def artin_schreier_transform(power_series, prec = 10): """Given a power_series, find correction such that power_series - (correction)^p +correction has valuation -jump non divisible by p. Also, express t (the variable) in terms of the uniformizer at infty on the curve z^p - z = power_series, where z = 1/t_new^(jump) and express z in terms of the new uniformizer.""" print('as transform for ', power_series) correction = 0 F = power_series.parent().base() p = F.characteristic() Rt. = LaurentSeriesRing(F, default_prec=prec) RtQ = FractionField(Rt) power_series = RtQ(power_series) if power_series.valuation() == +Infinity: raise ValueError("Precision is too low.") if power_series.valuation() >= 0: # THIS IS WRONG - THERE ARE SEVERAL PLACES OVER THIS PLACE, AND IT DEPENDS aux = t^p - t z = new_reverse(aux, prec = prec) z = z(t = power_series) print("a") return(0, 0, t, z) while(power_series.valuation() % p == 0 and power_series.valuation() < 0): M = -power_series.valuation()/p coeff = power_series.list()[0] #wspolczynnik a_(-p) w f_AS correction += coeff.nth_root(p)*t^(-M) power_series = power_series - (coeff*t^(-p*M) - coeff.nth_root(p)*t^(-M)) jump = max(-(power_series.valuation()), 0) try: if jump != 0: T = nth_root2((power_series)^(-1), jump, prec=prec) #T is defined by power_series = 1/T^m except: print("no ", str(jump), "-th root; divide by", power_series.list()[0]) return (jump, power_series.list()[0]) if jump != 0: T_rev = new_reverse(T, prec = prec) t_old = T_rev(t^p/nth_root2(1 - t^((p-1)*jump), jump, prec=prec)) z = 1/t^(jump) + Rt(correction)(t = t_old) return(jump, correction, t_old, z) if jump == 0: aux = t^p - t z = new_reverse(aux, prec = prec) z = z(t = power_series) z = z + correction print('corr', correction, 'ps', power_series, 'z', z) return(0, correction, t, z)