*t^309 + 2*t^312 + 2*t^315 + 3*t^318 + 3*t^321 + 2*t^324 + 4*t^327 + 4*t^330 + 4*t^336 + 3*t^339 + 4*t^342 + t^345 + 4*t^348 + t^351 + 2*t^360 + 2*t^363 + 4*t^366 + 2*t^369 + t^372 + 4*t^375 + 2*t^378 + t^381 + 4*t^384 + 2*t^390 + 4*t^393 + 4*t^396 + 2*t^399 + 4*t^402 + 4*t^405 + 2*t^408 + t^414 + t^417 + 4*t^420 + 3*t^423 + t^426 + 3*t^429 + 2*t^432 + t^438 + 2*t^441 + 3*t^447 + O(t^452)
1 + 3*t^3 + 4*t^6 + 2*t^9 + t^12 + 2*t^15 + 2*t^18 + 4*t^21 + t^24 + 3*t^27 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^33 + 2*t^39 + 4*t^42 + t^51 + 3*t^54 + t^57 + 4*t^60 + 4*t^63 + 3*t^72 + 3*t^75 + 4*t^78 + t^81 + 2*t^93 + 2*t^105 + 2*t^111 + 2*t^114 + t^117 + 3*t^120 + 3*t^123 + 3*t^126 + 2*t^129 + t^132 + 3*t^135 + 2*t^138 + 4*t^141 + 4*t^147 + 4*t^150 + 2*t^153 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^165 + 4*t^168 + t^171 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + 3*t^183 + 2*t^186 + t^192 + 3*t^195 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^201 + 2*t^204 + t^210 + 2*t^213 + 2*t^216 + 3*t^222 + 2*t^225 + t^228 + t^231 + 4*t^234 + 3*t^237 + 2*t^240 + t^243 + 2*t^246 + 4*t^249 + 3*t^255 + 3*t^261 + t^264 + 4*t^267 + t^270 + 3*t^273 + 3*t^276 + 2*t^279 + t^282 + 2*t^294 + 3*t^297 + 3*t^300 + 2*t^303 + 2*t^306 + t^309 + 3*t^312 + 2*t^315 + t^321 + t^324 + 4*t^327 + 3*t^330 + t^333 + 4*t^339 + 2*t^345 + t^348 + 2*t^351 + 2*t^357 + t^360 + t^366 + 3*t^369 + 3*t^372 + 3*t^378 + 4*t^381 + 2*t^384 + 4*t^387 + 3*t^390 + 3*t^393 + t^396 + 3*t^402 + 4*t^405 + 2*t^408 + 4*t^411 + 3*t^414 + 4*t^417 + 2*t^420 + 4*t^423 + 4*t^426 + 3*t^432 + 3*t^435 + 3*t^441 + 2*t^444 + t^450 + O(t^452)
1 + 3*t^3 + 4*t^6 + 2*t^9 + t^12 + 2*t^15 + 2*t^18 + 4*t^21 + t^24 + 3*t^27 + 2*t^30 + t^33 + 4*t^36 + t^42 + 2*t^45 + 4*t^48 + 4*t^57 + 3*t^60 + t^63 + 2*t^69 + 3*t^72 + t^75 + 3*t^78 + 3*t^81 + 3*t^84 + 3*t^90 + 4*t^93 + 2*t^96 + 3*t^99 + 4*t^102 + 4*t^105 + t^108 + 3*t^114 + t^117 + 4*t^120 + t^123 + 2*t^126 + 3*t^135 + 2*t^138 + 4*t^141 + t^147 + 4*t^153 + 3*t^159 + 4*t^162 + 4*t^165 + t^168 + 3*t^171 + 2*t^177 + 2*t^180 + 4*t^183 + 3*t^186 + t^189 + 2*t^195 + 3*t^198 + t^201 + 4*t^204 + 3*t^213 + 3*t^219 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^234 + 2*t^237 + 2*t^240 + t^246 + 4*t^249 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^255 + 2*t^258 + 3*t^261 + 4*t^264 + t^267 + 2*t^273 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^282 + 2*t^285 + t^291 + 3*t^294 + 4*t^297 + 3*t^300 + t^303 + 3*t^306 + 2*t^309 + t^312 + 4*t^315 + t^318 + t^321 + 3*t^324 + 3*t^327 + t^330 + 4*t^333 + 4*t^339 + 2*t^345 + 2*t^351 + 2*t^354 + 4*t^360 + t^366 + t^369 + 4*t^375 + t^381 + 2*t^387 + 4*t^390 + 3*t^393 + 2*t^396 + 4*t^405 + 4*t^408 + t^411 + 2*t^414 + t^417 + t^423 + 4*t^426 + t^429 + 3*t^432 + 4*t^435 + t^438 + 4*t^441 + 4*t^444 + 3*t^447 + t^450 + O(t^452)
1 + 3*t^3 + 4*t^6 + 2*t^9 + t^12 + 2*t^15 + 2*t^18 + 4*t^21 + t^24 + 3*t^27 + 2*t^30 + 3*t^36 + 3*t^39 + 3*t^42 + 4*t^45 + 3*t^48 + 4*t^51 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^57 + 2*t^60 + 3*t^63 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^69 + t^72 + 4*t^75 + 3*t^78 + t^87 + 3*t^96 + 2*t^99 + 4*t^102 + 3*t^105 + t^108 + 3*t^111 + t^114 + 2*t^117 + 3*t^120 + 2*t^123 + 2*t^129 + t^132 + 2*t^141 + 2*t^150 + 3*t^156 + t^159 + 2*t^162 + 4*t^165 + 2*t^168 + t^171 + 4*t^174 + 2*t^177 + 3*t^180 + 4*t^183 + 3*t^186 + 2*t^189 + 2*t^192 + 2*t^195 + t^198 + 3*t^201 + t^204 + 4*t^210 + t^213 + 2*t^216 + 3*t^222 + 2*t^225 + 2*t^231 + t^234 + 4*t^240 + 3*t^243 + 3*t^246 + 4*t^249 + 3*t^252 + 4*t^258 + 3*t^264 + 3*t^267 + 4*t^270 + 4*t^273 + 3*t^279 + 2*t^282 + 2*t^288 + 4*t^291 + 3*t^294 + 2*t^297 + 3*t^303 + 4*t^306 + 3*t^309 + 2*t^312 + 3*t^315 + 2*t^318 + 3*t^324 + 4*t^330 + 4*t^333 + 3*t^336 + 2*t^339 + t^342 + t^345 + 4*t^348 + 2*t^351 + 2*t^357 + 2*t^360 + 4*t^363 + 3*t^366 + 3*t^369 + 2*t^372 + 2*t^375 + 2*t^378 + 3*t^381 + 3*t^384 + 3*t^387 + 4*t^399 + 4*t^402 + 2*t^405 + t^411 + 3*t^417 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^432 + 4*t^435 + 4*t^438 + 4*t^441 + 2*t^444 + 3*t^447 + 4*t^450 + O(t^452)
1 + 3*t^3 + 4*t^6 + 2*t^9 + t^12 + 2*t^15 + 2*t^18 + 4*t^21 + t^24 + 3*t^27 + 2*t^30 + 4*t^33 + 2*t^36 + t^39 + t^45 + 2*t^48 + 3*t^51 + 4*t^54 + t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^72 + 2*t^75 + 4*t^78 + 2*t^81 + t^84 + 3*t^87 + t^90 + 3*t^96 + t^99 + 3*t^102 + 4*t^105 + 3*t^111 + 2*t^114 + 4*t^117 + 4*t^123 + 4*t^126 + 4*t^129 + 4*t^132 + 4*t^135 + t^141 + 3*t^144 + 4*t^147 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^153 + 3*t^159 + 3*t^162 + 2*t^165 + 3*t^168 + t^171 + 3*t^174 + 4*t^177 + 4*t^180 + 2*t^183 + 4*t^186 + 2*t^189 + t^195 + 2*t^201 + 3*t^207 + 4*t^210 + t^213 + 3*t^216 + 2*t^222 + 3*t^225 + 4*t^228 + t^231 + t^234 + 2*t^237 + 2*t^240 + 2*t^243 + 4*t^249 + 3*t^252 + 2*t^258 + t^264 + t^267 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^273 + 3*t^276 + 4*t^279 + 4*t^282 + 3*t^285 + 3*t^288 + 2*t^291 + t^297 + 4*t^300 + 3*t^303 + t^306 + 4*t^309 + 2*t^312 + t^315 + 2*t^318 + t^321 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^327 + t^330 + 4*t^336 + 4*t^339 + t^342 + 2*t^345 + 4*t^348 + 3*t^351 + 2*t^360 + t^363 + t^366 + 4*t^369 + t^372 + 2*t^375 + 3*t^378 + 2*t^381 + 4*t^384 + 3*t^390 + 3*t^393 + 4*t^396 + t^399 + t^402 + 3*t^405 + 2*t^408 + 4*t^414 + 2*t^417 + 4*t^420 + 4*t^423 + 4*t^426 + t^429 + 2*t^432 + 4*t^438 + 4*t^441 + 4*t^447 + O(t^452)
1 + 3*t^3 + 4*t^6 + 2*t^9 + t^12 + 2*t^15 + 2*t^18 + 4*t^21 + t^24 + 3*t^27 + 2*t^30 + 3*t^33 + t^36 + 4*t^39 + 2*t^42 + 3*t^45 + t^48 + 2*t^51 + t^54 + 3*t^57 + 2*t^63 + 2*t^66 + t^69 + t^72 + t^78 + 4*t^81 + t^84 + t^87 + t^90 + 4*t^93 + 2*t^96 + 4*t^99 + 4*t^102 + 2*t^105 + 3*t^108 + 2*t^111 + 2*t^114 + 2*t^117 + t^126 + 2*t^129 + 3*t^132 + t^138 + 4*t^141 + 4*t^144 + 3*t^147 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^153 + 3*t^156 + 4*t^159 + 2*t^162 + 3*t^165 + 3*t^171 + 4*t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^183 + 4*t^189 + 4*t^198 + 3*t^201 + 2*t^207 + 3*t^213 + 2*t^216 + t^219 + 4*t^222 + 3*t^228 + t^234 + 2*t^237 + 3*t^240 + 4*t^243 + 4*t^246 + 2*t^249 + 2*t^252 + 3*t^255 + 2*t^258 + 3*t^261 + t^264 + 3*t^267 + 3*t^270 + 4*t^273 + 4*t^276 + t^279 + t^282 + 3*t^285 + t^291 + 3*t^294 + 4*t^300 + 3*t^306 + 4*t^315 + 4*t^318 + 4*t^321 + t^324 + 4*t^327 + 4*t^333 + 4*t^336 + 3*t^339 + 3*t^342 + 3*t^345 + 4*t^348 + t^354 + t^363 + 3*t^366 + 2*t^369 + 3*t^372 + 4*t^375 + 3*t^381 + 3*t^384 + 3*t^387 + 2*t^390 + 3*t^393 + t^396 + 2*t^402 + 2*t^405 + 3*t^408 + 4*t^411 + 3*t^414 + t^417 + 4*t^420 + 3*t^423 + t^429 + 2*t^435 + t^438 + t^441 + 3*t^444 + 4*t^447 + t^450 + O(t^452)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
1 + 4*t^45 + 4*t^57 + 4*t^69 + 4*t^93 + t^105 + 4*t^114 + 4*t^117 + 4*t^126 + t^129 + 4*t^138 + t^147 + 2*t^150 + 4*t^153 + t^159 + 2*t^162 + 3*t^165 + t^171 + 4*t^174 + 4*t^177 + 4*t^180 + t^183 + t^186 + 2*t^189 + 4*t^192 + 4*t^195 + 4*t^198 + t^201 + 4*t^204 + 2*t^207 + 3*t^210 + 4*t^213 + 4*t^216 + 2*t^222 + 3*t^225 + 3*t^228 + t^234 + t^237 + t^243 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + 3*t^255 + 2*t^258 + 2*t^264 + 3*t^267 + t^273 + 3*t^276 + 4*t^282 + 4*t^285 + 4*t^288 + t^291 + t^294 + 4*t^297 + 4*t^303 + 3*t^309 + 3*t^312 + 4*t^315 + 3*t^318 + 4*t^327 + 4*t^330 + 2*t^333 + 2*t^336 + 2*t^342 + 4*t^345 + 2*t^348 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^357 + 4*t^360 + 4*t^363 + 4*t^369 + 4*t^372 + t^375 + 2*t^378 + 3*t^384 + 2*t^387 + t^390 + 3*t^393 + 3*t^396 + 4*t^399 + 4*t^405 + t^411 + t^414 + 2*t^420 + 3*t^426 + 3*t^429 + 4*t^432 + 2*t^435 + 4*t^438 + 3*t^441 + 2*t^444 + 4*t^447 + t^450 + t^456 + 3*t^459 + 4*t^462 + 2*t^465 + 3*t^468 + 2*t^474 + t^480 + t^483 + 4*t^486 + 2*t^492 + 2*t^498 + O(t^500)
1 + 3*t^45 + 3*t^57 + 3*t^69 + 3*t^93 + 2*t^105 + t^114 + 3*t^117 + t^126 + 2*t^129 + t^138 + 3*t^147 + 3*t^150 + 3*t^153 + 3*t^159 + 3*t^162 + t^165 + 3*t^171 + t^174 + 3*t^177 + 4*t^180 + 3*t^183 + 4*t^186 + 4*t^189 + 4*t^192 + 2*t^195 + t^198 + 2*t^201 + 4*t^204 + t^207 + 2*t^210 + 3*t^213 + 4*t^216 + 3*t^222 + t^225 + 3*t^228 + 4*t^234 + 2*t^237 + 3*t^243 + 4*t^246 + 2*t^252 + 4*t^255 + 3*t^258 + 2*t^264 + 4*t^267 + 2*t^273 + 3*t^276 + t^282 + 3*t^285 + 4*t^288 + 3*t^291 + 4*t^294 + 3*t^297 + 2*t^303 + t^309 + 3*t^312 + 2*t^315 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^327 + t^330 + 4*t^333 + 2*t^336 + 3*t^342 + 3*t^345 + 2*t^348 + 3*t^354 + 4*t^357 + 4*t^360 + 2*t^363 + 3*t^369 + 4*t^372 + 3*t^375 + 3*t^378 + 3*t^384 + t^387 + 4*t^390 + t^393 + 3*t^396 + 2*t^399 + 3*t^405 + 3*t^411 + 4*t^414 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^429 + 4*t^432 + t^435 + t^438 + t^441 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^447 + 4*t^450 + t^456 + 4*t^459 + t^462 + 4*t^465 + 3*t^468 + 3*t^474 + t^480 + 3*t^483 + t^486 + 2*t^492 + 3*t^498 + O(t^500)
1 + 2*t^45 + 2*t^57 + 2*t^69 + 2*t^93 + 3*t^105 + t^114 + 2*t^117 + t^126 + 3*t^129 + t^138 + 2*t^147 + 3*t^150 + 2*t^153 + 2*t^159 + 3*t^162 + 4*t^165 + 2*t^171 + t^174 + 2*t^177 + 4*t^180 + 2*t^183 + 4*t^186 + t^189 + 4*t^192 + 3*t^195 + t^198 + 3*t^201 + 4*t^204 + 4*t^207 + 2*t^210 + 2*t^213 + 4*t^216 + 3*t^222 + 4*t^225 + 3*t^228 + 4*t^234 + 3*t^237 + 2*t^243 + 4*t^246 + 2*t^252 + t^255 + 3*t^258 + 2*t^264 + t^267 + 3*t^273 + 3*t^276 + t^282 + 2*t^285 + 4*t^288 + 2*t^291 + 4*t^294 + 2*t^297 + 3*t^303 + 4*t^309 + 3*t^312 + 3*t^315 + 2*t^318 + 3*t^327 + t^330 + t^333 + 2*t^336 + 3*t^342 + 2*t^345 + 2*t^348 + 3*t^354 + t^357 + 4*t^360 + 3*t^363 + 2*t^369 + 4*t^372 + 2*t^375 + 3*t^378 + 3*t^384 + 4*t^387 + 4*t^390 + 4*t^393 + 3*t^396 + 3*t^399 + 2*t^405 + 2*t^411 + 4*t^414 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + 4*t^429 + 4*t^432 + 4*t^435 + t^438 + 4*t^441 + 2*t^444 + 3*t^447 + 4*t^450 + t^456 + t^459 + t^462 + t^465 + 3*t^468 + 3*t^474 + t^480 + 2*t^483 + t^486 + 2*t^492 + 3*t^498 + O(t^500)
1 + t^45 + t^57 + t^69 + t^93 + 4*t^105 + 4*t^114 + t^117 + 4*t^126 + 4*t^129 + 4*t^138 + 4*t^147 + 2*t^150 + t^153 + 4*t^159 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^165 + 4*t^171 + 4*t^174 + t^177 + 4*t^180 + 4*t^183 + t^186 + 3*t^189 + 4*t^192 + t^195 + 4*t^198 + 4*t^201 + 4*t^204 + 3*t^207 + 3*t^210 + t^213 + 4*t^216 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^225 + 3*t^228 + t^234 + 4*t^237 + 4*t^243 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^255 + 2*t^258 + 2*t^264 + 2*t^267 + 4*t^273 + 3*t^276 + 4*t^282 + t^285 + 4*t^288 + 4*t^291 + t^294 + t^297 + t^303 + 2*t^309 + 3*t^312 + t^315 + 3*t^318 + t^327 + 4*t^330 + 3*t^333 + 2*t^336 + 2*t^342 + t^345 + 2*t^348 + 2*t^354 + 3*t^357 + 4*t^360 + t^363 + t^369 + 4*t^372 + 4*t^375 + 2*t^378 + 3*t^384 + 3*t^387 + t^390 + 2*t^393 + 3*t^396 + t^399 + t^405 + 4*t^411 + t^414 + 2*t^420 + 3*t^426 + 2*t^429 + 4*t^432 + 3*t^435 + 4*t^438 + 2*t^441 + 2*t^444 + t^447 + t^450 + t^456 + 2*t^459 + 4*t^462 + 3*t^465 + 3*t^468 + 2*t^474 + t^480 + 4*t^483 + 4*t^486 + 2*t^492 + 2*t^498 + O(t^500)
1 + t^27 + 4*t^30 + t^39 + 2*t^42 + 4*t^45 + 4*t^51 + 3*t^54 + 4*t^57 + 4*t^60 + 2*t^63 + 3*t^66 + 2*t^69 + t^72 + 4*t^75 + 3*t^78 + t^81 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^87 + t^90 + 2*t^93 + t^102 + 4*t^105 + 3*t^108 + 2*t^111 + 2*t^114 + t^117 + 2*t^120 + 3*t^123 + 4*t^126 + 4*t^129 + 4*t^135 + 3*t^138 + t^141 + t^144 + 4*t^147 + t^150 + 3*t^153 + t^156 + 4*t^159 + t^162 + 3*t^168 + 4*t^171 + 3*t^174 + 3*t^177 + t^180 + t^183 + 4*t^186 + 3*t^189 + 4*t^192 + 4*t^195 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^201 + 4*t^204 + 3*t^207 + 4*t^210 + 4*t^213 + 2*t^216 + t^219 + t^222 + t^225 + t^228 + t^231 + 4*t^234 + 3*t^237 + 2*t^240 + t^243 + 2*t^246 + 3*t^255 + t^258 + 2*t^264 + 2*t^267 + 3*t^270 + t^273 + t^276 + t^282 + 4*t^285 + 4*t^288 + 2*t^291 + 4*t^297 + 4*t^300 + t^303 + t^306 + t^309 + t^312 + 3*t^315 + t^318 + 4*t^321 + 4*t^324 + t^327 + t^330 + 2*t^336 + 4*t^339 + t^345 + 3*t^348 + 4*t^354 + t^357 + t^360 + 2*t^363 + t^366 + 2*t^369 + t^372 + 2*t^375 + 3*t^384 + 4*t^390 + 4*t^399 + t^402 + 2*t^405 + t^408 + 2*t^411 + 4*t^417 + 3*t^420 + 2*t^423 + 2*t^429 + 4*t^435 + 4*t^441 + t^444 + 4*t^447 + t^450 + 4*t^456 + 3*t^465 + 3*t^468 + 3*t^471 + 4*t^474 + 2*t^477 + 4*t^480 + 2*t^483 + 3*t^489 + 3*t^492 + O(t^500)
1 + t^27 + 4*t^30 + t^39 + 2*t^42 + 3*t^45 + 4*t^51 + 3*t^54 + 3*t^57 + 2*t^63 + 3*t^66 + t^69 + 2*t^72 + 2*t^75 + 3*t^78 + t^81 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^87 + t^90 + t^93 + 2*t^96 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^105 + t^108 + t^111 + 4*t^114 + 3*t^117 + 4*t^120 + 4*t^126 + 3*t^132 + 3*t^135 + 3*t^138 + 2*t^141 + 4*t^144 + 4*t^147 + t^150 + 3*t^156 + 2*t^159 + 2*t^162 + 4*t^165 + t^168 + t^171 + t^174 + t^177 + 2*t^180 + t^183 + t^186 + t^189 + t^198 + 4*t^201 + 4*t^204 + 2*t^216 + 3*t^219 + t^222 + 3*t^225 + t^228 + t^231 + 4*t^237 + 4*t^240 + 3*t^243 + t^246 + 4*t^249 + 2*t^252 + 3*t^255 + t^258 + 2*t^261 + 2*t^264 + 2*t^267 + 4*t^270 + 2*t^273 + 4*t^276 + 2*t^279 + 2*t^282 + 4*t^294 + 4*t^297 + t^300 + t^303 + 4*t^306 + 3*t^309 + t^312 + 2*t^315 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^321 + t^324 + 3*t^330 + 2*t^333 + 3*t^339 + 4*t^342 + 3*t^348 + 4*t^351 + 4*t^354 + t^360 + 3*t^363 + 3*t^369 + 3*t^372 + 2*t^378 + 3*t^384 + 3*t^387 + 3*t^390 + 4*t^393 + 2*t^399 + 2*t^402 + t^405 + 2*t^408 + t^411 + 3*t^417 + 4*t^423 + 3*t^426 + 3*t^429 + t^432 + 2*t^435 + 2*t^438 + 4*t^441 + 4*t^444 + t^447 + 2*t^450 + 3*t^453 + 2*t^456 + 4*t^459 + 3*t^468 + 3*t^471 + 3*t^474 + 3*t^477 + 4*t^480 + 3*t^483 + 4*t^486 + t^489 + 4*t^492 + 2*t^495 + 3*t^498 + O(t^500)
1 + t^27 + 4*t^30 + t^39 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^45 + 4*t^51 + 3*t^54 + 2*t^57 + t^60 + 2*t^63 + 3*t^66 + 3*t^72 + 3*t^78 + t^81 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^87 + t^90 + 4*t^96 + 3*t^102 + 4*t^108 + 4*t^114 + 3*t^117 + 3*t^120 + 2*t^123 + 2*t^126 + 3*t^132 + 3*t^135 + t^138 + 2*t^141 + t^144 + t^153 + 4*t^156 + 2*t^162 + 4*t^165 + 3*t^171 + 4*t^177 + 3*t^180 + 2*t^183 + 3*t^186 + 2*t^189 + 4*t^192 + 2*t^195 + t^198 + 2*t^201 + 3*t^204 + 4*t^207 + 2*t^210 + 3*t^213 + 3*t^222 + t^225 + 2*t^231 + 4*t^234 + 2*t^237 + 2*t^240 + 2*t^243 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^249 + 3*t^252 + 3*t^255 + 2*t^258 + 4*t^261 + 2*t^264 + 3*t^267 + 4*t^273 + 3*t^276 + 4*t^279 + 3*t^282 + 2*t^285 + 2*t^288 + 2*t^291 + t^294 + t^297 + 4*t^300 + 4*t^303 + t^306 + 4*t^309 + 2*t^312 + 4*t^330 + t^333 + 3*t^339 + 2*t^342 + 2*t^345 + 4*t^348 + 4*t^351 + t^354 + 2*t^357 + t^363 + 4*t^366 + t^369 + 2*t^372 + 2*t^375 + t^378 + 3*t^381 + 3*t^384 + 3*t^387 + 3*t^390 + 2*t^393 + t^396 + 3*t^399 + 2*t^402 + 2*t^405 + t^408 + 4*t^414 + 4*t^420 + 3*t^423 + t^429 + 3*t^432 + 3*t^438 + 3*t^441 + 4*t^444 + 2*t^447 + 4*t^450 + t^453 + 2*t^456 + 2*t^459 + 3*t^468 + 4*t^471 + 4*t^474 + 3*t^477 + t^480 + 2*t^483 + 3*t^486 + 4*t^489 + 3*t^492 + t^495 + t^498 + O(t^500)
1 + t^27 + 4*t^30 + t^39 + 2*t^42 + t^45 + 4*t^51 + 3*t^54 + t^57 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^63 + 3*t^66 + 4*t^69 + 4*t^72 + 3*t^75 + 3*t^78 + t^81 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^87 + t^90 + 4*t^93 + t^96 + 4*t^102 + 3*t^105 + 2*t^108 + 4*t^111 + 2*t^114 + t^117 + 4*t^120 + 4*t^123 + 3*t^126 + 4*t^129 + 4*t^135 + 2*t^138 + t^141 + 2*t^144 + 3*t^147 + t^150 + t^153 + 4*t^156 + 4*t^159 + t^162 + t^171 + t^177 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^192 + 2*t^204 + 4*t^207 + 2*t^213 + 2*t^216 + 4*t^219 + 4*t^222 + 2*t^225 + 2*t^228 + t^231 + 4*t^234 + t^237 + 4*t^240 + 2*t^243 + t^252 + 4*t^255 + 2*t^261 + 4*t^264 + 2*t^270 + 3*t^273 + 2*t^276 + t^279 + 3*t^282 + 3*t^291 + t^294 + 2*t^297 + t^300 + 2*t^303 + t^306 + 2*t^309 + 2*t^312 + t^315 + 2*t^318 + 4*t^321 + 4*t^324 + 4*t^327 + 4*t^330 + 2*t^333 + t^336 + t^339 + 4*t^342 + t^348 + 2*t^351 + t^354 + t^357 + t^360 + 4*t^363 + t^366 + 3*t^369 + 2*t^375 + 2*t^378 + 4*t^384 + 3*t^387 + 4*t^390 + t^399 + 2*t^402 + 4*t^405 + 4*t^408 + 2*t^411 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^417 + t^420 + 4*t^423 + 4*t^426 + t^429 + 4*t^432 + t^435 + 3*t^438 + 2*t^441 + 2*t^450 + 3*t^453 + 2*t^459 + 3*t^462 + 4*t^465 + 3*t^468 + 4*t^471 + t^474 + 2*t^480 + t^489 + 2*t^492 + 2*t^495 + 3*t^498 + O(t^500)
1 + t^27 + 4*t^30 + t^39 + 2*t^42 + 4*t^51 + 3*t^54 + 3*t^60 + 2*t^63 + 3*t^66 + 3*t^69 + t^75 + 3*t^78 + t^81 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^87 + t^90 + 3*t^93 + 3*t^96 + t^105 + 3*t^111 + 3*t^114 + 2*t^117 + 2*t^120 + t^123 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^129 + 4*t^132 + t^135 + t^138 + 4*t^141 + 2*t^144 + 4*t^147 + 2*t^150 + 3*t^156 + 4*t^162 + 2*t^165 + t^168 + t^171 + t^174 + t^177 + 3*t^180 + t^183 + 2*t^186 + 4*t^189 + t^192 + t^195 + t^198 + 2*t^201 + 3*t^204 + t^207 + 3*t^210 + t^213 + 4*t^219 + t^225 + 3*t^228 + 2*t^231 + 2*t^234 + 3*t^237 + 4*t^240 + t^243 + 4*t^246 + 2*t^249 + 3*t^252 + 4*t^255 + 4*t^258 + 4*t^264 + t^267 + t^270 + t^273 + 3*t^276 + t^279 + 3*t^282 + t^285 + 2*t^288 + 4*t^291 + t^294 + 3*t^300 + 3*t^303 + t^306 + t^309 + 2*t^312 + 4*t^318 + 3*t^321 + 2*t^324 + 3*t^327 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^333 + 3*t^339 + 2*t^345 + 4*t^348 + 3*t^351 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^357 + 3*t^360 + 2*t^363 + 3*t^366 + t^369 + 3*t^378 + 4*t^381 + 2*t^384 + 2*t^390 + 4*t^393 + 4*t^396 + 3*t^399 + 2*t^408 + 3*t^411 + 4*t^414 + 4*t^420 + 3*t^423 + 4*t^426 + 3*t^429 + 4*t^432 + 3*t^435 + 4*t^438 + 3*t^441 + 2*t^444 + 3*t^447 + t^450 + 2*t^453 + 3*t^456 + 2*t^459 + 2*t^462 + t^465 + t^468 + 2*t^471 + t^474 + t^477 + 2*t^480 + 2*t^483 + t^489 + t^492 + 2*t^495 + O(t^500)
1 + 2*t^27 + t^30 + 2*t^39 + 3*t^42 + 2*t^45 + 3*t^51 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^57 + 4*t^60 + 4*t^63 + 2*t^66 + t^69 + t^72 + 3*t^75 + 2*t^78 + 3*t^81 + 2*t^84 + 4*t^87 + 4*t^90 + t^93 + 4*t^102 + 2*t^105 + 3*t^108 + 4*t^111 + 3*t^114 + 3*t^117 + 2*t^120 + t^123 + t^126 + 2*t^129 + 3*t^135 + 2*t^138 + 3*t^141 + t^144 + 3*t^147 + 4*t^150 + 4*t^153 + t^156 + 3*t^159 + 4*t^162 + 3*t^168 + 3*t^171 + 2*t^174 + 4*t^177 + t^180 + 2*t^183 + t^186 + 4*t^189 + 4*t^192 + 3*t^195 + 3*t^198 + t^201 + 4*t^204 + t^207 + t^210 + 2*t^213 + 2*t^216 + 2*t^219 + 4*t^222 + 3*t^225 + t^228 + 2*t^231 + t^234 + 4*t^237 + 2*t^240 + 2*t^243 + 3*t^246 + t^255 + 4*t^258 + 2*t^264 + 4*t^267 + 2*t^270 + 3*t^273 + t^276 + 4*t^282 + 2*t^285 + 4*t^288 + 4*t^291 + 2*t^297 + 4*t^300 + 2*t^303 + 4*t^306 + 3*t^309 + t^312 + t^315 + 4*t^318 + 2*t^321 + 4*t^324 + 2*t^327 + 4*t^330 + 2*t^336 + 3*t^339 + 3*t^345 + 3*t^348 + t^354 + 3*t^357 + t^360 + 4*t^363 + 4*t^366 + t^369 + t^372 + 4*t^375 + 3*t^384 + t^390 + 3*t^399 + 4*t^402 + t^405 + t^408 + 4*t^411 + 2*t^417 + 3*t^420 + 4*t^423 + t^429 + 3*t^435 + 2*t^441 + t^444 + 3*t^447 + 4*t^450 + 4*t^456 + 4*t^465 + 3*t^468 + t^471 + t^474 + t^477 + 4*t^480 + 4*t^483 + 4*t^489 + 3*t^492 + O(t^500)
1 + 2*t^27 + t^30 + 2*t^39 + 3*t^42 + t^45 + 3*t^51 + 2*t^54 + t^57 + t^60 + 4*t^63 + 2*t^66 + 3*t^72 + 2*t^78 + 3*t^81 + 2*t^84 + 4*t^87 + 4*t^90 + 4*t^96 + 2*t^102 + 4*t^108 + t^114 + 4*t^117 + 3*t^120 + 4*t^123 + 3*t^126 + 3*t^132 + t^135 + 4*t^138 + t^141 + t^144 + 3*t^153 + 4*t^156 + 3*t^162 + 2*t^165 + t^171 + 2*t^177 + 3*t^180 + 4*t^183 + 2*t^186 + t^189 + 4*t^192 + 4*t^195 + 4*t^198 + t^201 + 3*t^204 + 3*t^207 + 3*t^210 + 4*t^213 + 2*t^222 + 3*t^225 + 4*t^231 + t^234 + t^237 + 2*t^240 + 4*t^243 + 3*t^246 + t^249 + 3*t^252 + t^255 + 3*t^258 + 2*t^261 + 2*t^264 + t^267 + 2*t^273 + 3*t^276 + 3*t^279 + 2*t^282 + t^285 + 2*t^288 + 4*t^291 + 4*t^294 + 3*t^297 + 4*t^300 + 3*t^303 + 4*t^306 + 2*t^309 + 2*t^312 + t^330 + 3*t^333 + t^339 + 3*t^342 + t^345 + 4*t^348 + 3*t^351 + 4*t^354 + t^357 + 2*t^363 + t^366 + 3*t^369 + 2*t^372 + 4*t^375 + 4*t^378 + 4*t^381 + 3*t^384 + t^387 + 2*t^390 + t^393 + t^396 + t^399 + 3*t^402 + t^405 + t^408 + t^414 + 4*t^420 + t^423 + 3*t^429 + 3*t^432 + 2*t^438 + 4*t^441 + 4*t^444 + 4*t^447 + t^450 + 3*t^453 + 2*t^456 + 4*t^459 + 3*t^468 + 3*t^471 + t^474 + 4*t^477 + t^480 + 4*t^483 + 2*t^486 + 2*t^489 + 3*t^492 + 2*t^495 + 4*t^498 + O(t^500)
1 + 2*t^27 + t^30 + 2*t^39 + 3*t^42 + 3*t^51 + 2*t^54 + 3*t^60 + 4*t^63 + 2*t^66 + 4*t^69 + 2*t^75 + 2*t^78 + 3*t^81 + 2*t^84 + 4*t^87 + 4*t^90 + 4*t^93 + 3*t^96 + 3*t^105 + t^111 + 2*t^114 + t^117 + 2*t^120 + 2*t^123 + 3*t^126 + t^129 + 4*t^132 + 2*t^135 + 4*t^138 + 2*t^141 + 2*t^144 + 3*t^147 + 3*t^150 + 3*t^156 + t^162 + t^165 + t^168 + 2*t^171 + 4*t^174 + 3*t^177 + 3*t^180 + 2*t^183 + 3*t^186 + 2*t^189 + t^192 + 2*t^195 + 4*t^198 + t^201 + 3*t^204 + 2*t^207 + 2*t^210 + 3*t^213 + 3*t^219 + 3*t^225 + 3*t^228 + 4*t^231 + 3*t^234 + 4*t^237 + 4*t^240 + 2*t^243 + t^246 + t^249 + 3*t^252 + 3*t^255 + t^258 + 4*t^264 + 2*t^267 + 4*t^270 + 3*t^273 + 3*t^276 + 2*t^279 + 2*t^282 + 3*t^285 + 2*t^288 + 3*t^291 + 4*t^294 + 3*t^300 + t^303 + 4*t^306 + 3*t^309 + 2*t^312 + t^318 + 4*t^321 + 2*t^324 + t^327 + 3*t^330 + t^333 + t^339 + t^345 + 4*t^348 + t^351 + 3*t^354 + t^357 + 3*t^360 + 4*t^363 + 2*t^366 + 3*t^369 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^381 + 2*t^384 + 3*t^390 + 2*t^393 + 4*t^396 + t^399 + 2*t^408 + t^411 + t^414 + 4*t^420 + t^423 + t^426 + 4*t^429 + 4*t^432 + t^435 + t^438 + 4*t^441 + 2*t^444 + t^447 + 4*t^450 + t^453 + 3*t^456 + 4*t^459 + 3*t^462 + 3*t^465 + t^468 + 4*t^471 + 4*t^474 + 3*t^477 + 2*t^480 + 4*t^483 + 3*t^489 + t^492 + 4*t^495 + O(t^500)
1 + 2*t^27 + t^30 + 2*t^39 + 3*t^42 + 4*t^45 + 3*t^51 + 2*t^54 + 4*t^57 + 4*t^63 + 2*t^66 + 3*t^69 + 2*t^72 + 4*t^75 + 2*t^78 + 3*t^81 + 2*t^84 + 4*t^87 + 4*t^90 + 3*t^93 + 2*t^96 + 3*t^102 + t^105 + t^108 + 2*t^111 + t^114 + 4*t^117 + 4*t^120 + t^126 + 3*t^132 + t^135 + 2*t^138 + t^141 + 4*t^144 + 3*t^147 + 4*t^150 + 3*t^156 + 4*t^159 + 3*t^162 + 2*t^165 + t^168 + 2*t^171 + 4*t^174 + 3*t^177 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^183 + 4*t^186 + 3*t^189 + 4*t^198 + 2*t^201 + 4*t^204 + 2*t^216 + t^219 + 4*t^222 + 4*t^225 + t^228 + 2*t^231 + 2*t^237 + 4*t^240 + t^243 + 4*t^246 + 2*t^249 + 2*t^252 + t^255 + 4*t^258 + t^261 + 2*t^264 + 4*t^267 + t^270 + t^273 + 4*t^276 + 4*t^279 + 3*t^282 + t^294 + 2*t^297 + t^300 + 2*t^303 + t^306 + 4*t^309 + t^312 + 4*t^315 + 3*t^318 + t^321 + t^324 + 2*t^330 + t^333 + t^339 + t^342 + 3*t^348 + 3*t^351 + t^354 + t^360 + t^363 + 4*t^369 + 3*t^372 + 3*t^378 + 3*t^384 + t^387 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^393 + 4*t^399 + 3*t^402 + 3*t^405 + 2*t^408 + 2*t^411 + 4*t^417 + 3*t^423 + 2*t^426 + 4*t^429 + t^432 + 4*t^435 + 3*t^438 + 2*t^441 + 4*t^444 + 2*t^447 + 3*t^450 + 4*t^453 + 2*t^456 + 3*t^459 + 3*t^468 + t^471 + 2*t^474 + 4*t^477 + 4*t^480 + t^483 + t^486 + 3*t^489 + 4*t^492 + 4*t^495 + 2*t^498 + O(t^500)
1 + 2*t^27 + t^30 + 2*t^39 + 3*t^42 + 3*t^45 + 3*t^51 + 2*t^54 + 3*t^57 + 2*t^60 + 4*t^63 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^69 + 4*t^72 + t^75 + 2*t^78 + 3*t^81 + 2*t^84 + 4*t^87 + 4*t^90 + 2*t^93 + t^96 + t^102 + 4*t^105 + 2*t^108 + 3*t^111 + 3*t^114 + 3*t^117 + 4*t^120 + 3*t^123 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^129 + 3*t^135 + 3*t^138 + 3*t^141 + 2*t^144 + t^147 + 4*t^150 + 3*t^153 + 4*t^156 + 3*t^159 + 4*t^162 + 2*t^171 + 3*t^177 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^192 + 2*t^204 + 3*t^207 + t^213 + 2*t^216 + 3*t^219 + t^222 + t^225 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^231 + t^234 + 3*t^237 + 4*t^240 + 4*t^243 + t^252 + 3*t^255 + t^261 + 4*t^264 + 3*t^270 + 4*t^273 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^279 + 2*t^282 + t^291 + 4*t^294 + t^297 + t^300 + 4*t^303 + 4*t^306 + t^309 + 2*t^312 + 2*t^315 + 3*t^318 + 2*t^321 + 4*t^324 + 3*t^327 + t^330 + t^333 + t^336 + 2*t^339 + t^342 + t^348 + 4*t^351 + 4*t^354 + 3*t^357 + t^360 + 3*t^363 + 4*t^366 + 4*t^369 + 4*t^375 + 3*t^378 + 4*t^384 + t^387 + t^390 + 2*t^399 + 3*t^402 + 2*t^405 + 4*t^408 + 4*t^411 + 3*t^414 + t^417 + t^420 + 3*t^423 + t^426 + 3*t^429 + 4*t^432 + 2*t^435 + 2*t^438 + t^441 + 3*t^450 + 4*t^453 + 4*t^459 + 2*t^462 + 2*t^465 + 3*t^468 + 3*t^471 + 4*t^474 + 2*t^480 + 3*t^489 + 2*t^492 + 4*t^495 + 2*t^498 + O(t^500)
1 + 3*t^27 + t^30 + 3*t^39 + 3*t^42 + 3*t^45 + 2*t^51 + 2*t^54 + 3*t^57 + 4*t^60 + t^63 + 2*t^66 + 4*t^69 + t^72 + 2*t^75 + 2*t^78 + 2*t^81 + 2*t^84 + t^87 + 4*t^90 + 4*t^93 + 4*t^102 + 3*t^105 + 3*t^108 + t^111 + 3*t^114 + 2*t^117 + 2*t^120 + 4*t^123 + t^126 + 3*t^129 + 2*t^135 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^141 + t^144 + 2*t^147 + 4*t^150 + t^153 + t^156 + 2*t^159 + 4*t^162 + 3*t^168 + 2*t^171 + 2*t^174 + t^177 + t^180 + 3*t^183 + t^186 + t^189 + 4*t^192 + 2*t^195 + 3*t^198 + 4*t^201 + 4*t^204 + 4*t^207 + t^210 + 3*t^213 + 2*t^216 + 3*t^219 + 4*t^222 + 2*t^225 + t^228 + 3*t^231 + t^234 + t^237 + 2*t^240 + 3*t^243 + 3*t^246 + 4*t^255 + 4*t^258 + 2*t^264 + t^267 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^273 + t^276 + 4*t^282 + 3*t^285 + 4*t^288 + t^291 + 3*t^297 + 4*t^300 + 3*t^303 + 4*t^306 + 2*t^309 + t^312 + 4*t^315 + 4*t^318 + 3*t^321 + 4*t^324 + 3*t^327 + 4*t^330 + 2*t^336 + 2*t^339 + 2*t^345 + 3*t^348 + t^354 + 2*t^357 + t^360 + t^363 + 4*t^366 + 4*t^369 + t^372 + t^375 + 3*t^384 + t^390 + 2*t^399 + 4*t^402 + 4*t^405 + t^408 + t^411 + 3*t^417 + 3*t^420 + t^423 + 4*t^429 + 2*t^435 + 3*t^441 + t^444 + 2*t^447 + 4*t^450 + 4*t^456 + t^465 + 3*t^468 + 4*t^471 + t^474 + 4*t^477 + 4*t^480 + t^483 + t^489 + 3*t^492 + O(t^500)
1 + 3*t^27 + t^30 + 3*t^39 + 3*t^42 + 2*t^45 + 2*t^51 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^57 + 2*t^60 + t^63 + 2*t^66 + 3*t^69 + 4*t^72 + 4*t^75 + 2*t^78 + 2*t^81 + 2*t^84 + t^87 + 4*t^90 + 3*t^93 + t^96 + t^102 + t^105 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^111 + 3*t^114 + 2*t^117 + 4*t^120 + 2*t^123 + 2*t^126 + 3*t^129 + 2*t^135 + 3*t^138 + 2*t^141 + 2*t^144 + 4*t^147 + 4*t^150 + 2*t^153 + 4*t^156 + 2*t^159 + 4*t^162 + 3*t^171 + 2*t^177 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^192 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^207 + 4*t^213 + 2*t^216 + 2*t^219 + t^222 + 4*t^225 + 2*t^228 + 3*t^231 + t^234 + 2*t^237 + 4*t^240 + t^243 + t^252 + 2*t^255 + 4*t^261 + 4*t^264 + 3*t^270 + t^273 + 2*t^276 + 3*t^279 + 2*t^282 + 4*t^291 + 4*t^294 + 4*t^297 + t^300 + t^303 + 4*t^306 + 4*t^309 + 2*t^312 + 3*t^315 + 3*t^318 + 3*t^321 + 4*t^324 + 2*t^327 + t^330 + 4*t^333 + t^336 + 3*t^339 + t^342 + t^348 + t^351 + 4*t^354 + 2*t^357 + t^360 + 2*t^363 + 4*t^366 + t^369 + t^375 + 3*t^378 + 4*t^384 + 4*t^387 + t^390 + 3*t^399 + 3*t^402 + 3*t^405 + 4*t^408 + t^411 + 3*t^414 + 4*t^417 + t^420 + 2*t^423 + t^426 + 2*t^429 + 4*t^432 + 3*t^435 + 2*t^438 + 4*t^441 + 3*t^450 + t^453 + t^459 + 2*t^462 + 3*t^465 + 3*t^468 + 2*t^471 + 4*t^474 + 2*t^480 + 2*t^489 + 2*t^492 + t^495 + 2*t^498 + O(t^500)
1 + 3*t^27 + t^30 + 3*t^39 + 3*t^42 + t^45 + 2*t^51 + 2*t^54 + t^57 + t^63 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^69 + 2*t^72 + t^75 + 2*t^78 + 2*t^81 + 2*t^84 + t^87 + 4*t^90 + 2*t^93 + 2*t^96 + 3*t^102 + 4*t^105 + t^108 + 3*t^111 + t^114 + t^117 + 4*t^120 + t^126 + 3*t^132 + 4*t^135 + 2*t^138 + 4*t^141 + 4*t^144 + 2*t^147 + 4*t^150 + 3*t^156 + t^159 + 3*t^162 + 3*t^165 + t^168 + 3*t^171 + 4*t^174 + 2*t^177 + 2*t^180 + 3*t^183 + 4*t^186 + 2*t^189 + 4*t^198 + 3*t^201 + 4*t^204 + 2*t^216 + 4*t^219 + 4*t^222 + t^225 + t^228 + 3*t^231 + 3*t^237 + 4*t^240 + 4*t^243 + 4*t^246 + 3*t^249 + 2*t^252 + 4*t^255 + 4*t^258 + 4*t^261 + 2*t^264 + t^267 + t^270 + 4*t^273 + 4*t^276 + t^279 + 3*t^282 + t^294 + 3*t^297 + t^300 + 3*t^303 + t^306 + t^309 + t^312 + t^315 + 3*t^318 + 4*t^321 + t^324 + 2*t^330 + 4*t^333 + 4*t^339 + t^342 + 3*t^348 + 2*t^351 + t^354 + t^360 + 4*t^363 + t^369 + 3*t^372 + 3*t^378 + 3*t^384 + 4*t^387 + 2*t^390 + 3*t^393 + t^399 + 3*t^402 + 2*t^405 + 2*t^408 + 3*t^411 + t^417 + 2*t^423 + 2*t^426 + t^429 + t^432 + t^435 + 3*t^438 + 3*t^441 + 4*t^444 + 3*t^447 + 3*t^450 + t^453 + 2*t^456 + 2*t^459 + 3*t^468 + 4*t^471 + 2*t^474 + t^477 + 4*t^480 + 4*t^483 + t^486 + 2*t^489 + 4*t^492 + t^495 + 2*t^498 + O(t^500)
1 + 3*t^27 + t^30 + 3*t^39 + 3*t^42 + 2*t^51 + 2*t^54 + 3*t^60 + t^63 + 2*t^66 + t^69 + 3*t^75 + 2*t^78 + 2*t^81 + 2*t^84 + t^87 + 4*t^90 + t^93 + 3*t^96 + 2*t^105 + 4*t^111 + 2*t^114 + 4*t^117 + 2*t^120 + 3*t^123 + 3*t^126 + 4*t^129 + 4*t^132 + 3*t^135 + 4*t^138 + 3*t^141 + 2*t^144 + 2*t^147 + 3*t^150 + 3*t^156 + t^162 + 4*t^165 + t^168 + 3*t^171 + 4*t^174 + 2*t^177 + 3*t^180 + 3*t^183 + 3*t^186 + 3*t^189 + t^192 + 3*t^195 + 4*t^198 + 4*t^201 + 3*t^204 + 3*t^207 + 2*t^210 + 2*t^213 + 2*t^219 + 2*t^225 + 3*t^228 + t^231 + 3*t^234 + t^237 + 4*t^240 + 3*t^243 + t^246 + 4*t^249 + 3*t^252 + 2*t^255 + t^258 + 4*t^264 + 3*t^267 + 4*t^270 + 2*t^273 + 3*t^276 + 3*t^279 + 2*t^282 + 2*t^285 + 2*t^288 + 2*t^291 + 4*t^294 + 3*t^300 + 4*t^303 + 4*t^306 + 2*t^309 + 2*t^312 + t^318 + t^321 + 2*t^324 + 4*t^327 + 3*t^330 + 4*t^333 + 4*t^339 + 4*t^345 + 4*t^348 + 4*t^351 + 3*t^354 + 4*t^357 + 3*t^360 + t^363 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^369 + 2*t^378 + 3*t^381 + 2*t^384 + 3*t^390 + 3*t^393 + 4*t^396 + 4*t^399 + 2*t^408 + 4*t^411 + t^414 + 4*t^420 + 4*t^423 + t^426 + t^429 + 4*t^432 + 4*t^435 + t^438 + t^441 + 2*t^444 + 4*t^447 + 4*t^450 + 4*t^453 + 3*t^456 + t^459 + 3*t^462 + 2*t^465 + t^468 + t^471 + 4*t^474 + 2*t^477 + 2*t^480 + t^483 + 2*t^489 + t^492 + t^495 + O(t^500)
1 + 3*t^27 + t^30 + 3*t^39 + 3*t^42 + 4*t^45 + 2*t^51 + 2*t^54 + 4*t^57 + t^60 + t^63 + 2*t^66 + 3*t^72 + 2*t^78 + 2*t^81 + 2*t^84 + t^87 + 4*t^90 + 4*t^96 + 2*t^102 + 4*t^108 + t^114 + t^117 + 3*t^120 + t^123 + 3*t^126 + 3*t^132 + 4*t^135 + 4*t^138 + 4*t^141 + t^144 + 2*t^153 + 4*t^156 + 3*t^162 + 3*t^165 + 4*t^171 + 3*t^177 + 3*t^180 + t^183 + 2*t^186 + 4*t^189 + 4*t^192 + t^195 + 4*t^198 + 4*t^201 + 3*t^204 + 2*t^207 + 3*t^210 + t^213 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^225 + t^231 + t^234 + 4*t^237 + 2*t^240 + t^243 + 3*t^246 + 4*t^249 + 3*t^252 + 4*t^255 + 3*t^258 + 3*t^261 + 2*t^264 + 4*t^267 + 3*t^273 + 3*t^276 + 2*t^279 + 2*t^282 + 4*t^285 + 2*t^288 + t^291 + 4*t^294 + 2*t^297 + 4*t^300 + 2*t^303 + 4*t^306 + 3*t^309 + 2*t^312 + t^330 + 2*t^333 + 4*t^339 + 3*t^342 + 4*t^345 + 4*t^348 + 2*t^351 + 4*t^354 + 4*t^357 + 3*t^363 + t^366 + 2*t^369 + 2*t^372 + t^375 + 4*t^378 + t^381 + 3*t^384 + 4*t^387 + 2*t^390 + 4*t^393 + t^396 + 4*t^399 + 3*t^402 + 4*t^405 + t^408 + t^414 + 4*t^420 + 4*t^423 + 2*t^429 + 3*t^432 + 2*t^438 + t^441 + 4*t^444 + t^447 + t^450 + 2*t^453 + 2*t^456 + t^459 + 3*t^468 + 2*t^471 + t^474 + t^477 + t^480 + t^483 + 2*t^486 + 3*t^489 + 3*t^492 + 3*t^495 + 4*t^498 + O(t^500)
1 + 4*t^27 + 4*t^30 + 4*t^39 + 2*t^42 + t^45 + t^51 + 3*t^54 + t^57 + 4*t^60 + 3*t^63 + 3*t^66 + 3*t^69 + t^72 + t^75 + 3*t^78 + 4*t^81 + 2*t^84 + 3*t^87 + t^90 + 3*t^93 + t^102 + t^105 + 3*t^108 + 3*t^111 + 2*t^114 + 4*t^117 + 2*t^120 + 2*t^123 + 4*t^126 + t^129 + t^135 + 3*t^138 + 4*t^141 + t^144 + t^147 + t^150 + 2*t^153 + t^156 + t^159 + t^162 + 3*t^168 + t^171 + 3*t^174 + 2*t^177 + t^180 + 4*t^183 + 4*t^186 + 2*t^189 + 4*t^192 + t^195 + 2*t^198 + 3*t^201 + 4*t^204 + 2*t^207 + 4*t^210 + t^213 + 2*t^216 + 4*t^219 + t^222 + 4*t^225 + t^228 + 4*t^231 + 4*t^234 + 2*t^237 + 2*t^240 + 4*t^243 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^255 + t^258 + 2*t^264 + 3*t^267 + 3*t^270 + 4*t^273 + t^276 + t^282 + t^285 + 4*t^288 + 3*t^291 + t^297 + 4*t^300 + 4*t^303 + t^306 + 4*t^309 + t^312 + 2*t^315 + t^318 + t^321 + 4*t^324 + 4*t^327 + t^330 + 2*t^336 + t^339 + 4*t^345 + 3*t^348 + 4*t^354 + 4*t^357 + t^360 + 3*t^363 + t^366 + 3*t^369 + t^372 + 3*t^375 + 3*t^384 + 4*t^390 + t^399 + t^402 + 3*t^405 + t^408 + 3*t^411 + t^417 + 3*t^420 + 3*t^423 + 3*t^429 + t^435 + t^441 + t^444 + t^447 + t^450 + 4*t^456 + 2*t^465 + 3*t^468 + 2*t^471 + 4*t^474 + 3*t^477 + 4*t^480 + 3*t^483 + 2*t^489 + 3*t^492 + O(t^500)
1 + 4*t^27 + 4*t^30 + 4*t^39 + 2*t^42 + t^51 + 3*t^54 + 3*t^60 + 3*t^63 + 3*t^66 + 2*t^69 + 4*t^75 + 3*t^78 + 4*t^81 + 2*t^84 + 3*t^87 + t^90 + 2*t^93 + 3*t^96 + 4*t^105 + 2*t^111 + 3*t^114 + 3*t^117 + 2*t^120 + 4*t^123 + 2*t^126 + 3*t^129 + 4*t^132 + 4*t^135 + t^138 + t^141 + 2*t^144 + t^147 + 2*t^150 + 3*t^156 + 4*t^162 + 3*t^165 + t^168 + 4*t^171 + t^174 + 4*t^177 + 3*t^180 + 4*t^183 + 2*t^186 + t^189 + t^192 + 4*t^195 + t^198 + 3*t^201 + 3*t^204 + 4*t^207 + 3*t^210 + 4*t^213 + t^219 + 4*t^225 + 3*t^228 + 3*t^231 + 2*t^234 + 2*t^237 + 4*t^240 + 4*t^243 + 4*t^246 + 3*t^249 + 3*t^252 + t^255 + 4*t^258 + 4*t^264 + 4*t^267 + t^270 + 4*t^273 + 3*t^276 + 4*t^279 + 3*t^282 + 4*t^285 + 2*t^288 + t^291 + t^294 + 3*t^300 + 2*t^303 + t^306 + 4*t^309 + 2*t^312 + 4*t^318 + 2*t^321 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^327 + 2*t^330 + 3*t^333 + 2*t^339 + 3*t^345 + 4*t^348 + 2*t^351 + 2*t^354 + 3*t^357 + 3*t^360 + 3*t^363 + 3*t^366 + 4*t^369 + 3*t^378 + t^381 + 2*t^384 + 2*t^390 + t^393 + 4*t^396 + 2*t^399 + 2*t^408 + 2*t^411 + 4*t^414 + 4*t^420 + 2*t^423 + 4*t^426 + 2*t^429 + 4*t^432 + 2*t^435 + 4*t^438 + 2*t^441 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^447 + t^450 + 3*t^453 + 3*t^456 + 3*t^459 + 2*t^462 + 4*t^465 + t^468 + 3*t^471 + t^474 + 4*t^477 + 2*t^480 + 3*t^483 + 4*t^489 + t^492 + 3*t^495 + O(t^500)
1 + 4*t^27 + 4*t^30 + 4*t^39 + 2*t^42 + 4*t^45 + t^51 + 3*t^54 + 4*t^57 + 2*t^60 + 3*t^63 + 3*t^66 + t^69 + 4*t^72 + 2*t^75 + 3*t^78 + 4*t^81 + 2*t^84 + 3*t^87 + t^90 + t^93 + t^96 + 4*t^102 + 2*t^105 + 2*t^108 + t^111 + 2*t^114 + 4*t^117 + 4*t^120 + t^123 + 3*t^126 + t^129 + t^135 + 2*t^138 + 4*t^141 + 2*t^144 + 2*t^147 + t^150 + 4*t^153 + 4*t^156 + t^159 + t^162 + 4*t^171 + 4*t^177 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^192 + 2*t^204 + t^207 + 3*t^213 + 2*t^216 + t^219 + 4*t^222 + 3*t^225 + 2*t^228 + 4*t^231 + 4*t^234 + 4*t^237 + 4*t^240 + 3*t^243 + t^252 + t^255 + 3*t^261 + 4*t^264 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^273 + 2*t^276 + 4*t^279 + 3*t^282 + 2*t^291 + t^294 + 3*t^297 + t^300 + 3*t^303 + t^306 + 3*t^309 + 2*t^312 + 4*t^315 + 2*t^318 + t^321 + 4*t^324 + t^327 + 4*t^330 + 3*t^333 + t^336 + 4*t^339 + 4*t^342 + t^348 + 3*t^351 + t^354 + 4*t^357 + t^360 + t^363 + t^366 + 2*t^369 + 3*t^375 + 2*t^378 + 4*t^384 + 2*t^387 + 4*t^390 + 4*t^399 + 2*t^402 + t^405 + 4*t^408 + 3*t^411 + 2*t^414 + 3*t^417 + t^420 + t^423 + 4*t^426 + 4*t^429 + 4*t^432 + 4*t^435 + 3*t^438 + 3*t^441 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^453 + 3*t^459 + 3*t^462 + t^465 + 3*t^468 + t^471 + t^474 + 2*t^480 + 4*t^489 + 2*t^492 + 3*t^495 + 3*t^498 + O(t^500)
1 + 4*t^27 + 4*t^30 + 4*t^39 + 2*t^42 + 3*t^45 + t^51 + 3*t^54 + 3*t^57 + t^60 + 3*t^63 + 3*t^66 + 3*t^72 + 3*t^78 + 4*t^81 + 2*t^84 + 3*t^87 + t^90 + 4*t^96 + 3*t^102 + 4*t^108 + 4*t^114 + 2*t^117 + 3*t^120 + 3*t^123 + 2*t^126 + 3*t^132 + 2*t^135 + t^138 + 3*t^141 + t^144 + 4*t^153 + 4*t^156 + 2*t^162 + t^165 + 2*t^171 + t^177 + 3*t^180 + 3*t^183 + 3*t^186 + 3*t^189 + 4*t^192 + 3*t^195 + t^198 + 3*t^201 + 3*t^204 + t^207 + 2*t^210 + 2*t^213 + 3*t^222 + 4*t^225 + 3*t^231 + 4*t^234 + 3*t^237 + 2*t^240 + 3*t^243 + 2*t^246 + 3*t^249 + 3*t^252 + 2*t^255 + 2*t^258 + t^261 + 2*t^264 + 2*t^267 + t^273 + 3*t^276 + t^279 + 3*t^282 + 3*t^285 + 2*t^288 + 3*t^291 + t^294 + 4*t^297 + 4*t^300 + t^303 + t^306 + t^309 + 2*t^312 + 4*t^330 + 4*t^333 + 2*t^339 + 2*t^342 + 3*t^345 + 4*t^348 + t^351 + t^354 + 3*t^357 + 4*t^363 + 4*t^366 + 4*t^369 + 2*t^372 + 3*t^375 + t^378 + 2*t^381 + 3*t^384 + 2*t^387 + 3*t^390 + 3*t^393 + t^396 + 2*t^399 + 2*t^402 + 3*t^405 + t^408 + 4*t^414 + 4*t^420 + 2*t^423 + 4*t^429 + 3*t^432 + 3*t^438 + 2*t^441 + 4*t^444 + 3*t^447 + 4*t^450 + 4*t^453 + 2*t^456 + 3*t^459 + 3*t^468 + t^471 + 4*t^474 + 2*t^477 + t^480 + 3*t^483 + 3*t^486 + t^489 + 3*t^492 + 4*t^495 + t^498 + O(t^500)
1 + 4*t^27 + 4*t^30 + 4*t^39 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^45 + t^51 + 3*t^54 + 2*t^57 + 3*t^63 + 3*t^66 + 4*t^69 + 2*t^72 + 3*t^75 + 3*t^78 + 4*t^81 + 2*t^84 + 3*t^87 + t^90 + 4*t^93 + 2*t^96 + 2*t^102 + 3*t^105 + t^108 + 4*t^111 + 4*t^114 + 2*t^117 + 4*t^120 + 4*t^126 + 3*t^132 + 2*t^135 + 3*t^138 + 3*t^141 + 4*t^144 + t^147 + t^150 + 3*t^156 + 3*t^159 + 2*t^162 + t^165 + t^168 + 4*t^171 + t^174 + 4*t^177 + 2*t^180 + 4*t^183 + t^186 + 4*t^189 + t^198 + t^201 + 4*t^204 + 2*t^216 + 2*t^219 + t^222 + 2*t^225 + t^228 + 4*t^231 + t^237 + 4*t^240 + 2*t^243 + t^246 + t^249 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^255 + t^258 + 3*t^261 + 2*t^264 + 3*t^267 + 4*t^270 + 3*t^273 + 4*t^276 + 3*t^279 + 2*t^282 + 4*t^294 + t^297 + t^300 + 4*t^303 + 4*t^306 + 2*t^309 + t^312 + 3*t^315 + 2*t^318 + 3*t^321 + t^324 + 3*t^330 + 3*t^333 + 2*t^339 + 4*t^342 + 3*t^348 + t^351 + 4*t^354 + t^360 + 2*t^363 + 2*t^369 + 3*t^372 + 2*t^378 + 3*t^384 + 2*t^387 + 3*t^390 + t^393 + 3*t^399 + 2*t^402 + 4*t^405 + 2*t^408 + 4*t^411 + 2*t^417 + t^423 + 3*t^426 + 2*t^429 + t^432 + 3*t^435 + 2*t^438 + t^441 + 4*t^444 + 4*t^447 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^453 + 2*t^456 + t^459 + 3*t^468 + 2*t^471 + 3*t^474 + 2*t^477 + 4*t^480 + 2*t^483 + 4*t^486 + 4*t^489 + 4*t^492 + 3*t^495 + 3*t^498 + O(t^500)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?7h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?7h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?7h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?7h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage$ ]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage$ safge
│ SageMath version 9.7, Release Date: 2022-09-19 │
│ Using Python 3.10.5. Type "help()" for help. │
]0;IPython: DeRhamComputation/sage[?2004h[?1l[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: m = 7
....: p = 5
....: i = 6
....: R.<t> = LaurentSeriesRing(GF(p), default_prec = 500)
....: result = R(0)
....: for j in range(p):
....:  f = (t/((1+j*t^m).nth_root(m)))^(m+1+i)
....:  result += f
....: print(result.valuation())[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l
 in init.sage install_dict installed_packages integer_floor integral_numerical interfaces inverse_jacobi inverse_jacobi_cs inverse_jacobi_ds inverse_jacobi_ns inverse_jacobi_sn 
 infinity initial_seed install_doc int integral integrate interval inverse_jacobi_cd inverse_jacobi_dc inverse_jacobi_nc inverse_jacobi_sc inverse_laplace 
 infix_operator input install_scripts integer_ceil integral_closure interacts invariant_theory inverse_jacobi_cn inverse_jacobi_dn inverse_jacobi_nd inverse_jacobi_sd inverse_mod [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(it.sage')

[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('init.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lm = 7
....: p = 5
....: i = 6
....: R.<t> = LaurentSeriesRing(GF(p), default_prec = 500)
....: result = R(0)
....: for j in range(p):
....:  f = (t/((1+j*t^m).nth_root(m)))^(m+1+i)
....:  result += f
....: print(result.valuation())[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('init.sage')
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ld.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lr.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lf.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [2], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:56, in <module>
File <string>:6, in __init__(self, C, list_of_fcts, prec)
TypeError: object of type 'sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_libsingular.MPolynomial_libsingular' has no len()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [3], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:56, in <module>
File <string>:6, in __init__(self, C, list_of_fcts, prec)
TypeError: object of type 'sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_libsingular.MPolynomial_libsingular' has no len()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7linit.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('init.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ldraft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [5], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:56, in <module>
File <string>:6, in __init__(self, C, list_of_fcts, prec)
TypeError: object of type 'sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_libsingular.MPolynomial_libsingular' has no len()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7linit.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('init.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ldraft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^2-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 5 with the equations:
z0^5 - z0 = x^3
z1^5 - z1 = x^9
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [7], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:57, in <module>
File <string>:6, in __init__(self, C, list_of_fcts, prec)
TypeError: object of type 'sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_libsingular.MPolynomial_libsingular' has no len()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^2-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 5 with the equations:
z0^5 - z0 = x^3
z1^5 - z1 = x^9
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [8], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:59, in <module>
File <string>:39, in ordy(lista_f, w)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/, in symbolic_sum(expression, *args, **kwds)
 583 return expression.sum(*args, **kwds)
 584 elif max(len(args),len(kwds)) <= 1:
--> 585 return sum(expression, *args, **kwds)
 586 else:
 587 from sage.symbolic.ring import SR
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'as_function'
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^2-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 5 with the equations:
z0^5 - z0 = x^3
z1^5 - z1 = x^9
-203 -203
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^2-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 5 with the equations:
z0^5 - z0 = x^3
z1^5 - z1 = x^9
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [10], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:56, in <module>
TypeError: bad operand type for unary -: 'as_function'
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^2-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 5 with the equations:
z0^5 - z0 = x^3
z1^5 - z1 = x^9
-296 -308
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^2-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 5 with the equations:
z0^5 - z0 = x^3
z1^5 - z1 = x^9
-311 -323
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^2-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 5 with the equations:
z0^5 - z0 = x^3
z1^5 - z1 = x^9
-346 -358
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.exponent_of_different_prim()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.exponent_of_different_prim()

[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.exponent_of_different_prim()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.exponent_of_different_prim()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.exponent_of_different_prim()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.exponent_of_different()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.exponent_of_different()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l_prim()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^2-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 5 with the equations:
z0^5 - z0 = x^4
z1^5 - z1 = x^9
-153 -169
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.exponent_of_different()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lj[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lm[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ls[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.jumps
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7h[[4, 29]]
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.jumps[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^2-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 5 with the equations:
z0^5 - z0 = x^4
z1^5 - z1 = x^9
-263 -279
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^2-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 5 with the equations:
z0^5 - z0 = x^4
z1^5 - z1 = x^9
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.jumps[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ld[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lf[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lf[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lr[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.jumps[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lexponent_of_different()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.exponent_of_different()
 <unknown> [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l_prim

[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.exponent_of_different_prim()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.exponent_of_different_prim()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l-[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l^[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l2[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l-[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l1[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.exponent_of_different_prim() - (p^2 - 1)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.exponent_of_different_prim() - (p^2 - 1)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^2-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 5 with the equations:
z0^5 - z0 = x^4
z1^5 - z1 = x^6
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.exponent_of_different_prim() - (p^2 - 1)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.exponent_of_different_prim()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.exponent_of_different_prim()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.exponent_of_different_prim() - (p^2 - 1)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.exponent_of_different_prim() - (p^2 - 1)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.exponent_of_different_prim() - (p^2 - 1)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lno 18 -th root; divide by 2
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [25], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:12, in <module>
File <string>:44, in __init__(self, C, list_of_fcts, prec)
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 4, got 2)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.exponent_of_different_prim() - (p^2 - 1)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lno 24 -th root; divide by 5
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [26], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:12, in <module>
File <string>:44, in __init__(self, C, list_of_fcts, prec)
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 4, got 2)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^2-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 5 with the equations:
z0^5 - z0 = x^3
z1^5 - z1 = x^7
-129 152 128
-129 152 128
-129 152 128
-129 152 128
-149 152 128
-149 152 128
-149 152 128
-149 152 128
-149 152 128
-149 152 128
-149 152 128
-149 152 128
-149 152 128
-149 152 128
-149 152 128
-149 152 128
-149 152 128
-149 152 128
-149 152 128
-149 152 128
-149 152 128
-149 152 128
-149 152 128
-149 152 128
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^2-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 3 with the equations:
z0^3 - z0 = x^2
z1^3 - z1 = x^4
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [28], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:53, in <module>
IndexError: list index out of range
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfor j in range(p):[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfor[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la1, 15):[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lin[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lr[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l:[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: for a in pr:
....: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lprint(binomial(p-1, i)%p)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lr[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lprint[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l....:  print(a)
....: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: for a in pr:
....:  print(a)
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[0, 1, 2]
[0, 1, 2]
[0, 1, 2]
[0, 1, 2]
[0, 1, 2]
[0, 1, 2]
[0, 1, 2]
[0, 1, 2]
[0, 1, 2]
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: for a in pr:
....:  print(a)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^2-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 3 with the equations:
z0^3 - z0 = x^2
z1^3 - z1 = x^4
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [30], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:54, in <module>
TypeError: IntegerMod_int.valuation() takes exactly one argument (0 given)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfor a in pr:[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lc[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: fct
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfct[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^2-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 3 with the equations:
z0^3 - z0 = x^2
z1^3 - z1 = x^4
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [32], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:54, in <module>
TypeError: IntegerMod_int.valuation() takes exactly one argument (0 given)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^2-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 3 with the equations:
z0^3 - z0 = x^2
z1^3 - z1 = x^4
0 0
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [33], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:55, in <module>
TypeError: IntegerMod_int.valuation() takes exactly one argument (0 given)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lR.<t> = LaurentSeriesRing(GF(p), default_prec = 500)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt.<t> = PolyomialRing(GF(p))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: Rt
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [34], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 Rt
NameError: name 'Rt' is not defined
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lRt[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfct[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: for a in pr:
....:  print(a)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfct[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lRt[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lRt[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^2-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 3 with the equations:
z0^3 - z0 = x^2
z1^3 - z1 = x^4
0 0
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:1971, in sage.structure.element.Element._mod_()
 1970 try:
-> 1971 python_op = (<object>self)._mod_
 1972 except AttributeError:
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:494, in sage.structure.element.Element.__getattr__()
 493 """
--> 494 return self.getattr_from_category(name)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:507, in sage.structure.element.Element.getattr_from_category()
 506 cls = P._abstract_element_class
--> 507 return getattr_from_other_class(self, cls, name)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/cpython/getattr.pyx:361, in sage.cpython.getattr.getattr_from_other_class()
 360 = name
--> 361 raise AttributeError(dummy_error_message)
 362 attribute = <object>attr
AttributeError: 'InfinityRing_class_with_category' object has no attribute '__custom_name'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [35], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:57, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:1940, in sage.structure.element.Element.__mod__()
 1938 return (<Element>left)._mod_(right)
 1939 if BOTH_ARE_ELEMENT(cl):
-> 1940 return coercion_model.bin_op(left, right, mod)
 1942 try:
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/coerce.pyx:1204, in sage.structure.coerce.CoercionModel.bin_op()
 1202 self._record_exception()
 1203 else:
-> 1204 return PyObject_CallObject(op, xy)
 1206 if op is mul:
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:1938, in sage.structure.element.Element.__mod__()
 1936 cdef int cl = classify_elements(left, right)
 1937 if HAVE_SAME_PARENT(cl):
-> 1938 return (<Element>left)._mod_(right)
 1939 if BOTH_ARE_ELEMENT(cl):
 1940 return coercion_model.bin_op(left, right, mod)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:1973, in sage.structure.element.Element._mod_()
 1971 python_op = (<object>self)._mod_
 1972 except AttributeError:
-> 1973 raise bin_op_exception('%', self, other)
 1974 else:
 1975 return python_op(other)
TypeError: unsupported operand parent(s) for %: 'The Infinity Ring' and 'The Infinity Ring'
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^2-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 3 with the equations:
z0^3 - z0 = x^2
z1^3 - z1 = x^4
0 0
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 + z0 + z1 + 1 t^-28 + t^-26 + t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-14 + t^-10 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + t^20 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + t^42 + t^50 + t^52 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + t^100 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^118 + t^124 + 2*t^130 + t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + t^172 + t^180 + t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + t^268 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^374 + t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + t^418 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 - z0 - z1 - 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + t^-14 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^20 + t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + t^74 + t^82 + t^84 + t^86 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + t^108 + t^116 + t^118 + 2*t^124 + t^130 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + t^140 + t^142 + t^148 + t^156 + t^158 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^268 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + t^286 + t^294 + t^298 + t^300 + t^302 + t^308 + t^310 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + t^404 + t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + t^430 + t^436 + t^444 + t^452 + t^454 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 + z1^2 + z0 - z1 + 1 t^-28 + t^-26 + t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + t^-8 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^10 + t^14 + t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^92 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + t^140 + t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + t^220 + t^228 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^246 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^260 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + t^324 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + t^374 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + t^436 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - z0^2 - z1^2 - z0 - 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + 2*t^2 + t^6 + t^10 + t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^20 + t^22 + t^36 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + t^84 + t^86 + t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^100 + t^106 + t^110 + t^116 + t^118 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^190 + t^198 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^222 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + t^298 + t^300 + t^306 + t^308 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + t^410 + t^412 + t^418 + t^420 + t^430 + t^434 + 2*t^444 + t^450 + t^452 + t^454 + t^458 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1 + x^2 + z0*z1 + z1 t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^28 + t^30 + t^38 + 2*t^44 + t^50 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^94 + t^102 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^132 + t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + t^156 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^188 + t^190 + t^196 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^214 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + t^230 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^270 + t^284 + t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^444 + t^450 + t^460 + t^462 + 2*t^466 + t^470 + t^474 + O(t^476)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 - z0 + z1 - 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-18 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + t^2 + t^4 + t^10 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^30 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + t^86 + t^92 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + t^118 + t^126 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + t^158 + t^162 + t^164 + t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^228 + t^230 + t^236 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^324 + t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^450 + t^452 + t^454 + t^458 + t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 - x^2 - z0*z1 - z1 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + t^2 + 2*t^4 + t^6 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^38 + t^44 + 2*t^50 + t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + t^94 + 2*t^102 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^146 + t^148 + t^150 + 2*t^156 + t^162 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + 2*t^214 + t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + t^260 + t^270 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^310 + t^318 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^334 + t^338 + t^354 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^406 + t^412 + t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^434 + t^436 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^462 + t^466 + 2*t^470 + 2*t^474 + O(t^476)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + z0^2 + z1^2 + z0 + 1 t^-28 + t^-26 + t^-24 + t^-22 + t^-20 + t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-10 + t^-8 + t^-2 + 1 + t^2 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + t^20 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + t^44 + t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + t^150 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + t^174 + t^180 + t^182 + t^190 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + t^260 + t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + t^284 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + t^330 + t^334 + t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + t^444 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + O(t^464)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + z1^2 t^-28 + t^-26 + t^-24 + t^-22 + t^-20 + t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-10 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + t^-2 + 1 + t^2 + 2*t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^14 + t^18 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + t^42 + t^44 + t^46 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^84 + 2*t^86 + t^90 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^124 + t^130 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + t^142 + t^146 + t^148 + t^154 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^198 + t^206 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + t^254 + t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + t^300 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + t^318 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + t^358 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^370 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^426 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^446 + t^450 + t^454 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 + z0 + z1 + 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-18 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + t^-4 + t^2 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + t^18 + t^20 + t^28 + t^36 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + t^68 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + t^86 + t^90 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^140 + t^146 + t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + t^246 + t^254 + t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + t^298 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^324 + t^330 + t^338 + t^350 + t^358 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^370 + t^374 + t^378 + t^390 + t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + t^414 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^446 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + O(t^464)
x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 - x^2 - z0^2 - z0*z1 - z0 - z1 - 1 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + t^2 + t^4 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^30 + t^38 + t^44 + t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + t^90 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^130 + t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^174 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + t^254 + t^260 + t^262 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^316 + t^322 + 2*t^326 + t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^406 + t^412 + t^414 + t^418 + t^428 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^442 + t^444 + 2*t^446 + t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + t^462 + t^466 + t^470 + O(t^476)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 + z0 - z1 + 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + 1 + t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + t^18 + t^20 + t^30 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^74 + t^82 + t^86 + t^90 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + t^106 + t^116 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + t^154 + t^158 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + 2*t^206 + t^220 + t^222 + t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^252 + t^262 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + t^298 + t^302 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^370 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^458 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-z0^2 - z0 - 1 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + t^12 + t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^38 + t^46 + t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^60 + t^66 + t^68 + t^74 + 2*t^84 + t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^162 + t^164 + t^172 + t^174 + t^182 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^204 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + t^230 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + t^262 + t^268 + t^270 + t^276 + t^284 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^324 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^346 + t^354 + t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^390 + t^398 + t^414 + t^420 + t^426 + t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + 2*t^470 + t^474 + t^478 + 2*t^484 + t^486 + O(t^488)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 + z1 t^-28 + t^-26 + t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + t^-8 + t^-6 + t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + 2*t^12 + t^18 + t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + 2*t^86 + t^90 + t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + 2*t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^150 + t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + t^212 + t^228 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + t^246 + t^252 + t^262 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + t^278 + 2*t^286 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + t^308 + 2*t^314 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + t^414 + t^418 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^442 + t^444 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^454 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1 + x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 - z0 + z1 - 1 t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-6 + t^-4 + t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^2 + t^6 + t^10 + t^14 + t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^44 + t^46 + t^50 + t^52 + t^60 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + t^150 + t^154 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^198 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^260 + t^262 + t^268 + t^276 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^412 + t^414 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^434 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^446 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^466 + 2*t^474 + O(t^476)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0*z1 + z1^2 - z1 t^-28 + t^-26 + t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-18 + t^-12 + t^-10 + t^-8 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^12 + t^14 + t^18 + t^22 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + t^46 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + t^58 + t^66 + t^68 + t^74 + t^76 + t^82 + t^84 + 2*t^86 + t^90 + t^92 + 2*t^106 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + 2*t^122 + t^126 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + t^154 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + t^196 + t^198 + t^204 + t^206 + t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^268 + t^278 + t^284 + t^292 + 2*t^298 + t^300 + t^302 + t^306 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^318 + t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^370 + t^382 + t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^414 + 2*t^420 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^446 + t^454 + 2*t^458 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + z0^2 - z1^2 + z0 + 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + t^18 + t^20 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + t^46 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^76 + t^86 + t^90 + t^94 + t^100 + t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^122 + t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^142 + t^148 + t^150 + t^154 + t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + t^214 + t^220 + 2*t^228 + t^230 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + t^306 + t^310 + t^314 + t^316 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^334 + 2*t^338 + t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^370 + t^374 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^404 + t^410 + t^412 + t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + t^430 + t^434 + t^436 + 2*t^442 + t^444 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^452 + t^458 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - z1^2 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + t^30 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^52 + t^54 + t^58 + t^68 + t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + t^108 + t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^154 + t^158 + t^162 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + t^190 + t^196 + t^198 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + t^294 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + t^398 + t^404 + t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^426 + t^430 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1 + x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 + z0 + z1 + 1 t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-4 + t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + t^110 + t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + t^130 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + t^174 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + t^204 + t^212 + t^214 + t^220 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^286 + t^292 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + t^308 + t^310 + t^316 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^428 + t^434 + t^436 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + 2*t^462 + 2*t^466 + 2*t^470 + O(t^476)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0^2 - z0*z1 + z1^2 - z0 - z1 - 1 t^-28 + t^-26 + t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-18 + t^-10 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^2 + t^6 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^54 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + t^122 + t^134 + t^140 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + t^164 + t^172 + t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^270 + t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^414 + t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + O(t^464)
x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 - x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 + z0 - z1 + 1 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + t^2 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^60 + t^68 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + t^84 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + t^94 + t^100 + t^102 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^118 + t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + t^132 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^198 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + t^230 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^276 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + t^374 + t^398 + t^406 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + t^420 + t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^434 + t^442 + t^446 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + t^460 + t^466 + t^474 + O(t^476)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - z0^2 + z1^2 - z0 - 1 t^-28 + t^-26 + t^-24 + t^-22 + t^-20 + t^-18 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + t^-8 + t^-6 + t^-2 + 1 + t^2 + t^4 + t^10 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + t^28 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^58 + t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^116 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^132 + t^134 + t^138 + t^142 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^180 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^228 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + t^252 + t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^276 + t^278 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + t^452 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 + z1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-18 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + t^-4 + t^2 + 2*t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + t^52 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + t^106 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + t^222 + t^236 + t^252 + t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^292 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + t^314 + t^318 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + t^346 + t^350 + t^354 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^414 + t^420 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + t^436 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 - z0 + z1 - 1 t^-28 + t^-26 + t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-10 + t^-8 + t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^60 + t^68 + t^74 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^116 + t^122 + t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + t^148 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^206 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^302 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^436 + t^442 + t^446 + t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 - z1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + t^-14 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + 1 + t^12 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^36 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^66 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^140 + t^142 + t^146 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^228 + t^230 + t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^278 + t^286 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^308 + t^314 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + t^334 + t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + t^378 + t^390 + t^404 + t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + t^428 + t^430 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + t^450 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + t^460 + O(t^464)
z0^2 + z0 + 1 t^-12 + t^-6 + t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + t^22 + t^28 + t^30 + t^38 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^74 + t^84 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + t^108 + t^118 + t^122 + t^126 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^138 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + 2*t^204 + t^212 + t^220 + t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^284 + t^294 + t^300 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^316 + t^318 + t^324 + 2*t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + t^374 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + t^470 + 2*t^474 + 2*t^478 + t^484 + 2*t^486 + O(t^488)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 + z1^2 - z0 + z1 + 1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + t^-14 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + t^-6 + t^-4 + t^-2 + 2 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + t^12 + t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + t^124 + t^130 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + t^190 + t^196 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + t^244 + t^246 + t^268 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + t^294 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + t^458 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 - z0^2 - z1^2 - z1 - 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + t^-20 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-4 + 1 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^20 + t^28 + t^36 + 2*t^52 + t^60 + t^68 + t^84 + t^92 + 2*t^100 + t^108 + t^116 + 2*t^124 + t^140 + t^148 + t^156 + t^164 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^204 + t^212 + 2*t^220 + t^228 + t^236 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^268 + t^276 + t^284 + t^300 + t^308 + 2*t^316 + t^324 + t^404 + 2*t^412 + t^428 + t^436 + t^444 + t^452 + 2*t^460 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0*z1 + z0 t^-26 + t^-22 + 2*t^-14 + t^-10 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-2 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^22 + t^30 + t^42 + t^50 + t^58 + t^66 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^86 + t^94 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^130 + t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^158 + t^166 + t^182 + 2*t^190 + t^206 + t^222 + t^230 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^246 + t^278 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^374 + t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^418 + t^426 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + t^462 + t^466 + O(t^470)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 - 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + t^-2 + 2 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^6 + t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^20 + t^30 + t^36 + t^38 + 2*t^44 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + t^110 + t^116 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^132 + t^138 + t^142 + t^146 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^190 + t^198 + t^204 + t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^230 + t^236 + t^238 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + t^412 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + t^426 + t^434 + 2*t^444 + t^450 + t^452 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0*z1 + z0 + z1 t^-26 + t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + t^-6 + t^-4 + 1 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^68 + t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^182 + t^188 + t^196 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + t^214 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^270 + t^278 + t^284 + t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + t^302 + t^306 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + t^374 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^444 + t^450 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + z0^2 + z1^2 - z0 - z1 + 1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + t^6 + t^10 + t^14 + t^20 + t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + t^100 + t^106 + t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + t^220 + t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^238 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^260 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + t^314 + t^316 + t^318 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^410 + t^418 + t^420 + t^428 + t^430 + t^434 + t^436 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + O(t^464)
x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + z0 - z1 t^-26 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + 2 + t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + t^44 + t^54 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^118 + t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + t^148 + t^150 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + t^238 + t^244 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + t^260 + t^270 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + t^330 + t^334 + t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + t^436 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^466 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 - z0 + 1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + t^-18 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 1 + t^2 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + t^20 + t^22 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + t^50 + t^52 + t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^68 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^92 + t^100 + t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^146 + t^150 + t^156 + t^158 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + t^260 + t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + t^316 + t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + t^444 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + t^458 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1 - x^2 - z0^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 + z1 - 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + t^-12 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + t^2 + t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + t^44 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + t^84 + t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + t^126 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + t^162 + t^164 + t^166 + t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^316 + t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^334 + t^338 + t^354 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + t^406 + t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^450 + t^452 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1 - x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 - z0 + z1 + 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-8 + t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + t^2 + t^10 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + t^18 + t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + t^30 + t^36 + t^38 + t^44 + t^46 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + t^90 + t^94 + t^100 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^130 + t^138 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + t^154 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + t^228 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + t^254 + t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^310 + t^316 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^404 + t^406 + t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^446 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - z0^2 - z1 - 1 t^-26 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-10 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + 2 + t^2 + t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + t^18 + 2*t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^30 + t^38 + t^42 + t^44 + t^46 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^110 + t^118 + 2*t^122 + t^124 + t^130 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + t^140 + t^142 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^222 + t^230 + t^238 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + t^254 + t^260 + t^262 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + t^278 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + t^358 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^370 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^442 + t^444 + 2*t^446 + t^450 + t^452 + t^454 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^462 + 2*t^466 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 + z0 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + t^-6 + 1 + t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^14 + t^18 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + t^86 + t^90 + t^92 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^134 + t^146 + t^148 + t^154 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + t^254 + t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + t^298 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + t^314 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^324 + t^330 + t^338 + t^350 + t^358 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^370 + t^374 + t^378 + t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + t^414 + 2*t^426 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^446 + t^450 + t^458 + t^460 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 - 1 t^-26 + t^-22 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + t^-6 + 2*t^-2 + 2*t^4 + t^12 + t^18 + 2*t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + t^46 + t^50 + t^52 + t^54 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + t^90 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^118 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + t^154 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + t^164 + t^166 + t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^196 + t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^238 + t^246 + t^252 + t^262 + t^268 + t^270 + t^276 + t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^316 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^414 + t^418 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^430 + t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^452 + t^454 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + t^466 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0*z1 + z1^2 + z0 + z1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + t^-4 + t^-2 + 2 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + t^18 + t^28 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^46 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^74 + t^82 + t^84 + t^86 + t^90 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^150 + t^154 + t^156 + t^158 + t^162 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + t^180 + t^188 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + t^244 + t^252 + t^262 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^278 + t^286 + t^298 + t^300 + t^302 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^370 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + t^410 + t^412 + t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^442 + t^444 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 + z0^2 - z1^2 - z0 - z1 + 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + t^-20 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 1 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + t^18 + t^20 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + t^46 + t^54 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + t^90 + t^100 + t^102 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + t^154 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + t^196 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^230 + t^236 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + t^262 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^294 + t^310 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^346 + t^354 + t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^390 + t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^412 + t^414 + t^420 + t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + z1^2 + z0 - z1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + t^14 + t^18 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + t^46 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + t^76 + t^84 + t^86 + t^90 + t^92 + t^94 + t^102 + t^106 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^122 + t^126 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + t^166 + t^180 + 2*t^188 + t^196 + t^198 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + t^214 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + t^300 + t^306 + t^308 + t^310 + t^314 + t^322 + 2*t^326 + t^334 + 2*t^338 + t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^370 + t^374 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^404 + t^410 + t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + t^428 + t^430 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^446 + t^458 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 - z0 + 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-12 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + t^-2 + 2 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + t^6 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + t^18 + t^20 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^36 + 2*t^44 + t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + t^90 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^122 + t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^142 + t^148 + t^150 + t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^214 + t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + t^238 + t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^276 + t^286 + t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + t^412 + t^414 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^434 + t^436 + 2*t^442 + t^444 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^454 + t^460 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0^2 - z0*z1 + z1 - 1 t^-26 + t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-12 + t^-10 + t^-4 + 1 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^6 + t^14 + t^18 + 2*t^20 + t^22 + t^28 + t^30 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + t^58 + t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + t^110 + t^118 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^150 + t^154 + 2*t^158 + t^164 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + t^190 + t^198 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^260 + t^262 + t^268 + t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^292 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^324 + t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^370 + t^382 + t^390 + t^398 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + t^414 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^446 + t^452 + t^454 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + O(t^470)
-x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 - z0 + z1 + 1 t^-26 + t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-10 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + 1 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + t^6 + t^10 + t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + t^82 + t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + t^100 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + t^110 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + t^134 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^174 + t^188 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + t^204 + t^206 + t^212 + t^214 + t^220 + t^222 + t^230 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + t^300 + t^302 + t^306 + t^308 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + t^436 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^458 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - z0^2 + z1^2 - z1 - 1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^54 + t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + t^76 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + t^158 + t^162 + t^164 + t^166 + t^172 + t^174 + t^180 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^238 + t^246 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + t^294 + t^298 + t^306 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^410 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + t^430 + t^434 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 + z0 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + 2*t^-8 + t^-2 + 2 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^10 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^66 + t^68 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^108 + t^110 + t^116 + t^118 + t^122 + t^124 + t^130 + 2*t^138 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^154 + t^162 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^182 + t^196 + t^198 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + t^228 + t^236 + t^238 + t^244 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + t^270 + t^284 + t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^390 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^454 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 - 1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + 1 + t^2 + t^4 + t^6 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^100 + t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + t^164 + 2*t^172 + t^180 + t^182 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^244 + t^252 + t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^292 + t^298 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^310 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + t^318 + t^324 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + t^346 + t^350 + t^354 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^420 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1 - x^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 + z0 + z1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^22 + t^36 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + t^102 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^142 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + t^166 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^222 + t^230 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + t^374 + t^398 + t^404 + t^406 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + t^420 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^434 + t^436 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + t^454 + O(t^464)
x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + z0^2 - z0 - z1 + 1 t^-26 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + 2 + t^2 + t^10 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + 2*t^28 + t^30 + t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^52 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^76 + t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^132 + t^134 + t^138 + t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^198 + t^206 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^238 + t^244 + t^246 + t^252 + t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + t^284 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + t^300 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + t^442 + t^446 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + t^462 + 2*t^466 + O(t^470)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 - z1^2 + z0 - z1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + t^-20 + t^-12 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 1 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + 2*t^18 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^30 + t^36 + t^38 + 2*t^46 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^108 + t^116 + t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^138 + t^140 + t^146 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^162 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^204 + 2*t^212 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^294 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^318 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + t^374 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + t^450 + t^454 + t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 - z0 + 1 t^-26 + t^-22 + 2*t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-2 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + t^28 + 2*t^30 + t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + t^94 + t^100 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + t^122 + t^126 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^190 + t^196 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + t^212 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^298 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^398 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^462 + t^466 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0^2 - z0*z1 + z1^2 + z1 - 1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + t^-14 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + t^-2 + 2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^54 + t^60 + t^66 + t^68 + t^82 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + t^146 + t^148 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^220 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + t^286 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + t^302 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + t^334 + t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + t^378 + t^390 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + t^436 + t^442 + t^446 + t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 + z0 - z1 - 1 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-14 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + t^30 + t^36 + t^42 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + t^58 + t^60 + t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + 2*t^86 + t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^130 + t^134 + t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + t^148 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + t^212 + 2*t^220 + t^222 + t^228 + t^230 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^268 + t^276 + t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^316 + t^318 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^374 + t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + t^418 + t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^436 + t^444 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0*z1 - z0 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + t^-14 + 2*t^-10 + t^-6 + t^-2 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + t^22 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^66 + t^74 + t^82 + t^86 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + t^118 + t^130 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + t^142 + t^158 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^182 + t^190 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^230 + t^238 + t^246 + 2*t^278 + t^286 + t^294 + t^298 + t^302 + t^310 + t^314 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^426 + t^430 + t^454 + t^458 + 2*t^462 + 2*t^466 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1 + z0^2 + z1^2 + z1 + 1 t^-28 + t^-24 + 2*t^-20 + t^-8 + t^-4 + 2 + t^4 + t^12 + t^20 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^36 + t^52 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^92 + t^100 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^116 + t^124 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^164 + t^172 + t^180 + t^188 + t^196 + t^204 + 2*t^212 + t^220 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^236 + t^244 + t^268 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^308 + t^316 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^404 + t^412 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^452 + t^460 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - z0 + z1 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + t^6 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^54 + t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + t^86 + t^94 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + t^118 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + t^214 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + t^298 + t^306 + t^314 + t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + t^418 + t^420 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^444 + t^450 + t^454 + t^458 + t^460 + t^466 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 + x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 - z1 + 1 t^-28 + t^-24 + 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^14 + t^20 + t^28 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + 2*t^44 + t^50 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + t^102 + t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^126 + t^132 + t^138 + t^140 + t^142 + t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^260 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + t^426 + t^428 + t^434 + t^436 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 + z0 - 1 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + 2 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^68 + t^76 + t^82 + t^84 + 2*t^86 + t^92 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + t^146 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + t^198 + t^204 + t^206 + t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + t^244 + t^246 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + t^300 + t^302 + t^306 + t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + t^374 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^404 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + 2*t^444 + t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 + z1^2 + 1 t^-28 + t^-24 + t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-8 + t^-6 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + t^2 + t^6 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + t^20 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^38 + t^44 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^146 + t^150 + t^156 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + t^260 + t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + t^316 + t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^334 + t^338 + t^354 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + 2*t^412 + t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^434 + t^444 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - z0^2 - z1^2 + z0 + z1 - 1 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + t^-4 + t^-2 + t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^84 + 2*t^86 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + t^188 + t^190 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + t^206 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + t^276 + t^278 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^298 + t^300 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + t^330 + t^334 + t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + O(t^464)
x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0*z1 - z0 - z1 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2 + t^2 + 2*t^4 + t^10 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + t^22 + t^28 + t^30 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + t^50 + t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + t^86 + t^102 + t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^118 + t^124 + t^126 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^146 + t^148 + t^150 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + t^162 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^214 + t^228 + t^230 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + t^260 + t^270 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + t^324 + t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + t^436 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^450 + t^454 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + O(t^470)
x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 + z0 - z1 - 1 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-10 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2 + t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + t^18 + 2*t^20 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + t^46 + t^50 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^60 + t^66 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^134 + t^140 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^154 + t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^230 + t^244 + t^246 + t^254 + t^260 + t^262 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^330 + t^338 + t^350 + t^358 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^370 + t^374 + t^378 + t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + t^412 + t^414 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^442 + t^444 + 2*t^446 + t^450 + t^452 + t^458 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2 - z0*z1 + z1^2 - z0 t^-28 + t^-24 + t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + t^-8 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + t^2 + 2*t^4 + t^10 + 2*t^14 + t^18 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + t^44 + t^46 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + t^84 + t^90 + t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^130 + t^138 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + t^148 + t^154 + 2*t^162 + t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + t^182 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^198 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^254 + t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + 2*t^412 + t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^434 + t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^446 + t^450 + 2*t^454 + t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + z0^2 - z1^2 + z1 + 1 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + t^-2 + t^2 + t^6 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + t^18 + t^20 + t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + t^38 + t^42 + t^44 + t^46 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^86 + t^90 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + t^118 + 2*t^122 + t^130 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + t^146 + t^154 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + t^222 + t^228 + t^230 + t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^246 + t^254 + t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + t^284 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^306 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + t^358 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^370 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^410 + t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^446 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1 + z1^2 - z0 + z1 t^-28 + t^-24 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-12 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + 2 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + t^18 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^38 + t^46 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^66 + t^74 + t^84 + t^90 + t^92 + t^102 + t^108 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^150 + t^154 + t^156 + t^162 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + t^180 + t^182 + t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^204 + t^212 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + t^262 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^294 + t^300 + t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^318 + t^324 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^346 + t^354 + t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^412 + t^414 + t^420 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^442 + t^444 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 - z1 + 1 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + t^4 + t^18 + t^20 + t^22 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + t^46 + t^50 + t^54 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^86 + t^90 + t^94 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + t^116 + t^118 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + t^132 + t^134 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + t^154 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^196 + t^206 + t^220 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + t^252 + t^262 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^286 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + t^322 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + t^414 + t^418 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + 2*t^458 + O(t^464)
x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0^2 - z0*z1 + z0 - 1 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-2 + 2*t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^28 + t^30 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + t^54 + t^58 + t^60 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^126 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + t^162 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + t^238 + t^252 + t^262 + t^268 + t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + t^286 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^370 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^398 + t^406 + t^410 + t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + t^430 + t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^452 + t^458 + t^460 + t^462 + 2*t^466 + O(t^470)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 + 1 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + t^18 + t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^30 + t^36 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + t^74 + t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^86 + t^90 + t^100 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + t^116 + t^118 + 2*t^122 + t^124 + t^126 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + t^138 + t^148 + t^150 + t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^164 + t^172 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^182 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + t^214 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + t^236 + t^244 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + t^292 + 2*t^298 + t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^324 + t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^370 + t^382 + t^390 + t^398 + t^404 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + t^414 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + t^436 + 2*t^442 + t^444 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - z0^2 + z0 + z1 - 1 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^10 + t^14 + t^18 + 2*t^20 + t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + t^46 + t^52 + 2*t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^76 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + t^90 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + t^106 + t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^142 + t^150 + t^154 + t^158 + t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^188 + t^198 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^228 + t^230 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^260 + t^262 + t^268 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^334 + 2*t^338 + t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^370 + t^374 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + t^434 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^446 + t^452 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^462 + t^466 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 + x^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 - z0 - z1 t^-28 + t^-24 + 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-8 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + t^6 + t^10 + t^12 + t^14 + t^18 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^44 + t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + t^90 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^102 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^122 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + t^154 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^166 + t^180 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + t^198 + t^204 + t^212 + t^214 + t^222 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^268 + t^284 + t^286 + t^292 + t^294 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + t^308 + t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + t^414 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^454 + O(t^464)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 + x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 + z0 - z1 - 1 t^-28 + t^-24 + 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-8 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + t^122 + t^130 + 2*t^138 + t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + t^162 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + t^310 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^428 + t^434 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^452 + t^454 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 - z0 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + t^6 + t^10 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^28 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + t^110 + t^116 + t^122 + t^124 + t^134 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + t^198 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + t^222 + t^228 + t^230 + t^236 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + t^270 + t^278 + t^284 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^314 + t^318 + t^324 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^426 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + z0^2 + z1 + 1 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-10 + t^-6 + t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^30 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^74 + t^76 + t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + t^94 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + t^110 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + t^174 + t^182 + t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + t^214 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + t^294 + t^298 + t^300 + t^306 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + t^398 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + t^434 + t^436 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + t^462 + t^466 + O(t^470)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - z1^2 - z0 + z1 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + t^-18 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + t^-4 + t^-2 + t^2 + 2*t^4 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^30 + t^36 + t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^52 + t^58 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + t^122 + 2*t^126 + t^132 + t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^180 + t^188 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + t^238 + t^246 + t^252 + t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^382 + t^390 + t^404 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + t^436 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^458 + t^462 + O(t^464)
x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 - z1 + 1 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-4 + 2 + t^2 + t^6 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + t^100 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + t^158 + 2*t^164 + t^172 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + t^244 + t^252 + t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^292 + t^298 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + t^310 + t^314 + t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + t^346 + t^350 + t^354 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^420 + t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + t^442 + t^446 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2 - z0^2 - z0*z1 + z1^2 + z0 - 1 t^-28 + t^-24 + t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^36 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^60 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^90 + t^94 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + t^190 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^276 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + t^374 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + t^420 + t^426 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + t^452 + t^454 + 2*t^460 + O(t^464)
x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 + 1 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + t^-14 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-6 + t^-2 + t^4 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^82 + t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + t^102 + t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^142 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^182 + t^196 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + t^220 + t^228 + t^230 + t^238 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + t^300 + t^302 + t^308 + t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + t^334 + t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + t^378 + t^390 + t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + t^430 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^466 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1 - z0^2 + z1^2 + z0 + z1 - 1 t^-28 + t^-24 + 2*t^-20 + t^-12 + t^-8 + t^-6 + t^-4 + 2 + 2*t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + t^22 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + t^122 + t^124 + t^126 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^146 + t^148 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + t^284 + t^294 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + t^374 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^436 + t^442 + t^446 + t^450 + t^452 + t^454 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 - z0 - z1 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + t^12 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^74 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^116 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^278 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^420 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + t^450 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 - z0 - z1 + 1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-18 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + t^2 + 2*t^4 + t^10 + 2*t^14 + t^20 + t^22 + t^28 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + t^50 + t^52 + t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^92 + t^100 + t^102 + t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + t^126 + t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^146 + t^148 + t^150 + t^158 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + t^228 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^260 + t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + t^316 + t^324 + t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + t^420 + t^426 + t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + t^436 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2 - z0^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 - 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + t^2 + t^6 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + t^82 + t^84 + t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + t^124 + t^126 + t^132 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^146 + t^150 + 2*t^156 + t^162 + t^164 + t^166 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + t^246 + t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + t^294 + t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^316 + t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^334 + t^338 + t^354 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + t^406 + t^412 + t^418 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + z0 + z1 t^-26 + t^-22 + t^-20 + t^-18 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + t^-4 + t^-2 + 1 + t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + t^54 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + t^174 + t^182 + t^188 + t^190 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^260 + t^270 + t^278 + t^284 + t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + t^330 + t^334 + t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^444 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + 2*t^466 + O(t^470)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1 - z0^2 - z1^2 + z1 - 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + t^-12 + 2*t^-8 + t^-4 + t^4 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^28 + t^36 + t^44 + 2*t^52 + t^60 + 2*t^76 + t^84 + t^92 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^108 + t^116 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^148 + t^164 + t^172 + 2*t^180 + t^188 + t^196 + t^212 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^228 + t^236 + 2*t^252 + t^260 + 2*t^268 + t^276 + 2*t^292 + t^300 + t^308 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^324 + t^404 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^436 + t^452 + t^460 + O(t^464)
x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0*z1 + z0 - z1 t^-26 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + 2*t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + t^30 + t^42 + t^44 + t^50 + t^58 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^86 + t^94 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^118 + t^124 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + t^148 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^204 + t^206 + t^222 + t^228 + t^230 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + t^260 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + t^318 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^374 + t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + t^418 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^436 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + t^466 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 + z1^2 - z0 + 1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + t^-14 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + t^-6 + t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + 2*t^124 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + t^142 + t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + t^190 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + t^260 + t^268 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^430 + t^444 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + t^458 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0*z1 + z0 t^-26 + t^-22 + 2*t^-18 + t^-10 + t^-6 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^10 + t^14 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^30 + t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^82 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + t^110 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + t^146 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^174 + t^182 + t^198 + t^206 + t^214 + 2*t^230 + t^246 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^270 + t^278 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + t^302 + t^306 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + t^374 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + t^450 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^462 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + z0^2 + z1^2 - z0 + z1 + 1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + t^6 + t^10 + t^12 + t^14 + t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + t^100 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + t^198 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + 2*t^254 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^286 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + t^314 + t^316 + t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^410 + t^412 + t^418 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^444 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + t^458 + t^460 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 + x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 - z1 - 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^20 + t^28 + t^30 + t^36 + t^38 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + t^74 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + t^108 + t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^138 + t^140 + t^142 + t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + t^156 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + t^230 + t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + t^284 + t^286 + 2*t^294 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^418 + t^426 + t^428 + t^434 + t^436 + t^444 + t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 + x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 - z0 - z1 + 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + t^6 + t^10 + t^14 + t^18 + t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^36 + t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^82 + t^90 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + t^154 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + t^198 + t^214 + t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^262 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + t^294 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^412 + t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^454 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0^2 - z0*z1 - 1 t^-26 + t^-22 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^12 + t^14 + t^18 + 2*t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^30 + t^42 + t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + t^58 + t^60 + t^66 + t^68 + t^74 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + t^118 + 2*t^122 + t^126 + t^130 + t^132 + t^134 + t^138 + t^148 + t^150 + t^154 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^164 + t^172 + 2*t^182 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^262 + t^268 + t^276 + t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^324 + t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^370 + t^382 + t^390 + t^398 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^414 + t^420 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^446 + t^452 + t^454 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + t^462 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + z1^2 + z0 + z1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + t^18 + t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^42 + t^46 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^66 + t^84 + t^86 + t^90 + t^92 + t^94 + t^102 + t^106 + t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^122 + t^124 + t^126 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^142 + t^150 + t^154 + t^156 + t^158 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^180 + t^188 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + t^214 + t^228 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + t^300 + t^306 + t^308 + t^310 + t^314 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^334 + 2*t^338 + t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^370 + t^374 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^404 + t^410 + t^412 + t^414 + t^418 + t^420 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + t^434 + 2*t^442 + t^444 + 2*t^446 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - z0^2 + z1 - 1 t^-26 + t^-22 + t^-20 + t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + t^-2 + 1 + t^2 + t^6 + 2*t^14 + t^18 + 2*t^20 + t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^30 + t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + t^46 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^118 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^124 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + t^146 + t^154 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^198 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^222 + t^228 + t^230 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^260 + t^262 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + t^358 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^370 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + t^414 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^446 + t^450 + t^452 + t^454 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^462 + 2*t^466 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 + z0 - z1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-18 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + t^18 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^66 + t^68 + t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + t^86 + t^90 + t^92 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^140 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + t^292 + t^294 + t^298 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + t^314 + 2*t^318 + t^330 + t^338 + t^350 + t^358 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^370 + t^374 + t^378 + t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + t^414 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^446 + t^450 + t^458 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 - z0 + 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + t^-12 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + t^2 + 2*t^4 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + t^18 + t^20 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^30 + t^36 + t^38 + 2*t^44 + t^46 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^76 + t^82 + t^90 + t^94 + t^100 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^138 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + t^148 + t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + 2*t^228 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^310 + t^316 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^404 + t^406 + t^412 + t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^434 + t^436 + 2*t^442 + t^444 + 2*t^446 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^454 + t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0*z1 + z1^2 + z0 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + t^-14 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + t^18 + 2*t^28 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + t^46 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + t^84 + t^86 + t^90 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + t^154 + t^158 + t^162 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^298 + t^300 + t^302 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + t^318 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^370 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^430 + t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^458 + t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1 + z0^2 - z1^2 - z0 + z1 + 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + t^12 + t^18 + t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + t^44 + t^46 + t^54 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + t^68 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^90 + t^100 + t^102 + t^108 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^150 + t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + t^188 + t^190 + t^204 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + t^230 + t^236 + 2*t^246 + t^260 + t^262 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^284 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^310 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^324 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^346 + t^354 + t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^390 + t^398 + t^404 + t^414 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 - z1 - 1 t^-26 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-14 + t^-10 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + t^4 + 2*t^12 + t^18 + 2*t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + t^44 + t^46 + t^50 + t^52 + t^54 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + t^90 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + t^118 + 2*t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + t^134 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + t^164 + t^166 + t^174 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^196 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + t^246 + t^260 + t^262 + t^268 + t^270 + t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^316 + t^322 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^442 + t^444 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^452 + t^454 + 2*t^458 + t^466 + O(t^470)
x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 - z0 - z1 + 1 t^-26 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + t^38 + t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^68 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + t^94 + t^100 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^122 + t^124 + t^126 + t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + t^206 + t^212 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + t^252 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^298 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^398 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + t^420 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^442 + t^446 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + t^466 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0^2 - z0*z1 + z1^2 - 1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + t^-2 + 1 + t^4 + t^12 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^54 + t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^142 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + t^182 + t^196 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^220 + t^228 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + t^302 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + t^334 + t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + t^378 + t^390 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + t^426 + t^430 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1 - z1^2 + z0 + z1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + t^-4 + 2*t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^18 + t^22 + t^30 + t^36 + t^38 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^102 + t^116 + t^118 + t^122 + t^126 + t^130 + t^132 + t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^146 + t^148 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^212 + t^222 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + t^246 + t^252 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^318 + 2*t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + t^374 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^414 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^436 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + t^450 + t^454 + t^462 + O(t^464)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - z0^2 + z1^2 + z1 - 1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + t^-6 + t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^46 + t^54 + t^58 + t^60 + t^68 + t^74 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^154 + t^158 + t^162 + t^164 + t^166 + t^174 + t^180 + t^182 + t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + 2*t^206 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^262 + t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + t^294 + t^298 + t^306 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + t^434 + t^436 + t^442 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 + x^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 + z0 - z1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-12 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^66 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + t^116 + t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^138 + t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^162 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^198 + t^204 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^228 + t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + t^270 + t^286 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^390 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + t^428 + t^434 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^454 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 - z0 + 1 t^-26 + t^-22 + 2*t^-18 + t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + t^6 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + t^28 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^74 + t^82 + t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + t^100 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + t^110 + t^122 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + t^212 + t^214 + t^220 + t^222 + t^228 + t^230 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + t^300 + t^302 + t^306 + t^308 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + t^318 + t^324 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + O(t^470)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 + z0 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^22 + t^28 + t^36 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + t^68 + t^74 + t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + t^102 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + t^118 + t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^182 + t^190 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + t^230 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + t^254 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + t^374 + t^398 + t^404 + t^406 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + t^426 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + t^446 + t^454 + 2*t^460 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + z0^2 - z0 + z1 + 1 t^-26 + t^-22 + t^-20 + t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-10 + t^-6 + t^-4 + t^-2 + 1 + t^2 + 2*t^4 + t^10 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + t^30 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^52 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + t^76 + t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^110 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + t^188 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + t^206 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + 2*t^230 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + t^254 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + t^286 + t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + t^300 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + t^436 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^458 + t^462 + 2*t^466 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 - z1 - 1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-18 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + 2*t^-4 + t^2 + t^6 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^100 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + t^158 + t^164 + t^172 + t^180 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^236 + t^254 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^292 + t^298 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^310 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + t^346 + t^350 + t^354 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^414 + t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - z0^2 - z1^2 + z0 - 1 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + t^-2 + 2 + t^2 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + t^76 + t^84 + 2*t^86 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + t^134 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + t^150 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + t^190 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + t^206 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^236 + t^238 + t^244 + t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^298 + t^300 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + t^330 + t^334 + t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0*z1 - z0 + z1 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + 1 + t^2 + t^4 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^30 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + t^50 + t^54 + t^58 + t^68 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + t^86 + t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^118 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + t^156 + t^158 + t^162 + t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^228 + t^230 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^260 + t^270 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + 2*t^324 + t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + t^420 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^444 + 2*t^450 + t^454 + t^458 + t^460 + t^462 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 - x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 + z1^2 - z1 + 1 t^-28 + t^-24 + t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + t^-8 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + t^2 + 2*t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^14 + t^20 + t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^116 + t^126 + t^132 + 2*t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^146 + t^148 + t^150 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^238 + t^246 + t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^260 + t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + t^316 + t^318 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^334 + t^338 + t^354 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + t^418 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^434 + t^436 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0*z1 - z0 - z1 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + t^-14 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + 2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + t^12 + t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + t^86 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + t^108 + t^118 + t^124 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + t^140 + t^142 + t^148 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^238 + t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + t^260 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + t^298 + t^302 + t^310 + t^314 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + t^406 + t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + t^430 + t^436 + 2*t^444 + t^454 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^462 + 2*t^466 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + z0^2 + z1^2 + 1 t^-28 + t^-24 + t^-20 + t^-12 + t^-8 + 1 + 2*t^12 + t^20 + 2*t^36 + t^44 + t^52 + 2*t^60 + t^68 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^92 + t^100 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^132 + t^156 + 2*t^164 + t^180 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^212 + t^220 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^252 + t^260 + t^268 + 2*t^276 + t^284 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^308 + t^316 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^420 + t^444 + 2*t^452 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 + z0 + z1 - 1 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^30 + t^36 + t^42 + t^44 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + t^58 + t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + 2*t^86 + t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^158 + t^164 + t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + t^206 + t^212 + 2*t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + t^230 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + t^260 + 2*t^268 + t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^316 + t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^374 + t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^418 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^436 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1 + x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 + z1 + 1 t^-28 + t^-24 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + t^-2 + 2 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^12 + t^14 + t^20 + 2*t^28 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + t^50 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + t^102 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + t^188 + t^190 + t^196 + t^198 + t^204 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^254 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + t^412 + 2*t^418 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^444 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 + z0 - z1 - 1 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 1 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^60 + t^68 + t^82 + t^84 + 2*t^86 + t^92 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + t^140 + t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + t^278 + t^284 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + t^300 + t^302 + t^306 + t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^316 + t^324 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + t^374 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^404 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + t^436 + t^444 + t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - z0 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-2 + 2*t^2 + t^6 + t^10 + t^14 + t^22 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^54 + t^66 + 2*t^74 + t^86 + t^94 + t^106 + t^110 + t^118 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + 2*t^150 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + t^166 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^190 + t^198 + 2*t^206 + t^214 + t^222 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^286 + t^298 + t^306 + t^314 + t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^410 + t^418 + t^430 + t^434 + t^450 + t^454 + t^458 + t^466 + O(t^470)
x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - z0^2 + z0 - 1 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-2 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + t^14 + t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^42 + t^46 + t^52 + 2*t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + t^90 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^122 + t^126 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^142 + t^148 + t^150 + t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + t^164 + t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^228 + t^230 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^262 + t^268 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^334 + 2*t^338 + t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^370 + t^374 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^410 + t^414 + t^418 + t^420 + t^426 + t^430 + t^434 + t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^446 + t^452 + t^458 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + t^466 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1 + x^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 - z0 + z1 t^-28 + t^-24 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + t^-8 + t^-6 + t^-4 + t^-2 + 2 + 2*t^2 + t^6 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + t^18 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^36 + t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + t^90 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^102 + t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^122 + t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + t^150 + t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^180 + t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^212 + t^214 + t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + t^244 + t^246 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^262 + 2*t^268 + t^286 + t^294 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + t^308 + t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + t^412 + t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^434 + 2*t^442 + t^444 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^460 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 - z1 + 1 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-4 + 1 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^14 + t^18 + t^20 + t^22 + t^30 + t^36 + t^42 + t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + t^82 + 2*t^86 + t^90 + t^100 + 2*t^106 + t^110 + t^116 + t^118 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + t^130 + t^132 + t^134 + t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + t^154 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + t^196 + t^198 + t^206 + t^214 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^236 + 2*t^244 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^262 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^298 + t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^370 + t^382 + t^390 + t^398 + t^404 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + t^414 + t^420 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + 2*t^458 + t^462 + O(t^464)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 - x^2 - z0*z1 + z1^2 - z0 - z1 t^-28 + t^-24 + t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-8 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + t^2 + t^4 + t^10 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + t^18 + 2*t^22 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + 2*t^44 + t^46 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + t^76 + t^82 + t^84 + t^90 + t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^154 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^162 + t^166 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^322 + 2*t^326 + t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^420 + t^428 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^446 + t^450 + 2*t^454 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + z0^2 - z1^2 + 1 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + t^-2 + 2 + t^2 + 2*t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + t^18 + t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + t^46 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^86 + t^90 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + t^118 + 2*t^122 + t^124 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + t^142 + t^146 + t^148 + t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + t^230 + t^236 + t^238 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^306 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + t^358 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^370 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + t^414 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + t^436 + 2*t^442 + t^444 + 2*t^446 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 + z0 + z1 - 1 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + t^-18 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-6 + t^-4 + 1 + t^2 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^14 + t^18 + 2*t^20 + t^28 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + t^46 + t^50 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^140 + t^146 + t^154 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^260 + t^262 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^292 + t^294 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^324 + t^330 + t^338 + t^350 + t^358 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^370 + t^374 + t^378 + t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + t^414 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^446 + t^450 + t^452 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + O(t^470)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 + z1 + 1 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-14 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + t^12 + t^18 + t^20 + t^22 + t^28 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + t^44 + t^46 + t^50 + t^54 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^86 + t^90 + t^94 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + t^116 + t^118 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + t^134 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^150 + t^154 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + t^204 + t^206 + t^220 + t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + t^246 + t^260 + t^262 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + O(t^464)
x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0^2 - z0*z1 + z0 - z1 - 1 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + t^-14 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + 2 + t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + t^18 + 2*t^20 + t^30 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + t^54 + t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + t^106 + 2*t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + t^154 + t^156 + t^158 + t^162 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + t^174 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^220 + t^222 + t^238 + t^244 + t^260 + t^262 + t^268 + t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^370 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^398 + t^406 + t^410 + t^412 + t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^442 + t^444 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^452 + t^458 + t^462 + 2*t^466 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + z1^2 - z0 t^-28 + t^-24 + t^-20 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 1 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + t^18 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^38 + t^44 + t^46 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^84 + t^90 + t^92 + t^102 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + t^154 + t^162 + t^172 + t^174 + t^180 + t^182 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^212 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^300 + t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^324 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^346 + t^354 + t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^412 + t^414 + t^426 + t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^454 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - z0^2 + z1^2 + z0 - 1 t^-28 + t^-24 + t^-20 + 2*t^-12 + t^-8 + t^-6 + 1 + t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + t^22 + t^28 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + t^108 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + t^130 + t^132 + t^138 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + t^204 + 2*t^220 + t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + t^252 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^316 + t^318 + t^324 + 2*t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + t^374 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + t^450 + t^452 + t^454 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 - z0 + z1 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + t^38 + t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^106 + t^116 + t^122 + t^126 + t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + t^148 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + t^166 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^222 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + t^252 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + t^420 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^436 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + t^450 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 - z1 + 1 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + 2 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^140 + t^142 + t^146 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + t^220 + 2*t^228 + t^230 + t^238 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + t^300 + t^302 + t^308 + t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + t^334 + t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + t^378 + t^390 + t^406 + t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + t^426 + t^428 + t^430 + t^442 + t^446 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + t^460 + 2*t^466 + O(t^470)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 - z0 - z1 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 1 + 2*t^2 + t^6 + t^10 + t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^28 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^74 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + t^116 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + t^140 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^198 + t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + t^230 + t^236 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + t^270 + t^278 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^314 + t^318 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + O(t^464)
x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + z0^2 + 1 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-6 + 2*t^-2 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + t^30 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + t^94 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + t^158 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + t^182 + t^190 + t^196 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + t^214 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^238 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^286 + t^294 + t^298 + t^300 + t^306 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + t^398 + t^410 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^430 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + t^466 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1 + x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 + z0 + z1 - 1 t^-28 + t^-24 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-8 + t^-4 + t^-2 + 2 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^10 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^60 + t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + t^122 + t^124 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^154 + t^162 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + t^244 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^262 + t^270 + t^276 + t^284 + t^286 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + t^310 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^428 + t^434 + t^436 + t^442 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^452 + t^454 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 + z1 + 1 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-10 + t^-4 + 1 + t^2 + 2*t^4 + t^6 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + t^100 + t^106 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^164 + t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^244 + t^254 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^292 + t^298 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + t^310 + t^314 + t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + t^346 + t^350 + t^354 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + t^436 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + 2*t^462 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 - x^2 - z0^2 - z0*z1 + z1^2 + z0 - z1 - 1 t^-28 + t^-24 + t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + t^2 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^60 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^90 + t^94 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + t^164 + t^166 + t^172 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^246 + t^254 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^276 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + t^374 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^434 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + t^452 + t^454 + t^460 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - z1^2 - z0 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + t^-2 + 2 + t^2 + t^4 + t^10 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^28 + t^30 + t^36 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^52 + t^58 + t^66 + t^68 + t^76 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^134 + t^138 + t^142 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^180 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + t^238 + t^244 + t^246 + t^254 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + t^278 + t^284 + t^286 + t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^382 + t^390 + t^404 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + t^446 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1 - x^2 - z0*z1 + z1 t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + t^-6 + t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + t^2 + t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^50 + t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + t^82 + t^94 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + t^132 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + t^156 + t^162 + t^166 + t^172 + t^174 + t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^214 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^260 + t^270 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + t^294 + t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^310 + t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^334 + t^338 + t^354 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^406 + 2*t^412 + t^418 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^444 + 2*t^450 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + t^466 + 2*t^470 + 2*t^474 + O(t^476)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + z0^2 + z1^2 + z0 - z1 + 1 t^-28 + t^-26 + t^-24 + t^-22 + t^-18 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + t^-8 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^14 + t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^118 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + t^134 + t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + t^148 + t^150 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + t^180 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^198 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^260 + t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + t^330 + t^334 + t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + t^436 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 - z0 - 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2 + t^2 + t^10 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^20 + t^22 + t^30 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^68 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + t^86 + t^92 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + t^118 + t^124 + t^126 + t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^146 + t^150 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + t^162 + t^164 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^230 + t^236 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + t^412 + t^420 + t^426 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^450 + t^452 + t^454 + t^458 + t^462 + O(t^464)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 + z0 + 1 t^-28 + t^-26 + t^-24 + t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-10 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + t^42 + t^44 + t^50 + t^52 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + t^100 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^142 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + t^180 + t^182 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^220 + t^222 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + t^260 + t^268 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^374 + t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + t^418 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + 2*t^430 + t^444 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 - z0 + z1 - 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-14 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + t^-4 + t^-2 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + 2*t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + t^84 + t^86 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^116 + t^118 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^148 + t^158 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + t^190 + t^196 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + t^238 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + t^260 + 2*t^268 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + t^298 + t^300 + t^302 + t^308 + t^310 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + t^404 + t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^436 + t^452 + t^454 + t^458 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 - z1 2*t^-20 + t^-12 + 2*t^-4 + 2 + 2*t^4 + t^12 + t^28 + t^44 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^76 + t^108 + t^124 + 2*t^132 + t^140 + t^148 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^196 + t^204 + t^228 + t^244 + 2*t^252 + t^260 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^292 + t^324 + t^412 + 2*t^420 + t^428 + t^436 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^460 + O(t^476)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - z0^2 - z1^2 - z0 - z1 - 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + t^6 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^20 + t^22 + t^28 + t^36 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^60 + t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + t^84 + t^86 + t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^100 + t^106 + t^108 + t^110 + t^116 + t^118 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + 2*t^134 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^222 + t^228 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + t^298 + t^300 + t^306 + t^308 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + t^318 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + t^418 + t^428 + t^430 + t^434 + t^436 + t^444 + t^450 + t^452 + t^454 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + O(t^464)
x^2 + z0*z1 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + 2*t^-6 + t^-2 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^6 + t^14 + t^30 + t^38 + t^50 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^66 + t^74 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^94 + t^102 + t^110 + 2*t^126 + t^138 + t^142 + t^146 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^174 + t^190 + t^198 + t^214 + 2*t^222 + t^230 + t^238 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^270 + t^286 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^418 + t^426 + t^434 + t^450 + t^462 + 2*t^466 + t^470 + t^474 + O(t^482)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 + z1^2 + z0 + z1 + 1 t^-28 + t^-26 + t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-10 + t^-8 + t^-6 + t^-4 + 2 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + t^14 + t^20 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^68 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^92 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^118 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + t^182 + t^188 + t^196 + t^198 + t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + t^220 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^254 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + t^374 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^444 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0*z1 + z1^2 + z1 t^-28 + t^-26 + t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + t^-8 + t^-4 + 2 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + t^18 + t^22 + t^28 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + t^42 + t^46 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + t^58 + t^66 + t^74 + t^82 + t^84 + 2*t^86 + t^90 + t^92 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + 2*t^122 + t^124 + t^126 + t^130 + t^132 + t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^150 + t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^172 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + t^190 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^236 + t^244 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^262 + 2*t^268 + t^278 + 2*t^298 + t^300 + t^302 + t^306 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^318 + t^324 + t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^370 + t^382 + t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + t^414 + t^420 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + 2*t^442 + t^444 + 2*t^446 + t^454 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + z0^2 - z1^2 + z0 - z1 + 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^10 + t^14 + t^18 + t^20 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + 2*t^42 + t^46 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^86 + t^90 + t^94 + t^100 + t^102 + t^106 + t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + t^154 + t^158 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^188 + t^196 + t^198 + 2*t^206 + t^214 + t^220 + t^230 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^262 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + t^306 + t^310 + t^314 + t^316 + t^322 + 2*t^326 + t^334 + 2*t^338 + t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^370 + t^374 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^404 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + t^414 + t^418 + t^420 + t^426 + t^428 + t^430 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^452 + t^458 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 - z0 - 1 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + t^-6 + t^-2 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + t^6 + t^10 + t^12 + t^14 + t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^46 + t^50 + t^52 + t^60 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^122 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + t^142 + t^148 + t^150 + t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + t^182 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + t^204 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^238 + t^246 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^262 + t^268 + t^276 + t^284 + t^286 + t^294 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^406 + t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^434 + t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^446 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + t^460 + 2*t^466 + 2*t^474 + t^478 + O(t^482)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 + z0 + 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + 2 + t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + t^18 + t^20 + 2*t^28 + t^36 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + t^86 + t^90 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^146 + t^148 + t^154 + t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^292 + t^294 + t^298 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^324 + t^330 + t^338 + t^350 + t^358 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^370 + t^374 + t^378 + t^390 + t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + t^412 + t^414 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + t^436 + 2*t^442 + t^444 + 2*t^446 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^458 + t^460 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1 - x^2 - z0^2 - z0*z1 - z0 + z1 - 1 t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + t^2 + t^10 + 2*t^14 + t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + t^30 + t^38 + 2*t^44 + t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + t^90 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^100 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^138 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + t^154 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^228 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^260 + t^262 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^316 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^406 + 2*t^412 + t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^446 + t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + t^466 + t^470 + O(t^476)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + z1^2 - z1 t^-28 + t^-26 + t^-24 + t^-22 + t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-10 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + t^2 + t^4 + t^6 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + t^18 + t^22 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + t^46 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + t^84 + 2*t^86 + t^90 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + 2*t^122 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + t^140 + t^142 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^154 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + t^206 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + t^222 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^278 + t^284 + t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + t^300 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + t^358 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^370 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^410 + t^414 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^446 + t^450 + t^454 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 - z0^2 - z0 - z1 - 1 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^38 + t^44 + t^46 + t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^60 + t^66 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^84 + t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + t^154 + t^156 + t^162 + t^164 + t^174 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + t^196 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^230 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + t^260 + t^262 + t^268 + t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^346 + t^354 + t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^390 + t^398 + t^412 + t^414 + t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^442 + t^444 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^462 + 2*t^470 + t^474 + O(t^476)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 t^-28 + t^-26 + t^-24 + t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-14 + t^-10 + t^-8 + t^-6 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^4 + t^18 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + t^44 + t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + 2*t^86 + t^90 + t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + t^134 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + t^154 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + t^166 + t^172 + t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^196 + t^206 + t^212 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + t^308 + 2*t^314 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^430 + t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^454 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 + z0 + z1 + 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-14 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + t^-4 + t^-2 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + t^18 + t^20 + t^28 + t^30 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + t^86 + t^90 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + t^106 + t^108 + t^116 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^150 + t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + t^220 + t^222 + t^228 + t^236 + t^238 + t^260 + t^262 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^298 + t^302 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^370 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + t^406 + t^410 + t^414 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 + z1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + t^-2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^22 + t^36 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^102 + t^106 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + t^146 + t^148 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^230 + t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^308 + t^314 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + t^334 + t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + t^378 + t^390 + t^404 + t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + t^436 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + t^450 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + O(t^464)
x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 + z0^2 + z0 - z1 + 1 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-12 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^30 + t^38 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^84 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^108 + t^118 + t^122 + t^124 + t^126 + t^130 + t^132 + t^138 + t^140 + t^146 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^212 + t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^244 + t^246 + t^252 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^284 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + t^300 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + t^374 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + t^442 + t^446 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + t^460 + t^462 + t^470 + 2*t^474 + O(t^476)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 - z0 - 1 t^-28 + t^-26 + t^-24 + t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + t^-8 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + t^12 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^60 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^116 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + t^190 + t^196 + t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^252 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^302 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + t^420 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 + z0 + 1 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-2 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + t^108 + t^110 + t^118 + t^122 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^138 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^182 + t^196 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^212 + t^214 + t^220 + t^228 + t^238 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + t^308 + t^310 + t^316 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^462 + 2*t^466 + 2*t^470 + 2*t^478 + O(t^482)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0^2 - z0*z1 + z1^2 - z0 + z1 - 1 t^-28 + t^-26 + t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-12 + t^-10 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + 2 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + t^6 + t^10 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^54 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + t^82 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + t^164 + t^174 + t^180 + t^188 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + t^206 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^222 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^262 + t^270 + t^276 + t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + t^436 + t^442 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^458 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - z1^2 - z1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^6 + t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^30 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^46 + t^52 + t^54 + t^58 + t^74 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + t^162 + t^166 + t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + t^198 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^254 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^286 + t^294 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + t^398 + t^404 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + t^430 + t^434 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - z0^2 + z1^2 - z0 - z1 - 1 t^-28 + t^-26 + t^-24 + t^-22 + t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-10 + t^-8 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + t^2 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^28 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^58 + t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^76 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^116 + t^122 + 2*t^126 + t^134 + t^138 + t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + t^180 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + t^246 + t^254 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + t^452 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2 + t^2 + t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + t^52 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + t^158 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + t^222 + t^228 + t^236 + t^244 + t^254 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + t^292 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + t^314 + t^318 + t^324 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + t^346 + t^350 + t^354 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + t^446 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1 - x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 + z0 + z1 + 1 t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^60 + t^74 + t^76 + t^82 + t^84 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + t^94 + t^100 + t^102 + 2*t^110 + t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^142 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^230 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + t^254 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + t^374 + t^398 + t^406 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^434 + t^436 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + t^466 + t^474 + O(t^476)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 + z0 + z1 - 1 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-18 + t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + t^-4 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^10 + t^14 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + t^38 + t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + t^84 + 2*t^86 + t^92 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + t^188 + t^196 + t^198 + t^206 + t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + t^300 + t^302 + t^306 + t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + t^374 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^404 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - z0 - z1 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + t^6 + t^10 + t^12 + t^14 + t^22 + t^28 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^54 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^86 + t^94 + t^106 + t^108 + t^110 + t^118 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + t^214 + t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^298 + t^306 + t^314 + t^318 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^410 + t^412 + t^418 + 2*t^420 + t^428 + t^430 + t^434 + t^436 + 2*t^444 + t^450 + t^454 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + t^466 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 + 1 t^-28 + t^-24 + t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + t^20 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + t^44 + t^50 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + t^102 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^132 + t^138 + t^142 + t^146 + 2*t^150 + t^156 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + t^190 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^284 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + t^434 + t^444 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^462 + O(t^464)
x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0*z1 - z0 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + t^-18 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-6 + t^2 + t^10 + 2*t^14 + t^22 + t^30 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^50 + t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^82 + t^86 + t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^110 + t^118 + t^126 + t^130 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^146 + t^150 + t^158 + t^162 + t^174 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^214 + t^230 + 2*t^246 + t^254 + t^270 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + t^426 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^450 + t^454 + t^458 + t^462 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1 - x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 + z1^2 + z1 + 1 t^-28 + t^-24 + 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + t^-8 + t^-6 + t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + t^2 + t^4 + t^6 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + t^20 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^74 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^116 + t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + 2*t^156 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + t^172 + t^174 + t^180 + t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + t^246 + t^254 + t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^286 + t^294 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + t^316 + t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^334 + t^338 + t^354 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + t^412 + t^418 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - z0^2 - z1^2 + z0 - z1 - 1 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + t^-20 + t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + 1 + t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + t^74 + t^84 + 2*t^86 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + t^134 + t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + t^148 + t^150 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^254 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + t^276 + t^278 + t^284 + t^286 + 2*t^298 + t^300 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + t^330 + t^334 + t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^418 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + t^436 + t^444 + 2*t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + O(t^464)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 + z0^2 + z1^2 - z1 + 1 t^-28 + t^-24 + 2*t^-12 + t^-8 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^4 + t^20 + t^28 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^44 + t^52 + 2*t^60 + t^76 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^92 + t^100 + t^108 + 2*t^116 + t^132 + t^140 + t^148 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^172 + t^180 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^212 + t^220 + t^228 + 2*t^236 + t^252 + 2*t^260 + t^268 + 2*t^276 + t^292 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^308 + t^316 + t^324 + 2*t^404 + t^420 + t^428 + t^436 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^460 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 + z0 - 1 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^30 + t^36 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + t^58 + t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + 2*t^86 + t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + t^124 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + 2*t^190 + t^204 + t^206 + t^212 + 2*t^220 + t^222 + t^230 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^268 + t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^316 + t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^374 + t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + t^418 + t^420 + t^426 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^444 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0*z1 - z0 + z1 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-6 + t^-4 + t^-2 + 1 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + t^74 + t^76 + t^82 + t^86 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^118 + 2*t^124 + t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^148 + t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + t^190 + t^196 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + t^252 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + t^286 + t^292 + t^294 + t^298 + t^302 + t^310 + t^314 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^436 + t^444 + t^454 + t^458 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + 2*t^466 + O(t^470)
-x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0^2 - z0*z1 + z0 + z1 - 1 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + t^-14 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-4 + t^-2 + 1 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + t^18 + 2*t^20 + t^28 + t^30 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + t^54 + t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^150 + t^154 + t^158 + t^162 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + t^188 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^220 + t^222 + t^228 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^260 + t^262 + t^268 + t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + t^292 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^370 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^398 + t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + t^414 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^452 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + 2*t^466 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 + z1^2 - z0 - z1 t^-28 + t^-24 + t^-12 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + t^12 + t^18 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^44 + t^46 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^66 + t^68 + t^74 + t^76 + t^84 + t^90 + t^92 + t^102 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^162 + t^174 + t^180 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + t^196 + t^204 + t^212 + 2*t^222 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + t^284 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^300 + t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^318 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^346 + t^354 + t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^414 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 + 1 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^12 + t^18 + t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + t^46 + t^50 + t^54 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^86 + t^90 + t^94 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^116 + t^118 + 2*t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + t^220 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^260 + t^262 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^430 + t^436 + 2*t^442 + t^444 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + O(t^464)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 - z0 t^-28 + t^-24 + t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-8 + t^-6 + t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + t^6 + t^10 + t^14 + t^18 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^36 + t^44 + t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + t^90 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + t^142 + t^148 + t^150 + t^154 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + t^180 + t^182 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + t^212 + t^214 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + t^308 + t^318 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^412 + t^414 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^426 + t^434 + t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^454 + t^460 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 + z1 + 1 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-18 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + t^-4 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^6 + t^12 + t^14 + t^18 + t^20 + t^22 + t^28 + t^30 + t^36 + t^42 + t^44 + t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + t^68 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^86 + t^90 + t^100 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + t^110 + t^116 + t^118 + 2*t^122 + t^126 + t^130 + t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^150 + t^154 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + t^190 + t^198 + t^204 + t^206 + t^214 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + t^236 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^298 + t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^324 + t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^370 + t^382 + t^390 + t^398 + t^404 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^414 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - z0^2 + z0 - z1 - 1 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + t^46 + t^52 + 2*t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + t^90 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + t^106 + t^110 + 2*t^122 + t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + t^154 + t^156 + t^158 + t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^188 + t^196 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^230 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + t^262 + t^268 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + t^322 + 2*t^326 + t^334 + 2*t^338 + t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^370 + t^374 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^410 + t^412 + t^414 + t^418 + t^426 + t^428 + t^430 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^442 + t^444 + 2*t^446 + t^452 + t^458 + 2*t^462 + t^466 + O(t^470)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + z0^2 - z1^2 - z1 + 1 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + t^-20 + t^-18 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + 1 + t^2 + t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^14 + t^18 + t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + t^38 + t^42 + t^46 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^86 + t^90 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + t^118 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^124 + t^130 + t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + t^140 + t^142 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^154 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + t^206 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + t^222 + t^230 + t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + t^254 + t^262 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^306 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + t^358 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^370 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^446 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 + z0 - 1 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + t^-18 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-6 + t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^28 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^46 + t^50 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^60 + t^66 + t^68 + t^74 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^122 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^146 + t^148 + t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^246 + t^252 + t^254 + t^262 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + t^294 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^324 + t^330 + t^338 + t^350 + t^358 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^370 + t^374 + t^378 + t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + t^414 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^446 + t^450 + t^452 + t^458 + t^460 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1 - x^2 - z0*z1 + z1^2 - z0 + z1 t^-28 + t^-24 + 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + t^-8 + t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + t^2 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + t^18 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + t^46 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^66 + t^82 + t^84 + t^90 + t^92 + t^94 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + t^138 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^162 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + t^228 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + t^252 + t^254 + t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^286 + t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + t^412 + t^414 + t^418 + t^420 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^442 + t^444 + 2*t^446 + t^450 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1 - x^2 - z0^2 - z0*z1 + z1^2 + z0 + z1 - 1 t^-28 + t^-24 + 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^60 + t^68 + t^74 + t^82 + 2*t^90 + t^94 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^142 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + t^164 + t^166 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^262 + t^276 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^294 + t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + t^374 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^434 + t^436 + t^442 + t^446 + t^452 + t^454 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - z1^2 - z0 - z1 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + t^-20 + t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + 1 + t^2 + t^10 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^28 + t^30 + t^36 + t^42 + 2*t^46 + t^52 + t^58 + t^66 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + t^138 + t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + t^278 + t^286 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^382 + t^390 + t^404 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 + 1 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + t^-18 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^2 + t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + t^100 + t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^172 + t^182 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^298 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + t^310 + t^314 + t^316 + t^318 + t^324 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + t^346 + t^350 + t^354 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^420 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^470)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 - z0 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-14 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + 2*t^18 + t^28 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^68 + t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + t^116 + t^122 + t^124 + t^126 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^190 + t^196 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + t^446 + t^450 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 + z1 + 1 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + t^-14 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^4 + t^12 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + t^76 + t^82 + t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + t^146 + t^148 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^174 + t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^196 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + t^220 + t^230 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + t^300 + t^302 + t^308 + t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + t^334 + t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + t^378 + t^390 + t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + t^436 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + 2*t^466 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 - z0^2 + z1^2 + z0 - z1 - 1 t^-28 + t^-24 + t^-8 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + t^122 + t^126 + t^130 + t^138 + t^140 + t^146 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^246 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^284 + t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + t^374 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + t^450 + t^452 + t^454 + t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + z0^2 - z1 + 1 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^6 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^30 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^68 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + t^94 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^154 + t^158 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + t^172 + t^174 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + t^198 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + t^214 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + t^246 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + t^298 + t^300 + t^306 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + t^398 + t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + t^430 + t^434 + t^442 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + t^460 + t^462 + t^466 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 + z0 - 1 t^-28 + t^-24 + t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + t^-8 + t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^38 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^138 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^162 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + t^196 + t^198 + t^204 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^228 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^270 + t^276 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + t^310 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^452 + t^454 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 - z0 + z1 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + t^6 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + t^110 + t^116 + t^122 + t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^188 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + t^222 + t^230 + t^236 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + t^270 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^314 + t^318 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^414 + t^420 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + t^436 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^458 + O(t^464)
x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 + x^2 + z0*z1 - z1 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-12 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + 2 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^12 + t^14 + t^28 + t^30 + t^38 + t^44 + t^50 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^94 + t^102 + t^108 + t^110 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^132 + t^138 + t^140 + t^142 + t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + t^204 + t^214 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + t^230 + t^238 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^406 + t^412 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + t^428 + t^434 + t^436 + 2*t^444 + t^450 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + 2*t^466 + t^470 + t^474 + O(t^476)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 + z1^2 + z0 + 1 t^-28 + t^-26 + t^-24 + t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-12 + t^-10 + t^-8 + t^-6 + 1 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + t^20 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^68 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^92 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + t^146 + 2*t^150 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + t^182 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + t^220 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + t^374 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + t^444 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - z0^2 - z1^2 - z0 + z1 - 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + t^6 + t^10 + t^14 + 2*t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^36 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^84 + t^86 + t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^100 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + t^116 + t^118 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + t^198 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^298 + t^300 + t^306 + t^308 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + t^410 + t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^450 + t^452 + t^454 + t^458 + t^460 + O(t^464)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + z0^2 + z1^2 + z0 + z1 + 1 t^-28 + t^-26 + t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-10 + t^-8 + t^-4 + t^-2 + 2 + t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + t^20 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^118 + t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + t^134 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + t^174 + t^180 + t^182 + t^188 + t^190 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + t^244 + t^254 + t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + t^330 + t^334 + t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 - z0 - z1 - 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 1 + t^2 + 2*t^4 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^20 + t^22 + t^28 + t^30 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + t^58 + t^60 + t^68 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + t^86 + t^92 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + t^118 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + t^130 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^146 + t^148 + t^150 + t^156 + t^158 + t^162 + t^164 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^228 + t^230 + t^236 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + t^254 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + t^324 + t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + t^426 + t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + t^436 + t^444 + 2*t^450 + t^452 + t^454 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^2 - z0*z1 t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + t^-6 + 2*t^-2 + t^2 + t^6 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^50 + t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^66 + 2*t^74 + t^82 + t^94 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^110 + t^126 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^146 + t^150 + t^162 + t^166 + t^174 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^214 + t^222 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^238 + t^246 + t^254 + t^270 + 2*t^286 + t^294 + t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^310 + t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^334 + t^338 + t^354 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^406 + t^418 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^462 + t^466 + 2*t^470 + 2*t^474 + O(t^482)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 - z0 - 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + t^-2 + 2 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + t^12 + 2*t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + t^76 + t^82 + t^84 + t^86 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + t^116 + t^118 + t^124 + t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + t^142 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^182 + t^190 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + t^238 + t^244 + t^246 + t^252 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^268 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + t^292 + t^294 + t^298 + t^300 + t^302 + t^308 + t^310 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + t^404 + t^406 + t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^430 + 2*t^444 + t^452 + t^454 + t^458 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1 + z1 t^-20 + 2*t^-12 + t^-4 + 1 + t^4 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^44 + t^68 + t^76 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^124 + t^132 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^148 + t^156 + t^172 + t^188 + t^196 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^244 + t^252 + 2*t^260 + t^284 + t^292 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^412 + t^420 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^436 + t^444 + t^460 + O(t^476)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 + z0 - z1 + 1 t^-28 + t^-26 + t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 2*t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + t^50 + t^52 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + t^100 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + t^134 + t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + t^148 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^180 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^220 + t^222 + t^228 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + 2*t^260 + t^268 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + t^318 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^374 + t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^418 + t^420 + t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^436 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 - z1 t^-28 + t^-26 + t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-10 + t^-8 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + t^4 + t^12 + t^18 + t^22 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + 2*t^86 + t^90 + t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + t^154 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + t^166 + t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^196 + t^204 + t^206 + t^212 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^238 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + t^308 + 2*t^314 + t^322 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^454 + 2*t^458 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 + z0 + 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + t^-14 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + t^-2 + 2 + 2*t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + t^18 + t^20 + 2*t^28 + t^30 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + t^82 + t^86 + t^90 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^116 + 2*t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + t^154 + t^156 + t^158 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + t^236 + t^238 + t^244 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^260 + t^262 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^286 + t^292 + t^298 + t^302 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^370 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + t^406 + t^410 + t^412 + t^414 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + t^430 + t^436 + 2*t^442 + t^444 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^458 + t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1 - z0^2 - z0 + z1 - 1 t^-20 + t^-12 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + 1 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^44 + t^46 + t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^84 + t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + t^108 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^150 + t^154 + t^162 + t^164 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + t^182 + t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + t^230 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^260 + t^262 + t^268 + t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^284 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^324 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^346 + t^354 + t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^412 + t^414 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^462 + 2*t^470 + t^474 + O(t^476)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + z0^2 - z1^2 + z0 + z1 + 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + t^14 + t^18 + t^20 + t^28 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + t^46 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^76 + t^86 + t^90 + t^94 + t^100 + t^102 + t^106 + t^108 + t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^122 + t^126 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^142 + t^150 + t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^180 + t^188 + t^198 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + t^214 + t^220 + t^228 + t^230 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + t^306 + t^310 + t^314 + t^316 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^334 + 2*t^338 + t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^370 + t^374 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^404 + t^410 + t^414 + t^418 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + t^434 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^452 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 + x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 - z0 - z1 - 1 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + 2 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + t^6 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^44 + t^46 + t^50 + t^52 + t^60 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + t^110 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^122 + t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + t^154 + t^156 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^230 + t^238 + t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + t^262 + t^268 + t^276 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^406 + t^412 + t^414 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^442 + t^444 + 2*t^446 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^466 + 2*t^474 + O(t^476)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0*z1 + z1^2 t^-28 + t^-26 + t^-24 + t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-10 + t^-8 + 1 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^14 + t^18 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + t^42 + t^44 + t^46 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + t^58 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + t^84 + 2*t^86 + t^90 + t^92 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + t^130 + t^134 + t^138 + t^148 + t^150 + t^154 + 2*t^158 + t^172 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + t^206 + t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^268 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^298 + t^300 + t^302 + t^306 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^324 + t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^370 + t^382 + t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + t^414 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^446 + t^454 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^2 - z0^2 - z0*z1 - z0 - 1 t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-2 + t^2 + 2*t^4 + t^10 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^30 + t^38 + t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + t^90 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + t^138 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + t^148 + t^154 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^182 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^238 + t^252 + t^254 + t^262 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^316 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^406 + t^414 + t^418 + t^420 + 2*t^434 + t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^446 + t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + t^460 + t^462 + t^466 + t^470 + t^478 + O(t^482)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + z1^2 + z1 t^-28 + t^-26 + t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + t^-2 + 2 + t^2 + t^6 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + t^18 + t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + t^42 + t^46 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^74 + t^84 + 2*t^86 + t^90 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + 2*t^122 + t^124 + t^130 + t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + t^146 + t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + t^222 + t^228 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + t^254 + t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^278 + t^286 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + t^300 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + t^358 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^370 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^442 + t^444 + 2*t^446 + t^450 + t^454 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 + z0 - z1 + 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 1 + t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^14 + t^18 + t^20 + t^36 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + 2*t^82 + t^86 + t^90 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^124 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^140 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^154 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + t^252 + t^254 + t^262 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^294 + t^298 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^330 + t^338 + t^350 + t^358 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^370 + t^374 + t^378 + t^390 + t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + t^414 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^446 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^458 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 - z1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + t^-18 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-4 + 1 + t^2 + t^6 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + t^52 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + t^172 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + t^236 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + 2*t^278 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + t^314 + t^318 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + t^346 + t^350 + t^354 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^420 + t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 + z0 + 1 t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + t^-12 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-2 + t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + t^82 + t^84 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + t^94 + t^100 + t^102 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^182 + t^190 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + t^230 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^294 + t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + t^374 + t^398 + t^406 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + 2*t^460 + t^466 + t^474 + 2*t^478 + O(t^482)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - z0^2 + z1^2 - z0 + z1 - 1 t^-28 + t^-26 + t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-10 + t^-8 + t^-6 + t^-4 + t^-2 + 2 + t^2 + 2*t^4 + t^10 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + t^42 + 2*t^46 + t^58 + t^60 + t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^116 + t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^158 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + t^180 + t^188 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^198 + t^206 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^262 + t^276 + t^278 + t^284 + t^286 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + t^436 + t^442 + t^446 + t^452 + 2*t^458 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1 + z0^2 + z0 + z1 + 1 t^-20 + t^-6 + t^-4 + 1 + 2*t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + t^22 + t^30 + t^38 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + t^84 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + t^130 + t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^146 + t^148 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^204 + t^212 + t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^292 + t^294 + t^300 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + t^374 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^436 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + t^462 + t^470 + 2*t^474 + O(t^476)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 - z0 - z1 - 1 t^-28 + t^-26 + t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-14 + t^-10 + t^-8 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^116 + t^122 + t^126 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^302 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + t^-14 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + t^-2 + 2 + t^4 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + t^36 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^66 + t^68 + t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^102 + t^106 + t^108 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^134 + t^142 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + t^196 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^228 + t^230 + t^236 + t^238 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^308 + t^314 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + t^334 + t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + t^378 + t^390 + t^404 + t^406 + t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^426 + t^430 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + t^446 + t^450 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + O(t^464)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0^2 - z0*z1 + z1^2 - z0 - 1 t^-28 + t^-26 + t^-24 + t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 1 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + t^6 + t^10 + t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + t^28 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^54 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + t^164 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + t^198 + t^204 + t^206 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^222 + t^228 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^270 + t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^316 + t^318 + t^324 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^420 + t^426 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - z1^2 + z1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^22 + t^30 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^52 + t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + t^158 + t^162 + t^166 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + t^246 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + t^398 + t^404 + t^410 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + t^434 + t^436 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + t^462 + O(t^464)
x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 + x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 + z0 - z1 + 1 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + 2 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^10 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^38 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + t^118 + t^122 + t^124 + t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^138 + t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^154 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^198 + t^212 + t^214 + t^220 + 2*t^228 + t^238 + t^244 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^284 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + t^308 + t^310 + t^316 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^406 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + t^428 + t^434 + t^442 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + 2*t^466 + 2*t^470 + O(t^476)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + z0^2 + z1^2 - z0 + 1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^2 + t^6 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + t^100 + t^106 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + 2*t^150 + t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^190 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + t^314 + t^316 + t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + t^418 + 2*t^420 + t^430 + t^434 + t^444 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + t^458 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1 + x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 + z1 - 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-12 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + t^-2 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^14 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^28 + t^30 + t^36 + t^38 + t^44 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^132 + t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^188 + t^190 + t^196 + t^198 + t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + t^230 + t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^450 + t^452 + t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0*z1 + z0 - z1 t^-26 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-12 + t^-10 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^30 + t^38 + t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^118 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + t^140 + t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + t^204 + t^206 + t^214 + t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^270 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + t^302 + t^306 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + t^324 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + t^374 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + t^436 + 2*t^444 + t^450 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^470)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 - x^2 - z0^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 - z1 - 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + t^2 + 2*t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^20 + t^28 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^60 + t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + t^82 + t^84 + t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^146 + t^148 + t^150 + t^156 + t^162 + t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + t^254 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + t^276 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + t^294 + t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^316 + t^318 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^334 + t^338 + t^354 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + t^406 + 2*t^412 + t^418 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^434 + t^436 + t^444 + 2*t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + z0 t^-26 + t^-22 + t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-10 + t^-2 + t^2 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + t^54 + 2*t^66 + t^74 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^118 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + t^134 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + t^150 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + 2*t^166 + t^174 + t^182 + t^190 + 2*t^198 + t^206 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^222 + t^238 + t^254 + t^270 + t^278 + t^286 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + t^330 + t^334 + t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^466 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 - z0 + z1 + 1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + 2 + t^2 + t^4 + t^10 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^50 + t^52 + t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^92 + t^100 + t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + t^124 + t^126 + t^130 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^172 + t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + 2*t^228 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + t^254 + t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^324 + t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + t^412 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + t^458 + t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0*z1 + z0 + z1 t^-26 + t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^30 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + t^50 + t^58 + t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^86 + t^94 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^148 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^166 + t^172 + t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + t^230 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + 2*t^260 + t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^374 + t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + t^418 + t^420 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^436 + t^444 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + t^462 + t^466 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 + z1^2 - z0 - z1 + 1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + t^20 + t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^74 + t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + t^140 + t^142 + t^148 + t^158 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + t^246 + t^252 + 2*t^260 + t^268 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^286 + t^292 + t^294 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + t^430 + t^436 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - z0^2 - z1^2 - 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-8 + 2 + t^12 + 2*t^20 + t^36 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^52 + t^60 + 2*t^68 + t^76 + t^84 + t^92 + 2*t^100 + t^116 + t^124 + t^132 + 2*t^156 + t^164 + 2*t^180 + t^204 + t^212 + 2*t^220 + t^236 + t^244 + t^252 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^268 + t^276 + 2*t^284 + t^292 + t^300 + t^308 + 2*t^316 + t^404 + t^412 + t^420 + 2*t^444 + t^452 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + z0^2 - z1^2 - z0 + 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-20 + t^-12 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + t^18 + t^20 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^44 + t^46 + t^54 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + t^74 + t^76 + t^90 + t^100 + t^102 + 2*t^108 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + t^154 + t^156 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^204 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + t^230 + t^236 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^260 + t^262 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^310 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^324 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^346 + t^354 + t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^390 + t^398 + t^404 + t^412 + t^414 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + t^436 + 2*t^442 + t^444 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^454 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 + z1 - 1 t^-26 + t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-10 + t^-6 + t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + t^18 + 2*t^20 + t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + t^46 + t^50 + t^52 + t^54 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + t^90 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + t^118 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^150 + t^154 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^220 + t^228 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^260 + t^262 + t^268 + t^270 + t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^316 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^452 + t^454 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + t^466 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0*z1 + z1^2 + z0 - z1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-14 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + t^18 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + t^46 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + t^58 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + t^82 + t^84 + t^86 + t^90 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^106 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + t^162 + 2*t^166 + t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + t^222 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + t^286 + t^292 + t^298 + t^300 + t^302 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^370 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + t^410 + t^414 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^458 + t^462 + O(t^464)
x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0^2 - z0*z1 - z1 - 1 t^-26 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-10 + 2*t^-4 + 2 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + t^18 + 2*t^20 + t^22 + t^30 + t^42 + t^44 + t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + t^58 + t^60 + t^66 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^106 + t^110 + t^118 + 2*t^122 + t^124 + t^126 + t^130 + t^134 + t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^164 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + t^196 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^244 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + t^262 + t^268 + t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^370 + t^382 + t^390 + t^398 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + t^414 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^442 + t^444 + 2*t^446 + t^452 + t^454 + 2*t^458 + t^462 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + z1^2 + z0 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^10 + t^14 + t^18 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + t^46 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^76 + t^84 + t^86 + t^90 + t^92 + t^94 + t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^142 + t^148 + t^150 + t^154 + t^158 + t^166 + t^172 + t^180 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^228 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + t^300 + t^306 + t^308 + t^310 + t^314 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^334 + 2*t^338 + t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^370 + t^374 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^404 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + t^414 + t^418 + t^426 + t^430 + t^434 + t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^446 + t^458 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1 + x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 - z0 + z1 + 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + t^-4 + t^-2 + 2*t^2 + t^6 + t^10 + t^12 + t^14 + t^18 + t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + t^36 + t^44 + t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^60 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + t^90 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + t^108 + t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^122 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + t^150 + t^154 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^198 + t^204 + t^214 + t^220 + t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + t^238 + t^246 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^276 + t^284 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + t^414 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^434 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^460 + O(t^464)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 + z0 + z1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + t^-6 + t^-4 + 2 + t^2 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + t^18 + t^28 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^66 + t^74 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + t^86 + t^90 + t^92 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^122 + t^124 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^140 + t^146 + t^154 + t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^244 + t^246 + t^252 + t^254 + t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^278 + t^294 + t^298 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + t^314 + 2*t^318 + t^324 + t^330 + t^338 + t^350 + t^358 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^370 + t^374 + t^378 + t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + t^412 + t^414 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^442 + t^444 + 2*t^446 + t^450 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 - x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 - z0 - z1 + 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + t^2 + t^4 + t^10 + 2*t^14 + t^18 + t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^30 + t^36 + t^38 + t^46 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^82 + t^90 + t^94 + t^100 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^154 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^252 + t^254 + t^262 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^286 + t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^310 + t^316 + t^322 + 2*t^326 + t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^404 + t^406 + 2*t^412 + t^414 + t^418 + t^420 + t^428 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^446 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^454 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - z0^2 - 1 t^-26 + t^-22 + t^-18 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-6 + t^-2 + t^2 + 2*t^4 + t^6 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + t^18 + 2*t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + t^38 + t^42 + t^46 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^60 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^118 + 2*t^122 + t^130 + t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + t^142 + t^146 + t^148 + t^154 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + t^230 + t^238 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + t^254 + t^262 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + t^278 + t^284 + t^286 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + t^358 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^370 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^410 + t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + t^426 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^446 + t^450 + t^452 + t^454 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + 2*t^466 + O(t^470)
-x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + z0^2 - z0 + 1 t^-26 + t^-22 + t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-10 + t^-6 + t^-2 + t^2 + t^4 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + t^28 + t^30 + t^42 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^52 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^122 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + t^138 + t^142 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^238 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + t^300 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + 2*t^466 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 + z1 - 1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + t^-4 + 2 + t^2 + 2*t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^82 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^100 + t^106 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + t^158 + t^164 + t^180 + t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^236 + t^244 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^262 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + t^298 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^310 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + t^346 + t^350 + t^354 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + t^436 + t^442 + t^446 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 - x^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 + z0 - z1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + t^-12 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + t^2 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^36 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + t^74 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + t^102 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + t^230 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + t^374 + t^398 + t^404 + t^406 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^434 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + t^454 + t^460 + O(t^464)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0^2 - z0*z1 + z1^2 - z1 - 1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-14 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^54 + t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^76 + t^82 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^134 + t^140 + t^142 + t^146 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^228 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + t^302 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + t^334 + t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + t^378 + t^390 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^426 + t^428 + t^430 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + t^460 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - z1^2 + z0 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + 2 + t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^18 + t^22 + t^28 + t^30 + t^36 + t^38 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^102 + t^108 + t^116 + t^118 + t^122 + t^124 + t^126 + t^130 + t^138 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + 2*t^212 + t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^284 + t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^318 + t^324 + 2*t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + t^374 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + t^446 + t^450 + t^454 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 - z0 + z1 + 1 t^-26 + t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-14 + t^-10 + t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + t^12 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + 2*t^30 + t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + t^94 + t^100 + 2*t^106 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + t^148 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^174 + t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^204 + t^206 + t^212 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^298 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^398 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^436 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^462 + t^466 + O(t^470)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1 + x^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 + z0 + z1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-8 + t^-4 + t^-2 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^22 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^110 + t^116 + t^118 + t^122 + t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + t^162 + 2*t^166 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + t^236 + t^238 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^390 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + 2*t^428 + t^434 + t^436 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^454 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 - z0 - z1 + 1 t^-26 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2 + 2*t^2 + t^6 + t^10 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + t^100 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + t^122 + t^124 + t^132 + t^134 + t^140 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^198 + t^206 + t^212 + t^214 + t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + t^230 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + t^300 + t^302 + t^306 + t^308 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^420 + t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + t^442 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - z0^2 + z1^2 - 1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + t^-6 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^54 + t^58 + t^60 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + t^162 + t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + t^180 + t^182 + t^190 + t^196 + t^198 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + t^298 + t^306 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^430 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + z1^2 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + t^-6 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^154 + t^158 + t^162 + t^166 + t^172 + t^174 + t^180 + t^182 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + t^298 + t^300 + t^306 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^426 + t^430 + t^434 + t^436 + t^442 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1 + x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 + z0 + z1 + 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + 2*t^-8 + t^-4 + t^-2 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + t^54 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + t^108 + t^110 + t^116 + t^118 + t^122 + t^130 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + t^198 + t^204 + t^214 + t^220 + t^228 + t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^284 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + t^310 + t^316 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^390 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^428 + t^434 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0^2 - z0*z1 - z0 - z1 - 1 t^-26 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-10 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + t^6 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + t^54 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + t^110 + t^122 + t^124 + t^134 + t^140 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + t^164 + t^174 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^222 + t^230 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + t^270 + t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^458 + O(t^470)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 - x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 + z0 - z1 + 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + t^22 + t^36 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + t^82 + 2*t^90 + t^94 + t^100 + t^102 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + t^132 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^230 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^294 + t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + t^374 + t^398 + t^404 + t^406 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + t^420 + t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + t^446 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - z0^2 - z0 - 1 t^-26 + t^-22 + t^-18 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + t^-6 + t^-2 + t^2 + 2*t^4 + t^10 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^28 + t^30 + t^42 + 2*t^46 + t^52 + t^58 + t^60 + t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^122 + 2*t^126 + t^132 + t^134 + t^138 + t^142 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^238 + t^246 + t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + t^276 + t^278 + t^284 + t^286 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + t^436 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + t^452 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + t^462 + 2*t^466 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 + z1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + t^-4 + 2 + t^2 + t^6 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^172 + t^180 + t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^236 + t^244 + t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^278 + t^298 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + t^310 + t^314 + t^318 + t^324 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + t^346 + t^350 + t^354 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^420 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 - z0 + z1 - 1 t^-26 + t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-10 + t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + t^28 + 2*t^30 + t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^188 + t^190 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^398 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^442 + t^446 + t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^462 + t^466 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0*z1 + z1^2 - z1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-14 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + t^4 + t^12 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^66 + t^68 + t^76 + t^82 + t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^140 + t^142 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^196 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + t^300 + t^302 + t^308 + t^314 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + t^334 + t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + t^378 + t^390 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + t^450 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + z0^2 - z1^2 + z0 + 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-20 + t^-12 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + 2 + 2*t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^30 + t^36 + t^38 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^90 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^108 + t^116 + t^118 + t^122 + t^124 + t^126 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^138 + t^146 + t^148 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^204 + t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^310 + t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + t^374 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^436 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - z1^2 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-8 + 2 + t^4 + t^28 + t^36 + 2*t^44 + t^52 + t^68 + t^76 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^92 + t^108 + t^116 + t^124 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^180 + t^196 + 2*t^212 + t^228 + t^236 + t^244 + 2*t^260 + t^268 + t^284 + t^292 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^308 + t^324 + t^404 + t^412 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^460 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 + z0 + z1 + 1 t^-26 + t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-14 + t^-10 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^30 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + 2*t^86 + t^92 + t^94 + t^100 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^130 + t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^142 + t^148 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^204 + t^206 + t^212 + t^220 + t^222 + t^230 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^374 + t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + t^418 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^436 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + t^462 + t^466 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0^2 - z0*z1 + z1^2 - z0 - z1 - 1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-14 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + t^76 + t^82 + t^86 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + t^130 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + t^140 + t^142 + t^156 + t^158 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + t^246 + 2*t^260 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + t^292 + t^294 + t^298 + t^302 + t^310 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + t^430 + t^444 + t^452 + t^454 + t^458 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 + z0 - z1 + 1 t^-26 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^10 + t^14 + t^20 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + t^38 + t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^68 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + t^84 + 2*t^86 + t^92 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^118 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + t^140 + t^146 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^198 + t^206 + t^212 + t^214 + t^220 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^244 + t^246 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + t^300 + t^302 + t^306 + t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + t^374 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - z0^2 + z1^2 - z0 - 1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + t^6 + t^10 + t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^20 + t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^54 + t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^86 + t^94 + 2*t^100 + t^106 + t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + t^198 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^298 + t^306 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + t^318 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + t^418 + t^420 + t^430 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^444 + t^450 + t^452 + t^454 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1 + x^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 + z1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + t^-2 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + t^30 + t^36 + t^38 + t^44 + t^50 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^102 + t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^126 + t^132 + t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + t^156 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^222 + t^230 + t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^434 + t^436 + t^444 + t^450 + t^462 + O(t^464)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 - z0 + z1 - 1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + 2 + t^2 + 2*t^4 + t^10 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^20 + t^22 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^50 + t^54 + t^58 + t^60 + t^68 + 2*t^82 + t^86 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + t^124 + t^126 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^146 + t^148 + t^150 + t^158 + t^162 + t^164 + t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + t^436 + 2*t^450 + t^452 + t^454 + t^458 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 - x^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 - z1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + t^-12 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + t^2 + t^6 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^66 + 2*t^74 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^146 + t^150 + 2*t^156 + t^162 + t^166 + t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^286 + t^294 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^334 + t^338 + t^354 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + t^406 + 2*t^412 + t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^450 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + z0^2 + z0 + 1 t^-26 + t^-22 + t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-10 + t^-2 + t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + t^84 + 2*t^86 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^118 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + t^182 + t^190 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + t^238 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + 2*t^298 + t^300 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + t^330 + t^334 + t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^444 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^466 + O(t^470)
-x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 t^-26 + t^-22 + t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-10 + 2*t^-6 + t^-2 + t^2 + t^6 + 2*t^14 + t^18 + t^22 + 2*t^30 + t^38 + t^42 + t^46 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^86 + t^90 + 2*t^94 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^110 + t^118 + 2*t^122 + t^130 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + t^142 + t^146 + t^154 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^198 + t^206 + 2*t^214 + t^222 + t^230 + t^238 + 2*t^246 + t^254 + t^262 + 2*t^270 + t^278 + t^286 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^306 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + t^358 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^370 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^410 + t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^426 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^446 + t^450 + t^454 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^462 + 2*t^466 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 + z0 + z1 + 1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + t^-6 + t^-4 + 2 + t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + t^18 + t^20 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^46 + t^50 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + t^90 + 2*t^92 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^140 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + t^188 + t^190 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^244 + t^246 + t^254 + t^262 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^294 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^324 + t^330 + t^338 + t^350 + t^358 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^370 + t^374 + t^378 + t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + t^412 + t^414 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^446 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^458 + t^460 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 - x^2 - z0^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 - z0 - z1 - 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + t^2 + 2*t^4 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + t^30 + t^36 + t^38 + t^46 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + t^82 + t^84 + t^90 + t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^100 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^130 + t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + t^148 + t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^228 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^254 + t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^316 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^404 + t^406 + 2*t^412 + t^414 + t^418 + t^428 + 2*t^434 + t^436 + 2*t^442 + t^444 + 2*t^446 + t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 + z1^2 + z0 - z1 + 1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + 2*t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + t^18 + t^20 + t^28 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^126 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + t^154 + t^158 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^220 + t^222 + t^228 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + t^252 + 2*t^260 + t^262 + t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^286 + t^292 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^370 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + t^410 + t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + t^428 + t^430 + t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - z0^2 - z1^2 - z0 - 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + t^12 + t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^44 + t^46 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + t^76 + t^84 + t^90 + t^92 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^150 + t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^162 + t^164 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + t^190 + t^204 + t^212 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^230 + t^236 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + 2*t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^284 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^300 + t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^346 + t^354 + t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^390 + t^398 + t^404 + t^412 + t^414 + t^420 + t^426 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0*z1 + z1 t^-26 + t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + t^-6 + t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + t^4 + 2*t^12 + t^18 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + t^46 + t^50 + t^54 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^86 + t^90 + t^94 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^118 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + t^166 + t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + t^196 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + t^252 + 2*t^260 + t^262 + t^270 + t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^314 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + t^414 + t^418 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^442 + t^444 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^454 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + t^466 + O(t^470)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1 + x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 - z0 + z1 - 1 2*t^-28 + 2*t^-24 + 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-12 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + t^-4 + t^-2 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + t^6 + t^10 + t^14 + t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^36 + t^44 + t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + t^60 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + t^90 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^122 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + t^154 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + t^198 + t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + t^238 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + t^262 + 2*t^268 + t^276 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + t^308 + 2*t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^370 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + t^414 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^446 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + t^460 + O(t^464)
x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0*z1 - z1 t^-26 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-4 + 2 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^12 + t^14 + t^18 + t^22 + t^28 + t^30 + t^42 + t^44 + t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^58 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^86 + t^90 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + t^110 + t^118 + 2*t^122 + t^124 + t^126 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + t^138 + t^140 + t^148 + t^150 + t^154 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + t^204 + t^206 + t^214 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + t^244 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + t^262 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^298 + t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^318 + t^324 + t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^370 + t^382 + t^390 + t^398 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + t^414 + 2*t^420 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + t^436 + 2*t^442 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^446 + t^454 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + z0^2 + z1^2 + z0 + 1 t^-28 + 2*t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + t^18 + t^20 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + t^46 + t^52 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + t^90 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + t^100 + t^102 + t^106 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^122 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^142 + t^150 + t^154 + t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + t^180 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + t^220 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + t^262 + t^268 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + t^314 + t^316 + t^322 + 2*t^326 + t^334 + 2*t^338 + t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^370 + t^374 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^404 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + t^430 + t^434 + 2*t^442 + t^444 + 2*t^446 + 2*t^452 + t^458 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 - z0 + z1 + 1 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-18 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + 2*t^2 + t^6 + t^10 + t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + t^28 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^54 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + t^100 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + t^110 + t^116 + t^122 + t^134 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^198 + t^204 + t^206 + t^214 + t^220 + t^222 + t^228 + t^230 + t^236 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + t^318 + t^324 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^414 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + O(t^464)
x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - z0^2 - z1 - 1 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-10 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^30 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^52 + t^54 + t^58 + t^60 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + t^110 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + t^158 + t^162 + t^164 + t^166 + t^174 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + t^196 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + t^398 + t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + t^430 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + t^462 + t^466 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 + z0 t^-28 + t^-24 + t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-8 + t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^10 + t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^38 + t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^58 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + t^130 + 2*t^138 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^154 + t^162 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + t^362 + t^370 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^434 + t^436 + t^442 + t^446 + 2*t^450 + t^454 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 - 1 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + t^-18 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + t^2 + 2*t^4 + t^6 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + t^52 + 2*t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^100 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + t^164 + t^172 + t^182 + 2*t^190 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + t^318 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + t^346 + t^350 + t^354 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^414 + t^420 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + t^436 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1 - x^2 - z0*z1 + z1^2 + z0 + z1 t^-28 + t^-24 + 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + t^2 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^22 + t^28 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + t^74 + t^82 + t^84 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + t^94 + t^102 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + t^122 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^140 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^294 + t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + t^374 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + t^420 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^434 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + t^454 + 2*t^460 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + z0^2 - z1^2 - z0 - z1 + 1 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + t^-20 + t^-18 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + 1 + t^2 + t^4 + t^10 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + t^30 + t^36 + t^42 + 2*t^46 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^132 + t^134 + t^138 + t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^188 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + t^206 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + 2*t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^382 + t^390 + t^404 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + t^446 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^458 + t^462 + O(t^464)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 + z1^2 + z0 - z1 t^-28 + t^-24 + t^-12 + t^-8 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + 2*t^18 + t^22 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + t^84 + 2*t^90 + t^92 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^116 + t^118 + t^122 + t^126 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^138 + t^140 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + t^204 + t^212 + t^222 + 2*t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^284 + t^292 + t^294 + t^300 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^318 + 2*t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^346 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + t^374 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^426 + t^428 + 2*t^436 + t^442 + 2*t^444 + t^446 + t^450 + t^454 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 - z0 + 1 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^18 + t^20 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + t^38 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + t^50 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^90 + t^94 + t^100 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^116 + t^122 + t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + t^148 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + t^278 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^302 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + t^330 + t^334 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^414 + t^418 + 2*t^420 + 2*t^430 + t^436 + t^442 + t^444 + t^446 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0^2 - z0*z1 + z1 - 1 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + t^-14 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-6 + t^-4 + t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^18 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^46 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + t^60 + t^66 + 2*t^68 + t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + t^86 + 2*t^90 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^118 + t^122 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + t^146 + t^150 + 2*t^154 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^220 + t^228 + t^230 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + 2*t^308 + t^314 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + t^334 + t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^370 + t^378 + t^390 + t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^414 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + t^442 + t^446 + t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^454 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + 2*t^466 + O(t^470)
-x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 - x^2 + z0^2 - z0*z1 - z0 + z1 + 1 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + t^-20 + t^-14 + 2*t^-10 + t^-6 + t^-4 + t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^10 + t^12 + t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^30 + 2*t^42 + 2*t^44 + 2*t^50 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^74 + t^76 + t^82 + t^84 + t^86 + t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^100 + 2*t^102 + t^106 + t^118 + 2*t^124 + t^130 + 2*t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^142 + t^148 + 2*t^156 + t^158 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^182 + t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^196 + t^204 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + t^220 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^230 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^286 + t^292 + t^294 + t^298 + t^300 + t^302 + t^308 + t^310 + t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + t^430 + t^436 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + t^458 + 2*t^462 + 2*t^466 + O(t^470)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - z0^2*z1 - z0^2 + z1^2 - z1 - 1 t^-28 + t^-24 + t^-8 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^20 + 2*t^28 + 2*t^36 + 2*t^44 + t^60 + 2*t^68 + t^76 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^116 + t^140 + t^156 + t^164 + t^172 + t^180 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^236 + 2*t^260 + t^276 + 2*t^284 + t^292 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^404 + t^428 + t^444 + t^452 + t^460 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0*z1 - z1^2 + z0 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-14 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + t^4 + t^6 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^22 + t^28 + t^30 + t^36 + t^42 + 2*t^44 + t^50 + t^52 + t^58 + t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^92 + t^94 + t^102 + 2*t^106 + t^108 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + t^124 + 2*t^130 + t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^142 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^158 + t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + 2*t^190 + t^196 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^222 + t^228 + t^230 + t^236 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^260 + t^268 + t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^314 + t^318 + t^322 + t^324 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^374 + t^382 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + t^418 + t^426 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2 + x^2 - z0^2 + z0*z1 + z1^2 - 1 t^-28 + t^-24 + t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + t^-8 + 2*t^-6 + t^-2 + 1 + 2*t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^6 + t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^20 + t^28 + t^30 + 2*t^36 + t^38 + t^44 + t^50 + 2*t^54 + t^58 + t^60 + 2*t^66 + t^74 + 2*t^76 + 2*t^82 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^100 + t^102 + t^108 + t^110 + 2*t^116 + 2*t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^132 + t^138 + t^142 + t^146 + 2*t^148 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^162 + t^164 + 2*t^166 + 2*t^172 + 2*t^174 + t^180 + t^190 + t^196 + t^198 + t^204 + t^214 + 2*t^220 + 2*t^222 + t^228 + t^230 + 2*t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^246 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^270 + t^276 + t^286 + 2*t^292 + 2*t^294 + 2*t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^310 + 2*t^316 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + t^330 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + 2*t^404 + 2*t^406 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^418 + t^420 + t^426 + t^434 + 2*t^436 + 2*t^444 + t^450 + t^452 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + O(t^464)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - x^2 - z0*z1 - z1^2 + z0 + z1 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + t^-6 + t^-4 + 2*t^2 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^10 + 2*t^12 + t^14 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^30 + t^36 + t^38 + t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^50 + t^52 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^58 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^76 + t^82 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^106 + t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^126 + 2*t^130 + t^132 + t^134 + 2*t^138 + 2*t^140 + t^146 + t^148 + 2*t^150 + t^156 + 2*t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + t^188 + 2*t^196 + t^198 + 2*t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + t^214 + 2*t^230 + t^236 + t^246 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + t^268 + 2*t^270 + t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^292 + t^294 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + t^302 + t^306 + 2*t^308 + t^310 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^354 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + t^374 + t^378 + 2*t^382 + t^404 + t^406 + 2*t^410 + t^420 + 2*t^426 + 2*t^428 + 2*t^430 + t^434 + t^436 + t^444 + t^450 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + 2*t^462 + O(t^464)
x^2*z0 + x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + z0^2 - z0 - z1 + 1 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + 2*t^-20 + 2*t^-18 + 2*t^-14 + 2*t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 2 + 2*t^2 + t^6 + t^10 + t^14 + t^20 + t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^44 + 2*t^52 + 2*t^54 + 2*t^60 + t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^74 + 2*t^76 + t^84 + t^86 + t^92 + t^94 + t^100 + t^106 + 2*t^108 + t^110 + t^118 + t^124 + 2*t^126 + t^130 + t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^140 + 2*t^142 + t^146 + 2*t^150 + t^158 + 2*t^162 + 2*t^164 + t^166 + t^172 + 2*t^174 + 2*t^182 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^190 + t^198 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + t^214 + t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^228 + 2*t^238 + t^244 + t^252 + 2*t^254 + t^260 + 2*t^268 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + t^284 + 2*t^286 + 2*t^292 + t^298 + t^300 + t^306 + t^308 + t^314 + t^316 + t^318 + t^322 + 2*t^324 + 2*t^326 + 2*t^330 + 2*t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^358 + 2*t^362 + t^366 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + t^390 + 2*t^398 + t^410 + t^412 + t^418 + t^420 + t^428 + t^430 + t^434 + t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + t^458 + t^460 + t^466 + O(t^470)
-x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 - z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0^2*z1 + z0*z1^2 - z1^2 + z0 - z1 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + 2*t^-24 + t^-22 + t^-20 + t^-18 + t^-14 + t^-12 + t^-10 + 2*t^-8 + 2*t^-4 + t^-2 + 1 + t^2 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^10 + t^12 + 2*t^14 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^28 + t^36 + 2*t^38 + t^42 + t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^66 + t^74 + 2*t^84 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + 2*t^106 + 2*t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^116 + 2*t^118 + 2*t^124 + t^126 + 2*t^130 + 2*t^132 + t^134 + t^140 + t^142 + 2*t^146 + t^150 + 2*t^156 + 2*t^158 + t^162 + 2*t^166 + t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^180 + t^182 + 2*t^188 + t^190 + 2*t^198 + t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^222 + 2*t^228 + t^236 + t^238 + 2*t^244 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + t^268 + t^270 + t^278 + t^286 + 2*t^298 + 2*t^300 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^308 + 2*t^314 + 2*t^318 + 2*t^322 + 2*t^324 + t^326 + t^330 + t^334 + t^338 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + t^374 + 2*t^378 + 2*t^390 + t^398 + t^404 + 2*t^410 + 2*t^412 + 2*t^418 + 2*t^420 + t^428 + 2*t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^444 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^454 + 2*t^458 + t^460 + O(t^464)
x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2 + x^2 + z0^2 + z0*z1 - z0 + 1 2*t^-26 + 2*t^-22 + t^-18 + t^-12 + 2*t^-10 + 2*t^-6 + t^2 + t^4 + t^10 + 2*t^12 + 2*t^14 + t^20 + t^22 + t^28 + t^30 + 2*t^38 + 2*t^42 + t^50 + 2*t^52 + t^54 + t^58 + 2*t^60 + 2*t^68 + 2*t^82 + t^84 + t^86 + t^92 + t^100 + t^102 + t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + t^118 + t^126 + t^130 + 2*t^132 + 2*t^134 + t^138 + 2*t^146 + 2*t^148 + t^150 + t^156 + t^158 + t^162 + 2*t^164 + 2*t^172 + t^174 + 2*t^182 + t^196 + 2*t^198 + 2*t^204 + 2*t^206 + t^212 + 2*t^214 + t^220 + t^228 + t^230 + 2*t^246 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + 2*t^268 + t^270 + 2*t^276 + 2*t^278 + 2*t^284 + 2*t^294 + t^298 + t^300 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + t^308 + 2*t^310 + t^314 + t^316 + t^324 + t^334 + t^338 + 2*t^346 + t^350 + 2*t^354 + t^358 + t^362 + 2*t^366 + 2*t^374 + 2*t^378 + t^382 + 2*t^406 + t^410 + 2*t^420 + t^426 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + 2*t^436 + t^444 + 2*t^450 + 2*t^452 + t^454 + t^458 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + O(t^470)
KeyboardInterrupt Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [36], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:54, in <module>
File <string>:20, in __add__(self, other)
File src/cysignals/signals.pyx:310, in cysignals.signals.python_check_interrupt()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^2-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 3 with the equations:
z0^3 - z0 = x^2
z1^3 - z1 = x^4
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 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: a = Set(a)
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la = Set(a)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: a
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7h{0, 1, 3, 6, 7, 8}
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 [?7h[?12l[?25h]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage$ sage
│ SageMath version 9.7, Release Date: 2022-09-19 │
│ Using Python 3.10.5. Type "help()" for help. │
]0;IPython: DeRhamComputation/sage[?2004h[?1l[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 i image init.sage integral inverse_jacobi_cn inverse_jacobi_sn is_integrally_closed is_pseudoprime_power 
 icosahedron imaginary initial_seed integral_closure inverse_jacobi_cs inverse_laplace is_iterator is_real_place 
 id implicit_multiplication input integral_numerical inverse_jacobi_dc inverse_mod is_odd is_square 
 ideal implicit_plot install_dict integrate inverse_jacobi_dn is is_pAdicField is_squarefree 
 identity_matrix implicit_plot3d install_doc interacts inverse_jacobi_ds is_ProductProjectiveSpaces is_pAdicRing is_triangular_number 
 if import install_scripts interfaces inverse_jacobi_nc is_ProjectiveSpace is_package_installed isinstance 
 igusa_clebsch_invariants import_statements installed_packages interval inverse_jacobi_nd is_commutative is_power_of_two isogeny_codomain_from_kernel
 %iload in int invariant_theory inverse_jacobi_ns is_even is_prime isqrt 
 imag infinity integer_ceil inverse_jacobi inverse_jacobi_sc is_field is_prime_power issubclass 
 imag_part infix_operator integer_floor inverse_jacobi_cd inverse_jacobi_sd is_fundamental_discriminant is_pseudoprime iter [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(nit.sage')

[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('init.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ld[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ld.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lr.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lf.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ld.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lr.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^3-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 3 with the equations:
z0^3 - z0 = x^2
z1^3 - z1 = x^4
z2^3 - z2 = x^3
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [2], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:16, in <module>
File <string>:17, in dual_elt(AS, zmag)
File <string>:82, in group_action(self, ZN_tuple)
File <string>:82, in <dictcomp>(.0)
IndexError: tuple index out of range
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7linit.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('init.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ldraft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^3-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 3 with the equations:
z0^3 - z0 = x^2
z1^3 - z1 = x^4
z2^3 - z2 = x^3
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [4], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:16, in <module>
File <string>:24, in dual_elt(AS, zmag)
NameError: name 'group_elts' is not defined
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l^Csage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_zmod_flint.pyx:7: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\Z'
sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_zmod_flint.pyx:7: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\Z'
KeyboardInterrupt Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [5], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:13, in <module>
File <string>:44, in __init__(self, C, list_of_fcts, prec)
File <string>:158, in artin_schreier_transform(power_series, prec)
File <string>:12, in new_reverse(power_series, prec)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/laurent_series_ring_element.pyx:1831, in sage.rings.laurent_series_ring_element.LaurentSeries.__call__()
 1829 if x:
 1830 raise ValueError("must not specify %s keyword and positional argument" % name)
-> 1831 a = self(kwds[name])
 1832 del kwds[name]
 1833 try:
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/laurent_series_ring_element.pyx:1852, in sage.rings.laurent_series_ring_element.LaurentSeries.__call__()
 1850 x = x[0]
-> 1852 return self.__u(*x)*(x[0]**self.__n)
 1854 def __pari__(self):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/power_series_poly.pyx:365, in sage.rings.power_series_poly.PowerSeries_poly.__call__()
 363 x[0] = a
 364 x = tuple(x)
--> 365 return self.__f(x)
 367 def _unsafe_mutate(self, i, value):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_zmod_flint.pyx:332, in sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_zmod_flint.Polynomial_zmod_flint.__call__()
 330 nmod_poly_compose(&t.x, &self.x, &y.x)
 331 return t
--> 332 return Polynomial.__call__(self, *x, **kwds)
 334 @coerce_binop
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_element.pyx:898, in sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_element.Polynomial.__call__()
 896 return result
 897 pol._compiled = CompiledPolynomialFunction(pol.list())
--> 898 return pol._compiled.eval(a)
 900 def compose_trunc(self, Polynomial other, long n):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_compiled.pyx:125, in sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_compiled.CompiledPolynomialFunction.eval()
 123 cdef object temp
 124 try:
--> 125 pd_eval(self._dag, x, self._coeffs) #see further down
 126 temp = self._dag.value #for an explanation
 127 pd_clean(self._dag) #of these 3 lines
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_compiled.pyx:353, in sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_compiled.pd_eval()
 351 cdef inline int pd_eval(generic_pd pd, object vars, object coeffs) except -2:
 352 if pd.value is None:
--> 353 pd.eval(vars, coeffs)
 354 pd.hits += 1
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_compiled.pyx:507, in sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_compiled.abc_pd.eval()
 506 cdef int eval(abc_pd self, object vars, object coeffs) except -2:
--> 507 pd_eval(self.left, vars, coeffs)
 508 pd_eval(self.right, vars, coeffs)
 509 self.value = self.left.value * self.right.value + coeffs[self.index]
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_compiled.pyx:353, in sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_compiled.pd_eval()
 351 cdef inline int pd_eval(generic_pd pd, object vars, object coeffs) except -2:
 352 if pd.value is None:
--> 353 pd.eval(vars, coeffs)
 354 pd.hits += 1
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_compiled.pyx:507, in sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_compiled.abc_pd.eval()
 506 cdef int eval(abc_pd self, object vars, object coeffs) except -2:
--> 507 pd_eval(self.left, vars, coeffs)
 508 pd_eval(self.right, vars, coeffs)
 509 self.value = self.left.value * self.right.value + coeffs[self.index]
[... skipping similar frames: sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_compiled.pd_eval at line 353 (24 times), sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_compiled.abc_pd.eval at line 507 (23 times)]
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_compiled.pyx:507, in sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_compiled.abc_pd.eval()
 506 cdef int eval(abc_pd self, object vars, object coeffs) except -2:
--> 507 pd_eval(self.left, vars, coeffs)
 508 pd_eval(self.right, vars, coeffs)
 509 self.value = self.left.value * self.right.value + coeffs[self.index]
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_compiled.pyx:353, in sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_compiled.pd_eval()
 351 cdef inline int pd_eval(generic_pd pd, object vars, object coeffs) except -2:
 352 if pd.value is None:
--> 353 pd.eval(vars, coeffs)
 354 pd.hits += 1
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_compiled.pyx:509, in sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_compiled.abc_pd.eval()
 507 pd_eval(self.left, vars, coeffs)
 508 pd_eval(self.right, vars, coeffs)
--> 509 self.value = self.left.value * self.right.value + coeffs[self.index]
 510 pd_clean(self.left)
 511 pd_clean(self.right)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:1514, in sage.structure.element.Element.__mul__()
 1512 cdef int cl = classify_elements(left, right)
 1513 if HAVE_SAME_PARENT(cl):
-> 1514 return (<Element>left)._mul_(right)
 1515 if BOTH_ARE_ELEMENT(cl):
 1516 return coercion_model.bin_op(left, right, mul)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/laurent_series_ring_element.pyx:913, in sage.rings.laurent_series_ring_element.LaurentSeries._mul_()
 911 cdef LaurentSeries right = <LaurentSeries>right_r
 912 return type(self)(self._parent,
--> 913 self.__u * right.__u,
 914 self.__n + right.__n)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:1514, in sage.structure.element.Element.__mul__()
 1512 cdef int cl = classify_elements(left, right)
 1513 if HAVE_SAME_PARENT(cl):
-> 1514 return (<Element>left)._mul_(right)
 1515 if BOTH_ARE_ELEMENT(cl):
 1516 return coercion_model.bin_op(left, right, mul)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/power_series_poly.pyx:540, in sage.rings.power_series_poly.PowerSeries_poly._mul_()
 538 """
 539 prec = self._mul_prec(right_r)
--> 540 return PowerSeries_poly(self._parent,
 541 self.__f * (<PowerSeries_poly>right_r).__f,
 542 prec=prec,
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/power_series_poly.pyx:44, in sage.rings.power_series_poly.PowerSeries_poly.__init__()
 42 ValueError: series has negative valuation
 43 """
---> 44 R = parent._poly_ring()
 45 if isinstance(f, Element):
 46 if (<Element>f)._parent is R:
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/, in PowerSeriesRing_generic._poly_ring(self)
 958 pass
 959 return False
--> 961 def _poly_ring(self):
 962 """
 963  Return the underlying polynomial ring used to represent elements of
 964  this power series ring.
 970  Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Integer Ring
 971  """
 972 return self.__poly_ring
File src/cysignals/signals.pyx:310, in cysignals.signals.python_check_interrupt()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7linit.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('init.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('init.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ldraft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^3-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 3 with the equations:
z0^3 - z0 = x^2
z1^3 - z1 = x^4
z2^3 - z2 = x^3
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [7], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:104, in <module>
File <string>:104, in <listcomp>(.0)
IndexError: tuple index out of range
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.exponent_of_different_prim() - (p^2 - 1)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lg[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ls[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.genus()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.genus()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lb[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ls[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lh[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ll[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lomorphic_differentials_basis[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.holomorphic_differentials_basis()
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7h[(1) * dx,
(z2) * dx,
(z2^2) * dx,
(z1) * dx,
(x^3 - x^2*z2 + z1*z2) * dx,
(x^4 + x^2*z0^2 + x^3*z2 - x*z0^2*z2 + x^2*z2^2 + x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + z1*z2^2) * dx,
(x^4 - x^2*z0^2 + x^3*z2 + x*z0^2*z2 + x^2*z2^2 + z1^2) * dx,
(x^3*z0^2 + x^2*z0^2*z2 + x*z0^2*z2^2 + x^3*z0 - x^3*z1 - x^2*z0*z2 - x^2*z1*z2 - x*z1*z2^2 + x^3 - x*z0*z1 - x*z1^2 + z1^2*z2) * dx,
(x^4*z0 + x^2*z0^2*z1 + x^3*z0*z2 + x*z0^2*z1*z2 + x^2*z0*z2^2 + z0^2*z1*z2^2 + x^4 + x^2*z0^2 + x^2*z1^2 + x^3*z2 + x*z0^2*z2 + x*z1^2*z2 + x^2*z2^2 + z1^2*z2^2 + x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 - z0*z1^2) * dx,
(z0) * dx,
(z0*z2) * dx,
(-x^2*z0 + z0*z2^2) * dx,
(z0*z1) * dx,
(x^3 - x*z0*z1 - x^2*z2 + z0*z1*z2) * dx,
(x^4 + x^2*z0^2 + x^2*z0*z1 + x^3*z2 - x*z0^2*z2 + x*z0*z1*z2 + x^2*z2^2 + z0*z1*z2^2 - x^2*z0) * dx,
(z0^2) * dx,
(x^3 - x^2*z2 + z0^2*z2) * dx,
(x^2*z0^2 + x*z0^2*z2 + z0^2*z2^2) * dx,
(-x^4 + x^2*z0^2 - x^3*z2 - x*z0^2*z2 - x^2*z2^2 + x^2*z0 + z0^2*z1) * dx,
(-x^3*z0^2 - x^2*z0^2*z2 - x*z0^2*z2^2 + x^3*z0 + x^3*z1 - x*z0^2*z1 - x^2*z0*z2 + x^2*z1*z2 + z0^2*z1*z2 + x*z1*z2^2 - x^3 + x*z0*z1) * dx,
(x) * dx,
(x*z2) * dx,
(x^3 + x^2*z2 + x*z2^2) * dx,
(x^3 - x^2*z2 + x*z1) * dx,
(-x^4 - x^2*z0^2 - x^3*z2 + x*z0^2*z2 - x^2*z2^2 - x^2*z0 - x^2*z1 + x*z1*z2) * dx,
(x*z0) * dx,
(-x^2*z0 + x*z0*z2) * dx,
(x^3*z0 + x^2*z0*z2 + x*z0*z2^2 + x^3 - x^2*z2) * dx,
(x^3 + x*z0^2 - x^2*z2) * dx,
(x^2) * dx]
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.holomorphic_differentials_basis()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lgenus()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^3-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 3 with the equations:
z0^3 - z0 = x^2
z1^3 - z1 = x^4
z2^3 - z2 = x^3
KeyboardInterrupt Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [10], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:16, in <module>
File <string>:17, in dual_elt(AS, zmag)
File <string>:128, in trace2(self)
File <string>:84, in group_action(self, ZN_tuple)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:943, in sage.structure.element.Element.substitute()
 941 5
 942 """
--> 943 return self.subs(in_dict,**kwds)
 945 cpdef _act_on_(self, x, bint self_on_left):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:834, in sage.structure.element.Element.subs()
 832 else:
 833 variables.append(gen)
--> 834 return self(*variables)
 836 def numerical_approx(self, prec=None, digits=None, algorithm=None):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/fraction_field_element.pyx:449, in sage.rings.fraction_field_element.FractionFieldElement.__call__()
 447 (-2*x1*x2 + x1 + 1)/(x1 + x2)
 448 """
--> 449 return self.__numerator(*x, **kwds) / self.__denominator(*x, **kwds)
 451 def _is_atomic(self):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:1737, in sage.structure.element.Element.__truediv__()
 1735 cdef int cl = classify_elements(left, right)
 1736 if HAVE_SAME_PARENT(cl):
-> 1737 return (<Element>left)._div_(right)
 1738 if BOTH_ARE_ELEMENT(cl):
 1739 return coercion_model.bin_op(left, right, truediv)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/polynomial/multi_polynomial_libsingular.pyx:2339, in sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_libsingular.MPolynomial_libsingular._div_()
 2337 if p_IsConstant(right._poly, right._parent_ring):
 2338 if is_field:
-> 2339 singular_polynomial_div_coeff(&p, left._poly, right._poly, right._parent_ring)
 2340 return new_MP(left._parent, p)
 2341 else:
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/libs/singular/polynomial.pyx:344, in sage.libs.singular.polynomial.singular_polynomial_div_coeff()
 342 if q == NULL:
 343 raise ZeroDivisionError
--> 344 sig_on()
 345 cdef number *n = p_GetCoeff(q, r)
 346 n =,
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.holomorphic_differentials_basis()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^3-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 3 with the equations:
z0^3 - z0 = x^2
z1^3 - z1 = x^4
z2^3 - z2 = x^5
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [11], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:104, in <module>
File <string>:104, in <listcomp>(.0)
IndexError: tuple index out of range
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lzdual = dual_elt(AS, zmag)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lmag = (AS.magical_eleent())[0][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lg[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: zmag
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7hx^6*z0^2 + x^6*z1 + x^4*z0*z1^2 + x^5*z0*z2 + x^3*z0^2*z1*z2 - x^6 + x^2*z0^2*z1^2 - x^3*z0^2*z2 + x^3*z1^2*z2 + x^4*z2^2 + x^2*z0*z1*z2^2 + z0^2*z1^2*z2^2 + x^4*z0 + x^3*z1*z2
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.holomorphic_differentials_basis()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lzmag[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7llod('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^3-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 3 with the equations:
z0^3 - z0 = x^2
z1^3 - z1 = x^4
z2^3 - z2 = x^5
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [13], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:115, in <module>
File <string>:40, in __mul__(self, other)
AttributeError: 'superelliptic_form' object has no attribute 'function'
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lzmg[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7llod('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^3-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 3 with the equations:
z0^3 - z0 = x^2
z1^3 - z1 = x^4
z2^3 - z2 = x^5
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [14], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:117, in <module>
File <string>:40, in __mul__(self, other)
AttributeError: 'as_form' object has no attribute 'function'
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^3-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 3 with the equations:
z0^3 - z0 = x^2
z1^3 - z1 = x^4
z2^3 - z2 = x^5
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [15], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:116, in <module>
File <string>:23, in __add__(self, other)
AttributeError: 'as_form' object has no attribute 'function'
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^3-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 3 with the equations:
z0^3 - z0 = x^2
z1^3 - z1 = x^4
z2^3 - z2 = x^5
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [16], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load('draft.sage')
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:117, in <module>
NameError: name 'val' is not defined
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^3-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 3 with the equations:
z0^3 - z0 = x^2
z1^3 - z1 = x^4
z2^3 - z2 = x^5
0 -117 -117 +Infinity
0 -117 -117 +Infinity
0 -117 -117 +Infinity
0 -117 -117 +Infinity
0 -117 -117 +Infinity
0 -117 -117 +Infinity
0 -117 -117 +Infinity
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^3-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 3 with the equations:
z0^3 - z0 = x^2
z1^3 - z1 = x^4
z2^3 - z2 = x^5
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lzmag[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lm[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lg[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: zmag
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7hx^6*z0^2 + x^6*z1 + x^4*z0*z1^2 + x^5*z0*z2 + x^3*z0^2*z1*z2 - x^6 + x^2*z0^2*z1^2 - x^3*z0^2*z2 + x^3*z1^2*z2 + x^4*z2^2 + x^2*z0*z1*z2^2 + z0^2*z1^2*z2^2 + x^4*z0 + x^3*z1*z2
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lw1.expansion_at_infty()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: w
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lw[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsion_at_infty[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: w.expansion_at_infty()
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7ht^-117 + t^-99 + t^-69 + t^-39 + 2*t^-35 + t^-27 + t^-15 + t^-9 + t^-5 + 2*t^-3 + 2*t^3 + 2*t^15 + t^21 + t^27 + t^29 + 2*t^31 + t^33 + 2*t^39 + 2*t^49 + 2*t^55 + 2*t^65 + 2*t^69 + t^73 + t^75 + 2*t^83 + t^87 + t^93 + 2*t^97 + 2*t^101 + 2*t^103 + t^105 + 2*t^109 + t^111 + t^117 + t^123 + 2*t^131 + 2*t^133 + 2*t^135 + 2*t^137 + t^139 + 2*t^141 + 2*t^145 + 2*t^147 + t^151 + t^153 + 2*t^157 + 2*t^165 + 2*t^167 + 2*t^171 + t^173 + 2*t^177 + t^181 + t^185 + t^189 + 2*t^195 + 2*t^201 + t^205 + t^207 + t^209 + t^213 + t^219 + 2*t^225 + t^229 + 2*t^231 + t^239 + t^241 + 2*t^243 + t^245 + t^247 + t^249 + 2*t^253 + 2*t^259 + t^263 + 2*t^265 + 2*t^267 + 2*t^269 + t^273 + t^275 + t^281 + 2*t^283 + t^285 + t^289 + 2*t^291 + t^297 + 2*t^299 + 2*t^301 + t^303 + t^307 + t^313 + 2*t^315 + t^319 + t^321 + 2*t^335 + t^337 + t^345 + 2*t^347 + t^349 + t^353 + t^355 + 2*t^357 + 2*t^361 + 2*t^363 + t^367 + 2*t^369 + 2*t^371 + t^373 + 2*t^375 + t^377 + 2*t^379 + t^381 + t^383 + t^389 + 2*t^391 + 2*t^393 + t^397 + t^401 + t^405 + 2*t^407 + 2*t^409 + t^411 + 2*t^421 + t^423 + t^433 + t^435 + t^441 + 2*t^443 + t^445 + 2*t^453 + 2*t^455 + 2*t^457 + t^459 + t^463 + 2*t^469 + 2*t^471 + t^475 + t^477 + t^481 + t^485 + t^487 + 2*t^491 + 2*t^495 + 2*t^497 + t^499 + 2*t^501 + t^507 + 2*t^511 + 2*t^515 + 2*t^517 + 2*t^523 + t^531 + 2*t^533 + t^539 + 2*t^541 + t^543 + 2*t^545 + 2*t^547 + t^551 + t^553 + 2*t^555 + 2*t^559 + t^565 + t^567 + 2*t^569 + 2*t^577 + 2*t^581 + 2*t^589 + 2*t^591 + t^595 + 2*t^597 + 2*t^599 + 2*t^603 + t^607 + t^615 + t^617 + t^619 + 2*t^623 + 2*t^625 + t^627 + 2*t^633 + t^639 + t^643 + t^645 + 2*t^647 + t^655 + 2*t^657 + 2*t^659 + 2*t^663 + t^667 + 2*t^671 + 2*t^675 + 2*t^677 + t^679 + 2*t^681 + 2*t^683 + 2*t^685 + t^689 + 2*t^693 + t^695 + 2*t^697 + 2*t^699 + 2*t^701 + t^705 + t^709 + 2*t^711 + t^713 + t^715 + 2*t^721 + t^725 + t^729 + 2*t^733 + t^735 + t^743 + 2*t^749 + 2*t^753 + 2*t^755 + 2*t^759 + t^765 + 2*t^767 + 2*t^769 + t^771 + t^775 + t^779 + t^781 + t^783 + t^785 + t^789 + t^791 + t^793 + t^795 + 2*t^801 + t^805 + 2*t^811 + 2*t^815 + 2*t^817 + 2*t^819 + t^821 + t^823 + t^829 + 2*t^835 + 2*t^837 + t^839 + 2*t^845 + 2*t^849 + 2*t^851 + t^853 + t^855 + t^859 + 2*t^861 + t^863 + t^867 + 2*t^869 + t^875 + t^879 + O(t^883)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lzmag[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l,[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lmag[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lg[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.expansion_at_infty()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lnsion_at_infty[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: zmag.expansion_at_infty()
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7ht^-118 + t^-114 + t^-112 + 2*t^-108 + t^-106 + 2*t^-102 + t^-96 + t^-94 + 2*t^-90 + t^-88 + 2*t^-86 + 2*t^-78 + t^-76 + 2*t^-74 + 2*t^-72 + t^-68 + 2*t^-66 + t^-62 + 2*t^-60 + t^-58 + 2*t^-56 + 2*t^-54 + t^-52 + t^-50 + t^-40 + 2*t^-38 + t^-36 + 2*t^-34 + t^-32 + 2*t^-28 + t^-26 + t^-24 + 2*t^-20 + t^-18 + t^-12 + t^-6 + 2*t^-4 + 2*t^-2 + 1 + t^2 + t^4 + 2*t^8 + t^10 + t^14 + 2*t^16 + t^18 + 2*t^22 + t^30 + 2*t^32 + t^36 + t^38 + t^40 + 2*t^46 + t^48 + t^50 + t^52 + t^54 + 2*t^56 + t^58 + t^60 + t^62 + 2*t^66 + t^68 + 2*t^70 + 2*t^76 + t^78 + 2*t^80 + 2*t^88 + 2*t^92 + 2*t^94 + t^96 + t^98 + 2*t^100 + 2*t^102 + 2*t^104 + t^106 + t^108 + 2*t^110 + 2*t^112 + 2*t^114 + t^118 + 2*t^120 + t^122 + 2*t^126 + t^132 + 2*t^136 + 2*t^138 + t^140 + t^142 + t^146 + 2*t^150 + 2*t^152 + t^154 + t^156 + 2*t^168 + t^170 + t^174 + t^178 + 2*t^180 + 2*t^184 + 2*t^188 + 2*t^192 + t^198 + t^200 + t^204 + t^206 + 2*t^208 + 2*t^210 + 2*t^212 + 2*t^214 + 2*t^218 + t^220 + t^222 + 2*t^226 + 2*t^232 + 2*t^236 + t^242 + 2*t^244 + t^246 + 2*t^250 + 2*t^252 + t^254 + t^256 + 2*t^260 + 2*t^262 + 2*t^266 + 2*t^270 + 2*t^272 + 2*t^274 + t^276 + 2*t^286 + t^288 + t^290 + t^294 + 2*t^302 + 2*t^306 + 2*t^312 + t^314 + t^316 + 2*t^318 + t^320 + t^322 + t^324 + t^326 + 2*t^328 + 2*t^332 + t^334 + 2*t^338 + 2*t^340 + t^342 + t^344 + t^346 + 2*t^350 + 2*t^354 + 2*t^360 + t^362 + t^364 + t^366 + t^368 + t^372 + 2*t^374 + t^378 + 2*t^380 + 2*t^382 + t^384 + 2*t^386 + t^388 + 2*t^392 + 2*t^396 + 2*t^398 + 2*t^404 + t^406 + t^408 + 2*t^410 + t^412 + 2*t^416 + t^418 + t^424 + t^426 + t^428 + t^430 + 2*t^434 + t^440 + t^448 + 2*t^460 + t^462 + 2*t^464 + 2*t^466 + t^468 + t^474 + 2*t^478 + t^486 + 2*t^490 + t^492 + 2*t^494 + 2*t^496 + 2*t^498 + 2*t^502 + t^504 + t^506 + 2*t^508 + t^510 + 2*t^512 + 2*t^514 + t^516 + t^518 + t^524 + 2*t^526 + 2*t^528 + 2*t^530 + t^532 + t^534 + 2*t^540 + t^542 + 2*t^544 + t^546 + t^548 + t^550 + 2*t^552 + 2*t^554 + t^558 + t^560 + 2*t^562 + 2*t^564 + t^566 + 2*t^572 + 2*t^574 + 2*t^576 + 2*t^582 + 2*t^584 + t^586 + 2*t^588 + t^590 + 2*t^592 + 2*t^594 + 2*t^596 + t^600 + 2*t^602 + 2*t^606 + 2*t^608 + t^612 + t^616 + t^618 + t^624 + 2*t^632 + 2*t^634 + t^638 + 2*t^640 + 2*t^646 + t^652 + t^654 + t^656 + t^658 + 2*t^660 + 2*t^662 + t^668 + t^678 + 2*t^688 + 2*t^690 + t^692 + 2*t^694 + 2*t^696 + t^698 + 2*t^700 + 2*t^702 + t^704 + 2*t^708 + 2*t^710 + 2*t^714 + t^716 + 2*t^722 + t^728 + 2*t^732 + 2*t^736 + 2*t^738 + t^740 + t^742 + 2*t^754 + t^756 + t^758 + t^760 + t^762 + 2*t^764 + 2*t^766 + t^770 + t^772 + 2*t^778 + 2*t^786 + 2*t^790 + 2*t^792 + 2*t^798 + t^800 + O(t^802)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.holomorphic_differentials_basis()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.holomorphic_differentials_basis()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.holomorphic_differentials_basis()
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7h[(1) * dx,
(z2) * dx,
(z2^2) * dx,
(z1) * dx,
(z1*z2) * dx,
(x^2*z1^2 + x^3*z2 + z1*z2^2) * dx,
(z1^2) * dx,
(x^3*z0^2 + x^2*z0*z2 + z1^2*z2) * dx,
(x^6 + x^4*z0*z1 + x^2*z0^2*z1^2 + x^3*z0^2*z2 + x^3*z1*z2 + x*z0*z1^2*z2 + x^2*z0*z2^2 + z0^2*z1*z2^2 + z1^2*z2^2) * dx,
(z0) * dx,
(z0*z2) * dx,
(-x^2*z0*z1 + z0*z2^2) * dx,
(z0*z1) * dx,
(-x^3*z0 + z0*z1*z2) * dx,
(x^4*z0^2 - x^4*z1 - x^2*z0*z1^2 - x*z0^2*z1*z2 + x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 + x^2*z2^2 + z0*z1*z2^2) * dx,
(z0*z1^2) * dx,
(-x^5 - x^3*z0*z1 - x*z0^2*z1^2 + x^2*z0^2*z2 + x^2*z1*z2 + z0*z1^2*z2) * dx,
(z0^2) * dx,
(z0^2*z2) * dx,
(-x^2*z0^2*z1 - x^2*z1^2 + x^3*z2 + z0^2*z2^2) * dx,
(z0^2*z1) * dx,
(x^3*z1 + x^2*z0*z2 + z0^2*z1*z2) * dx,
(x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + z0^2*z1^2) * dx,
(x^3*z0^2*z1 - x^3*z0^2 - x^3*z1^2 - x^4*z2 + z0^2*z1^2*z2 + x*z0^2*z2^2 - x^3*z1 - x^2*z0*z2 - x*z1*z2^2) * dx,
(x) * dx,
(x*z2) * dx,
(-x^3*z0^2 + x^3*z1 - x^2*z0*z2 + x*z2^2) * dx,
(x*z1) * dx,
(-x^4 + x*z1*z2) * dx,
(-x^3*z0 + x*z1^2) * dx,
(x^4*z0^2 + x^2*z0*z1^2 - x^3*z0*z2 - x*z0^2*z1*z2 + x^4 - x^2*z0*z1 + x*z1^2*z2 - x^2*z2^2) * dx,
(x*z0) * dx,
(x*z0*z2) * dx,
(x^5 - x^3*z0*z1 + x*z0^2*z1^2 - x^2*z0^2*z2 - x^2*z1*z2 + x*z0*z2^2) * dx,
(x*z0*z1) * dx,
(-x^4*z0 + x^2*z1^2 - x^3*z2 + x*z0*z1*z2) * dx,
(-x^3*z0^2 - x^3*z1 + x*z0*z1^2 + x^2*z0*z2) * dx,
(x*z0^2) * dx,
(x^4 + x^2*z0*z1 + x*z0^2*z2) * dx,
(-x^3*z0 + x*z0^2*z1) * dx,
(x^2) * dx,
(-x^3*z0 + x^2*z2) * dx,
(x^2*z1) * dx,
(x^2*z0) * dx,
(x^2*z0^2) * dx,
(x^3) * dx]
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.holomorphic_differentials_basis()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lzmag.expansionat_infty()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lw.expansion_atinfty()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lzmag[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7llod('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lzmg[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7llod('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^3-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 3 with the equations:
z0^3 - z0 = x^2
z1^3 - z1 = x^4
z2^3 - z2 = x^5
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^3-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 3 with the equations:
z0^3 - z0 = x^2
z1^3 - z1 = x^4
z2^3 - z2 = x^5
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lw.expansion_at_infty().valuation() - zmag.expansion_at_infty().valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: w.expansion_at_infty().valuation() - zmag.expansion_at_infty().valuation()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lw.expansion_at_infty().valuation() - zmag.expansion_at_infty().valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.holomorphic_differentials_basis()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load('draft.sage')
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l(Z/p)^3-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 3 with the equations:
z0^3 - z0 = x^2
z1^3 - z1 = x^4
z2^3 - z2 = x^5
27 1
27 1
+Infinity 1
+Infinity 1
+Infinity 1
+Infinity 1
+Infinity 1
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage$ ]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage$ sqaage
│ SageMath version 9.7, Release Date: 2022-09-19 │
│ Using Python 3.10.5. Type "help()" for help. │
]0;IPython: DeRhamComputation/sage[?2004h[?1l[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload('draft.sage')[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ld[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l"[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ls[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lg[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l"[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[1, -z0^2 + z1, z0, x]
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l8 False
14 False
16 False
17 False
20 False
22 False
23 False
25 False
26 False
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
KeyboardInterrupt Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [6], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:18, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:18, in <module>
File <string>:176, in at_most_poles(self, pole_order, threshold)
File <string>:190, in holomorphic_combinations_fcts(S, pole_order)
File src/cysignals/signals.pyx:310, in cysignals.signals.python_check_interrupt()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l1 [1]
2 [1]
3 [1]
4 [1]
5 [1]
6 [1, z0]
7 [1, z0]
8 [1, -z0^2 + z1, z0]
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.holomorphic_differentials_basis()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ljumps[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lm[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ls[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.jumps
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7h[[2, 8]]
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.jumps[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lno 12 -th root; divide by 3
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [9], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:18, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:12, in <module>
File <string>:44, in __init__(self, C, list_of_fcts, prec)
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 4, got 2)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lno 8 -th root; divide by 2
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [10], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:18, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:12, in <module>
File <string>:44, in __init__(self, C, list_of_fcts, prec)
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 4, got 2)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lno 22 -th root; divide by 2
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [11], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:18, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:12, in <module>
File <string>:44, in __init__(self, C, list_of_fcts, prec)
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 4, got 2)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l1 [1]
2 [1]
3 [1]
4 [1]
5 [1]
6 [1]
7 [1]
8 [1]
9 [1]
10 [1, z0]
11 [1, z0]
12 [1, z0]
13 [1, z0]
14 [1, z0]
15 [1, z1, z0]
16 [1, z1, z0]
17 [1, z1, z0, z0*z1 - x]
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.jumps[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lj[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lm[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ls[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.jumps
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7h[[2, 7]]
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.jumps[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ld[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lf[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lf[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lexponent_of_different_prim() - (p^2 - 1)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lponent_of_different_prim() - (p^2 - 1)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l() - (p^2 - 1)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.exponent_of_different_prim()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l6[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l8[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l%[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l9[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 68%p
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l68%p[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l8[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l%[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l^[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l2[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 68%p^2
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l68%p^2[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.exponent_of_different_prim()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ljumps[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l1 [1]
2 [1]
3 [1]
4 [1]
5 [1]
6 [1, z0]
7 [1, z0]
8 [1, -z0^2 + z1, z0]
8 1 8
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l1 [1]
2 [1]
3 [1]
4 [1]
5 [1]
6 [1, z0]
7 [1, z0]
8 [1, -z0^2 + z1, z0]
8 1 1
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l1 [1]
2 [1]
3 [1]
4 [1]
5 [1]
6 [1]
7 [1]
8 [1]
9 [1, x]
10 [1, x]
11 [1, x]
12 [1, z1, x]
13 [1, z1, -x*z1 + z0, x]
13 5 5
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l68%p^2[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l1 [1]
2 [1]
3 [1]
4 [1]
5 [1]
6 [1]
7 [1]
8 [1]
9 [1]
10 [1]
11 [1]
12 [1]
13 [1]
14 [1]
15 [1]
16 [1]
17 [1]
18 [1, z2]
19 [1, z2]
20 [1, z2]
21 [1, z2]
22 [1, z2]
23 [1, z2]
24 [1, z2, z2^2 - z1]
25 [1, z2, z2^2 - z1]
26 [1, z2, z2^2 - z1]
27 [1, z2, z2^2 - z1, x]
28 [1, z2, z2^2 - z1, x]
29 [1, z2, z2^2 - z1, x]
30 [1, z2, z2^2 - z1, x]
31 [1, z2, z2^2 - z1, x]
32 [1, z2, z2^2 - z1, x]
33 [1, z2, z2^2 - z1, x]
34 [1, z2, z2^2 - z1, x]
35 [1, z2, z2^2 - z1, x]
36 [1, z2, z2^2, z1, x]
37 [1, z2, z2^2, z1, x]
38 [1, z2, z2^2, z1, x]
39 [1, z2, z2^2, z1, -x*z1 + z0, x]
40 [1, z2, z2^2, z1, -x*z1 + z0, x]
41 [1, z2, z2^2, z1, -x*z1 + z0, x]
42 [1, z2, z2^2, z1, -x^2 + z1*z2, -x*z1 + z0, x]
43 [1, z2, z2^2, z1, -x^2 + z1*z2, -x*z1 + z0, x]
44 [1, z2, z2^2, z1, -x^2 + z1*z2, -x*z1 + z0, x]
45 [1, z2, z2^2, z1, -x^2 + z1*z2, -x*z1 + z0, x, x*z2]
46 [1, z2, z2^2, z1, -x^2 + z1*z2, -x*z1 + z0, x, x*z2]
47 [1, z2, z2^2, z1, -x^2 + z1*z2, -x*z1 + z0, x, x*z2]
48 [1, z2, z2^2, z1, -x^2 + z1*z2, x^2*z2 + z1*z2^2 + z1^2, -x*z1 + z0, x, x*z2]
49 [1, z2, z2^2, z1, -x^2 + z1*z2, x^2*z2 + z1*z2^2 + z1^2, -x*z1 + z0, x, x*z2]
50 [1, z2, z2^2, z1, -x^2 + z1*z2, x^2*z2 + z1*z2^2 + z1^2, -x*z1 + z0, x, x*z2]
51 [1, z2, z2^2, z1, -x^2 + z1*z2, x^2*z2 + z1*z2^2 + z1^2, -x*z1 + z0, x, x*z2, x*z2^2 - x*z1]
52 [1, z2, z2^2, z1, -x^2 + z1*z2, x^2*z2 + z1*z2^2 + z1^2, -x*z1 + z0, x, x*z2, x*z2^2 - x*z1]
53 [1, z2, z2^2, z1, -x^2 + z1*z2, x^2*z2 + z1*z2^2 + z1^2, -x*z1 + z0, x, x*z2, x*z2^2 - x*z1]
54 [1, z2, z2^2, z1, z1*z2, x^2*z2 + z1*z2^2 + z1^2, -x*z1 + z0, x, x*z2, x*z2^2 - x*z1, x^2]
55 [1, z2, z2^2, z1, z1*z2, x^2*z2 + z1*z2^2 + z1^2, -x*z1 + z0, x, x*z2, x*z2^2 - x*z1, x^2]
56 [1, z2, z2^2, z1, z1*z2, x^2*z2 + z1*z2^2 + z1^2, -x*z1 + z0, x, x*z2, x*z2^2 - x*z1, x^2]
57 [1, z2, z2^2, z1, z1*z2, x^2*z2 + z1*z2^2 + z1^2, -x*z1 + z0, -x*z1*z2 + z0*z2, x, x*z2, x*z2^2 - x*z1, x^2]
58 [1, z2, z2^2, z1, z1*z2, x^2*z2 + z1*z2^2 + z1^2, -x*z1 + z0, -x*z1*z2 + z0*z2, x, x*z2, x*z2^2 - x*z1, x^2]
59 [1, z2, z2^2, z1, z1*z2, x^2*z2 + z1*z2^2 + z1^2, -x*z1 + z0, -x*z1*z2 + z0*z2, -x*z1*z2^2 + x*z1^2 + z0*z2^2 - x*z1 - z0*z1, x, x*z2, x*z2^2 - x*z1, x^2]
59 22 19
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.exponent_of_different_prim()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l_[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.at_most_poles
 <unknown> [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l

[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l3[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l8[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l,[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lh[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lr[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ls[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lh[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ll[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ld[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l=[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l3[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l0[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.at_most_poles(38, threshold = 30)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.at_most_poles(38, threshold = 30)
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7h[1, z2, z2^2, z1, x]
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.at_most_poles(38, threshold = 30)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l0)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l50)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.at_most_poles(38, threshold = 50)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.at_most_poles(38, threshold = 50)
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7h[1, z2, z2^2, z1, x]
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.at_most_poles(38, threshold = 50)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ljumps[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lm[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ls[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.jumps[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.jumps
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7h[[7, 4, 2]]
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.jumps[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lat_most_poles(38, threshold = 50)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l0)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l10)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l0)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.at_most_poles(38, threshold = 100)
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7h[1, z2, z2^2, z1, x]
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.at_most_poles(38, threshold = 100)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l, threshold = 10)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l, threshold = 10)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l5, threshold = 10)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l9, threshold = 10)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.at_most_poles(59, threshold = 100)
x^2*z2 + z1*z2^2 + z1^2,
-x*z1 + z0,
-x*z1*z2 + z0*z2,
-x*z1*z2^2 + x*z1^2 + z0*z2^2 - x*z1 - z0*z1,
x*z2^2 - x*z1,
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7len(lll)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7llen[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS1.at_most_poles_forms(1))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(1.at_most_poles_forms(1))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(())[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(1))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(1))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(1))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(1))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(1))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(1))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l5))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l9))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l,))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l ))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lh))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lr))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ls))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lh))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ll))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ld))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l ))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l-))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l=))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l ))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l=))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l ))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l1))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l0))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l0))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: len(AS1.at_most_poles(59, threshold = 100))
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [26], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 len(AS1.at_most_poles(Integer(59), threshold = Integer(100)))
NameError: name 'AS1' is not defined
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7llen(AS1.at_most_poles(59, threshold = 100))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(())[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.at_most_poles(59, threshold = 10)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: len(AS.at_most_poles(59, threshold = 100))
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.at_most_poles(59, threshold = 100)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lgenus()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ls[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.genus()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?7h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?7h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.genus()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7llen(AS.at_most_poles(59, threshold = 100))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l1.at_most_poles(59, threshold = 10))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.at_mosples(59, threshold = 100)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l38[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ljumps[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lat_most_poles(38, threshold = 50)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l3[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h------------------------------------------------------------------------
Quit (core dumped)
]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage$ Attaching gdb to process id 598.
]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage$ sage
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[New LWP 669]
[New LWP 2062]
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/".
0x00007f7875b6ac7f in __GI___wait4 (pid=2072, stat_loc=stat_loc@entry=0x0,
options=options@entry=0, usage=usage@entry=0x0)
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/wait4.c:27
Stack backtrace
options=options@entry=0, usage=usage@entry=0x0)
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/wait4.c:27
resultvar = 18446744073709551104
sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
sc_ret = <optimized out>
#1 0x00007f7875b6abfb in __GI___waitpid (pid=<optimized out>,
stat_loc=stat_loc@entry=0x0, options=options@entry=0) at waitpid.c:38
No locals.
#2 0x00007f787543af04 in print_enhanced_backtrace ()
at build/src/cysignals/implementation.c:586
parent_pid = 598
pid = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f787543b046 in sigdie (sig=sig@entry=3, s=s@entry=0x0)
at build/src/cysignals/implementation.c:612
No locals.
#4 0x00007f787543d322 in sigdie_for_sig (inside=<optimized out>, sig=3)
at build/src/cysignals/implementation.c:167
No locals.
#5 cysigs_signal_handler (sig=3) at build/src/cysignals/implementation.c:278
inside = <optimized out>
#6 <signal handler called>
No locals.
#7 0x00007f7875acb3db in kill () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:78
No locals.
#8 0x00007f7875ea472a in os_kill_impl (module=<optimized out>, signal=3,
pid=0) at ./Modules/posixmodule.c:7926
No locals.
#9 os_kill (module=<optimized out>, args=<optimized out>,
nargs=<optimized out>) at ./Modules/clinic/posixmodule.c.h:3580
return_value = 0x0
pid = 0
signal = 3
#10 0x00007f7875db7a83 in cfunction_vectorcall_FASTCALL (func=0x7f7875901350,
args=0x55fbd5cca590, nargsf=<optimized out>, kwnames=<optimized out>)
at Objects/methodobject.c:430
tstate = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
meth = <optimized out>
result = <optimized out>
#11 0x00007f7875d2978c in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate (kwnames=0x0,
nargsf=<optimized out>, args=0x55fbd5cca590, callable=0x7f7875901350,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
#12 PyObject_Vectorcall (kwnames=0x0, nargsf=<optimized out>,
args=0x55fbd5cca590, callable=0x7f7875901350)
at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
tstate = 0x55fbd2484740
tstate = <optimized out>
#13 call_function (kwnames=0x0, oparg=<optimized out>,
pp_stack=<synthetic pointer>, trace_info=0x7fff27be7440,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at Python/ceval.c:5869
func = 0x7f7875901350
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = 0
nargs = <optimized out>
pfunc = 0x55fbd5cca588
x = <optimized out>
stack = 0x55fbd5cca590
pfunc = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
x = <optimized out>
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
stack = <optimized out>
#14 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (tstate=<optimized out>, f=<optimized out>,
throwflag=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:4181
sp = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
meth = <optimized out>
__func__ = "_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault"
opcode_targets = {0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25929 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15609>,
0x7f7875d26b93 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20323>,
0x7f7875d26d63 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20787>,
0x7f7875d26f76 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21318>,
0x7f7875d26ec2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21138>,
0x7f7875d26f1a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21226>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20515>,
0x7f7875d25ad8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16040>,
0x7f7875d2481f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11247>,
0x7f7875d2479f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11119>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2472e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11006>,
0x7f7875d26426 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18422>,
0x7f7875d244d5 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10405>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d24441 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10257>,
0x7f7875d26977 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19783>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25886 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15446>,
0x7f7875d25e03 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16851>,
0x7f7875d257f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15302>,
0x7f7875d24233 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9731>,
0x7f7875d241a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9590>,
0x7f7875d24119 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9449>,
0x7f7875d2408c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9308>,
0x7f7875d26399 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18281>,
0x7f7875d26328 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18168>,
0x7f7875d26db7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20871>,
0x7f7875d26bdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20399>,
0x7f7875d264b3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18563>,
0x7f7875d22737 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2823>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 14 times>,
0x7f7875d22648 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2584>,
0x7f7875d260dd <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17581>,
0x7f7875d26207 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17879>,
0x7f7875d251f4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13764>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d253a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14198>,
0x7f7875d25303 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14035>,
0x7f7875d23823 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7155>,
0x7f7875d23796 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7014>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25d04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16596>,
0x7f7875d25c60 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16432>,
0x7f7875d2663e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18958>,
0x7f7875d25bd3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16291>,
0x7f7875d24b6a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12090>,
0x7f7875d24add <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11949>,
0x7f7875d24a50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11808>,
0x7f7875d249c3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11667>,
0x7f7875d266c4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19092>,
0x7f7875d262b7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18055>,
0x7f7875d25666 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14902>,
0x7f7875d2556d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14653>,
0x7f7875d23e47 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8727>,
0x7f7875d23d09 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8409>,
0x7f7875d23c84 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8276>,
0x7f7875d26e6e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21054>,
0x7f7875d23bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8135>,
0x7f7875d26aff <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20175>,
0x7f7875d268ea <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19642>,
0x7f7875d26a72 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20034>,
0x7f7875d259e4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15796>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26a04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19924>,
0x7f7875d26ce7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20663>,
0x7f7875d26758 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19240>,
0x7f7875d25023 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13299>,
0x7f7875d24fb6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13190>,
0x7f7875d26009 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17369>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25f53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17187>,
0x7f7875d2604d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17437>,
0x7f7875d23665 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6709>,
0x7f7875d25ea6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17014>,
0x7f7875d25d91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16737>,
0x7f7875d24f26 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13046>,
0x7f7875d24e8e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12894>,
0x7f7875d243c1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10129>,
0x7f7875d2433c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9996>,
0x7f7875d2597f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15695>,
0x7f7875d242c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9872>,
0x7f7875d28f27 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+29431>,
0x7f7875d25b49 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16153>,
0x7f7875d254de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14510>,
0x7f7875d24931 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11521>,
0x7f7875d24890 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11360>,
0x7f7875d23b58 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7976>,
0x7f7875d23a36 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7686>,
0x7f7875d25450 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14368>,
0x7f7875d238b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7296>,
0x7f7875d24cdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12463>,
0x7f7875d26e2b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20987>,
0x7f7875d24c55 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12325>,
0x7f7875d25772 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15170>,
0x7f7875d24bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12231>,
0x7f7875d23ff8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9160>,
0x7f7875d23f5e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9006>,
0x7f7875d256f1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15041>,
0x7f7875d23ed4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8868>,
0x7f7875d245fb <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10699>,
0x7f7875d245bc <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10636>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2512c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13564>,
0x7f7875d24562 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10546>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25a71 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15937>,
0x7f7875d250bf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13455>,
0x7f7875d23729 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6905>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d236d3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6819>,
0x7f7875d2309e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5230>,
0x7f7875d22ee4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4788>,
0x7f7875d22df2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4546>,
0x7f7875d22d2e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4350>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20577>,
0x7f7875d235fa <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6602>,
0x7f7875d2346a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6202>,
0x7f7875d2358b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6491>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22c8d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4189>,
0x7f7875d232c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5776>,
0x7f7875d23160 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5424>,
0x7f7875d2356b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6459>,
0x7f7875d230e1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5297>,
0x7f7875d22aa2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3698>,
0x7f7875d22a0c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3548>,
0x7f7875d234d9 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6313>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d228f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3270>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d23031 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5121>,
0x7f7875d22f50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4896>,
0x7f7875d22bc0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3984>,
0x7f7875d22b21 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3825>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22863 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3123>,
0x7f7875d227de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2990>,
0x7f7875d246b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10880>,
0x7f7875d26188 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17752>,
0x7f7875d24e0f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12767>,
0x7f7875d225d8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2472>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 90 times>}
stack_pointer = <optimized out>
next_instr = <optimized out>
opcode = <optimized out>
oparg = <optimized out>
fastlocals = <optimized out>
freevars = <optimized out>
retval = 0x0
eval_breaker = <optimized out>
co = <optimized out>
first_instr = <optimized out>
names = <optimized out>
consts = <optimized out>
co_opcache = <optimized out>
trace_info = {code = 0x0, bounds = {ar_start = 501061072,
ar_end = 32632, ar_line = 1979641056, opaque = {
computed_line = 1977877688,
lo_next = 0x7f <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x7f>,
limit = 0x55fbd5cca410 "\001"}}, cframe = {use_tracing = 0,
previous = 0x7fff27be7630}}
prev_cframe = <optimized out>
#15 0x00007f7875e40ef8 in _PyEval_EvalFrame (throwflag=0, f=0x55fbd5cca410,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
No locals.
#16 _PyEval_Vector (tstate=0x55fbd2484740, con=0x7f781ecd8440,
locals=<optimized out>, args=<optimized out>, argcount=<optimized out>,
kwnames=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:5065
f = 0x55fbd5cca410
retval = <optimized out>
#17 0x00007f7875d2978c in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate (kwnames=0x0,
nargsf=<optimized out>, args=0x7f781ddd95d0, callable=0x7f781ecd8430,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
#18 PyObject_Vectorcall (kwnames=0x0, nargsf=<optimized out>,
args=0x7f781ddd95d0, callable=0x7f781ecd8430)
at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
tstate = 0x55fbd2484740
tstate = <optimized out>
#19 call_function (kwnames=0x0, oparg=<optimized out>,
pp_stack=<synthetic pointer>, trace_info=0x7fff27be7600,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at Python/ceval.c:5869
func = 0x7f781ecd8430
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = 0
nargs = <optimized out>
pfunc = 0x7f781ddd95c8
x = <optimized out>
stack = 0x7f781ddd95d0
pfunc = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
x = <optimized out>
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
stack = <optimized out>
#20 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (tstate=<optimized out>, f=<optimized out>,
throwflag=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:4181
sp = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
meth = <optimized out>
__func__ = "_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault"
opcode_targets = {0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25929 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15609>,
0x7f7875d26b93 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20323>,
0x7f7875d26d63 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20787>,
0x7f7875d26f76 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21318>,
0x7f7875d26ec2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21138>,
0x7f7875d26f1a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21226>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20515>,
0x7f7875d25ad8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16040>,
0x7f7875d2481f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11247>,
0x7f7875d2479f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11119>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2472e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11006>,
0x7f7875d26426 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18422>,
0x7f7875d244d5 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10405>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d24441 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10257>,
0x7f7875d26977 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19783>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25886 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15446>,
0x7f7875d25e03 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16851>,
0x7f7875d257f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15302>,
0x7f7875d24233 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9731>,
0x7f7875d241a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9590>,
0x7f7875d24119 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9449>,
0x7f7875d2408c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9308>,
0x7f7875d26399 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18281>,
0x7f7875d26328 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18168>,
0x7f7875d26db7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20871>,
0x7f7875d26bdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20399>,
0x7f7875d264b3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18563>,
0x7f7875d22737 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2823>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 14 times>,
0x7f7875d22648 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2584>,
0x7f7875d260dd <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17581>,
0x7f7875d26207 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17879>,
0x7f7875d251f4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13764>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d253a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14198>,
0x7f7875d25303 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14035>,
0x7f7875d23823 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7155>,
0x7f7875d23796 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7014>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25d04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16596>,
0x7f7875d25c60 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16432>,
0x7f7875d2663e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18958>,
0x7f7875d25bd3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16291>,
0x7f7875d24b6a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12090>,
0x7f7875d24add <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11949>,
0x7f7875d24a50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11808>,
0x7f7875d249c3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11667>,
0x7f7875d266c4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19092>,
0x7f7875d262b7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18055>,
0x7f7875d25666 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14902>,
0x7f7875d2556d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14653>,
0x7f7875d23e47 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8727>,
0x7f7875d23d09 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8409>,
0x7f7875d23c84 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8276>,
0x7f7875d26e6e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21054>,
0x7f7875d23bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8135>,
0x7f7875d26aff <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20175>,
0x7f7875d268ea <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19642>,
0x7f7875d26a72 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20034>,
0x7f7875d259e4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15796>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26a04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19924>,
0x7f7875d26ce7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20663>,
0x7f7875d26758 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19240>,
0x7f7875d25023 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13299>,
0x7f7875d24fb6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13190>,
0x7f7875d26009 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17369>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25f53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17187>,
0x7f7875d2604d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17437>,
0x7f7875d23665 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6709>,
0x7f7875d25ea6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17014>,
0x7f7875d25d91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16737>,
0x7f7875d24f26 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13046>,
0x7f7875d24e8e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12894>,
0x7f7875d243c1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10129>,
0x7f7875d2433c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9996>,
0x7f7875d2597f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15695>,
0x7f7875d242c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9872>,
0x7f7875d28f27 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+29431>,
0x7f7875d25b49 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16153>,
0x7f7875d254de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14510>,
0x7f7875d24931 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11521>,
0x7f7875d24890 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11360>,
0x7f7875d23b58 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7976>,
0x7f7875d23a36 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7686>,
0x7f7875d25450 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14368>,
0x7f7875d238b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7296>,
0x7f7875d24cdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12463>,
0x7f7875d26e2b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20987>,
0x7f7875d24c55 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12325>,
0x7f7875d25772 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15170>,
0x7f7875d24bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12231>,
0x7f7875d23ff8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9160>,
0x7f7875d23f5e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9006>,
0x7f7875d256f1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15041>,
0x7f7875d23ed4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8868>,
0x7f7875d245fb <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10699>,
0x7f7875d245bc <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10636>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2512c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13564>,
0x7f7875d24562 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10546>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25a71 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15937>,
0x7f7875d250bf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13455>,
0x7f7875d23729 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6905>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d236d3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6819>,
0x7f7875d2309e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5230>,
0x7f7875d22ee4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4788>,
0x7f7875d22df2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4546>,
0x7f7875d22d2e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4350>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20577>,
0x7f7875d235fa <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6602>,
0x7f7875d2346a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6202>,
0x7f7875d2358b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6491>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22c8d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4189>,
0x7f7875d232c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5776>,
0x7f7875d23160 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5424>,
0x7f7875d2356b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6459>,
0x7f7875d230e1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5297>,
0x7f7875d22aa2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3698>,
0x7f7875d22a0c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3548>,
0x7f7875d234d9 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6313>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d228f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3270>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d23031 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5121>,
0x7f7875d22f50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4896>,
0x7f7875d22bc0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3984>,
0x7f7875d22b21 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3825>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22863 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3123>,
0x7f7875d227de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2990>,
0x7f7875d246b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10880>,
0x7f7875d26188 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17752>,
0x7f7875d24e0f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12767>,
0x7f7875d225d8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2472>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 90 times>}
stack_pointer = <optimized out>
next_instr = <optimized out>
opcode = <optimized out>
oparg = <optimized out>
fastlocals = <optimized out>
freevars = <optimized out>
retval = 0x0
eval_breaker = <optimized out>
co = <optimized out>
first_instr = <optimized out>
names = <optimized out>
consts = <optimized out>
co_opcache = <optimized out>
trace_info = {code = 0x0, bounds = {ar_start = 1977075444,
ar_end = 32632, ar_line = 491736416, opaque = {
computed_line = 1977879156, lo_next = 0x0,
limit = 0x7f781ddd9430 "\002"}}, cframe = {use_tracing = 0,
previous = 0x7fff27be77f0}}
prev_cframe = <optimized out>
#21 0x00007f7875e40ef8 in _PyEval_EvalFrame (throwflag=0, f=0x7f781ddd9430,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
No locals.
#22 _PyEval_Vector (tstate=0x55fbd2484740, con=0x7f781f249130,
locals=<optimized out>, args=<optimized out>, argcount=<optimized out>,
kwnames=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:5065
f = 0x7f781ddd9430
retval = <optimized out>
#23 0x00007f7875d283c1 in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate (kwnames=0x0,
nargsf=<optimized out>, args=0x55fbd58edc48, callable=0x7f781f249120,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
#24 PyObject_Vectorcall (kwnames=0x0, nargsf=<optimized out>,
args=0x55fbd58edc48, callable=0x7f781f249120)
at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
tstate = 0x55fbd2484740
tstate = <optimized out>
#25 call_function (kwnames=0x0, oparg=<optimized out>,
pp_stack=<synthetic pointer>, trace_info=0x7fff27be77c0,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at Python/ceval.c:5869
func = 0x7f781f249120
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = 0
nargs = <optimized out>
pfunc = 0x55fbd58edc40
x = <optimized out>
stack = 0x55fbd58edc48
pfunc = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
x = <optimized out>
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
stack = <optimized out>
#26 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (tstate=<optimized out>, f=<optimized out>,
throwflag=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:4198
sp = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
meth = <optimized out>
__func__ = "_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault"
opcode_targets = {0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25929 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15609>,
0x7f7875d26b93 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20323>,
0x7f7875d26d63 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20787>,
0x7f7875d26f76 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21318>,
0x7f7875d26ec2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21138>,
0x7f7875d26f1a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21226>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20515>,
0x7f7875d25ad8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16040>,
0x7f7875d2481f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11247>,
0x7f7875d2479f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11119>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2472e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11006>,
0x7f7875d26426 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18422>,
0x7f7875d244d5 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10405>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d24441 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10257>,
0x7f7875d26977 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19783>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25886 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15446>,
0x7f7875d25e03 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16851>,
0x7f7875d257f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15302>,
0x7f7875d24233 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9731>,
0x7f7875d241a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9590>,
0x7f7875d24119 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9449>,
0x7f7875d2408c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9308>,
0x7f7875d26399 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18281>,
0x7f7875d26328 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18168>,
0x7f7875d26db7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20871>,
0x7f7875d26bdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20399>,
0x7f7875d264b3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18563>,
0x7f7875d22737 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2823>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 14 times>,
0x7f7875d22648 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2584>,
0x7f7875d260dd <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17581>,
0x7f7875d26207 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17879>,
0x7f7875d251f4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13764>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d253a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14198>,
0x7f7875d25303 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14035>,
0x7f7875d23823 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7155>,
0x7f7875d23796 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7014>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25d04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16596>,
0x7f7875d25c60 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16432>,
0x7f7875d2663e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18958>,
0x7f7875d25bd3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16291>,
0x7f7875d24b6a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12090>,
0x7f7875d24add <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11949>,
0x7f7875d24a50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11808>,
0x7f7875d249c3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11667>,
0x7f7875d266c4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19092>,
0x7f7875d262b7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18055>,
0x7f7875d25666 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14902>,
0x7f7875d2556d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14653>,
0x7f7875d23e47 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8727>,
0x7f7875d23d09 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8409>,
0x7f7875d23c84 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8276>,
0x7f7875d26e6e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21054>,
0x7f7875d23bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8135>,
0x7f7875d26aff <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20175>,
0x7f7875d268ea <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19642>,
0x7f7875d26a72 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20034>,
0x7f7875d259e4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15796>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26a04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19924>,
0x7f7875d26ce7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20663>,
0x7f7875d26758 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19240>,
0x7f7875d25023 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13299>,
0x7f7875d24fb6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13190>,
0x7f7875d26009 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17369>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25f53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17187>,
0x7f7875d2604d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17437>,
0x7f7875d23665 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6709>,
0x7f7875d25ea6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17014>,
0x7f7875d25d91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16737>,
0x7f7875d24f26 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13046>,
0x7f7875d24e8e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12894>,
0x7f7875d243c1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10129>,
0x7f7875d2433c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9996>,
0x7f7875d2597f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15695>,
0x7f7875d242c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9872>,
0x7f7875d28f27 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+29431>,
0x7f7875d25b49 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16153>,
0x7f7875d254de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14510>,
0x7f7875d24931 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11521>,
0x7f7875d24890 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11360>,
0x7f7875d23b58 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7976>,
0x7f7875d23a36 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7686>,
0x7f7875d25450 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14368>,
0x7f7875d238b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7296>,
0x7f7875d24cdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12463>,
0x7f7875d26e2b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20987>,
0x7f7875d24c55 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12325>,
0x7f7875d25772 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15170>,
0x7f7875d24bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12231>,
0x7f7875d23ff8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9160>,
0x7f7875d23f5e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9006>,
0x7f7875d256f1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15041>,
0x7f7875d23ed4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8868>,
0x7f7875d245fb <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10699>,
0x7f7875d245bc <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10636>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2512c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13564>,
0x7f7875d24562 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10546>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25a71 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15937>,
0x7f7875d250bf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13455>,
0x7f7875d23729 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6905>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d236d3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6819>,
0x7f7875d2309e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5230>,
0x7f7875d22ee4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4788>,
0x7f7875d22df2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4546>,
0x7f7875d22d2e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4350>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20577>,
0x7f7875d235fa <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6602>,
0x7f7875d2346a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6202>,
0x7f7875d2358b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6491>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22c8d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4189>,
0x7f7875d232c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5776>,
0x7f7875d23160 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5424>,
0x7f7875d2356b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6459>,
0x7f7875d230e1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5297>,
0x7f7875d22aa2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3698>,
0x7f7875d22a0c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3548>,
0x7f7875d234d9 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6313>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d228f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3270>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d23031 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5121>,
0x7f7875d22f50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4896>,
0x7f7875d22bc0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3984>,
0x7f7875d22b21 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3825>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22863 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3123>,
0x7f7875d227de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2990>,
0x7f7875d246b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10880>,
0x7f7875d26188 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17752>,
0x7f7875d24e0f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12767>,
0x7f7875d225d8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2472>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 90 times>}
stack_pointer = <optimized out>
next_instr = <optimized out>
opcode = <optimized out>
oparg = <optimized out>
fastlocals = <optimized out>
freevars = <optimized out>
retval = 0x0
eval_breaker = <optimized out>
co = <optimized out>
first_instr = <optimized out>
names = <optimized out>
consts = <optimized out>
co_opcache = <optimized out>
trace_info = {code = 0x0, bounds = {ar_start = 502094320,
ar_end = 32632, ar_line = 1979641056, opaque = {
computed_line = 1977877688,
lo_next = 0x8000000000000000 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x8000000000000000>, limit = 0x55fbd58eda80 "\002"}}, cframe = {
use_tracing = 0, previous = 0x7fff27be7a40}}
prev_cframe = <optimized out>
#27 0x00007f7875e40ef8 in _PyEval_EvalFrame (throwflag=0, f=0x55fbd58eda80,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
No locals.
#28 _PyEval_Vector (tstate=0x55fbd2484740, con=0x7f781f24ab10,
locals=<optimized out>, args=<optimized out>, argcount=<optimized out>,
kwnames=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:5065
f = 0x55fbd58eda80
retval = <optimized out>
#29 0x00007f7875d7d090 in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate (kwnames=0x7f781f260430,
nargsf=2, args=0x7f781ded59f0, callable=0x7f781f24ab00,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
#30 method_vectorcall (method=<optimized out>, args=0x7f781ded59f8,
nargsf=<optimized out>, kwnames=0x7f781f260430) at Objects/classobject.c:53
newargs = 0x7f781ded59f0
tmp = 0x7f781c508f80
tstate = 0x55fbd2484740
self = 0x7f781dd1fe50
func = 0x7f781f24ab00
nargs = 2
result = <optimized out>
#31 0x00007f7875d27742 in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate (kwnames=0x7f781f260430,
nargsf=<optimized out>, args=<optimized out>, callable=0x7f781c508f80,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
#32 PyObject_Vectorcall (kwnames=0x7f781f260430, nargsf=<optimized out>,
args=<optimized out>, callable=<optimized out>)
at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
tstate = 0x55fbd2484740
tstate = <optimized out>
#33 call_function (kwnames=0x7f781f260430, oparg=<optimized out>,
pp_stack=<synthetic pointer>, trace_info=0x7fff27be7a10,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at Python/ceval.c:5869
func = <optimized out>
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
pfunc = 0x7f781ded59f0
x = <optimized out>
stack = <optimized out>
pfunc = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
x = <optimized out>
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
stack = <optimized out>
#34 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (tstate=<optimized out>, f=<optimized out>,
throwflag=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:4231
sp = 0x7f781ded5a08
res = <optimized out>
names = 0x7f781f260430
__func__ = "_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault"
opcode_targets = {0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25929 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15609>,
0x7f7875d26b93 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20323>,
0x7f7875d26d63 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20787>,
0x7f7875d26f76 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21318>,
0x7f7875d26ec2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21138>,
0x7f7875d26f1a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21226>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20515>,
0x7f7875d25ad8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16040>,
0x7f7875d2481f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11247>,
0x7f7875d2479f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11119>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2472e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11006>,
0x7f7875d26426 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18422>,
0x7f7875d244d5 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10405>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d24441 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10257>,
0x7f7875d26977 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19783>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25886 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15446>,
0x7f7875d25e03 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16851>,
0x7f7875d257f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15302>,
0x7f7875d24233 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9731>,
0x7f7875d241a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9590>,
0x7f7875d24119 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9449>,
0x7f7875d2408c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9308>,
0x7f7875d26399 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18281>,
0x7f7875d26328 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18168>,
0x7f7875d26db7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20871>,
0x7f7875d26bdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20399>,
0x7f7875d264b3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18563>,
0x7f7875d22737 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2823>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 14 times>,
0x7f7875d22648 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2584>,
0x7f7875d260dd <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17581>,
0x7f7875d26207 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17879>,
0x7f7875d251f4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13764>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d253a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14198>,
0x7f7875d25303 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14035>,
0x7f7875d23823 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7155>,
0x7f7875d23796 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7014>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25d04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16596>,
0x7f7875d25c60 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16432>,
0x7f7875d2663e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18958>,
0x7f7875d25bd3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16291>,
0x7f7875d24b6a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12090>,
0x7f7875d24add <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11949>,
0x7f7875d24a50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11808>,
0x7f7875d249c3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11667>,
0x7f7875d266c4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19092>,
0x7f7875d262b7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18055>,
0x7f7875d25666 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14902>,
0x7f7875d2556d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14653>,
0x7f7875d23e47 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8727>,
0x7f7875d23d09 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8409>,
0x7f7875d23c84 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8276>,
0x7f7875d26e6e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21054>,
0x7f7875d23bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8135>,
0x7f7875d26aff <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20175>,
0x7f7875d268ea <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19642>,
0x7f7875d26a72 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20034>,
0x7f7875d259e4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15796>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26a04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19924>,
0x7f7875d26ce7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20663>,
0x7f7875d26758 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19240>,
0x7f7875d25023 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13299>,
0x7f7875d24fb6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13190>,
0x7f7875d26009 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17369>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25f53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17187>,
0x7f7875d2604d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17437>,
0x7f7875d23665 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6709>,
0x7f7875d25ea6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17014>,
0x7f7875d25d91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16737>,
0x7f7875d24f26 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13046>,
0x7f7875d24e8e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12894>,
0x7f7875d243c1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10129>,
0x7f7875d2433c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9996>,
0x7f7875d2597f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15695>,
0x7f7875d242c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9872>,
0x7f7875d28f27 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+29431>,
0x7f7875d25b49 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16153>,
0x7f7875d254de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14510>,
0x7f7875d24931 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11521>,
0x7f7875d24890 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11360>,
0x7f7875d23b58 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7976>,
0x7f7875d23a36 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7686>,
0x7f7875d25450 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14368>,
0x7f7875d238b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7296>,
0x7f7875d24cdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12463>,
0x7f7875d26e2b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20987>,
0x7f7875d24c55 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12325>,
0x7f7875d25772 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15170>,
0x7f7875d24bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12231>,
0x7f7875d23ff8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9160>,
0x7f7875d23f5e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9006>,
0x7f7875d256f1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15041>,
0x7f7875d23ed4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8868>,
0x7f7875d245fb <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10699>,
0x7f7875d245bc <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10636>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2512c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13564>,
0x7f7875d24562 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10546>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25a71 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15937>,
0x7f7875d250bf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13455>,
0x7f7875d23729 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6905>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d236d3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6819>,
0x7f7875d2309e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5230>,
0x7f7875d22ee4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4788>,
0x7f7875d22df2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4546>,
0x7f7875d22d2e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4350>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20577>,
0x7f7875d235fa <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6602>,
0x7f7875d2346a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6202>,
0x7f7875d2358b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6491>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22c8d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4189>,
0x7f7875d232c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5776>,
0x7f7875d23160 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5424>,
0x7f7875d2356b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6459>,
0x7f7875d230e1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5297>,
0x7f7875d22aa2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3698>,
0x7f7875d22a0c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3548>,
0x7f7875d234d9 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6313>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d228f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3270>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d23031 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5121>,
0x7f7875d22f50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4896>,
0x7f7875d22bc0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3984>,
0x7f7875d22b21 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3825>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22863 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3123>,
0x7f7875d227de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2990>,
0x7f7875d246b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10880>,
0x7f7875d26188 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17752>,
0x7f7875d24e0f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12767>,
0x7f7875d225d8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2472>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 90 times>}
stack_pointer = 0x7f781ded5a08
next_instr = <optimized out>
opcode = <optimized out>
oparg = <optimized out>
fastlocals = <optimized out>
freevars = <optimized out>
retval = 0x0
eval_breaker = <optimized out>
co = <optimized out>
first_instr = <optimized out>
names = <optimized out>
consts = <optimized out>
co_opcache = <optimized out>
trace_info = {code = 0x0, bounds = {ar_start = 500301488,
ar_end = 32632, ar_line = 502622400, opaque = {
computed_line = 666794656, lo_next = 0x7f781f47e320 "\001",
limit = 0x7f781f250ef0 "\n"}}, cframe = {use_tracing = 0,
previous = 0x7fff27be7c70}}
prev_cframe = <optimized out>
#35 0x00007f7875d8c369 in _PyEval_EvalFrame (throwflag=<optimized out>,
f=0x7f781ded5840, tstate=0x55fbd2484740)
at ./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
No locals.
#36 gen_send_ex2 (gen=gen@entry=0x7f781f5428f0, arg=0x7f781d0f9900,
presult=presult@entry=0x7fff27be7b30, exc=<optimized out>,
closing=<optimized out>) at Objects/genobject.c:213
tstate = 0x55fbd2484740
f = 0x7f781ded5840
result = 0x7f781d0f9900
#37 0x00007f7875d8d4d9 in gen_send_ex (gen=0x7f781f5428f0,
arg=<optimized out>, exc=<optimized out>, closing=<optimized out>)
at Objects/genobject.c:279
result = 0x0
#38 0x00007f7875d8431a in method_vectorcall_O (func=0x7f7875854590,
args=0x7f781ded67e8, nargsf=<optimized out>, kwnames=0x0)
at Objects/descrobject.c:460
tstate = 0x55fbd2484740
nargs = <optimized out>
meth = <optimized out>
result = <optimized out>
#39 0x00007f7875d283c1 in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate (kwnames=0x0,
nargsf=<optimized out>, args=0x7f781ded67e8, callable=0x7f7875854590,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
#40 PyObject_Vectorcall (kwnames=0x0, nargsf=<optimized out>,
args=0x7f781ded67e8, callable=0x7f7875854590)
at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
tstate = 0x55fbd2484740
tstate = <optimized out>
#41 call_function (kwnames=0x0, oparg=<optimized out>,
pp_stack=<synthetic pointer>, trace_info=0x7fff27be7c40,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at Python/ceval.c:5869
func = 0x7f7875854590
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = 0
nargs = <optimized out>
pfunc = 0x7f781ded67e0
x = <optimized out>
stack = 0x7f781ded67e8
pfunc = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
x = <optimized out>
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
stack = <optimized out>
#42 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (tstate=<optimized out>, f=<optimized out>,
throwflag=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:4198
sp = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
meth = <optimized out>
__func__ = "_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault"
opcode_targets = {0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25929 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15609>,
0x7f7875d26b93 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20323>,
0x7f7875d26d63 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20787>,
0x7f7875d26f76 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21318>,
0x7f7875d26ec2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21138>,
0x7f7875d26f1a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21226>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20515>,
0x7f7875d25ad8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16040>,
0x7f7875d2481f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11247>,
0x7f7875d2479f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11119>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2472e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11006>,
0x7f7875d26426 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18422>,
0x7f7875d244d5 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10405>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d24441 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10257>,
0x7f7875d26977 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19783>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25886 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15446>,
0x7f7875d25e03 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16851>,
0x7f7875d257f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15302>,
0x7f7875d24233 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9731>,
0x7f7875d241a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9590>,
0x7f7875d24119 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9449>,
0x7f7875d2408c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9308>,
0x7f7875d26399 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18281>,
0x7f7875d26328 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18168>,
0x7f7875d26db7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20871>,
0x7f7875d26bdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20399>,
0x7f7875d264b3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18563>,
0x7f7875d22737 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2823>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 14 times>,
0x7f7875d22648 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2584>,
0x7f7875d260dd <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17581>,
0x7f7875d26207 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17879>,
0x7f7875d251f4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13764>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d253a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14198>,
0x7f7875d25303 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14035>,
0x7f7875d23823 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7155>,
0x7f7875d23796 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7014>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25d04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16596>,
0x7f7875d25c60 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16432>,
0x7f7875d2663e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18958>,
0x7f7875d25bd3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16291>,
0x7f7875d24b6a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12090>,
0x7f7875d24add <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11949>,
0x7f7875d24a50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11808>,
0x7f7875d249c3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11667>,
0x7f7875d266c4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19092>,
0x7f7875d262b7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18055>,
0x7f7875d25666 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14902>,
0x7f7875d2556d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14653>,
0x7f7875d23e47 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8727>,
0x7f7875d23d09 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8409>,
0x7f7875d23c84 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8276>,
0x7f7875d26e6e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21054>,
0x7f7875d23bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8135>,
0x7f7875d26aff <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20175>,
0x7f7875d268ea <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19642>,
0x7f7875d26a72 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20034>,
0x7f7875d259e4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15796>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26a04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19924>,
0x7f7875d26ce7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20663>,
0x7f7875d26758 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19240>,
0x7f7875d25023 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13299>,
0x7f7875d24fb6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13190>,
0x7f7875d26009 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17369>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25f53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17187>,
0x7f7875d2604d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17437>,
0x7f7875d23665 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6709>,
0x7f7875d25ea6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17014>,
0x7f7875d25d91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16737>,
0x7f7875d24f26 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13046>,
0x7f7875d24e8e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12894>,
0x7f7875d243c1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10129>,
0x7f7875d2433c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9996>,
0x7f7875d2597f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15695>,
0x7f7875d242c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9872>,
0x7f7875d28f27 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+29431>,
0x7f7875d25b49 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16153>,
0x7f7875d254de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14510>,
0x7f7875d24931 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11521>,
0x7f7875d24890 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11360>,
0x7f7875d23b58 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7976>,
0x7f7875d23a36 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7686>,
0x7f7875d25450 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14368>,
0x7f7875d238b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7296>,
0x7f7875d24cdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12463>,
0x7f7875d26e2b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20987>,
0x7f7875d24c55 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12325>,
0x7f7875d25772 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15170>,
0x7f7875d24bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12231>,
0x7f7875d23ff8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9160>,
0x7f7875d23f5e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9006>,
0x7f7875d256f1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15041>,
0x7f7875d23ed4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8868>,
0x7f7875d245fb <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10699>,
0x7f7875d245bc <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10636>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2512c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13564>,
0x7f7875d24562 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10546>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25a71 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15937>,
0x7f7875d250bf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13455>,
0x7f7875d23729 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6905>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d236d3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6819>,
0x7f7875d2309e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5230>,
0x7f7875d22ee4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4788>,
0x7f7875d22df2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4546>,
0x7f7875d22d2e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4350>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20577>,
0x7f7875d235fa <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6602>,
0x7f7875d2346a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6202>,
0x7f7875d2358b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6491>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22c8d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4189>,
0x7f7875d232c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5776>,
0x7f7875d23160 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5424>,
0x7f7875d2356b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6459>,
0x7f7875d230e1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5297>,
0x7f7875d22aa2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3698>,
0x7f7875d22a0c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3548>,
0x7f7875d234d9 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6313>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d228f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3270>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d23031 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5121>,
0x7f7875d22f50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4896>,
0x7f7875d22bc0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3984>,
0x7f7875d22b21 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3825>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22863 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3123>,
0x7f7875d227de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2990>,
0x7f7875d246b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10880>,
0x7f7875d26188 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17752>,
0x7f7875d24e0f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12767>,
0x7f7875d225d8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2472>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 90 times>}
stack_pointer = <optimized out>
next_instr = <optimized out>
opcode = <optimized out>
oparg = <optimized out>
fastlocals = <optimized out>
freevars = <optimized out>
retval = 0x0
eval_breaker = <optimized out>
co = <optimized out>
first_instr = <optimized out>
names = <optimized out>
consts = <optimized out>
co_opcache = <optimized out>
trace_info = {code = 0x0, bounds = {ar_start = 1977075444,
ar_end = 32632, ar_line = 502374768, opaque = {
computed_line = 1977879156, lo_next = 0x7f781dd1fe50 "\n",
limit = 0x7f781ded6640 "\002"}}, cframe = {use_tracing = 0,
previous = 0x7fff27be7e30}}
prev_cframe = <optimized out>
#43 0x00007f7875e40ef8 in _PyEval_EvalFrame (throwflag=0, f=0x7f781ded6640,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
No locals.
#44 _PyEval_Vector (tstate=0x55fbd2484740, con=0x7f781f24a9f0,
locals=<optimized out>, args=<optimized out>, argcount=<optimized out>,
kwnames=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:5065
f = 0x7f781ded6640
retval = <optimized out>
#45 0x00007f7875d283c1 in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate (kwnames=0x0,
nargsf=<optimized out>, args=0x7f781dddca90, callable=0x7f781f24a9e0,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
#46 PyObject_Vectorcall (kwnames=0x0, nargsf=<optimized out>,
args=0x7f781dddca90, callable=0x7f781f24a9e0)
at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
tstate = 0x55fbd2484740
tstate = <optimized out>
#47 call_function (kwnames=0x0, oparg=<optimized out>,
pp_stack=<synthetic pointer>, trace_info=0x7fff27be7e00,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at Python/ceval.c:5869
func = 0x7f781f24a9e0
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = 0
nargs = <optimized out>
pfunc = 0x7f781dddca88
x = <optimized out>
stack = 0x7f781dddca90
pfunc = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
x = <optimized out>
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
stack = <optimized out>
#48 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (tstate=<optimized out>, f=<optimized out>,
throwflag=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:4198
sp = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
meth = <optimized out>
__func__ = "_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault"
opcode_targets = {0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25929 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15609>,
0x7f7875d26b93 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20323>,
0x7f7875d26d63 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20787>,
0x7f7875d26f76 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21318>,
0x7f7875d26ec2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21138>,
0x7f7875d26f1a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21226>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20515>,
0x7f7875d25ad8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16040>,
0x7f7875d2481f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11247>,
0x7f7875d2479f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11119>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2472e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11006>,
0x7f7875d26426 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18422>,
0x7f7875d244d5 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10405>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d24441 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10257>,
0x7f7875d26977 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19783>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25886 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15446>,
0x7f7875d25e03 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16851>,
0x7f7875d257f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15302>,
0x7f7875d24233 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9731>,
0x7f7875d241a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9590>,
0x7f7875d24119 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9449>,
0x7f7875d2408c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9308>,
0x7f7875d26399 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18281>,
0x7f7875d26328 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18168>,
0x7f7875d26db7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20871>,
0x7f7875d26bdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20399>,
0x7f7875d264b3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18563>,
0x7f7875d22737 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2823>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 14 times>,
0x7f7875d22648 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2584>,
0x7f7875d260dd <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17581>,
0x7f7875d26207 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17879>,
0x7f7875d251f4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13764>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d253a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14198>,
0x7f7875d25303 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14035>,
0x7f7875d23823 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7155>,
0x7f7875d23796 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7014>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25d04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16596>,
0x7f7875d25c60 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16432>,
0x7f7875d2663e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18958>,
0x7f7875d25bd3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16291>,
0x7f7875d24b6a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12090>,
0x7f7875d24add <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11949>,
0x7f7875d24a50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11808>,
0x7f7875d249c3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11667>,
0x7f7875d266c4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19092>,
0x7f7875d262b7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18055>,
0x7f7875d25666 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14902>,
0x7f7875d2556d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14653>,
0x7f7875d23e47 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8727>,
0x7f7875d23d09 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8409>,
0x7f7875d23c84 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8276>,
0x7f7875d26e6e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21054>,
0x7f7875d23bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8135>,
0x7f7875d26aff <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20175>,
0x7f7875d268ea <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19642>,
0x7f7875d26a72 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20034>,
0x7f7875d259e4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15796>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26a04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19924>,
0x7f7875d26ce7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20663>,
0x7f7875d26758 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19240>,
0x7f7875d25023 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13299>,
0x7f7875d24fb6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13190>,
0x7f7875d26009 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17369>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25f53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17187>,
0x7f7875d2604d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17437>,
0x7f7875d23665 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6709>,
0x7f7875d25ea6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17014>,
0x7f7875d25d91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16737>,
0x7f7875d24f26 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13046>,
0x7f7875d24e8e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12894>,
0x7f7875d243c1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10129>,
0x7f7875d2433c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9996>,
0x7f7875d2597f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15695>,
0x7f7875d242c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9872>,
0x7f7875d28f27 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+29431>,
0x7f7875d25b49 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16153>,
0x7f7875d254de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14510>,
0x7f7875d24931 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11521>,
0x7f7875d24890 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11360>,
0x7f7875d23b58 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7976>,
0x7f7875d23a36 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7686>,
0x7f7875d25450 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14368>,
0x7f7875d238b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7296>,
0x7f7875d24cdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12463>,
0x7f7875d26e2b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20987>,
0x7f7875d24c55 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12325>,
0x7f7875d25772 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15170>,
0x7f7875d24bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12231>,
0x7f7875d23ff8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9160>,
0x7f7875d23f5e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9006>,
0x7f7875d256f1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15041>,
0x7f7875d23ed4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8868>,
0x7f7875d245fb <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10699>,
0x7f7875d245bc <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10636>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2512c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13564>,
0x7f7875d24562 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10546>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25a71 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15937>,
0x7f7875d250bf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13455>,
0x7f7875d23729 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6905>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d236d3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6819>,
0x7f7875d2309e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5230>,
0x7f7875d22ee4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4788>,
0x7f7875d22df2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4546>,
0x7f7875d22d2e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4350>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20577>,
0x7f7875d235fa <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6602>,
0x7f7875d2346a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6202>,
0x7f7875d2358b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6491>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22c8d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4189>,
0x7f7875d232c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5776>,
0x7f7875d23160 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5424>,
0x7f7875d2356b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6459>,
0x7f7875d230e1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5297>,
0x7f7875d22aa2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3698>,
0x7f7875d22a0c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3548>,
0x7f7875d234d9 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6313>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d228f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3270>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d23031 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5121>,
0x7f7875d22f50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4896>,
0x7f7875d22bc0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3984>,
0x7f7875d22b21 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3825>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22863 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3123>,
0x7f7875d227de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2990>,
0x7f7875d246b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10880>,
0x7f7875d26188 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17752>,
0x7f7875d24e0f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12767>,
0x7f7875d225d8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2472>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 90 times>}
stack_pointer = <optimized out>
next_instr = <optimized out>
opcode = <optimized out>
oparg = <optimized out>
fastlocals = <optimized out>
freevars = <optimized out>
retval = 0x0
eval_breaker = <optimized out>
co = <optimized out>
first_instr = <optimized out>
names = <optimized out>
consts = <optimized out>
co_opcache = <optimized out>
trace_info = {code = 0x0, bounds = {ar_start = 500801576,
ar_end = 32632, ar_line = 1979641056, opaque = {
computed_line = 1977877688, lo_next = 0x55fbd585a960 "\005",
limit = 0x7f781dddc900 "\002"}}, cframe = {use_tracing = 0,
previous = 0x7fff27be7ff0}}
prev_cframe = <optimized out>
#49 0x00007f7875e40ef8 in _PyEval_EvalFrame (throwflag=0, f=0x7f781dddc900,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
No locals.
#50 _PyEval_Vector (tstate=0x55fbd2484740, con=0x7f781dd53b60,
locals=<optimized out>, args=<optimized out>, argcount=<optimized out>,
kwnames=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:5065
f = 0x7f781dddc900
retval = <optimized out>
#51 0x00007f7875d28d85 in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate (kwnames=0x0,
nargsf=<optimized out>, args=0x7f781dd9a028, callable=0x7f781dd53b50,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
#52 PyObject_Vectorcall (kwnames=0x0, nargsf=<optimized out>,
args=0x7f781dd9a028, callable=0x7f781dd53b50)
at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
tstate = 0x55fbd2484740
tstate = <optimized out>
#53 call_function (kwnames=0x0, oparg=<optimized out>,
pp_stack=<synthetic pointer>, trace_info=0x7fff27be7fc0,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at Python/ceval.c:5869
func = 0x7f781dd53b50
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = 0
nargs = <optimized out>
pfunc = 0x7f781dd9a020
x = <optimized out>
stack = 0x7f781dd9a028
pfunc = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
x = <optimized out>
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
stack = <optimized out>
#54 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (tstate=<optimized out>, f=<optimized out>,
throwflag=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:4213
sp = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
__func__ = "_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault"
opcode_targets = {0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25929 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15609>,
0x7f7875d26b93 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20323>,
0x7f7875d26d63 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20787>,
0x7f7875d26f76 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21318>,
0x7f7875d26ec2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21138>,
0x7f7875d26f1a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21226>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20515>,
0x7f7875d25ad8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16040>,
0x7f7875d2481f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11247>,
0x7f7875d2479f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11119>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2472e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11006>,
0x7f7875d26426 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18422>,
0x7f7875d244d5 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10405>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d24441 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10257>,
0x7f7875d26977 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19783>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25886 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15446>,
0x7f7875d25e03 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16851>,
0x7f7875d257f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15302>,
0x7f7875d24233 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9731>,
0x7f7875d241a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9590>,
0x7f7875d24119 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9449>,
0x7f7875d2408c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9308>,
0x7f7875d26399 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18281>,
0x7f7875d26328 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18168>,
0x7f7875d26db7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20871>,
0x7f7875d26bdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20399>,
0x7f7875d264b3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18563>,
0x7f7875d22737 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2823>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 14 times>,
0x7f7875d22648 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2584>,
0x7f7875d260dd <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17581>,
0x7f7875d26207 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17879>,
0x7f7875d251f4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13764>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d253a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14198>,
0x7f7875d25303 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14035>,
0x7f7875d23823 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7155>,
0x7f7875d23796 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7014>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25d04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16596>,
0x7f7875d25c60 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16432>,
0x7f7875d2663e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18958>,
0x7f7875d25bd3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16291>,
0x7f7875d24b6a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12090>,
0x7f7875d24add <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11949>,
0x7f7875d24a50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11808>,
0x7f7875d249c3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11667>,
0x7f7875d266c4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19092>,
0x7f7875d262b7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18055>,
0x7f7875d25666 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14902>,
0x7f7875d2556d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14653>,
0x7f7875d23e47 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8727>,
0x7f7875d23d09 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8409>,
0x7f7875d23c84 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8276>,
0x7f7875d26e6e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21054>,
0x7f7875d23bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8135>,
0x7f7875d26aff <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20175>,
0x7f7875d268ea <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19642>,
0x7f7875d26a72 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20034>,
0x7f7875d259e4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15796>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26a04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19924>,
0x7f7875d26ce7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20663>,
0x7f7875d26758 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19240>,
0x7f7875d25023 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13299>,
0x7f7875d24fb6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13190>,
0x7f7875d26009 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17369>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25f53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17187>,
0x7f7875d2604d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17437>,
0x7f7875d23665 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6709>,
0x7f7875d25ea6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17014>,
0x7f7875d25d91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16737>,
0x7f7875d24f26 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13046>,
0x7f7875d24e8e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12894>,
0x7f7875d243c1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10129>,
0x7f7875d2433c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9996>,
0x7f7875d2597f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15695>,
0x7f7875d242c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9872>,
0x7f7875d28f27 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+29431>,
0x7f7875d25b49 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16153>,
0x7f7875d254de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14510>,
0x7f7875d24931 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11521>,
0x7f7875d24890 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11360>,
0x7f7875d23b58 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7976>,
0x7f7875d23a36 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7686>,
0x7f7875d25450 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14368>,
0x7f7875d238b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7296>,
0x7f7875d24cdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12463>,
0x7f7875d26e2b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20987>,
0x7f7875d24c55 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12325>,
0x7f7875d25772 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15170>,
0x7f7875d24bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12231>,
0x7f7875d23ff8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9160>,
0x7f7875d23f5e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9006>,
0x7f7875d256f1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15041>,
0x7f7875d23ed4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8868>,
0x7f7875d245fb <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10699>,
0x7f7875d245bc <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10636>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2512c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13564>,
0x7f7875d24562 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10546>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25a71 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15937>,
0x7f7875d250bf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13455>,
0x7f7875d23729 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6905>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d236d3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6819>,
0x7f7875d2309e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5230>,
0x7f7875d22ee4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4788>,
0x7f7875d22df2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4546>,
0x7f7875d22d2e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4350>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20577>,
0x7f7875d235fa <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6602>,
0x7f7875d2346a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6202>,
0x7f7875d2358b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6491>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22c8d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4189>,
0x7f7875d232c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5776>,
0x7f7875d23160 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5424>,
0x7f7875d2356b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6459>,
0x7f7875d230e1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5297>,
0x7f7875d22aa2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3698>,
0x7f7875d22a0c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3548>,
0x7f7875d234d9 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6313>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d228f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3270>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d23031 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5121>,
0x7f7875d22f50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4896>,
0x7f7875d22bc0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3984>,
0x7f7875d22b21 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3825>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22863 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3123>,
0x7f7875d227de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2990>,
0x7f7875d246b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10880>,
0x7f7875d26188 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17752>,
0x7f7875d24e0f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12767>,
0x7f7875d225d8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2472>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 90 times>}
stack_pointer = <optimized out>
next_instr = <optimized out>
opcode = <optimized out>
oparg = <optimized out>
fastlocals = <optimized out>
freevars = <optimized out>
retval = 0x0
eval_breaker = <optimized out>
co = <optimized out>
first_instr = <optimized out>
names = <optimized out>
consts = <optimized out>
co_opcache = <optimized out>
trace_info = {code = 0x0, bounds = {ar_start = 475266384,
ar_end = 32632, ar_line = 1979641056, opaque = {
computed_line = 1977877688, lo_next = 0x0,
limit = 0x7f781dd99ea0 "\002"}}, cframe = {use_tracing = 0,
previous = 0x7fff27be8260}}
prev_cframe = <optimized out>
#55 0x00007f7875e40ef8 in _PyEval_EvalFrame (throwflag=0, f=0x7f781dd99ea0,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
No locals.
#56 _PyEval_Vector (tstate=0x55fbd2484740, con=0x7f781c6f2840,
locals=<optimized out>, args=<optimized out>, argcount=<optimized out>,
kwnames=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:5065
f = 0x7f781dd99ea0
retval = <optimized out>
#57 0x00007f7875e549bd in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate (kwnames=0x0, nargsf=0,
args=<optimized out>, callable=0x7f781c6f2830, tstate=0x55fbd2484740)
at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
#58 context_run (self=0x7f781c612880, args=<optimized out>, nargs=1,
kwnames=0x0) at Python/context.c:665
ts = 0x55fbd2484740
call_result = <optimized out>
#59 0x00007f7875db7901 in cfunction_vectorcall_FASTCALL_KEYWORDS (
func=0x7f781d06db70, args=0x7f781c53fd48, nargsf=<optimized out>,
kwnames=<optimized out>) at Objects/methodobject.c:446
tstate = 0x55fbd2484740
nargs = <optimized out>
meth = <optimized out>
result = <optimized out>
#60 0x00007f7875d7a322 in PyVectorcall_Call (callable=0x7f781d06db70,
tuple=<optimized out>, kwargs=<optimized out>) at Objects/call.c:255
tstate = 0x55fbd2484740
func = 0x7f7875db78b0 <cfunction_vectorcall_FASTCALL_KEYWORDS>
offset = <optimized out>
nargs = 1
args = <optimized out>
kwnames = 0x7f781cf88000
result = <optimized out>
#61 0x00007f7875d233c3 in do_call_core (kwdict=0x0, callargs=0x7f781c53fd30,
func=0x7f781d06db70, trace_info=0x7fff27be8230, tstate=0x55fbd2484740)
at Python/ceval.c:5921
result = <optimized out>
result = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
self = <optimized out>
#62 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (tstate=<optimized out>, f=<optimized out>,
throwflag=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:4277
func = 0x7f781d06db70
callargs = 0x7f781c53fd30
kwargs = 0x0
result = <optimized out>
__func__ = "_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault"
opcode_targets = {0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25929 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15609>,
0x7f7875d26b93 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20323>,
0x7f7875d26d63 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20787>,
0x7f7875d26f76 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21318>,
0x7f7875d26ec2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21138>,
0x7f7875d26f1a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21226>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20515>,
0x7f7875d25ad8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16040>,
0x7f7875d2481f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11247>,
0x7f7875d2479f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11119>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2472e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11006>,
0x7f7875d26426 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18422>,
0x7f7875d244d5 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10405>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d24441 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10257>,
0x7f7875d26977 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19783>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25886 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15446>,
0x7f7875d25e03 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16851>,
0x7f7875d257f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15302>,
0x7f7875d24233 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9731>,
0x7f7875d241a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9590>,
0x7f7875d24119 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9449>,
0x7f7875d2408c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9308>,
0x7f7875d26399 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18281>,
0x7f7875d26328 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18168>,
0x7f7875d26db7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20871>,
0x7f7875d26bdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20399>,
0x7f7875d264b3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18563>,
0x7f7875d22737 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2823>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 14 times>,
0x7f7875d22648 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2584>,
0x7f7875d260dd <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17581>,
0x7f7875d26207 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17879>,
0x7f7875d251f4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13764>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d253a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14198>,
0x7f7875d25303 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14035>,
0x7f7875d23823 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7155>,
0x7f7875d23796 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7014>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25d04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16596>,
0x7f7875d25c60 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16432>,
0x7f7875d2663e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18958>,
0x7f7875d25bd3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16291>,
0x7f7875d24b6a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12090>,
0x7f7875d24add <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11949>,
0x7f7875d24a50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11808>,
0x7f7875d249c3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11667>,
0x7f7875d266c4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19092>,
0x7f7875d262b7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18055>,
0x7f7875d25666 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14902>,
0x7f7875d2556d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14653>,
0x7f7875d23e47 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8727>,
0x7f7875d23d09 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8409>,
0x7f7875d23c84 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8276>,
0x7f7875d26e6e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21054>,
0x7f7875d23bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8135>,
0x7f7875d26aff <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20175>,
0x7f7875d268ea <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19642>,
0x7f7875d26a72 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20034>,
0x7f7875d259e4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15796>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26a04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19924>,
0x7f7875d26ce7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20663>,
0x7f7875d26758 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19240>,
0x7f7875d25023 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13299>,
0x7f7875d24fb6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13190>,
0x7f7875d26009 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17369>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25f53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17187>,
0x7f7875d2604d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17437>,
0x7f7875d23665 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6709>,
0x7f7875d25ea6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17014>,
0x7f7875d25d91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16737>,
0x7f7875d24f26 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13046>,
0x7f7875d24e8e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12894>,
0x7f7875d243c1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10129>,
0x7f7875d2433c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9996>,
0x7f7875d2597f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15695>,
0x7f7875d242c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9872>,
0x7f7875d28f27 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+29431>,
0x7f7875d25b49 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16153>,
0x7f7875d254de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14510>,
0x7f7875d24931 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11521>,
0x7f7875d24890 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11360>,
0x7f7875d23b58 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7976>,
0x7f7875d23a36 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7686>,
0x7f7875d25450 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14368>,
0x7f7875d238b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7296>,
0x7f7875d24cdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12463>,
0x7f7875d26e2b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20987>,
0x7f7875d24c55 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12325>,
0x7f7875d25772 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15170>,
0x7f7875d24bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12231>,
0x7f7875d23ff8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9160>,
0x7f7875d23f5e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9006>,
0x7f7875d256f1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15041>,
0x7f7875d23ed4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8868>,
0x7f7875d245fb <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10699>,
0x7f7875d245bc <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10636>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2512c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13564>,
0x7f7875d24562 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10546>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25a71 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15937>,
0x7f7875d250bf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13455>,
0x7f7875d23729 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6905>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d236d3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6819>,
0x7f7875d2309e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5230>,
0x7f7875d22ee4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4788>,
0x7f7875d22df2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4546>,
0x7f7875d22d2e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4350>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20577>,
0x7f7875d235fa <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6602>,
0x7f7875d2346a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6202>,
0x7f7875d2358b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6491>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22c8d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4189>,
0x7f7875d232c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5776>,
0x7f7875d23160 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5424>,
0x7f7875d2356b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6459>,
0x7f7875d230e1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5297>,
0x7f7875d22aa2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3698>,
0x7f7875d22a0c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3548>,
0x7f7875d234d9 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6313>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d228f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3270>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d23031 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5121>,
0x7f7875d22f50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4896>,
0x7f7875d22bc0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3984>,
0x7f7875d22b21 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3825>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22863 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3123>,
0x7f7875d227de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2990>,
0x7f7875d246b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10880>,
0x7f7875d26188 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17752>,
0x7f7875d24e0f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12767>,
0x7f7875d225d8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2472>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 90 times>}
stack_pointer = 0x7f781dfbe0d0
next_instr = <optimized out>
opcode = <optimized out>
oparg = <optimized out>
fastlocals = <optimized out>
freevars = <optimized out>
retval = 0x0
eval_breaker = <optimized out>
co = <optimized out>
first_instr = <optimized out>
names = <optimized out>
consts = <optimized out>
co_opcache = <optimized out>
trace_info = {code = 0x0, bounds = {ar_start = -715227456,
ar_end = 22011, ar_line = 1979641056, opaque = {
computed_line = 1977877688, lo_next = 0x7f78758080f0 "\233X",
limit = 0x7f781dfbdf40 "\002"}}, cframe = {use_tracing = 0,
previous = 0x7fff27be8420}}
prev_cframe = <optimized out>
#63 0x00007f7875e40ef8 in _PyEval_EvalFrame (throwflag=0, f=0x7f781dfbdf40,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
No locals.
#64 _PyEval_Vector (tstate=0x55fbd2484740, con=0x7f781f6167b0,
locals=<optimized out>, args=<optimized out>, argcount=<optimized out>,
kwnames=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:5065
f = 0x7f781dfbdf40
retval = <optimized out>
#65 0x00007f7875d283c1 in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate (kwnames=0x0,
nargsf=<optimized out>, args=0x55fbd55e7ec0, callable=0x7f781f6167a0,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
#66 PyObject_Vectorcall (kwnames=0x0, nargsf=<optimized out>,
args=0x55fbd55e7ec0, callable=0x7f781f6167a0)
at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
tstate = 0x55fbd2484740
tstate = <optimized out>
#67 call_function (kwnames=0x0, oparg=<optimized out>,
pp_stack=<synthetic pointer>, trace_info=0x7fff27be83f0,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at Python/ceval.c:5869
func = 0x7f781f6167a0
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = 0
nargs = <optimized out>
pfunc = 0x55fbd55e7eb8
x = <optimized out>
stack = 0x55fbd55e7ec0
pfunc = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
x = <optimized out>
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
stack = <optimized out>
#68 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (tstate=<optimized out>, f=<optimized out>,
throwflag=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:4198
sp = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
meth = <optimized out>
__func__ = "_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault"
opcode_targets = {0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25929 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15609>,
0x7f7875d26b93 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20323>,
0x7f7875d26d63 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20787>,
0x7f7875d26f76 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21318>,
0x7f7875d26ec2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21138>,
0x7f7875d26f1a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21226>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20515>,
0x7f7875d25ad8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16040>,
0x7f7875d2481f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11247>,
0x7f7875d2479f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11119>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2472e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11006>,
0x7f7875d26426 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18422>,
0x7f7875d244d5 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10405>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d24441 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10257>,
0x7f7875d26977 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19783>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25886 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15446>,
0x7f7875d25e03 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16851>,
0x7f7875d257f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15302>,
0x7f7875d24233 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9731>,
0x7f7875d241a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9590>,
0x7f7875d24119 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9449>,
0x7f7875d2408c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9308>,
0x7f7875d26399 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18281>,
0x7f7875d26328 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18168>,
0x7f7875d26db7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20871>,
0x7f7875d26bdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20399>,
0x7f7875d264b3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18563>,
0x7f7875d22737 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2823>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 14 times>,
0x7f7875d22648 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2584>,
0x7f7875d260dd <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17581>,
0x7f7875d26207 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17879>,
0x7f7875d251f4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13764>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d253a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14198>,
0x7f7875d25303 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14035>,
0x7f7875d23823 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7155>,
0x7f7875d23796 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7014>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25d04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16596>,
0x7f7875d25c60 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16432>,
0x7f7875d2663e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18958>,
0x7f7875d25bd3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16291>,
0x7f7875d24b6a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12090>,
0x7f7875d24add <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11949>,
0x7f7875d24a50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11808>,
0x7f7875d249c3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11667>,
0x7f7875d266c4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19092>,
0x7f7875d262b7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18055>,
0x7f7875d25666 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14902>,
0x7f7875d2556d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14653>,
0x7f7875d23e47 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8727>,
0x7f7875d23d09 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8409>,
0x7f7875d23c84 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8276>,
0x7f7875d26e6e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21054>,
0x7f7875d23bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8135>,
0x7f7875d26aff <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20175>,
0x7f7875d268ea <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19642>,
0x7f7875d26a72 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20034>,
0x7f7875d259e4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15796>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26a04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19924>,
0x7f7875d26ce7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20663>,
0x7f7875d26758 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19240>,
0x7f7875d25023 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13299>,
0x7f7875d24fb6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13190>,
0x7f7875d26009 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17369>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25f53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17187>,
0x7f7875d2604d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17437>,
0x7f7875d23665 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6709>,
0x7f7875d25ea6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17014>,
0x7f7875d25d91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16737>,
0x7f7875d24f26 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13046>,
0x7f7875d24e8e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12894>,
0x7f7875d243c1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10129>,
0x7f7875d2433c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9996>,
0x7f7875d2597f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15695>,
0x7f7875d242c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9872>,
0x7f7875d28f27 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+29431>,
0x7f7875d25b49 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16153>,
0x7f7875d254de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14510>,
0x7f7875d24931 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11521>,
0x7f7875d24890 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11360>,
0x7f7875d23b58 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7976>,
0x7f7875d23a36 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7686>,
0x7f7875d25450 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14368>,
0x7f7875d238b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7296>,
0x7f7875d24cdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12463>,
0x7f7875d26e2b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20987>,
0x7f7875d24c55 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12325>,
0x7f7875d25772 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15170>,
0x7f7875d24bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12231>,
0x7f7875d23ff8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9160>,
0x7f7875d23f5e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9006>,
0x7f7875d256f1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15041>,
0x7f7875d23ed4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8868>,
0x7f7875d245fb <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10699>,
0x7f7875d245bc <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10636>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2512c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13564>,
0x7f7875d24562 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10546>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25a71 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15937>,
0x7f7875d250bf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13455>,
0x7f7875d23729 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6905>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d236d3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6819>,
0x7f7875d2309e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5230>,
0x7f7875d22ee4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4788>,
0x7f7875d22df2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4546>,
0x7f7875d22d2e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4350>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20577>,
0x7f7875d235fa <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6602>,
0x7f7875d2346a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6202>,
0x7f7875d2358b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6491>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22c8d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4189>,
0x7f7875d232c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5776>,
0x7f7875d23160 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5424>,
0x7f7875d2356b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6459>,
0x7f7875d230e1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5297>,
0x7f7875d22aa2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3698>,
0x7f7875d22a0c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3548>,
0x7f7875d234d9 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6313>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d228f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3270>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d23031 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5121>,
0x7f7875d22f50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4896>,
0x7f7875d22bc0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3984>,
0x7f7875d22b21 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3825>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22863 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3123>,
0x7f7875d227de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2990>,
0x7f7875d246b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10880>,
0x7f7875d26188 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17752>,
0x7f7875d24e0f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12767>,
0x7f7875d225d8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2472>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 90 times>}
stack_pointer = <optimized out>
next_instr = <optimized out>
opcode = <optimized out>
oparg = <optimized out>
fastlocals = <optimized out>
freevars = <optimized out>
retval = 0x0
eval_breaker = <optimized out>
co = <optimized out>
first_instr = <optimized out>
names = <optimized out>
consts = <optimized out>
co_opcache = <optimized out>
trace_info = {code = 0x0, bounds = {ar_start = 500680952,
ar_end = 32632, ar_line = 1979641056, opaque = {
computed_line = 1977877688,
lo_next = 0x7f7875ff4fc0 <_Py_FalseStruct> "\n*",
limit = 0x55fbd55e7cf0 "\002"}}, cframe = {use_tracing = 0,
previous = 0x7fff27be85e0}}
prev_cframe = <optimized out>
#69 0x00007f7875e40ef8 in _PyEval_EvalFrame (throwflag=0, f=0x55fbd55e7cf0,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
No locals.
#70 _PyEval_Vector (tstate=0x55fbd2484740, con=0x7f781f47fa40,
locals=<optimized out>, args=<optimized out>, argcount=<optimized out>,
kwnames=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:5065
f = 0x55fbd55e7cf0
retval = <optimized out>
#71 0x00007f7875d283c1 in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate (kwnames=0x0,
nargsf=<optimized out>, args=0x7f781dd7c8f8, callable=0x7f781f47fa30,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
#72 PyObject_Vectorcall (kwnames=0x0, nargsf=<optimized out>,
args=0x7f781dd7c8f8, callable=0x7f781f47fa30)
at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
tstate = 0x55fbd2484740
tstate = <optimized out>
#73 call_function (kwnames=0x0, oparg=<optimized out>,
pp_stack=<synthetic pointer>, trace_info=0x7fff27be85b0,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at Python/ceval.c:5869
func = 0x7f781f47fa30
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = 0
nargs = <optimized out>
pfunc = 0x7f781dd7c8f0
x = <optimized out>
stack = 0x7f781dd7c8f8
pfunc = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
x = <optimized out>
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
stack = <optimized out>
#74 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (tstate=<optimized out>, f=<optimized out>,
throwflag=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:4198
sp = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
meth = <optimized out>
__func__ = "_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault"
opcode_targets = {0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25929 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15609>,
0x7f7875d26b93 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20323>,
0x7f7875d26d63 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20787>,
0x7f7875d26f76 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21318>,
0x7f7875d26ec2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21138>,
0x7f7875d26f1a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21226>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20515>,
0x7f7875d25ad8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16040>,
0x7f7875d2481f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11247>,
0x7f7875d2479f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11119>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2472e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11006>,
0x7f7875d26426 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18422>,
0x7f7875d244d5 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10405>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d24441 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10257>,
0x7f7875d26977 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19783>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25886 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15446>,
0x7f7875d25e03 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16851>,
0x7f7875d257f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15302>,
0x7f7875d24233 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9731>,
0x7f7875d241a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9590>,
0x7f7875d24119 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9449>,
0x7f7875d2408c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9308>,
0x7f7875d26399 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18281>,
0x7f7875d26328 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18168>,
0x7f7875d26db7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20871>,
0x7f7875d26bdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20399>,
0x7f7875d264b3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18563>,
0x7f7875d22737 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2823>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 14 times>,
0x7f7875d22648 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2584>,
0x7f7875d260dd <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17581>,
0x7f7875d26207 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17879>,
0x7f7875d251f4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13764>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d253a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14198>,
0x7f7875d25303 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14035>,
0x7f7875d23823 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7155>,
0x7f7875d23796 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7014>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25d04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16596>,
0x7f7875d25c60 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16432>,
0x7f7875d2663e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18958>,
0x7f7875d25bd3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16291>,
0x7f7875d24b6a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12090>,
0x7f7875d24add <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11949>,
0x7f7875d24a50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11808>,
0x7f7875d249c3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11667>,
0x7f7875d266c4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19092>,
0x7f7875d262b7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18055>,
0x7f7875d25666 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14902>,
0x7f7875d2556d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14653>,
0x7f7875d23e47 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8727>,
0x7f7875d23d09 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8409>,
0x7f7875d23c84 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8276>,
0x7f7875d26e6e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21054>,
0x7f7875d23bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8135>,
0x7f7875d26aff <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20175>,
0x7f7875d268ea <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19642>,
0x7f7875d26a72 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20034>,
0x7f7875d259e4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15796>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26a04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19924>,
0x7f7875d26ce7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20663>,
0x7f7875d26758 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19240>,
0x7f7875d25023 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13299>,
0x7f7875d24fb6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13190>,
0x7f7875d26009 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17369>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25f53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17187>,
0x7f7875d2604d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17437>,
0x7f7875d23665 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6709>,
0x7f7875d25ea6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17014>,
0x7f7875d25d91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16737>,
0x7f7875d24f26 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13046>,
0x7f7875d24e8e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12894>,
0x7f7875d243c1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10129>,
0x7f7875d2433c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9996>,
0x7f7875d2597f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15695>,
0x7f7875d242c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9872>,
0x7f7875d28f27 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+29431>,
0x7f7875d25b49 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16153>,
0x7f7875d254de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14510>,
0x7f7875d24931 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11521>,
0x7f7875d24890 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11360>,
0x7f7875d23b58 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7976>,
0x7f7875d23a36 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7686>,
0x7f7875d25450 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14368>,
0x7f7875d238b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7296>,
0x7f7875d24cdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12463>,
0x7f7875d26e2b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20987>,
0x7f7875d24c55 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12325>,
0x7f7875d25772 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15170>,
0x7f7875d24bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12231>,
0x7f7875d23ff8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9160>,
0x7f7875d23f5e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9006>,
0x7f7875d256f1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15041>,
0x7f7875d23ed4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8868>,
0x7f7875d245fb <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10699>,
0x7f7875d245bc <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10636>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2512c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13564>,
0x7f7875d24562 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10546>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25a71 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15937>,
0x7f7875d250bf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13455>,
0x7f7875d23729 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6905>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d236d3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6819>,
0x7f7875d2309e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5230>,
0x7f7875d22ee4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4788>,
0x7f7875d22df2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4546>,
0x7f7875d22d2e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4350>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20577>,
0x7f7875d235fa <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6602>,
0x7f7875d2346a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6202>,
0x7f7875d2358b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6491>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22c8d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4189>,
0x7f7875d232c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5776>,
0x7f7875d23160 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5424>,
0x7f7875d2356b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6459>,
0x7f7875d230e1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5297>,
0x7f7875d22aa2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3698>,
0x7f7875d22a0c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3548>,
0x7f7875d234d9 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6313>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d228f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3270>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d23031 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5121>,
0x7f7875d22f50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4896>,
0x7f7875d22bc0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3984>,
0x7f7875d22b21 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3825>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22863 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3123>,
0x7f7875d227de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2990>,
0x7f7875d246b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10880>,
0x7f7875d26188 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17752>,
0x7f7875d24e0f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12767>,
0x7f7875d225d8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2472>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 90 times>}
stack_pointer = <optimized out>
next_instr = <optimized out>
opcode = <optimized out>
oparg = <optimized out>
fastlocals = <optimized out>
freevars = <optimized out>
retval = 0x0
eval_breaker = <optimized out>
co = <optimized out>
first_instr = <optimized out>
names = <optimized out>
consts = <optimized out>
co_opcache = <optimized out>
trace_info = {code = 0x0, bounds = {ar_start = 500571136,
ar_end = 32632, ar_line = 1979641056, opaque = {
computed_line = 1977877688, lo_next = 0x55fbd4ca3a80 "\f",
limit = 0x7f781dd7c780 "\002"}}, cframe = {use_tracing = 0,
previous = 0x7fff27be87a0}}
prev_cframe = <optimized out>
#75 0x00007f7875e40ef8 in _PyEval_EvalFrame (throwflag=0, f=0x7f781dd7c780,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
No locals.
#76 _PyEval_Vector (tstate=0x55fbd2484740, con=0x7f781f47df40,
locals=<optimized out>, args=<optimized out>, argcount=<optimized out>,
kwnames=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:5065
f = 0x7f781dd7c780
retval = <optimized out>
#77 0x00007f7875d283c1 in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate (kwnames=0x0,
nargsf=<optimized out>, args=0x7f781dd61c00, callable=0x7f781f47df30,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
#78 PyObject_Vectorcall (kwnames=0x0, nargsf=<optimized out>,
args=0x7f781dd61c00, callable=0x7f781f47df30)
at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
tstate = 0x55fbd2484740
tstate = <optimized out>
#79 call_function (kwnames=0x0, oparg=<optimized out>,
pp_stack=<synthetic pointer>, trace_info=0x7fff27be8770,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at Python/ceval.c:5869
func = 0x7f781f47df30
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = 0
nargs = <optimized out>
pfunc = 0x7f781dd61bf8
x = <optimized out>
stack = 0x7f781dd61c00
pfunc = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
x = <optimized out>
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
stack = <optimized out>
#80 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (tstate=<optimized out>, f=<optimized out>,
throwflag=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:4198
sp = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
meth = <optimized out>
__func__ = "_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault"
opcode_targets = {0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25929 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15609>,
0x7f7875d26b93 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20323>,
0x7f7875d26d63 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20787>,
0x7f7875d26f76 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21318>,
0x7f7875d26ec2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21138>,
0x7f7875d26f1a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21226>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20515>,
0x7f7875d25ad8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16040>,
0x7f7875d2481f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11247>,
0x7f7875d2479f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11119>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2472e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11006>,
0x7f7875d26426 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18422>,
0x7f7875d244d5 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10405>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d24441 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10257>,
0x7f7875d26977 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19783>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25886 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15446>,
0x7f7875d25e03 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16851>,
0x7f7875d257f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15302>,
0x7f7875d24233 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9731>,
0x7f7875d241a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9590>,
0x7f7875d24119 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9449>,
0x7f7875d2408c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9308>,
0x7f7875d26399 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18281>,
0x7f7875d26328 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18168>,
0x7f7875d26db7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20871>,
0x7f7875d26bdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20399>,
0x7f7875d264b3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18563>,
0x7f7875d22737 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2823>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 14 times>,
0x7f7875d22648 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2584>,
0x7f7875d260dd <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17581>,
0x7f7875d26207 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17879>,
0x7f7875d251f4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13764>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d253a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14198>,
0x7f7875d25303 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14035>,
0x7f7875d23823 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7155>,
0x7f7875d23796 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7014>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25d04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16596>,
0x7f7875d25c60 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16432>,
0x7f7875d2663e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18958>,
0x7f7875d25bd3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16291>,
0x7f7875d24b6a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12090>,
0x7f7875d24add <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11949>,
0x7f7875d24a50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11808>,
0x7f7875d249c3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11667>,
0x7f7875d266c4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19092>,
0x7f7875d262b7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18055>,
0x7f7875d25666 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14902>,
0x7f7875d2556d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14653>,
0x7f7875d23e47 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8727>,
0x7f7875d23d09 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8409>,
0x7f7875d23c84 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8276>,
0x7f7875d26e6e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21054>,
0x7f7875d23bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8135>,
0x7f7875d26aff <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20175>,
0x7f7875d268ea <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19642>,
0x7f7875d26a72 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20034>,
0x7f7875d259e4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15796>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26a04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19924>,
0x7f7875d26ce7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20663>,
0x7f7875d26758 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19240>,
0x7f7875d25023 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13299>,
0x7f7875d24fb6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13190>,
0x7f7875d26009 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17369>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25f53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17187>,
0x7f7875d2604d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17437>,
0x7f7875d23665 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6709>,
0x7f7875d25ea6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17014>,
0x7f7875d25d91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16737>,
0x7f7875d24f26 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13046>,
0x7f7875d24e8e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12894>,
0x7f7875d243c1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10129>,
0x7f7875d2433c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9996>,
0x7f7875d2597f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15695>,
0x7f7875d242c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9872>,
0x7f7875d28f27 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+29431>,
0x7f7875d25b49 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16153>,
0x7f7875d254de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14510>,
0x7f7875d24931 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11521>,
0x7f7875d24890 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11360>,
0x7f7875d23b58 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7976>,
0x7f7875d23a36 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7686>,
0x7f7875d25450 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14368>,
0x7f7875d238b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7296>,
0x7f7875d24cdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12463>,
0x7f7875d26e2b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20987>,
0x7f7875d24c55 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12325>,
0x7f7875d25772 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15170>,
0x7f7875d24bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12231>,
0x7f7875d23ff8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9160>,
0x7f7875d23f5e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9006>,
0x7f7875d256f1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15041>,
0x7f7875d23ed4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8868>,
0x7f7875d245fb <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10699>,
0x7f7875d245bc <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10636>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2512c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13564>,
0x7f7875d24562 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10546>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25a71 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15937>,
0x7f7875d250bf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13455>,
0x7f7875d23729 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6905>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d236d3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6819>,
0x7f7875d2309e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5230>,
0x7f7875d22ee4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4788>,
0x7f7875d22df2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4546>,
0x7f7875d22d2e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4350>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20577>,
0x7f7875d235fa <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6602>,
0x7f7875d2346a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6202>,
0x7f7875d2358b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6491>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22c8d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4189>,
0x7f7875d232c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5776>,
0x7f7875d23160 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5424>,
0x7f7875d2356b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6459>,
0x7f7875d230e1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5297>,
0x7f7875d22aa2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3698>,
0x7f7875d22a0c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3548>,
0x7f7875d234d9 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6313>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d228f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3270>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d23031 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5121>,
0x7f7875d22f50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4896>,
0x7f7875d22bc0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3984>,
0x7f7875d22b21 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3825>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22863 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3123>,
0x7f7875d227de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2990>,
0x7f7875d246b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10880>,
0x7f7875d26188 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17752>,
0x7f7875d24e0f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12767>,
0x7f7875d225d8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2472>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 90 times>}
stack_pointer = <optimized out>
next_instr = <optimized out>
opcode = <optimized out>
oparg = <optimized out>
fastlocals = <optimized out>
freevars = <optimized out>
retval = 0x0
eval_breaker = <optimized out>
co = <optimized out>
first_instr = <optimized out>
names = <optimized out>
consts = <optimized out>
co_opcache = <optimized out>
trace_info = {code = 0x0, bounds = {ar_start = -766774648,
ar_end = 22011, ar_line = 1979641056, opaque = {
computed_line = 1977877688, lo_next = 0x7f781f17e050 "\001",
limit = 0x7f781dd61a80 "\002"}}, cframe = {use_tracing = 0,
previous = 0x7fff27be8960}}
prev_cframe = <optimized out>
#81 0x00007f7875e40ef8 in _PyEval_EvalFrame (throwflag=0, f=0x7f781dd61a80,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
No locals.
#82 _PyEval_Vector (tstate=0x55fbd2484740, con=0x7f781f47dfd0,
locals=<optimized out>, args=<optimized out>, argcount=<optimized out>,
kwnames=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:5065
f = 0x7f781dd61a80
retval = <optimized out>
#83 0x00007f7875d283c1 in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate (kwnames=0x0,
nargsf=<optimized out>, args=0x55fbd24bf288, callable=0x7f781f47dfc0,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
#84 PyObject_Vectorcall (kwnames=0x0, nargsf=<optimized out>,
args=0x55fbd24bf288, callable=0x7f781f47dfc0)
at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
tstate = 0x55fbd2484740
tstate = <optimized out>
#85 call_function (kwnames=0x0, oparg=<optimized out>,
pp_stack=<synthetic pointer>, trace_info=0x7fff27be8930,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at Python/ceval.c:5869
func = 0x7f781f47dfc0
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = 0
nargs = <optimized out>
pfunc = 0x55fbd24bf280
x = <optimized out>
stack = 0x55fbd24bf288
pfunc = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
x = <optimized out>
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
stack = <optimized out>
#86 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (tstate=<optimized out>, f=<optimized out>,
throwflag=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:4198
sp = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
meth = <optimized out>
__func__ = "_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault"
opcode_targets = {0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25929 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15609>,
0x7f7875d26b93 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20323>,
0x7f7875d26d63 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20787>,
0x7f7875d26f76 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21318>,
0x7f7875d26ec2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21138>,
0x7f7875d26f1a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21226>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20515>,
0x7f7875d25ad8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16040>,
0x7f7875d2481f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11247>,
0x7f7875d2479f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11119>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2472e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11006>,
0x7f7875d26426 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18422>,
0x7f7875d244d5 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10405>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d24441 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10257>,
0x7f7875d26977 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19783>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25886 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15446>,
0x7f7875d25e03 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16851>,
0x7f7875d257f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15302>,
0x7f7875d24233 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9731>,
0x7f7875d241a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9590>,
0x7f7875d24119 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9449>,
0x7f7875d2408c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9308>,
0x7f7875d26399 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18281>,
0x7f7875d26328 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18168>,
0x7f7875d26db7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20871>,
0x7f7875d26bdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20399>,
0x7f7875d264b3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18563>,
0x7f7875d22737 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2823>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 14 times>,
0x7f7875d22648 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2584>,
0x7f7875d260dd <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17581>,
0x7f7875d26207 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17879>,
0x7f7875d251f4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13764>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d253a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14198>,
0x7f7875d25303 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14035>,
0x7f7875d23823 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7155>,
0x7f7875d23796 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7014>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25d04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16596>,
0x7f7875d25c60 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16432>,
0x7f7875d2663e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18958>,
0x7f7875d25bd3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16291>,
0x7f7875d24b6a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12090>,
0x7f7875d24add <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11949>,
0x7f7875d24a50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11808>,
0x7f7875d249c3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11667>,
0x7f7875d266c4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19092>,
0x7f7875d262b7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18055>,
0x7f7875d25666 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14902>,
0x7f7875d2556d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14653>,
0x7f7875d23e47 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8727>,
0x7f7875d23d09 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8409>,
0x7f7875d23c84 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8276>,
0x7f7875d26e6e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21054>,
0x7f7875d23bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8135>,
0x7f7875d26aff <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20175>,
0x7f7875d268ea <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19642>,
0x7f7875d26a72 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20034>,
0x7f7875d259e4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15796>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26a04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19924>,
0x7f7875d26ce7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20663>,
0x7f7875d26758 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19240>,
0x7f7875d25023 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13299>,
0x7f7875d24fb6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13190>,
0x7f7875d26009 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17369>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25f53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17187>,
0x7f7875d2604d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17437>,
0x7f7875d23665 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6709>,
0x7f7875d25ea6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17014>,
0x7f7875d25d91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16737>,
0x7f7875d24f26 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13046>,
0x7f7875d24e8e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12894>,
0x7f7875d243c1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10129>,
0x7f7875d2433c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9996>,
0x7f7875d2597f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15695>,
0x7f7875d242c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9872>,
0x7f7875d28f27 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+29431>,
0x7f7875d25b49 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16153>,
0x7f7875d254de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14510>,
0x7f7875d24931 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11521>,
0x7f7875d24890 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11360>,
0x7f7875d23b58 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7976>,
0x7f7875d23a36 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7686>,
0x7f7875d25450 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14368>,
0x7f7875d238b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7296>,
0x7f7875d24cdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12463>,
0x7f7875d26e2b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20987>,
0x7f7875d24c55 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12325>,
0x7f7875d25772 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15170>,
0x7f7875d24bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12231>,
0x7f7875d23ff8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9160>,
0x7f7875d23f5e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9006>,
0x7f7875d256f1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15041>,
0x7f7875d23ed4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8868>,
0x7f7875d245fb <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10699>,
0x7f7875d245bc <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10636>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2512c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13564>,
0x7f7875d24562 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10546>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25a71 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15937>,
0x7f7875d250bf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13455>,
0x7f7875d23729 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6905>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d236d3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6819>,
0x7f7875d2309e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5230>,
0x7f7875d22ee4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4788>,
0x7f7875d22df2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4546>,
0x7f7875d22d2e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4350>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20577>,
0x7f7875d235fa <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6602>,
0x7f7875d2346a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6202>,
0x7f7875d2358b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6491>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22c8d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4189>,
0x7f7875d232c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5776>,
0x7f7875d23160 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5424>,
0x7f7875d2356b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6459>,
0x7f7875d230e1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5297>,
0x7f7875d22aa2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3698>,
0x7f7875d22a0c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3548>,
0x7f7875d234d9 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6313>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d228f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3270>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d23031 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5121>,
0x7f7875d22f50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4896>,
0x7f7875d22bc0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3984>,
0x7f7875d22b21 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3825>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22863 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3123>,
0x7f7875d227de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2990>,
0x7f7875d246b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10880>,
0x7f7875d26188 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17752>,
0x7f7875d24e0f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12767>,
0x7f7875d225d8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2472>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 90 times>}
stack_pointer = <optimized out>
next_instr = <optimized out>
opcode = <optimized out>
oparg = <optimized out>
fastlocals = <optimized out>
freevars = <optimized out>
retval = 0x0
eval_breaker = <optimized out>
co = <optimized out>
first_instr = <optimized out>
names = <optimized out>
consts = <optimized out>
co_opcache = <optimized out>
trace_info = {code = 0x0, bounds = {ar_start = 1977075444,
ar_end = 32632, ar_line = 491747936, opaque = {
computed_line = 1977879156, lo_next = 0x7f781f52d480 "\003",
limit = 0x55fbd24bf0c0 "\002"}}, cframe = {use_tracing = 0,
previous = 0x7fff27be8bb0}}
prev_cframe = <optimized out>
#87 0x00007f7875e40ef8 in _PyEval_EvalFrame (throwflag=0, f=0x55fbd24bf0c0,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
No locals.
#88 _PyEval_Vector (tstate=0x55fbd2484740, con=0x7f781f17e0f0,
locals=<optimized out>, args=<optimized out>, argcount=<optimized out>,
kwnames=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:5065
f = 0x55fbd24bf0c0
retval = <optimized out>
#89 0x00007f7875d7d090 in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate (kwnames=0x7f781f1e7640,
nargsf=1, args=0x55fbd5410738, callable=0x7f781f17e0e0,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
#90 method_vectorcall (method=<optimized out>, args=0x55fbd5410740,
nargsf=<optimized out>, kwnames=0x7f781f1e7640) at Objects/classobject.c:53
newargs = 0x55fbd5410738
tmp = 0x7f781c509e40
tstate = 0x55fbd2484740
self = 0x7f781deda710
func = 0x7f781f17e0e0
nargs = 1
result = <optimized out>
#91 0x00007f7875d27742 in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate (kwnames=0x7f781f1e7640,
nargsf=<optimized out>, args=<optimized out>, callable=0x7f781c509e40,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
#92 PyObject_Vectorcall (kwnames=0x7f781f1e7640, nargsf=<optimized out>,
args=<optimized out>, callable=<optimized out>)
at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
tstate = 0x55fbd2484740
tstate = <optimized out>
#93 call_function (kwnames=0x7f781f1e7640, oparg=<optimized out>,
pp_stack=<synthetic pointer>, trace_info=0x7fff27be8b80,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at Python/ceval.c:5869
func = <optimized out>
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
pfunc = 0x55fbd5410738
x = <optimized out>
stack = <optimized out>
pfunc = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
x = <optimized out>
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
stack = <optimized out>
#94 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (tstate=<optimized out>, f=<optimized out>,
throwflag=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:4231
sp = 0x55fbd5410750
res = <optimized out>
names = 0x7f781f1e7640
__func__ = "_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault"
opcode_targets = {0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25929 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15609>,
0x7f7875d26b93 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20323>,
0x7f7875d26d63 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20787>,
0x7f7875d26f76 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21318>,
0x7f7875d26ec2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21138>,
0x7f7875d26f1a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21226>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20515>,
0x7f7875d25ad8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16040>,
0x7f7875d2481f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11247>,
0x7f7875d2479f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11119>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2472e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11006>,
0x7f7875d26426 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18422>,
0x7f7875d244d5 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10405>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d24441 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10257>,
0x7f7875d26977 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19783>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25886 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15446>,
0x7f7875d25e03 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16851>,
0x7f7875d257f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15302>,
0x7f7875d24233 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9731>,
0x7f7875d241a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9590>,
0x7f7875d24119 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9449>,
0x7f7875d2408c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9308>,
0x7f7875d26399 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18281>,
0x7f7875d26328 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18168>,
0x7f7875d26db7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20871>,
0x7f7875d26bdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20399>,
0x7f7875d264b3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18563>,
0x7f7875d22737 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2823>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 14 times>,
0x7f7875d22648 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2584>,
0x7f7875d260dd <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17581>,
0x7f7875d26207 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17879>,
0x7f7875d251f4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13764>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d253a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14198>,
0x7f7875d25303 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14035>,
0x7f7875d23823 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7155>,
0x7f7875d23796 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7014>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25d04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16596>,
0x7f7875d25c60 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16432>,
0x7f7875d2663e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18958>,
0x7f7875d25bd3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16291>,
0x7f7875d24b6a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12090>,
0x7f7875d24add <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11949>,
0x7f7875d24a50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11808>,
0x7f7875d249c3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11667>,
0x7f7875d266c4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19092>,
0x7f7875d262b7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18055>,
0x7f7875d25666 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14902>,
0x7f7875d2556d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14653>,
0x7f7875d23e47 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8727>,
0x7f7875d23d09 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8409>,
0x7f7875d23c84 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8276>,
0x7f7875d26e6e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21054>,
0x7f7875d23bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8135>,
0x7f7875d26aff <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20175>,
0x7f7875d268ea <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19642>,
0x7f7875d26a72 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20034>,
0x7f7875d259e4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15796>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26a04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19924>,
0x7f7875d26ce7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20663>,
0x7f7875d26758 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19240>,
0x7f7875d25023 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13299>,
0x7f7875d24fb6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13190>,
0x7f7875d26009 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17369>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25f53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17187>,
0x7f7875d2604d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17437>,
0x7f7875d23665 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6709>,
0x7f7875d25ea6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17014>,
0x7f7875d25d91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16737>,
0x7f7875d24f26 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13046>,
0x7f7875d24e8e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12894>,
0x7f7875d243c1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10129>,
0x7f7875d2433c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9996>,
0x7f7875d2597f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15695>,
0x7f7875d242c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9872>,
0x7f7875d28f27 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+29431>,
0x7f7875d25b49 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16153>,
0x7f7875d254de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14510>,
0x7f7875d24931 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11521>,
0x7f7875d24890 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11360>,
0x7f7875d23b58 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7976>,
0x7f7875d23a36 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7686>,
0x7f7875d25450 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14368>,
0x7f7875d238b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7296>,
0x7f7875d24cdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12463>,
0x7f7875d26e2b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20987>,
0x7f7875d24c55 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12325>,
0x7f7875d25772 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15170>,
0x7f7875d24bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12231>,
0x7f7875d23ff8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9160>,
0x7f7875d23f5e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9006>,
0x7f7875d256f1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15041>,
0x7f7875d23ed4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8868>,
0x7f7875d245fb <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10699>,
0x7f7875d245bc <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10636>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2512c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13564>,
0x7f7875d24562 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10546>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25a71 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15937>,
0x7f7875d250bf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13455>,
0x7f7875d23729 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6905>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d236d3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6819>,
0x7f7875d2309e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5230>,
0x7f7875d22ee4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4788>,
0x7f7875d22df2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4546>,
0x7f7875d22d2e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4350>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20577>,
0x7f7875d235fa <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6602>,
0x7f7875d2346a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6202>,
0x7f7875d2358b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6491>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22c8d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4189>,
0x7f7875d232c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5776>,
0x7f7875d23160 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5424>,
0x7f7875d2356b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6459>,
0x7f7875d230e1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5297>,
0x7f7875d22aa2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3698>,
0x7f7875d22a0c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3548>,
0x7f7875d234d9 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6313>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d228f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3270>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d23031 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5121>,
0x7f7875d22f50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4896>,
0x7f7875d22bc0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3984>,
0x7f7875d22b21 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3825>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22863 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3123>,
0x7f7875d227de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2990>,
0x7f7875d246b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10880>,
0x7f7875d26188 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17752>,
0x7f7875d24e0f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12767>,
0x7f7875d225d8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2472>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 90 times>}
stack_pointer = 0x55fbd5410750
next_instr = <optimized out>
opcode = <optimized out>
oparg = <optimized out>
fastlocals = <optimized out>
freevars = <optimized out>
retval = 0x0
eval_breaker = <optimized out>
co = <optimized out>
first_instr = <optimized out>
names = <optimized out>
consts = <optimized out>
co_opcache = <optimized out>
trace_info = {code = 0x0, bounds = {ar_start = 522073728,
ar_end = 32632, ar_line = -717159296, opaque = {
computed_line = 1977879047, lo_next = 0x7f781f4a8870 "\207",
limit = 0x55fbd5410480 "\002"}}, cframe = {use_tracing = 0,
previous = 0x7fff27be8e50}}
prev_cframe = <optimized out>
#95 0x00007f7875e40ef8 in _PyEval_EvalFrame (throwflag=0, f=0x55fbd5410480,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
No locals.
#96 _PyEval_Vector (tstate=0x55fbd2484740, con=0x7f781f1ed9a0,
locals=<optimized out>, args=<optimized out>, argcount=<optimized out>,
kwnames=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:5065
f = 0x55fbd5410480
retval = <optimized out>
#97 0x00007f7875d7d090 in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate (kwnames=0x7f781c85fd80,
nargsf=1, args=0x7f781d498080, callable=0x7f781f1ed990,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
#98 method_vectorcall (method=<optimized out>, args=0x7f781d498088,
nargsf=<optimized out>, kwnames=0x7f781c85fd80) at Objects/classobject.c:53
newargs = 0x7f781d498080
tmp = 0x7f781d4981c0
tstate = 0x55fbd2484740
self = 0x7f781deab1c0
func = 0x7f781f1ed990
nargs = 1
result = <optimized out>
#99 0x00007f7875d7a37a in PyVectorcall_Call (callable=0x7f781df27cc0,
tuple=<optimized out>, kwargs=<optimized out>) at Objects/call.c:267
tstate = 0x55fbd2484740
func = 0x7f7875d7cf10 <method_vectorcall>
offset = <optimized out>
nargs = 0
args = 0x7f781d498088
kwnames = 0x7f781c85fd80
result = <optimized out>
#100 0x00007f7875d233c3 in do_call_core (kwdict=0x7f7815243040,
callargs=0x7f787580c070, func=0x7f781df27cc0, trace_info=0x7fff27be8e20,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at Python/ceval.c:5921
result = <optimized out>
result = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
self = <optimized out>
#101 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (tstate=<optimized out>, f=<optimized out>,
throwflag=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:4277
func = 0x7f781df27cc0
callargs = 0x7f787580c070
kwargs = 0x7f7815243040
result = <optimized out>
__func__ = "_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault"
opcode_targets = {0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25929 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15609>,
0x7f7875d26b93 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20323>,
0x7f7875d26d63 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20787>,
0x7f7875d26f76 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21318>,
0x7f7875d26ec2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21138>,
0x7f7875d26f1a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21226>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20515>,
0x7f7875d25ad8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16040>,
0x7f7875d2481f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11247>,
0x7f7875d2479f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11119>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2472e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11006>,
0x7f7875d26426 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18422>,
0x7f7875d244d5 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10405>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d24441 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10257>,
0x7f7875d26977 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19783>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25886 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15446>,
0x7f7875d25e03 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16851>,
0x7f7875d257f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15302>,
0x7f7875d24233 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9731>,
0x7f7875d241a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9590>,
0x7f7875d24119 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9449>,
0x7f7875d2408c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9308>,
0x7f7875d26399 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18281>,
0x7f7875d26328 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18168>,
0x7f7875d26db7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20871>,
0x7f7875d26bdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20399>,
0x7f7875d264b3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18563>,
0x7f7875d22737 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2823>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 14 times>,
0x7f7875d22648 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2584>,
0x7f7875d260dd <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17581>,
0x7f7875d26207 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17879>,
0x7f7875d251f4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13764>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d253a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14198>,
0x7f7875d25303 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14035>,
0x7f7875d23823 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7155>,
0x7f7875d23796 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7014>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25d04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16596>,
0x7f7875d25c60 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16432>,
0x7f7875d2663e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18958>,
0x7f7875d25bd3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16291>,
0x7f7875d24b6a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12090>,
0x7f7875d24add <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11949>,
0x7f7875d24a50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11808>,
0x7f7875d249c3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11667>,
0x7f7875d266c4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19092>,
0x7f7875d262b7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18055>,
0x7f7875d25666 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14902>,
0x7f7875d2556d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14653>,
0x7f7875d23e47 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8727>,
0x7f7875d23d09 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8409>,
0x7f7875d23c84 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8276>,
0x7f7875d26e6e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21054>,
0x7f7875d23bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8135>,
0x7f7875d26aff <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20175>,
0x7f7875d268ea <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19642>,
0x7f7875d26a72 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20034>,
0x7f7875d259e4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15796>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26a04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19924>,
0x7f7875d26ce7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20663>,
0x7f7875d26758 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19240>,
0x7f7875d25023 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13299>,
0x7f7875d24fb6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13190>,
0x7f7875d26009 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17369>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25f53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17187>,
0x7f7875d2604d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17437>,
0x7f7875d23665 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6709>,
0x7f7875d25ea6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17014>,
0x7f7875d25d91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16737>,
0x7f7875d24f26 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13046>,
0x7f7875d24e8e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12894>,
0x7f7875d243c1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10129>,
0x7f7875d2433c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9996>,
0x7f7875d2597f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15695>,
0x7f7875d242c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9872>,
0x7f7875d28f27 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+29431>,
0x7f7875d25b49 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16153>,
0x7f7875d254de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14510>,
0x7f7875d24931 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11521>,
0x7f7875d24890 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11360>,
0x7f7875d23b58 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7976>,
0x7f7875d23a36 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7686>,
0x7f7875d25450 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14368>,
0x7f7875d238b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7296>,
0x7f7875d24cdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12463>,
0x7f7875d26e2b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20987>,
0x7f7875d24c55 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12325>,
0x7f7875d25772 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15170>,
0x7f7875d24bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12231>,
0x7f7875d23ff8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9160>,
0x7f7875d23f5e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9006>,
0x7f7875d256f1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15041>,
0x7f7875d23ed4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8868>,
0x7f7875d245fb <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10699>,
0x7f7875d245bc <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10636>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2512c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13564>,
0x7f7875d24562 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10546>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25a71 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15937>,
0x7f7875d250bf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13455>,
0x7f7875d23729 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6905>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d236d3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6819>,
0x7f7875d2309e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5230>,
0x7f7875d22ee4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4788>,
0x7f7875d22df2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4546>,
0x7f7875d22d2e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4350>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20577>,
0x7f7875d235fa <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6602>,
0x7f7875d2346a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6202>,
0x7f7875d2358b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6491>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22c8d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4189>,
0x7f7875d232c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5776>,
0x7f7875d23160 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5424>,
0x7f7875d2356b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6459>,
0x7f7875d230e1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5297>,
0x7f7875d22aa2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3698>,
0x7f7875d22a0c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3548>,
0x7f7875d234d9 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6313>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d228f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3270>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d23031 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5121>,
0x7f7875d22f50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4896>,
0x7f7875d22bc0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3984>,
0x7f7875d22b21 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3825>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22863 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3123>,
0x7f7875d227de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2990>,
0x7f7875d246b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10880>,
0x7f7875d26188 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17752>,
0x7f7875d24e0f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12767>,
0x7f7875d225d8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2472>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 90 times>}
stack_pointer = 0x7f781dfbdb08
next_instr = <optimized out>
opcode = <optimized out>
oparg = <optimized out>
fastlocals = <optimized out>
freevars = <optimized out>
retval = 0x0
eval_breaker = <optimized out>
co = <optimized out>
first_instr = <optimized out>
names = <optimized out>
consts = <optimized out>
co_opcache = <optimized out>
trace_info = {code = 0x0, bounds = {ar_start = 504315272,
ar_end = 32632, ar_line = 1979641056, opaque = {
computed_line = 1977877688, lo_next = 0x0,
limit = 0x7f781dfbd970 "\002"}}, cframe = {use_tracing = 0,
previous = 0x7fff27be9010}}
prev_cframe = <optimized out>
#102 0x00007f7875e40ef8 in _PyEval_EvalFrame (throwflag=0, f=0x7f781dfbd970,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
No locals.
#103 _PyEval_Vector (tstate=0x55fbd2484740, con=0x7f781ecdb260,
locals=<optimized out>, args=<optimized out>, argcount=<optimized out>,
kwnames=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:5065
f = 0x7f781dfbd970
retval = <optimized out>
#104 0x00007f7875d283c1 in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate (kwnames=0x0,
nargsf=<optimized out>, args=0x7f781e0f3d88, callable=0x7f781ecdb250,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
#105 PyObject_Vectorcall (kwnames=0x0, nargsf=<optimized out>,
args=0x7f781e0f3d88, callable=0x7f781ecdb250)
at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
tstate = 0x55fbd2484740
tstate = <optimized out>
#106 call_function (kwnames=0x0, oparg=<optimized out>,
pp_stack=<synthetic pointer>, trace_info=0x7fff27be8fe0,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at Python/ceval.c:5869
func = 0x7f781ecdb250
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = 0
nargs = <optimized out>
pfunc = 0x7f781e0f3d80
x = <optimized out>
stack = 0x7f781e0f3d88
pfunc = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
x = <optimized out>
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
stack = <optimized out>
#107 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (tstate=<optimized out>, f=<optimized out>,
throwflag=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:4198
sp = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
meth = <optimized out>
__func__ = "_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault"
opcode_targets = {0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25929 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15609>,
0x7f7875d26b93 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20323>,
0x7f7875d26d63 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20787>,
0x7f7875d26f76 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21318>,
0x7f7875d26ec2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21138>,
0x7f7875d26f1a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21226>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20515>,
0x7f7875d25ad8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16040>,
0x7f7875d2481f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11247>,
0x7f7875d2479f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11119>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2472e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11006>,
0x7f7875d26426 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18422>,
0x7f7875d244d5 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10405>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d24441 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10257>,
0x7f7875d26977 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19783>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25886 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15446>,
0x7f7875d25e03 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16851>,
0x7f7875d257f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15302>,
0x7f7875d24233 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9731>,
0x7f7875d241a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9590>,
0x7f7875d24119 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9449>,
0x7f7875d2408c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9308>,
0x7f7875d26399 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18281>,
0x7f7875d26328 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18168>,
0x7f7875d26db7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20871>,
0x7f7875d26bdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20399>,
0x7f7875d264b3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18563>,
0x7f7875d22737 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2823>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 14 times>,
0x7f7875d22648 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2584>,
0x7f7875d260dd <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17581>,
0x7f7875d26207 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17879>,
0x7f7875d251f4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13764>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d253a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14198>,
0x7f7875d25303 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14035>,
0x7f7875d23823 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7155>,
0x7f7875d23796 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7014>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25d04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16596>,
0x7f7875d25c60 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16432>,
0x7f7875d2663e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18958>,
0x7f7875d25bd3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16291>,
0x7f7875d24b6a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12090>,
0x7f7875d24add <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11949>,
0x7f7875d24a50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11808>,
0x7f7875d249c3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11667>,
0x7f7875d266c4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19092>,
0x7f7875d262b7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18055>,
0x7f7875d25666 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14902>,
0x7f7875d2556d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14653>,
0x7f7875d23e47 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8727>,
0x7f7875d23d09 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8409>,
0x7f7875d23c84 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8276>,
0x7f7875d26e6e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21054>,
0x7f7875d23bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8135>,
0x7f7875d26aff <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20175>,
0x7f7875d268ea <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19642>,
0x7f7875d26a72 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20034>,
0x7f7875d259e4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15796>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26a04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19924>,
0x7f7875d26ce7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20663>,
0x7f7875d26758 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19240>,
0x7f7875d25023 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13299>,
0x7f7875d24fb6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13190>,
0x7f7875d26009 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17369>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25f53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17187>,
0x7f7875d2604d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17437>,
0x7f7875d23665 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6709>,
0x7f7875d25ea6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17014>,
0x7f7875d25d91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16737>,
0x7f7875d24f26 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13046>,
0x7f7875d24e8e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12894>,
0x7f7875d243c1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10129>,
0x7f7875d2433c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9996>,
0x7f7875d2597f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15695>,
0x7f7875d242c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9872>,
0x7f7875d28f27 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+29431>,
0x7f7875d25b49 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16153>,
0x7f7875d254de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14510>,
0x7f7875d24931 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11521>,
0x7f7875d24890 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11360>,
0x7f7875d23b58 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7976>,
0x7f7875d23a36 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7686>,
0x7f7875d25450 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14368>,
0x7f7875d238b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7296>,
0x7f7875d24cdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12463>,
0x7f7875d26e2b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20987>,
0x7f7875d24c55 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12325>,
0x7f7875d25772 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15170>,
0x7f7875d24bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12231>,
0x7f7875d23ff8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9160>,
0x7f7875d23f5e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9006>,
0x7f7875d256f1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15041>,
0x7f7875d23ed4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8868>,
0x7f7875d245fb <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10699>,
0x7f7875d245bc <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10636>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2512c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13564>,
0x7f7875d24562 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10546>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25a71 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15937>,
0x7f7875d250bf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13455>,
0x7f7875d23729 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6905>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d236d3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6819>,
0x7f7875d2309e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5230>,
0x7f7875d22ee4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4788>,
0x7f7875d22df2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4546>,
0x7f7875d22d2e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4350>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20577>,
0x7f7875d235fa <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6602>,
0x7f7875d2346a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6202>,
0x7f7875d2358b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6491>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22c8d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4189>,
0x7f7875d232c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5776>,
0x7f7875d23160 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5424>,
0x7f7875d2356b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6459>,
0x7f7875d230e1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5297>,
0x7f7875d22aa2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3698>,
0x7f7875d22a0c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3548>,
0x7f7875d234d9 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6313>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d228f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3270>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d23031 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5121>,
0x7f7875d22f50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4896>,
0x7f7875d22bc0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3984>,
0x7f7875d22b21 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3825>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22863 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3123>,
0x7f7875d227de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2990>,
0x7f7875d246b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10880>,
0x7f7875d26188 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17752>,
0x7f7875d24e0f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12767>,
0x7f7875d225d8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2472>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 90 times>}
stack_pointer = <optimized out>
next_instr = <optimized out>
opcode = <optimized out>
oparg = <optimized out>
fastlocals = <optimized out>
freevars = <optimized out>
retval = 0x0
eval_breaker = <optimized out>
co = <optimized out>
first_instr = <optimized out>
names = <optimized out>
consts = <optimized out>
co_opcache = <optimized out>
trace_info = {code = 0x0, bounds = {ar_start = -720827352,
ar_end = 22011, ar_line = 1979641056, opaque = {
computed_line = 1977877688, lo_next = 0x55fbd4eadc30 "\005",
limit = 0x7f781e0f3c10 "\002"}}, cframe = {use_tracing = 0,
previous = 0x7fff27be91d0}}
prev_cframe = <optimized out>
#108 0x00007f7875e40ef8 in _PyEval_EvalFrame (throwflag=0, f=0x7f781e0f3c10,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
No locals.
#109 _PyEval_Vector (tstate=0x55fbd2484740, con=0x7f781ecdb650,
locals=<optimized out>, args=<optimized out>, argcount=<optimized out>,
kwnames=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:5065
f = 0x7f781e0f3c10
retval = <optimized out>
#110 0x00007f7875d283c1 in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate (kwnames=0x0,
nargsf=<optimized out>, args=0x55fbd5090c28, callable=0x7f781ecdb640,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
#111 PyObject_Vectorcall (kwnames=0x0, nargsf=<optimized out>,
args=0x55fbd5090c28, callable=0x7f781ecdb640)
at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
tstate = 0x55fbd2484740
tstate = <optimized out>
#112 call_function (kwnames=0x0, oparg=<optimized out>,
pp_stack=<synthetic pointer>, trace_info=0x7fff27be91a0,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at Python/ceval.c:5869
func = 0x7f781ecdb640
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = 0
nargs = <optimized out>
pfunc = 0x55fbd5090c20
x = <optimized out>
stack = 0x55fbd5090c28
pfunc = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
x = <optimized out>
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
stack = <optimized out>
#113 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (tstate=<optimized out>, f=<optimized out>,
throwflag=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:4198
sp = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
meth = <optimized out>
__func__ = "_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault"
opcode_targets = {0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25929 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15609>,
0x7f7875d26b93 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20323>,
0x7f7875d26d63 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20787>,
0x7f7875d26f76 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21318>,
0x7f7875d26ec2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21138>,
0x7f7875d26f1a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21226>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20515>,
0x7f7875d25ad8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16040>,
0x7f7875d2481f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11247>,
0x7f7875d2479f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11119>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2472e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11006>,
0x7f7875d26426 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18422>,
0x7f7875d244d5 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10405>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d24441 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10257>,
0x7f7875d26977 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19783>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25886 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15446>,
0x7f7875d25e03 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16851>,
0x7f7875d257f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15302>,
0x7f7875d24233 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9731>,
0x7f7875d241a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9590>,
0x7f7875d24119 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9449>,
0x7f7875d2408c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9308>,
0x7f7875d26399 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18281>,
0x7f7875d26328 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18168>,
0x7f7875d26db7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20871>,
0x7f7875d26bdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20399>,
0x7f7875d264b3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18563>,
0x7f7875d22737 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2823>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 14 times>,
0x7f7875d22648 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2584>,
0x7f7875d260dd <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17581>,
0x7f7875d26207 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17879>,
0x7f7875d251f4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13764>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d253a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14198>,
0x7f7875d25303 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14035>,
0x7f7875d23823 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7155>,
0x7f7875d23796 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7014>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25d04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16596>,
0x7f7875d25c60 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16432>,
0x7f7875d2663e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18958>,
0x7f7875d25bd3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16291>,
0x7f7875d24b6a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12090>,
0x7f7875d24add <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11949>,
0x7f7875d24a50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11808>,
0x7f7875d249c3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11667>,
0x7f7875d266c4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19092>,
0x7f7875d262b7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18055>,
0x7f7875d25666 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14902>,
0x7f7875d2556d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14653>,
0x7f7875d23e47 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8727>,
0x7f7875d23d09 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8409>,
0x7f7875d23c84 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8276>,
0x7f7875d26e6e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21054>,
0x7f7875d23bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8135>,
0x7f7875d26aff <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20175>,
0x7f7875d268ea <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19642>,
0x7f7875d26a72 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20034>,
0x7f7875d259e4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15796>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26a04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19924>,
0x7f7875d26ce7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20663>,
0x7f7875d26758 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19240>,
0x7f7875d25023 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13299>,
0x7f7875d24fb6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13190>,
0x7f7875d26009 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17369>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25f53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17187>,
0x7f7875d2604d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17437>,
0x7f7875d23665 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6709>,
0x7f7875d25ea6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17014>,
0x7f7875d25d91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16737>,
0x7f7875d24f26 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13046>,
0x7f7875d24e8e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12894>,
0x7f7875d243c1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10129>,
0x7f7875d2433c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9996>,
0x7f7875d2597f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15695>,
0x7f7875d242c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9872>,
0x7f7875d28f27 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+29431>,
0x7f7875d25b49 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16153>,
0x7f7875d254de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14510>,
0x7f7875d24931 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11521>,
0x7f7875d24890 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11360>,
0x7f7875d23b58 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7976>,
0x7f7875d23a36 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7686>,
0x7f7875d25450 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14368>,
0x7f7875d238b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7296>,
0x7f7875d24cdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12463>,
0x7f7875d26e2b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20987>,
0x7f7875d24c55 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12325>,
0x7f7875d25772 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15170>,
0x7f7875d24bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12231>,
0x7f7875d23ff8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9160>,
0x7f7875d23f5e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9006>,
0x7f7875d256f1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15041>,
0x7f7875d23ed4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8868>,
0x7f7875d245fb <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10699>,
0x7f7875d245bc <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10636>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2512c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13564>,
0x7f7875d24562 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10546>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25a71 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15937>,
0x7f7875d250bf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13455>,
0x7f7875d23729 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6905>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d236d3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6819>,
0x7f7875d2309e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5230>,
0x7f7875d22ee4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4788>,
0x7f7875d22df2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4546>,
0x7f7875d22d2e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4350>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20577>,
0x7f7875d235fa <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6602>,
0x7f7875d2346a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6202>,
0x7f7875d2358b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6491>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22c8d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4189>,
0x7f7875d232c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5776>,
0x7f7875d23160 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5424>,
0x7f7875d2356b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6459>,
0x7f7875d230e1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5297>,
0x7f7875d22aa2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3698>,
0x7f7875d22a0c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3548>,
0x7f7875d234d9 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6313>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d228f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3270>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d23031 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5121>,
0x7f7875d22f50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4896>,
0x7f7875d22bc0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3984>,
0x7f7875d22b21 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3825>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22863 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3123>,
0x7f7875d227de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2990>,
0x7f7875d246b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10880>,
0x7f7875d26188 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17752>,
0x7f7875d24e0f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12767>,
0x7f7875d225d8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2472>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 90 times>}
stack_pointer = <optimized out>
next_instr = <optimized out>
opcode = <optimized out>
oparg = <optimized out>
fastlocals = <optimized out>
freevars = <optimized out>
retval = 0x0
eval_breaker = <optimized out>
co = <optimized out>
first_instr = <optimized out>
names = <optimized out>
consts = <optimized out>
co_opcache = <optimized out>
trace_info = {code = 0x0, bounds = {ar_start = 519201440,
ar_end = 32632, ar_line = 1979641056, opaque = {
computed_line = 1977877688, lo_next = 0x55fbd4eadc30 "\005",
limit = 0x55fbd5090ab0 "\002"}}, cframe = {use_tracing = 0,
previous = 0x7fff27be9390}}
prev_cframe = <optimized out>
#114 0x00007f7875e40ef8 in _PyEval_EvalFrame (throwflag=0, f=0x55fbd5090ab0,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
No locals.
#115 _PyEval_Vector (tstate=0x55fbd2484740, con=0x7f781ecdb6e0,
locals=<optimized out>, args=<optimized out>, argcount=<optimized out>,
kwnames=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:5065
f = 0x55fbd5090ab0
retval = <optimized out>
#116 0x00007f7875d283c1 in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate (kwnames=0x0,
nargsf=<optimized out>, args=0x7f781ef262a0, callable=0x7f781ecdb6d0,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
#117 PyObject_Vectorcall (kwnames=0x0, nargsf=<optimized out>,
args=0x7f781ef262a0, callable=0x7f781ecdb6d0)
at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
tstate = 0x55fbd2484740
tstate = <optimized out>
#118 call_function (kwnames=0x0, oparg=<optimized out>,
pp_stack=<synthetic pointer>, trace_info=0x7fff27be9360,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at Python/ceval.c:5869
func = 0x7f781ecdb6d0
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = 0
nargs = <optimized out>
pfunc = 0x7f781ef26298
x = <optimized out>
stack = 0x7f781ef262a0
pfunc = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
x = <optimized out>
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
stack = <optimized out>
#119 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (tstate=<optimized out>, f=<optimized out>,
throwflag=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:4198
sp = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
meth = <optimized out>
__func__ = "_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault"
opcode_targets = {0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25929 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15609>,
0x7f7875d26b93 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20323>,
0x7f7875d26d63 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20787>,
0x7f7875d26f76 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21318>,
0x7f7875d26ec2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21138>,
0x7f7875d26f1a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21226>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20515>,
0x7f7875d25ad8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16040>,
0x7f7875d2481f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11247>,
0x7f7875d2479f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11119>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2472e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11006>,
0x7f7875d26426 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18422>,
0x7f7875d244d5 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10405>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d24441 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10257>,
0x7f7875d26977 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19783>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25886 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15446>,
0x7f7875d25e03 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16851>,
0x7f7875d257f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15302>,
0x7f7875d24233 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9731>,
0x7f7875d241a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9590>,
0x7f7875d24119 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9449>,
0x7f7875d2408c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9308>,
0x7f7875d26399 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18281>,
0x7f7875d26328 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18168>,
0x7f7875d26db7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20871>,
0x7f7875d26bdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20399>,
0x7f7875d264b3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18563>,
0x7f7875d22737 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2823>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 14 times>,
0x7f7875d22648 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2584>,
0x7f7875d260dd <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17581>,
0x7f7875d26207 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17879>,
0x7f7875d251f4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13764>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d253a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14198>,
0x7f7875d25303 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14035>,
0x7f7875d23823 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7155>,
0x7f7875d23796 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7014>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25d04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16596>,
0x7f7875d25c60 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16432>,
0x7f7875d2663e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18958>,
0x7f7875d25bd3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16291>,
0x7f7875d24b6a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12090>,
0x7f7875d24add <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11949>,
0x7f7875d24a50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11808>,
0x7f7875d249c3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11667>,
0x7f7875d266c4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19092>,
0x7f7875d262b7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18055>,
0x7f7875d25666 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14902>,
0x7f7875d2556d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14653>,
0x7f7875d23e47 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8727>,
0x7f7875d23d09 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8409>,
0x7f7875d23c84 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8276>,
0x7f7875d26e6e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21054>,
0x7f7875d23bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8135>,
0x7f7875d26aff <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20175>,
0x7f7875d268ea <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19642>,
0x7f7875d26a72 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20034>,
0x7f7875d259e4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15796>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26a04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19924>,
0x7f7875d26ce7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20663>,
0x7f7875d26758 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19240>,
0x7f7875d25023 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13299>,
0x7f7875d24fb6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13190>,
0x7f7875d26009 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17369>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25f53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17187>,
0x7f7875d2604d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17437>,
0x7f7875d23665 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6709>,
0x7f7875d25ea6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17014>,
0x7f7875d25d91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16737>,
0x7f7875d24f26 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13046>,
0x7f7875d24e8e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12894>,
0x7f7875d243c1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10129>,
0x7f7875d2433c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9996>,
0x7f7875d2597f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15695>,
0x7f7875d242c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9872>,
0x7f7875d28f27 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+29431>,
0x7f7875d25b49 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16153>,
0x7f7875d254de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14510>,
0x7f7875d24931 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11521>,
0x7f7875d24890 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11360>,
0x7f7875d23b58 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7976>,
0x7f7875d23a36 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7686>,
0x7f7875d25450 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14368>,
0x7f7875d238b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7296>,
0x7f7875d24cdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12463>,
0x7f7875d26e2b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20987>,
0x7f7875d24c55 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12325>,
0x7f7875d25772 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15170>,
0x7f7875d24bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12231>,
0x7f7875d23ff8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9160>,
0x7f7875d23f5e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9006>,
0x7f7875d256f1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15041>,
0x7f7875d23ed4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8868>,
0x7f7875d245fb <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10699>,
0x7f7875d245bc <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10636>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2512c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13564>,
0x7f7875d24562 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10546>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25a71 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15937>,
0x7f7875d250bf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13455>,
0x7f7875d23729 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6905>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d236d3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6819>,
0x7f7875d2309e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5230>,
0x7f7875d22ee4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4788>,
0x7f7875d22df2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4546>,
0x7f7875d22d2e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4350>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20577>,
0x7f7875d235fa <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6602>,
0x7f7875d2346a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6202>,
0x7f7875d2358b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6491>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22c8d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4189>,
0x7f7875d232c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5776>,
0x7f7875d23160 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5424>,
0x7f7875d2356b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6459>,
0x7f7875d230e1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5297>,
0x7f7875d22aa2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3698>,
0x7f7875d22a0c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3548>,
0x7f7875d234d9 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6313>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d228f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3270>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d23031 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5121>,
0x7f7875d22f50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4896>,
0x7f7875d22bc0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3984>,
0x7f7875d22b21 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3825>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22863 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3123>,
0x7f7875d227de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2990>,
0x7f7875d246b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10880>,
0x7f7875d26188 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17752>,
0x7f7875d24e0f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12767>,
0x7f7875d225d8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2472>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 90 times>}
stack_pointer = <optimized out>
next_instr = <optimized out>
opcode = <optimized out>
oparg = <optimized out>
fastlocals = <optimized out>
freevars = <optimized out>
retval = 0x0
eval_breaker = <optimized out>
co = <optimized out>
first_instr = <optimized out>
names = <optimized out>
consts = <optimized out>
co_opcache = <optimized out>
trace_info = {code = 0x0, bounds = {ar_start = 1971526568,
ar_end = 32632, ar_line = 1979641056, opaque = {
computed_line = 1977877688, lo_next = 0x55fbd4eaf6b0 "\b",
limit = 0x7f781ef26130 "\002"}}, cframe = {use_tracing = 0,
previous = 0x7fff27be9550}}
prev_cframe = <optimized out>
#120 0x00007f7875e40ef8 in _PyEval_EvalFrame (throwflag=0, f=0x7f781ef26130,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
No locals.
#121 _PyEval_Vector (tstate=0x55fbd2484740, con=0x7f781ed8c4d0,
locals=<optimized out>, args=<optimized out>, argcount=<optimized out>,
kwnames=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:5065
f = 0x7f781ef26130
retval = <optimized out>
#122 0x00007f7875d283c1 in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate (kwnames=0x0,
nargsf=<optimized out>, args=0x7f7875831ba8, callable=0x7f781ed8c4c0,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
#123 PyObject_Vectorcall (kwnames=0x0, nargsf=<optimized out>,
args=0x7f7875831ba8, callable=0x7f781ed8c4c0)
at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
tstate = 0x55fbd2484740
tstate = <optimized out>
#124 call_function (kwnames=0x0, oparg=<optimized out>,
pp_stack=<synthetic pointer>, trace_info=0x7fff27be9520,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at Python/ceval.c:5869
func = 0x7f781ed8c4c0
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = 0
nargs = <optimized out>
pfunc = 0x7f7875831ba0
x = <optimized out>
stack = 0x7f7875831ba8
pfunc = <optimized out>
func = <optimized out>
x = <optimized out>
w = <optimized out>
nkwargs = <optimized out>
nargs = <optimized out>
stack = <optimized out>
#125 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (tstate=<optimized out>, f=<optimized out>,
throwflag=<optimized out>) at Python/ceval.c:4198
sp = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
meth = <optimized out>
__func__ = "_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault"
opcode_targets = {0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25929 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15609>,
0x7f7875d26b93 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20323>,
0x7f7875d26d63 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20787>,
0x7f7875d26f76 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21318>,
0x7f7875d26ec2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21138>,
0x7f7875d26f1a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21226>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20515>,
0x7f7875d25ad8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16040>,
0x7f7875d2481f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11247>,
0x7f7875d2479f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11119>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2472e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11006>,
0x7f7875d26426 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18422>,
0x7f7875d244d5 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10405>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d24441 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10257>,
0x7f7875d26977 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19783>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25886 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15446>,
0x7f7875d25e03 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16851>,
0x7f7875d257f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15302>,
0x7f7875d24233 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9731>,
0x7f7875d241a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9590>,
0x7f7875d24119 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9449>,
0x7f7875d2408c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9308>,
0x7f7875d26399 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18281>,
0x7f7875d26328 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18168>,
0x7f7875d26db7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20871>,
0x7f7875d26bdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20399>,
0x7f7875d264b3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18563>,
0x7f7875d22737 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2823>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 14 times>,
0x7f7875d22648 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2584>,
0x7f7875d260dd <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17581>,
0x7f7875d26207 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17879>,
0x7f7875d251f4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13764>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d253a6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14198>,
0x7f7875d25303 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14035>,
0x7f7875d23823 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7155>,
0x7f7875d23796 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7014>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25d04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16596>,
0x7f7875d25c60 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16432>,
0x7f7875d2663e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18958>,
0x7f7875d25bd3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16291>,
0x7f7875d24b6a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12090>,
0x7f7875d24add <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11949>,
0x7f7875d24a50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11808>,
0x7f7875d249c3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11667>,
0x7f7875d266c4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19092>,
0x7f7875d262b7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+18055>,
0x7f7875d25666 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14902>,
0x7f7875d2556d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14653>,
0x7f7875d23e47 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8727>,
0x7f7875d23d09 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8409>,
0x7f7875d23c84 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8276>,
0x7f7875d26e6e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+21054>,
0x7f7875d23bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8135>,
0x7f7875d26aff <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20175>,
0x7f7875d268ea <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19642>,
0x7f7875d26a72 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20034>,
0x7f7875d259e4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15796>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26a04 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19924>,
0x7f7875d26ce7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20663>,
0x7f7875d26758 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+19240>,
0x7f7875d25023 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13299>,
0x7f7875d24fb6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13190>,
0x7f7875d26009 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17369>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25f53 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17187>,
0x7f7875d2604d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17437>,
0x7f7875d23665 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6709>,
0x7f7875d25ea6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17014>,
0x7f7875d25d91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16737>,
0x7f7875d24f26 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13046>,
0x7f7875d24e8e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12894>,
0x7f7875d243c1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10129>,
0x7f7875d2433c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9996>,
0x7f7875d2597f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15695>,
0x7f7875d242c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9872>,
0x7f7875d28f27 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+29431>,
0x7f7875d25b49 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+16153>,
0x7f7875d254de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14510>,
0x7f7875d24931 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11521>,
0x7f7875d24890 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+11360>,
0x7f7875d23b58 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7976>,
0x7f7875d23a36 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7686>,
0x7f7875d25450 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+14368>,
0x7f7875d238b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+7296>,
0x7f7875d24cdf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12463>,
0x7f7875d26e2b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20987>,
0x7f7875d24c55 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12325>,
0x7f7875d25772 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15170>,
0x7f7875d24bf7 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12231>,
0x7f7875d23ff8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9160>,
0x7f7875d23f5e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+9006>,
0x7f7875d256f1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15041>,
0x7f7875d23ed4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+8868>,
0x7f7875d245fb <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10699>,
0x7f7875d245bc <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10636>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d2512c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13564>,
0x7f7875d24562 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10546>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d25a71 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+15937>,
0x7f7875d250bf <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+13455>,
0x7f7875d23729 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6905>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d236d3 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6819>,
0x7f7875d2309e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5230>,
0x7f7875d22ee4 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4788>,
0x7f7875d22df2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4546>,
0x7f7875d22d2e <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4350>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d26c91 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+20577>,
0x7f7875d235fa <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6602>,
0x7f7875d2346a <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6202>,
0x7f7875d2358b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6491>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22c8d <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4189>,
0x7f7875d232c0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5776>,
0x7f7875d23160 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5424>,
0x7f7875d2356b <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6459>,
0x7f7875d230e1 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5297>,
0x7f7875d22aa2 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3698>,
0x7f7875d22a0c <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3548>,
0x7f7875d234d9 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+6313>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d228f6 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3270>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d23031 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+5121>,
0x7f7875d22f50 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+4896>,
0x7f7875d22bc0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3984>,
0x7f7875d22b21 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3825>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224>,
0x7f7875d22863 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+3123>,
0x7f7875d227de <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2990>,
0x7f7875d246b0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+10880>,
0x7f7875d26188 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+17752>,
0x7f7875d24e0f <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+12767>,
0x7f7875d225d8 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2472>,
0x7f7875d224e0 <_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+2224> <repeats 90 times>}
stack_pointer = <optimized out>
next_instr = <optimized out>
opcode = <optimized out>
oparg = <optimized out>
fastlocals = <optimized out>
freevars = <optimized out>
retval = 0x0
eval_breaker = <optimized out>
co = <optimized out>
first_instr = <optimized out>
names = <optimized out>
consts = <optimized out>
co_opcache = <optimized out>
trace_info = {code = 0x0, bounds = {ar_start = 0, ar_end = 0,
ar_line = -766111072, opaque = {computed_line = 1977877688,
lo_next = 0x7f787581fa30 "\003",
limit = 0x7f7875831a40 "\002"}}, cframe = {use_tracing = 0,
previous = 0x55fbd2484848}}
prev_cframe = <optimized out>
#126 0x00007f7875e40ef8 in _PyEval_EvalFrame (throwflag=0, f=0x7f7875831a40,
tstate=0x55fbd2484740) at ./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
No locals.
#127 _PyEval_Vector (tstate=tstate@entry=0x55fbd2484740,
con=con@entry=0x7fff27be9620, locals=locals@entry=0x7f787574a3c0,
args=args@entry=0x0, argcount=argcount@entry=0, kwnames=kwnames@entry=0x0)
at Python/ceval.c:5065
f = 0x7f7875831a40
retval = <optimized out>
#128 0x00007f7875e410b6 in PyEval_EvalCode (co=co@entry=0x7f7875747470,
globals=globals@entry=0x7f787574a3c0, locals=locals@entry=0x7f787574a3c0)
at Python/ceval.c:1134
tstate = 0x55fbd2484740
builtins = <optimized out>
desc = {fc_globals = 0x7f787574a3c0, fc_builtins = 0x7f787589af80,
fc_name = 0x7f7875750ef0, fc_qualname = 0x7f7875750ef0,
fc_code = 0x7f7875747470, fc_defaults = 0x0, fc_kwdefaults = 0x0,
fc_closure = 0x0}
#129 0x00007f7875e7c51a in run_eval_code_obj (
tstate=tstate@entry=0x55fbd2484740, co=co@entry=0x7f7875747470,
globals=globals@entry=0x7f787574a3c0, locals=locals@entry=0x7f787574a3c0)
at Python/pythonrun.c:1291
v = <optimized out>
#130 0x00007f7875e7c5f7 in run_mod (mod=mod@entry=0x55fbd25612a0,
globals=globals@entry=0x7f787574a3c0, locals=locals@entry=0x7f787574a3c0,
flags=flags@entry=0x7fff27be9818, arena=arena@entry=0x7f787580bb50)
at Python/pythonrun.c:1312
tstate = 0x55fbd2484740
co = 0x7f7875747470
v = <optimized out>
#131 0x00007f7875e7c6cf in pyrun_file (fp=fp@entry=0x55fbd2483370,
filename=filename@entry=0x7f7875776910, start=start@entry=257,
globals=globals@entry=0x7f787574a3c0, locals=locals@entry=0x7f787574a3c0,
closeit=closeit@entry=1, flags=0x7fff27be9818) at Python/pythonrun.c:1208
arena = 0x7f787580bb50
mod = 0x55fbd25612a0
ret = <optimized out>
#132 0x00007f7875e7e7be in _PyRun_SimpleFileObject (
fp=fp@entry=0x55fbd2483370, filename=filename@entry=0x7f7875776910,
closeit=closeit@entry=1, flags=flags@entry=0x7fff27be9818)
at Python/pythonrun.c:456
m = 0x7f78757374c0
d = 0x7f787574a3c0
v = <optimized out>
set_file_name = 1
ret = -1
pyc = <optimized out>
#133 0x00007f7875e7ec8f in _PyRun_AnyFileObject (fp=0x55fbd2483370,
filename=filename@entry=0x7f7875776910, closeit=closeit@entry=1,
flags=flags@entry=0x7fff27be9818) at Python/pythonrun.c:90
decref_filename = 0
res = <optimized out>
#134 0x00007f7875e9ac56 in pymain_run_file_obj (skip_source_first_line=0,
filename=0x7f7875776910, program_name=0x7f7875751c70) at Modules/main.c:353
fp = <optimized out>
sb = {st_dev = 216, st_ino = 44626547, st_nlink = 1, st_mode = 33261,
st_uid = 1000, st_gid = 1000, __pad0 = 0, st_rdev = 0,
st_size = 360, st_blksize = 1048576, st_blocks = 8, st_atim = {
tv_sec = 1668008911, tv_nsec = 660490364}, st_mtim = {
tv_sec = 1663627098, tv_nsec = 0}, st_ctim = {tv_sec = 1663928508,
tv_nsec = 756903203}, __glibc_reserved = {0, 0, 0}}
cf = {cf_flags = 0, cf_feature_version = 10}
run = <optimized out>
fp = <optimized out>
sb = <optimized out>
cf = <optimized out>
run = <optimized out>
ch = <optimized out>
#135 pymain_run_file (config=0x55fbd2486770) at Modules/main.c:372
filename = 0x7f7875776910
program_name = 0x7f7875751c70
res = <optimized out>
filename = <optimized out>
program_name = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
#136 pymain_run_python (exitcode=0x7fff27be9814) at Modules/main.c:587
interp = <optimized out>
config = 0x55fbd2486770
main_importer_path = <optimized out>
interp = <optimized out>
config = <optimized out>
main_importer_path = <optimized out>
path0 = <optimized out>
res = <optimized out>
#137 Py_RunMain () at Modules/main.c:666
exitcode = <optimized out>
#138 0x00007f7875e9b058 in pymain_main (args=args@entry=0x7fff27be98f0)
at Modules/main.c:696
status = {
_type = (_PyStatus_TYPE_ERROR | _PyStatus_TYPE_EXIT | unknown: 756903200), func = <optimized out>, err_msg = <optimized out>, exitcode = 0}
#139 0x00007f7875e9b13d in Py_BytesMain (argc=<optimized out>,
argv=<optimized out>) at Modules/main.c:720
args = {argc = 3, use_bytes_argv = 1, bytes_argv = 0x7fff27be9a18,
wchar_argv = 0x0}
#140 0x00007f7875aac083 in __libc_start_main (main=0x55fbd1309060 <main>,
argc=3, argv=0x7fff27be9a18, init=<optimized out>, fini=<optimized out>,
rtld_fini=<optimized out>, stack_end=0x7fff27be9a08)
at ../csu/libc-start.c:308
self = <optimized out>
result = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {94540034773344,
-6720708044021107631, 94540034773104, 140733860190736, 0, 0,
6720902098367738961, 6650643409741345873},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x3,
0x7fff27be9a18}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0,
canceltype = 3}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
#141 0x000055fbd130909e in _start ()
No symbol table info available.
Cython backtrace
#0 0x00007f7875b6ac20 in __GI___wait4 () at /build/glibc-SzIz7B/glibc-2.31/posix/../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/wait4.c:27
#1 0x00007f7875b6abf0 in __GI___waitpid () at /build/glibc-SzIz7B/glibc-2.31/posix/waitpid.c:38
#2 0x00007f787543ae90 in print_enhanced_backtrace () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/cysignals-1.11.2/src/build/src/cysignals/implementation.c:586
#3 0x00007f787543afd0 in sigdie () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/cysignals-1.11.2/src/build/src/cysignals/implementation.c:612
#4 0x00007f787543d142 in sigdie_for_sig () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/cysignals-1.11.2/src/build/src/cysignals/implementation.c:167
#5 0x00007f787543d120 in cysigs_signal_handler () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/cysignals-1.11.2/src/build/src/cysignals/implementation.c:278
#6 0x00007f787604e3e0 in __restore_rt ()
#7 0x00007f7875acb3d0 in kill () at /build/glibc-SzIz7B/glibc-2.31/signal/../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:78
#8 0x00007f7875ea4703 in os_kill_impl () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Modules/posixmodule.c:7926
#9 0x00007f7875ea46c0 in os_kill () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Modules/clinic/posixmodule.c.h:3580
#10 0x00007f7875db7a20 in cfunction_vectorcall_FASTCALL () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Objects/methodobject.c:430
#11 0x00007f7875d29749 in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
#12 0x00007f7875d29744 in PyObject_Vectorcall () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
#13 0x00007f7875d28e29 in call_function () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5869
#14 0x00007f7875d21c30 in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:4181
#15 0x00007f7875e40ee6 in _PyEval_EvalFrame () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
#16 0x00007f7875e40eb0 in _PyEval_Vector () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5065
#17 0x00007f7875d29749 in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
#18 0x00007f7875d29744 in PyObject_Vectorcall () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
#19 0x00007f7875d28e29 in call_function () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5869
#20 0x00007f7875d21c30 in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:4181
#21 0x00007f7875e40ee6 in _PyEval_EvalFrame () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
#22 0x00007f7875e40eb0 in _PyEval_Vector () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5065
#23 0x00007f7875d2837e in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
#24 0x00007f7875d28379 in PyObject_Vectorcall () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
#25 0x00007f7875d227fb in call_function () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5869
#26 0x00007f7875d21c30 in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:4198
#27 0x00007f7875e40ee6 in _PyEval_EvalFrame () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
#28 0x00007f7875e40eb0 in _PyEval_Vector () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5065
#29 0x00007f7875d7d070 in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
#30 0x00007f7875d7cf10 in method_vectorcall () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Objects/classobject.c:53
#31 0x00007f7875d276f2 in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
#32 0x00007f7875d276ed in PyObject_Vectorcall () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
#33 0x00007f7875d22c9c in call_function () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5869
#34 0x00007f7875d21c30 in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:4231
#35 0x00007f7875d8c357 in _PyEval_EvalFrame () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
#36 0x00007f7875d8c190 in gen_send_ex2 () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Objects/genobject.c:213
#37 0x00007f7875d8d4b0 in gen_send_ex () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Objects/genobject.c:279
#38 0x00007f7875d84290 in method_vectorcall_O () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Objects/descrobject.c:460
#39 0x00007f7875d2837e in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
#40 0x00007f7875d28379 in PyObject_Vectorcall () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
#41 0x00007f7875d227fb in call_function () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5869
#42 0x00007f7875d21c30 in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:4198
#43 0x00007f7875e40ee6 in _PyEval_EvalFrame () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
#44 0x00007f7875e40eb0 in _PyEval_Vector () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5065
#45 0x00007f7875d2837e in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
#46 0x00007f7875d28379 in PyObject_Vectorcall () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
#47 0x00007f7875d227fb in call_function () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5869
#48 0x00007f7875d21c30 in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:4198
#49 0x00007f7875e40ee6 in _PyEval_EvalFrame () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
#50 0x00007f7875e40eb0 in _PyEval_Vector () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5065
#51 0x00007f7875d28d42 in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
#52 0x00007f7875d28d3d in PyObject_Vectorcall () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
#53 0x00007f7875d22eeb in call_function () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5869
#54 0x00007f7875d21c30 in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:4213
#55 0x00007f7875e40ee6 in _PyEval_EvalFrame () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
#56 0x00007f7875e40eb0 in _PyEval_Vector () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5065
#57 0x00007f7875e5499a in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
#58 0x00007f7875e54950 in context_run () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/context.c:665
#59 0x00007f7875db78b0 in cfunction_vectorcall_FASTCALL_KEYWORDS () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Objects/methodobject.c:446
#60 0x00007f7875d7a2b0 in PyVectorcall_Call () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Objects/call.c:255
#61 0x00007f7875d23381 in do_call_core () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5921
#62 0x00007f7875d21c30 in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:4277
#63 0x00007f7875e40ee6 in _PyEval_EvalFrame () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
#64 0x00007f7875e40eb0 in _PyEval_Vector () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5065
#65 0x00007f7875d2837e in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
#66 0x00007f7875d28379 in PyObject_Vectorcall () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
#67 0x00007f7875d227fb in call_function () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5869
#68 0x00007f7875d21c30 in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:4198
#69 0x00007f7875e40ee6 in _PyEval_EvalFrame () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
#70 0x00007f7875e40eb0 in _PyEval_Vector () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5065
#71 0x00007f7875d2837e in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
#72 0x00007f7875d28379 in PyObject_Vectorcall () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
#73 0x00007f7875d227fb in call_function () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5869
#74 0x00007f7875d21c30 in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:4198
#75 0x00007f7875e40ee6 in _PyEval_EvalFrame () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
#76 0x00007f7875e40eb0 in _PyEval_Vector () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5065
#77 0x00007f7875d2837e in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
#78 0x00007f7875d28379 in PyObject_Vectorcall () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
#79 0x00007f7875d227fb in call_function () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5869
#80 0x00007f7875d21c30 in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:4198
#81 0x00007f7875e40ee6 in _PyEval_EvalFrame () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
#82 0x00007f7875e40eb0 in _PyEval_Vector () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5065
#83 0x00007f7875d2837e in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
#84 0x00007f7875d28379 in PyObject_Vectorcall () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
#85 0x00007f7875d227fb in call_function () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5869
#86 0x00007f7875d21c30 in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:4198
#87 0x00007f7875e40ee6 in _PyEval_EvalFrame () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
#88 0x00007f7875e40eb0 in _PyEval_Vector () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5065
#89 0x00007f7875d7d070 in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
#90 0x00007f7875d7cf10 in method_vectorcall () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Objects/classobject.c:53
#91 0x00007f7875d276f2 in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
#92 0x00007f7875d276ed in PyObject_Vectorcall () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
#93 0x00007f7875d22c9c in call_function () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5869
#94 0x00007f7875d21c30 in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:4231
#95 0x00007f7875e40ee6 in _PyEval_EvalFrame () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
#96 0x00007f7875e40eb0 in _PyEval_Vector () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5065
#97 0x00007f7875d7d070 in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
#98 0x00007f7875d7cf10 in method_vectorcall () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Objects/classobject.c:53
#99 0x00007f7875d7a2b0 in PyVectorcall_Call () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Objects/call.c:267
#100 0x00007f7875d23381 in do_call_core () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5921
#101 0x00007f7875d21c30 in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:4277
#102 0x00007f7875e40ee6 in _PyEval_EvalFrame () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
#103 0x00007f7875e40eb0 in _PyEval_Vector () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5065
#104 0x00007f7875d2837e in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
#105 0x00007f7875d28379 in PyObject_Vectorcall () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
#106 0x00007f7875d227fb in call_function () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5869
#107 0x00007f7875d21c30 in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:4198
#108 0x00007f7875e40ee6 in _PyEval_EvalFrame () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
#109 0x00007f7875e40eb0 in _PyEval_Vector () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5065
#110 0x00007f7875d2837e in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
#111 0x00007f7875d28379 in PyObject_Vectorcall () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
#112 0x00007f7875d227fb in call_function () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5869
#113 0x00007f7875d21c30 in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:4198
#114 0x00007f7875e40ee6 in _PyEval_EvalFrame () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
#115 0x00007f7875e40eb0 in _PyEval_Vector () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5065
#116 0x00007f7875d2837e in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
#117 0x00007f7875d28379 in PyObject_Vectorcall () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
#118 0x00007f7875d227fb in call_function () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5869
#119 0x00007f7875d21c30 in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:4198
#120 0x00007f7875e40ee6 in _PyEval_EvalFrame () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
#121 0x00007f7875e40eb0 in _PyEval_Vector () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5065
#122 0x00007f7875d2837e in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
#123 0x00007f7875d28379 in PyObject_Vectorcall () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
#124 0x00007f7875d227fb in call_function () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5869
#125 0x00007f7875d21c30 in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:4198
#126 0x00007f7875e40ee6 in _PyEval_EvalFrame () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/./Include/internal/pycore_ceval.h:46
#127 0x00007f7875e40eb0 in _PyEval_Vector () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:5065
#128 0x00007f7875e41020 in PyEval_EvalCode () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/ceval.c:1134
#129 0x00007f7875e7c4d0 in run_eval_code_obj () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/pythonrun.c:1291
#130 0x00007f7875e7c590 in run_mod () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/pythonrun.c:1312
#131 0x00007f7875e7c650 in pyrun_file () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/pythonrun.c:1208
#132 0x00007f7875e7e6a0 in _PyRun_SimpleFileObject () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/pythonrun.c:456
#133 0x00007f7875e7ec50 in _PyRun_AnyFileObject () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Python/pythonrun.c:90
#134 0x00007f7875e9abaa in pymain_run_file_obj () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Modules/main.c:353
#135 0x00007f7875e9ab70 in pymain_run_file () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Modules/main.c:372
#136 0x00007f7875e9a556 in pymain_run_python () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Modules/main.c:587
#137 0x00007f7875e9a530 in Py_RunMain () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Modules/main.c:666
#138 0x00007f7875e9b010 in pymain_main () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Modules/main.c:696
#139 0x00007f7875e9b100 in Py_BytesMain () at /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/var/tmp/sage/build/python3-3.10.5/src/Modules/main.c:720
#140 0x00007f7875aabf90 in __libc_start_main () at /build/glibc-SzIz7B/glibc-2.31/csu/../csu/libc-start.c:308
#141 0x000055fbd1309070 in _start ()
[Inferior 1 (process 598) detached]
27 ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/wait4.c: No such file or directory.
Saved trace to /home/user/.sage/crash_logs/crash_jacmhybu.log
│ SageMath version 9.7, Release Date: 2022-09-19 │
│ Using Python 3.10.5. Type "help()" for help. │
]0;IPython: DeRhamComputation/sage[?2004h[?1l[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lrep_jumps(AS, threshold = 30)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: rep_jumps(AS, threshold = 30)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lrep_jumps(AS, threshold = 30)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
KeyboardInterrupt Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [3], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:18, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:32, in <module>
File <string>:24, in rep_jumps(AS, threshold)
File <string>:173, in at_most_poles(self, pole_order, threshold)
File <string>:69, in expansion_at_infty(self, i)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:943, in sage.structure.element.Element.substitute()
 941 5
 942 """
--> 943 return self.subs(in_dict,**kwds)
 945 cpdef _act_on_(self, x, bint self_on_left):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:834, in sage.structure.element.Element.subs()
 832 else:
 833 variables.append(gen)
--> 834 return self(*variables)
 836 def numerical_approx(self, prec=None, digits=None, algorithm=None):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/fraction_field_element.pyx:449, in sage.rings.fraction_field_element.FractionFieldElement.__call__()
 447 (-2*x1*x2 + x1 + 1)/(x1 + x2)
 448 """
--> 449 return self.__numerator(*x, **kwds) / self.__denominator(*x, **kwds)
 451 def _is_atomic(self):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:1739, in sage.structure.element.Element.__truediv__()
 1737 return (<Element>left)._div_(right)
 1738 if BOTH_ARE_ELEMENT(cl):
-> 1739 return coercion_model.bin_op(left, right, truediv)
 1741 try:
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/coerce.pyx:1196, in sage.structure.coerce.CoercionModel.bin_op()
 1194 return (<Action>action)._act_(x, y)
 1195 else:
-> 1196 return (<Action>action)._act_(y, x)
 1198 # Now coerce to a common parent and do the operation there
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/categories/action.pyx:407, in sage.categories.action.InverseAction._act_()
 405 if self.S_precomposition is not None:
 406 x = self.S_precomposition(x)
--> 407 return self._action._act_(~g, x)
 409 def codomain(self):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/coerce_actions.pyx:645, in sage.structure.coerce_actions.RightModuleAction._act_()
 643 if self.extended_base is not None:
 644 a = <ModuleElement?>self.extended_base(a)
--> 645 return (<ModuleElement>a)._lmul_(<Element>g) # a * g
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/laurent_series_ring_element.pyx:920, in sage.rings.laurent_series_ring_element.LaurentSeries._lmul_()
 919 cpdef _lmul_(self, Element c):
--> 920 return type(self)(self._parent, self.__u._lmul_(c), self.__n)
 922 def __pow__(_self, r, dummy):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/power_series_poly.pyx:569, in sage.rings.power_series_poly.PowerSeries_poly._lmul_()
 567 2 + 6*t^4 + O(t^120)
 568 """
--> 569 return PowerSeries_poly(self._parent, c * self.__f, self._prec, check=False)
 571 def __lshift__(PowerSeries_poly self, n):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/power_series_poly.pyx:44, in sage.rings.power_series_poly.PowerSeries_poly.__init__()
 42 ValueError: series has negative valuation
 43 """
---> 44 R = parent._poly_ring()
 45 if isinstance(f, Element):
 46 if (<Element>f)._parent is R:
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/, in PowerSeriesRing_generic._poly_ring(self)
 958 pass
 959 return False
--> 961 def _poly_ring(self):
 962 """
 963  Return the underlying polynomial ring used to represent elements of
 964  this power series ring.
 970  Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Integer Ring
 971  """
 972 return self.__poly_ring
File src/cysignals/signals.pyx:310, in cysignals.signals.python_check_interrupt()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[9, 12, 13]
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lpretty_print(M)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: p
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.genus()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ljump[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lm[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ls[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.jumps
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7h[[7, 4]]
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.jumps[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7h(Z/p)^2-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 3 with the equations:
z0^3 - z0 = x^7
z1^3 - z1 = x^4
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.jumps[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lpseudo_magical_element()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ll[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ls[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l2[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l*[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lA[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lg[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ls[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l-[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l1[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 2*AS.genus() - 1
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lzmag.expansion_at_infty()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l0[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: z[0]
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [9], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 z[Integer(0)]
NameError: name 'z' is not defined
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: n = AS.height
....: variable_names = 'x, y'
....: for i in range(n):
....:  variable_names += ', z' + str(i)
....: Rxyz = PolynomialRing(F, n+2, variable_names)
....: x, y = Rxyz.gens()[:2]
....: z = Rxyz.gens()[2:][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: n = AS.height
....: variable_names = 'x, y'
....: for i in range(n):
....:  variable_names += ', z' + str(i)
....: Rxyz = PolynomialRing(F, n+2, variable_names)
....: x, y = Rxyz.gens()[:2]
....: z = Rxyz.gens()[2:]
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: n = AS.height
....: variable_names = 'x, y'
....: for i in range(n):
....:  variable_names += ', z' + str(i)
....: Rxyz = PolynomialRing(F, n+2, variable_names)
....: x, y = Rxyz.gens()[:2]
....: z = Rxyz.gens()[2:][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lz = Rxyz.gens()[2:][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[0][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l0[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[].[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ls[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l_[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l_[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lf[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ly[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7laz[0].expansion_at_infty[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsz[0].expansion_at_infty[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l_z[0].expansion_at_infty[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfz[0].expansion_at_infty[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7luz[0].expansion_at_infty[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lnz[0].expansion_at_infty[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lcz[0].expansion_at_infty[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ltz[0].expansion_at_infty[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7liz[0].expansion_at_infty[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7loz[0].expansion_at_infty[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lnz[0].expansion_at_infty[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(z[0].expansion_at_infty[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAz[0].expansion_at_infty[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lSz[0].expansion_at_infty[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l,z[0].expansion_at_infty[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l z[0].expansion_at_infty[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([]).expansion_at_infty[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l().[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lv[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ll[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: p[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: p
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7las_function(AS, z[0]).expansion_at_infty().valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l]).expansion_at_infty().valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l1]).expansion_at_infty().valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: as_function(AS, z[1]).expansion_at_infty().valuation()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l-[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7las_function(AS, z[1]).expansion_at_infty().valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7las_function(AS, z[1]).expansion_at_infty().valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7las_function(AS, z[0]).expansion_at_infty().valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: n = AS.height
....: variable_names = 'x, y'
....: for i in range(n):
....:  variable_names += ', z' + str(i)
....: Rxyz = PolynomialRing(F, n+2, variable_names)
....: x, y = Rxyz.gens()[:2]
....: z = Rxyz.gens()[2:][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lz[0]
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l2*AS.genus() - 1[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.jumps[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lany_non_div(AS, threshold = 30)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: any_non_div(AS, threshold = 30)
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [15], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 any_non_div(AS, threshold = Integer(30))
File <string>:44, in any_non_div(AS, threshold)
AttributeError: 'as_function' object has no attribute 'valuation'
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lany_non_div(AS, threshold = 30)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lany_non_div(AS, threshold = 30)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: any_non_div(AS, threshold = 30)
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [17], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 any_non_div(AS, threshold = Integer(30))
File <string>:44, in any_non_div(AS, threshold)
AttributeError: 'as_function' object has no attribute 'valuation'
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lany_non_div(AS, threshold = 30)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lany_non_div(AS, threshold = 30)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: any_non_div(AS, threshold = 30)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx, y = Rxyz.gens()[:2][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lg[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lc[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ld[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l6[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l,[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l9[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: xgcd(6, 9)
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7h(3, -1, 1)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lxgcd(6, 9)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lany_non_div(AS, threshold = 30)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lxgc6, 9)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lany_non_div(AS, threshold = 30)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: any_non_div(AS, threshold = 30)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lany_non_div(AS, threshold = 30)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lxgc6, 9)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lloa"init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li = 6[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lh[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l_[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lr[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lmification_gp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lA[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l,)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l )[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: ith_ramification_gp(AS, 2)
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [24], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 ith_ramification_gp(AS, Integer(2))
File <string>:54, in ith_ramification_gp(AS, i)
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'group_action'
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lith_ramification_gp(AS, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [25], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:18, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:65, in <module>
File <string>:55, in ith_ramification_gp(AS, i)
TypeError: IntegerMod_int.valuation() takes exactly one argument (0 given)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.jumps[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lgenu()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lr[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage:
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7h[(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2)]
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lith_ramification_gp(AS, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage$ ]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage$ sage
│ SageMath version 9.7, Release Date: 2022-09-19 │
│ Using Python 3.10.5. Type "help()" for help. │
]0;IPython: DeRhamComputation/sage[?2004h[?1l[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?7h[?2004lWARNING: your terminal doesn't support cursor position requests (CPR).
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfor i in range(n):[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l=[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7las[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7las_[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lf[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lc[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lA[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l,[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: fx = as_function(AS, x)
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfx = as_function(AS, x)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l = as_function(AS, x)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ly = as_function(AS, x)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l = as_function(AS, x)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lz = as_function(AS, x)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l0 = as_function(AS, x)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [3], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 fz0 = as_function(AS, z[Integer(0)])
NameError: name 'z' is not defined
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: p = AS.characteristic
....:  n = AS.height
....:  variable_names = 'x, y'
....:  for i in range(n):
....:  variable_names += ', z' + str(i)
....:  Rxyz = PolynomialRing(F, n+2, variable_names)
....:  x, y = Rxyz.gens()[:2]
....:  z = Rxyz.gens()[2:][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: p = AS.characteristic
....:  n = AS.height
....:  variable_names = 'x, y'
....:  for i in range(n):
....:  variable_names += ', z' + str(i)
....:  Rxyz = PolynomialRing(F, n+2, variable_names)
....:  x, y = Rxyz.gens()[:2]
....:  z = Rxyz.gens()[2:]
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l Input In [4]
 n = AS.height
IndentationError: unexpected indent
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: p = AS.characteristic
....: n = AS.height
....: variable_names = 'x, y'
....: for i in range(n):
....: ^Ivariable_names += ', z' + str(i)
....: Rxyz = PolynomialRing(F, n+2, variable_names)
....: x, y = Rxyz.gens()[:2]
....: z = Rxyz.gens()[2:][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: p = AS.characteristic
....: n = AS.height
....: variable_names = 'x, y'
....: for i in range(n):
....: ^Ivariable_names += ', z' + str(i)
....: Rxyz = PolynomialRing(F, n+2, variable_names)
....: x, y = Rxyz.gens()[:2]
....: z = Rxyz.gens()[2:]
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: p = AS.characteristic
....: n = AS.height
....: variable_names = 'x, y'
....: for i in range(n):
....: ^Ivariable_names += ', z' + str(i)
....: Rxyz = PolynomialRing(F, n+2, variable_names)
....: x, y = Rxyz.gens()[:2]
....: z = Rxyz.gens()[2:][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l
  n = AS.eight
 variable_names = 'x, y'
 for i in range(n):
 varible_names +=', z' + str(i)
 Rxyz = PlynomalRing(F, n+2, variable_names)
  x,y = Rxyz.gens()[:2]
  z = Rxyz.gens()[2:][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfz0= as_funion(AS, z[0])
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: fz0 = as_function(AS, z[0])
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfz0 = as_function(AS, z[0])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lz[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l0[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lv[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ll[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: fz0.valuation()
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [7], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 fz0.valuation()
AttributeError: 'as_function' object has no attribute 'valuation'
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfz0.valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7levaluation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lxvaluation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lpvaluation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lavaluation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lnvaluation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsvaluation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7livaluation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lovaluation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lnvaluation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l_valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lavaluation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ltvaluation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l_valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7livaluation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lnvaluation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfvaluation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ltvaluation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lyvaluation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l().valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: fz0.expansion_at_infty().valuation()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp = AS.characteristic[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: p
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfz0.expansion_at_infty().valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx, y = Rxyz.gens()[:2][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfz0.expansion_at_infty().valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx = as_function(AS, x)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l/[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx = as_function(AS, x)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ls[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lon_at_infty[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l().[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lv[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ll[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: fx.expansion_at_infty().valuation()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfx.expansion_at_infty().valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l^[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l2[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: fx^2
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [11], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 fx**Integer(2)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/integer.pyx:2195, in sage.rings.integer.Integer.__pow__()
 2193 return coercion_model.bin_op(left, right, operator.pow)
 2194 # left is a non-Element: do the powering with a Python int
-> 2195 return left ** int(right)
 2197 cpdef _pow_(self, other):
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for ** or pow(): 'as_function' and 'int'
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfx^2[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.expansion_at_infty().valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfx.expansion_at_infty().valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l^2[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ld[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
 load %load_ext loads 
 load_attach_mode load_session 
 load_attach_path %loadpy 

[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfx^2[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.expansion_at_infty().valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfz0.expansion_at_infty().valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lvaluat()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l = as_function(AS, z[0])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp =AS.charaeristic
....: n = AS.height
....: variable_names = 'x, y'
....: for i in range(n):
....: ^Ivariable_names += ', z' + str(i)
....: Rxyz = PolynomialRing(F, n+2, variable_names)
....: x, y = Rxyz.gens()[:2]
....: z = Rxyz.gens()[2:][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l
  n = AS.eight
 variable_names = 'x, y'
 for i in range(n):
 varible_names +=', z' + str(i)
 Rxyz = PlynomalRing(F, n+2, variable_names)
  x,y = Rxyz.gens()[:2]
  z = Rxyz.gens()[2:][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfz0= as_funion(AS, z[0])
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx = as_function(AS, x)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: fx = as_function(AS, x)
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfx = as_function(AS, x)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lz)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l0)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l = as_function(AS, z[0])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lz = as_function(AS, z[0])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l0 = as_function(AS, z[0])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: fz0 = as_function(AS, z[0])
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfz0 = as_function(AS, z[0])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx = as_function(AS, x)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l-[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lf[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lz[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l0[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(fx - fz0[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l().[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lv[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ll[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l^ - fz0).valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l7 - fz0).valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l^).valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l3).valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: (fx^7 - fz0^3).valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: (fx^7 - fz0^3).valuation()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: 
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l2*AS.genus() - 1[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l1[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfz0 = as_function(AS, z[0])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx = as_function(AS, x)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.expansion_at_infty(.valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lv[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ll[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()*[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l7[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: fx.valuation()*7
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l'[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: '
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfx.valuation()*7[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.valuation()*7[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lz.valuation()*7[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l0.valuation()*7[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l3[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: fz0.valuation()*3[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: fz0.valuation()*3
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfz0.valuation()*3[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx.valuation()*7[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(fx^7 - fz0^3.valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l2fz0^3).valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l*fz0^3).valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: (fx^7 - 2*fz0^3).valuation()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(fx^7 - 2*fz0^3).valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfz1 = as_function(AS, z[1])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lz[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l1[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lv[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ll[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: fz1.valuation()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfz1.valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l = as_function(AS, z[1])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(fx^7- 2*fz0^3).valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l^3).valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l1^3).valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l^7 - 2*fz1^3).valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lz^7 - 2*fz1^3).valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l0^7 - 2*fz1^3).valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[0
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lTraceback (most recent call last):
File /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/lib/python3.10/site-packages/IPython/core/ in run_code
exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)
Input In [21] in <cell line: 1>
File sage/misc/persist.pyx:175 in sage.misc.persist.load
sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/ in load
exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
File <string>:18 in <module>
File sage/misc/persist.pyx:175 in sage.misc.persist.load
sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/ in load
 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 File <string>:74
 for i in range(n):
IndentationError: unexpected indent
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [22], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:18, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:83, in <module>
NameError: name 'vz0' is not defined
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
92 84 84
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
92 84 84
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lf[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lr[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lm[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lz[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lr[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l2[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lA[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: uniformizer2(AS)
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [26], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 uniformizer2(AS)
File <string>:109, in uniformizer2(AS, threshold)
TypeError: Rational.valuation() takes exactly one argument (0 given)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7luniformizer2(AS)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: uniformizer2(AS)
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [27], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 uniformizer2(AS)
File <string>:109, in uniformizer2(AS, threshold)
TypeError: Rational.valuation() takes exactly one argument (0 given)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7luniformizer2(AS)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
92 84 84
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7luniformizer2(AS)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: uniformizer2(AS)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7luniformizer2(AS)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
92 84 84
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7luniformizer2(AS)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: uniformizer2(AS)
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [31], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 uniformizer2(AS)
File <string>:110, in uniformizer2(AS, threshold)
File <string>:142, in valuation(self, i)
TypeError: IntegerMod_int.valuation() takes exactly one argument (0 given)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7luniformizer2(AS)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
92 84 84
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7luniformizer2(AS)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: uniformizer2(AS)
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[(z1^7 - z0^4)/(z0^4*z1^7), (z1^7 - z0^4)/(z0^4*z1^7), (z1^7 - z0^4)/(z0^4*z1^7), (-z1^7 + z0^4)/(z0^4*z1^7), (-z1^7 + z0^4)/(z0^4*z1^7), (-z1^7 + z0^4)/(z0^4*z1^7)]
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7luniformizer2(AS)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
92 84 84
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7luniformizer2(AS)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: uniformizer2(AS)
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[(z1^7 - z0^4)/(z0^4*z1^7), (z1^7 - z0^4)/(z0^4*z1^7), (z1^7 - z0^4)/(z0^4*z1^7), (-z1^7 + z0^4)/(z0^4*z1^7), (-z1^7 + z0^4)/(z0^4*z1^7), (-z1^7 + z0^4)/(z0^4*z1^7)]
[92, 92, 92, 92, 92, 92]
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7luniformizer2(AS)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
92 84 84
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7luniformizer2(AS)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: uniformizer2(AS)
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[x, z0, z1, (-z1^7 + z0^4)/(z0^4*z1^7), (-z1^7 + z0^4)/(z0^4*z1^7), (-z1^7 + z0^4)/(z0^4*z1^7)]
[-9, -21, -12, 92, 92, 92]
[?7hz0^16*z1^28/(x^41*z1^28 - x^41*z0^4*z1^21 - x^41*z0^12*z1^7 + x^41*z0^16)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7luniformizer2(AS)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7launiformizer2(AS)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l uniformizer2(AS)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l=uniformizer2(AS)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l uniformizer2(AS)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: a = uniformizer2(AS)
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[x, z0, z1, (-z1^7 + z0^4)/(z0^4*z1^7), (-z1^7 + z0^4)/(z0^4*z1^7), (-z1^7 + z0^4)/(z0^4*z1^7)]
[-9, -21, -12, 92, 92, 92]
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la = uniformizer2(AS)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.sort()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lv[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ll[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: a.valuation()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l1 = as_cover(C_super, [f1, f2], prec=500)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l=[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lC[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l = superelliptic((x^3 - x)^2 + 1, 4)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l=[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsuperelliptic((x^3 - x)^2 + 1, 4)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lC[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l = superelliptic((x^3 - x)^2 + 1, 4)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l=[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ls[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lrelliptic((x^3 - x)^2 + 1, 4)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(), 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l^, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l3, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l , 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l+, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l , 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l1, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: C = superelliptic(x^3 + 1, 2)
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lC[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l=[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7las[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7las_[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lc[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lr[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lv[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lC[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l,[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7las[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfz1.valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l1 = superelliptic_function(C_super, x^2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l= superelliptic_function(C_super, x^2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l*)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ly)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: f1 = superelliptic_function(C_super, x*y)
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [42], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 f1 = superelliptic_function(C_super, x*y)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:1516, in sage.structure.element.Element.__mul__()
 1514 return (<Element>left)._mul_(right)
 1515 if BOTH_ARE_ELEMENT(cl):
-> 1516 return coercion_model.bin_op(left, right, mul)
 1518 cdef long value
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/coerce.pyx:1248, in sage.structure.coerce.CoercionModel.bin_op()
 1246 # We should really include the underlying error.
 1247 # This causes so much headache.
-> 1248 raise bin_op_exception(op, x, y)
 1250 cpdef canonical_coercion(self, x, y):
TypeError: unsupported operand parent(s) for *: 'Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Finite Field of size 5' and 'Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y, z0, z1 over Finite Field of size 3'
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lRx.<x> = PolynomialRing(GF(5))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lyz =PolynomialRing(F, n+2, variable_names)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l>[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.<x, y> = PolynomialRing(F, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l<[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l>[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx>[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l,>[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l >[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ly>[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l = PolynomialRing(F, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l = PolynomialRing(F, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lG, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lF, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l5, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(), 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: Rxy.<x, y> = PolynomialRing(GF(5), 2)
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lRxy.<x, y> = PolynomialRing(GF(5), 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lf1 = superelliptic_functonC_super, x*y)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: f1 = superelliptic_function(C_super, x*y)
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lf1 = superelliptic_function(C_super, x*y)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l1[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.expansion_at_nfty()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ls[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lon_at_infty()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: f1.expansion_at_infty()
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7ht^-2 + O(t^8)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lf1.expansion_at_infty()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l = superelliptc_function(C_super, x*y)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l, x*y)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l, x*y)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l, x*y)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l, x*y)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l, x*y)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l, x*y)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: f1 = superelliptic_function(C, x*y)
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lf1 = superelliptic_function(C, x*y)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.expansion_at_nfty()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: f1.expansion_at_infty()
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7ht^-5 + 2*t + O(t^5)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lf1.expansion_at_infty()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l = superelliptc_function(C, x*y)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.expansion_at_nfty()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lC = superelliptic(x^3 + 1, 2)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lA[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l=[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lA[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7las[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7las_[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lc[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lr[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lv[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lC[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l,[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lf[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l1[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: CAS = as_curve(C, f1)
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [48], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 CAS = as_curve(C, f1)
NameError: name 'as_curve' is not defined
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lCAS = as_curve(C, f1)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(C, f1)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(C, f1)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(C, f1)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(C, f1)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(C, f1)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lc(C, f1)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo(C, f1)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lv(C, f1)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le(C, f1)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lr(C, f1)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: CAS = as_cover(C, f1)
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [49], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 CAS = as_cover(C, f1)
File <string>:6, in __init__(self, C, list_of_fcts, prec)
TypeError: object of type 'superelliptic_function' has no len()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lCAS = as_cover(C, f1)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[f1)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: CAS = as_cover(C, [f1])
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lno 5 -th root; divide by 1
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [50], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 CAS = as_cover(C, [f1])
File <string>:44, in __init__(self, C, list_of_fcts, prec)
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 4, got 2)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lCAS = as_cover(C, [f1])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: p
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lCAS = as_cover(C, [f1])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l_super = superelliptic(f, m)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lCAS = as_cover(C, [f1])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.de_rham_basis()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lc[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lh[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7laracteristic[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: C.characteristic
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lf1.expansion_at_infty()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l1[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lc[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lr[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lv[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: f1.curve
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7hSuperelliptic curve with the equation y^2 = x^3 + 1 over Finite Field of size 5
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lf1.curve[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l1[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lexpansion_at_infty()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ls[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l_at_infty()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: f1.expansion_at_infty()
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7ht^-5 + 2*t + O(t^5)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lf1.expansion_at_infty()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lcurve[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lC.chaacteristic[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lCAS = as_cover(C, [f1])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lf1)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[f1])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lC.characteristic[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lf1.cuve[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lexpansion_at_infty()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ld("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lt^-7 + O(t^993)
t^-7 + O(t^993) 7
t^-12 + 2*t^2 + t^30 + 2*t^44 + t^72 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^114 + t^128 + 2*t^156 + t^170 + 2*t^198 + t^212 + t^366 + 2*t^380 + t^408 + 2*t^422 + t^450 + 2*t^464 + 2*t^492 + t^506 + 2*t^534 + t^548 + 2*t^576 + t^590 + t^744 + 2*t^758 + t^786 + 2*t^800 + t^828 + 2*t^842 + 2*t^870 + t^884 + 2*t^912 + t^926 + 2*t^954 + t^968 + O(t^988)
t^-4 + 2*t^2 + t^30 + 2*t^44 + t^72 + 2*t^86 + 2*t^114 + t^128 + 2*t^156 + t^170 + 2*t^198 + t^212 + t^366 + 2*t^380 + t^408 + 2*t^422 + t^450 + 2*t^464 + 2*t^492 + t^506 + 2*t^534 + t^548 + 2*t^576 + t^590 + t^744 + 2*t^758 + t^786 + 2*t^800 + t^828 + 2*t^842 + 2*t^870 + t^884 + 2*t^912 + t^926 + 2*t^954 + t^968 + O(t^988) 4
92 84 84
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lt^-2 + O(t^8)
t^-2 + O(t^8) 2
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/power_series_poly.pyx:342, in sage.rings.power_series_poly.PowerSeries_poly.__call__()
 341 try:
--> 342 R = canonical_coercion(P.base_ring()(0), Q.base_ring()(0))[0].parent()
 343 self = self.change_ring(R)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:4318, in sage.structure.element.canonical_coercion()
-> 4318 cpdef canonical_coercion(x, y):
 4319 """
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:4334, in sage.structure.element.canonical_coercion()
 4333 """
-> 4334 return coercion_model.canonical_coercion(x,y)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/coerce.pyx:1393, in sage.structure.coerce.CoercionModel.canonical_coercion()
-> 1393 raise TypeError("no common canonical parent for objects with parents: '%s' and '%s'"%(xp, yp))
TypeError: no common canonical parent for objects with parents: 'Finite Field of size 5' and 'Finite Field of size 3'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [57], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:17, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:6, in <module>
File <string>:45, in __init__(self, C, list_of_fcts, prec)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/laurent_series_ring_element.pyx:1831, in sage.rings.laurent_series_ring_element.LaurentSeries.__call__()
 1829 if x:
 1830 raise ValueError("must not specify %s keyword and positional argument" % name)
-> 1831 a = self(kwds[name])
 1832 del kwds[name]
 1833 try:
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/laurent_series_ring_element.pyx:1852, in sage.rings.laurent_series_ring_element.LaurentSeries.__call__()
 1850 x = x[0]
-> 1852 return self.__u(*x)*(x[0]**self.__n)
 1854 def __pari__(self):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/power_series_poly.pyx:345, in sage.rings.power_series_poly.PowerSeries_poly.__call__()
 343 self = self.change_ring(R)
 344 except TypeError:
--> 345 raise ValueError("Cannot substitute this value")
 347 r = (self - self[0]).valuation()
ValueError: Cannot substitute this value
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lf1.expansion_at_infty()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lt^-5 + 2*t + O(t^5)
t^-5 + 2*t + O(t^5) 5
no 5 -th root; divide by 1
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [58], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:17, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:6, in <module>
File <string>:44, in __init__(self, C, list_of_fcts, prec)
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 4, got 2)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lt^-5 + 2*t + O(t^5)
t^-5 + 2*t + O(t^5) 5
no 5 -th root; divide by 1
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [59], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:17, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:6, in <module>
File <string>:44, in __init__(self, C, list_of_fcts, prec)
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 4, got 2)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lt^-5 + 2*t + O(t^5)
t^-5 + 2*t + O(t^5) 5
no 5 -th root; divide by 1
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [60], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:17, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:6, in <module>
File <string>:44, in __init__(self, C, list_of_fcts, prec)
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 4, got 2)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lt^-5 + 2*t + O(t^5)
Finite Field of size 5 3
t^-5 + 2*t + O(t^5) 5
no 5 -th root; divide by 1
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [61], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:17, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:6, in <module>
File <string>:44, in __init__(self, C, list_of_fcts, prec)
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 4, got 2)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lt^-5 + 2*t + O(t^5)
t^-1 + 2*t + O(t^5) 1
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lt^-5 + 2*t + O(t^5)
[x, z0]
[-10, -5]
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [63], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:17, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:8, in <module>
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'valuation'
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[x, z0]
[-10, -5]
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [64], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:17, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:8, in <module>
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'valuation'
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
92 84 84
[x, z0, (z0^2 - x)/(x*z0^2)]
[-10, -5, 14]
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7h(Z/p)^2-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 3 with the equations:
z0^3 - z0 = x^7
z1^3 - z1 = x^4
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lf[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lr[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7luniformizer2(AS)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lf[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lr[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lm[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lz[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lr[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l2[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(AS)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: uniformizer2(AS)
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[x, z0, z1, (-z1^7 + z0^4)/(z0^4*z1^7), (-x^7 + z0^3)/(x^7*z0^3), 1/x^4]
[-9, -21, -12, 92, 105, 36]
[?7hz0^16*z1^28/(x^41*z1^28 - x^41*z0^4*z1^21 - x^41*z0^12*z1^7 + x^41*z0^16)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7luniformizer2(AS)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l().[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lv[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ll[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: uniformizer2(AS).valuation()
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[x, z0, z1, (-z1^7 + z0^4)/(z0^4*z1^7), (-x^7 + z0^3)/(x^7*z0^3), 1/x^4]
[-9, -21, -12, 92, 105, 36]
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7luniformizer2(AS).valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
92 84 84
[x, z0, (z0^2 - x)/(x*z0^2)]
[-10, -5, 14]
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7h(Z/p)^2-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 3 with the equations:
z0^3 - z0 = x^7
z1^3 - z1 = x^4
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lf[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lr[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lm[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lz[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lr[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l*[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.uniformizer()
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [71], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 AS.uniformizer()
File <string>:254, in uniformizer(self, i)
File <string>:142, in valuation(self, i)
File <string>:58, in expansion_at_infty(self, i)
IndexError: list index out of range
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.uniformizer()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4)
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4)
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4)
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4)
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4)
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4)
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4)
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4)
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4)
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4)
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4)
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4)
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4)
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4)
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8)
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4)
(z1^7 - z0^4)/(z0^4*z1^7)
92 84 84
(z0^2 - x)/(x*z0^2)
(z0^2 - 2*x)/(x*z0^2)
(z0^2 + 2*x)/(x*z0^2)
(z0^2 + x)/(x*z0^2)
[x, z0, (z0^2 - x)/(x*z0^2)]
(z0^2 - x)/(x*z0^2)
[-10, -5, 14]
(z0^2 - x)/(x*z0^2)
(z0^2 - x)/(x*z0^2)
x/(z0^3 - x*z0)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.uniformizer()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.uniformizer()
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [73], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 AS.uniformizer()
File <string>:254, in uniformizer(self, i)
File <string>:143, in valuation(self, i)
File <string>:59, in expansion_at_infty(self, i)
IndexError: list index out of range
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx, y = Rxyz.gens()[:2][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx, y = Rxyz.gens()[:2][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: x
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.uniformizer()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.uniformizer()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
(z1^7 - z0^4)/(z0^4*z1^7) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1/z0^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
1/z1^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
92 84 84
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
1/x <class '__main__.as_function'>
1/z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
(z0^2 - x)/(x*z0^2) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1/z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
(z0^2 - 2*x)/(x*z0^2) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1/z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
(z0^2 + 2*x)/(x*z0^2) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1/z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
(z0^2 + x)/(x*z0^2) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1/z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
[x, z0, (z0^2 - x)/(x*z0^2)]
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
(z0^2 - x)/(x*z0^2) <class '__main__.as_function'>
[-10, -5, 14]
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(z0^2 - x)/(x*z0^2) <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
(z0^2 - x)/(x*z0^2) <class '__main__.as_function'>
x/(z0^3 - x*z0) <class '__main__.as_function'>
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.uniformizer()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.uniformizer()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.uniformizer()
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lx <class '__main__.as_function'>
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [76], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 AS.uniformizer()
File <string>:254, in uniformizer(self, i)
File <string>:143, in valuation(self, i)
File <string>:59, in expansion_at_infty(self, i)
IndexError: list index out of range
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: x
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ltrace(y^(p-1)*(2 - y^(p-1)))[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ly[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ltype[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: type(x)
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7h<class 'sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_libsingular.MPolynomial_libsingular'>
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx = as_function(AS, x)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: x = as_function(AS, x)
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx = as_function(AS, x)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lv[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ll[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: x.valuation()
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lx <class '__main__.as_function'>
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?7h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?7h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage$ ]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage$ sage
│ SageMath version 9.7, Release Date: 2022-09-19 │
│ Using Python 3.10.5. Type "help()" for help. │
]0;IPython: DeRhamComputation/sage[?2004h[?1l[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7loa[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ld[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
(z1^7 - z0^4)/(z0^4*z1^7) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1/z0^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
1/z1^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
92 84 84
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [1], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:18, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:7, in <module>
NameError: name 'uniformizer2' is not defined
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?7h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?7h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
(z1^7 - z0^4)/(z0^4*z1^7) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1/z0^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
1/z1^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
92 84 84
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [2], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:18, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:7, in <module>
File <string>:254, in uniformizer(self, i)
File <string>:143, in valuation(self, i)
File <string>:59, in expansion_at_infty(self, i)
IndexError: list index out of range
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^2*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^3*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^4*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^5*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^6*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x^7*z0^2*z1^2 <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^16*z0^3*z1 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^10*z0^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - z0^8*z1^7 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^22*z1 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 - x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 + x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 + x^22*z1 - x^22 + x^21*z0 - x^21 - x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 + x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 - x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 + x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 - x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 - x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 - x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 + x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 - x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 - x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 + x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 - x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 - x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 + x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 - x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 + x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 - x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 - x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 - x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 - x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 + x^10*z0^5 + x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 + x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 + x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 + z0^7*z1^8 - x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 - x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 + x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 - x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 - x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 + z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^22*z1 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z1^4)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^23*z1^3 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^5*z1^8 + z0^4*z1^8) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(x^23*z1 - x^23 + x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 - x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 - x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 + x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 + x^17 + x^16*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 - x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 - x^11*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 - x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 - x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 + x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 - x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 - x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 + x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 - x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 + x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 + x^15*z0^5*z1 - x^18*z0*z1^2 - x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 - x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 + x^17*z0^2*z1 - x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 - x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 - x^16*z0^3 + x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 + x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 - x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 - x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 - x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 - x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 - x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 - x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 - x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 + x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 - x^11*z0^4*z1^2 + x^12*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 + x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 + x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 - x^10*z0^5*z1 + x^11*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 + x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 + x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 + x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z1^3 + x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 - x^5*z0^7*z1^3 + x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 - x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 - x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 + x^5*z0^6*z1^3 - x^6*z0^4*z1^4 - x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 - z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 - x^5*z0^3*z1^5 + z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 + x^5*z0^4*z1^3 - x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 - z0^7*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 - x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 - z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 + z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
(-x^23*z1 - x^23 - x^22*z0 - x^22*z1 + x^22 - x^21*z0 - x^21 + x^17*z0*z1^3 + x^16*z0^3*z1 + x^17*z1^3 - x^17*z0^2 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0 - x^16*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^3*z1^4 - x^17 - x^16*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^3 - x^16 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^11*z0*z1^4 - x^11*z0^4 - x^11*z0^3*z1 - x^11*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3 + x^11*z1^3 - x^11*z0*z1 + x^11*z0 + x^11*z1 - x^11)/(x^24*z1^4 + x^24*z1^3 + x^23*z0*z1^3 + x^24*z1^2 + x^23*z1^3 - x^23*z0*z1 + x^21*z0^3*z1 - x^23*z1^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^5 + x^22*z0^2 + x^21*z0^3 + x^20*z0^4 + x^22*z0*z1 + x^22*z1^2 - x^18*z0^2*z1^4 - x^18*z0*z1^5 - x^21*z0^2 + x^20*z0^3 - x^21*z0*z1 - x^18*z0^2*z1^3 - x^18*z1^5 + x^20*z0^2 + x^18*z0^2*z1^2 + x^17*z0^3*z1^2 + x^15*z0^5*z1^2 + x^17*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z0*z1^4 - x^17*z0^3*z1 + x^16*z0^4*z1 - x^15*z0^5*z1 + x^18*z0*z1^2 + x^16*z0^3*z1^2 - x^15*z0^4*z1^2 + x^16*z0^2*z1^3 + x^17*z1^4 + x^16*z0^4 - x^15*z0^5 - x^17*z0^2*z1 + x^18*z1^2 - x^15*z0^3*z1^2 + x^17*z1^3 - x^16*z0*z1^3 + x^12*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0^3*z1^5 + x^12*z0^2*z1^6 + x^16*z0^3 - x^17*z0*z1 + x^17*z1^2 - x^16*z0*z1^2 + x^15*z0^2*z1^2 + x^12*z0^4*z1^3 + x^11*z0^5*z1^3 + x^11*z0^4*z1^4 + x^11*z0^3*z1^5 - x^12*z0*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^7 + x^16*z0^2 - x^16*z0*z1 + x^15*z0^2*z1 + x^12*z0^4*z1^2 + x^10*z0^6*z1^2 + x^10*z0^5*z1^3 + x^10*z0^4*z1^4 + x^12*z0*z1^5 + x^12*z1^6 + x^6*z0^6*z1^6 + x^5*z0^7*z1^6 + x^15*z0^2 - x^11*z0^5*z1 - x^10*z0^6*z1 - x^12*z0^3*z1^2 + x^11*z0^4*z1^2 - x^12*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0^2*z1^4 + x^10*z0^3*z1^4 - x^12*z1^5 - x^11*z0*z1^5 - x^6*z0^5*z1^6 + x^5*z0^6*z1^6 - x^6*z0^4*z1^7 + x^10*z0^6 + x^11*z0^4*z1 + x^10*z0^5*z1 - x^11*z0^3*z1^2 + x^12*z0*z1^3 - x^11*z0^2*z1^3 + x^11*z0*z1^4 + x^10*z0^2*z1^4 - x^6*z0^6*z1^4 - x^5*z0^7*z1^4 - x^5*z0^6*z1^5 + x^6*z0^3*z1^7 + z0^8*z1^8 - x^10*z0^5 - x^12*z0*z1^2 - x^11*z0^2*z1^2 - x^10*z0^3*z1^2 - x^12*z1^3 - x^10*z0^2*z1^3 - x^6*z0^6*z1^3 + x^5*z0^7*z1^3 - x^6*z0^3*z1^6 - x^5*z0^4*z1^6 - x^6*z0^2*z1^7 - z0^8*z1^7 - z0^7*z1^8 + x^11*z0^2*z1 + x^10*z0^3*z1 + x^12*z1^2 + x^11*z0*z1^2 - x^5*z0^7*z1^2 + x^6*z0^5*z1^3 - x^5*z0^6*z1^3 + x^6*z0^4*z1^4 + x^6*z0^2*z1^6 - x^5*z0^3*z1^6 + z0^7*z1^7 - x^10*z0^3 - x^11*z0*z1 - x^10*z0^2*z1 + x^5*z0^6*z1^2 - x^6*z0^3*z1^4 + x^5*z0^4*z1^4 + x^5*z0^3*z1^5 - z0^8*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^8 + x^10*z0^2 + x^6*z0^3*z1^3 - x^5*z0^4*z1^3 + x^6*z0^2*z1^4 + z0^8*z1^4 + z0^7*z1^5 + z0^5*z1^7 + z0^4*z1^8 + x^5*z0^4*z1^2 - x^6*z0^2*z1^3 + x^5*z0^3*z1^3 - z0^7*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^7 - x^5*z0^3*z1^2 + z0^5*z1^5 - z0^5*z1^4 - z0^4*z1^5 + z0^4*z1^4) <class '__main__.as_function'>
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
z0 <class '__main__.as_function'>
z1 <class '__main__.as_function'>
(z1^7 - z0^4)/(z0^4*z1^7) <class '__main__.as_function'>
1/z0^4 <class '__main__.as_function'>
1/z1^7 <class '__main__.as_function'>
92 84 84
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [3], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:18, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:7, in <module>
File <string>:255, in uniformizer(self, i)
File <string>:143, in valuation(self, i)
File <string>:59, in expansion_at_infty(self, i)
IndexError: list index out of range
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.uniformizer()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lA[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AA
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAA[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lA[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ltA[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lyA[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lpA[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7leA[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ltype(A[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: type(AA)
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7h<class '__main__.as_function'>
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAA[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lA[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lf[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lc[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lA[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AA.function
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAA.function[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lA[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lnsion_at_infty[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AA.expansion_at_infty()
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lx <class '__main__.as_function'>
[?7ht^-9 + 2*t^15 + 2*t^33 + t^41 + t^45 + 2*t^51 + t^57 + t^59 + t^63 + 2*t^65 + t^69 + 2*t^75 + t^77 + t^83 + 2*t^95 + t^107 + 2*t^111 + 2*t^117 + t^119 + 2*t^123 + 2*t^135 + 2*t^141 + t^147 + t^153 + 2*t^155 + 2*t^159 + 2*t^165 + 2*t^171 + t^177 + 2*t^179 + 2*t^183 + t^185 + t^191 + 2*t^195 + t^203 + 2*t^215 + t^219 + 2*t^221 + t^225 + t^227 + 2*t^231 + t^239 + t^243 + 2*t^245 + 2*t^257 + t^261 + 2*t^269 + t^273 + t^279 + 2*t^281 + t^285 + t^293 + t^297 + t^303 + t^309 + t^317 + t^321 + t^327 + t^329 + t^333 + t^339 + t^341 + 2*t^347 + 2*t^351 + t^357 + t^365 + 2*t^369 + t^375 + t^387 + t^399 + t^401 + t^405 + t^411 + 2*t^429 + 2*t^435 + 2*t^437 + 2*t^441 + 2*t^443 + 2*t^453 + 2*t^459 + 2*t^461 + t^471 + t^473 + t^477 + t^483 + 2*t^485 + 2*t^489 + t^491 + t^497 + 2*t^501 + t^507 + 2*t^509 + 2*t^513 + t^515 + 2*t^519 + t^525 + 2*t^527 + 2*t^531 + 2*t^543 + t^545 + 2*t^549 + t^551 + t^555 + t^567 + t^573 + 2*t^581 + 2*t^585 + t^591 + t^593 + t^597 + 2*t^603 + 2*t^605 + t^609 + t^615 + 2*t^617 + 2*t^621 + 2*t^627 + t^629 + 2*t^633 + t^641 + 2*t^645 + t^653 + 2*t^659 + 2*t^665 + 2*t^669 + t^675 + 2*t^677 + t^687 + 2*t^689 + 2*t^693 + 2*t^705 + t^717 + t^725 + t^735 + t^747 + 2*t^755 + t^765 + 2*t^771 + t^779 + t^789 + t^801 + t^803 + 2*t^807 + t^813 + 2*t^815 + t^819 + 2*t^825 + t^827 + t^837 + t^839 + 2*t^843 + t^861 + t^867 + t^873 + 2*t^875 + t^885 + t^887 + 2*t^891 + t^897 + t^903 + t^905 + 2*t^909 + t^921 + t^923 + 2*t^927 + 2*t^929 + t^933 + 2*t^941 + 2*t^945 + t^947 + t^957 + t^959 + 2*t^975 + 2*t^977 + 2*t^983 + t^987 + O(t^991)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAA.expansion_at_infty()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lA[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lv[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ll[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AA.valuation()
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lx <class '__main__.as_function'>
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAA.valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l0)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AA.valuation(0)
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lx <class '__main__.as_function'>
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAA.valuation(0)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lexpans_at_infty()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfunction[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ltype(AA)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAA[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAA.valuation(0)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lA[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AA
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAA[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lA[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.valuation(0)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lv[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ll[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ltion(0)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AA.valuation(0)
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lx <class '__main__.as_function'>
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAA.valuation(0)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [14], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:18, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:7, in <module>
File <string>:255, in uniformizer(self, i)
File <string>:143, in valuation(self, i)
File <string>:59, in expansion_at_infty(self, i)
IndexError: list index out of range
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
x <class '__main__.as_function'>
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [15], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:18, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:7, in <module>
File <string>:255, in uniformizer(self, i)
File <string>:143, in valuation(self, i)
File <string>:59, in expansion_at_infty(self, i)
IndexError: list index out of range
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [16], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:18, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:7, in <module>
File <string>:266, in uniformizer(self, i)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/rational.pyx:2281, in sage.rings.rational.Rational.__getitem__()
 2279 if n == 0 or n == -1:
 2280 return self
-> 2281 raise IndexError(f"index n (={n}) out of range; it must be 0")
 2283 ################################################################
IndexError: index n (=1) out of range; it must be 0
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [17], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:18, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:7, in <module>
File <string>:275, in uniformizer(self, i)
NameError: name 'fxgcd' is not defined
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [18], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:18, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:7, in <module>
File <string>:275, in uniformizer(self, i)
TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable sage.rings.integer.Integer object
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l-9 -9
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [19], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:18, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:7, in <module>
File <string>:276, in uniformizer(self, i)
TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable sage.rings.integer.Integer object
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx.valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lgcd(6, 9)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lc[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ld[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l-[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l9[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l,[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l-[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l9[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: xgcd(-9, -9)
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7h(9, 0, -1)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lxgcd(-9, -9)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lloa"init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [21], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:18, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:7, in <module>
File <string>:278, in uniformizer(self, i)
ValueError: My method of generating fcts with relatively prime valuation failed.
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[x, z0, z1, (-x^7 + z0^3)/(x^7*z0^3), 1/x^4]
[-9, -21, -12, 105, 36]
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [22], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:18, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:7, in <module>
File <string>:279, in uniformizer(self, i)
ValueError: My method of generating fcts with relatively prime valuation failed.
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lC.characteristic[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS = s_cover(C, [f1])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: CAS
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7h(Z/p)-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^2 = x^3 + 1 over Finite Field of size 5 with the equation:
z^5 - z = x*y
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lCAS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lA[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lf[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lr[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lm[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lz[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lr[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l*[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: CAS.uniformizer()
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[x, z0, z1, (-x^7 + z0^3)/(x^7*z0^3), 1/x^4]
[-9, -21, -12, 105, 36]
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [24], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 CAS.uniformizer()
File <string>:279, in uniformizer(self, i)
ValueError: My method of generating fcts with relatively prime valuation failed.
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lCAS.uniformizer()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[x, z0, (z0^2 - x)/(x*z0^2)]
[-10, -5, 14]
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAA.valuation(0)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lA[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AA
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7hx/(z0^3 - x*z0)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAA[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lA[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.valuation(0)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lv[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ll[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lio[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AA.valuation()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAA.valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
OSError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [28], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:5, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:2, in <module>
File <string>:242, in as_cover()
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 242 break
 243 else:
--> 244 raise IOError('did not find file %r to load or attach' % filename)
 246 ext = os.path.splitext(fpath)[1].lower()
 247 if ext == '.py':
OSError: did not find file 'as_cover/uniformizer.sage' to load or attach
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [29], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:18, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:7, in <module>
AttributeError: 'as_cover' object has no attribute 'uniformizer'
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lTraceback (most recent call last):
File /ext/sage/9.7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10.5/lib/python3.10/site-packages/IPython/core/ in run_code
exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)
Input In [30] in <cell line: 1>
File sage/misc/persist.pyx:175 in sage.misc.persist.load
sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/ in load
exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
File <string>:5 in <module>
File sage/misc/persist.pyx:175 in sage.misc.persist.load
sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/ in load
exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
File <string>:2 in <module>
File <string>:242 in as_cover
File sage/misc/persist.pyx:175 in sage.misc.persist.load
sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/ in load
 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 File <string>:2
 def uniformizer(self, i = _sage_const_0 ):
IndentationError: unexpected indent
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
ModuleNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [31], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:5, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:2, in <module>
File <string>:242, in as_cover()
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'as_cover'
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[x, z0, (z0^2 - x)/(x*z0^2)]
[-10, -5, 14]
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAA.valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lA[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AA
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7hx/(z0^3 - x*z0)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAA[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lA[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lv[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ll[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AA.valuation()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ld[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l"[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ls[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ls[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ls[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lg[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l"[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("tests.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lith ramification group test:
[x, z0, z1, (-x^7 + z0^3)/(x^7*z0^3), 1/x^4]
[-9, -21, -12, 105, 36]
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [36], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("tests.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:10, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:18, in <module>
File <string>:51, in ith_ramification_gp(AS, i)
File <string>:39, in uniformizer(self, i)
ValueError: My method of generating fcts with relatively prime valuation failed.
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("tests.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ld[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l"[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lini.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(t.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ltess.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("tests.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lith ramification group test:
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [39], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("tests.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:10, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:18, in <module>
File <string>:284, in ith_ramification_gp(self, i, place)
File <string>:278, in uniformizer(self, i)
ValueError: My method of generating fcts with relatively prime valuation failed.
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("tests.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lini.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [41], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:17, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:13, in <module>
File <string>:278, in uniformizer(self, i)
ValueError: My method of generating fcts with relatively prime valuation failed.
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAA.valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lSuniformizer()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS.uniformizer()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7h(Z/p)^2-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 3 with the equations:
z0^3 - z0 = x^7
z1^3 - z1 = x^4
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[x, z0, z1, (-x^7 + z0^3)/(x^7*z0^3), 1/x^4]
[-9, -21, -12, 105, 36]
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [43], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:17, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:13, in <module>
File <string>:280, in uniformizer(self, i)
ValueError: My method of generating fcts with relatively prime valuation failed.
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lz = Rxyz.gens()[2:][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[0][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l0[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: z[0
....: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[
][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: z[0
....: ]
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lf1.expansion_at_infty()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lz1.valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l0*3[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l = as_function(AS, z[0])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l=[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7las_function(AS, z[0])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: fz0 = as_function(AS, z[0])
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfz0 = as_function(AS, z[0])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l1])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l = as_function(AS, z[1])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l1 = as_function(AS, z[1])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: fz1 = as_function(AS, z[1])
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfz1 = as_function(AS, z[1])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lz[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l00[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.valuation()*3[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lexpans_at_infty().valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lx[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ls[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lion_at_infty[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l().valuation()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: fz0.expansion_at_infty()
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7ht^-21 + 2*t^-13 + t^-3 + 2*t^3 + 2*t^5 + t^11 + t^15 + t^21 + 2*t^23 + 2*t^29 + 2*t^33 + t^41 + t^45 + t^51 + 2*t^53 + t^57 + 2*t^59 + 2*t^65 + t^69 + 2*t^75 + 2*t^77 + 2*t^81 + t^83 + t^87 + 2*t^95 + 2*t^99 + 2*t^117 + t^123 + 2*t^135 + t^141 + 2*t^147 + t^149 + t^153 + t^155 + 2*t^159 + t^167 + t^171 + 2*t^173 + t^183 + 2*t^185 + t^189 + 2*t^191 + 2*t^203 + t^207 + 2*t^213 + 2*t^215 + 2*t^225 + t^237 + t^239 + 2*t^243 + t^245 + t^249 + 2*t^257 + t^261 + 2*t^269 + t^273 + 2*t^317 + 2*t^321 + 2*t^329 + 2*t^333 + t^339 + t^345 + 2*t^347 + 2*t^351 + t^353 + 2*t^357 + 2*t^365 + 2*t^375 + 2*t^377 + t^381 + t^383 + 2*t^387 + t^389 + t^393 + 2*t^399 + 2*t^401 + t^405 + t^407 + t^411 + t^419 + t^431 + t^435 + t^437 + t^441 + t^443 + 2*t^447 + t^453 + 2*t^455 + t^465 + t^471 + 2*t^473 + 2*t^479 + t^483 + 2*t^485 + 2*t^495 + 2*t^497 + t^501 + 2*t^503 + 2*t^507 + 2*t^513 + 2*t^515 + t^519 + 2*t^527 + 2*t^531 + t^533 + 2*t^545 + t^549 + t^551 + 2*t^561 + 2*t^563 + 2*t^569 + t^573 + t^585 + 2*t^591 + t^599 + 2*t^603 + 2*t^605 + 2*t^609 + 2*t^615 + 2*t^617 + t^623 + 2*t^627 + t^633 + 2*t^641 + t^645 + t^647 + t^657 + 2*t^659 + t^663 + t^665 + 2*t^675 + t^681 + t^687 + 2*t^693 + 2*t^695 + 2*t^699 + 2*t^701 + t^705 + 2*t^707 + t^711 + 2*t^717 + 2*t^719 + t^723 + t^729 + 2*t^743 + 2*t^747 + t^759 + 2*t^767 + 2*t^771 + 2*t^779 + 2*t^789 + 2*t^795 + t^797 + t^801 + t^803 + t^807 + t^813 + 2*t^819 + 2*t^821 + t^825 + t^831 + t^833 + 2*t^837 + 2*t^843 + 2*t^855 + 2*t^861 + t^863 + t^869 + t^873 + t^875 + 2*t^879 + t^885 + t^887 + 2*t^893 + 2*t^897 + t^903 + 2*t^909 + 2*t^911 + t^915 + 2*t^921 + t^929 + 2*t^935 + 2*t^939 + 2*t^945 + 2*t^947 + 2*t^951 + t^957 + 2*t^959 + 2*t^965 + 2*t^977 + O(t^979)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfz0.expansion_at_infty()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l1 = as_function(AS, z[1])[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l00[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: z[0
....: ][?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")
 [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l0 -7 -3
1 -4 -1
[x, z0, z1, (-x^7 + z0^3)/(x^7*z0^3), 1/x^4]
[-9, -21, -12, 105, 36]
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [48], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:17, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:13, in <module>
File <string>:281, in uniformizer(self, i)
ValueError: My method of generating fcts with relatively prime valuation failed.
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l0 -7 -3
1 -4 -1
[x, z0, z1, (-x^7 + z0^3)/(x^7*z0^3), 1/x^4]
[-9, -21, -12, 105, 36]
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [49], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("init.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:17, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:13, in <module>
File <string>:282, in uniformizer(self, i)
ValueError: My method of generating fcts with relatively prime valuation failed.
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lA: 1 0 -4 -7
0 -7 -3
1 -4 -1
[x, z0, z1, (-z1^7 + z0^4)/(z0^4*z1^7), (-x^7 + z0^3)/(x^7*z0^3), 1/x^4]
[-9, -21, -12, 92, 105, 36]
z0^16*z1^28/(x^41*z1^28 - x^41*z0^4*z1^21 - x^41*z0^12*z1^7 + x^41*z0^16)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lz0^16*z1^28/(x^41*z1^28 - x^41*z0^4*z1^21 - x^41*z0^12*z1^7 + x^41*z0^16)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lz0^16*z1^28/(x^41*z1^28 - x^41*z0^4*z1^21 - x^41*z0^12*z1^7 + x^41*z0^16)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7h(Z/p)^2-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 3 with the equations:
z0^3 - z0 = x^7
z1^3 - z1 = x^4
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.uniformizer()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lr[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lM[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lI[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lm[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lification_jumps[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.ramification_jumps()
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [54], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 AS.ramification_jumps()
File <string>:304, in ramification_jumps(self, place)
TypeError: ith_ramification_gp() got an unexpected keyword argument 'place'
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.ramification_jumps()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lz0^16*z1^28/(x^41*z1^28 - x^41*z0^4*z1^21 - x^41*z0^12*z1^7 + x^41*z0^16)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.ramification_jumps()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lr[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lmification_jumps()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.ramification_jumps()
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/polynomial/multi_polynomial_libsingular.pyx:2078, in sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_libsingular.MPolynomial_libsingular.__call__()
 2077 # Attempt evaluation via singular.
-> 2078 coerced_x = [parent.coerce(e) for e in x]
 2079 except TypeError:
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/parent.pyx:1213, in sage.structure.parent.Parent.coerce()
 1212 _record_exception()
-> 1213 raise TypeError(_LazyString("no canonical coercion from %s to %s", (parent(x), self), {}))
 1214 else:
TypeError: no canonical coercion from Laurent Series Ring in t over Finite Field of size 3 to Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y, z0, z1 over Finite Field of size 3
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
KeyboardInterrupt Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [56], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 AS.ramification_jumps()
File <string>:304, in ramification_jumps(self, place)
File <string>:293, in ith_ramification_gp(self, i, place)
File <string>:142, in valuation(self, i)
File <string>:74, in expansion_at_infty(self, i)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:943, in sage.structure.element.Element.substitute()
 941 5
 942 """
--> 943 return self.subs(in_dict,**kwds)
 945 cpdef _act_on_(self, x, bint self_on_left):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:834, in sage.structure.element.Element.subs()
 832 else:
 833 variables.append(gen)
--> 834 return self(*variables)
 836 def numerical_approx(self, prec=None, digits=None, algorithm=None):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/fraction_field_element.pyx:449, in sage.rings.fraction_field_element.FractionFieldElement.__call__()
 447 (-2*x1*x2 + x1 + 1)/(x1 + x2)
 448 """
--> 449 return self.__numerator(*x, **kwds) / self.__denominator(*x, **kwds)
 451 def _is_atomic(self):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/polynomial/multi_polynomial_libsingular.pyx:2083, in sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_libsingular.MPolynomial_libsingular.__call__()
 2081 y = parent.base_ring().zero()
 2082 for (m,c) in self.dict().iteritems():
-> 2083 y += c*mul([ x[i]**m[i] for i in m.nonzero_positions()])
 2084 return y
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/laurent_series_ring_element.pyx:953, in sage.rings.laurent_series_ring_element.LaurentSeries.__pow__()
 951 if right.denominator() == 1:
 952 right = right.numerator()
--> 953 return type(self)(self._parent, self.__u**right, self.__n*right)
 955 if self.is_zero():
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/power_series_ring_element.pyx:1152, in sage.rings.power_series_ring_element.PowerSeries.__pow__()
 1150 if right.denominator() == 1:
 1151 right = right.numerator()
-> 1152 return super().__pow__(right, dummy)
 1154 if self.is_zero():
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:2059, in sage.structure.element.Element.__pow__()
 2057 return (<Element>left)._pow_(right)
 2058 if BOTH_ARE_ELEMENT(cl):
-> 2059 return coercion_model.bin_op(left, right, pow)
 2061 cdef long value
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/coerce.pyx:1196, in sage.structure.coerce.CoercionModel.bin_op()
 1194 return (<Action>action)._act_(x, y)
 1195 else:
-> 1196 return (<Action>action)._act_(y, x)
 1198 # Now coerce to a common parent and do the operation there
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/coerce_actions.pyx:892, in sage.structure.coerce_actions.IntegerPowAction._act_()
 890 integer_check_long(n, &value, &err)
 891 if not err:
--> 892 return e._pow_long(value)
 893 return e._pow_int(n)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:2136, in sage.structure.element.Element._pow_long()
 2134 Generic path for powering with a C long.
 2135 """
-> 2136 return self._pow_int(n)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:2709, in sage.structure.element.RingElement._pow_int()
 2707 OverflowError: exponent overflow (670592745)
 2708 """
-> 2709 return arith_generic_power(self, n)
 2711 def powers(self, n):
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/arith/power.pyx:83, in sage.arith.power.generic_power()
 81 raise NotImplementedError("non-integral exponents not supported")
 82 if not err:
---> 83 return generic_power_long(a, value)
 85 if n < 0:
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/arith/power.pyx:102, in sage.arith.power.generic_power_long()
 100 u = -u
 101 a = invert(a)
--> 102 return generic_power_pos(a, u)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/arith/power.pyx:123, in sage.arith.power.generic_power_pos()
 121 apow *= apow
 122 if n & 1:
--> 123 res = apow * res
 124 n >>= 1
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:1514, in sage.structure.element.Element.__mul__()
 1512 cdef int cl = classify_elements(left, right)
 1513 if HAVE_SAME_PARENT(cl):
-> 1514 return (<Element>left)._mul_(right)
 1515 if BOTH_ARE_ELEMENT(cl):
 1516 return coercion_model.bin_op(left, right, mul)
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/power_series_poly.pyx:540, in sage.rings.power_series_poly.PowerSeries_poly._mul_()
 538 """
 539 prec = self._mul_prec(right_r)
--> 540 return PowerSeries_poly(self._parent,
 541 self.__f * (<PowerSeries_poly>right_r).__f,
 542 prec=prec,
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/power_series_poly.pyx:44, in sage.rings.power_series_poly.PowerSeries_poly.__init__()
 42 ValueError: series has negative valuation
 43 """
---> 44 R = parent._poly_ring()
 45 if isinstance(f, Element):
 46 if (<Element>f)._parent is R:
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/rings/, in PowerSeriesRing_generic._poly_ring(self)
 958 pass
 959 return False
--> 961 def _poly_ring(self):
 962 """
 963  Return the underlying polynomial ring used to represent elements of
 964  this power series ring.
 970  Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Integer Ring
 971  """
 972 return self.__poly_ring
File src/cysignals/signals.pyx:310, in cysignals.signals.python_check_interrupt()
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.ramification_jumps()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lz0^16*z1^28/(x^41*z1^28 - x^41*z0^4*z1^21 - x^41*z0^12*z1^7 + x^41*z0^16)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.ramification_jumps()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.ramification_jumps()
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7h[4, 13]
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.ramification_jumps()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ljups[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lm[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ls[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.jumps
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7h[[7, 4]]
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.jumps[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lraification_jumps()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l)[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ln.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("init.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lfaz0^16*z1^28/(x^41*z1^28 - x^41*z0^4*z1^21 - x^41*z0^12*z1^7 + x^41*z0^16)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lfa[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("init.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lo[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7la[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ld[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l"[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ltess.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7le[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ls[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l(s.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("tests.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lramification jumps test:
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [61], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("tests.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:14, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:13, in <module>
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.jumps[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7h(Z/p)^2-cover of Superelliptic curve with the equation y^1 = x over Finite Field of size 5 with the equations:
z0^5 - z0 = x^2
z1^5 - z1 = x^3
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.jumps[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lj[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lm[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lp[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7ls[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.jumps
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7h[[2, 7]]
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.jumps[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("tests.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("tests.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lramification jumps test:
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [64], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("tests.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:14, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:15, in <module>
IndexError: list index out of range
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.jumps[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lS[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l.jumps[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: AS.jumps
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004l[?7h[[2, 7]]
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lAS.jumps[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("tests.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("tests.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lramification jumps test:
[[2, 7]]
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [66], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 load("tests.sage")
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:14, in <module>
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/misc/persist.pyx:175, in sage.misc.persist.load()
 174 if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename):
--> 175 sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals())
 176 return
File /ext/sage/9.7/src/sage/repl/, in load(filename, globals, attach)
 270 add_attached_file(fpath)
 271 with open(fpath) as f:
--> 272 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals)
 273 elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx':
 274 if attach:
File <string>:16, in <module>
IndexError: list index out of range
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lload("tests.sage")[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: load("tests.sage")
[?7h[?12l[?25h[?2004lramification jumps test:
[?2004h[?25l[?7lsage: [?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lq = t^50 + t^5[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lu[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7li[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lt[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l([?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7l()[?7h[?12l[?25h[?25l[?7lsage: quit()
]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation/sage$ git statcd ..
]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: elementary_covers_of_superelliptic_curves.ipynb
modified: sage/.run.term-0.term
modified: sage/as_covers/as_cover_class.sage
modified: sage/as_covers/as_form_class.sage
modified: sage/as_covers/as_function_class.sage
modified: sage/as_covers/dual_element.sage
modified: sage/as_covers/ith_magical_component.sage
deleted: sage/draft.sage
modified: sage/init.sage
modified: sage/tests.sage
modified: superelliptic.ipynb
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
]0;~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation~/Research/2021 De Rham/DeRhamComputation$ git add