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index 64b3bfb..35c4f77 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# SAGEMATH module: superelliptic curves and their Artin-Schreier covers
+# SAGEMATH module: superelliptic curves and their abelian p-group covers
## Basic information
@@ -9,47 +9,160 @@ The main file is init.sage. In order to use it, type:
```sage: load('init.sage')```
The main two "packages" are intended for:
- superelliptic curves,
- $(\mathbb Z/p)^n$-covers of superelliptic curves.
+See below and the file examples.sage for examples.
## Superelliptic curves
-In order to define a superelliptic curve $C : y^4 = x^6 + 1$ over the finite field with 9 elements,
+In order to define a superelliptic curve $C : y^4 = x^6 + 1$ over the finite field with 25 elements,
use the following commands:
-F. = GF(9, 'a')
+F. = GF(25, 'a')
Rx. = PolynomialRing(F)
f = x^6 + 1
C = superelliptic(f, 4)
+The class $C$ has an optional argument *prec*, which gives the precision of precomputed
+expansions at infinity of the functions of the curve $C$. Note that curve of the form $y^m = f(x)$ has $\delta := GCD(\deg f, m)$
+points at infinity and that $f(x)$ must be separable in order for $C$ to be smooth.
There are three auxilliary classes: superelliptic_function (for functions defined on superelliptic curves), superelliptic_form (for forms defined on superelliptic curves) and superelliptic_cech (for cech cocycles for the de Rham cohomology on superelliptic curves).
-For example, in order to define the function $x + y$ on our curve $C$ we can define it like this:
+For example, in order to define the function $x + 2y + 1$ on our curve $C$ we can define it like this:
Rxy. = PolynomialRing(F, 2)
-fct = superelliptic_function(C, x + y)
+fct = superelliptic_function(C, x + 2*y + 1)
or simpler:
-fct = C.x + C.y
+fct = C.x + 2*C.y + C.one
Similarly, in order to define the form $\omega = y \cdot dx$ we may use:
omega = superelliptic_form(C, y)
or simpler:
omega = C.y * C.dx
+The cech cocycles are given as triples:
+$$ (\omega_0, f, \omega_{\infty}), $$
-## Troubleshooting
+where $\omega_0$ is a form regular on $U_0$ (i.e. on the affine curve $y^m = f(x)$),
+$\omega_{\infty}$ is a form regular on $U_{\infty}$, the affine curve containing the points at infinity (explicitly given by $w^{\delta} = g(v^M \cdot w^b)$, $g(x) = x^{\deg f} \cdot f(1/x)$, $\delta := GCD(m, \deg f)$, $br - am = \delta$, $M := m/\delta$) and $f$ is a function regular on $U_0 \cap U_{\infty}$ such that $\omega_0 - \omega_{\infty} = df$. See e.g. [Section 2 in article of Kock and Tait](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1709.03422.pdf). In order to access the arguments omega_0, f, omega_{\infty} of a cocyle *eta* we use the arguments *eta.omega0*, *eta.f*, *eta.omega8* respectively. Thus, let us check that the cocycle condition omega_0 - omega_{\infty} = df is satisfied for an exemplary cocycle:
+eta = C.de_rham_basis()[-1] # we pick one of the forms in the de Rham basis of C
+print(eta.omega0 - eta.omega8 == eta.f.diffn())
+The module allows to compute the basis of of holomorphic differential forms:
+One may also compute the coordinates of a given holomorphic differential form. On default,
+the coordinates are computed with respect to *C.holomorphic_differentials_basis()*.
+One may also give a basis as an optional argument. Note that this speeds up computation, since
+the basis is not calculated several times.
+omega = (2*C.y^2 - C.y + C.one)/C.y^3 * C.dx
+basis = C.holomorphic_differentials_basis()
+print(omega.coordinates(basis = basis))
+The method *expansion_at_infty()* allows to compute the Laurent expansion of a given function at a place at infinity.
+The parameter *place* is optional. It is a number from 0 to $\delta - 1$, giving a place at infinity in which
+the expansion should be computed.
+One can check valuation of form/function at given place at infinity, using *valuation()* method.
+## Abelian covers of superelliptic curves
+This module allows to define $(\mathbb Z/p)^n$-covers of superelliptic curves in characteristic $p$ that
+are **ramified over the points of infinity**.
+We define now a $(\mathbb Z/3)^2$ cover of curve $C : y^2 = x^3 + x$, given by the equations $z_0^3 - z_0 = x^2 * y$,
+$z_1^3 - z_1 = x^3$.
+F = GF(3)
+Rx. = PolynomialRing(F)
+f = x^3 + x
+C = superelliptic(f, 2)
+f1 = C.x^2*C_super.y
+f2 = C.x^3
+AS = as_cover(C, [f1, f2], prec=1000)
+Note that defining abelian cover may take quite a long time, since several parameters are computed. Again *prec* parameter is optional
+and is required to compute some parameters of the cover. Note that the functions f1, f2 **must be polynomials in x and y** so that AS
+has ramification points at infinity.
+Similarly, the are classes _as\_function, as\_form, as\_cech_ and one can write _AS.x, AS.dx_, etc. There are also methods _holomorphic\_differentials\_basis\(\)_, _de\_rham\_basis\(\)_, _coordinates\(\)_, _expansion\_at\_infty\(\)_, *valuation()* etc.
+Note that some functions \(e.g. _holomorphic\_differential\_basis_\) have optional _threshold_ parameter. Increase it in case of problems.
+In order to compute the group action of $(\mathbb Z/p)^n$ on a given function/form/cocycle, use *group_action()*, e.g.
+omega = AS.holomorphic_differentials_basis()[1]
+print(omega.group_action([1, 0])) #group action by element [1, 0]
+print(omega.group_action([0, 1])) #group action by element [0, 1]
+In order to compute the matrices of the action, use *group_action_matrices_holo* and *group_action_matrices_dR*:
+p = 3
+A, B = group_action_matrices_holo(AS)
+n = A.dimensions()[0]
+#Let us check that they commute and are of order p:
+print(A*B == B*A)
+print(A^p == identity_matrix(n))
+print(B^p == identity_matrix(n))
+One can decompose it into indecomposable $(\mathbb Z/p)^2$-modules, using
+print(magma_module_decomposition(A, B))
+Note that this won't work for large genus of AS, as it uses free Magma with limited input.
+One can also look for magical elements:
+## Common errors:
+1. *Increase precision.* - Increase the *prec* argument of the curve.
+1. *I haven't found all forms, only x of y* - Increase threshold when computing a basis.
+1. *no 12 -th root; divide by 2* - when defining AS cover, one needs to compute roots of some numbers. This error means that a number is not in the field. You can either enlarge the base field, or divide one of the functions by given number and study the modified curve.
+1. *unsupported operand parent(s) for %: 'The Infinity Ring' and 'The Infinity Ring'* - One of the power series turned out to be zero. Probably the AS cover that you've given is not connected (for example it is of the form $z_0^p - z_0 = f^p - f$).
-- precision
-- threshold
-- no root in the field
-- basis -- coordinates.
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diff --git a/as_covers/as_auxilliary.sage b/as_covers/as_auxilliary.sage
index 1539a79..fbe7828 100644
--- a/as_covers/as_auxilliary.sage
+++ b/as_covers/as_auxilliary.sage
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-def magmathis(A, B, text = False, prefix="", sufix=""):
+def magma_module_decomposition(A, B, text = False, prefix="", sufix=""):
"""Find decomposition of Z/p^2-module given by matrices A, B into indecomposables using magma.
If text = True, print the command for Magma. Else - return the output of Magma free."""
q = parent(A).base_ring().order()
diff --git a/as_covers/as_cover_class.sage b/as_covers/as_cover_class.sage
index 267f9ae..0659b29 100644
--- a/as_covers/as_cover_class.sage
+++ b/as_covers/as_cover_class.sage
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ class as_cover:
print("I haven't found all forms, only ", len(forms), " of ", self.genus())
return holomorphic_differentials_basis(self, threshold = threshold + 1)
if len(forms) > self.genus():
- print("Increase precision.")
+ raise ValueError("Increase precision.")
return forms
def cartier_matrix(self, prec=50):
diff --git a/as_covers/group_action_matrices.sage b/as_covers/group_action_matrices.sage
index edf0e74..b636126 100644
--- a/as_covers/group_action_matrices.sage
+++ b/as_covers/group_action_matrices.sage
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ def group_action_matrices_holo(AS):
ei = n*[0]
ei[i] = 1
generators += [ei]
- return group_action_matrices(AS.holomorphic_differentials_basis(), generators, basis = AS.holomorphic_differentials_basis())
+ basis = AS.holomorphic_differentials_basis()
+ return group_action_matrices(basis, generators, basis = basis)
def group_action_matrices_dR(AS, threshold=8):
n = AS.height
diff --git a/as_covers/tests/group_action_matrices_test.sage b/as_covers/tests/group_action_matrices_test.sage
index d71464a..f5a2a7f 100644
--- a/as_covers/tests/group_action_matrices_test.sage
+++ b/as_covers/tests/group_action_matrices_test.sage
@@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
-p = 7
+p = 3
m = 2
F = GF(p)
Rx. = PolynomialRing(F)
-f = x^3 + 1
+f = x^3 + x
C_super = superelliptic(f, m)
-Rxy. = PolynomialRing(F, 2)
-f1 = superelliptic_function(C_super, x^2*y)
-f2 = superelliptic_function(C_super, x^3)
+f1 = C_super.x^2*C_super.y
+f2 = C_super.x^3
AS = as_cover(C_super, [f1, f2], prec=1000)
A, B = group_action_matrices_holo(AS)
n = A.dimensions()[0]
print(A*B == B*A)
print(A^p == identity_matrix(n))
-print(B^p == identity_matrix(n))
\ No newline at end of file
+print(B^p == identity_matrix(n))
+print(magma_module_decomposition(A, B))
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diff --git a/example.sage b/example.sage
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..443f01d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example.sage
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+print('Remember to load init.sage!')
+print('Define the superelliptic curve C : y^4 = x^6 + 1 over GF(5)')
+F = GF(5)
+Rx. = PolynomialRing(F)
+f = x^6 + 1
+C = superelliptic(f, 4)
+print('Is is smooth?')
+print('Define the function x + 2y + 1 on our curve C:')
+Rxy. = PolynomialRing(F, 2)
+fct1 = superelliptic_function(C, x + 2*y + 1)
+fct2 = C.x + 2*C.y + C.one
+print('In one way:', fct1, 'In another way:', fct2)
+print('define the form omega = y * dx on C:')
+omega1 = superelliptic_form(C, y)
+omega2 = C.y * C.dx
+print('In one way:', omega1, 'In another way:', omega2)
+print('The holomorphic differentials basis of C:')
+print('Let us compute now coordinates of some differential form.')
+omega = (2*C.y^2 - C.y + C.one)/C.y^3 * C.dx
+print('First method:', omega.coordinates())
+basis = C.holomorphic_differentials_basis()
+print('Second method (faster):', omega.coordinates(basis = basis))
+print('Compute the Laurent expansion of omega, first at one place at infinity and then at the second:')
+print(omega.expansion_at_infty(place = 0))
+print(omega.expansion_at_infty(place = 1))
+print('The basis of de Rham cohomology of C:')
+print('Elements of de Rham cohomology are Cech cocycles -- triples:')
+eta = C.de_rham_basis()[-1]
+print('Let us check that the cocycle condition omega_0 - omega_{\infty} = df is satisfied:')
+print(eta.omega0 - eta.omega8 == eta.f.diffn())
+F = GF(3)
+Rx. = PolynomialRing(F)
+f = x^3 + x
+C = superelliptic(f, 2)
+f1 = C.x^2*C_super.y
+f2 = C.x^3
+AS = as_cover(C, [f1, f2], prec=1000)
+print('Compute the group action of $(\mathbb Z/p)^n$ on a form:')
+omega = AS.holomorphic_differentials_basis()[1]
+print('Form:', omega)
+print('Group action by [1, 0]:', omega.group_action([1, 0]))
+print('Group action by [0, 1]:', omega.group_action([0, 1]))
+print('Let us compute the matrices of the group action:')
+p = 3
+A, B = group_action_matrices_holo(AS)
+print(A, '\n', B)
+n = A.dimensions()[0]
+print('Let us check that they commute and are of order p')
+print(A*B == B*A)
+print(A^p == identity_matrix(n))
+print(B^p == identity_matrix(n))
+print('We decompose it into indecomposable $(\mathbb Z/p)^2$-modules:')
+print(magma_module_decomposition(A, B))
+print('Let us look for magical elements:')
+z = AS.magical_element()
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diff --git a/init.sage b/init.sage
index 088fd47..fa50c9c 100644
--- a/init.sage
+++ b/init.sage
@@ -27,10 +27,4 @@ load('auxilliaries/hensel.sage')
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diff --git a/superelliptic/superelliptic_form_class.sage b/superelliptic/superelliptic_form_class.sage
index b27f4f9..01ae6f0 100644
--- a/superelliptic/superelliptic_form_class.sage
+++ b/superelliptic/superelliptic_form_class.sage
@@ -206,4 +206,11 @@ class superelliptic_form:
omega_regular = omega.regular_form()
C = omega.curve
p = C.characteristic
- return (omega_regular.dx)^p*C.x^(p-1)*C.dx + (omega_regular.dy)^p*C.y^(p-1)*C.y.diffn()
\ No newline at end of file
+ return (omega_regular.dx)^p*C.x^(p-1)*C.dx + (omega_regular.dy)^p*C.y^(p-1)*C.y.diffn()
+ def valuation(self, place = 0):
+ '''Return valuation at i-th place at infinity.'''
+ C = self.curve
+ F = C.base_ring
+ Rt. = LaurentSeriesRing(F)
+ return Rt(self.expansion_at_infty(place = place)).valuation()
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diff --git a/superelliptic/superelliptic_function_class.sage b/superelliptic/superelliptic_function_class.sage
index 7aed0fe..570fb53 100644
--- a/superelliptic/superelliptic_function_class.sage
+++ b/superelliptic/superelliptic_function_class.sage
@@ -149,4 +149,11 @@ class superelliptic_function:
auxilliary_form = auxilliary_form.cartier()
auxilliary_form = C.x * auxilliary_form
auxilliary_form = auxilliary_form.form
- return superelliptic_function(C, auxilliary_form)
\ No newline at end of file
+ return superelliptic_function(C, auxilliary_form)
+ def valuation(self, place = 0):
+ '''Return valuation at i-th place at infinity.'''
+ C = self.curve
+ F = C.base_ring
+ Rt. = LaurentSeriesRing(F)
+ return Rt(self.expansion_at_infty(place = place)).valuation()
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