class superelliptic_witt: def __init__(self, C, t, f0, f1): ''' Define Witt function on C of the form [t] + f0([x], [y]) + V(f1). ''' self.curve = C p = C.characteristic self.t = t #superelliptic_function self.f0 = reduce_rational_fct(f0, p) #polynomial/rational function over Z/p^2 self.f1 = f1 #superelliptic_function def __repr__(self): f0 = self.f0 f1 = self.f1 t = self.t return "[" + str(t) + "] + " + str(f0).replace("x", "[x]").replace("y", "[y]") + " + V(" + str(f1) + ")" def __add__(self, other): C = self.curve return superelliptic_witt(C, self.t + other.t, self.f0 + other.f0, self.f1 + other.f1) def teichmuller_representation(self): '''Represents as [f] + V(g), i.e. f0 = 0.''' C = self.curve Fxy, Rxy, x, y = self.fct_field F = C.base_ring function = Rxy(self.f0) if self.f0 == 0: return self M = Rxy(function.monomials()[0]) a = F(function.monomial_coefficient(M)) fct1 = fct - superelliptic_function(C, a*M) function1 = fct1.function return teichmuller(fct1) + superelliptic_witt(C, (a.lift())^p*M.change_ring(QQ), superelliptic_function(C, function1^2*a*M + function1*(a*M)^2)) def antiteichmuller_representation(self): '''Represents as f([x], [y]) + V(g), i.e. teichmuller part is zero.''' return 0 def reduce_rational_fct(fct, p): Rxy. = PolynomialRing(QQ) Fxy = FractionField(Rxy) fct = Fxy(fct) num = Rxy(fct.numerator()) den = Rxy(fct.denominator()) num1 = Rxy(0) for m in num.monomials(): a = num.monomial_coefficient(m) num1 += (a%p^2)*m den1 = Rxy(0) for m in den.monomials(): a = den.monomial_coefficient(m) den1 += (a%p^2)*m return num1/den1 def teichmuller(fct): C = fct.curve Fxy, Rxy, x, y = C.fct_field F = C.base_ring function = Rxy(fct.function) if function == 0: return superelliptic_witt(C, 0, 0*C.x) M = Rxy(function.monomials()[0]) a = F(function.monomial_coefficient(M)) fct1 = fct - superelliptic_function(C, a*M) function1 = fct1.function return teichmuller(fct1) + superelliptic_witt(C, (a.lift())^p*M.change_ring(QQ), superelliptic_function(C, function1^2*a*M + function1*(a*M)^2)) class superelliptic_drw_form: def __init__(self, C, omega_x, omega_y, omega, h): '''Form [omega_x] d[x] + [omega_y] d[y] + V(omega) + dV([h])''' self.curve = C self.omega_x = omega_x self.omega_y = omega_y = omega self.h = h def __eq__(self, other): eq1 = (self.omega1 == self.omega1) try: H = (self.h - other.h).pthroot() except: return False eq2 = (self.omega2 - other.omega2).cartier() - H.diffn() if eq1 and eq2: return True return False def __repr__(self): C = self.curve omega_x = self.omega_x omega_y = self.omega_y h = self.h return str(omega_x) + "] dx + [" + str(omega_x.form) + "] d[x] " + "+ V(" + str(omega2) + ") + dV([" + str(h) +"])" def mult_by_p(omega): C = omega.curve fct = omega.form Fxy, Rxy, x, y = C.fct_field omega2 = superelliptic_form(C, fct^p * x^(p-1)) result = superelliptic_drw_form(C, 0*C.dx, omega2, 0*C.x) return result def basis_W2Omega(C): basis = C.holomorphic_differentials_basis() result = [] for omega in basis: result += [mult_by_p(omega)] image_of_cartier = [] return result